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DMT 2021 DIGITAL MAPPING TECHNIQUES 2021 The following was presented at DMT‘21 (June 7 - 10, 2021 - A Virtual Event) The contents of this document are provisional See Presentations and Proceedings from the DMT Meetings (1997-2021)
The following slide s we re pre se nte d by Kyle Ga winski a t DMT ‘21. The y e xpla in the curre nt me thod the South Ca rolina Ge ologica l Surve y is using to colle ct, displa y, a nd store subsurfa ce da ta . Sta nda rdization a nd consiste ncy a re two of the ma jor the me s of this pre se nta tion. A me thod for inputting subsurfa ce da ta into Ge MS da ta ba ses is a lso de scribe d.
Updates on Using Survey123 t o Log Borehole Cut t ings and Produce Geologic Maps Sout h Ca rolina De p a rt me nt of Na t ura l Re source s Ge ologica l Surve y Kyle Ga winski Me ga n Ja me s Robby Morrow
Subsurface Data Collection Display GeMS 3D Using Surve y 123 Exporting from Exporting from Using ArcHydro Survey 123 to Survey 123 to a Strater Shapefile
Purpose • Pa pe r Digita l Logs • Sta nd a rd ize d Da ta Colle ction • Surve y 123 ta ilore d to fit ne e d s, e xporta ble , Ge MS complia nt Ma nua l Entry or Dropdown Se le ction Tra dit ion De scrip t ion Surve y 123 Ge ne ra t e d De scrip t ion clayey-sand (55-15-30), very dark gray (10YR 3/1), light brownish gray (10YR 6/2), yellowish brown (10YR 5/8), light bluish gray (10B 8/1), stiff, dense, medium - coarse, moderately sorted, sub angular - sub rounded, sub prismoidal - sub discoidal, clay matrix quartz with scattered, very fine - fine, sub rounded, spherical opaques with rare, medium-coarse, sub angular, smoky quartz, rutile, and very coarse - granule iron-stained quartz and quartz
Interactive Images Aut omat ic Descript ions Not es Field Unit / Confidence Sample/ Phot o Dat a Inte ra ctive Te rna ry Dia gra m
Strater Templat e
Cross Section
Boreholes in GeMS
Methods • Export sha pe file from Surve y 123 • Script fill in “Sta tions” fe a ture cla ss a nd “Sta tionsBore hole Logs” ta ble
Sta tions (Ge MS Fe a ture Cla ss) Fie ld ID GeMSFeature Classes and Tables LocationConfid e nce Me te rs Obse rve d MapUnit MapUnit Symbol Labe l PlotAtSca le DataSource ID Note s Stations_ID Sta tionsBore hole Logs* Time Date Fie ld ID Obse rve r TopContactDe pth_ft SignificantDime nsions Me te rs TopContactDe pth_m LocationMe thod BottomContactDe pth_ft GPSX BottomContactDe pth_m GPSY TopContactEle vat ion_ft PDOP TopContactEle vat ion_m MapX* BottomContactEle vat ion_ft MapY* BottomContactEle vat ion_m Ele vationMe te rs* Bore hole UnitThickne ss_ft LocationDe script ion* Bore hole UnitThickne ss_m Logge d By* Bore hole Unit County* De scription Drille d By* Id e ntityConfid e nce He lpe rs* DataSource ID Sample ID* StationsBore hole Logs_ID Photo* Me thod * *Adde d
DISCLAIM “While it is important to re cognize the importance of ge ologic fe ature s for groundwate r analysis, we did not atte mpt to cre ate a 3- D compre he nsive ge ologic map database in the groundwate r data mode l de sign” (Stra ssbe rg e t a l., 2011). Geology Using Archyd ro by Aq ua ve o
Cross Sections Borehole Viewer Fence Diagrams
Raster Creation Borehole Visualization Solids
Thanks! MorrowR@ d https:/ / www.d ge ology/ CREDITS: This pre se nta tion te mpla te wa s cre a te d by Slide sgo, including icons by Fla t icon, a nd infogra phics & ima ge s by Fre e pik
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