Digitization offers plenty of opportunities - This is how your organization can keep up with the pace - Data News Awards ...
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1.How do you give 2021 a positive twist? COVID-19 has changed the world at lightning speed. Organizations and companies must adapt faster than ever. In tomorrow’s world, “normal” no longer exists. We must all try to accept that change is And this is where the story takes a positive Table of contents the only constant. That one wave of change turn. The better you understand what is followed by the next tsunami of change changes are coming your way, the faster in no time. And anyone who believes that you can react and the better equipped you this crisis is an era in which we are experi- and your organization will be to deal with encing one huge transformation is mistak- them. That is why we are happy to share en. Because something that works today various insights with you in this e-book. Be- 03 may get in our way tomorrow. That is why cause you can only understand the new it is so difficult to decide on investments rules with the right knowledge. Only with 1. Introduction that force your organization to follow a knowledge does one learn to manage un- certain path without being able to change certainty in the organization, and can the 04 2. The top 10 digital trends you can’t afford to miss course along the way. Organizations that realize that the next big challenge lies in flexibility are tomorrow’s winners. They will job of digital transformation be done. 10 have a head start on others. 3. Digital transformation comes down to people 14 4. Networks in the digital society ”It is not the strongest or the 18 5. The cloud: now and in the future YOU ARE most intelligent that survives. OFFLINE It is the one that is most 22 adaptable to change.” 6. Fiber optics ins and outs Charles Darwin 02 03
2. The top 10 trends you can’t afford to miss Gartner research 2020 No matter how great the digitally-driven changes of the last few decades have been, when viewed properly, only a 1. Remote work shifts digital transformation priorities few industries have really been changed by digitization. While remote work has been on the rise for half of the companies surveyed stated that several years, this year’s pandemic has dra- productivity has increased. Moreover, it is In most industries, digitization has only about them, they work and are readily matically changed and accelerated the not clear how long the pandemic will last touched the surface of what real change available. And they are far from reaching course of this trend. Gartner states that and when the next event will occur. We could be. It is always amazing to see the their limit. We are on the eve of a digital 74% of companies will increase their adop- don’t know what the “new normal” will look extent to which operations in complex val- acceleration. Here are ten trends that will tion of remote work. In addition, a World like. ue chains still rely on Excel sheets, manual give you insight. Economic Forum study found that 72% of work, and low-quality data sets. But new the global workforce of the companies sur- This has major ramifications for organiza- tools and technologies like machine learn- veyed currently work remotely and that the tions’ digital transformation efforts, as ing, IoT, and distributed computing have number of employees permanently work- they must invest in making remote working proven their potential impact and econom- ing from home will double in 2021 (com- as secure, convenient, and efficient as pos- ic viability in recent years. Not only inves- pared to remote working in the pre-corona sible for their employees. This makes re- tors, consultants, and other prophets talk era). mote working one of the most important trends of 2021, changing priorities and in- This is partly due to the fact that since em- fluencing many other trends in the coming “Make sure you’re not just keeping ployees started working remotely, nearly year. up with changes, but staying one step ahead of them” of the global of companies will 72% workforce now works from home 74% switch to work- ing remotely. 04 05
2. Rethinking cybersecurity strategies for 4. Accelerated digital remote working transformation efforts With employees spread across multiple loca- It goes without saying that it is extremely im- COVID-19 rocked the foundations of many enable greater flexibility and versatility. To tions, it’s harder to manage document and portant for organizations to keep their docu- organizations, bringing with it the realiza- do this, hyperautomation is booming. Or- information security. The growing number of ments and data safe. That is why organiza- tion that organizations must be more ver- ganizations automate whatever they can locations and networks has also increased tions are massively upgrading their security satile in order to respond to change and in order to increase the innovation rate. Or- the number of targets, and hackers have tak- strategies and extending cybersecurity to survive. In addition to the pandemic, which ganizations are also expected to invest en advantage of this. The number of cy- home networks and mobile devices. The field made it clear that major changes can hap- more in scenario planning and risk assess- ber-attacks and data breaches has increased of cybersecurity will change in 2021, with pen quickly, changes in today’s digital world ment tools so that they can better respond worldwide. more emphasis not only on cybersecurity are occurring in rapid succession. To keep to and adapt to changes in the future and tools, policies, and measures, but also on ed- up, more organizations will accelerate their (hopefully) never again face surprises like ucating employees on how to work safely digital transformation efforts in 2021 to COVID-19. from home. Organizations will continue to work with so-called VPN connections and ex- pand them so that colleagues can work re- motely with company data in a secure man- ner. 5. Contactless technology In 2021, there will be a greater need for 3. Employees are the core technology that allows people to avoid face-to-face contact or that no longer re- quires them to be physically present at a Employees are the core of a company. not present, extra attention will be paid to particular location. There will be more initiatives in 2021 to im- employees’ experiences (at a distance) in This goes beyond online video conferencing prove employees’ experiences, especially 2021. This attention should ensure that tools. It applies to both internal and exter- their remote experiences. As a result of the employees not only stay motivated, but nal situations, as well as to contact be- COVID-19 pandemic, employees were are also connected to the organization and tween people and between individuals or forced to work from home. This resulted in the organizational culture. This will be re- teams performing tasks. For example, or- challenges that some had not experienced flected in increased investment in commu- ganizations are investing in technology to before. According to a study by the Knowl- nication tools for work and social purposes control certain elements in the office re- edge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM), as well as an increase in culture-boosting motely. People are becoming less depend- people struggle with the social aspect of and team-building activities. This includes ent on their location to perform work or their work, loneliness, no work-life balance, sending gifts and goodies to employees’ connect with others. and a lack of concentration. homes and having them participate in fun challenges and online events, such as on- Given that with remote working, employ- line pub quizzes. ees do not go anywhere physically and are 06 7
6. 5G goes mainstream 8. Shift to a hybrid cloud infrastructure 5G caused quite a commotion in the past motely. They need to be connected from year. If the huge increase in remote work- any location and any device and can’t af- ing taught us anything in the past year, it ford not to be. This is why 5G is more im- The COVID-19 pandemic showed organiza- easy to use. Hybrid clouds are the perfect is the importance of connectivity. Em- portant than ever and will be embraced tions that they need to be able to move in- balance to help organizations store data. ployees need to be able to connect with more widely in the coming years. vestments to the cloud. As a result, more Major vendors like Azure, Google, IBM, and colleagues and other parties to work re- organizations are moving to a hybrid cloud Oracle are already anticipating this in- in 2021. Many organizations use SaaS ap- crease. They have made large investments plications and on-premise solutions. To to create tools that allow for easy connec- keep data secure and available to everyone tivity between data centers, the cloud, and in the organization, it is important that or- on-premise solutions. ganizations use a cloud that is secure and 9. Expansion of the omnichannel experience In these uncertain times, customers may means spending more time, effort, and hold the key to an organization’s success or budget on aligning all the channels a cus- even its survival. But customers no longer tomer can use to interact with an organi- only make choices based on a good product zation in order to provide a seamless and or service; their experience is an even more personalized experience, regardless of how important factor in their decision-making. this interaction takes place. PwC research This realization will increase the focus on shows that the number of companies in- the customer experience in 2021. Organiza- vesting in the omnichannel experience has tions will pay more attention to increasing already risen from 20% to 80% and is set customer satisfaction and loyalty by opti- to increase even more in 2021. 7. Guided by data (analysis) mizing their omnichannel experience. This To survive as a digital organization, you (CDP) will help your organization organize must have relevant and reliable data. This data and ensure that this data is valuable. data can help you improve virtually all are- as of the organization: from customer ser- Organizations will invest more in CDPs in 2021, also to focus more on data privacy. 10. The digital workplace, from concept to vice, your products and services to internal The focus in 2021 will be on collecting rele- product category and external communications. There is so vant data and organizing it so that organi- much data available today that it can be zations can make more data-driven deci- Over the years, the digital workplace was evolving from a concept to a product cate- challenging to separate the wheat from sions and deliver more value to all seen as a concept. Something that vaguely gory in the collective mind. This can be the chaff. A Customer Data Platform stakeholders. existed at a distance for many, but was not partly attributed to large organizations like actually a tangible product that you could Google and Citrix that focus on this area purchase. However, from our many conver- and offer their own digital workplaces sations with customers and partners, we (Google Workspace and Citrix Workspace). can conclude that the digital workplace is 8 9
3. Digital transformation comes down to people Over the past few years, one term invariably popped up in board- rooms, management articles, and books: digital transformation. It was often placed in a technological context. Yet the digitization of (business) processes, services, and products is primarily done by people, says Menno Lanting, an expert on the impact of the rapid- ly changing world on innovation, organizations, and leadership. Eurofiber spoke with Menno Lanting of the “Many organizations are still at tize existing imperfections, which ulti- Eurofiber: What is striking is that the vari- Netherlands. He is an expert and the au- the beginning” mately leaves it much further from the ous industrial revolutions have all basically thor of management books on digital goal. revolved around the replacement of muscle transformation. He talked about the role Eurofiber: Where do we currently stand when power. The digital transformation, howev- of people in the playing field of digital it comes to digital transformation? Digitization makes many organizations’ er, seems to be slowly but surely ushering in transformation. inabilities very transparent. You actually the replacement of human brainpower. Do Menno Lanting: In all honesty, I think a have to look at how you would set up the you see any of that in practice? According to Menno Lanting - author of lot of organizations are still at the begin- organization and the processes if you several bestselling management books ning of that process. The corona pan- started today, with all the digital tools at Menno Lanting: The first effects of this are such as Connect and The Disruption Para- demic demonstrated that. All at once, your disposal. That is also the handicap already visible. Large banks and insurers dox - a solid digital infrastructure is the existing technologies and applications of many organizations: they have a suc- have been digitizing what they call ‘low-lev- foundation on which digitalization is built. had to be adopted without delay. From cessful past, which makes it more diffi- el thinking’ for some time. People used to Yet it is the human factor that is all-impor- video conferencing to online shopping, cult for them to prepare for the new real- have to key in all kinds of insurance policy tant for the success of digital transforma- it’s all peaking now. But the majority of ity. Because then the urgency is also data: that has now largely been replaced tion. Especially at the top of the organiza- organizations are still some steps away lacking to a significant extent.’ by software. The same applies to account- tion: without vision and decisiveness on the from digital transformation. Many of the part of the management, digital transfor- examples that get press attention are mation gets bogged down. With all the really just digital catch-up efforts. At the negative consequences this entails. risk that your organization starts to digi- 10 11
“We don’t yet know what society will look like in 10 to 20 years due to digitalization.” ancy and the legal profession, for example. knowing exactly which way it will all go. You Frenk Storm: That seems - to put it mildly gardless of the technology. This is largely a This is always at the expense of jobs, office also see that leaders often have insuffi- - like quite a challenge. Who, in your opin- question of personal leadership, mentality, space and other matters such as leased cient knowledge about digitization. ion, succeeds in showing such leadership? Is a company culture that is open to this and cars. From the moment we are born, we it the well-known examples like Google and an organization that is equipped for it. strive to minimize our efforts with a maxi- And that has a paralyzing effect. If you lack Amazon? Philips is a good example of this. The CEO mum result. So, in that respect, the digital that kind of knowledge, then it’s a good has transformed the company from a con- transformation isn’t really something new. idea to get it from external specialists, such Menno Lanting: The Big Tech companies sumer electronics manufacturer to a com- as Eurofiber when it concerns digital infra- are an outside category. There is no point in pany primarily active in healthcare. And Eurofiber: In my opinion, digitization re- structure. The success of a digital transfor- comparing yourself to Google or Amazon. one that doesn’t just sell hardware. Philips quires human adjustments. For example, of mation stands or falls with the vision and Perhaps, as an organization, you should ac- is now focusing on software, data, and ser- leadership styles. decisiveness of the leaders in the organiza- tually ask if you want to be in the techno- vices. tion. logical vanguard. If you look at very innova- Menno Lanting: I’ll go along with that. The tive companies, you will see that they leave That was a courageous move by the CEO, interesting thing is that we don’t yet know In a digital transformation, there is rarely a the technology pioneering to the Googles and he has also managed to gather the what society will look like in 10 to 20 years lack of initiatives. The problem lies in the of this world. right people around him to make that because of digitalization. When the inter- fact that there is insufficient vision of the strategy work. Philips is one of the few ex- net came along, no one knew that it would future added value that the organization Instead, they choose to make the organiza- amples of an organization that has under- bring about the developments we are look- can offer. Without directional leadership, tion as agile and innovative as possible. Be- gone a successful digital transformation. ing at now. This makes it difficult for or- thousands of flowers bloom, but they all cause then it doesn’t matter so much which Thanks to a leader who managed to link a ganizations to build strategies that take die just as quickly. technology becomes relevant. As a result, clear digital vision to decisiveness. This today’s rapid technological developments they know how to keep up with develop- shows that digital transformation largely into account. As a leader, you are forced to ments and changing market demands re- comes down to people. give direction to an organization without “Don’t look to Big Tech” 12 13
4. Networks in the If you look around, you will see that governments and or- ganizations are already taking full advantage of digital digital society technology. Just think of the introduction of digital learn- ing and testing in education. Or consider home automa- tion that offers the elderly remote care so that they can continue to live independently in a safe manner for longer. Smart City projects, for more livable, urban environments, are sprouting up in major cities all over the world. Digital transformation is now a reality. 31 billion connected devices of data in a short period of time with low Organizations may be able to make do with delays (latency) on connections so that the the available capacity for the time being, but data arrives at its destination with the one thing is sure: the demand for capacity least possible delay. The maximum internet will increase rapidly in all sectors in the com- speed that is currently possible over fiber ing years. A major reason for this is autono- optic is already extremely high. This speed mous devices: the Internet of Things (IoT). will increase many times over in the future. According to forecasts, there will be as many That’s important if we want to take full ad- as 31 billion devices connected to the Internet vantage of all the digitization opportuni- worldwide by the end of 2020. These devices ties in the future. all collect data that they transport over the internet to the cloud. Reliable network In addition to speed, reliability is essential Fast network for a network in order to achieve With all these developments, the need for far-reaching digitalization. In critical en- a strong foundation in the form of a solid vironments, such as a hospital or an edu- network is growing. Fiber optic technology cational institution, the primary process plays a crucial role in this. The definition of immediately comes to a halt if the net- a fast network is that it can transport a lot work degrades, or even worse, fails. 14 15
“One trend is self-driving cars” But reliable availability is also crucial in small and medium-sized enterprises, in- dustry, government services or financial services. For this reason, network suppliers are increasingly incorporating redundancy: organizations purchase two separate con- nections in order to be able to switch seamlessly from one to the other in the event of a disaster. ”Fiber optics is the ideal transport medium and Longer-term trends One example of a longer-term develop- ment that has already started is self-driv- ing cars. When they can drive entirely au- tonomously, it will have consequences for also offers the neces- sary flexibility” many companies’ business models. Organ- izations are already discussing this, par- ticularly the impact it will have on their or- ganization and customers. This extends from the government to in- surance companies and large hospitals. They plan for the longer term, up to 15 years. In these time windows, such trends Connectivity requirements are important things to include. Considering that such a vehicle generates network infrastructure to data centers. data from A to B as quickly as possible. Fib- approximately 4 to 30 terabytes of data Such as the data centers of the central gov- er optics is the ideal transport medium for per day, it should come as no surprise that ernment, where traffic flows are analyzed this and also offers the necessary flexibility. the connectivity requirements placed on in real-time, and certain actions can be tak- Our customers are already taking this into the underlying infrastructure must be op- en. A stable, secure, and future-proof net- account in their strategic plans for the fu- timal. Much of this data travels through work infrastructure is an absolute must for ture. the mobile networks and fixed fiber optic transmitting this enormous amount of 16 17
The cloud is currently the foundation for Innovations 5. The cloud: technological innovation. More and more government organizations, schools, hospi- Today’s cloud offers the opportunity to adopt new, innovative applications and now and in tals, and businesses are using cloud solu- technologies quickly. Because many or- tions. The cloud is also propelling a growing ganizations have switched to ‘Infrastruc- need to transport large amounts of data in ture as a Service’ (IaaS), they have enor- the future real-time. Secure connection as basis for cloud strat- mous amounts of data in the cloud. They want to use this data as quickly as possi- ble, easily and cost-efficiently. egy EEach cloud provider offers a different for- For example, by using this big data for mat and sets its own conditions for redun- advanced data analytics and AI applica- dancy, for example. Organizations can quick- tions. This enables agencies to make bet- ly perceive the multicloud or hybrid cloud as ter decisions and respond more quickly to complex and challenging. Lack of insight into current developments. Without the avail- the costs of use, uncertainty about the con- ability of such applications in the cloud, trol of availability and performance, and this would be almost impossible, or at the possible integration problems with existing very least difficult, time-consuming, and IT processes and systems are the reasons for very expensive. Software for data analyt- this. ics and AI requires an enormous amount of computing power. Until recently, this This is why some organizations prefer public was only accessible to the very largest or- cloud solutions via the public internet. How- ganizations. With the advent of cloud ap- ever, this form of easy access also entails plications, this has suddenly become ac- risks, especially when transmitting and ac- cessible to many different organizations. cessing privacy-sensitive data. A secure cloud connection is essential for many or- ganizations and forms the basis of any cloud strategy. Fast, reliable, and secure networks have enabled the rise of the cloud. The cloud is the basis for efficiently deploying large amounts of (big) data. Combined with high-quality connec- Past the hype stage tions, the cloud provides access to data and computing pow- According to Gartner, the cloud is no longer a hype. Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) are all actual- er, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning ly providing added value. Gartner’s Interactive Hype Cycle also shows that Hybrid Cloud (a mix of private and public cloud services) is on the rise. Organizations and (ML), anywhere and anytime. companies now have a clear idea of how to apply Hybrid Cloud. 18 19
Gartner: Interactive Hype Cycle Emerging Mature Software as a Service (SaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (laaS) Platform o as a e (PaaS) Service Hybrid d Cloud Computing u ”The next era of cloud Innovation Peak of Inflated Through of Slope of Plateau of Trigger Expectations Disillusionment Enlightment Productivity computing” SaaS Software as a service (SaaS) is software that is offered as an online service. The cus- tomer does not have to purchase the software; they simply sign up for a subscription per month and per user. The SaaS provider takes care of the installation, mainte- Distributed cloud rofiber network grows by an average of 40 km every week. The most important cloud nance, and management (including updates). Users usually access the software over The distributed cloud refers to the distribu- providers and virtually all Belgian data the internet from the SaaS provider. For privacy-sensitive information, organizations tion of public cloud services to locations centers are connected to our network. are increasingly choosing an alternative that avoids the public internet. outside the physical data centers of the cloud provider but are still managed by the Hybrid cloud IaaS provider. The evolution from a centralized A hybrid cloud, also called multicloud, con- With Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), the infrastructure is offered virtually. A ma- public cloud to a distributed public cloud sists of one or more private clouds running jor advantage is that an organization does not have to purchase and manage its has ushered in a new era of cloud comput- on their own hardware in a data center or own servers, network equipment, storage, workstations, and virtualization. Scala- ing. It also enables providers to deliver on on servers purchased from a cloud provid- bility is also a big advantage, especially when demand changes quickly and shows the promises of a hybrid cloud. This system er. significant peaks. After all, the customer only pays for what they actually use. A combines external services from a provider good network connection between the user locations and the IaaS environment with internal services run on-site. A hybrid cloud always includes one or is crucial. The internet is often not sufficient for such an application, and IT deci- sion-makers choose a private connection or network to ensure continuity. Eurofiber Cloud Proposition more public clouds (e.g. Amazon Web Ser- At Eurofiber, we are working on a Eurofiber vices, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or Oracle Cloud). This cloud solution provides PaaS Cloud Proposition: we help clients to transi- the ability to distribute workloads and Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides a development platform as a service. Or- tion to the cloud. We do this by starting with move applications and data between pri- ganizations can use it to develop, run and manage applications. The cloud provider the basics: an open, secure, reliable, and fu- vate and public clouds. takes care of building and maintaining the infrastructure, including the runtime, ture-proof network. The finely-meshed Eu- middleware, and operating system. 20 21
6. Fiber optic: ins & outs More bandwidth, higher speeds Self-learning, more secure networks Nowadays, people want to be accessible at all times and Fiber optic bandwidth and speeds are going to Technology trends such as Artificial Intelli- everywhere. Connectivity has become a basic need and increase dramatically in the coming years. One gence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are of the techniques now being developed is hol- having an effect on infrastructure. With the foundation for digital Belgium. Governments, health- low fiber. The biggest gain here is not in the fib- these techniques, your bandwidth auto- er optic, but in the method of exposure. matically adjusts itself to the message you care institutions, education, and businesses: never before want to send. The network learns how to With hollow fiber, it is possible to send two send a message in the fastest and most ef- has a reliable connection been as important as it is today. weeks’ worth of non-stop HD video images ficient manner. Another innovation is the from Brussels to Madrid within a fraction of a role of data centers. second. Examples include working from home, the fraction of a second. No form of transport They are turning into central control points virtual classroom, remote care, and Smart can compete with that. Masts for mobile with intelligent applications to manage Cities. The quality, capacity, speed, and up- time of these connections are increasing. phone and internet traffic are connected via high-quality fiber optic connections. In the “Hollow fiber, data remotely. The geographically dis- persed data form centrally accessible, vir- After all, you don’t want any hiccups or de- lays (latency) in the transport of this cru- near future, more and more wireless anten- nas will be connected to a fiber optic net- even faster tual databases. This also increases securi- ty. cial data. work so that 100 percent reliable coverage will be achieved in due course. Guaranteed speeds” High-quality fiber optic connections coverage is a hard requirement for the Connectivity will always be a combination of self-driving car, among other things. After Such speeds were unthinkable five years wireless and fixed connections. A fiber optic all, a dodgy connection can have disastrous ago. Try to imagine what bandwidths and connection can transport unlimited amounts consequences. speeds will be achievable ten years from of data to the other side of the world in a now. 22 23
Questions or personal advice? Do you have any questions or would you prefer personal advice? Send an e-mail to info@eurofiber.be This is a Eurofiber e-book. The Lifeline platform informs and inspires in the area of digital connectivity: eurofiber.be/lifeline Eurofiber. Lifeline for the digital society
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