Distribution and habitat suitability index model for the Andean catfish

Page created by Eugene Dixon
Distribution and habitat suitability index model for the Andean catfish
                 Astroblepus ubidiai (Pisces: Siluriformes) in Ecuador
Luis A. Vélez-Espino
         Environmental and Resource Studies Program, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8, Canada. Fax:
         1(705) 748-1026; 1(705) 748-1569; tonovelez@yahoo.com
         Current address: 70 Chesterton Lane. Guelph, Ontario, N1E 7A6. Tel. (519) 780-1681.

                                    Received 03-III-2003.                         Corrected 19-XII-2003.   Accepted 12-III-2004.

         Abstract. In conservation biology there is a basic need to determine habitat suitability and availability.
         Astroblepus ubidiai (Siluriforms), the only native fish in the highlands of Imbabura province in the Ecuadorian
         Andes, was abundant in the past in the Imbakucha watershed and adjacent drainages, but currently it is
         restricted to a few isolated refuges. Conservation actions are needed if this unique fish is to persist. A Habitat
         Suitability Index (HSI) for the species has been developed in order to aid management decisions. In this HSI
         model biomass density (B) was selected as a better indicator of habitat quality than either abundance or density.
         A population well-being index (PI) was constructed with the combination of B and an indicator of fish health
         (proportion of fish in the population with parasites and deformities). Based in other models of benthic fish the
         habitat variables current velocity, flow, depth, width, cover, invertebrate composition, vegetation type, terrestrial
         vegetation, land use, substrate, temperature, pH, TDS, oxygen, altitude, and slope were included in the analysis.
         An anthropogenic perturbation index (H) and a fragment isolation index (FII) were developed and included as
         habitat variables as well. The HSI model was applied to refuges and a sample of 15 aquatic bodies without fish
         populations within the study region. From the sampled sites without A. ubidiai 26.6% presented low quality, and
         the remaining 73.3% had medium quality according to the HSI estimated. Good quality habitat for dispersal,
         escape or translocations is rare in the region. The low HSIs estimated in some of the refuges suggests that current
         populations are not settled in the most favorable habitat but in the habitat least favorable to the agents of decline.
         Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(2): 623-638. Epub 2006 Jun 01.

         Key words: Astroblepus ubidiai, preñadilla, habitat suitability, habitat inventory, fragmentation.

     Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) models                                                    quantity and decline are essential for most of
have been used to characterize fish habitat                                                    conservation biology projects.
preference, availability and quality (Stuber et                                                     In the current study a HSI model is used
al. 1982, Twomey et al. 1984, Minns et al.                                                     to survey habitat availability and to evalu-
1999, Vadas and Orth 2001). They also have                                                     ate aquatic habitat quality within the species’
been useful for predicting human impacts on                                                    historic range, not only in habitats where the
aquatic systems (Terrel 1984, Rubec et al.                                                     species occurs, but also in the potential habitats
1999) and developing strategies for habitat                                                    that might receive colonizer or dispersed fish.
rehabilitation (Minns et al. 1999). Habitat                                                    Both applications are essential in the rehabili-
quality is strongly considered in the criteria for                                             tation of endangered species and reducing the
categorization of species endangerment devel-                                                  decline in habitat quality and availability.
oped by the World Conservation Union (IUCN                                                          HSI models are based on three assump-
2001). The need of HSI models emerges                                                          tions (Anderson 1993): a) carrying capacity
when reliable tools to measure habitat quality,                                                of a defined area is determined by the quality

Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006                                                        623
and quantity of available habitat; b) carrying      habitat quality, especially when the Allee effect
capacity is correlated with fish abundance; and     of conspecific attraction is an important behav-
c) habitat quality and quantity can be measured     ioral force”. Biomass is less variable over time
numerically. How fish populations respond to        than density and is a steady indicator of habitat
environmental disturbances will depend on the       profitability. In fish populations, density needs
effects on habitat quantity and quality. These      to be examined in conjunction with mean size
effects could cause or increase variations in the   or weight (Boudreau and Dickie 1992, Randall
abundance and distribution of the population        et al. 1995). Comparing densities and produc-
(Gilpin and Soulé 1986).                            tive capacity regardless of average weight
     Different models have been created to inte-    results in a misleading impression of the habitat
grate suitability indexes (SI) and predict chang-   quality as reflected in the capability of habitats
es in overall habitat availability. Some examples   to produce biomass. Productive capacity can
are the product equation (Bovee 1986), the          be defined also in terms of fish health or the
arithmetic mean (Terrel 1984), the weighted         production of aquatic organisms upon which
product equation (Leclerc et al. 1995), multiple    fish depend (Jones et al. 1996).
regression equations (Gore 1989) and the geo-            Boudreau and Dickie (1989) consider that
metric mean (Li et al. 1984, Terrell 1984). The     there is uncertainty about the time and space
arithmetic-mean HSI assumes that good habitat       scales on which it is possible to distinguish
conditions on one axis can compensate for poor      changes in density from changes in abundance.
conditions on another (Terrell 1984), while the     These changes are better reflected in stable
geometric-mean HSI assumes that each envi-          patterns of biomass density (B in kg, g /m2),
ronmental variable is equally important (Li et      which is a function of the availability of nutri-
al. 1984, Rubec et al. 1999). The application       ents to the system, rather than a function of
of multiple regression equations often suffers      the particular biological community that exists
from multicollinearity (Vadas and Orth 2001).       in it (Boudreau and Dickie 1992). Therefore,
A multivariate statistical analysis (principal      in terms of habitat quality, biomass density is
components or canonical analysis) could be          related to energy flux and reflects the capacity
used to detect the main habitat variables that      of the habitat to sustain a biomass.
determine the habitat suitability. Again, the            Because wetlands adjacent to lakes differ
detection of multicollinearity among indepen-       in function from similar wetlands in isolated
dent variables is important regarding the sig-      basins (Harris et al. 1996) it is necessary to
nificance of the variables and the precision of     recognize and define the principal elements
interpretations (Zar 1999).                         that permit the identification of keystone habi-
     One indicator of the population status is      tat. These elements have to be required as the
the density, which may also reflect habitat qual-   core of the inventory. In some cases where
ity and population productivity. According to       no biological data are available, relationships
Rubec et al. (1999), the central premise of the     between habitats, river geometry, and drainage
HSI approach is that carrying capacity relates      could provide preliminary information about
to density-dependent population regulation.         habitat preferences (Dodson et al. 1998).
Density can be a misleading indicator of habitat         Astroblepus ubidiai, Pellegrin 1931
quality because of social interaction in sea-       (Siluriforms), locally named “preñadilla”, the
sonal habitats and high fecundity in response       only native fish in the highlands of Imbabura
to temporary habitat favourability (Minns et al.    province in the Ecuadorian Andes, was abun-
1996). Stephens and Sutherland (1999) stated:       dant in the past in the Imbakucha watershed and
“optimal group (or subpopulation) sizes can be      adjacent drainages, but currently it is restricted
unstable and the relative abundance (or den-        to a few isolated refuges. Conservation actions
sity) of a species between two habitat patches      are needed if this unique fish is to persist. A
(or habitats) might be a poor indicator of          Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for the species

624                                                       Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006
has been developed in order to aid manage-                                              historic range and almost coincide with the area
ment decisions. In the present study, biomass                                           embraced by the lakes Yaguarcocha, Cuicocha,
density and the proportion of fish with parasites                                       Mojanda and Imbakucha. All this portion of
or deformities were the two elements incorpo-                                           Imbabura is located above 2400 m altitude.
rated in a Population well-being index (PI),                                            The average annual temperature is 17oC with
described as a population parameter that allows                                         a range of 15-30oC (Ministerio de Relaciones
the quantitative assessment of habitat quality.                                         Exteriores 1992, Kiersch and Muhleck 1997),
                                                                                        and 15-20oC from November to June (Gunkel
                                                                                        1998, 2003, Kiersch et al. 2004).
              MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                          The region presents an average annual pre-
                                                                                        cipitation of 1020.6 mm (Centro de Estudios
     Study area. The study region (approxi-                                             Pluriculturales et al. 1999). The dry season
mately 786 km2) is located in the south of the                                          runs from June to mid September, and the rainy
Province of Imbabura and a small portion of                                             season encompasses the last days of September
the north of the Province of Pichincha in the                                           to May, with strong rains during March, April
north of Ecuador, and encompasses must of the                                           and May.
historic range of Astroblepus ubidiai (Barriga
1991). The core study area is the Imbakucha                                                  Habitat inventory. Fieldwork involved
watershed (0º7’ – 0º15’42’’ N, 78º10’32’’ –                                             the search for fish at all 30 sites where preña-
78º16’09’’ W), with a surface of 150.77 km2                                             dilla were said to occur (12 within Imbakucha
and altitudes between 2661 m and 4400 m.                                                watershed and 18 in adjacent drainages) based
Approximately 6% of the watershed area is                                               on information gathered from interviews in
occupied by Imbakucha Lake. The investiga-                                              communities within the region, and 22 sites
tion included the study of adjacent drainages                                           based on the characteristics of habitat in the ref-
to Imbakucha: Tahuando, Ambi, Yanayacu,                                                 uges. Habitat variables were assessed in sites of
Chaupiyacu and Guachalá (Fig. 1). The bor-                                              occurrence of the species and in a sample of 15
ders of the study region match the species’                                             aquatic habitats without preñadilla, randomly
                                                                                        selected from 34 aquatic bodies including
                                                                                        springs, creeks, underground water, and first,
                                                                                        second and third order streams where sampling
                                                                                        indicated no presence of the fish. Nine of the
                                                                                        selected sites were located at Imbakucha water-
                                                                                        shed, and the rest in the adjacent basins.
                                                                                             Fish were caught with D-nets, minnow
                                                                                        traps and bag seine. Bag seine was used only
                                                                                        in streams wider than 1m. Fish were released
                                                                                        after the evaluation of weight and total length.
                                                                                        Sites of occurrence were censused five times at
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the study area includ-                              intervals of approximately three months, and
ing SOOs of Astroblepus ubidiai and monitored habitats
                                                                                        sites without preñadilla were monitored every
without fish populations. Imbakucha watershed and lake
are in the center. The study area embraced all adjacent                                 two months during a 17-month period from
drainages to Imbakucha. Ambi and Guachalá drainages                                     June 2000 to November 2001.
did not contain populations of A. ubidiai. (1) Magdalena;
(2) Desaguadero; (3) Acequia #2; (4) Acequia #1; (5) Los                                    Habitat Suitability Index HSI. The vari-
Pinos; (6) Araque; (7) S. Agustín; (8) Itambi mouth; (9)
                                                                                        ables included in the HSI model are adapted
Itambi Alto; (10) Chilcapamba; (11) Batán Bajo; (12)
Pichambise; (13) Yanayacu; (14) S. Eduardo Alto; (15)                                   from those used in the model developed for the
S. Eduardo Bajo; (16) Itambi headwaters; ∆ Cave “El                                     white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, in the
Socavón”.                                                                               U.S.A. (Twomey et al. 1984). This model was

Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006                                                  625
chosen as a starting point because white sucker      5 m and organisms washed out in a 20 l bucket.
and preñadilla are both Siluriforms and pres-        Invertebrate taxa were classified as dominant
ent benthic behavior. The variables assayed to       (more than 50% frequency of occurrence in
develop the model were current velocity, flow,       the overall sampling), sub-dominant (less than
depth, width, cover, invertebrate composition,       50% of frequency of occurrence), and sporadic
vegetation type, terrestrial vegetation, land        (less than 10% of frequency of occurrence)
use, substrate, temperature, pH, total dissolved     from visual inspection.
solids (TDS), oxygen, altitude, and slope were
included in the analysis. Preñadilla’s HSI is also        Anthropogenic perturbation index. Ano-
unique in part because it includes anthropo-         ther variable considered as part of the habitat
genic perturbations and the Fragment Isolation       inventory was the human perturbation index
Index (FII) as habitat inventory variables.          (H), which is defined as the number of human
     Oxygen concentration (mg/l) and percent         perturbation types (identified in the reconnais-
saturation were estimated with a dissolved           sance study of February 2000) present in each
oxygen meter OXI 330 WTW. Values from                site of occurrence or habitat divided by the
the meter were certified by oxygen chemical          total number of perturbation types (6), defined
determinations with a HACH chemical kit. The         as following: (1) manipulation of the water
measurement of pH was made with a pH meter           flow, (2) point and non-point sources of organic
PH 330/Set-1 WTW. Performance of the elec-           water pollution, (3) clearing of aquatic vegeta-
tronic meter was corroborated with a HACH            tion at streams and creeks by communities, (4)
pH tester. Conductivity was measured with a          fishing, (5) cattle perturbation, (6) introduction
LF 315 WTW meter. Total dissolved solids             of exotics. These six kinds of anthropogenic
(TDS) were estimated from conductivity using         perturbation have inexorable and continuous
a factor of 0.67, determined by Padilla (2000)       effects over fish populations, which do not
for this region. The substrate classification uti-   show possibilities of escape as a consequence
lized here is a mix of Cummings classification       of habitat isolation. The timing and frequency
(Orth 1983), and Vadas and Orth (2001) average       of perturbation occurrence make them impor-
substratum size: mud, silt, sand, gravel, pebble,    tant and relatively constant environmental vari-
cobble, boulder, and bedrock. Current veloc-         ables. These human perturbations affect habitat
ity was estimated with a Global Water flow           quality independently and interactively.
probe FP 101 and corroborated with a floater.
The flow or discharge (Q) was estimated by                The Fragment Isolation Index (FII).
multiplying the average velocity v per the sum       Degree of habitat fragmentation is an important
of the area cross sections (qi = depth * segment     biogeographical variable that affects extinc-
length): Q = v ∑ qi. Percent of cover of aquatic     tion process and trophic interactions. Loss
vegetation was visually estimated from 15 x 60       and fragmentation of habitat result in reduced
cm quadrats (7 random throws per monitoring).        population size which increases the probabil-
The terrestrial vegetation variable refers to        ity of extinction by demographic and/or envi-
the vegetation located within 10 meters of the       ronmental stochasticity (Fahrig 1997). The
shoreline. Terrestrial vegetation is expected to     fragmentation of the habitat diminishes the
be important to aquatic habitat as shading and       resilience of fish. Some biogeographical vari-
a source of organic matter. Its composition was      ables related to habitat fragmentation and used
visually evaluated. Invertebrate taxon (Class or     in the conservation biology literature are the
lower if possible) combined composition from         “total area of each fragment”, and the “frag-
the water column and substrate was evaluated         ment isolation” measured as the distance to the
utilizing D-nets. The sampling was undertaken        closest fragment of equal or larger size (Crooks
upstream in the middle segment of the refuge         and Soulé 1999). The ratio between extent
for a 25 m distance. Nets were emptied every         of occurrence and area of occupancy (terms

626                                                        Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006
proposed by the IUCN 2001) could eventually                                             refuges), the spatial habitat structure can have
provide a measure of fragmentation. One of                                              an important limiting impact on local population
the new paradigms of conservation biology, the                                          size (Fahrig and Paloheimo 1988).
area-and-isolation paradigm has been validated
by several taxa (Hanski 1998). Empirical data                                                Biomass density and Population Well-
suggest that the probability of local extinction                                        being Index. Abundance was estimated using
decreases as patch size increases, and that the                                         the Weighted Mean variant of the Petersen
probability of colonization increases as patch                                          capture recapture method (Begon 1979) during
connectivity increases (Fleishman et al. 2002).                                         three consecutive days. Fish were marked with
The Fragment Isolation Index (FII) proposed                                             a small clip in the caudal fin. Information on
here is a descriptor of a habitat fragment’s                                            the size structure of biomass was estimated in
degree of isolation, and the radial distance to the                                     every census for every site of occurrence as:
closest patch represents the relative degree of                                         B = Σ ( Di x Wi ), where Di is the density of
connectivity. The FII is represented by the ratio                                       the size classes i and Wi is the average weight
between the area of the circle (A) in which the                                         of the size class i. Within the context of the use
distance to the closest refuge (dcr) is the radius                                      of biomass density as a habitat quality indica-
and the refuge area (A r). FII = ln (A / A r) =                                         tor, and the production of healthy fishes as a
ln (π r2 / A r) = ln [π (dcr)2 / Ar ].                                                  reflection of productive capacity, Population
     FII will increase when dcr increases and/or                                        Well-being Index (PI) was defined as a func-
when A r decreases. If the effect of patchiness                                         tion of biomass density and health condition
is theoretically isolated, an inverse relationship                                      of the population in each refuge, as follows:
is expected between FII and indicators of popu-                                         PI = B’(1- SF), where B’= (refuge biomass
lation performance such as density, biomass                                             density / maximum census biomass density)
or Population Well-being Index PI (described                                            and SF = (fraction of sick fish in the popula-
later). The natural logarithm function in the FII                                       tion/ 2). B’ is biomass density scaled to values
formula smoothes scale effects. FII is used as                                          from 0 to 1. The division by 2 in SF calculation
a habitat inventory variable because the degree                                         is due to the need to distribute the numeric
of fragmentation has been found to affect abun-                                         weight between the two factors of PI equation
dance and distribution (Fahrig 1997, Crooks                                             (biomass and health condition). Fish health
and Soulé 1999). The FII can be applied to                                              was evaluated by external observation of cysts,
different species, and the significance of its                                          parasites, fungi, or deformities.
value will be in relation to the life history and
dispersal capacity of the species and the gene                                               HSI calculation. Habitat inventory vari-
flow strategy used by the organisms.                                                    ables were measured not only for sites of
     Home range depends on the size and mobil-                                          occurrence (SOOs), but also for habitats where
ity of the fish, and population area depends                                            preñadilla was not present. This was done to
on population size and lifestyle (Minns 1995).                                          detect critical values of variables. These are
In some situations, the pattern of gene flow                                            defined as the values, compositions or catego-
among colonies or patches is independent of                                             ries that limit the distribution (through nega-
relative geographical proximity (Lande and                                              tive effects) of the species. Critical values are
Barrowclough 1987). The dispersal of fresh-                                             detected empirically from habitats without the
water fishes is dependent on direct connections                                         species and are recognized because their annual
between drainage basins. These connections                                              average or modes are found out of the variable
may include groundwater and temporal drain-                                             range or categories obtained from SOOs.
ages. The FII corresponds more to an island bio-                                             The methodology to calculate the HSI
geography model of population structure. If the                                         includes eight steps: (1) Estimate PI for each
average dispersal distance for the species is low                                       refuge; (2) Obtain ranges and averages for
relative to average distance between patches (or                                        each variable within each SOO; (3) Detect

Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006                                                 627
variables’ critical values from the habitats                     correspondence between PI and independent
without preñadilla; (4) Perform correlation                      categorical variable was obvious, that categori-
analysis on PI from every SOO and their single                   cal variable was not included in the calculation
variable values, including the critical variable                 of the HSI; (7) Perform linear regression after
values from habitats without preñadilla pres-                    SI-arcsine transformation in order to develop SI
ent. If there is more than one critical value for                equations for each variable (SI-transformed val-
a single variable the more extreme is included                   ues – dependent variable; variable values – inde-
in the model. It is considered that PI = 0 for                   pendent variable); (8) Calculation of the HSI for
every critical value. Critical values may be                     each site: HSI = (SIv1 x SIv2 x …x SIvn )1/ n or
normally distributed. For instance, low and                      HSI = (SIv1 + SIv2 + …+ SIvn ) / n in the cases
high pH and temperature values can have a                        when one or more SI values are “0”.
negative effect in fish. In such cases, only one
of the sets of extreme values (the most distant
from the mean) was included in the correlation.                                                 RESULTS
In one-tail negative effect cases, such as TDS,
depth, or oxygen, only the extreme critical val-                      Population Well-being Index. The fish
ues with negative effects were included in the                   survey detected the presence of six preña-
correlation; (5) Determine the Suitability Index                 dilla SOOs distributed in 4 different water-
(SI) for each variable: SI vn = PI (¦r¦vn = 0.6;                 sheds: three at Imbakucha (Proaño, Quinde
Imbakucha watershed (Proaño, Gallopogyo
and Quinde). In this watershed all six anthro-


pogenic perturbations occur in the refuges.
Approximately 30 000 inhabitants distributed
in 38 communities within an area of 150 km2,
have doubtless impacted on preñadilla habitat,




and it partly explains the poor Population Well-
being Index values.


     The population with the biggest SF value


                                                                                        Spearman rank correlation coefficient (r) between PI values and independent continuous variables (mean values)
was Pataquí (0.3417) affected with an endopar-
asite (trematode) similar to the black spot pres-



ent in North American fish. Other affections

observed in preñadilla in other refuges were
exoparasites (arthropoda) and some deformi-

ties of the vertebral column.

      Habitat variables. Habitat was measured

at six preñadilla refuges and 15 aquatic habitats
without preñadilla populations (Fig. 1). The
annual mean values of the habitat variables and


their critical values detected from the sample


of sites without the fish are shown in Table

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Only variables with high and significant correlations (¦r¦=0.6; p
                                    Analysis of categorical variables for the HSI model

      SOOs           PI              Sediment              Vegetation            Invertebrates                                                  SI

Batan              0.7968           Sand, silt (g)           B-P-N                      A, B                        A, B                    0.6256

Pataquí            0.4927        Sand, gravel (s, c)        B-P, S-N              B, Op, P, An                B, Op, P, An                  0.4927

S. Eduardo         0.4545          Sand, rock bed            B-N-N                      A, B                   A, G, B, O                    0.198

Proaño              0.21        Sand,silt,gravel (m)     B, Aq, E-S, P-L           A, G, B, O                  A, G, B, N                    0.1117

Gallopogyo         0.186         Sand, gravel (s, p)       Aq, B-S-N               A, G, B, O                O, N, An, AI                        0

Quinde             0.1117         Sand, silt (g, c)        B, Aq-R-Az              A, G, B, N

Critic value         0          Rock bed,cobble (p)       Aq, E, A-Eq-J          O, N, An, AI

Critic value         0                  Mud

PI=SI for “substrate type” and “vegetation composition”. “Invertebrate composition” needed correction for repetition of
combinations in different refuges (i.e. in the cases when two different refuges have the same type or composition, the mean
of the PI was used to represent that type or composition). Two critical values were found in the analysis of “substrate type”
from habitats without preñadilla. In parentheses are shown the subdominant substrate compositions: g = gravel; s = silt; c =
cobble; m = mud; p = pebble. “Vegetation composition” includes the three types of aquatic vegetation in the following order:
submerging, emergent and floating. These types are separated by dashes (-). “N” in Aquatic Vegetation means “none”. For
vegetation and invertebrate codes see Appendix 1.

for lack of correspondence with the changes                      to the definition it was expected an inverse
in PI: pasture ground is a constant in all the                   relationship between PI and FII. Unfortunately,
refuges, and the combination G, Sh is the                        the correlation is positive and lacks ecological
kind of terrestrial vegetation present in all the                significance. The highest PI correlation with
refuges (see vegetation and invertebrate codes                   continuous variables was that with altitude
in Appendix 1). Substrate type and vegetation                    (r = -0.96; p=0.0004). The regressions and SI
did not repeat between refuges, and did not                      graphs exhibited in Table 4 and figures 2, 3 and
need correction for repetition. However, cor-                    4 respectively are the very last product of the
rection was needed for “invertebrate composi-                    HSI model developed for A. ubidiai. Now these
tion” (step 6) where the combinations A, B                       graphs and regressions become the main tool to
and A, G, B, O were repeated. For that reason                    estimate the suitability of aquatic lotic habitats
only five invertebrate compositions remained.                    for the target species. The final HSI values for
Table 3 displays these categorical variables                     the refuges were 0.78, 0.49, 0.47, 0.21, 0.19,
and the correction performed.                                    and 0.11 for El Batán, Pataquí, San Eduardo,
     From the eighteen variables assayed dur-                    Proaño, Gallopogyo, and Quinde respectively.
ing the study only 10 prevailed to be included                   The similarity between the HSIs and the PI val-
in the final step of the HSI model. These                        ues estimated for refuges is because SIs values
variables were: velocity, depth, width, TDS,                     are PI-based, meaning they depend on the bio-
oxygen, altitude, percentage of aquatic vegeta-                  mass density and health found in every popula-
tion, aquatic vegetation composition, substrate,                 tion. However, HSI values for the refuges are
and invertebrate’s composition. The correla-                     not the important output of the model but the
tion with FII (r=0.6) was not considered as                      possibility of measuring the habitat suitability
affecting habitat suitability because according                  from other habitats.

630                                                                       Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006
     Regression equations to calculate independent-variable effects for the HSI model developed for Astroblepus ubidiai

                          Independent variable                                                    Regression                      R2         p         n

Annual average current velocity (m/s)                                                   arcsin(Y0.5) =117.15 X - 10.08            0.5      0.074       7

Average stream width during the year (m)                                                arcsin(Y0.5) = -7.32 X +47.50            0.67      0.025       7

Annual average TDS (mg/l)                                                               arcsin(Y0.5) = -0.33 X + 96.30           0.57       0.05       7

Annual average dissolved oxygen (mg/l)                                                  arcsin(Y0.5) = 13.74 X - 50.80           0.62      0.035       7

Average stream depth during the year (m)                                                arcsin(Y0.5) = -78.77 X + 52.81          0.64       0.03       7

Annual average vegetation cover (%)                                                      arcsin(Y0.5) = 0.61 X + 6.54            0.65      0.029       7

Altitude (m)                                                                            arcsin(Y0.5) = -0.16 X + 444.92          0.91     0.0007       7

     Estimation of HSI from diverse habi-
tats. HSI values range from 0 to 1. In this
study, habitat is rated arbitrarily in terms of
quality as follows: low quality (HSI ≤ 0.2),
medium quality (0.2 < HSI = 0.5), good qual-
ity (0.5 < HSI = 0.8), and high quality (HSI
> 0.8). In Table 5 are displayed the HSIs for
the habitats without fish populations surveyed
during this investigation. None of these habi-
tats contained preñadilla but were studied for                                               Fig. 3. SI graph for aquatic vegetation composition. A = B - P-
the detection of critical values of variables, to                                            None; B = B - P, S - None; C = B – None - None; D = B, Aq, E
assess a representative sample of the aquatic                                                - S, P - L; E = Aq, B – S - None; F = B, Aq – R - Az; G = Aq,
habitats within the study area, and to have and                                              E, A – Eq - J. For vegetation codes see Appendix 1.

Fig. 2. SI graph for substrate composition. A = Sand, silt (g); B
= Sand, gravel (s, c); C = Sand, rock bed; D = Sand, silt, gravel                            Fig. 4. SI graph for invertebrates composition. A = A, B;
(m); E = Sand, gravel (s, p); F = Sand, silt (g, c); G = Rock                                B = B, Op, P, An; C = A, G, B, O; D = A, G, B, N; E = O,
bed, cobble (p); H= Mud. Substrate codes as in Table 3.                                      N, An, AI. For invertebrate codes see Appendix 1.

Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006                                                                  631
TABLE 5                                                       DISCUSSION
 HSIs for diverse aquatic habitats within the study area

                                                                The present HSI model can be defined
         Site            Drainage              HSI         as an interactive assessment (Vadas and Orth
                                                           2001) model because it is incorporating biotic
Magdalena               Imbakucha             0.3437       as well as physical habitat variables. The
Desaguadero             Imbakucha             0.1359       regression equations of the selected continu-
                                                           ous variables had good statistical significance,
Acequia # 2             Imbakucha             0.1422
                                                           with the exception of average current veloc-
Acequia # 1             Imbakucha             0.2072       ity, which produced a marginally significant
Los Pinos               Imbakucha             0.1822       regression. These results support the use of
                                                           arcsine-transformed data for y values ranging
Araque                  Imbakucha             0.1735
                                                           from 0 to 1 as is the case of the SI scale used
S. Agustin              Imbakucha             0.2692       in this model. Another factor that influenced
Itambi mouth            Imbakucha             0.2511       the good performance of regressions was the
                                                           previous filter through correlation analysis.
Itambi alto             Imbakucha             0.2556       This step allowed the selection of the principal
Chilcapamba             Yanayacu              0.3582       environmental components influencing popula-
                                                           tion performance in terms of biomass density
Batan bajo              Yanayacu              0.3536
                                                           and health.
Pichambise              Yanayacu              0.3634            The non-significant observed relationship
Yanayacu                Yanayacu              0.3669       between the fragment isolation index (FII)
                                                           and the population well-being index (PI) is
S. Ed. Alto             Tahuando              0.4039
                                                           explained in terms of the high degree of
S. Ed. Bajo             Tahuando              0.3629       isolation represented by the studied popula-
                                                           tions. The hypothesis of a positive relationship
                                                           between FII and PI is based in the assumption
                                                           that distance and refuge size are affecting the
idea of the availability of good quality habitat           migration rates. But when the lack of connec-
for potential introductions.                               tivity among refuges is independent of these
     The survey revealed that 26.6% of the                 factors, the effect of FII on abundance or bio-
unoccupied habitats were of low quality, and               mass density is not detectable.
the rest (73.4%) were of medium quality. These                  The six study populations are distributed
15 surveyed habitats are a representative sam-             in four different drainages (Fig. 1), and their
ple of the actual available habitat in the study           probabilities to escape to other refuges when
area because they were randomly selected from              the environment deteriorates seems very lim-
34 aquatic bodies in the study region. Although            ited due to natural barriers between drainages.
the search for preñadilla at the beginning of              Pasture grounds, fields, human settlements,
the study included the main lakes of the study             and the presence of the piscivorous largemouth
region (Imbakucha, Yaguarkucha, Cuicocha,                  bass Micropterus salmoides in Imbakucha Lake
and Mojanda), they were not considered as                  (Vélez-Espino 2003a) separate the populations
potentially suitable habitats given the lack of            within the watershed. In other words, each
evidences indicating the presence of A. ubidiai            population seems to be demographically inde-
in lentic habitats (Vélez-Espino 2003a).                   pendent. The effect of human perturbations as

632                                                             Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006
a habitat variable could be better interpreted                                          favorable to the agent(s) of decline (which
if it is included in the anthropogenic perturba-                                        can be all the listed anthropogenic perturba-
tion index H a measure of the frequency and                                             tions). The low HSIs within Imbakucha, which
intensity of perturbations. The lack of these                                           are linked to the high level of anthropogenic
elements in the definition of H may be one of                                           perturbations in the watershed, support this
the reasons why there was not a significant cor-                                        assumption. None of the nine surveyed sites
relation with PI.                                                                       within the Imbakucha watershed, which could
      The high intensity of the association                                             serve as refuges during perturbations or could
between altitude and SI, determined by a very                                           be used as rescue spots for translocations,
high and significant correlation, was very sur-                                         offers good quality. All have HSIs below 0.4.
prising. In fact, the regression analysis exhib-                                        Higher HSIs were estimated in the adjacent
ited a strong linearity, and similar HSI values                                         drainages to Imbakucha, but area of occupancy
are obtained with estimates of altitude alone.                                          was still limited to the springs and headwaters’
Definitely altitude is a very important habitat                                         surrounding area. These results suggest that
variable but it is not sufficient to evaluate habi-                                     remnant populations are located in refuges that
tat suitability. The negative correlation between                                       provide certain resilience to habitat destruc-
altitude and SI allow the conclusion that unfor-                                        tion and deterioration. The same stability is
tunately for the species, the weakness of the                                           provided to fish populations by desert springs,
anthropogenic forces in uninhabited places in                                           which usually present constant discharge rate,
high elevations may not benefit A. ubidiai.                                             water level, temperature, TDS, and oxygen dur-
      The understanding of habitat quality and                                          ing long periods (Naiman 1981).
its implications for metapopulation dynamics                                                 It is important to mention that preñadilla’s
may clarify the importance of habitat protection                                        use of underground refuges was mentioned by
or restoration as effective management strate-                                          Humboldt and Bonpland (1805). I observed the
gies (Fleishman et al. 2002). The probability                                           faculty of preñadilla of going into interstitial
of metapopulation extinction depends on the                                             spaces and disappear through the mouth of
number, size, quality and connectivity of habitat                                       springs. The importance of underground water
fragments in the system (Drechsler and Wissel                                           in the life cycle of the species is unknown, but
1998). Deterioration of habitat quality and quan-                                       the genus Astroblepus is known to have troglo-
tity can affect population size, distribution, and                                      bitic (exclusively subterranean) and troglophilic
response to a perturbation. Habitat quality inter-                                      (facultative subterranean) species. Astroblepus
acts with the population phenotype to establish                                         riberae (Cardona and Guerao 1994) collected
the population density or carrying capacity.                                            in Ninabamba caves, Cajamarca, Peru, and
      As are many of the species that are subject                                       Astroblepus pholeter (Collette 1962) collected
to population viability analysis, Astroblepus                                           in the Jumandi Cave, Napo province, Ecuador,
ubidiai is restricted to island-like habitats.                                          have been formally described as hypogean
The measurement of habitat quality in current                                           fishes (Romero and Paulson 2001). More
refuges allowed the verification whether or not                                         research is needed to understand the impor-
remnant populations are occupying the habitat                                           tance of subterranean water in the life cycle
most favorable or the habitat least favorable                                           and resilience of Astroblepus ubidiai to habitat
to the agent of decline. Caughley (1994) sug-                                           perturbations. The role of underground water
gested the latter assumption as a safer prelimi-                                        as shelter under adverse environmental condi-
nary hypothesis compared with assuming that                                             tions would partially explain the large biomass-
the remnants of the species are in the most                                             density coefficients of variation (Table 1) in
favorable habitat. The fact that the habitats of                                        refuges, especially in those within Imbakucha
all populations are either springs or headwaters                                        watershed. The possibility of migration as an
is probably not because those are the keystone                                          explanation for population size fluctuations
habitats, but because those are the habitats least                                      between censuses is low for four reasons: (1)

Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006                                                633
the degree of fragmentation of the habitat; (2)    kill aquatic fauna, including fish (L.A. Vélez,
high recapture rates during the study; (3) docu-   personal observation).
mented sedentary behavior and site fidelity in           The availability of the HSI model for
troglobitic and troglophile species (Trajano       Astroblepus ubidiai has important implications
2001); and (4) the few organisms sampled out       for the conservation of the species. It will allow
of refuges.                                        measuring the degree of deterioration or ame-
     Extinction factors may have synergistic       lioration (if conservation actions are effectively
effects (Mace and Lande 1991). For example,        implemented) in current refuges by undertaking
overfishing may not have been a problem            periodic estimations of HSI. For instance, habi-
before the population was fragmented by            tat rehabilitation actions are being implemented
habitat loss. Now the concentration of fish in a   in a former preñadilla refuge, Araque springs,
few small localities increases the vulnerability   (Fig. 1) within the Imbakucha watershed by
of preñadilla and jeopardizes the population.      local researchers involved in the present inves-
The current fragmentation between popula-          tigation. A. ubidiai was recently extirpated
tions within the Imbakucha watershed has           from this site and the effect of habitat restora-
been enhanced by the introduction of exotics.      tion will be monitored with the HSI developed
Standard anthropogenic perturbations are the       here in order to evaluate the suitability of the
deviation of water currents towards pasture        habitat as a spot for potential translocations.
grounds, the periodic vegetation clearing from           Other application of the HSI developed for
creeks by communities in order to improve the      A. ubidiai is its usefulness for the evaluation of
water supply, the use of preñadilla as bait for    habitat quality as a criterion for the categoriza-
largemouth fishing, the old custom of cloth        tion of extinction threats. The IUCN recognizes
washing in the water in springs, creeks and        that taxa that are poorly known can be assigned
streams, and the old custom also of using          a threat category on the basis of habitat deterio-
aquatic bodies as corridors to walk the cattle     ration (IUCN 2001). Using the present model
within the watershed.                              it was established that, with the exception of
     Fish passage is another limiting factor in    El Batán, the rest of preñadilla populations
the study region. All populations are isolated     meet the criterion for vulnerable or endangered
geographically, by human settlements and due       (Vélez-Espino 2003b).
to arbitrary water use. The low probability that         The persistence of this unique Andean
dispersers successfully reach other refuges        fish depends strongly in our understanding of
hinders a positive effect of migration on the      its essential habitat and the capacity to mea-
regional population size (Fahrig and Paloheimo     sure habitat-quality trends whether they are
1988). During the recovery of the traditional      the result of management or the consequence
ecological knowledge it was surprising that five   of the environmental impact produced by
of former preñadilla habitats were converted in    human activities.
reservoirs for human supply and floriculture,
four were transformed to community-washing
places, two were dried as a consequence of                        ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
inappropriate agricultural activities, and one
was converted in religious sanctuary as it is           This work was supported by a doctorate
the case of the cave called “El Socavón” (Fig.     award from “El Consejo Nacional de Ciencia
1), which traditional knowledge recognized as      y Tecnología” from Mexico (CONACYT),
a former source of preñadilla. The use of the      and by the CIDA-funded Tier 1project
local agave called “cabuya” (Cactaceae) in the     INSTRUCT. I am very grateful to T. Whillans
washing of clothes in the creeks and streams is    for his helpful comments on an earlier version
known to have active chemical substances that      of this manuscript.

634                                                      Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006
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Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006                                                         637

     Identification keys for vegetation and invertebrates that are used in the habitat-inventory

   Vegetation Key                                                                                Invertebrate Key
Cardamine n.              B      Poligonaceae                   P              Gammarus pulex                                  A
Azola sp.                Az      Scrophulariaceae               S              Odonata                                         O
Elodea sp.                E      Rosaceae                       R              Turbellaria                                      P
Lemna sp.                 L      Agavaceae                     Ag              Aracnidae                                      Ar
Equizetum sp.            Eq      Cyperaceae                     C              Bivalve                                         B
Eucalyptus sp.           Eu      Solanaceae                    So              Gasteropoda                                     G
Algae                     A      Myricaceae                     M              Annelidae                                      An
Grass                     G      Asteraceae                    As              Nematoda                                        N
Shrubs                   Sh      Faboideae                     Fa              Opistobranchia                                 Op
Ferns                     F      Poaceae                       Po              Insecta                                        AI
Dith reed grass           D      Aquatic jasmine                 J             Isopoda                                          I
Aquatic grass            Aq                                                    Daphnia sp.                                     D

     Cardamine nasturtoides (locally named “berro”) is the only plant whose complete scientific
name is provided given its dominance in most of the creeks and streams of the region. Most of veg-
etation types are identified at the Order level. Some are described as nominal categories and others
as colloquial categories. Types identified at the Genus level are written in italics. With the exception
of the Amphipod Gammarus pulex, which is a dominant invertebrate in the aquatic bodies of the
region and Daphnia sp., the identification of invertebrates is provided at the Class level.

638                                                         Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 54 (2): 623-638, June 2006
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