Disentangling the impact of COVID-19 infection on clinical outcomes and preventive strategies in older persons: an Italian perspective

Page created by Anna Conner
Online First 2021;Nov 30                                Geriatrics and Gerontology Elsewhere - Commentaries
doi: 10.36150/2499-6564-N440

                                                             Disentangling the impact of COVID-19
                                                             infection on clinical outcomes and
                                                             preventive strategies in older persons: an
                                                             Italian perspective

                                                             Angela Marie Abbatecola1,2, Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi2,3, Alba Malara2,4,
                                                             Annapina Palmieri5, Anna Di Lonardo5, Gilda Borselli2, Marcello Russo1,
                                                             Marianna Noale6, Stefano Fumagalli7, Pietro Gareri8, Enrico Mossello7,
                                                             Caterina Trevisan9,10, Stefano Volpato2,10, Fabio Monzani 2,11,
                                                             Alessandra Coin9, Giuseppe Bellelli2,12, Chukwuma Okoye11,
                                                             Susanna Del Signore13, Gianluca Zia13, Elisa Bottoni14,
                                                             Carmine Cafariello15, Graziano Onder5, GeroCovid Observational16
                                                             & GeroCovid Vax Group17
                                                               Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) Alzheimer's Disease Day Clinic, Frosinone, Italy; 2 Italian Society
                                                             of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG), Florence, Italy; 3 Unit of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine,
                                                             Campus Bio-Medico University and Teaching Hospital, Rome, Italy; 4 ANASTE-Humanitas
                                                             Foundation, Rome, Italy; 5 Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine-Metabolic Diseases and Aging,
                                                             Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy; 6 Aging Branch, Neuroscience Institute, National Research
                                                             Council, Padua, Italy; 7 Geriatric Intensive Care Unit, Department of Experimental and Clinical
                                                             Medicine, University of Florence, Italy; 8 Center for Cognitive Disorders and Dementia - Catanzaro
                                                             Lido, ASP Catanzaro, Italy; 9 Geriatrics Division, Department of Medicine (DIMED), University of
                                                             Padua, Italy; 10 Department of Medical Science, University of Ferrara, Italy; 11 Geriatrics Unit,
                                                             Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 12 School of
                                                             Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca and Acute Geriatric Unit, San Gerardo Hospital,
Received: September 21, 2021                                 Monza, Italy; 13 Bluecompanion Ltd, London, UK; 14 Centro Benessere (Rehabilitation center)
Accepted: October 2, 2021                                    Frosinone, Italy; 15 Geriatrics Outpatient Clinic and Territorial Residences, Italian Hospital Group,
                                                             Rome, Italy; 16,17 Group members are listed in the appendix
Angela Marie Abbatecola
Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) di Frosinone,
Alzheimer’s Disease Day Center, via Ponte Melfa
                                                             Italy was one of the first western countries to embrace the first wave
Atina, 03042 Frosinone, Italy.
Email: angela_abbatecola@yahoo.com,                          of COVID-19 and undergo detrimental outcomes in older adults in dif-
angelamarie.abbatecola@aslfrosinone.it                       ferent clinical settings, especially in those with comorbidity and frailty.
                                                             In addition, older nursing home (NH) residents had significantly higher
  How to cite this article: Abbatecola                       mortality rates most likely due to the increased susceptibility of infec-
  AM, Antonelli Incalzi R, Malara A, et al.                  tion due to combined physical vulnerability and risks linked to the NH
  Disentangling the impact of COVID-19
  infection on clinical outcomes and preven-                 living environment itself.
  tive strategies in older persons: an Italian               Different reports throughout Italy have rapidly highlighted selected out-
  perspective. Journal of Gerontology and                    comes related to COVID-19 in older patients being treated in acute and
  Geriatrics Online First 2021;Nov 30. https://
  doi.org/10.36150/2499-6564-N440                            long-term care (LTC) settings. However, the majority of these studies
                                                             are single center studies. Thus, it remains fundamental to collect large
                                                             data from prospective based-population studies in order to identify
© Copyright by Società Italiana
di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG)                           preventive and therapeutic COVID-19 risk/protective factors correlated
                                                             with COVID-19 health status outcomes.
               OPEN ACCESS                                   In this commentary paper, we will discuss different Italian reports ac-
This is an open access article distributed in accor-
                                                             cording to clinical settings and highlight the importance of GeroCovid
dance with the CC-BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons                 Observational and GeroCovid Vax, two large population based pro-
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Inter-
national) license. The article can be used by giving         spective studies in Italy.
appropriate credit and mentioning the license, but
only for non-commercial purposes and only in the
original version. For further information: https://creati-
                                                             Key words: COVID-19, Italy, vaccines in long term care, elderly, de-
vecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.en                  pression
2                                                                                                                A.M. Abbatecola et al.

INTRODUCTION                                                           needed to better understand this unraveling coronavi-
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic                       In this commentary, we will discuss diverse Italian find-
caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-                    ings related to COVID in older persons. We will highlight
virus (SARS-CoV-2) has caused high rates of morbidity                  the importance of prospective population based stud-
and mortality on a worldwide scale. Italy was one of the               ies that are currently providing evidence for potential
first countries to embrace the impact of the first wave                risk factors associated with COVID-19. The first study
of COVID-19 in older adults with negative outcomes,                    is the GeroCovid Observational Study, a multicenter
especially in frail elders. During the first wave of the               and multi-setting study that is currently disentangling
pandemic, older Italians especially with frailty 1, showed             questions in both acute and long-term care (LTC), as
to be the extremely vulnerable to mortality with overall               well as in outpatient care. The second study is the
fatality rates reaching 26% in acute care 2 and 33% in                 GeroCovid Vax study dedicated to identifying the safety
long-term care settings 3.                                             and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations in older persons
During the month of March 2020, case fatality rates                    living in NHs. The actual inclusion of older persons in
were 20.2% in those over 80 years with a greater vul-                  the initial clinical trials for evaluating vaccine safety and
nerability in men 4. Similar patterns quickly followed                 efficacy were not representative enough of the geriatric
across different countries worldwide. For example, one                 population 9; thus, understanding their role in older vul-
US report found that in 5700 COVID-19 cases, case                      nerable individuals will provide important knowledge to
fatality rates were over 40% in those over the age of 80               the available literature.
years during hospitalization, raising concerns on very
old vulnerable people 5. Even though it remains unclear
the role played by common comorbidities, older age                     METHODS
continues to be the highest lethality risk factor since the
beginning of the pandemic.
The extremely high mortality rates linked to COVID-19                  Study population
in those living in Nursing Homes (NH) caused a severe                  GeroCovid Observational included persons ≥60 years
worldwide crisis in NH organization and functioning.                   of age with or at risk of COVID-19 willing to participate
The combinations of vulnerable older persons (with                     in the study. Data were collected retrospectively and
frailty syndrome and comorbidities) along with NH living               prospectively from March 1, 2020 to December 31,
environment (group gatherings, more than one person                    2020. The study has been described elsewhere 10. The
per room, limited personal protection equipment, etc.)                 Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG),
underline the so-called “Perfect Storm” for COVID-19                   in collaboration with the Norwegian Geriatrics Society
transmission 6. In Italy, fatality rates reached 33% in                founded the GeroCovid Observational Study, a multi-
long-term care settings 3. Worldwide data in approxi-                  center and multi-setting study that is currently providing
mately 50 studies found that long-term care residents                  evidence for risk factors in both acute and long-term
had an attack rate of 45% for COVID-19 and a death                     care (LTC), as well as in outpatient care settings. Gero-
rate of 23% 7. Indeed, the urgent need for answers                     Covid Observational is also investigating clinical pres-
related to COVID-19 prognosis in aging elders has                      entation of infection and clinical outcomes, including
prompted researchers to aim at identifying related risk                changes in health status, hospitalizations, and death.
factors and innovative therapeutic measures.                           GeroCovid Vax Study began in January 2021. The
One Italian report underlined that specific combinations               Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di
of comorbidities during COVID-19 infection were asso-                  Sanità, ISS; Rome, Italy) and the Italian Society of Ger-
ciated with in-hospital mortality in older persons (mean               ontology and Geriatric Medicine (SIGG; Florence, Italy)
age 79 years) 8. These authors underlined that the                     formed the GeroCovid Vax study group to investigate
following combinations: i) ischemic heart disease and                  the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccination in older
atrial fibrillation; ii) atrial fibrillation and heart failure; iii)   adults living in NHs throughout Italy. In a subpopulation,
atrial fibrillation and stroke; iv) heart failure and COPD; v)         both humoral and immune cellular responses are being
stroke and dementia, and vi) type 2 diabetes and obe-                  tested to identify an adequate level of vaccine protec-
sity occurred more frequently than expected in those                   tion. Enrollment period was from January to June 30th,
dying with COVID-19, thus, indicating a potential role                 2021. There are planned follow-up periods to test for
of these clinical profiles in the chain of events that led             changes in clinical and biochemical data. Timed follow
to death in those who contracted SARS-CoV-2. At the                    up visits are planned at specific intervals for a 12-month
moment, large prospective longitudinal studies in older                follow up observational period. Information regarding
persons can successfully provide important indicators                  any adverse events from COVID-19 vaccinations are
Disentangling the impact of COVID-19 infection on clinical outcomes and preventive strategies in older persons: an Italian perspective                                 3

reported, as well as any changes in cognitive, functional                                as technical support. Data collection is under constant
and routine blood parameters are registered (Tab. I).                                    quality control and investigators are required, when
The data collection for both studies use the same plat-                                  necessary to verify data entry. All individual clinical data
form provided by BlueCompanion (United Kingdom,                                          were anonymized before data entry.
France) 11. In particular, the GeroCovid e-Registry was
developed by adapting a proprietary electronic platform                                  Ethical aspects
(e-Trajectories). In March 2020, in conjunction with                                     The Campus Bio-Medico University Ethical Committee
the COVID-19 pandemic, BlueCompanion provided                                            approved the overarching protocol of the GeroCovid
their health data collection system for the GeroCovid                                    Observational study in April 2020. All participating
initiative. E-Trajectories and GeroCovid adaptation are                                  investigational sites gained approval from their local
based on the CleanWeb engine produced by Tele-                                           Ethical Committee review board. Informed consent was
medicine Technologies (Boulogne-Billancourt, France),                                    necessary to participate in the study.
embedded in a dedicated web platform designed for
integrating data from different sources. All data are
recorded on web servers located in the EU (France                                        RESULTS AND ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS
and Poland). ICT operations are compliant with the
European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
and with the relevant international standards for clinical                               GeroCovid Observational Study
trials (ISO 9001 certification and FDA CFR 21 part 11).                                  3396 participants were included per protocol by 86
Bluecompanion continuously provides training sessions                                    Italian investigational sites, (plus 148 from 3 sites in
for investigators from each investigational site, as well                                Norway). Recent reports from different settings have

Table I. General characteristics of GeroCovid Observational and GeroCovid Vax Studies.
                                                        GeroCovid Observational                                              GeroCovid Vax
                  Age                                          ≥ 60 years of age                                              ≥ 60 years of age
                                                        - with COVID-19 - no COVID-19                                          - no COVID-19
              Study Aims                             • assess changes in COVID risk profile                       • assess the safety of COVID-19 vaccines
                                                  • assess the impact on physical, cognitive,                  • assess adverse side effects following vaccine
                                              psychological & behavioral status in non COVID-19                                 inoculation
                                               • assess clinical & functional outcomes following               • assess clinical & functional changes over time
                                                           COVID-19 hospitalization                                          following vaccination
                                                                                                                  • assess COVID-19 following vaccination
                                                                                                                • assess efficacy (monitor immune response)
                                                • identify significant measures in homecare &
                                                              outpatient services
                                           • identify measures in LTC to prevent & protect against
                Settings                        Acute wards, outpatient clinics (memory, post                              LTC (NH, Retirement home)
                                           hospitalization from COVID-19), Homecare assistance,
                                                 LTC (assisted living, retirement homes, NHs)
        Functional, cognitive,                  ADL, IADL, CIRS, MMSE, GDS, physical activity                   ADL, IADL, CIRS, MMSE, GDS, physical activity
         Frailty anamnestic                                     Frailty criteria 20-21                                          Frailty criteria 20-21
            Biochemical                                        Blood/urine analyses                                               Blood samples
        Drug use monitoring                                    ATC classification                                            ATC classification
               Outcome                       Type of outcome 10 (infection, death, hospitalization,            Adverse events (infection, death, hospitalization,
                                            changes in clinical, cognitive & functional parameters)                       other) immune response
          Data entry method                         E-registry (BlueCompanion, France) 11                          E-registry (BlueCompanion, France) 11
ADL: Activities of Daily Living; IADL: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale; LTC: Long-Term Care; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination
4                                                                                                      A.M. Abbatecola et al.

been published using data from the electronic registry.        GeroCovid Vax study
One study from the acute care setting, showed ap-              The Ethical Committee of the Spallanzani Hospital ap-
proximately 22% of COVID-19 patients had an Atrial Fi-         proved the GeroCovid Vax study protocol. Informed
brillation (AF) and in-hospital mortality was significantly    consent was also necessary to participate. The study
higher in the AF group (36.9 vs 27.5%, p = 0.015) 12.          began in January 2021 and ended enrollment as of
The authors also found that i) the use of preadmission         June 30, 2021. Currently, per protocol inclusion data
and in-hospital oral anticoagulation in older patients         are available in 3014 participants from 76 Nursing
with AF was correlated with improved survival; ii) in-         homes all over Italy. Of these, 685 participants have un-
hospital low-molecular-weight heparin therapy, when            dergone blood testing for humoral and cellular immunity
following oral anticoagulation at home, was associated         testing which are necessary to understand the efficacy
with reduced mortality in older patients with AF and           of the immune response in old age. As of August 12,
COVID-19; iii) a better preadmission functional profile        2021 the clinical follow-up is still ongoing, however en-
is related to higher survival in older adults with AF and      rollment has ceased. Clinical data collections are being
COVID-19.                                                      performed (7 days prior to the first vaccine dose, 7 days
Another report sampled 90 patients in outpatient and           following the second dose, 2-, 6-, and 12-months fol-
homecare services setting and tested for the role of           lowing the first dose). The study will be concluded in the
preserving health status through telephone and video           second quarter of 2022.
calls during lockdown 13. They concluded that Activi-
ties of Daily Living (ADL), cognitive functioning using the
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and quality of            DISCUSSION
life using the European Quality of Life scale (EuroQoL)
scores (ADL: 2.27 ± 1.65 vs 1.98 ± 1.72, p = 0.001;            The COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated numerous re-
MMSE: 15.59 ± 7.83 vs 14.49 ± 7.96, p < 0.001; Eu-             search protocols in geriatric medicine in order to identify
roQol: 42.22 ± 11.88 vs 40.0 ± 12.45, p = 0.005) sig-          and to improve health outcomes from COVID-19 infec-
nificantly worsened over time from T0 (March 2020) and         tion, as well as to understand the benefits related to
T1 (May 2020), while no significant changes were found         vaccine use. Older and in particular, frail older adults
in Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), Geriatric   have continuously demonstrated to be at a significantly
Depression Scale (GDS) and Cumulative Illness Rat-             higher risk for negative health outcomes. A meta-analy-
                                                               sis regarding mortality in older Italians with a COVID-19
ing Scale (CIRS) scores 13. Even though the majority
                                                               infection found that dementia, diabetes, chronic kidney
of patients were clinically stable over time, behavioral
                                                               disease and hypertension were the main comorbidities
changes were found in 24.4% of patients and anxiety
                                                               associated with death in study sizes ranging from 18
and insomnia in 17.7% of patients 13.
                                                               to 1591 individuals 15. These authors underlined that at
A new preliminary report (in press), carried-out on 168
                                                               the time of admission, clinical frail severity, as well as
patients afferent to 10 different Italian Centers for cog-
                                                               the presence of > 3 comorbidities, were significantly as-
nitive decline and dementia (CDCD), investigated the
                                                               sociated with an increased overall death rate. In com-
impact of lockdown on psychological well-being of              parison to the GeroCovid Observational data regarding
individuals with cognitive deterioration. Symptoms of          in-hospital mortality, a newly published report based
anxiety (28.8%), depression (48%), and psychological           in Italy confirmed the importance of clinical functional
stress (24.8%) were observed in these patients who             characteristics at admission on outcomes in older per-
were found to experience psycho-affective disorders            sons 16. Both GeroCovid Observational and GeroCovid
according to their pre-quarantine cognitive functioning.       Vax specifically include physical and cognitive function-
In particular, during the first lockdown, individuals cog-     ing parameters, as well as frailty markers.
nitively more impaired showed more severe depressive           At the moment, GeroCovid Observational study holds a
and anxious symptoms, compared to those with better            particular role on identifying risk factors related to out-
cognitive functioning 14.                                      comes from COVID-19 due to study design. GeroCovid
Four additional studies currently are under evaluation,        Observational is continuously monitoring and updating
related to the age-related changes in clinical presenta-       the health status of study participants prospectively in
tion, the chest tomography pattern of COVID-19 in the          order to gain knowledge regarding outcomes in diverse
very old, impact of the lockdown on the health status of       clinical settings, while GeroCovid Vax is providing an
demented patients and the clinical and epidemiological         important basis for the use and safety of COVID-19
features of COVID-19 in NHs. All investigations testify        vaccinations in vulnerable elders living in NHs.
the focus of GeroCovid Observational on the frail popu-        Lockdown measures held an overall negative impact on
lation directly or indirectly suffering form COVID-19.         socialization in older persons. As previously mentioned
Disentangling the impact of COVID-19 infection on clinical outcomes and preventive strategies in older persons: an Italian perspective      5

findings from GeroCovid Observational show a signifi-                       The Ethical Committee of the Spallanzani Hospital ap-
cant increase in anxiety and insomnia using telemedi-                       proved the GeroCovid Vax study protocol. Informed
cine techniques to check and follow-up patient health                       consent was necessary to participate.
status 13. Interestingly, another Italian study testing the
impact of social distancing during the first wave quar-                     Acknowledgement
antine/self-isolation (31 ± 5 mean days) in 334 partici-                    The Authors would like to thank the members of the
pants, using an online survey, found that a higher anger                    Bluecompanion team: Alessandro Loria, Simonetta De-
score was significantly and negatively related to age,                      marie, Stefania Del Signore e Patrizia Angelucci.
and scores on the Brief Resilience Score and Coping                         Funding
Scale, whereas a significant and positive relationship                      The GeroCovid Observational study did not receive any
was found with the fear of getting infected and female                      funding. The GeroCovid Vax study was funded by a
gender 17. The negative impact on social status related                     grant from the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA).
to COVID-19 is raising serious concern for long-term
effects on health status. GeroCovid Observational may                       Conflict of interest
provide the necessary answers.                                              The Authors declare no conflict of interest.
Additional strengths of GeroCovid Observational include
the involvement of multiple clinical settings with the e-
registry platform that ensures for a high-quality data                      References
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Disentangling the impact of COVID-19 infection on clinical outcomes and preventive strategies in older persons: an Italian perspective   7


Members of the GeroCovid Observational Working                              Lamezia Terme (CZ); RSA Villa Elisabetta, Cortale (CZ);
Group 16 (in alphabetical order)                                            Casa Protetta Madonna del Rosario, Lamezia Terme
Angela Marie Abbatecola [ASL Frosinone; RSA INI Città                       (CZ)], Elisiana Carpagnano [Ospedale Giovanni XXIII
Bianca, Veroli (FR)], Domenico Andrieri [RSA Villa Santo                    Policlinico di Bari], Barbara Carrieri [IRCCS INRCA, An-
Stefano, S. Stefano di Rogliano (CS)], Sara Antenucci                       cona], Viviana Castaldo [Presidio Ospedaliero Universi-
[Ambulatorio Psicogeriatrico, Ortona (CH)], Rachele                         tario Santa Maria della Misericordia, Udine], Manuela
Antognoli [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana;                        Castelli [Istituto Geriatrico Camillo Golgi, Abbiategrasso
RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa], Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi [Uni-                 (MI)], Manuela Castellino [Fatebenefratelli, Presidio Os-
versità Campus Bio-Medico, Roma], Maria Paola An-                           pedaliero Riabilitativo "Beata Vergine Consolata", San
tonietti [Ospedale Regionale di Aosta], Viviana Bagalà                      Maurizio Canavese (TO)], Alessandro Cavarape [Pre-
[Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara], Giulia                      sidio Ospedaliero Universitario Santa Maria della Mis-
Bandini [USL Toscana Centro, Ospedale San Jacopo,                           ericordia, Udine], Ilaria Cazzulani [Ospedale San Gerar-
Pistoia], Salvatore Bazzano [ULSS 3 Serenissima, Pre-                       do, Monza], Carilia Celesti [Policlinico Universitario
                                                                            Campus Bio-Medico, Roma], Chiara Ceolin [Azienda
sidio di Dolo (VE)], Giuseppe Bellelli [Ospedale San
                                                                            Ospedale Università di Padova], Maria Giorgia Ceresini
Gerardo, Monza], Andrea Bellio [Azienda Ospedale
                                                                            [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara], Arcan-
Università di Padova], Federico Bellotti [Azienda Ospe-
                                                                            gelo Ceretti [Istituto Geriatrico Camillo Golgi, Abbiate-
daliero-Universitaria di Ferrara], Enrico Benvenuti [USL
                                                                            grasso (MI)], Antonio Cherubini [IRCCS INRCA, Anco-
Toscana Centro, Ospedale Santa Maria Annunziata,
                                                                            na], Anita Chizzoli [Istituto Clinico Sant'Anna, Brescia],
Bagno a Ripoli (FI)], Marina Bergamin [Azienda Ospe-
                                                                            Erika Ciarrocchi [IRCCS INRCA, Ancona], Paola Cicci-
daliero-Universitaria di Parma], Marco Bertolotti [Azien-
                                                                            omessere [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Foggia],
da Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena], Carlo Adriano
                                                                            Alessandra Coin [Azienda Ospedale Università di Pa-
Biagini [USL Toscana Centro, Ospedale San Jacopo,
                                                                            dova], Mauro Colombo [Istituto Geriatrico Camillo Golgi,
Pistoia], Angelo Bianchetti [Istituto Clinico Sant'Anna,
                                                                            Abbiategrasso (MI)], Annalisa Corsi [USL Toscana Cen-
Brescia], Alessandra Bianchi [Spedali Civili, Montichiari
                                                                            tro, Ospedale San Jacopo, Pistoia], Antonella Crispino
(BS)], Mariangela Bianchi [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Mal-                     [RSA Villa Santo Stefano, S. Stefano di Rogliano (CS);
pighi, Bologna], Paola Bianchi [Associazione Nazionale                      RSA Villa Silvia, Altilia Grimaldi (CS)], Roberta Cucunato
Strutture Territoriali e per la Terza Età, Roma], Francesca                 [RSA Villa Santo Stefano, S. Stefano di Rogliano (CS);
Biasin [Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova], Silvia                      RSA Villa Silvia, Altilia Grimaldi (CS)], Carlo Custodero
Bignamini [Casa di Cura San Francesco, Bergamo],                            [Ospedale Giovanni XXIII Policlinico di Bari], Federica
Damiano Blandini [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bo-                     D’Agostino [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, S. Giovanni
logna], Stefano Boffelli [Fondazione Poliambulanza,                         Rotondo (FG)], Maria Maddalena D’Errico [Casa Sol-
Brescia], Cristiano Bontempi [Azienda Ospedale Uni-                         lievo della Sofferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Ferdi-
versità di Padova], Alessandra Bordignon [Azienda Os-                       nando D'Amico [RSA San Giovanni di Dio, Patti (ME);
pedale Università di Padova], Luigi Maria Bracchitta                        RSA Sant'Angelo di Brolo (ME)], Aurelio De Iorio [Azien-
[ATS Milano], Maura Bugada [Casa di Cura San Franc-                         da Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma], Alessandro De
esco, Bergamo], Carmine Cafariello [RSA Villa Sacra                         Marchi [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna], An-
Famiglia, IHG, Roma; I RSA Geriatria, IHG, Guidonia                         nalaura Dell'Armi [III RSA Geriatria, IHG, Guidonia (RM)],
(RM); III RSA Geriatria, IHG, Guidonia (RM); RSA Esten-                     Marta Delmonte [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di
siva, IHG, Guidonia (RM); RSA Intensiva, IHG, Guidonia                      Ferrara], Giovambattista Desideri [Ospedale di Avezza-
(RM)], Veronica Caleri [USL Toscana Centro, Ospedale                        no (AQ)], Miriam Devita [Azienda Ospedale Università di
San Jacopo, Pistoia], Valeria Calsolaro [Azienda Ospe-                      Padova], Evelyn Di Matteo [Policlinico Universitario
daliero Universitaria Pisana; RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa],                    Campus Bio-Medico, Roma], Emma Espinosa [Azienda
Donatella Calvani [USL Toscana Centro, Presidio Mis-                        Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord, Fano (PU)], Luigi Espos-
ericordia e Dolce, Prato; USL Toscana Centro, Os-                           ito [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo
pedale Santo Stefano, Prato], Francesco Antonio Cam-                        (FG)], Chiara Fazio [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
pagna [Centro di Riabilitazione San Domenico, Lamezia                       di Parma], Christian Ferro [RSA Sant'Angelo di Brolo
Terme (CZ)], Andrea Capasso [ASL Napoli 2 Nord],                            (ME)], Chiara Filippini [Spedali Civili, Montichiari (BS)],
Sebastiano Capurso [RSA Bellosguardo, Civitavecchia                         Filippo Fini [Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova],
(RM)], Silvia Carino [RSA San Domenico, Lamezia                             Lucia Fiore [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, S. Giovanni
Terme (CZ); Centro di Riabilitazione San Domenico,                          Rotondo (FG)], Serafina Fiorillo [ASP Vibo Valentia; RSA
8                                                                                                     A.M. Abbatecola et al.

Madonna delle Grazie, Filadelfia (VV); Casa di Riposo         Roseto Capo Spulico (CS); Centro di Riabilitazione San
Mons. Francesco Luzzi, Acquaro (VV); Casa di Riposo           Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ); RSA Casa Amica, Fos-
Villa Betania, Mileto (VV); Casa di Riposo Pietro Rosano,     sato Serralta (CZ); RSA La Quiete, Castiglione Cosen-
Dasà (VV); Casa di Riposo Serena Diocesi, Mileto (VV);        tino (CS); Casa di Riposo San Domenico, Lamezia
Alloggio per Anziani Villa Amedeo, Francavilla Angitola       Terme (CZ); RSA Villa Elisabetta, Cortale (CZ); RSA Villa
(VV); Casa Albergo Villa Fabiola, Monterosso Calabro          Santo Stefano, S. Stefano di Rogliano (CS); RSA Villa
(VV); Casa di Riposo Villa Sara, San Nicola da Crissa         Silvia, Altilia Grimaldi (CS)], Carlotta Mancini [Azienda
(VV); Casa di Riposo Don Mottola, Tropea (VV); Casa di        Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Firenze], Irene Man-
Riposo San Francesco, Soriano Calabro (VV); RSA An-           cuso [RSA San Giovanni di Dio, Patti (ME)], Eleonora
ziani, Soriano Calabro (VV); Casa di Riposo Suore Mis-        Marelli [Istituto Geriatrico Camillo Golgi, Abbiategrasso
sionarie del Catechismo, Pizzo (VV)], Caterina Fontana        (MI)], Alessandra Marengoni [Spedali Civili, Montichiari
[Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena], Lina           (BS)], Eleonora Marescalco [Azienda Ospedale Univer-
Forte [Ospedale di Avezzano (AQ)], Riccardo Franci            sità di Padova], Benedetta Martin [Ospedale di Avez-
Montorzi [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi,          zano (AQ)], Valentina Massa [Casa Sollievo della Sof-
Firenze], Carlo Fumagalli [Azienda Ospedaliero Univer-        ferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Giulia Matteucci
sitaria Careggi, Firenze], Stefano Fumagalli [Azienda         [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara], Irene
Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Firenze], Pietro           Mattioli [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara],
Gareri [ASP Catanzaro], Pier Paolo Gasbarri [Associazi-       Liliana Mazza [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bolo-
one Nazionale Strutture Territoriali e per la Terza Età,      gna], Carmela Mazzoccoli [Ospedale Giovanni XXIII
Roma], Antonella Giordano [Azienda Ospedaliero Uni-           Policlinico di Bari], Fiammetta Monacelli [IRCCS Poli-
versitaria Careggi, Firenze], Evelina Giuliani [USL Tos-      clinico San Martino, Genova], Paolo Moneti [RSA Villa
cana Centro, Ospedale Santa Maria Annunziata, Bagno           Gisella, Firenze], Fabio Monzani [Azienda Ospedaliero
a Ripoli (FI)], Roberta Granata [RSA Villa Sacra Famiglia,    Universitaria Pisana; RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa], Federica
IHG, Roma], Antonio Greco [Casa Sollievo della Soffer-        Morellini [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena],
enza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Nadia Grillo [RSA San        Maria Teresa Mormile [ASL Napoli 2 Nord], Enrico Mos-
Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ); Casa di Riposo San              sello [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Firen-
Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ); RSA Villa Elisabetta,           ze], Chiara Mussi [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di
Cortale (CZ)], Antonio Guaita [Istituto Geriatrico Camillo    Modena], Francesca Maria Nigro [USL Toscana Centro,
Golgi, Abbiategrasso (MI)], Liana Gucciardino [ASP Ag-        Ospedale Santo Stefano, Prato], Marianna Noale [RSA
rigento], Andrea Herbst [Azienda Ospedaliero Universi-        AltaVita, Istituzioni Riunite di Assistenza, Padova],
taria Careggi, Firenze], Marilena Iarrera [RSA                Chukwuma Okoye [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria
Sant'Angelo di Brolo (ME)], Giuseppe Ielo [Azienda Os-        Pisana], Giuseppe Orio [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Mal-
pedaliero-Universitaria di Parma], Valerio Alex Ippolito      pighi, Bologna], Sara Osso [RSA La Quiete, Castiglione
[Casa Protetta Villa Azzurra, Roseto Capo Spulico (CS)],      Cosentino (CS)], Chiara Padovan [Azienda Ospedale
Antonella La Marca [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, S.        Università di Padova], Annalisa Paglia [Azienda Ospe-
Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Umberto La Porta [Azienda             daliero Universitaria di Foggia], Giulia Pelagalli [Azienda
Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma], Ilaria Lazzari [Poli-    Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Firenze], Laura Peliz-
clinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna], Diana Lelli [Poli-    zoni [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna], Agos-
clinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Roma], Yari          tino Perri [RSA La Quiete, Castiglione Cosentino (CS)],
Longobucco [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di              Maria Perticone [Casa di Riposo Villa Marinella, Aman-
Parma], Francesca Lubian [Ospedale di Bolzano], Giulia        tea (CS)], Giacomo Piccardo [IRCCS Policlinico San
Lucarelli [Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi,         Martino, Genova], Alessandro Picci [Presidio Ospe-
Firenze; USL Toscana Centro, Ospedale San Jacopo,             daliero Universitario Santa Maria della Misericordia,
Pistoia], Flaminia Lucchini [Azienda Ospedaliero Univer-      Udine], Margherita Pippi [Ospedale San Giovanni Bat-
sitaria Careggi, Firenze], Daniela Lucente [Spedali Civili,   tista, Foligno (PG)], Giuseppe Provenzano [ASP Ag-
Montichiari (BS)], Lorenzo Maestri [Policlinico               rigento], Matteo Pruzzo [IRCCS Policlinico San Martino,
Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna], Marcello Maggio               Genova], Francesco Raffaele Addamo [RSA San Gio-
[Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma], Paola           vanni di Dio, Patti (ME)], Cecilia Raffaelli [Azienda Os-
Mainquà [Azienda Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord, Fano           pedale Università di Padova], Francesca Remelli [Azien-
(PU)], Mariangela Maiotti [Ospedale San Giovanni Bat-         da Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara], Onofrio Resta
tista, Foligno (PG)], Alba Malara [RSA San Domenico,          [Ospedale Giovanni XXIII Policlinico di Bari], Antonella
Lamezia Terme (CZ); Casa di Riposo Villa Marinella,           Riccardi [Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna],
Amantea (CS); Casa Protetta Madonna del Rosario,              Daniela Rinaldi [Ospedale di Comunità (Camposampi-
Lamezia Terme (CZ); Casa Protetta Villa Azzurra,              ero), Distretto Alta Padovana, ULSS 6 Euganea,
Disentangling the impact of COVID-19 infection on clinical outcomes and preventive strategies in older persons: an Italian perspective   9

Padova], Renzo Rozzini [Fondazione Poliambulanza,                           Maria, Castrocielo (FR); RSA Villa degli Ulivi, Sant’Elia
Brescia], Matteo Rubino [IRCCS Policlinico San Marti-                       Fiumerapido (FR); RSA Villa Letizia, Patrica (FR)], Do-
no, Genova], Carlo Sabbà [Ospedale Giovanni XXIII                           menico Andrieri [RSA Villa Santo Stefano, S. Stefano di
Policlinico di Bari], Leonardo Sacco [Casa Sollievo della                   Rogliano (CS); RSA Villa Silvia, Altilia Grimaldi (CS)],
Sofferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Mariateresa                          Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi [Università Campus Bio-Medi-
Santoliquido [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, S. Gio-                       co, Roma], Francesca Arenare [ASP Golgi Redaelli, Isti-
vanni Rotondo (FG)], Mariella Savino [Casa Sollievo                         tuto Piero Redaelli, Milano], Tatjana Baldovin [Università
della Sofferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Francesco                      di Padova], Viviana Bagalà [CRA Capatti, Riva del Po
Scarso [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Sant'Andrea,                      (FE); CRA Mantovani, Copparo (FE); CRA Plattis, Cento
Roma], Giuseppe Sergi [Azienda Ospedale Università di                       (FE); CRA Quisisana, Ostellato (FE); CRA Ripagrande,
Padova], Gaetano Serviddio [Azienda Ospedaliero Uni-                        ASP Ferrara], Riccardo Bernardi [RSA Estensiva per
versitaria di Foggia], Claudia Sgarito [ASP Agrigento],                     DCCG, IHG, Guidonia (RM)], Alessandra Bianchi [RSA
Giovanni Sgrò [RSA Istituto Santa Maria del Soccorso,                       Arici Sega, Fondazione Brescia Solidale, Brescia],
Serrastretta (CZ); RSA San Vito Hospital, San Vito sullo                    Paola Bianchi [Associazione Nazionale Strutture Territo-
Jonio (CZ); Casa Protetta Villa Mariolina, Montauro (CZ);                   riali e per la Terza Età, Roma], Raffaella Bisceglia [RSA
Casa Protetta Villa Sant'Elia, Marcellinara (CZ)], Chiara                   Universo Salute Opera Don Uva, Foggia], Fabio Bon-
Sidoli [Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza], Federica Sirian-                      tempi [ASP Golgi Redaelli, Istituto Piero Redaelli,
ni [Casa di Riposo Villa Marinella, Amantea (CS)], Vin-                     Milano], Gilda Borselli [Società Italiana di Gerontologia e
cenzo Solfrizzi [Ospedale Giovanni XXIII Policlinico di                     Geriatria, Firenze], Luigi Bottaro [ASP Golgi Redaelli,
Bari], Benedetta Soli [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria                    Istituto Piero Redaelli, Milano], Elisa Bottoni [Centro Be-
di Modena], Debora Spaccaferro [RSA Estensiva, IHG,                         nessere (Riabilitazione), Frosinone], Silvia Brandi [Casa
Guidonia (RM); RSA Intensiva, IHG, Guidonia (RM)],                          di Riposo Torriglia, Chiavari (GE)], Claudio Bravin [RSA
Fausto Spadea [RSA Casa Amica, Fossato Serralta                             Fondazione Casa Industria, Brescia], Maria Adele Buiz-
(CZ)], Laura Spadoni [Ospedale San Giovanni Battista,                       za [Azienda Speciale Casa di Riposo M. Bonincontri,
Foligno (PG)], Laura Tafaro [Azienda Ospedaliero-Uni-                       Brescia], Carmine Cafariello [RSA Disabili Alto Manteni-
versitaria Sant'Andrea, Roma], Luca Tagliafico [IRCCS                       mento, IHG, Guidonia (RM); RSA Estensiva per DCCG,
Policlinico San Martino, Genova], Andrea Tedde [Azien-                      IHG, Guidonia (RM); RSA Estensiva, IHG, Guidonia
da Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena], Camilla Terzi-                     (RM); RSA Geriatria Alto Mantenimento, IHG, Guidonia
otti [Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova], Giuseppe                      (RM); RSA Geriatria Alto Mantenimento, IHG, Guidonia
Dario Testa [USL Toscana Centro, Ospedale San Ja-                           (RM); RSA Intensivo, IHG, Guidonia (RM); RSA Villa Sa-
copo, Pistoia], Maria Giulia Tinti [Casa Sollievo della                     cra Famiglia, IHG, Roma], Alessia Maria Calabrese
Sofferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)], Francesco Ton-                       [RSA Bastia, Livorno; RSA Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA
arelli [USL Toscana Centro, Presidio Misericordia e                         Coteto, Livorno; RSA Madonna della Fiducia, Calam-
Dolce, Prato], Elisabetta Tonon [USL Toscana Centro,                        brone (PI); RSA Pio Istituto Campana, Seravezza (LU);
Ospedale San Jacopo, Pistoia], Caterina Trevisan [Os-                       RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa], Valeria Calsolaro [RSA Bastia,
pedale di Comunità (Camposampiero), Distretto Alta                          Livorno; RSA Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA Coteto, Livorno;
Padovana, ULSS 6 Euganea, Padova; Azienda Os-                               RSA Madonna della Fiducia, Calambrone (PI); RSA Pio
pedale Università di Padova], Rita Ursino [I RSA Geri-                      Istituto Campana, Seravezza (LU); RSA Villa Isabella,
atria, IHG, Guidonia (RM)], Filomena Vella [Azienda                         Pisa], Marta Canepa [RSA Villa Sorriso, Rapallo (GE)],
Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina, Trieste], Maria                  Carla Capasso [RSA Fondazione Casa Industria,
Villanova [Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova], Au-                      Brescia], Mariagrazia Capuano [RSA Gianà, Qualiano
rora Vitali [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara],                 (NA)], Sebastiano Capurso [RSA Bellosguardo, Civi-
Stefano Volpato [Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di                       tavecchia (RM)], Gabriele Carbone [RSA Estensiva per
Ferrara], Francesca Zoccarato [Azienda Ospedale Uni-                        DCCG, IHG, Guidonia (RM)], Marialudovica Carducci
versità di Padova], Sonia Zotti [Policlinico Universitario                  [RSA Villa Sacra Famiglia, IHG, Roma], Silvia Carino
Campus Bio-Medico, Roma], Amedeo Zurlo [Azienda                             [Casa di Riposo San Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ);
Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara].                                      Casa Protetta Madonna del Rosario, Lamezia Terme
                                                                            (CZ); Centro di Riabilitazione San Domenico, Lamezia
                                                                            Terme (CZ); RSA San Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ);
Members of the GeroVAX Working Group 17                                     RSA Villa Elisabetta, Cortale (CZ)], Nicoletta Cattaneo
(in alphabetical order)                                                     [RSA Sandro Pertini, ASST Rhodense, Garbagnate Mil-
Angela Marie Abbatecola [ASL Frosinone; in collabo-                         anese (MI)], Francesco Ceravolo [Casa Protetta San
razione con RSA INI Città Bianca, Veroli (FR); RSA San                      Domenico, Palermiti (CZ); RSA Santa Maria del Monte,
Germano, Piedimonte San Germano (FR); RSA Santa                             Petrizzi (CZ)], Maria Angelica Dorotea Chiesara [RSA
10                                                                                                       A.M. Abbatecola et al.

San Pietro, Monza], Danila Clerici [RSA Sandro Pertini,         (MI)], Labjona Haxhiaj [RSA AltaVita, Istituzioni Riunite di
ASST Rhodense, Garbagnate Milanese (MI)], Pierpaolo             Assistenza, Padova], Claudio Giuseppe Iacovella [RSA
Clerici [ASST Ovest Milanese, Legnano (MI)], Alessan-           Santa Maria, Castrocielo (FR)], Marina Indino [RSA Vil-
dra Coin [Azienda Ospedale Università Padova], Vieri            laggio Amico, Gerenzano (VA)], Valerio Alex Ippolito
Collacchioni [RSA Nuova Villa Rio, San Godenzo (FI)],           [Casa Protetta Villa Azzurra, Roseto Capo Spulico (CS)],
Mauro Colombo [ASP Golgi Redaelli, Istituto Piero Re-           David Kanah [ASP Golgi Redaelli, Istituto Piero Redaelli,
daelli, Milano], Michela Compiano [RSA Le due Palme,            Milano], Liudmila Kountsevich [RSA Disabili Alto Man-
Sestri Levante (GE)], Giuseppina Costanza [RSA Villa            tenimento, IHG, Guidonia (RM)], Jovan Leci [CRA Villa
delle Palme, Villafrati (PA)], Giovanna Crupi [RSA2 Sin-        Teresa, Sasso Marconi (BO)], Agata Lipari [Casa di Ri-
dromi da immobilizzazione, ASP Palermo], Roberta                poso Domus Aurea, Africo (RC); Casa Protetta Univer-
Cucunato [RSA Villa Santo Stefano, S. Stefano di Rogli-         so, Africo (RC); RSA Universo, Africo (RC)], Vincenzo
ano (CS); RSA Villa Silvia, Altilia Grimaldi (CS)], Manuela     Longo [Casa di Riposo Domus Aurea, Africo (RC); Casa
Marina D’Abramo [RSA L’Ulivo, Fondazione Cittadella             Protetta Universo, Africo (RC); RSA Universo, Africo
della Carità, Taranto], Emilia D’Agostino [Casa Protetta        (RC)], Stefania Maggi [Consiglio Nazionale delle
San Giuseppe, San Sosti (CS)], Ferdinando D’Amico               Ricerche, Padova], Alba Malara [Casa di Riposo San
[RSA San Giovanni di Dio, Patti (ME); RSA Sant’Angelo           Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ); Casa di Riposo Villa
di Brolo (ME)], Stefania Del Vecchio [RSA Bastia, Livor-        Marinella, Amantea (CS); Casa Protetta Madonna del
no; RSA Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA Coteto, Livorno;                 Rosario, Lamezia Terme (CZ); Casa Protetta Villa Azzur-
RSA Madonna della Fiducia, Calambrone (PI); RSA Pio             ra, Roseto Capo Spulico (CS); Centro di Riabilitazione
Istituto Campana, Seravezza (LU); RSA Villa Isabella,           San Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ); RSA Casa Amica,
Pisa], Maria Deleo [RSA Villa delle Palme, Villafrati (PA)],    Fossato Serralta (CZ); RSA La Quiete, Castiglione Co-
Annalaura Dell’Armi [RSA Geriatria Alto Mantenimento,           setino (CS); RSA San Domenico, Lamezia Terme (CZ);
IHG, Guidonia (RM)], Tommasina Di Brango [RSA Santa             RSA Villa Elisabetta, Cortale (CZ); RSA Villa Santo Ste-
Maria, Castrocielo (FR)], Anna Di Lonardo [Istituto Su-         fano, S. Stefano di Rogliano (CS); RSA Villa Silvia, Altilia
periore di Sanità, Roma], Maria Raffaella Di Nanno [RSA         Grimaldi (CS)], Leonarda Maltese [RSA Bastia, Livorno;
Il Sorriso, Sanità Più, Foggia; RSA Universo Salute Op-         RSA Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA Coteto, Livorno; RSA
era Don Uva, Foggia], Babette Dijk [RSA Estensiva,              Madonna della Fiducia, Calambrone (PI); RSA Pio Isti-
ASL4, Chiavari (GE)], Luisa Elmo [RSA Villa Sorriso,            tuto Campana, Seravezza (LU); RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa],
Marano sul Panaro (MO)], Giorgio Fedele [Istituto Supe-         Maria Marotta [RSA Villa Letizia, IHG, Patrica (FR)], Gi-
riore di Sanità, Roma], Marisa Ferraro [RSA Il Sorriso,         useppe Mazzarella [RSA Villa degli Ulivi, Sant’Elia Fi-
Sanità Più, Foggia], Christian Ferro [RSA Sant’Angelo di        umerapido (FR)], Hior Melnik [Casa di Riposo Domus
Brolo (ME)], Claudia Fiorucci [RSA Estensiva, IHG, Gui-         Aurea, Africo (RC); Casa Protetta Universo, Africo (RC);
donia (RM); RSA Intensivo, IHG, Guidonia (RM)], Franc-          RSA Universo, Africo (RC)], Pasquale Minchella [Azien-
esca Fortunato [Università di Foggia], Pasquale Fron-           da Ospedaliera Pugliese Ciaccio, Catanzaro], Paolo
cillo [RSA Dimora Marigold, Pozzuoli (NA)], Domenico            Moneti [RSA Villa Gisella, Firenze], Fabio Monzani [RSA
Galasso [Casa Protetta San Domenico, Palermiti (CZ);            Bastia, Livorno; RSA Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA Coteto,
RSA Santa Maria del Monte, Petrizzi (CZ)], Nicola               Livorno; RSA Madonna della Fiducia, Calambrone (PI);
Galdiero [RSA Gianà, Qualiano (NA)], Caterina Galdiero          RSA Pio Istituto Campana, Seravezza (LU); RSA Villa
[RSA Gianà, Qualiano (NA)], Stefania Gallo [RSA San-            Isabella, Pisa], Walter Morandotti [ASP Golgi Redaelli,
dro Pertini, ASST Rhodense, Garbagnate Milanese                 Istituto Piero Redaelli, Milano], Francesco Morelli [RSA
(MI)], Pier Paolo Gasbarri [Associazione Nazionale              Villa San Giuseppe, Crotone], Maria Grazia Mortola
Strutture Territoriali e per la Terza Età, Roma], Maria         [RSA Villa Sorriso, Rapallo (GE)], Marianna Noale [RSA
Grazia Gennai [RSA Nuova Villa Rio, San Godenzo (FI)],          Opera Immacolata Concezione, Padova], Chukwuma
Giuliana Ghiselli Ricci [RSA Villa Sorriso, Marano sul          Okoye [RSA Bastia, Livorno; RSA Casa Mimosa, Pisa;
Panaro (MO)], Elisa Giribaldi [Casa di Riposo Torriglia,        RSA Coteto, Livorno; RSA Madonna della Fiducia,
Chiavari (GE)], Carmen Godeanu [CRA Villa dei Ciliegi,          Calambrone (PI); RSA Pio Istituto Campana, Seravezza
Valsamoggia (BO)], Roberta Granata [RSA Villa Sacra             (LU); RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa], Graziano Onder [Istituto
Famiglia, IHG, Roma], Giada Ida Greco [RSA La Quiete,           Superiore di Sanità, Roma], Patrizia Orlanducci [CRA
Castiglione Cosetino (CS)], Angela Greco [RSA2 Sin-             Villa dei Ciliegi, Valsamoggia (BO); CRA Villa Teresa,
dromi da immobilizzazione, ASP Palermo], Antonio                Sasso Marconi (BO)], Barbara Paganelli [RSA Bosco in
Grillo [ASP Golgi Redaelli, Istituto Piero Redaelli, Milano],   Città, Brugherio (MB); RSA Scaccabarozzi, Ornago
Gianbattista Guerrini [RSA Arici Sega, Fondazione               (MB)], Michele Pagano [RSA Buon Pastore Onlus,
Brescia Solidale, Brescia], Mauro Guglielmo [RSA San-           Palermo], Nicola Pagano [RSA Quadrifoglio, Giugliano
dro Pertini, ASST Rhodense, Garbagnate Milanese                 in Campania (NA)], Raffaele Palladino [RSA Il Sorriso,
Disentangling the impact of COVID-19 infection on clinical outcomes and preventive strategies in older persons: an Italian perspective   11

Sanità Più, Foggia; RSA Universo Salute Opera Don                           San Sosti (CS)], Marcello Russo [ASL Frosinone], Bruno
Uva, Foggia], Annapina Palmieri [Istituto Superiore di                      Sala [RSA Luigi Accorsi, Legnano (MI)], Sara Sambo
Sanità, Roma], Magda Palumeri [RSA Buon Pastore                             [CRA di Cittadella (PD); RSA AltaVita, Istituzioni Riunite
Onlus, Palermo], Simone Paolini [RSA AltaVita, Istituzi-                    di Assistenza, Padova], Maria Concetta Sciurti [ASP
oni Riunite di Assistenza, Padova; RSA Opera Immaco-                        Golgi Redaelli, Istituto Piero Redaelli, Milano], Antonietta
lata Concezione, Padova], Raimondo Paternò [Casa di                         Scriva [Casa di Riposo Domus Aurea, Africo (RC); Casa
Riposo Domus Aurea, Africo (RC); Casa Protetta Uni-                         Protetta Universo, Africo (RC); RSA Universo, Africo
verso, Africo (RC); RSA Universo, Africo (RC)], Angela                      (RC)]; Luca Secchi [RSA Villa Sorriso, Marano sul Pan-
Pavan [ASP Golgi Redaelli, Istituto Piero Redaelli,                         aro (MO)], Vincenzo Settembrini [Casa Protetta Villa
Milano], Loris Pelucchi [RSA Sandro Pertini, ASST Rho-                      Azzurra, Roseto Capo Spulico (CS)], Federica Sirianni
dense, Garbagnate Milanese (MI)], Agostino Perri [RSA                       [Casa di Riposo Villa Marinella, Amantea (CS); RSA Villa
La Quiete, Castiglione Cosetino (CS)], Francesco Perti-                     Santo Stefano, S. Stefano di Rogliano (CS); RSA Villa
cone [Casa Protetta San Domenico, Palermiti (CZ);                           Silvia, Altilia Grimaldi (CS)], Deborah Spaccaferro [RSA
RSA Santa Maria del Monte, Petrizzi (CZ)], Rosanna                          Estensiva, IHG, Guidonia (RM); RSA Intensivo, IHG,
Pesce [RSA Quadrifoglio, Giugliano in Campania (NA)],                       Guidonia (RM)], Fausto Spadea [RSA Casa Amica, Fos-
Sabrina Pigozzo [CRA di Cittadella (PD)], Francesco
                                                                            sato Serralta (CZ)], Manuela Stefanelli [RSA Villa Sacra
Pili [Casa Protetta San Teodoro, Crotone; Casa Protetta
                                                                            Famiglia, IHG, Roma], Paola Stefanelli [Istituto Superi-
Villa del Rosario, Crotone; RSA San Teodoro, Crotone;
                                                                            ore di Sanità, Roma], Brunella Stelitano [Casa di Riposo
RSA Villa del Rosario, Crotone], Rosa Prato [Università
                                                                            Domus Aurea, Africo (RC); Casa Protetta Universo, Af-
di Foggia], Rosanna Pullia [RSA Bastia, Livorno; RSA
                                                                            rico (RC); RSA Universo, Africo (RC)], Stefania Stringhini
Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA Coteto, Livorno; RSA Ma-
                                                                            [RSA Villaggio Amico, Gerenzano (VA)], Andrea Tarsita-
donna della Fiducia, Calambrone (PI); RSA Pio Istituto
Campana, Seravezza (LU); RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa],                         no [RSA Medicalizzata San Raffaele, Castiglione
Ahmad Amedeo Qasem [RSA Bastia, Livorno; RSA                                Cosentino (CS); RSA San Raffaele, Castiglione Cosen-
Casa Mimosa, Pisa; RSA Coteto, Livorno; RSA Ma-                             tino (CS)], Caterina Trevisan [CRA di Cittadella (PD);
donna della Fiducia, Calambrone (PI); RSA Pio Istituto                      RSA AltaVita, Istituzioni Riunite di Assistenza, Padova;
Campana, Seravezza (LU); RSA Villa Isabella, Pisa],                         RSA Opera Immacolata Concezione, Padova], Rita
Francesco Raffaele Addamo [RSA San Giovanni di Dio,                         Ursino [RSA Geriatria Alto Mantenimento, IHG, Guido-
Patti (ME)], Cecilia Raffaelli [RSA AltaVita, Istituzioni Riu-              nia (RM)], Giovanni Veneziano [ASP di Palermo], Maria
nite di Assistenza, Padova], Vincenzo Restivo [Univer-                      Teresa Vigliotta [RSA San Germano, Piedimonte San
sità di Palermo], Michela Fernanda Rigon [RSA Opera                         Germano (FR)], Marco Vignati [RSA Sandro Pertini,
Immacolata Concezione, Padova], Franco Romagnoni                            ASST Rhodense, Garbagnate Milanese (MI)], Eva Vi-
[CRA Capatti, Riva del Po (FE); CRA Mantovani, Copp-                        gnola [RSA Villa Gisella, Firenze], Enrico Virgilio [CRA di
aro (FE); CRA Plattis, Cento (FE); CRA Quisisana, Ostel-                    Cittadella (PD)], Maria Visconti [RSA Gianà, Qualiano
lato (FE); CRA Ripagrande, ASP Ferrara], Carmine                            (NA)], Stefano Volpato [Università di Ferrara], Susanna
Romaniello [RSA INI Città Bianca, Veroli (FR)], Valentina                   Vozzi [RSA Villaggio Amico, Gerenzano (VA)], Sabrina
Romano [RSA Fondazione Casa Industria, Brescia],                            Zaccone [Casa Protetta San Domenico, Palermiti (CZ);
Maria Cristina Ruberto [Casa Protetta San Giuseppe,                         RSA Santa Maria del Monte, Petrizzi (CZ)].
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