DISCOVERIES 2020 - University of Washington Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

Page created by Tyler Stanley
DISCOVERIES 2020 - University of Washington Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

University of Washington Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
DISCOVERIES 2020 - University of Washington Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
University of Washington
Department of Orthopaedics
   and Sports Medicine
    Discoveries 2020
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

 Howard A. Chansky, MD

Assistant Editors:
 Christopher H. Allan, MD
  Stephen A. Kennedy, MD, FRCSC
  William D. Lack, MD

Managing Editor:
 Fred Westerberg

Front Cover Illustration:
Space Needle lit purple at night for Togetheruw campaign:

Permission Requests: All inquiries should be directed to the Managing Editor,
University of Washington, Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine,
1959 NE Pacific Street, Box 356500, Seattle, WA 98195-6500, or at the email
address above.


                                    From the Chair’s Desk

              Rick and Anne Matsen Honorary Professorship for Shoulder Research

                                         New Faculty

                    Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty

  Zebrafish: An Emerging Model for Orthopedic 13 Björn Busse, PhD, Jenna L. Galloway, PhD,
                                    Research     Ryan S. Gray, PhD, Matthew P. Harris, PhD,
                                                 and Ronald Y. Kwon, PhD

             Independent Investigative Inquiry 25 William D. Lack, MD

Triangles of Pain; Understanding the Symptoms 26 Winston J. Warme, MD
    that Accompany Sternoclavicular Pathology

            2019 Japanese Traveling Fellows 28 Victoria M. Cannon, BA, Conor P. Kleweno, MD,
                                               and Reza Firoozabadi, MD, MA

      University of Washington Medical Center 29 WIlliam D. Lack, MD and Albert O. Gee, MD
         and Northwest Hospital Orthopaedics

      Seattle Children’s Hospital Orthopaedics 31 Gregory A. Schmale, MD

     Harborview Medical Center Orthopaedics 33 Carlo Bellabarba, MDCM

               VA Puget Sound Orthopaedics 35 Nicholas P. Iannuzzi, MD

     Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program 36 Christopher Y. Kweon, MD,
                                              Nicholas P. Iannuzzi, MD,
                                              Stephen A. Kennedy, MD, FRCSC,
                                              and Lisa A. Taitsman, MD, MPH
      Graduating Residents

       Incoming Residents

        ACEs and Fellows

        Research Grants

Department Publications 2019-2020



   n this time of unprecedented global      Washington from Wuhan, China on                been accompanied by a very gradual
   upheaval, it is my humble privilege to   January 15. There were predictions of          return to something that nobody would
   present to you what I hope is a brief    rapid spread but the six-week interval         refer to as “normal”. Every employee
respite from another day of worrisome       before the first death was reported may        must sign an attestation to their health
news and widespread illness. Managing       have led to a false sense of security.         every day they show up for work
Editor Fred Westerberg, the three co-       By this time, dozens of residents at           while many continue to work from
editors Drs. Chris Allan, Steve Kennedy     the Life Care Center in Kirkland were          home. Every surgical patient needs
and Will Lack and all of the contributors   sick with COVID-19 and many would              to be tested for COVID-19 and all
have put together another stellar           not survive. Elderly residents of other        employees will be gradually tested for
annual summary of the Department,           nursing homes around the country               the presence of antibodies that would
Discoveries 2020, while using their         were eventually similarly severely             indicate previous exposure to COVID.
ingenuity and skill to take advantage       afflicted. Subsequently many public            Many more outpatient visits are being
of the modern collaborative tools that      schools with COVID-positive students           handled via telehealth modalities and
permit working closely together while       began to voluntarily close as did some         many patients continue to be wary of
physically separated.                       organizations, notably on March 4 the          the risks of contracting COVID while
    Perhaps even an understatement,         Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research                outside of their home and particularly
                                            Center instructed all employees
                                            performing “nonessential” work to work
                                            from home – this order has now been
                                            extended through the month of August.
                                            By March 5 many large companies
                                            followed the actions of the “Hutch” and
                                            on March 6, UW announced that in-
                                            person classes would be cancelled for
                                            the rest of the semester. On March 13,
                                            all schools in the state were instructed
                                            to close and on March 23, following
                                            the decrees of several mayors and
                                            requests by the public, Governor Inslee
                                            issues a shelter-in-place order for the
                                            state. Initially to be in place for at least
                                            2 weeks, the stay-at-home order was
                                            extended to May 4 and then again to
                                            May 31.
                                                Despite these early measures and
Michael J. Goldberg, MD
                                            successfully “flattening the curve”, the       Kevin L. Smith, MD
                                            “surge” of patients with COVID-19
                                            stressed our infrastructure and front-line
but nothing has been the same for                                                          while in a health care setting. The
                                            health care providers who displayed
our Department since the first case of                                                     financial consequences of this tumult
                                            incredible fortitude and courage in
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)                                                        are predictions of up to a 500 million-
                                            caring for so many critically ill patients
was detected in the Pacific Northwest                                                      dollar annual deficit for UW Medicine,
                                            who were isolated from their loved
on January 20. That is the day that                                                        employee furloughs, unpaid voluntary
                                            ones. The emotional toll on our ED
the first patient in the United States,                                                    leave and voluntary salary reductions.
                                            and critical care physicians, staff and
in Snohomish County, was identified                                                            Aside from the inconceivable
                                            advanced-practice providers cannot
to have severe acute respiratory                                                           number of deaths, perhaps what is
                                            be underestimated. While the impact
syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) due to                                                               most jarring is the conversion of routine
                                            on the orthopaedic faculty, staff and
infection with COVID-19. This case set                                                     face-to-face interactions to mask-to-
                                            trainees was not as direct, we also
off a national cascade of events and                                                       mask interactions. Barring development
                                            had to rapidly adapt to the risks of
consequences that perhaps only a few                                                       of effective treatment or vaccines
                                            exposure and to the needs of our
epidemiologists and authors of fiction                                                     which hopefully will occur within the
                                            patients and health care system. Most
could have envisioned. Of course,                                                          next 1-2 years, the medical recovery
                                            impactful from a financial perspective
the consequences for the rest of the                                                       from the COVID pandemic will likely
                                            was the governor’s decree on March
planet have been no less disruptive and                                                    be lengthy with intermittent surges and
                                            19 that restricted “non-urgent” surgical
deadly, and in some countries quite a                                                      tightening of infectious precautions.
bit worse.                                                                                 Unfortunately, most experts predict that
                                                The lifting of restrictions on elective
    The initial patient had returned to                                                    the economic devastation may not be
                                            surgery and social gathering have

                                                      Discoveries 2020                                                            1
entirely reversed for at least five years.    Rick Matsen and Dr. Doug Harryman.                Please stay in good health and
    “Life” in UW Medicine and the             As fate would have it, he never left! Kevin   good cheer through these challenging
Department continues, albeit with             completed his residency in Orthopaedic        times. In the 2021 issue of Discoveries
physical distancing and a large dose          Surgery at McLaren Regional Medical           I hope to be reporting on the sustained
of “zoom” conferences. We have had            Center in Flint, MI before coming to          financial health of the Department of
faculty join the Department over the          do his fellowship at the University of        Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine and
past year as well as several of our           Washington School of Medicine. Kevin          more importantly, on the progress of our
faculty announce their retirement. Dr.        then spent more than a decade in the          nation’s battle against COVID-19 and its
David Fitz has joined our team at the         Department based at UWMC where                societal and economic consequences.
Northwest Campus where he will focus          he was beloved by his colleagues,             Do not hesitate to reach out to myself,
on adult reconstructive surgery and           nurses and the residents. In fact, for his    Fred Westerberg, or any of the co-
management of patients with arthritis of      excellent clinical and educational skills,    editors with questions and suggestions
the hip and knee. For more information        the residents awarded him Teacher of          for future editions of Discoveries.
on Dr. Fitz please see Dr. Gee’s site         the Year. He also ran the residency
update in this issue of Discoveries.          interview and selection process for
    F o r 1 6 y e a r s D r. M i c h a e l    years and made the process both
Goldberg has been a linchpin of Seattle       effective and fun.
Children’s Hospital’s skeletal dysplasia          After he left the UW as an Associate
program and served as the Director            Professor, Dr Smith practiced briefly
of the Skeletal Health Program, a             at the now defunct Group Health
                                                                                               Howard A. Chansky, MD
multidisciplinary clinic involving both       Cooperative before moving to Northwest
                                                                                               Professor and Chair
orthopaedic surgeons and pediatric            Hospital where he practiced for the past
geneticists. While you are probably           decade. In the end he came full circle
familiar with Dr. Goldberg’s renowned         this past January and re-joined the
clinical and scientific expertise in the      Department of Orthopaedics & Sports
realm of skeletal dysplasia, you may          Medicine. It was great to have him back
not know that he also dedicated (an           in the Department and my good friend
understatement) time every year to            “Kev” said that it was a difficult and
the children at Camp Korey, a camp            sad decision, but he decided to retire
for children with life altering conditions,   from orthopaedic surgery this past
including orthopaedic conditions such         April. “Gosh, I’ve had a ball and we’ve
as skeletal dysplasias.                       accomplished soooo much. It’s been a
     Dr. Michael Goldberg has been            WONDERFUL ride, personally as well
extremely prolific and I attribute this       as professionally, but it’s time for me to
to his seemingly having several               move on and pursue new adventures”.
successful careers all tied together          Amongst many great qualities, what I
by his commitments to evidence-               will always remember about Dr. Smith
based care delivered by compassion            is his dedication to his patients and to
and humanistic caregivers. His life           his residents and colleagues. He was
as an orthopaedic surgeon has been            a stalwart of call coverage and took on
bracketed by a focus on evidence-             any patient regardless of complexity or
based care in the earlier phases of           social issues. I wish Kevin and his wife
his career and a focus on burnout             Diane good health and a wonderful
and compassionate care in the later           retirement where they get to spend
phases. No doubt it is this focus that led    more time with their two daughters.
the Schwartz Center for Compassionate
Healthcare in Boston to recognize the
wisdom of bringing Dr. Goldberg into
their program. Perhaps most
notably, throughout his career he
has been a passionate advocate for
his patients, children with the most
complex syndromes, and their families.
So, after 16 years at SCH, what
Dr. Goldberg refers to as his second
retirement is about to begin. Please
join me in congratulating Michael and
his wife Fran and wishing them a long
healthy retirement.
    Dr. Kevin Smith came to Seattle
in 1995 to spend one year doing his
Shoulder & Elbow Fellowship with Dr.

2                                                       Discoveries 2020
From the Chair’s Desk

         embers of our department from        disheartening regularity. We all share      can help, listen to their perspective.
         disparate backgrounds have           the same sense of outrage over these        Support the department’s efforts at
         understandably expressed             deaths and yet expressing outrage -         encouraging and pursuing diversity
sadness and outrage at the recent             “horrific” and “enough is enough” - is      and inclusion. Take your usual excellent
deaths Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna                 clearly not enough if we are to see real    care of the neediest in our community
Taylor and now George Floyd. I share          change.                                     to another level. Ask our leaders
their sentiments. The UW Medicine                  I cannot profess to have               in government - our sheriff, mayor,
community has endured several                 the answers to this long-standing           governor, representatives - what they
struggles over the past year - radioactive    stain on our community and our nation       are doing to address endemic racism
cesium upending laboratories at the           and we will all have our own personal       and violence and let them know that
R&T building, aspergillus severely            approaches. While we won’t see the          their words and actions are important
curtailing care of children at SCH, and       abolition of racism and violence in our     for your continued support. Vote. Let
the coronavirus pandemic leading              country in the span of our lives, the       your partners, staff and residents
to massive loss of life. However, the         status quo isn’t acceptable and we are      know that they are welcome in our
senseless deaths of these three and           not free from the moral imperative to       department. Even small gestures and
other African-Americans have occurred         help, to at least reach out and express     efforts, consistently applied, can make
at the hands of our fellow citizens or        our shame and support, and to listen        a difference as we strive for a more
those who enlisted to protect us, and         to our black neighbors, colleagues          perfect department, community and
they serve as a pointed reminder of our       and members of our department.              nation.
nation’s history of racism.                   Perhaps the best next step is listening
      The sheer nonchalant brutality          closely to their everyday fears - fears
of the killing of Mr. Floyd, televised        that are existential and fears that most
for the world to view, has captured our       of us live our lives without needing to
attention and I am sure many of us            pay any regard to. Fears that do not
are trying to make any sort of sense          arise out of paranoia but fears that
of it and explain it to our children or       spring from words, deeds and events            Howard A. Chansky, MD
to friends outside of the United States.      in our daily lives. Fears that are now         Professor and Chair
These tragic and senseless deaths             greatly magnified and made manifest
unfortunately are not isolated, in fact       by recent events.
they are just the latest three that have          Many are hurting, disillusioned and
come to light in a long legacy of similarly   fearful - this is a time to care for each
horrific deaths. At this point I am not       other, our trainees, and particularly
even sure what “horrific” means in the        those members of our department of
context of events that occur with such        color. Express solidarity, ask how you

                                                       Discoveries 2020                                                         3
Rick and Anne Matsen
           Honorary Professorship for Shoulder Research

   t is my great pleasure to announce the
   new Rick and Anne Matsen Honorary
   Professorship for Shoulder
Research. Dr. Jesse Roberts, a grateful
patient of Dr. Matsen’s, funded this
professorship in honor of Dr. and
Mrs. Matsen (pictured to the right). As
we all know, Dr. Matsen is one of the
world’s foremost surgeons and pioneers
of modern shoulder surgery. And Rick
would be the first to tell anyone that he
could not have achieved this without the
support of his wife Anne.
     The goal of this professorship
is to support a member of the
Department who can best advance
the field of shoulder care and surgery
through innovative patient-centered
research and secondarily to provide
strategic support to the Department
of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
The committee charged with selecting
the first holder of this professorship has
chosen Dr. Jason Hsu. The committee
made their selection based on Dr.
Hsu’s “growing international academic
reputation, his outstanding surgical
care, his thoughtful clinical and research
mentorship, and his willing service,
inspiring leadership and exemplary
professionalism align directly with the
intent of the donors.”
     This wonderful gift and professorship
will advance the goals of the department
by helping to retain critical faculty such
as Dr. Hsu and it will advance the field
of shoulder surgery. Please join me in
congratulating Jason Hsu and Rick and
Anne Matsen.

    Howard A. Chansky, MD
    Professor and Chair

4                                            Discoveries 2020
Rick and Anne Matsen
          Honorary Professorship for Shoulder Research

         r. Jason Hsu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Dr. Hsu completed his
         medical degree at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, followed by his residency at the University
         of Pennsylvania followed by a fellowship at Washington University. He came to UW Medicine in 2014 and has
become a highly valued educator, surgeon and leader in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Dr. Hsu’s
clinical interest lies in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, arthroscopic and open procedures for shoulder instability, primary and
revision shoulder replacement surgery. His research interests have focused on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
periprosthetic shoulder infections. Dr. Hsu has distinguished himself as a national leader in shoulder and elbow surgery and
there is no more fitting first holder of the Rick and Anne Matsen Honorary Professorship for Shoulder Research.

                                                      Discoveries 2020                                                          5
New Faculty

        David W. Fitz, MD                                               Christian M. Peterson, DO
        Assistant Professor                                             Clinical Assistant Professor
        Northwest Hospital                                              Northwest Hospital
        Hip and Knee                                                    Sports Medicine                                         

D                                                               C
        avid Fitz, MD is an Assistant Professor at                      hristian M. Peterson, DO is board certified by
        the University of Washington Department                         the American Osteopathic Board of Orthopedic
        of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. He                         Surgery and the National Board of Osteopathic
specializes in Adult Joint Reconstruction. His areas of         Medical Examiners. He attended medical school at
clinical interest are hip and knee arthroplasty, partial        Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, completed
knee replacement, post-traumatic reconstruction of the          his internship and residency at Doctors Hospital in
hip and knee, as well as geriatric fracture care. He is         Columbus, Ohio, and completed fellowships in spine
based at our Hip & Knee Center at Northwest Hospital.           surgery at Ohio University and in sports medicine and
    Dr. Fitz attended college at Harvard and medical            arthroscopy at the Institute for Bone and Joint Disorders
school at Northwestern University, where he also                in Phoenix, Arizona.
completed his internship and residency. After graduation,           Dr. Peterson belongs to the American Academy
he completed at fellowship at Massachusetts General             of Orthopedic Surgeons, the American Osteopathic
Hospital in Boston, MA.                                         Association, the American Osteopathic Association
    Dr. Fitz has published original research on                 of Sports Medicine, the Association of Professional
“Differences in Post-Operative Outcome Between                  Team Physicians, the Washington Osteopathic Medical
Conversion and Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty”, “The            Association and the Washington State Orthopedic
Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on 30-Day Complications            Association.
Following Total Joint Arthroplasty”, “Preoperative Opioid           Dr. Peterson’s clinical interests include advanced
Use Negatively Affects Patient-reported Outcomes After          arthroscopic procedures and sports medicine.
Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty”, “Relationship of the               Dr. Peterson is the team physician for Bishop Blanchet
Posterior Condylar Line and the Transepicondylar Axis:          High School and Bellevue Community College. He is also
A CT-Based Evaluation”, as well as many other articles          a consulting physician for Seattle Pacific University.
in orthopaedics.                                                    He joins our department as a Clinical Assistant
    He is also active in the orthopaedic community as           Professor based at Northwest Hospital.
a member of American Association of Hip and Knee
Surgeons and American Academy of Orthopaedic

6                                                   Discoveries 2020
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty
         Howard A. Chansky, MD                             Carlo Bellabarba, MD
         Professor and Chair                               Professor
         VA Puget Sound Health Care System                 Division Chief
         University of Washington Medical Center           Harborview Medical Center
         Northwest Hospital                                Spine and Trauma
         Adult Reconstructive Surgery            

         Christopher H. Allan, MD                          Stephen K. Benirschke, MD
         Associate Professor                               Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center           Harborview Medical Center
         Hand and Wrist                                    Foot and Ankle                           

         Steven D. Bain, PhD                               Sarah D. Beshlian, MD
         Research Associate Professor                      Clinical Associate Professor
         Harborview Medical Center                         Northwest Hospital
         Research                                          Hand and Wrist                           

         David P. Barei, MD                                Todd J. Blumberg, MD
         Professor                                         Assistant Professor
         Harborview Medical Center                         Seattle Children’s Hospital
         Trauma                                            Pediatric Orthopaedics                            

         Jennifer M. Bauer, MD, MS                         Michael E. Brage, MD
         Assistant Professor                               Associate Professor
         Seattle Children’s Hospital                       Harborview Medical Center
         Pediatric Orthopaedics                            Foot and Ankle     

         Daphne M. Beingessner, MD                         Richard J. Bransford, MD
         Professor                                         Professor
         Harborview Medical Center                         Harborview Medical Center
         Trauma                                            Spine                          

                                        Discoveries 2020                                        7
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty
             Kenneth Chin, MD                                  Reza Firoozabadi, MD, MA
             Clinical Assistant Professor                      Associate Professor
             Northwest Hospital                                Harborview Medical Center
             University of Washington Medical Center           Trauma
             Foot and Ankle                          

             Robert S. Clawson, MD                             David W. Fitz, MD
             Clinical Associate Professor                      Assistant Professor
             Northwest Hospital                                Northwest Hospital
             Fractures & Trauma                                Hip and Knee

             Mark C. Dales, MD                                 Edith M. Gardiner, PhD
             Clinical Associate Professor                      Research Associate Professor
             Seattle Children’s Hospital                       Harborview Medical Center
             Spine                                             Research

             Robert P. Dunbar, MD                              Albert O. Gee, MD
             Associate Professor                               Associate Professor
             Harborview Medical Center                         Division Chief
             Trauma                                            University of Washington Medical Center
                                        Sports Medicine

             Russell J. Fernandes, MSc, PhD                    Michael Githens, MD, MS
             Research Associate Professor                      Assistant Professor
             University of Washington Medical Center           Harborview Medical Center
             Research                                          Trauma

             Navin D. Fernando, MD                             Ted S. Gross, PhD
             Assistant Professor                               Professor
             Northwest Hospital                                Vice Chair, Research
             Hip and Knee                                      Harborview Medical Center

8                                           Discoveries 2020
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty
         Mia S. Hagen, MD                                 David M. Hudson, PhD
         Assistant Professor                              Research Assistant Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center          University of Washington Medical Center
         Sports Medicine                                  Research                            

         Douglas P. Hanel, MD                             Nicholas P. Iannuzzi, MD
         Professor                                        Assistant Professor
         Harborview Medical Center                        Division Chief
         Hand and Wrist                                   VA Puget Sound Health Care System                                    General Orthopaedics

         Jared L. Harwood, MD, MBA                        Stephen A. Kennedy, MD, FRCSC
         Assistant Professor                              Associate Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center          Northwest Hospital
         Tumor                                            Harborview Medical Center                                  Hand and Wrist

         Jonah Hebert-Davies, MD                          Conor P. Kleweno, MD
         Assistant Professor                              Associate Professor
         Harborview Medical Center                        Harborview Medical Center
         Trauma                                           Trauma                        

         Jason E. Hsu, MD                                 Walter F. Krengel III, MD
         Associate Professor                              Clinical Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center          Seattle Children’s Hospital
         Shoulder and Elbow                               Spine                           

         Jerry I. Huang, MD                               Christopher Y. Kweon, MD
         Associate Professor                              Assistant Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center          University of Washington Medical Center
         Hand and Wrist                                   Sports Medicine                         

                                       Discoveries 2020                                             9
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty
          Ronald Y. Kwon, PhD                               Vincent S. Mosca, MD
          Associate Professor                               Professor
          Harborview Medical Center                         Seattle Children’s Hospital
          Research                                          Pediatric Orthopaedics

          William D. Lack, MD                               Sean E. Nork, MD
          Assistant Professor                               Professor
          Northwest Hospital                                Harborview Medical Center
          General Orthopaedics                              Trauma

          Seth S. Leopold, MD                               Viral R. Patel, MD
          Professor                                         Acting Instructor
          University of Washington Medical Center           University of Washington Medical Center
          Northwest Hospital                                Spine
          Adult Reconstructive Surgery            

          Antoinette W. Lindberg, MD                        Christian M. Peterson, DO
          Clinical Assistant Professor                      Clinical Assistant Professor
          Seattle Children’s Hospital                       Northwest Hospital
          Orthopaedic Oncology                              Sports Medicine

          Paul A. Manner, MD                                Bruce J. Sangeorzan, MD
          Professor                                         Professor
          University of Washington Medical Center           Harborview Medical Center
          Northwest Hospital                                Foot and Ankle
          Adult Reconstructive Surgery            

          Frederick A. Matsen III, MD                       Michael G. Saper, DO
          Professor                                         Assistant Professor
          University of Washington Medical Center           Seattle Children’s Hospital
          Shoulder and Elbow                                Pediatric Orthopaedics

10                                       Discoveries 2020
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty
         Gregory A. Schmale, MD                            Winston J. Warme, MD
         Associate Professor                               Professor
         Acting Division Chief                             University of Washington Medical Center
         Seattle Children’s Hospital                       Shoulder and Elbow
         Pediatric Orthopaedics                  

         Suzanne E. Steinman, MD                           Klane K. White, MD, MSc
         Clinical Associate Professor                      Professor
         Seattle Children’s Hospital                       Seattle Children’s Hospital
         Pediatric Orthopaedics                            Pediatric Orthopaedics   

         Lisa A. Taitsman, MD, MPH                         Suzanne M. Yandow, MD
         Professor                                         Professor
         Harborview Medical Center                         Seattle Children’s Hospital
         Trauma                                            Pediatric Orthopaedics                         

         Scott Telfer, EngD                                Haitao Zhou, MD
         Research Assistant Professor                      Assistant Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center           Harborview Medical Center
         Research                                          Spine                          

         Matthew Thompson, MD
         Assistant Professor
         University of Washington Medical Center
         Orthopaedic Oncology

         Florence Unno, MD
         Acting Assistant Professor
         Northwest Hospital

                                        Discoveries 2020                                         11
Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Faculty
Emeritus Faculty                  Affiliate Faculty
Stanley J. Bigos, MD              William R. Ledoux II, PhD
   Professor Emeritus             Jeremy S. Somerson, MD
Peter R. Cavanagh, PhD            Sundar Srinivasan, PhD
   Professor Emeritus
David R. Eyre, PhD                Senior Fellow
   Professor Emeritus             Charlotte Gistelinck, PhD
Sigvard T. Hansen, Jr., MD
   Professor Emeritus             Clinical Instructor
M. Bradford Henley, MD            David Gendelberg, MD
   Professor Emeritus
Roger V. Larson, MD               Acting Instructor
   Associate Professor Emeritus   Claire Watson, PhD
Douglas G. Smith, MD
   Professor Emeritus             Teaching Associate
Lynn T. Staheli, MD               Hannah Bae, ARNP
   Professor Emeritus             Alexander L. Bertelsen, PA
Carol C. Teitz, MD                EChing V. Bertelsen, PA
   Professor Emeritus             Edward G. Blahous, DPM
Theodore A. Wagner, MD            Lauren A. Colpo, PA
   Clinical Professor Emeritus    Emily H. Clayton, PA
                                  Mahra Davidson, PA
Joint Faculty                     Jason S. Erickson, PA
Monique S. Burton, MD             Aaron J. Eusterbrock, PA
Randall M. Chesnut, MD            Joseph L. Fiorito, PA
Armagan Dagal, MD                 Peter C.A. Hall, PA
Jeffrey B. Friedrich, MD          Jennifer S. Hamilton, PA
Kimberly Harmon, MD               Douglas J. Ichikawa, DPM
Mark A. Harrast, MD               Sophia Jeannot, ARNP
Stanley A. Herring, MD            Cherie H. Johnson, DPM
Thomas Jinguiji, MD               Tony D.H. Kim, PA
Brian Krabak, MD                  Julianne V. Krause, PA
John Lockhart, MD                 Kaitlen E. Laine, PA
John W. O’Kane, Jr., MD           Erik C. Lilja, DPM
John E. Olerud, MD                Connie U. Ly, PA
Celeste Quitiquit, MD             Sara Mahmood, DPM
Nicholas B. Vedder, MD            Jason E. Maris, PA
Fangyi Zhang, MD                  Katie L. Moore, ARNP
                                  Rockwell G. Moulton, DPM
Adjunct Faculty                   Janice M. Olivo, PA
Roger E. Bumgarner, PhD           Amanda L. Pedersen, PA
Cora C. Breuner, MD               Dena R. Pruitt, PA
Charles H. Chesnut III, MD        Priya Shah, PA
Randal P. Ching, PhD              Jennifer L. Stambaugh, PA
Joseph Cuschieri, MD              Michael D. Taylor, PA
Gregory C. Gardner, MD            Emily M. Thach, PA
Dennis Kao, MD                    Kirsten M. Thompson, PA
Erin Miller, MD                   Stasia Turner, ARNP
Grant E. O’Keefe, MD              Wyatt Visca, PA
Susan M. Ott, MD
Michael L. Richardson, MD
Miqin Zhang, PhD

12                                          Discoveries 2020
Zebrafish: An Emerging Model for Orthopedic Research

                  Björn Busse, PhD1, Jenna L. Galloway, PhD2, Ryan S. Gray, PhD3,

                            Matthew P. Harris, PhD4, and Ronald Y. Kwon, PhD5

Abstract                                    neuroscience, 3 regeneration, 4 and           can have multiple co-orthologs for
    Advances in next-generation             disease 5) that are difficult in other        human genes (e.g., human RUNX2
sequencing have transformed our             vertebrate models. Such avenues               has two zebrafish co-orthologs, runx2a
ability to identify genetic variants        include in vivo imaging of cell dynamics,     and runx2b). While this can complicate
associated with clinical disorders of       and genetic and chemical screens.             testing of gene function due to issues
the musculoskeletal system. However,        Moreover, zebrafish can be used               such as functional redundancy,
the means to functionally validate and      as a pre-screening tool to prioritize         such difficulties can be alleviated
analyze the physiological repercussions     more labor and cost-intensive studies         through simultaneous knockdown or
of genetic variation have lagged behind     that require de novo mutant mouse             knockout of co-orthologs.1,7 In other
the rate of genetic discovery. The          generation. The potential benefits of         cases, maintenance of two copies
zebrafish provides an efficient model       incorporating zebrafish into a research       of a gene in the zebrafish often is
to leverage genetic analysis in an in       program must be weighed with                  balanced by the partitioning function
vivo context. Its utility for orthopedic    limitations, including infrastructure costs   of a gene, or subfunctionalization. As
research is becoming evident in regard      (which vary depending on institution),        such, the retention of co-orthologs in
to both candidate gene validation           differences in zebrafish and human            the zebrafish often permits nuanced
as well as therapeutic discovery in         genetics and physiology, and the fact         analysis of gene function in genes
tissues such as bone, tendon, muscle,       that many experimental approaches             that might be lethal in mice. In mouse,
and cartilage. With the development         are still in their infancy, and thus remain   analysis of many genes often requires
of new genetic and analytical tools         to be rigorously validated. Indeed, the       combinatorial genetic techniques to
to better assay aspects of skeletal         use of zebrafish to understand clinical       provide conditional spatial or temporal
tissue morphology, mineralization,          disorders of the musculoskeletal system       regulation of gene function, whereas in
composition, and biomechanics,              has only begun to be established.             the zebrafish simple genetic alterations
researchers are emboldened to               Here, we introduce the experimental           can be studied (e.g. Fgfr18). The often
systematically approach how the             advantages of the zebrafish, discuss          partitioned function of paralogues in the
skeleton develops and to identify the       its genetic and physiological similarities    zebrafish also permits loss-of-function
root causes, and potential treatments,      and differences to humans, and survey         analysis to the model the effect of more
of skeletal disease. © 2019 Orthopaedic     recent applications to musculoskeletal        nuanced alleles such as regulatory
Research Society. Published by Wiley        development and disease. This review          shifts in gene function underlying many
Periodicals, Inc. J. Orthop. Res            elaborates on a workshop of the               common skeletal pathologies. Such
                                            same name at the 2019 Orthopaedic             pathologies cannot easily be modeled
Keywords                                    Research Society Meeting, conducted           with knockout strategies in the mouse
   zebrafish; bone; tendon; muscle;         by the authors, the purpose of which          and due to the complex anatomical
cartilage                                   was to introduce emerging orthopedic          nature of many skeletal disorders,
                                            research in zebrafish to facilitate cross-    often cannot be modeled in vitro even
Introduction                                talk, establish foundations, and develop      when allele-specific cell lines are
    Small animal models amenable to         new models of clinical disorders.             constructed. A large number of skeletal
rapid-throughput biology are needed                                                       disease models have been identified in
to accelerate the discovery of new          Genetics                                      zebrafish, 9-11 and this number is steadily
treatments for clinical disorders of the        Genetic similarity to humans              increasing.
musculoskeletal system. Complex,                A key criterion in the selection
multi-cellular interactions are difficult   of an appropriate disease model                   Techniques
to recapitulate in a dish. While such       is its genetic similarity to humans.              The ease of forwarding genetics in
processes can be studied in animal          Approximately, 71% of human protein-          zebrafish gives this model an advantage
models, ready-made mutant lines often       coding genes possess at least one             for unbiased discovery of mutant
do not exist (e.g., see section “Disease    zebrafish ortholog.6 This is comparable       phenotypes. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea
loci”). The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is      to mouse, as ~80-90% of human                 (ENU) mutagenesis screens in zebrafish
a small, tropical freshwater fish that,     protein-coding genes possess at least         have uncovered a large number of
by virtue of its unique experimental        one ortholog in mouse (http://www.            variants relevant to fundamental aspects
attributes (e.g., small size, low           of skeletogenesis,12-14 morphological
cost, genetic tractability, and optical     As zebrafish arose from a common              evolution, 15 and human skeletal
transparency), has opened ‎powerful         ancestor that underwent an additional         diseases.16-20 Early examples involved
avenues for biomedical research             round of whole-genome duplication             the identification of a large collection
(including studies of development,1,2       relative to mice and humans, zebrafish        of mutants with defects in formation of

                                                      Discoveries 2020                                                           13
Table 1: Transgenic Lines for Visualizing Cells Relevant to the Musculoskeletal System.

the jaw and branchial arches.12-14 The               demonstrates the feasibility of             hundreds of embryos can be injected
same screen also identified mutations,               systematic genome-wide analysis.            by a single user in one morning. This
specifically affecting the adult form.21 The             In addition to forward genetics,        allows for efficient creation of induced
mutants identified in these early large-             zebrafish are also readily amenable         mutations or replacements at specific
scale screens served as foundation                   to reverse genetics, that is, testing for   genetic loci. Screening phenotypes in
for experimental analysis and were                   phenotypic consequences following the       injected G0 founder “crispant” animals
proof that not only could specific                   targeted interference of gene function.     can further enable rapid and cost-
mechanisms of skeletal development                   The advent of TALEN-23 and CRISPR-          effective assessment of gene function.1
be identified, but that mutation could be            based gene editing has substantially        In addition to alleviating the time and
in genes homologous to human genes                   expanded the means by which the             resources needed to breed alleles to
associated with skeletal diseases. Such              scientific community can approach           homozygosity, G0 screens are also
screens often yield specifically defined             reverse genetics in zebrafish. For gene     amenable to multiplexing strategies, in
point mutations which provide nuanced                editing using CRISPR, administration        which multiple genes are targeted in the
changes in gene function that simple                 of Cas9:gRNA ribonucleoproteins             same animal. The ability to detect adult
loss-of-function mutations or frameshifts            (RNPs) generates double-stranded            skeletal phenotypes in G0 zebrafish for
cannot. Screens for dominant mutations               breaks at defined loci. Errors in the       genes associated with recessive forms
affecting skeletogenesis, in which                   non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)           of OI (bmp1a and plod2) was recently
mutations often lead to dominant-                    repair mechanism lead to insertions and     demonstrated.25
negative properties as well as alleles               deletions (indels) at the cut site, often        Zebrafish also provide a versatile
with increased functions (hyper- or                  leading to loss of function (e.g., due to   system to test gene function through
neomorphic alleles), are proving to                  non-sense-mediated decay triggered by       the use of transgenesis. This allows
be informative and useful in disease                 a premature stop codon). Alternatively,     for stable or inducible (e.g., heat
modeling. For example, recent screens                multiple RNPs can be used to induce         shock-induced) protein expression, or
have identified dominant mutants                     site-spanning deletions that delete         conditional gene targeting (e.g., Cre-
closely mirroring collagenopathies                   promoter regions or entire gene loci,       mediated recombination). The Tol2
and osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)                     which may help reduce activation of         transposon system is commonly used
(col1a1a/b, col1a2), Adams-Oliver                    compensatory pathways triggered             for introducing transgenes. There exists
Syndrome (dll4), and hyperhidrotic                   by messenger RNA degradation. 24            a large, growing panel of zebrafish
ectodermal dysplasia (edar).16 Finally,              Moreover, Cas9:gRNAs can be co-             fluorescent reporter lines for cell types
the Zebrafish Mutation Project,22 which              injected with a donor template which,       within the musculoskeletal system
has phenotyped a large number of                     following homology-directed repair          (Table 1). As zebrafish are also relatively
zebrafish mutant alleles and made                    (HDR), can result in precise gene edits.    transparent and develop externally,
them available to the community,                     Because zebrafish develop externally,       development can be easily observed

14                                                               Discoveries 2020
in real-time. With these two attributes,     cartilage and bone until later stages,                  important for proper tendon formation,45
use of transgenic reporters for particular   it has the same somitic compartments,                   and cyp26b1 loss of function studies
cell types and proteins have provided        s c l e r o t o m e , s y n d e t o m e , 48 a n d      suggest that retinoic acid is required for
an unmatched ability to visualize the        myotome, fated to become skeletal,                      tendon cell condensation.61,62 Recent
dynamics of skeletal patterning and          tendon, and muscle tissues as in higher                 studies have shown that mechanical
regeneration. These advantages also          vertebrates. Prior to 5 dpf, the axial                  force, through release of TGF-β,
permit the visualization of cell behaviors   musculoskeletal structures primarily are                regulates the formation of tendon cell
in specific genetic contexts to gain         composed of muscle and myosepta, a                      projections, which are thought to be
mechanistic understanding of disease         scleraxis-expressing myotendinous                       involved in extracellular matrix (ECM)
etiology.                                    tissue that links the myomeres.49,50 The                production.31 In the adult, the cranial
    Because of their small size and low      bony elements form through direct/                      tendons have similar ultrastructure to
cost, zebrafish are also amenable to         intramembranous ossification, or via                    mammalian tendons with highly ordered
drug discovery via chemical screens.         a cartilage or cartilage-like template                  type I collagen fibrils observed by
In such screens, large libraries of small    (e.g., via perichondral or endochondral                 transmission electron microscopy.45 In
molecules are tested to identify specific    o s s i f i c a t i o n ) . 51-54 T h e m o d e s o f   addition, they can be readily visualized
compounds that affect gene function or       ossification can differ in zebrafish                    using second harmonic generation
developmental processes. In a typical        and mammals in similar bones. For                       (SHG) imaging (Fig. 1F).
screen, zebrafish embryos/larvae are         example, in mouse, the vertebrae                            Analogous to higher vertebrates,
dispensed into 48- or 96- well plates,       form by endochondral ossification,55                    striated muscle of zebrafish contain
drugs are administered by adding             in zebrafish, vertebrae form by direct                  three main components: contractile
them to the water, and phenotypes            mineralization of the notochord sheath                  proteins, lipids, and connective
are assessed (e.g., via morphological,       (perichordal ossification), without                     tissue.63 Vertebrae are connected by
fluorescent, or behavioral readouts).        passing through a cartilaginous                         intervertebral ligaments. 64 Zebrafish
This strategy can be adapted                 stage.56 In some bones, osteoblasts                     possess both slow- and fast-twitch
to adults. 40,41 The identification of       and osteoclasts act in concert to model                 muscle fibers, which are topographically
dorsomorphin as a selective inhibitor        bone shape into adulthood.57 Although                   separated. 65 Together with cellular
of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)          uncommon, osteon-like structures                        mineralized bone tissue, muscles,
type I receptors were discovered in a        in zebrafish have been reported for                     tendon, and other soft tissues, the
large zebrafish chemical screen and led      lateral ethmoid bone.54 Notably, these                  zebrafish skeleton facilitates locomotion,
to the development of analogs for the        structures contained solely one lamella                 provides mechanical support, and
treatment of heterotopic ossification.42     and no osteocytes. Indeed, most                         protects internal organs. In Figure 2,
In another screen, phosphodiesterase         skeletal elements in adult zebrafish                    we compare the inter-vertebral space
(PDE) inhibitors were found to alter         skeletons are osteocytic and do not                     in the zebrafish and mouse as a case
phenotypes in a zebrafish model of           show osteons or hemiosteons indicative                  study of how skeletal structures in
Duchenne muscular dystrophy.43 See           of human-like secondary remodeling. In                  each species typically exhibit both
Wiley et al.44 for a recent review of        vertebrae of adult zebrafish, osteocyte                 morphophysiological similarities and
chemical screens in zebrafish.               lacunar orientation shows a preferred                   differences.
                                             orientation (Fig. 1E). 58 While the
Formation and Integration of the             mechanosensing and remodeling                               Conservation of Developmental
Zebrafish Musculoskeletal System             characteristics of osteocytic bone in                   programs
    Development and patterning               zebrafish remain to be fully understood,                    The molecules that govern
    Fully developed, the zebrafish           lacunae in zebrafish indicate smaller                   zebrafish skeletal development are
skeleton comprises several functional        volumes with less numerous canaliculi                   highly conserved with mammals.
groups including the cranial skeleton,       compared with mice and humans.                          Sox9, a transcription factor necessary
axial skeleton, caudal skeleton,                  Tendons are the tissue interface                   for chondrogenesis and skeletal
unpaired fins (dorsal, anal, the caudal      between the muscle and bone. 59                         development,66 has two co-orthologs
fins), paired fins (pectoral and pelvic      Concurrent to skeletal development,                     in the zebrafish, sox9a, and sox9b.
fins), and elasmoid scales (Fig. 1A-         transcripts of scleraxis a (scxa) are                   They are expressed in overlapping
D). As in all vertebrates, the zebrafish     found in the forming tendon cells                       and complementary patterns during
cranial skeleton and its associated          adjacent to the developing cartilage                    development with sox9a in the
connective tissues, tendons and              and muscle by two dpf. These cells                      pharyngeal arches and later restricted
ligaments, arise from the cranial neural     aggregate and differentiate, turning                    to the pre-chondrogenic mesenchyme
crest; the fin skeletal elements arise       on expression of tendon matrix genes,                   that will form the jaw cartilage and
from the lateral plate mesoderm, and         tenomodulin (tnmd), thrombospndin-4                     fin scapulocoracoid, and with sox9b
the myosepta and axial skeleton from         (tsp4b), and type I collagen (col1a1a/b,                in the premigratory neural crest and
somitic paraxial mesoderm. 45-47 The         col1a2).49,50 As in mammals, initiation                 fin endochondral disc. 7 The sox9a
cranial musculoskeletal system forms         of the axial tendon program depends                     expressing chondrocytes also express
rapidly and can function by 5 days           on signals from the muscle. Cranial                     col2a1 and are Alcian Blue positive
post fertilization (dpf). The pectoral       and fin tendons form in the absence of                  before three dpf. These skeletal
fin cartilage and muscles are also           muscle, but require muscle for tendon                   elements will undergo perichondral
developing at this time. Although            maintenance.45,60 FGF and transforming                  or endochondral ossification and later
the axial skeleton does not form             growth factor-β (TGF-β) are also                        become Alizarin red-positive cranial

                                                         Discoveries 2020                                                                  15
Figure 1: Imaging of tissue structure, composition, and quality. (A) Contact X-Ray of a juvenile zebrafish. The vertical line shows the histological plane for the
image in (D). (B) Microcomputed tomography (2µm isotropic voxel size) of an adult zebrafish skull. (C) Quantitative backscattered scanning electron imaging
(qBEI) in the spine of an adult zebrafish. Bone growth occurs at the vertebral endplates. (D) H&E stained section of the zebrafish trunk. Muscle fiber density
and cross-sectional muscle fiber area are readily assessed. (E) High-resolution imaging of a vertebral body via X-Ray Microscopy highlighting the osteocyte
lacunar network. The osteocyte-lacunar orientation may reflect orientation of collagen fibers, and loading patterns in zebrafish vertebrae. The lacunar orientation
follows a specific pattern, i.e. longitudinal orientation in the center of the vertebrae and circumferential orientation near the endplate regions. (F) An adult
tendon attached to the maxilla in zebrafish is imaged using in vivo Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) imaging, an indicator of type I collagen organization
and density. The right panel shows dual imaging of tendon in concert with osteoblasts (green: osteocalcin+ cells expressing the ocn:GFP transgene). [Color
figure can be viewed at]

bones. In perichondral ossification,                          The skeleton serves as a key organ                mammalian skeleton is acting as a site
perichondral cells become runx2a/b,                       which mediates systemic signaling                     of hematopoiesis, as well as fat storage,
osterix (sp7/osx), and collagen 10                        affecting the physiology. Although many               in the marrow cavities. Zebrafish
positive osteoblasts and initiate                         of these non-structural functions of the              possess bone marrow spaces,53 which
o s s i f i c a t i o n 67. S i m i l a r t o o t h e r   skeleton are just being identified, it                is evident in endochondral bones, which
vertebrates, indian hedgehog co-                          is clear that many have conservation                  are filled with fatty tissue.54 However,
orthologs (ihha/b) are expressed by                       between humans and zebrafish.                         unlike in humans, this is never colonized
chondrocytes and are thought to signal                    One key function of the skeleton is                   by hematopoietic stem cells (HSC).
to patched, Hh receptors (ptc1/2) in                      to facilitate mineral homeostasis.                    Thus, zebrafish bone marrow spaces
the perichondrium and mediate bone                        The skeleton participates in part by                  lack hematopoietic tissue.53 A number
formation.68,69 Other cranial elements,                   regulating phosphate homeostasis in the               of zebrafish bones possess adipocytes
such as the maxilla undergo direct                        kidney through bone-kidney crosstalk.                 within their marrow spaces,54 however,
intramembranous ossification via osx-                     There is evidence that Fgf23, which                   it is unknown whether this adiposity
expressing osteoblasts.54,70 For many of                  in humans and mice, is synthesized                    responds to the metabolic demands,
these genes and cell types, reporter and                  in osteocytes and regulates kidney                    as it does in mice.72 Finally, the skeleton
lineage-tracing transgenic zebrafish                      phosphate reabsorption, also regulates                can regulate the metabolic processes
lines have been generated, which,                         phosphate homeostasis in zebrafish.71                 independent of mineral metabolism. For
along with the optical access provided                    In mammals, the skeleton also serves                  instance, the bone-derived hormone
by zebrafish, allow unprecedented                         as a calcium and phosphorus reservoir.                osteocalcin has been implicated in
ability to visualize skeletogenesis (Fig.                 Because calcium regulation can occur                  glucose homeostasis, cognition, and
3).                                                       through the gills in fish, compared with              male fertility.73 Whether the zebrafish
                                                          humans, the physiological role of the                 skeleton functions as an endocrine
   Physiology During Development                          skeleton in calcium homeostasis in                    organ through osteocalcin secretion
and in Homeostasis                                        fish may differ.53 Another function of the            requires further investigation.

16                                                                  Discoveries 2020
Aging                                    specific for neutrophils (mpx:GFPi114Tg)83   been established to force exercise and
     Compared with early development,         or macrophages (mpeg:eGFP).84 There          stimulate natural modes of skeletal
processes such as homeostasis and             are also several methods to functionally     loading in zebrafish. In this way, the
aging have not been studied in depth          deplete immune cell populations              complex interplay of cellular, structural,
in the zebrafish. As certain debilitating     (reviewed in Keightley et al.80), which      and compositional bone characteristics
conditions arise in the skeleton as a         can permit temporal control over cell        can be assessed using multiscale
function of age, such as osteopenia           type-specific cell ablation to assess        approaches in zebrafish to study the
and osteoporosis, the ability of the          the role of immune cell populations          effects of genetic and environmental
zebrafish to model components of              at different stages of the regenerative      interactions on the skeletal system
these processes could be important.           process, as has been performed for tail      in vivo. During early development in
Zebrafish typically have a lifespan           fin regeneration.85                          zebrafish, swim training alters timing
of approximately 2-3 years (though                 Zebrafish have a significant capacity   of skeletogenesis.92 In adult zebrafish,
5 years or more is possible),74 and           for epimorphic regeneration.3,14 One         swim training increases vertebral bone
exhibit growth throughout life. There is      example is the caudal fin, which             formation and alters quality.58 Moreover,
evidence that zebrafish skeletal function     regenerates following amputation.86          this type of forced exercise also induces
declines with age. For instance, tendon       Similar to salamander limb                   muscle adaptations in adult zebrafish.93
mechanical properties diminish with           regeneration, fin regeneration involves      This paradigm opens up avenues for
age.75 Moreover, alterations of vertebral     a heterogeneous pool of progenitors          genetic and small molecule screens to
bone and disc are observed in aged            called the blastema, which is comprised,     identify signaling pathways critical for
zebrafish.76 The bone dependence on           at least in part, of mature cells at the     musculoskeletal adaptation to loading
estrogen has been modeled in another          amputation stump that dedifferentiated,      and exercise.
small teleost, medaka, and thus the           including osteoblasts. 36 A variety of
basic properties of the etiology are          pathways known to be important               Phenotyping
likely present in zebrafish.77 With more      for skeletogenesis in mammals are                MicroCT
analysis of late developmental stages,        recapitulated during fin redevelopment,          The three dimensional (3D)-high-
it is likely more insight will emerge from    as reviewed in Watson et al. 86 An           resolution micro-computed tomography
the zebrafish into how the skeletal           intact musculoskeletal system is             has become established as a powerful
system ages and its consequences.             required for normal regeneration as          method to assess bone morphology
                                              zebrafish subjected to injection of          and microstructure in zebrafish.18,58,94,95
     Regeneration and Repair                  botulinum toxin, which inhibits synaptic     Using a 5 μm voxel size, bone structure
     Zebrafish have not been used as          release at cholinergic nerves, exhibit       indices as vertebral bone volume,
a common model for understanding              impaired regeneration.87 This model          thickness, and eccentricity can be
human fracture repair. This is in part due    has also revealed the existence of           characterized.18,58 Neural arch area,
to lack of accessible long bones, as well     mesenchymal progenitor populations           which reflects modeling arising from
as its high regenerative capacity, which      within specific regions that robustly        osteoblast and osteoclast activity, can
may utilize different repair mechanisms       respond to injury and generate new           also be captured.94 Because of their
than in mammals. Previous studies             osx+ osteoblasts.88,89 Dedifferentiation     small size, whole body, high-resolution
have examined the repair properties           of mature osteoblasts also occurs            scans are readily acquired.95 Software
of damaged membranous bones of                during repair of zebrafish fin fractures     for semi-automated segmentation
the skull roof78 as well as mandible.79       and skull injuries.78 While osteoblast       enables in-depth phenotyping at a large
Although these are not directly               dedifferentiation is more limited in         number of skeletal sites. By quantifying
comparable with analysis of long bone         mammals, fin repair after fracture           hundreds of measures this was shown to
fractures studied in mouse and most           exhibits some similarities to mammalian      increase the sensitivity in discriminating
commonly seen in patients, there were         long bone fracture, including formation      mutant populations.95 Moreover, the
some similarities in terms of the genes       of a remodeling callus,90 and recruitment    osteocyte lacunar network in the
and cell types involved. For example,         of osteoclasts.91 Recently, it was shown     vertebral tissue can be imaged at high
runx2+ cells in the periosteum were           that neutrophils dynamically colonize        resolution with lab-based nano-CTs and
likely involved in new bone formation         the fracture site. When infected with        3D X-ray Microscopy (3DXRM). The
and proper formation of the cartilage         Staphylococcus aureus, neutrophils           orientation of the osteocyte lacunae
callus relied upon Indian hedgehog a          were retained in the fracture site and       in relation to the long and short axis of
(ihha).79 In addition to examination of       repair was reduced.91 Further studies        the vertebral bodies, sphericity, mean
intrinsic regenerative mechanisms, the        examining the utility of the fin fracture    lacunar volume and lacunar density can
transparency of the zebrafish permits         model to study the aspects of fracture       be quantified.18,58 Finally, synchrotron-
the analysis of extrinsic cell populations    biology are warranted.                       based X-ray microCT, when combined
in the healing process. Studies have                                                       with tissue-contrast stains, can yield
shown that the immune system plays               Musculoskeletal Loading                   whole-organism images suitable for
an important role in mediating tissue            While the zebrafish skeleton has a        cell-level quantitative histological
regeneration. 80,81 Visualization of          reduced role in resisting gravitational      phenotyping in zebrafish.96
immune infiltration after injury can          loads relative to humans, there is
be accomplished through the use of            evidence that the zebrafish skeleton            Histomorphometry
transgenic reporter lines that either label   can respond to exercise, as well as             In zebrafish, histologic sections
all leukocytes (cd45:DsRed)82 or are          disuse. Swim training routines have          stained using von Kossa/van

                                                       Discoveries 2020                                                           17
Figure 2: Comparison of the intervertebral disc (IVD) in mouse and zebrafish. (A-A’) and (B-B’): Midline section of a Safranin-O/Fast green staining of an
intervertebral disc region in mouse (6-months) (A-A’) and zebrafish (1-year) (B-B’). (C) and (D): Cartoon schematic of insets for mouse (C) and zebrafish (D). In
mouse, the IVD is composed of a proteoglycan-rich lamellar fibrocartilaginous cartilage called the annulus fibrosus (AF) which surrounds the nucleus pulposus
(NP) joins adjacent bony vertebrae at the level of the cartilaginous end plate (CEP). Zebrafish IVD retains notochord-derived vacuolated cells embedded in a
fibrocartilaginous matrix, however, there is no NP-like structure observed in zebrafish. An analogous structure to the outer AF layer in is observed as a small
acellular intervertebral ligament (IVL). Histologically, the NP in mouse appears to be composed of: an outer tissue layer which stains for Safranin-O (orange in
(C)); an inner cell layer (dotted red line in (C)); and an inner tissue layer that does not stain well for Safranin-O (yellow in (C)). In contrast, the zebrafish IVD has
only weak Safranin-O staining (magenta in (B’, D)) in an interior region adjacent to the intervertebral ligament (IVL) (B’, blue in (D)). Twist positive osteoblast
progenitor cells ((Tw+)ObP) are observed adjacent to the IVL. AF, annulus fibrosis; CEP, cartilaginous endplate; GP, growth plate; IVL, intervertebral ligament;
NP, nucleus pulposus; (Tw+)ObP, twist positive osteoblast progenitors; vert, vertebrae. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Gieson, Goldner’s modified Masson-                        the mean calcium content in the                                OI is a disease of the collagen
trichrome, and toluidine blue enable                      mineralized bone tissue, as well as                       matrix, which results in brittle bones
static bone histomorphometry, and                         the homogeneity of mineralization18,58.                   and skeletal deformities. In humans,
is performed in accordance with                           Vibrational spectroscopy methods (e.g. ,                  collagen type I is a heterotrimer
standardized nomenclature set                             Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy                   composed by two alpha chains, α1(I)
forth by the ASBMR nomenclature                           (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy)                            and α2(I), which trimerize in a 2:1
committee for practitioners of bone                       have also been adapted to zebrafish                       ratio, respectively, to form a fibril with a
histomorphometry.97 Calcein labeling                      bone. 18,98 Parameters such as the                        triple-helix structure. In zebrafish, the
or double labeling with calcien and                       mineral-to-matrix-ratio, carbonate-                       collagen type I triple helix is composed
Alizarin Red S can be performed and                       to-phosphate ratio, cross-link-ratio                      of three α chains, α1(I), α2(I), and
double labels can be evaluated for                        (collagen maturity), and crystallinity                    α3(I), which are encoded for by the
dynamic bone histomorphometry.18,58                       (purity, size of mineral crystals) of                     genes col1a1a, col1a2, and col1a1b,
Such an approach was used to quantify                     the bone were shown to provide                            respectively.99 Most human patients with
increases in mineral apposition rate                      information about the molecular and                       OI are attributed to mutations in type I
(MAR), mineralizing surface per bone                      compositional bone characteristics.18                     collagens, with the majority of mutations
surface (MS/BS), and bone formation                       Finally, nanoindentation of vertebrae                     disrupting the conserved Gly-X-Y motifs
rate (BFR) at the vertebral endplates                     can be performed in zebrafish to                          responsible for fibrillar assembly of the
in zebrafish subjected to swimming                        assess local mechanical and material                      collagen heterotrimers.100 In zebrafish,
exercise.58                                               properties such as Young’s modulus                        several dominant mutants have been
                                                          (elastic modulus), hardness, and                          identified carrying heterozygous glycine
   Assessment of Bone Composition,                        fracture toughness.18 The biomechanical                   substitution in the α1 chain of collagen
Mineral Density Distribution, and                         properties of zebrafish cranial tendons                   type I, and which exhibit severe,
Mechanical Properties                                     can also be measured. A maxillary                         pathological features of classical OI.
   Recently, quantitative backscattered                   tendon was found to have stress-strain                    This was demonstrated in the chihuahua
electron imaging (qBEI) has been                          nonlinearity and a linear modulus                         mutant, which exhibited changes in
established as an effective means to                      similar to mammalian tendon data.75                       vertebral tissue composition.18 A large
measure the bone mineral density                                                                                    panel of zebrafish mutants of col1a1
distribution in zebrafish. 18,58 Gray                     Disease Applications                                      genes with qualitative and quantitative
value histograms were used to assess                         Collagenopathies                                       defects in collagen type I have been

18                                                                    Discoveries 2020
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