DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...

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DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
directions                       Fall 2020

Responding to a crisis
 During this exceptional time, JFCS remains
 committed to our mission, safely providing
 critical resources and support with boundless
 To read how JFCS has adapted our service model to
 the COVID-19 pandemic, turn to pages 27-29

                                Also inside
                             Finding new ways to
                            provide resources and
                            celebrate graduations

                             Friends of the Family:
                           Carole Davidson, Dawn
                            and Danny Zouber and
                           family to be honored at
                              32nd Annual (Virtual)

                              Attorney set back by
                              mental illness makes
                                progress with help
                                         from JFCS

                                  JFCS Counselor:
                                      How to talk
                                    with your kids
                                     about racism
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
Inside this Issue
                                        6-7 ParentChild+
                                                 Finding new ways to provide resources –and celebrate graduations too!

                                        8-9 Friends of the Family Award
                                                 Carole Davidson, Dawn and Danny Zouber and family will be honored at the (virtual)
                                                 JFCS 32nd Annual Benefit

                                         10 Mental Health Support Services

                                          11 Caring Connections
                                                 Longtime Caring Connections participants mark 40 years of friendship

                                          12 Honor/Memorial Card Tributes

                                         20 Endowment Funds

                                         26 How to talk with white kids about racism

                                    27-29 Responding to crisis
                                                 A guide to how JFCS has remained committed to our mission and provided critical
                                                 resources and confidential support with boundless compassion during this exceptional time

                                          31 Introducing the JFCS Parent Coaching service

directions magazine is published by Jewish Family and Children’s Service                                                       JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA
of Minneapolis, a beneficiary of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation.
                                                                                                                               FACEBOOK jfcsminneapolis
Board President                     Writer/Editor
Jeff Barin                          Marc Ingber
                                                                                                                               LINKEDIN Jewish Family and
Chief Executive Officer             Graphic Designers                                                                          Children's Service of Minneapolis
Judy Halper                         Stowe Silver
Communications Director             Megan Wiese
                                                                                                                               INSTAGRAM jfcsminneapolis
Lori Leavitt                                                               JFCS is committed to the inclusion of all people.

                                                                                                                        directions • Fall 2020 3
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
pandemic and brutal killing of George Floyd and
                                                                 subsequent protests demanding changes to the systemic
                                                                 racism rooted in so many components of our daily lives,
                                                                 has necessarily consumed us, and requires us to live in
                                                                 discomfort as we commit to change and reform.
                                                                 You might be wondering how the pandemic and civil
                                                                 unrest has impacted Jewish Family and Children’s Service
                                                                 of Minneapolis. With an innovative spirit and loads of
                                                                 compassion, staff members have approached the service
                                                                 they have always provided with continued professionalism
                                                                 and commitment. To name a few examples, Garber
                                                                 Transportation drivers are delivering groceries to their
                                                                 older passengers, who previously would have been taken
                                                                 to the grocery store; care coordinators for seniors are
From Judy’s desk                                                 teaching online ordering for necessary items; our Family
                                                                 Life Educator is providing online parenting tips to
                                                                 address anxiety, racism awareness, and safety for every
My immigrant grandmother was very proud to be an                 age group; emergency financial assistance and food boxes
American. Though she grew up in a small town in                  are being distributed with greater ease; staff are providing
Lithuania and emigrated as a teen with her mother and            Zoom and Facetime therapy sessions, career counseling
siblings around the turn of the 20th century, I didn’t           sessions and case management.
really think of her as an immigrant. That might be               JFCS was ready to operate remotely in every area of our
because I only knew her in my childhood (she died when           service delivery, though we never imagined we’d be doing
I was 9 years old) and she was simply my “Bubbe.” Or it          so! We are sincerely committed to addressing diversity,
might be because of how I’ve learned of her over many            equity and inclusion. Recognizing that JFCS is “Here For
years through the memories of my mother.                         All. Always,” is not just our tagline, but our commitment
Many stories of her have been passed down, reminding             to serving our clients, seeing our staff, and inviting
me that this is what’s meant by the term “continuity.”           greater involvement. We are advocating for systemic
Judaism teaches that even in death, life continues through       change to benefit all of us, and in service to our guiding
memory and by leaving a “good name.” My Bubbe left               value of Tikkun Olam, repair of the world.
a comfortable Lithuanian home and lifestyle (in spite of         My grandmother mostly spoke English, but occasionally
anti-Semitism and denial of opportunity) in order to live        she communicated in her native tongue, Yiddish. She
a freer, safer, better life in the United States.                had a great response to adversity that translates from
She met another immigrant in her chosen new home who             Yiddish like this—if everyone gathered up their troubles
captured her heart, and together, she and my grandfather         and brought them to the city dump, they’d look around
built a life and family that would succeed well beyond           at everyone else’s troubles and bring their own back with
what they thought possible. They struggled with poverty          them. She recognized that our perspective is clouded
and frequent unemployment due to the Great Depression            by our own unique experiences, and that our troubles
and discrimination against “foreigners.” But their               are often no worse (and maybe better) than others’ – an
children, first generation Americans, assimilated, worked        outlook I appreciate. In fighting for justice and equality,
hard, and achieved comfort.                                      we must do more than gather up our own troubles – we
                                                                 must recognize the struggles others encounter, which
My story is not an uncommon one. There are many
                                                                 we might inadvertently contribute to, and try to create
similar stories of immigration that occurred during the
                                                                 something better. Join us at JFCS in this effort, and
early 1900s. Clearly, there are many more stories of
                                                                 be sure to share all we’re doing with your friends and
immigration and refugee experiences before and after
that period of time. I feel certain there is clearly no better
time to think deeply about these stories than now—at
this moment of inflection in our nation, our communities,
and within ourselves. The confluence of the COVID-19
                                                                      Judy Halper, JFCS Chief Executive Officer

4 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
Counseling Services

 As my husband’s caregiver, I feel
 lonely and exhausted without any
         help from outside
                                              Living alone, it is hard
		         caregivers and visitors.
                                                not being able to spend time
                                                     with friends and family,
                                                 especially my grandkids.
                                                   I sometimes feel so isolated.

    I have lost friends since
    the pandemic hit. Grieving and
       attending funerals and shivas
        via Zoom is overwhelming.
                                                      I have missed many family
                                                        simchas, weddings and
                                                        graduations. How will I
                                                       get through the upcoming

                                       I don’t know where to begin.

                                                                    just call

                                             Highly skilled, licensed and
                                             confidential, compassionate care

                                             Independent older adults face challenges unique to
                                             living through the COVID-19 pandemic. Extreme
                                             physical distancing measures have many feeling
                                             sad, anxious and isolated. JFCS counselors are
                                             expertly trained and can help you feel better during
                                             this unprecedented time. We provide confidential
                                             remote therapy, including teletherapy, for people of
                                             all backgrounds and ages. We accept most insur-
                                             ance, including Medicare. Here for all. Always.

DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
ParentChild+ adapts to provide services
during pandemic and graduates 93 families
   Starting March 18,        transmission of the novel
JFCS and our four            coronavirus and support
Greater Minnesota part-      physical distancing. As
ners transformed our         staff connected with
service delivery model so    families, they also found
that we could continue to    out what resources fam-
provide services through     ilies needed during the
virtual visits, which in-    pandemic and helped get
cluded safe, physically      them connected. Some
distant delivery of educa-   staff even partnered with
tional books and toys to     local food shelves to de-
participants. This change    liver needed groceries to
in operations was consis-    families along with the
tent with community and      books and toys.
global efforts to curb the
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
In June, ParentChild+ celebrated
the graduation of 93 children and their
families who completed the full two-year
program; our partner site in Cass County
celebrated with their 11 graduates. The
COVID-19 pandemic restricted us from
celebrating in a large group gathering, but
ParentChild+ staff found unique ways to
honor each individual graduating family.
All staff followed safety protocols to
provide home deliveries of graduation hats
and backpacks for each graduating child,
photo buttons for the parents and a framed
certificate of completion for the family.
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
Serving the community with JFCS:
  A family tradition for 30 years
  Dawn and Danny Zouber, along with Dawn’s
  mother, Carole Davidson, to be honored with JFCS
  Friends of the Family Award at 32nd Annual Benefit

8 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
For Dawn and Danny Zouber, support-           year now thanks to the efforts of the JFCS         it has meant to experience the tragedy of
ing and volunteering with Jewish Family         NextGen program.                                   addiction,” said Judy Halper, JFCS CEO.
and Children’s Service of Minneapolis has          Dawn has served on the Benefit Plan-            “They have been bold about discussing ad-
been a family endeavor ever since they were     ning Committee for many years and now              diction, recognizing the ‘shanda’ (stigma)
introduced to the agency by Dawn’s mother,      she and Danny’s kids sell raffle tickets at        it has been in the Jewish community to do
Carole Davidson.                                the event each year. “It’s a true example of       so and wanting this to change.”
  Carole first got involved with JFCS almost    l’dor v’dor (from generation to generation),”         While the program is still new, Carole, who
30 years ago, volunteering to drive clients     she said. “If you find your connection and         is volunteering as a Peer Recovery Coach,
to JFCS’ annual Mental Health Support           get involved, it’s so nice to ask a friend         hopes it continues to grow to include group
Services’ (MHSS) Chanukah and Pass-             or family member to join you. It’s been            meetings and more. “Group meetings can
over events. She eventually started chairing    a really wonderful relationship with the           do wonders,” she said. “You’re all relating
these events, as well as others, including      organization.”                                     to the same thing. You don’t sound out of
the JFCS Annual Benefit. “I started with           After starting with the MHSS events and         place. I hope we get to that place eventually.”
that first event, and just kept going,” she     the Benefit, Dawn and Danny continued                 Despite the family’s many years of sup-
said. “I can’t believe it’s been 30 years. I    to get more involved with JFCS over the            porting JFCS, Dawn and Danny said
love the agency, so it’s a no-brainer to keep   years. Danny joined the Jewish Commu-              they were both surprised to find out that
volunteering for it.”                           nity Foundation’s Investment Committee,            they were being named JFCS’ Friends of
  Dawn and Danny’s introduction to JFCS         representing JFCS. He served more than             the Family honorees at this year’s Annual
was through the MHSS events as well, where      10 years on the JFCS Board and eventually          Benefit. However, the best part was that
Danny’s uncle was a client in the program.      became Board President in 2015. “When              they were receiving the honor along with
“Going to that first Seder, I was hooked,”      you start something, you don’t expect to get       Carole. “The fact that it was in conjunction
he said. “I saw how happy everyone was.”        to that point,” he said. “It was a big family      with Carole made it 20 times more special,”
  They also volunteered driving clients to      decision in terms of the time commitment,          Danny said.
the events. “It was emotional for me be-        but it was something I couldn’t pass up.”             “I was emotional and shocked,” Dawn
cause we loved having the conversations in         Another service area the family has been        said. “We’ve never been involved to get any
the car with the participants,” Dawn said.      very involved in is addiction services. Carole’s   recognition. I was humbled that we made
“I came to realize that JFCS was giving         son (and Dawn’s brother), Jesse, died from a       a difference.”
Jewish people with mental health issues         substance abuse addiction several years ago.          Halper said the family was more than
an opportunity to stay connected to their       At the time, JFCS didn’t have a program            deserving and has always matched their
religion and celebrate the holidays.”           specifically focused on addiction services.        philanthropy with volunteering commit-
  After Carole started volunteering for the        After Jesse passed away, Dawn talked to         ments. “They have supported JFCS con-
Benefit, she had Dawn and Danny come            JFCS leadership about starting an addiction        sistently over several decades, and done so
with her to the event. They were in their       services program at JFCS. She and Carole           with genuine humbleness,” she said. “As
early 20s at the time, an age range that        served on the task force that led to the cre-      a multi-generational family, they are so
attended the event in small numbers those       ation of the Jewish Community Addiction            deserving of this honor.”
days. They are thrilled to see that many        Services program, which launched in 2019.
more young adults attend the Benefit each       “Both Carole and Dawn have shared what

                                                                                                                  directions • Fall 2020 9
DirectionsFall 2020 Responding to a crisis - Jewish Family and Children's Service of ...
Long-time attorney set back by mental illness
makes progress with help from JFCS
The Mental Health Support Services (MHSS) program assists adults
living with mental health challenges

   T     here of course is no such as thing as a “typical” person
         who experiences mental illness, since it affects people
from all walks of life. But if there is a stereotype for someone
                                                                    individuals connect with a wide range of services for them that
                                                                    help promote and maintain independence, stability and health.
                                                                    We encourage and promote maintaining healthy relationships
who fits this description, it’s definitely not Liz.                 with family, friends and the community. Liz calls Fatuma her
    Liz (an alias) was a successful attorney for many years         “guardian angel.”
before being diagnosed with bipolar-1 at age 42. Now 55, she           “My first impression of Fatuma was amazing,” she said. “I
has not been able to work full-time since being diagnosed, and      had crap all around my house. It looked like a frat house, but I
in that time, has experienced several manic episodes and been       never felt judged by her.” Fatuma visits Liz once a month and
hospitalized a few times. However, she is making progress           helps her with everything from navigating the state’s disability
thanks to support from JFCS’ Mental Health Support Services         assistance system and tax filing assistance programs to setting
(MHSS) program.                                                     up appointments with dentists, optometrists and more. Last
    “Mental illness is the great leveler,” Liz                                        Christmas, Fatuma helped Liz receive gifts
said. “Here I was, the attorney. Did I                                                       from JFCS’ Hag Sameach program.
think I would be in this position?                                                                “She’s really good at listening and
No. Does anyone think                                                                          problem solving,” Liz said. “She
they’re going to be in this                                                                     doesn’t judge me. But it’s not just
position?”                                                                                         helping me get through red tape.
    In hindsight, one of                                                                                Fatuma is another layer of
her therapists told her                                                                                    support emotionally.”
she was lucky to have                                                                                          Liz enjoys writing and
a successful career up                                                                                     has taken classes at The
until age 42. Liz thinks                                                                                 Loft Literary Center. She is
it was the stress of her job                                                                              currently working on a novel
that possibly “tipped” her                                                                                  about living with bi-polar
into mental illness. “I was                                                                                 disorder that is partially
talking really fast, moving                                                                                fiction and partially based
fast, working 18 hour days.                                                                            on her own experiences. “Liz
Sleeping very little,” she said.                                                                is an amazing writer,” Fatuma said.
    The National Alliance on                                                                   “All the strength she has shown in
Mental Illness (NAMI) was the                                                                   the past year is amazing. Liz is in
agency that referred Liz to JFCS in                                                               the driver’s seat of her care. We’re
December 2018. Fatuma Noor was assigned                                                              just her supporters.”
to be Liz’s case manager. With our MHSS
program, professional case managers
assist adults living with mental illness
by coordinating care and helping

10 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Caring Connections participants                                                                        GOES VIRTUAL

mark 40 years of friendship at the                                                                     Caring Connections participants, like
                                                                                                       everyone else, are adjusting to their

place it all started – Perkins                                                                         lives during the pandemic. Many feel
                                                                                                       isolated and are getting accustomed
                                                                                                       to their new normal. They are missing
                                                                                                       their everyday routines, such as work-

  M       any people have been regular
          participants at JFCS Caring
Connections events, but few have
                                                                                                       ing, attending their day programs, or
                                                                                                       spending time with friends and family.
                                                                                                       Many participants were looking for-
been going longer than Rico, one of                                                                    ward to not only attending the Caring
the program’s original participants,                                                                   Connections annual Seder, but all the
who has been attending its events for                                                                  other Caring Connections summer
30 years! As amazing as that is, just                                                                  events as well, which were all cancelled.
as amazing is that he’s been coming
with the same volunteer companion for                                                                  To help with the disappointment and
all 30 of those years, Phil Goldman.                                                                   isolation that Caring Connections mem-
   The Caring Connections program                                                                      bers were feeling, JFCS Inclusion Pro-
provides opportunities for Jewish                                                                      gram Manager Stacey Spencer (pictured
adults with disabilities to take part                                                                  below) created a Caring Connections
in social and educational events and                                                                   Facebook group page and invited the
engage with the Jewish community               Rico (right), along with his friend, Phil, (left) are   same Seder leader back to lead the
for holidays and tradi­tions. Rico loves               regular attendees of JFCS’ programs for         creative and uplifting Seder virtually
attending the events with Phil – it                                      adults with disabilities      on Facebook!
is one of several ways the two have
remained connected for decades.                                                                        Not only did Caring Connections par-
   When Phil first moved to the Twin Cities cars); the State Fair a bunch of years; the                ticipants join in on the Seder, but their
from Madison many years ago, he responded St. Paul Winter Carnival and plenty of other                 families, friends, group home house-
to a posting from the non-profit now known events too. They typically meet in person ev-               mates and staff joined in as well. It was
as The Arc Minnesota looking for volunteers ery few months, but talk on the phone every                an interactive, fun and heartwarming
to take on a one-year commitment to serve single Tuesday – always starting exactly at                  virtual event, and over 150 positive
as a friend to a client. When Arc asked if he 7:04 p.m. on Rico’s digital clock – the way              comments were made during the Seder.
had any preferences, in terms of age, etc., he he prefers it.                                          The event was so inclusive and inviting,
suggested that it would be nice if there were       In addition to classic cars, one of Rico’s         the Seder was followed up by other
any Jewish participants he might be teamed favorite topics is 1950s westerns. “There is                Facebook events – a musical Kabbalat
up with, which immediately prompted the not a factoid about 50s westerns he doesn’t                    Shabbat sing-a-long, a “Havdalah by
thought of Rico.                                  know,” Phil said. “James Arness from ‘Gun-           the Campfire,” and more!
    “That one-year commitment has turned smoke’ – he knows what year he was born
into a 40-year friendship,” Phil said. “We and what year he died.”                                     “Everyone enjoys seeing and interacting
forged a friendship. It never really felt like      Everyone knows Rico at Caring Connec-              with their friends and engaging song
a commitment at all. I’ve known him longer tions events. He’s outgoing and likes to ask                leader, which helps participants feel
than my wife, my kids. Pretty much every- everyone their birthday. Before even saying                  connected to our Jewish community
body. He went to both my kids’ Bar and hi to her, he always asks JFCS Inclusion                        and their Judaism, even during the
Bat Mitzvahs.”                                    Program Manager Stacey Spencer when the              pandemic,” Stacey said.
   Their first meeting ever was at the Perkins next program event is. “Caring Connections
in Golden Valley off of I-394 when Rico helps me connect with the Jewish community,”                   Caring Connections is looking for vol-
was 26 and Phil was 27. They are now in said Rico, who is the only Jewish resident                     unteers from the community to lead
their 60s. The two go to this Perkins on the in his building. “I get to see lots of Jewish             more virtual events – magic, comedy,
anniversary of this date every January – this friends of mine.”                                        art or cooking demonstrations, or other
year marked 40 years.                               During the pandemic, Phil has made sure            ideas you have! For more information
   Rico has an amazing knack for remember- to stay in contact with Rico, which has helped              contact Stacey Spencer at sspencer@
ing days and dates of the week, going back him feel less isolated. Phil has been creative     or 952-542-4845.
decades. Meet him and he’ll be sure to ask and added a western movie trivia game into
you what date you were born and he’ll know their weekly 7:04 p.m. phone call. After 40
what day of the week it was. “January 16…. years of friendship, both know their bond
on a Wednesday” is how he describes he and will continue on long into the future.
Phil’s first meeting back in 1980.                  “For the 50th anniversary, Rico likes to
   Besides Caring Connections events, Phil promise he’s going to take me to Jax (steak-
and Rico have gone to the Twin Cities Auto house),” Phil said. “He’s been saying he’s
Show together for 34 years (Rico likes classic going to take me for 40 years.”

                                                                                                       directions • Fall 2020 11
Evelyn Bernstein             Lisa Goldish &               Judy Feinberg
                               In Honor Of                     Special Birthday              Leibel Cohen                A Fun Day
                                                               Randi & Barry Wolfish        Wedding Anniversary          Ricki Butwinick
Honor/Memorial Card Tributes   Sheri & Steve Abrams
                               20th Wedding Anniversary
                               Linda & Tom Sklar
                                                               Kara & Ted Bigos
                                                                                            Barbara & Lee Bearmon
                                                                                            Bobby & Elliot Cohen
                                                                                                                         Al Feldman
                                                                                                                         Special Birthday
                               Allen Ackerman                  Diane & Alan Miller          New Home                     Stuart Bader & Rick Werlin
                               70th Birthday                                                Linda & Miles Braufman       Kerry & Scott Bader
                                                               Randi & Alan Birk                                         Marcia & Mark Cherniack
                               Evie & Alan Ingber              45th Wedding Anniversary     Paula Cohen                  Marilyn Marker &
                               Floyd Adelman                   Marilyn Marker &             Birthday                      Bud Shapiro
                               Special Birthday                 Bud Shapiro                 Amy & David Cohen            Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
                               Susan & Richard Proman          Sura Fraida & Arnie Blatt    Neil Covin                   Gerry & Sheldon Feldman
                               Gert Alch                       Birth of Great-Grandson      75th Birthday                Birth of Great-Grandson Jack
                               100th Birthday                   Ariel Matteo Hazzout        Lisa & Glenn Aronauer         David Johnson
                               Ann & Neil Covin                Charlotte & Richard          Rita & Larry Covin           Marian Altrowitz
                                                                Berman                      Avis & Robert Held
                               Loni Ansel                      Fran & Marvin Burstein       Janie & Orrin Kirschbaum     Sue Feldman
                               Special Birthday                Paula & Robert Maisel        Sandy & Jason Sondell        Granddaughter Chloe’s
                               Rita & Larry Covin                                           Adrienne Summerfield          Bat Mitzvah
                               Judy & Michael Emmons           Joanne Blindman              Jill & Stephen Wolpert       Linda & Miles Braufman
                               Judy & Jon Harris               90th Birthday
                               Joanie Levinsohn                Arlis Grossman               Elaine Dachis                Anna Ferdelman
                               Abbie Miller                    Deanna & Mark Miller         Special Birthday             Birth of Baby
                               Joyce Moscoe                    Lisa & Bruce Peilen          Judy & Michael Emmons        Angie Podvin & Tim Lester
                               Marcia & Allen Oleisky                                       Debbie Dachis Gold &
                                                               Peggy & Richard Bloom         Michael Gold                Leslie Fhima
                               Jana Rubin                      Birth of Grandson Asher                                   Dance Class
                                                                                            Linda & Tom Sklar
                               Jan & Fred Apple                Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin                                    Laura Thrane
                               Liz And Matt’s Engagement       Esta Miller                  Louis Dachis
                                                                                            Special Birthday             Bruce Fink
                                And Wedding                    Shussie & Allen                                           70th Birthday
                               Diane & Howard Korsh                                         Debbie Dachis Gold &
                                                                Blumenthal                   Michael Gold                Gail & Bill Ribnick
                               Bobbi & Robert Aronson          Birth of Great-Grandson
                                                                Noah James Stein            Toni S. Dachis               Beverly Finkelstein
                               Becoming Grandparents                                                                     Special Birthday
                               Elayne & Larry Chiat            Loni & Darrell Ansel         Birthday
                                                               Barbara & Zola Friedman      Elaine & Gary Dachis         Shirley Haskovitz
                               Lorraine Astren                                                                           George Fischbein
                               Birthday                        Joy Bratter                  Judith Daniels
                                                               Special Birthday             Special Birthday             95th Birthday
                               Barbara & Lee Bearmon                                                                     Susan & Bill Goldenberg
                                                               Marjorie & Don Frishberg     Abbie Miller
                               Richard Bachrach                Donamae Koppelman                                         Butch Fischman
                               Induction Into the Herzl Hall   Saralee Mogilner             Ida Davis
                                                                                            Birthday                     Special Birthday
                                of Fame                                                                                  Melanie Barry
                               Barbara & Zola Friedman         Casey Briskin                Barbara & Lee Bearmon
                                                               Exceptional Teaching                                      Paula & Robert Maisel
                               Jim Barnett                      Over 3 Decades              Carol Dobrin
                                                                                            Special Birthday             Linda & Mike Fiterman
                               70th Bithday                    Ann Cronmiller &                                          50th Wedding Anniversary
                               Mary & Bob Mersky                Robert Rees                 Karen & Morris Davidman
                                                                                                                         Bobby & Elliot Cohen
                               Kristine Bassett                Miriam Burke                 Robin & Mark Duffney
                                                                                            Birth of Granddaughter       Mike Fiterman
                               50th Birthday                   In Her Honor                                              Birthday
                               Linda & Les Fieldman            Sybil Rubin                  Linda & Miles Braufman
                                                                                                                         Barbara Stillman
                               Jane Harris & Jeff Bassin       Maxine Carson                Karen Dworsky
                                                                                            Bat Mitzvah                  Neal Frank
                               Birth of Grandson Bodhi         Special Birthday                                          Birthday
                               Elaine & Peter Levy             Gail Finney                  Ann Hunegs
                                                                                                                         Nancy & David Goldstein
                               Lee Bearmon                     Katie Cera                   Terry and Brooks Edwards
                                                                                            Max’s Upcoming Position As   Peter Frank
                               Birthday                        In Her Honor                                              70th Birthday
                               Paula & Michael Sieger          Nancy and David               Rabbi In 2021
                                                                                            Linda & Ron Mash             Avis & Robert Held
                               Janet & Joel Beezy                                                                        Sally Forbes Friedman
                               Wedding Anniversary             Carole Cera                  Jeanette Eisenberg
                                                                                            90th Birthday                Birth of Grandson Bodie
                               Sandra & David Marrinson        30 Years at JFCS                                          Stacey & David Spencer
                                                               Bobbie Goldfarb              Laurie & Ira Davis
                               Jane Benowitz                                                                             Bernice & Michael Frisch
                               Mother’s Day                    Morris & Chava Chait         Jeff Eisenberg
                                                                                            Birthday                     50th Wedding Anniversary
                               Your Children and
     The following              Grandchildren
                                                               In Their Honor
                                                               Susan Bernard                Heidi Wilensky & John        Ann Hunegs

     donations                 Toby Berman
                                                                                             Martin                      Rivi Galinson
                                                               Marcia & Mark Cherniack                                   Special Birthday
     were received             Special Birthday                Birth of Grandson David      Edward Engle
                                                                                                                         Carole & Marty Kaplan
                                                                                            Special Birthday
     between Jan. 1            Connie Berman                   Elaine & Gary Dachis
                                                                                            Linda & Miles Braufman
                               Linda & Miles Braufman          Linda & Tom Sklar
     and March 31,             Elaine & Gary Dachis                                         Laine Epp
     2020.                     Linda & Tom Sklar               Patty & Mark Chodosh
                                                               Matt and Liza’s Engagement   Promotion
                                                               Alaine & Howard Wilensky     Ruth & Nathan Paley
Molly & Kenneth Garelick     Rita Grossman                 Ida & Tom Isaacs           Manny Kohen                  Sheila & Stephen
Birth of Grandsons           Birthday                      50th Wedding Anniversary   90th Birthday                 Lieberman
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky     Betty Kohn                    Anne Dachis                Joyce & Mike Shapiro         60th Wedding Anniversary
                                                           Jill & Jeff Dachis                                      Mimi Gleekel
Phyllis & Phil Garon         Sue and Michael Hall          Robert Dachis & Ivory      Deborah Kohler               Fremajane Wolfson
50th Wedding Anniversary     New Home                      Debbie Dachis Gold &       Special Birthday
Loni & Darrell Ansel         Barbara & Lee Bearmon           Michael Gold             Paula & Robert Maisel        Dorothy Lipschultz
                                                                                                                   Special Birthday
Rosalie & Andrew             Susan Goldish Hall            Elaine & Michael Johnson   Eileen Kohn                  Rose Levin
 Gellman                     Birthday                      Baby Jack                  Receiving The 2019 JFCS
Birth of Grandson            Barbara & Lee Bearmon         Lorin & Scott Godes         Exemplary Service Award     William Lipschultz
Debbie Donaldson                                                                      Sherri & Larry Feuer         Special Birthday
                             Elaine Hallfin                Jeanne & Stan Kagin                                     Shelly Reichert
David Gelperin               80th Birthday                 Birth of Granddaughter     Sophie Kopstein              Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Birthday                     Arlene & Sidney Harris        Daniel Dockman             In Her Honor
Lin Richman                                                Judy & Andy Halper         Barbara & Zola Friedman      Paula Maisel
                             Jill Halper                                                                           Birthday
Karen Gershman               Birthday                      Paula & Robert Maisel      Jill Kozberg                 Vicki Schraber
70th Birthday                Shelley & Allen Finkelstein   Jeanne & Stan Kagin        Promotion
Joyce Moscoe                                               Son’s Marriage             Ruth & Nathan Paley          Marcia & Philip Marcus
                             Judy Halper                                                                           Birth of Granddaughter
Michael Gleeman              Selection as NJHSA            Paula & Robert Maisel      Lois Kozberg                 Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
80th Birthday                 Board Chair                  Bea & Howard Kampf         Special Birthday
Eileen & James Gantman       Jon Bierman                   50th Wedding Anniversary   Marian Altrowitz             Ursula Margolis &
                             Barbara & Neal Frank          Ann Hunegs                 Marilyn Marker &              Butch Orensten
Michael Gold                 Lee Friedman                                              Bud Shapiro                 Birth of Great-
65th Birthday                Cindy & Doug Kanter           Mitzi & Terry Kane         Lynne Segal                   Granddaughter
Toni & Ron Dachis            Ruth & David Olkon            Granddaughter Chloe’s      Judi Belzer & Jerry          Barbara & Zola Friedman
Diane Goldenberg                                            Bat Mitzvah                Waldman
                             Barbara & Ronald Harris       Linda & Miles Braufman                                  Esta Miller
Special Birthday             65th Wedding Anniversary                                 Donna Krietzman              Special Birthday
Mary & Bob Mersky                                          Cindi & Harold Goldfine
                             Linda & Miles Braufman                                   85th Birthday                Renee Lehman &
Susan Goldenberg                                           Cindy & Doug Kanter        Peggy & Billy Cohn            Herbert Ganeles
                             Lewis “Buddy” Harris          35th Wedding Anniversary                                Bea & Howard Kampf
Special Birthday             Birthday                                                 Paul Kunin
Mimi Gleekel                                               Nancy & Rick Grobovsky                                  Sandra & David Marrinson
                             Bruce Goodman                 Sally Cohen &              Special Birthday             Mildred Miller
Joyce Moscoe                                                                          Linda & Miles Braufman
Fremajane Wolfson            Sid Hartman                    Jim Tankenoff
                                                                                      Linda & Tom Sklar            Dr. Jack Milner
                             Special Birthday              Suzanne Kaplan                                          Special Birthday
Marlene Goldenberg &         Neil Naftalin                                            Allen Kuperman
 Bobby Patrick                                             Special Birthday                                        Ann Hunegs
                                                           Naomi & Neil Arnold        Birthday
Birth of Daughter Goldie     Debbie & Marc Hasko                                      Ann & Neil Covin             Ethan Nagle
Dana Rubin                   B’Nai Mitzvah of              Charlotte & Richard
                                                            Berman                                                 Birth of Ethan Nagle
                              Granddaughters                                          Diane Kuperman               Sybil Rubin
Cindi & Harold Goldfine      Jan Saffron-Johnson &         Tammy & Carl Birnberg      Birthday
50th Wedding Anniversary      Tom Johnson                  Susan & Richard Proman     Ann & Neil Covin             Steve Newman
Evie & Alan Ingber                                                                                                 75th Birthday
Joanne & Douglas Savitt      Elaine Hauptman               Pam & Ronald Kaufman       Robert Kusnetz
                                                           50th Wedding Anniversary                                Melanie & Vic Greenstein
                             Special Birthday                                         Birthday
David Goldstein              Barbara & Lee Bearmon         Joyce & Mike Shapiro       Shira Kusnetz                Linda & Jeff Noddle
Birthday                                                                                                           Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Barbara & Neal Frank         Deb Heinrich                  Marcie & Larry Kelner      Sharlene Ladin
                                                           Madalina’s College                                      Susie & Bobby Diamond
                             In Her Honor                                             Special Birthday
Kay Goldstein                Jeff Molever                   Graduation                Beth & Scott Puchtel         Susan & Michael Oreck
70th Birthday                                              Rita & Ron Kelner                                       Allison and Phillip’s Wedding
Amy & Stan Baratz            Shirley Held                                             Harriet Lane                 Sherri & Larry Feuer
Bonnie & Alan Ziskin         Special Birthday              Mitchel Kirshbaum          Special Birthday
                             Lois & Walter Baum            90th Birthday              Marjorie & Don Frishberg     Andrea & David Ornstein
Nancy Goldstein                                            Arlis Grossman             Diane & Malin Greenberg      Debbie Ornstein’s Engagement
Birthday                     Denise & Marshall Hertz       Deanna & Mark Miller                                     To Scott Landsman
Barbara & Neal Frank         Birth of Granddaughter        Lisa & Bruce Peilen        Reva Lear                    Linda & Miles Braufman
                              Penelope Diamond Guzman                                 95th Birthday
Nancy & Stephen Gordon       Fran & David Bayer            Maxine & Joe               Joan & Paul Wernick          Ruth & Nathan Paley
Grandson Ari’s Bar Mitzvah                                  Kirshenbaum                                            Birth of Grandson Judah
Cindi & Harold Goldfine      Dale Hillman                  55th Wedding Anniversary   Diane & Jeffrey Lehman       Amy & Lee Friedman
                             65th Birthday                 Marcia & Mark Cherniack    30th Wedding Anniversary     Judy & Andy Halper
Doreen Greenblat             Gayle & Ron Wiederholt                                   Jennifer & Richard Ezrilov
Mother’s Day                                               Arlen Kitsis                                            Rollie King
Lori & David Greenblat       Diane Ingber                  85th Birthday              Todd Leonard                 Stacey & David Spencer
                             Special Birthday              Marilyn Marker &           Special Birthday             Dorothy Papermaster
Nan Greenfield               Linda & Miles Braufman                                   Jane & Todd Lifson
                                                            Bud Shapiro                                            100th Birthday
Birthday                     Elaine & Gary Dachis
Sally Cohen &                                              Ruth Knelman               Delores & Corky Levin        Roz & Fred Kaplan
                             Judy & Michael Emmons
 Jim Tankenoff               Susan & Richard Proman        110th Birthday             55th Wedding Anniversary     Barbara & Larry Parks
                             Linda & Tom Sklar             Rachel Ratner & Peter      Mimi Gleekel                 50th Wedding Anniversary
Suellen & Barry Greller
                                                            Shanedling                                             Ann Hunegs
45th Wedding Anniversary
Elayne & Larry Chiat                                       Harriet & Dan Kohen                                     Marlene & Bobby Patrick
                                                           Birth of Granddaughter                                  Birth of Goldie Patrick
                                                            Sophia Rae                                             Allie & Mark Divine
                                                           Annette & Vic Sandler
Heidi & Brian Pergament      Bracha & David Rokach         Gail & Neil Meyer           Sophia Rose Segal             Leah & Simon Temkin
New Home                     Birth of Yehuda Tzvi          Ruth & David Olkon          Bat Mitzvah                   Birth of Isaiah
Adrienne Summerfield         Ann Hunegs                    Ruth & Nathan Paley         Joyce & Robert Liebo          Amy & Lee Friedman
                                                           Elyse Rabinowitz &
Lisa Pogoff                  Marilyn & Gary Rose            Jim Porter                 Cindy Shapiro                 Amy & Hal Tollack
In Her Honor                 Wedding Anniversary           Patrick Rowan               Special Birthday              Birth of Granddaughter Ava
Jeff Zuckerman               Susan & Doug Greenberg        Sybil Rubin                 Kerry & Scott Bader            Georgie Tollack
                                                           Margaret Wolfson            Marilyn & Richard Chern       Linda & Ron Mash
Burt Politz                  Chickie Rosen
90th Birthday                Special Birthday              Annette & Vic Sandler       Gert & Morris Shechtman       Judy Traub
Patricia Kenton & Philip     Ricki & Conrad Butwinick      Birth of Grandson Thomas    60th Wedding Anniversary      Special Birthday
 Politz                      Elaine & Gary Dachis          Amy & Lee Friedman          Sheldon Klugman               Charlotte & Richard
                                                           Judy & Andy Halper                                         Berman
Robb Potashnick              Layne & Dave Rosen                                        Sheri Sherling
40th Birthday                Birth of Grandson             Annette & Vic Sandler       60th Birthday                 Toodie & Frank Trestman
Avis & Robert Held            Yehuda Gross                 Birth of Grandsons          Fran & David Bayer            60th Wedding Anniversary
                             Fran & David Bayer             Howie and Thomas                                         Linda & Miles Braufman
Blake Purcel                 Debra & Scott Grayson                                     Helen & Rick Siegel           Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Master’s Degree                                            Susan & Peter Gross         50th Wedding Anniversary
                             Stacey & David Spencer        Stacey & David Spencer                                    Sheila & Stephen
Marlene Garvis                                                                         Ann Hunegs                     Lieberman
                             Martin Rosen                  Judy & Stephen Witebsky
Laura Purcel                 80th Birthday                                             Rochi Silberstein             Alan Turobiner
Master’s Degree                                            Georganne Savitt            30th Birthday
                             Adrienne Summerfield          Birthday                                                  Special Birthday
Marlene Garvis                                                                         Mimi Gleekel                  Paula & Arvin Cohen
                             Barbara Rosenberg             Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Diane & Jon Rappaport        Special Birthday                                          Michael Silverman             Bruce Waller
Birth of Granddaughter                                     Joanne & Douglas Savitt     80th Birthday
                             Linda & Miles Braufman        45th Wedding Anniversary                                  Special Birthday
Marcia & Philip Marcus       Elaine & Gary Dachis                                      Elaine & Gary Dachis          Barbara & Lee Bearmon
                                                           Roz & Fred Kaplan           Linda & Tom Sklar
Jon Rappaport                Carole & Marty Kaplan                                                                   Adrienne Summerfield
70th Birthday                Susan & Richard Proman        Nancy & Steve               Rabbi Shumly Silverstein
                             Linda & Tom Sklar              Schachtman                                               Michelle & Steve Waller
Fran & David Bayer                                                                     Birthday                      Birth of Grandson Leo
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick                                   In Their Honor              Joyce & Mike Shapiro
                             Carol Rosenblatt              Janet Flam                                                 Benjamin
Ricki Roberts &              75th Bithday                                                                            Rita & Ron Kelner
 Mark Simon                                                                            Karen & Bruce Simon
                             Mary & Bob Mersky             Ben Schaffer                Special Wedding Anniversary
                                                           Bar Mitzvah                                               Beth Weinblatt
Joyce & Edward Ratner        Sondra Ross                                               Simie & Al Kaye               Special Birthday
Becoming Grandparents                                      Sybil Rubin
                             Special Birthday                                          Jackie & Stephen Sinykin      Renee Lehman &
Mimi & Steve Klane           Vicki Schraber                Phil Schneider                                             Herbert Ganeles
                                                                                       55th Wedding Anniversary
Alea Redetzke                                              Special Birthday            Marilyn Marker &              Bea & Howard Kampf
                             Roslyn Rubenstein             Loni & Darrell Ansel                                      Sandra & David Marrinson
Birthday                     90th Birthday                                              Bud Shapiro
Linda & Miles Braufman                                     Linda & Tom Sklar                                         Mildred Miller
                             Karee & Brad Lehrman                                      Stacey Spencer
Rolayne Renstrom                                           Samantha Goodmanson &       In Her Honor                  Joan Wernick
                             Allison & Tony Rubin           Brett Schraber                                           Friendship
Friendship                   Special Wedding Anniversary                               Megan McClanahan
Joan Wernick                                               Marriage                                                  Rolayne Renstrom
                             Linda & Miles Braufman        Vicki Schraber              Stacey Spencer
Nancy & Kevin Rhein                                                                    Birthday                      Larry Wertheim
                             Karen Rubin                   Samantha Goodmanson                                       70th Birthday
Receiving The JFCS Friends   Mother’s Day                                              Braden Spencer
 Of The Family Award                                        Schraber                                                 Evie & Alan Ingber
                             Sara Rubin                    Birthday                    Bonnie & Arthur Stein
Sherri & Larry Feuer                                                                                                 Alaine & Howard
Stacey & David Spencer       Howard Rubin                  Vicki Schraber              Birth of Grandson Noah
                                                                                        James                         Wilensky
Liba & Tom Stillman          65th Birthday                 Judy & Steven Schumeister                                 Birth of Granddaughter Mila
                             Heather & Kevin Besikof                                   Barbara & Zola Friedman
Julia Riesman                                              Birth of Grandchild                                       Fran & David Bayer
                             Ann & Neil Covin              Ricki & Conrad Butwinick    Robin & Henry Stein           Angie Podvin & Tim Lester
Bat Mitzvah
Sybil Rubin                  Robert Sabes                                              Birth of Granddaughter Ayla   Dana Rubin
                                                           Steven Schumeister           Jordyn Stein                 Stacey & David Spencer
                             Special Birthday              Special Birthday
Rollye Rinkey                Judy & Michael Emmons                                     Stacey & David Spencer        Bonnie & Arthur Stein
Special Birthday                                           Eva Kieffer
                             Linda & Tom Sklar                                         Mark Stesin                   Seymour Wilensky
Marilyn & Richard Chern      Chelle & Marvin Stillman      Ron Scolman &
Mildred Ingber                                                                         Medical Advancement Award     Birthday
                                                            Jim Caulkins               Layne & Dave Rosen            Heidi Wilensky & John
                             Mindy & Bill Salper           40th Anniversary
Vicki & Dennis Rivas         Rachel and John’s Wedding                                                                Martin
Birth of Granddaughter                                     Linda & Miles Braufman      Tanni Stone-Dorshow
                             Rita & Ron Kelner                                         Birthday                      Sybil Wilensky
 Sophia Rae                                                Millie Segal
Cindi & Harold Goldfine      Elaine Saltzman                                           Rhoda Toles                   80th Birthday
                                                           Birthday                                                  Trent Eisenberg
                             Special Birthday              Bette Ann & Richard         Becky & Matt Sulkin
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin    Sheryl & Randy Rutzick                                                                  Heidi Wilensky &
60th Wedding Anniversary                                    Bloom                      Birth of Son Nathan
                                                                                                                      John Martin
Barbara & Lee Bearmon        Annette Sandler               Susanna & Tim Lodge         Amy & Lee Friedman
Simie & Al Kaye              Retirement                    Betsy & Mayer Tapper        Bobbie Goldfarb               Eileen Winger
Marilyn Marker &             Sura Fraida & Arnie Blatt                                                               Birthday
                                                           Robin & Nolan Segal         Jeff Sweet
 Bud Shapiro                 Alexander Cannon                                                                        Mimi Winger &
                                                           Birth of Granddaughter      65th Birthday
Saralee Mogilner             Margaret Macneale &                                                                      Howard Shapiro
                                                            Alinea May                 Marilyn & Richard Chern
                              Gary Cohen                   Robin & Bryan Landy                                       Eileen Winger
                             Amy & Lee Friedman                                        Mayer Tapper
                                                           Debra & Gregg Savitt                                      Mother’s Day
                             Susan & Peter Gross                                       Special Birthday
                                                           Ricki Roberts &                                           Mimi Winger &
                             Jane & Robert Ketroser                                    Nancy & James Proman
                                                            Mark Simon                                                Howard Shapiro
                                                                                       Sara & John Strand
14 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Barbara Winthrop             Maxine & Joe               Charlotte Berman            Nancy Held                    Harriet Wiss
Special Birthday              Kirshenbaum               Fran & Marvin Burstein      Ronnie Burstein               Gail Finney
Marjorie & Don Frishberg     Fun Evening                Barbara & Zola Friedman     Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein
Eva Kieffer                  Ricki & Conrad Butwinick   Paula & Robert Maisel                                     Lynn Zamansky
                                                                                    Mildred Ingber                Judy & Michael Emmons
Henry Wolfe                  Crickie & Richard Klegon   Shussie Blumenthal          Judy & Michael Emmons         Sally Cohen & Jim Takenoff
75th Birthday                Friendship And Love        Barbara & Zola Friedman     Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Charlotte & Richard          Lisa & Rabbi Stephen
                                                        Kathy Bonnifield
                                                                                    Marilyn Swatez                In Memory Of
 Berman                       Pinsky                                                Helen Swatez                  We note the following 8
                                                        Angie Podvin & Tim Lester
Ivy Wolfson                  Shira Kohn                                             Bradley Kaplan                individuals who passed away
5th Birthday                 Sheri & Glenn Sherling     Joy Bratter                 Karen & Morris Davidman       between Dec. 15, 2019, and
Fremajane Wolfson                                       Marjorie & Don Frishberg    Susie & Stuart Swartz         June 5, 2020. We thank their
                             Robert Kusnetz                                                                       families for thoughtfully
Jill Wolfson                 Shira Kusnetz              Darlene Braufman            Sid Kaplan                    designating JFCS for their
Mother’s Day                                            Charlotte & Richard         Linda & Tom Sklar             memorials. It is a beautiful
Fremajane Wolfson            Andrew Luger                Berman
                                                                                                                  tribute to those who passed
                             Recovery                   Heather & Kevin Besikof     Michael Kopman
                                                                                                                  and a fitting way to ensure
Tamara Wolfson               Sheila & Stephen           Fran & Marvin Burstein      Marilyn & Richard Chern
                                                                                                                  their legacy will continue to
Mother’s Day                  Lieberman                 Roz & Fred Kaplan
                                                                                    Adrienne Koritz               enhance the lives of many
Fremajane Wolfson                                       Paula & Robert Maisel
                             Marilyn Marker &                                       Barbara & Lee Bearmon         others in the community.
                                                        Eileen & Jim Mitson
Bunny D’Amico &               Bud Shapiro                                                                         May their memories always
 Michael Yellen              Hospitality                Helen Chargo                Nessa Lee Laiderman           be for a blessing.
Marriage                     Connie Berman              Sandy & Allen Harris        Sharon & Marvin Resnick
                                                                                                                  Harold Engler
Linda & Miles Braufman                                                              Reva Lear                     Jay Hoffman
                             Stuart Martin              Margie Cohen
Kathy Zack                   Jeff Locketz               Carole & Marty Kaplan       Anne Dachis                   Mildred Ingber
Special Birthday                                                                                                  Cookie Karsh
                             John Mattes                Stuart Cohen                Marla Levitt
Judy & Jon Harris                                                                                                 Esther Kaufman
                             Kindness                   Loni & Darrell Ansel        Barbara & Zola Friedman
Eva Kieffer                                                                                                       Aaron Pinkus
Harriet Swatez               Dorothy Herman             Linda & Miles Braufman      Nancy Liss                    Beverly Zakheim
                                                        Shelly Reichert             Connie & Peter Frank          Shirley Zimmerman
Al Zelickson                 Nancy Noddle
                             Wonderful Evening          Barbara Cohn                Diane & Irwin Ingber
Special Birthday                                                                                                  Kevin Abramson
Peggy & Billy Cohn           Ricki & Conrad Butwinick   Carol & Sheldon Segal       Mary Mersky                   Sandra & Louis Bennett
                                                                                    Linda & Miles Braufman        Linda & Les Fieldman
Barbara & Larry              Phil Oxman &               Alan Covin
 Zweigbaum                    Harvey Zuckman            Rita & Larry Covin          Bobbie Miller                 Lorne Barsky
Marlee and Todd’s Marriage   Ricki Roberts &                                        Joanne & Douglas Savitt       Karen & Morris Davidman
                              Mark Simon                Annalee Covin
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey                                   Rita & Larry Covin                                        Leonard Beezy
                                                                                    Esta Miller
                             Elaine & Trevor Pearlman                               Art Glassman                  Sandra & David Marrinson
In Appreciation Of           Stacey & David Spencer     Anne Dachis
                                                                                    Adrienne Summerfield
                                                        Mindy Isaacs with Jessica                                 Ginger Bell
Sandy Baron                  Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross     and Jenny                                                Amy & Stan Baratz
                                                                                    Mark Miller
Julie & Michael Weiss        Ricki & Conrad Butwinick                                                             Linda & Miles Braufman
                                                        Amy Daniels                 Marlene Gimpel
Melanie Barry                Marcia & Mark Cherniack                                                              Jill & Kevin Brazner
                                                        Barbara & Lee Bearmon       Sheila Padlipsky
Stacey & David Spencer                                                                                            Cathy & Richard Broms
                             Marilyn Marker &                                       Sandra & David Marrinson
                                                        Linda Fieldman                                            Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Charlotte &                   Bud Shapiro
                                                        Marlene Gimpel              Nathan Paley                  Marcia & Mark Cherniack
 Richard Berman              Hospitality
                                                                                    Natasha & Lev Koyrakh         Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein
Cookie & Michael             Linda & Tom Sklar          Toba Freeman                                              Linda & Mike Fiterman
 Goldman                     Debbie & Craig Spencer     Marjorie & Don Frishberg    Barbara Parks                 Cindi & Harold Goldfine
                             Stacey & David Spencer     Gloria Gold                 Carolyn Gerr                  Sherri & Jay Gould
Mary & Tom Bernstein
                                                        Anne Dachis                                               Anita Greenstein
Wonderful Evening            Linda Strand                                           Marcy Pearlman
                                                                                                                  Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Connie Berman                A Wonderful Dinner                                     Carolyn Gerr
                                                        Bernie Goldblatt                                          Shirley Haskovitz
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick     Vicki Schraber             Cindi & Harold Goldfine     Sam Pearlman                  Nancy & Jack Held
Tammy & Carl Birnberg        Gail & Joel Tilsner                                    Carolyn Gerr                  Simie & Al Kaye
                                                        Jane Gordon
Hospitality                  Hospitality                                                                          Donna Krietzman
                                                        Linda & Miles Braufman      Dianne Siegel
Linda & Tom Sklar            Naomi & Yoni Saad                                                                    Lois Liss
                                                        Stephen Gordon              Merle & Gerald Weinberg       Marsha Liss
Jane & David Broude                                                                                               Nancy Liss
                                                        Linda & Miles Braufman      Susie Simon
Fun Day
Susan & Richard Proman
                             A Speedy                                               Molly & Sid Bader             Marilyn Marker &
                                                        Barry Greller                                               Bud Shapiro
Lee Friedman
                              Recovery to               Ann Hunegs                  Anita Greenstein
                                                                                                                  Abbie Miller
                                                        Cheryl & Jack Perecman      Jackie Sinykin                Carolyn & John Mirviss
Braden Spencer               Loni Ansel
                             Sandra Wallack             Rick Grobovsky              Marilyn Marker &              Joyce Moscoe
Judie Goldetsky                                                                      Bud Shapiro                  Julie & Scott Moss
                                                        Cindy & Doug Kanter
Hospitality                  Larry Barenbaum                                                                      Beth & Scott Puchtel
Connie Berman                Linda & Miles Braufman     Molly Grossman              Arnold Strimling              Annette & Vic Sandler
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick     Marcia & Mark Cherniack    Marilyn Marker &            Judy & Michael Emmons         Kathi Balaban & Phil
Susan & Richard Proman                                  Bud Shapiro                 Amy Taswell                     Schneider
Linda & Tom Sklar            Marilyn Barenbaum
                                                                                    Judy & Andy Halper            Marilyn & Ralph Shapiro
                             Sally Cohen &              Jon Harris
                                                                                    Mimi & Steve Klane            Linda & Tom Sklar
Suzanne & Harvey Kaplan       Jim Tankenoff             Linda & Miles Braufman
                                                                                    Natasha & Lev Koyrakh         Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Hospitality                                             Sally Cohen &
                                                                                    Robin & Bryan Landy           Diane Weisberg
Susie & Stuart Swartz                                    Jim Tankenoff
                                                                                                              directions • Fall 2020 16
Ginger Bell (Cont.)           Elaine Kuretsky              Harold Engler                Jan Saffron-Johnson & Tom     Michael D. Goldstein
Stuart Bader & Rick Werlin    Elaine Langer & Irwin        Marilyn Marker &              Johnson                      Linda & Miles Braufman
Randee & Sam Wolfson           Weisman                      Bud Shapiro                 Cindy & Doug Kanter           Abbe & Ralph Bernstein
                              Marilyn Marker &                                          Roz & Fred Kaplan             Amy & Lee Friedman
Barry Bernstein                Bud Shapiro                 Rosa Epshtein                Margie & Steve Krause         Jeannie & Steve Gilfix
Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein   Eileen & Jim Mitson          Shari & Mitchell Grunes      Linda & Ron Mash              Judy Halper
Byron Bissonnette             Susan & Richard Proman       Elaine Epstein               Sally Masnek                  Carrie Fink & Reid Johnson
Elaine & Peter Levy           Shelly Reichert              Mitzi Diamond                Gregg Mekler                  Jill Ann Marks
                              Vicki & Dennis Rivas         Ann Hunegs                   Sue & Chuck Muscoplat         Ruth & Nathan Paley
Bette Ann Bloom               Jana Rubin                   Dana and Ryan Katz           Cheryl & Jack Perecman        Angie Podvin & Tim Lester
Harriet & Nathan Newman       Julie Miller & Ronald        Sybil Rubin                  Jeanne & Steven Prawer
                               Scholder                                                 Beth & Scott Puchtel          Gilbert Goodman
Harold “Pat” Blumenthal                                    Sheri & Glenn Sherling                                     Randi & Barry Wolfish
                              Andrea & David Shapiro       Alaine & Howard Wilensky     Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Jean Efron
                              Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz                                Pati & Ron Rosenzweig         Alan Greenberg
Marjorie & Don Frishberg                                   Evelyn Esrig
                              Harriet Swatez                                            Annette & Vic Sandler         Peggy & Billy Cohn
Betty & Jerry Gurewitz                                     Marilyn & Larry
                              Sally Cohen &                                             Marilyn & Ralph Shapiro       Rita & Larry Covin
Dana & David Gustafson                                      Barenbaum
                               Jim Tankenoff                                            Sheri & Glenn Sherling        Joanie Levinsohn
Harriet Swatez                                             Ann & Neil Covin
                              Sandra Wallack                                            Ricki Roberts &               Carol & Sheldon Segal
Darlene Braufman              Barbara & Bob Weinstine      Margie & Steve Krause         Mark Simon                   Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Linda & Miles Braufman        Norman Winer                 Mary & Bob Mersky            Adrienne Summerfield
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick      Marilyn Bix & Nate Wolk                                   Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz    Shirley Greenstein
                                                           Marilyn Feder                                              Fran & David Bayer
Barbara Cohn                  Amy & David Zaroff                                        Harriet Swatez
                                                           Renee Gainsley                                             Mimi Gleekel
Ann & Neil Covin              Shirley & Larry Zipkin                                    Helen Swatez
                                                           Judy & Andy Halper
Elaine & Gary Dachis                                                                    Marilyn Swatez
                              Mae Campion                  Barry Rubin                                                Erv Grossman
Carole Davidson                                                                         Sandy & Alan Witebsky
                              Elaine & Gary Dachis                                                                    Abbe & Ralph Bernstein
Mitzi Diamond                                              Thomas Feinberg              Randee & Sam Wolfson
                              Judy & Michael Emmons                                                                   Neena Cohen
Linda & Mike Fiterman                                      Amy Crowningshield           Ellie & Mark Wolpert
                              Susan & Richard Proman                                                                  Allen Friedman
Barbara & Zola Friedman                                    Dorothy & Bud                                              Barbara & Zola Friedman
                                                                                        David Gerdes
Cindi & Harold Goldfine       Herbert Chernoff              Hockenberg                                                Marjorie & Don Frishberg
                                                                                        Jane & Todd Lifson
Eileen & David Kohn           Susan & Brad Melnick         Michael Oxman                                              Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Joyce & Martin Orbuch                                      Susan & Gary Rappaport       Steven Gill                   Suzon & David Gordon
Lisa & Bruce Peilen           Alice Brody Cohen            Diane Weisberg               Robin & Bryan Landy
                              Amy & Lee Friedman                                                                      Judith & Jerry Ingber
Cheryl & Jack Perecman                                                                                                Jacki Paster & Ron Krank
Jeanne & Steven Prawer                                     Aaron Feuer                  Doris Ginsberg
                              Freda & Kent Confelds’       Fran & David Bayer           Molly & Sid Bader             Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey          Grandfather                                                                            Jodi & Danny Rosen
Harolyn Rudoy                                              Susan & Bill Schmidt         Bette & Lon Blumenberg
                              Freda & Kent Confeld         Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz   Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein   Carol & Sheldon Segal
Annette & Vic Sandler                                                                                                 Yvonne & Chuck Selcer
Vicki Schraber                Sibby Cosner’s Husband                                    Debbie Dachis Gold &
                                                           Danny Field                                                Jackie & Stephen Sinykin
Linda & Tom Sklar             Mari Waterous                                              Michael Gold
                                                           Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin
Harriet Swatez                                                                          Betty Kohn                    Molly Grossman’s Brother
Gayle & Ron Wiederholt        Doug Cram                    Harvey Filister              Sheryl & Randy Rutzick        Carol & Sheldon Segal
Dawn & Danny Zouber           Babe & Norm Wartnick         Arlene & Sidney Harris       Lori & Steve Stein
                                                           Sandy & Allen Harris         Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz    Arlyne Gruesner
Carl Brown’s Mother           Beverly Duepner                                                                         Barbara & Zola Friedman
                              Vicki Schraber               Sally Cohen &
Roz & Fred Kaplan                                                                       Judith Glazer
                                                            Jim Tankenoff                                             Todd Guberman
                                                                                        Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Beverly Karon Bunin-          Judy Dworsky                                                                            Marilyn & Tim Broms
                                                           Lois Finkel                  Carole Davidson
 Gillman                      Loni & Darrell Ansel                                                                    Julie & Allen Engle
                                                           Isabel Chernoff              Judy & Orrin Kessel
Lilly & Hersh Berman          Barbara & Lee Bearmon                                                                   Evie & Alan Ingber
                                                                                        Harriet Swatez
Evie & Alan Ingber            Bette & Lon Blumenberg       Bruce Frank                                                Miriam & Robert
Amy & Tom Lieberman           Linda & Miles Braufman       Barbara & Neal Frank         Marvin Glick                   Kleinbaum
Anna & Charles Silverman      Diane & Richard Cohen                                     Karen & Morris Davidman       Gloria Murman
                              Margie & Stuart Cohen        Susan Friedman
                                                                                        Lois Goldberg                 Diane & Russell Walzer
Dr. Conrad Butwinick          Linda & Les Fieldman         Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Joyce & David Abramson        Carolyn Gerr                                              Loni & Darrell Ansel          Alice Gurstelle
                                                           Edwin C. Gage                Molly & Sid Bader
Loni & Darrell Ansel          Sandy & Allen Harris                                                                    Rita & Ron Kelner
                                                           Barbara & Lee Bearmon        Linda & Miles Braufman
Naomi & Neil Arnold           Roz & Fred Kaplan                                                                       Marilyn Lieberman
Molly & Sid Bader             Sharon Kivens                Lorraine Garon               Cathy & Richard Broms         Gloria Murman
Myrna & Gary Bell             Gayle Lightowler             Charlotte & Richard          Ricki & Conrad Butwinick      Gail & Bill Ribnick
Connie Berman                 Adrienne Summerfield          Berman                      Diane & Richard Cohen         Barry Rubin
Toby & Frank Berman           Harriet Swatez               Harriette & Fred Burstein    Peggy & Billy Cohn            Annette & Vic Sandler
Tammy & Carl Birnberg         Sandra Wallack               Isabel Chernoff              Elaine & Gary Dachis          Suzy Shanedling
Linda & Miles Braufman        Sharon & Joel Waller         Elayne & Larry Chiat         Anita Greenstein
Cathy & Richard Broms         Dori & Herb Weisman                                       Barbara & Ronald Harris       Dana & David Gustafson’s
                                                           Rita & Larry Covin
Marcia & Mark Cherniack       Julie & Michael Weiss                                     Barry Rubin                    Brother Terry
                                                           Carole Davidson
Diane & Richard Cohen         Sybil & Seymour Wilensky                                  Amy Silvermann                Amy & Brad Kanter
                                                           Beverly Davis
Elaine & Gary Dachis                                       Eileen & James Gantman       Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
                              Doran Eaton                                                                             Samuel Harris
Carol & Mark Epstein                                       Art Glassman                 Sally Cohen &
                              Amy & Lee Friedman                                                                      Sue & Jeff Herstein
Clarice & Henry Epstein                                    Sue & Adam Godes              Jim Tankenoff
                                                                                                                      Abbie Weiner
Janet Flam                                                 Cindi & Harold Goldfine      Sandra Wallack
                              Bev Edelstein
Judy Goldetsky                Florence Miller              Sherri & Jay Gould                                         Ferna Heifetz
                                                                                        Sylvia Goldetsky
Elaine & Myron Goodman                                     Melanie & Vic Greenstein                                   Sandy & Gary Baron
                                                                                        Elaine & Gary Dachis
Carole & Marty Kaplan         Randy Edelstein’s Mother     Geraldine Hoffman                                          Cindi & Harold Goldfine
                                                                                        Elaine & Myron Goodman
Candy & Steven Karas          Marjorie & Don Frishberg     Evie & Alan Ingber                                         Arlis Grossman
                                                                                        Sandra & David Marrinson
                                                                                                                      Jack Rubenstein

16 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Joyce & Mike Shapiro         Sandy & Allen Harris         Helen Swatez                 Marilyn & Larry             Jim Tankenoff &
Stacey & David Spencer       Debbie & Marc Hasko          Marilyn Swatez                 Barenbaum                   Sally Cohen
Randi & Barry Wolfish        Avis & Robert Held           Sally Cohen &                Shari & Ronald Barry        Toodie & Frank Trestman
                             Barbara & Bradley Herman       Jim Tankenoff              Shelly & Darrel Besikof     Greta Van Benschoten
Lowell Herman                Judy & Ryan Herman           Hindy & Scott Tankenoff      Ardis & Fred Blumenthal     Sandra Wallack
Pam Brin                     Sue & Jeff Herstein          Susan & Barry Taran          Jill & Kevin Brazner        Beverley Walter
Barbara & Zola Friedman      Denise & Marshall Hertz      Janet & Howard Tarkow        Eileen Bream                Elaine Langer &
Norman “Bud” Herman          Evie & Alan Ingber           Gail & Joel Tilsner          Jane & David Broude           Irwin Weisman
Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin       Joe Ingber                   Judi Belzer & Jerry          Cindy & Donald Brown        Gayle & Ron Wiederholt
Carolyn Gerr                 Jan Saffron-Johnson &          Waldman                    Judy & Bob Butwinick        Marilyn Bix & Nate Wolk
Lisa & Bruce Peilen            Tom Johnson                Diane & Russell Walzer       Ricki & Conrad Butwinick    Susan & Paul Yellin
Sandra & Jeffrey Rudoy       Raleigh & Randy Kaminsky     Beth Weinblatt               Marcia & Mark Cherniack     Rhonda & Robert Zakheim
                             Bea & Howard Kampf           Randee & Sam Wolfson         Diane & Richard Cohen       Amy & David Zaroff
Bernice Hertz                Mitzi & Terry Kane           Ellie & Mark Wolpert         Margie & Stuart Cohen       Bonnie & Alan Ziskin
Barbara & Neal Frank         Judy Karon                   Amy & David Zaroff           Lesley & David Cohn         Jill & Asher Zipkin
Barry Rubin                  Pam & Ronald Kaufman         Edie & Larry Zidel           Elaine & Gary Dachis
Amy Silvermann               Sharon & Allen Kaufmann      Jill & Asher Zipkin          Susan & Len Druskin         Esther Kaufman
                             Judy & Orrin Kessel                                       Robin & Mark Duffney        Joan Banashek
Louisa Hext’s Mother                                      Susan Isenberg                                           Sue & Adam Godes
                             Sharon & Martin Kieffer                                   Dory & Isaac Einisman
Edith Naomi Smith                                         Anne Dachis                                              Barb & Phillip Herman
                             Janie & Orrin Kirschbaum                                  Judy & Michael Emmons
                             Tova & Mike Koren            Barbara & Bradley Herman     Ilene & Edward Engle        Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Jim Hyman
                             Jan & Bill Kuretsky          Devorah & Jeffrey Koval      Clarice & Henry Epstein     Jan & Bill Kuretsky
Judy & Stephen Witebsky
                             Robin & Bryan Landy          Harriet Swatez               Debbie & Michael Finn       Arlene & Hill Sweet
Mildred Ingber               Lauren & Darren Lederfine                                 Linda & Mike Fiterman
                                                          Sharon Jones’ Brother                                    Dolores “Dee”Klein
Loni & Darrell Ansel         Paula & Marshall Lehman                                   Carole & Harold Fogel
                                                          Gloria Murman                                            Dana & David Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ansel        Karee & Brad Lehrman                                      Barbara & Neal Frank        Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Terry & Jack Appleman        Arlene & Zvi Leibovich       Betty Josewich               Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Judy & Harvey Arbit          Joyce Levenson               Barbara Stillman             Idy & Allan Garvis          Marion Klein
Sally & Charlie Bans         Richard Levey                                             Rosalind & Loren Geller     Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Marilyn & Larry                                           Sherm Kaminsky                                           Joyce Levenson
                             Julie Levin                                               Mack Gittleman
 Barenbaum                                                Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin                                   Julie & Michael Weiss
                             Tali & Ziv Liberman                                       Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin                                    Fran & David Bayer
                             Dorothy Lipschultz                                        Judy Graceman
Margo Berdass                                             Charlotte & Richard                                      Wendy Klein’s
                             Lois Liss                                                 Judy & Jon Harris
Gail & Frank Berman                                        Berman                                                   Mother, Charlotte
                             Marsha Liss                                               Diana Idelkope
Lilly & Hersh Berman                                      Scott Burstein                                           Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
                             Nancy Liss                                                Mindy Isaacs
Randi & Alan Birk                                         Barbara & Neal Frank
                             Roberta & Howard Liszt                                    Mitzi & Terry Kane          Carolyn Korbel’s Uncle
Tammy & Carl Birnberg                                     Cindi & Harold Goldfine
                             Catherine Little                                          Carole & Marty Kaplan       Gloria Murman
Linda & Miles Braufman                                    Roz & Fred Kaplan
                             Enid & Michael Locketz                                    Candy & Steven Karas
Elissa Broder                                             Judy & Orrin Kessel                                      Doris and Harry Korsh
                             Vicki & Howard Londer                                     Arnie Kindsfater
Julie Brodsky                                             Linda & Ron Mash                                         Sally Grans & Ron Korsh
                             Nancy & Todd Lurie                                        Janie & Orrin Kirschbaum
Marilyn & Tim Broms                                       Jack Rubenstein
                             Marcia & Philip Marcus                                    Devorah & Jeffrey Koval     Geri Krohn
Fran & Marvin Burstein                                    Barry Rubin
                             Marnie Dachis-Marmet &                                    Lauren & Darren Lederfine   Charlotte & Richard
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick                                  Diane & Russell Walzer
                               Jordan Marmet                                           Perri & Steven Levitus       Berman
Marcia & Mark Cherniack                                   Alaine & Howard Wilensky
                             Mary & Bob Mersky                                         Betty Sue & David           Diane & Richard Cohen
Elayne & Larry Chiat         Midwest Immunology           Marianne Kane                  Lipschultz
Diane & Richard Cohen                                                                                              Carol & Mark Epstein
                             Esta Miller                  Deb & Jim Bomberg            Sandy & Howard Marker       Carolyn Gerr
Elaine & Gary Dachis         Jill & Jeff Mirviss          Anne Dachis                  Mary & Bob Mersky
Vicky (Carole) Davidson                                                                                            Susan & Richard Proman
                             Louise & Bruce Moss          Cindi & Harold Goldfine      Nancy Nathanson             Randi & Barry Wolfish
Kathy & Gary Diamond         Sue & Chuck Muscoplat        Adeline Gould                Suzi Nathanson
Mitzi Diamond                Les Novak                    Arlis Grossman               Cathleen & Jim Olson        Bertha Kutoff
Debbie Donaldson             Susan & Richard Proman       Judy & Andy Halper           Andrea & David Ornstein     Betsy & J. David Abramson
Judy & Michael Emmons        Beth & Scott Puchtel         Mitzi & Terry Kane           Sharon & Michael
Linda Brody Ettedgui &                                                                                             Nessa Lee Laiderman
                             Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz       Sheldon Klugman                Posnansky
 Rabbi Avraham Ettedgui                                                                                            Etta & Mike Barry
                             Tina & Ivan Rafowitz         Sally Masnek                 Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Jennifer & Richard Ezrilov                                                                                         Irene Bartram
                             Susie & Craig Rosenberg      Patricia Kenton &            Shelly Reichert
Sherri & Larry Feuer                                                                                               Jodi Benenson
                             Audrae & Jerry Rosenzweig     Philip Politz               Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Margie & Mitchell Fink                                                                                             Fran & Marvin Burstein
                             Pati & Ron Rosenzweig        Annette & Vic Sandler        Marilyn & James
Linda & Mike Fiterman                                                                                              Carole Cera &
                             Sally Rubenstein             Joanne & Douglas Savitt        Rosenbaum
Sara & Dan Frank                                                                                                    Dave Reitman
                             Sheryl & Randy Rutzick       Sheri & Glenn Sherling       Olivia Rothstein
Barbara & Neal Frank                                                                                               Marilyn & Richard Chern
                             Eileen & Harold Scherling    Ricki Roberts &              Barry Rubin
Amy & Lee Friedman                                                                                                 Patti & Michael Colich
                             Raleigh Schwartz              Mark Simon                  Jana Rubin
Friends & Family of                                                                                                Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein
                             Michele & Spenser Segal      Vicki & Alan Sussman         Zhanna & Andrew
 Mildred Ingber                                                                                                    Barbara & Neal Frank
                             Bonnie Sell                  Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz     Schectman
Lorin & Scott Godes                                                                                                Amy & Lee Friedman
                             Joyce & Mike Shapiro         Alaine & Howard              Eileen & Harold Scherling
Sue & Adam Godes                                                                                                   Barbara & Zola Friedman
                             Marilyn & Ralph Shapiro       Wilensky                    Frankie & Paul Schwartz
Cindi & Harold Goldfine                                                                                            Robin & Jim Gale
                             Cari & Jeff Shaw             Randi & Barry                Carol & Sheldon Segal
Marsha Chernoff Golob                                                                                              Diane & Louis Goldenberg
                             Anne Sklar                    Wolfish                     Bonnie Sell
Shani & Sam Graber                                                                                                 Sherri & Jay Gould
                             Debbie & Craig Spencer                                    Susan Chalfen & Dan
Jeffrey Gross                                             Cookie Karsh                                             Anita Greenstein
                             Robin & Henry Stein                                         Silvers
Barbara Grossman                                          Loni & Darrell Ansel                                     Judy & Andy Halper
                             Barbara Stillman                                          Linda & Tom Sklar
Hannah Grunberg                                           Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ansel                                    Jory M. Herman
                             Liba & Tom Stillman                                       Sue & Tom Stillman
Carol Gurstelle                                           Terry & Jack Appleman                                    Abbie Kane
                             Adrienne Summerfield                                      Phyllis Sudit
Judy & Andy Halper                                        Arlene Badiner                                           Deborah & Gary Kohler
                             Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz                                Harriet Swatez
Judy & Jon Harris                                         Marlys & Elliott Badzin                                  Paula & Marshall Lehman

                                                                                                              directions • Fall 2020 17
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