Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond - An Easy to Read Report That Helps You Understand Dog Food Components Role to Choose Healthy Food for Your Pet

Page created by Jamie Jennings
Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond - An Easy to Read Report That Helps You Understand Dog Food Components Role to Choose Healthy Food for Your Pet
Dog Food
Insight and Beyond

    An Easy to Read Report That Helps You
Understand Dog Food Components Role to Choose
          Healthy Food for Your Pet

                  Alex Sparrow
              © All Rights Reserved
Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond


The information contained in this report is for education purposes only. It is designed
to help you understand the commercial dog food components and their role in healthy
dog feeding. This information is an account of what I have experienced. It is not an
attempt to render breeder, manufacturer, pet food distributor, scientist, veterinarian or
other official health advice. I did every effort accurately represent the information
along with my opinions and insights at the time of writing. Any claims made or
examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way
in making a decision.

Therefore, you should do your own due diligence if you wish to apply the advices and
processes contained herein. As always, the advice of a related and competent
professional should be sought in any arising particular question.

You are able to link to other websites through this report, which are not under our
control as well as their nature, content and availability. The inclusion of any links does
not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.

This report is © copyrighted by Alex Sparrow and is protected under the US Copyright
Act of 1976 and all other applicable, international or federal or state or local laws, with
ALL rights reserved. No part of this report may be copied, or changed in any format,
sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined within this report under any
circumstances without express permission from the author and publisher.


Table of Content
  I. The Formation of Dog Food Range........................................................................4
  II. Dietary Guidelines ................................................................................................6
  III. Three Types of Dog Food.....................................................................................7
  IV. Food Regulations.................................................................................................9
  V. The Components Work Together........................................................................10
  VI. Complete, Balanced, Nutritionally Balanced and Such Terms...........................11
  VII. Advantages and Disadvantages.......................................................................13
  VIII. Thoughts About Compiling Food Regimen......................................................14

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Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond


Dear Dog Lover Friend,

Since you are here, you have earned my congratulation. Perusing this report signifies
for me, you wish to become well-informed on dog nutrition. To put it differently, you've
been moving into training yourself in order to feed your favorite proper diet.

I appreciate this because a responsible dog owner like you want to enjoy the
companion of a happy and wholesome canine so long as possible.

I have to tell you something. I live with animals since my childhood that is now more
than sixty years. As I recall, different animals - dogs also - always lived within our
household. And my parents used to feed the family dogs with varied table bits, which
has been present in our meals at that time.

Namely, during and after the WWII, feeding table bits was the obvious choice
nationwide. And you know what was a fascinating aspect? Our family consumed all
kinds of meals available, therefore, did so our canines at that times.

Despite this (or perhaps even due to this, who knows?) almost all of our dogs lived
for extended ages. And our dogs met the veterinarian only at the compulsory rabies
vaccination occasions. Even among them Swan - a brave Kuvasz dog, for example -
was with us practically his nineteenth age.

Of course, our experience with these animals at that time wouldn't deny any type of
dietetic value which the commercial pet food would possibly provide today. That is
associated notably considering the leap in information and feeding evaluation that
offered nowadays.

But, I'd add, it's a bit ironical that conventional human meals accomplished nicely just
a few decades back. And, I'm just saying these for a purpose of comparison that era
with the present-day state.

And now, I wish you a pleasant and useful reading towards choosing the best food for
your dogs.

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Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond

I. The Formation of Dog Food Range

From my part, one of the most crucial elements in preserving our four-legged pal
healthy is the correct dog meals. And to deal with is the duty of the prevailing owner.
Somebody asked me: "OK, but how can you be sure how to feed your dogs rightly?"
Well, I'm attempting to reply this for maintaining your canine living wholesome as long
as the possibilities allow.

You most likely heard the saying which goes something alike: 'What you eat defines
what you are'. That is so in connection with humans, however, is equally valid in
referring to dogs. Clearly, the better the quality of what your dog is eating the lower
the probability of occurring certain health problems.

But, even a high-quality pet food would not ensure the desirable illness immunity by

In addition to the top quality of the appropriate dog diet plan, the disorder prevention
is another vital requirement. Continuing the line, next factor is the right application;
both are actually in close interaction. Specifically, the inaccurate food dosage is that
also could cause obese or ailment.

What the APOP Says

The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention calculates that almost fifty percent of
household pets are overweight within the United States. The incorrect dosage, even
when you talk about whatever premium canine or cat meals, abbreviated the lives of
your favorite animals.

It goes without saying; the commercial dog food has modified considerably during the
last 2 or three decades. Lots of dog owners definitely feel that nourishing their pet
industrial pet food makes the sense. And really, any dog owner nowadays is facing
incredibly rich assortment food for their pet.

The cute pack or a heavy bag, cans in at least three sizes, dry pet food or moist,
treats and biscuits as well as chews are equally in the offer scale of the commerce.

Dog Feeding In Past

A long time ago, when the suchlike range wasn't accessible, the canines have been
fed foods, which were most plentiful within their living region. For example, within the
arctic, dogs consumed largely whale blubber and fish. In the southern States, a
canine's food regimen included primarily cornbread.

Alternatively, taking Europe, potatoes were the fundamental eatables. These diet
plans resulted in ailments similar to the black tongue in people, rickets, together with
other less-known illnesses, a great number of them deadly.

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Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond

Any canine in the wild didn't just limit itself to consume only his prey's meat. That dog
ate the complete, which includes the bones and items in the stomach. The wild
canines were recognized by kill one another if combating over the contents of the
stomach of their hunted game.

Due to that, mother nature offered the wild animal an eating plan thought of
nutritionally whole. The domesticated canines were not permitted that privilege, and
typically had been fed different desk scraps. I also mentioned this option in the

The Researchers Intervened

After a period of research, it was identified that regardless the canine is taken into
account a carnivorous animal, he needs some carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
nutritional vitamins, and minerals to fulfill dietary necessities similar to how people

1953 was the year when the National Research Council composed and revealed
dietary requirements for canines. The NRC is anyway a scientific organization
federally established whose primary function is collecting research data.

After WWII, the pet food products' business in the USA started an unlimited
expansion. Already it's an extremely competitive business. The pet food producers
rapidly awakened to the fact that they were in a neck to neck competition for a slice of
this multi-million dollar annually pie.

To be able to survive and properly compete out there, pets' food producers knew that
they should to provide a dog food that was:

1) Completed nutritionally; which has all twenty six nutrients the NRC declared that's

2) Tasty in order to a canine would get pleasure from consuming the food.

3) Not complicated and handy for the client to deal with.

4) Competitive economically within the market.

The manufacturers of pet food have set up laboratories and employed nutritionists
and meal's technicians to pick these substances, which, when mixed, can offer the
adequate nutrition to fulfill standards of NRC.

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Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond

II. Dietary Guidelines

What's In the Quality Dog Nutrition?

Any first-class pet food must comprise high-quality protein is significant to the well-
being of your dogs. Carbohydrates, fats and vitamins are the other necessary
elements. The dog's bones and teeth are strengthened by the calcium implication, so
its presence in dog food is also vital.

Possibly, it is no secret for you; the proper dog nutrition cannot do without the meat
which is an important ingredient. Specifically, the meats offer the protein needed for
your canine's body. The meat consists the essential fatty acids that help dog's
metabolism functioning properly.

Furthermore, these acids take care of the healthy skin and coat status too. Having
said that, it's not essential the meat exceeds fifty percent of your dog's nutrition.

I bear in mind always that over intake of meat is not wholesome for a human as well
as an animal equally. Actually, the varied food plan can definitely help you to prevent
different ailments.


The dietary guideline requirements for dogs, as established by the NRC National
Research Council, declare that pet food products' manufacturers should have the
lowest amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and nutritional vitamins.

Some of them are fish meal, meat, bone meal, meat by-products, corn, cerealy,
wheat middling, barley, brewer's yeast, rice, oats, vegetable and/or animal fats,
poultry, soybean meal - all of these are filled with nutrients required.

To satisfy the palatability needs in order that canines would take pleasure in
consuming this food, the producers can also add bacon, garlic, salt, onion powder,
tomato puree together with other components to create their meals taste and smell

The required ease in shopper dealing with is achieved by packing these items in bags
with graduated size. They started from one to 50 pounds, from twelve to 16-ounce
cans. You also can find pet foods in pellucid packs like cellophane or plastic cans,
boxes for particular serving.

Dog Food In Front of Your Eyes

Whereas the producers have packaged their product into cans, bags or boxes,
they've taking the plunge of directing your attention to the shelves of pet food. They
are aware that your household dog is not standing there choosing this product rather
you, the human.

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Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond

To achieve you to get out and choose among numerous completely different brands
accessible, the item should please your eye. Your canine does not care for the planet
what the merchandise seems to be like. Your animal is just excited about the way it
smells and tastes.

The producers at present will show their product to appear like recent ground
hamburger, selection steaks, chunks of lean beef, even cereals for breakfast. Though
pet food is available in a wide range of types, it genuinely comes in solely three

A) The so called complete/balanced pet food every substance your dog requires in a
single pack. This kind of food will be listing the components the product consisting
proteins, carbohydrates, fats, essential vitamins and minerals your dog requires for
his good wholesome.

B) The complementary meals are generally used by manufacturers to raising
palatability of the whole food. These food products for pets are created applying to
stimulate sufficiently your canine's appetite to consume his primary food completely.

C) Snacks and treats for training rewards or simply indulging, which might start from
beef jerky for your furry friend to little biscuits made from cereal.

In situation when your dog's food regimen comprised solely complementary food, he
could be disadvantaged whatever the nutritional vitamins he requires. The
supplementary meals, snacks and treats were in no way aimed to become the sole
food plan no matter what your dog is. Majority of producers will point out that
argument on the label situated on the pack.

III. Three Types of Dog Food

What the AAFCO Says

State and federal regulations are control carefully what the pet food manufacturers
labeling on their products. The "balanced" and / or "complete" words, for example,
can't arbitrarily be displayed on the label. Earlier than any labeling claims that a new
product is balanced and / or complete, the producers should prove that to the
satisfaction of the AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials).

This organization is having representatives in every state, and the Federal Trade
Commission and the Food and Drug Administration also have representatives. The
individual state departments of agriculture cooperate closely with the AAFCO.

Consequently, the manufacturers should give proof that their product really meets or
exceeds the admissible directives as established via the National Research Council.
Due to the number of different dog foods available nowadays to the buyer, you find

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yourself met with the dilemma, which is certainly best? Dry, semi-moist or canned dog

Complete and Balanced Food Types

You can find the complete and balanced pet foods in all three forms. But, the lay
observer cannot know that they're the same nutritionally. So there is no difference
between the three? What do you think? If your tip is the packaging ... well ... you win!
You can obtain them in a box, can or sack equally.

In the canned meals, frozen or fresh meat or meat by-items are provided for being
the method to obtain protein. However, they aren't the sole source of that. In the dry
kibbles, the exact same components are dehydrated. And there are other substances
added to make amends for any lack of nutrients the dehydration process caused.

And the further questions are emerging here.

Making Distinction

What's the reason of the observed large diversification of costs then? How could
certain canine foods be costing simply a few bucks whereas apparently the
equivalent meals within a better-known brand be priced threefold? If each meal is
tagged as “complete” and “balanced," then how can you make distinction?

You may be surprised, but the answer is simple. The explanation is found in the list of
components the maker uses to create the product. The ingredients applied will
influence the palatability of this product - I mean how it smells and tastes.

Say, you're seated at a restaurant dinner table together with a plate of broiled
crayfish, French fried potatoes, corn and self-made yeast rolls. They would actually
savor the smell and taste of the meal, supplied you loved such cuisine.

But, the scent of the Hungarian goulash coming out of the table alongside would not
turn you on at all. An individual opposed to a crayfish meal may perhaps thoroughly
relish the Hungarian goulash. The money spent for each of the two dinners would
differ significantly.

To put it differently - individuals's tastes aren't same – and similarly, canine's tastes
also differ.

The dog food company strives to produce usually the one taste that is going to be
loved by the majority percentage of canines. As a result, every manufacturer makes
effort ensuring consistency. The quality control department is existing for this
purpose. Their staff pays close attention to the food quality.

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IV. Food Regulations

Substances Should Be on the Label

Continuing the train of thought I'm saying something that might surprise you. Pet food
products' makers aren't necessary to list the demand of the National Research
Council (to their advantage - I'd say if I was being sarcastic). And this is helping them
to reside over food rules on the labels.

But, they should list the substances encompassed in the package, no matter if it's a
bag, box or can - as the state and federal regulations require. These components
present the buyer – besides other things – the source from which the necessary
nutrients have been originated.

The afore mentioned twenty six nutrients which are indispensable could be obtained
from many sources. The producer's way to obtain protein, for instance, could also be
cottage cheese, fish, soybean meal, yeast or any other plant or animal originated

The rub is, the meat doesn't provide the entire energy that canines want, and is
incredibly short of carbohydrates. And it's known that the carbohydrates provide
energy to your dog. Therefore, food makers will add grains, similar to rice and corn,
to give the required carbohydrates.

Brewer's yeast and liver are frequent resources of riboflavin, whereas niacin could be
obtained from the implication of some meats like poultry, cereals, and in addition from
yeast and peanuts. Egg yolk, fish, wheat germ and whole-wheat are resources of B6

The essential quantities of pantothenic acid can be obtained from meat, meat by-
products, some greens and cereals. In the situation when all twenty six nutrients are
found in their desired quantities and ratios, it could possibly then be declared that the
pet food ration is “balanced”, complete, or "complete and balanced nutritionally”.

Derailment of Dietary Balancing

Dietary balancing happens to be the accountability of the food maker company's dog
nutritionist, laboratory scientists and technicians. So far, so good. The dismal notice
in the entire process typically happens in the event the dog owner makes his choice
from the grocery store's shelf and brings the goods are picked home.

What happens usually then? The dog owner takes the table scraps and mixes them
with the balanced pet food. The work of pet food company's whole research
employees of well paid scientists as well as dietitians go into waste. And their expert
talent became unnecessary so far as that dog owners are negligent.

By adding to what has so far been scientifically processed, the canine owner in

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question oversets the complicated, interrelated stability of nutrients. Lots of
individuals suppose they really know what's right for his or her pets.

It's possible. But, they often overlook that an incredible number of dollars and very
tremendous hours of analysis have gone into coupling the perfect dietary balance for
their canine. Which, in fact, is precisely what food products' producers do.

Obviously, this isn't signified that the mineral supplementation and vitamin – if it is
required – ought to be ignored. Vitamin and mineral dietary supplements have a
really particular and helpful role in the dog world – likewise, they have in human

When it wasn't for mineral supplements and vitamin, we could live in a world filled
with unsound and unhealthy canines.

V. The Components Work Together

What's If One Component Missed?

If you remember, I mentioned earlier the twenty-six nutrients required by dogs in their
feeding. None could be left out from the ration, or provided at inappropriate levels.
After all, you expect an optimum development and efficiency from the selected pet
food, right? And your doggie deserved that!

Since the vitamins work together with each other, they should be present in exact
ratios. If one nutrient occurs in a large excess of an amount, then the portions of
other vitamins within the ration have to be elevated accordingly. In any other case, an
insufficiency of certain nutrients happens.

This may be a high-risk situation for dog's consuming that certain pet food.

An illustration of this can be the connection between phosphorus, vitamin D and
calcium. All results are interact with each other. The rate of calcium to phosphorus
should be keeping at 1.2 or 1. If the manufacturer adds extra calcium, then an
imbalance will be the result.

The effect is that there'd be an inefficient assimilation of those minerals. And the
outcome could potentially cause a sickness referred to as rachitis.

When you're consider that vitamin D performs the carriage for calcium, you can start
to realize how these three components are connected. Even if a lack of calcium
makes susceptible to rachitis. And what's the surprise is that a surplus of calcium can
work similarly.

In the system of grownup canines, this situation can be known as “paper bones."

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Results of an Overdosed Component

The more widespread example is too much of fats within the food regimen. When the
fats elevated to large volumes than necessary, then they will fulfill the life energy
necessities of your animal earlier than the needs for other nutrients are met. An
outcome might be a dietary imbalance. Any fat incrementing calls for an adequate
growth in vitamin B12.

That type of dog breeder is known in professional circles who try to breed over-sized,
giant boned "super duper canines”. Dietary specialists claim that some supplements
like enzymes, oils, and minerals needs to be used solely underneath a vet's

That is particularly true speaking about cod-liver oil (vitamin D) and calcium. Each of
them is regularly used by breeders throughout growth. Adding in an extra amount,
they could cause severe issues, notably with bone exploitation.

Health Impairment

From the breeders' viewpoint, it must be added that extra vitamin and dietary
supplements. But, that might be the aggravating reason behind coronary heart
problems and hip issues. And that also can decrease the whole well-being of a given

As it's known, the hip dysplasia drawback is being reared, and now not limited to
simply just a couple of breeds. Thus, the professional breeders should become
somewhat more mindful of the risks upsetting complicated balances regarding their
“home remedies” and excellent “bone builders” - in spite of genetic inheritance.

Medicines have a really particular role in our society. It's the misuse and abuse of
medication that results in an issue. Similarly, mineral supplementation and vitamin
have a crucial position in the dog world. Having said that, the abuse or misuse of
these can produce an undesired, hazardous difficulty for your animals.

VI. Complete, Balanced, Nutritionally Balanced and Such Terms

Food Manufacturers Help Us

Food products' makers are taking the burden off the shoulders of the pet owners. I
mean, due to their work, the common dog owner doesn't need to be an expert
nutritionist. The entire work has actually been made by the up-to-date manufacturer.

It's not doable for food producers to list out the entire nutrients and also their detailed
percentages as stated by the National Research Council on their labels. Imagine,
sometimes it would be so long as a novel, not to mention the multiple languages'

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indication. This simply wouldn't fit on the label.

Therefore, they use the “complete," "balanced," “complete nutritionally," and
“balanced diet” terms. And these terms tell the consumer that the merchandise inside
the bag, box and can comprise all the necessary nutritional vitamins, proteins,
minerals, fats and carbohydrates the typical canine needs to fulfill his every day need.

Differentiation by Age

While we're here, let's talk about the needs of dogs of different ages. The dietary
desire for puppies is considerably distinctive than that needed for grownup dogs. The
puppy food plan is generally named a “growth diet," while the eating regimen for the
adult canine is known as a “maintenance diet."

1974 was the year when a new regulation came into effect. That required all pet food
producers to enumerate on the labels if their product is complete and balanced for a
puppy growth or complete and balanced for grownup canine maintenance.

The third possibility was if the food is complete and balanced for growth and
maintenance equally. Because all food producers adjust to that regulation, to study
the label is the single thing left to you. And you may find yourself as a child in candy
shop seeing the wide spectrum of supply on the shelves.

Playing With Quantity

Namely, among the many types of bagged, canned, or semi-moist canine meals,
there are particular drawbacks, in addition to advantages. As a result, the canned pet
food could comprise as much as seventy eight % moisture. This is always the case
regardless that they are nutritionally equivalent if marketed as “balanced” and / or

Consequently, your dog essentially needs to consume a bigger portion of canned
product to get the quantity food would eat from dry nutrition. It involves three pounds
of industrially prepared canned pet food to be corresponding to one pound of dry dog

A Misbelief

And now, I would like to dispel a possible misunderstanding. Manufacturers don't fill a
can two-thirds with water, then spruce it up with a with a bit dab of canine food. The
moisture content material within the can there has to be precisely the same nature of
the substances.

For instance, every time an individual buys a thick juicy steak, he is purchasing well
above half of the moisture. Furthermore, the butcher didn't apply a hypodermic
syringe to inject that moisture directly into your steak - I think.

Economical Aspect

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Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond

The moisture substance in canned pet food serves an explicit and useful function,
each in processing as well as in your canine's digestive system. The downside to the
purchaser insofar as the canned dog meal is anxious, is generally considered one of
the economic aspects.

Namely, it may be quite costly because of the abundant quantities of canned meals
for normal to big sized animals might want to eat for getting of their caloric and
dietary requirements every day.

VII. Advantages and Disadvantages

Moisture Percents' Context

As stated by the dog dietary specialists, a ninety pound weighted grownup German
Shepherd can require as much as seven cans of food daily. And five cans are
sufficient for a sixty-pound Collie every day. For the typical family, this could mean a
not so beneficial choice, so to speak.

On the other hand, dry dog nutrition includes only around 10 percent moisture. As
producers apply dehydration process, the other 65 % moist simply being eliminated
intentionally. You, the dog owner is anticipated to replace the missing moisture by
supplying your canine with abundant volumes of water in drinking bowl or mixing it
with the dry food.

The feeding instructions on labels of dry pet food are extremely specific on this.

Adding Human Food

The downside in nutrition dry dog food generally continues to be attributable to the
dog keeper having permitted the household canine to access desk scraps.
Consuming human food accomplishes nothing at all for your doggie's dietary needs,
and easily creates a choosy eater animal.

That's a false perception that the dog keeper is doing his favorite a big favor. No, this
is not the case. This dog owner actually deprives nutrients from his animal, which
should give rightfully to it. This person is taking meals directly out of the canine's
mouth, in other words.

Between the dry and moist dog food categories, there are the “soft-moist” products.
These include extra moisture content compared dried meals, however, significantly
lower than the canned dog foods.

Finding a Golden Mean

They're the simplest from the three varieties to prepare, but happen to be far and

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away the most costly. Most likely, they're economically best fitted for tiny dogs. But,
there is also the golden mean.

A compromise way to solve this the household having choosey eater and also has a
modest budget to spend is perhaps a mixture of each canned and dry food. Blending
two sorts – both balanced nutritionally – the interactions between the nutrients will not
be overthrown.

And there's something else. It is much less complicated to regulate the weight of your
household canine when you use this combination.

Instead of reduced the quantity consuming the overweight animal, a cut in the volume
of dry meals, with the equivalent rise in canned nutrition will make this happen. And
you aren't forced to seeing a continuously hungry pooch begging.

And the thing about it is reversible. Namely, rising the amount of dry food, at the
same time reduce correspondingly the canned, could help you to give the weight on
your dog that tends to be lean.

I think, it's clear from what has been said that the eating routine these days's doggies
came fairly great distance from the days of old from being supplied whale blubber,
cornbread and potatoes. Today if producers took equally as much fascination with
human foods...

Well, particularly for now, if your pet dog's selection between caviar or maybe a
commercially ready, balanced dog meal, he'd be smarter to choose the canine
nutrition. Pound for pound – and greenback for a greenback – your dog and you
would be more ahead.

VIII. Thoughts About Compiling Food Regimen

Feeding for Health

I have encountered several inexperienced dog owners who are sometimes unsure on
finding the appropriate balance in their dog nutrition. The overflowing worship and
concern for their favorite are frequently the explanations, why they feed their pet
beyond the wholesome measurement.

I know, it doesn't necessarily help when contradictory advices coming from every
respondent buddy or neighbor. Your veterinarian or the dog breeder is aware of
what's needed for correct nutrition of your animal.

Due to this fact, they can provide you satisfactory recommendation related your
doggie. Furthermore, the breeder might offer you pet food your puppy consumed until
the dog was in his hands.

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Obviously, it is useful in any case if a puppy is together with his mom until his two
months of age. If you move the puppy home, make clear with the breeder his utilized
feeding habits. By doing that you possibly can habituate the new member of the
family more conveniently and earlier time.

Ask Your Vet

Of course, first you and your freshly obtained dog will undoubtedly proceed to visit
the veterinarian. She or he examines your furry friend and provides you assistance
with the right canine nutrition. Your vet is aware of if your doggie must get calcium or
tablets of vitamins. These can simply be administered inside a tasty reward chunk

There's a probability that your pooch doesn't want to eat instantly after you brought it
home. But, you have no reason to panic if he plays cheerfully, drinks and the fever is
missing. It is a widespread phenomenon in the event the canine's place changed.
The motive is the absence of siblings and mother or the changed environment.

In such situations, it is recommended that you wait a day as the doggie will get
acquainted with the new home. You simply have to call your breeder in case your
puppy does not eat the subsequent day. Get the breeder's recommendation and
obtain the pet food the breeder proposed. Actually, the correct dog diet secures solely
your animal's well-being and good frame of mind.

My Feeding Guidelines

Your doggie will take pleasure in diversified meals sometimes comprise lamb, chicken
or beef. In addition to dry foods, you could add easily digestible canned meals too.
But, what you avoid eating since it has deteriorated, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE that to
your furry mate.

I am aware of these guidelines on correct dog feeding:

   •   I provide my grownup canines solely once daily,

   •   when realizing some doesn't consume his dosage instantly, I take it from him
       or her,

   •   they're going to get any feeding on the following day earliest,

   •   fresh water is available for them all the time to allow them to drink,

   •   I let them get extra tasty bites to be the stimulus solely; however, I reduce their
       every day main meal portion with that,

   •   if whichever our canine would not eat, I strive to discover the cause,

   •   I attempt to preserve the diet stability to refrain from their overweight.

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I believe, these are obvious standards, so their fulfillment is possible. By holding
these dog diet point of views in mind, you can enjoy a companion of a healthier and
blissful canine. Isn't it just a gladness for you to keep him near you as long time as
possible at all?

My Dog Feeding Technique

Bearing in mind the above-said things I nourish my canine dry and canned meals
equally. And I don't remorse the trouble to take good care of what the various
producers offer. You also owe it to your four-legged pet to review the food labels on
the sack or can.

I believe, you also need to look for commercial dog meals created by ethical and
trustworthy producers. They're manufacturing high-quality products planned to
enhance and lengthen the life of your canine.

The food items I provide to my canines include one-third canned meals, one-third dry
food and one-third home made or raw. The home-made nutrition they consume does
not comprise such elements might be harmful for them. And bones are also present
in their food plan.

More than twenty-five years passed since I apply this method without experiencing a
problem. It is not boring for them, and so they get the things they require. And you
know what? Seeing their shining coat, it tells everything to me about their well being.

One of My Applied Recipe

What is more, when someone is visiting us and say appreciative words, I am proud to
a certain extent. And now, you can read a recipe about my fine stew. I use to provide
it as home-made meals to ensure the one-third of their daily nutrition.

My Fine Stew


2 cups barley
1/2 cup wild rice
9 cups chicken broth
4 cups rabbits -- boned, +See Note
1/2 cup asparagus -- chopped fine
1/3 cup canola oil
1/2 cup carrots -- chopped fine
4 cloves garlic -- chopped fine
1/2 cup kale -- chopped fine
1/2 cup lima beans -- chopped fine
1 cup potato -- chopped fine
1 cup yogurt, skim milk
I put the bones and chicken broth into a big pot. I boil it rapidly. Then I put in the

© Alex Sparrow                                  16
Dog Food Components Insight and Beyond

lengthy cooking barley and wild rice, and lower the heat to the simmer put a lid onto

After twenty minutes, I add the rabbit, and cook 30 minutes again. Meantime I wash
and chop the greens, then put them into a mixing bowl, add canola oil and yogurt,
next I mix them.

Essential: You have to let the barley and wild rice to cool. Set aside the bones.
Desiccate the liquid if needed. Pour into the blending bowl and mix well.

Make portions from the leftovers. Put them in separate containers and refrigerate or
freeze them. Before serving, ensure their room temperature.

+Notice: two rabbits, four to six pounds, bone the rabbit and dice it to equal pieces
your dog can handle. Add the bones to the chicken broth.

Substitution: You can also use frozen greens, simply put them underneath cold water
to defrost them. Anyway, I use lamb meat occasionally, if there happen to be no


Congratulation! Imagine, you're now reading your dog instead for knowing dog food
and supplements better. I hope by gaining an insight you will choose and feed your
favorite right dog food for achieving happy, longer living you together.

December, 2013

Alex Sparrow

More information about who I am:

Having questions or suggestions? I'm an email away:

Snail mail: Alex Sparrow, POBox 172, Szolnok 5009, Hungary

© Alex Sparrow                                17
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