Page created by Ana Crawford
August 2017

                                                                                           20th An
                                                                                       DININ         4-49
                                                                                             PAGES 3

SPECIAL SECTION: Back to School   PAGES 7-16

          Local PTAs Collaborate with Community
                                               | Community Calendar
                                                      PAGE 16
                                                                        PAGE 22   | Pet of the Month
                                                                | Consignment Sales     PAGE 20-21
                                                                                                          PAGE 32
                                                         P.O. Box 680455 • Marietta, GA 30068

                                                           770-640-7070 • FAX: 770-559-3185
                                                             Volume 24| Number 10
                                                                 Founder | Publisher
                                                                   CYNTHIA ROZZO
                                                               Account Representatives:
                                                   East Cobb Businesses - Merchant’s Walk - Roswell Road
                                                              MICHELLE O’SHAUGHNESSY
                                                         678-357-9384 •

                                                               Northeast Cobb Businesses
                                                                    LAREN BROWN
                                                          770-880-0965 •

                                                           Graphic Designer: Tamara Stephens

ANNUAL DINING GUIDE                                 

                                                       EAST COBBER monthly is published by EAST
                                                   COBBER, LLC. Copyright © 2017 by EAST COBBER,
                                                    LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or any use
                                                      of editorial or pictorial content in any manner,
                                                      without written permission, is prohibited. Any
                                                        opinions expressed here do not necessarily
                                                     represent the views of the EAST ­COBBER. EAST
                                                   COBBER is a locally owned company that strives to
                                                   build a sense of community and pride in East Cobb
                                                     County by providing its residents with positive
                                                    stories and timely information. The EAST COBBER
                                                     is distributed free to homes, schools, and 500+
                                                     retail locations in the following zip code areas:

                                                       30062, 30066, 30067, 30068 and 30075.
                                                       Comments and stories are always welcome.
                                                           Please address all correspondence to
                                                        Subscriptions are available for $20/year.
FEATURED               EVERY        MONTH                 Send check or money order payable to
                                                            EAST COBBER to the above address.

7                      22 COMMUNITY CALENDAR
                       32 PET OF THE MONTH                       Hey!
                                                             EAST COBBER

20                     34 DINING GUIDE
                                                             has an email
CONSIGNMENT SALES                                 Get a weekly rundown
                                                  of local news, events and
                       50 HEALTH & WELLNESS       happenings sent straight

60                                                to your email!
                                                  Sign up at
2 August 2017                       EAST COBBER                             
                                                                                                   On the
                              We cannot have a sense of community without having a
                              sense of shared values. In East Cobb, one of those values
                                                                                            On this month’s cover are
                              we share is a belief in quality education. After all, isn’t
                                                                                            fitness coaches Katie and
                              that why most people move to this side of Cobb County?
                                                                                            Mike Warechowski. Katie
                              The reputation of East Cobb’s public schools’ top test
                                                                                            and her husband, Mike, are
                              scores and exceptional learning environments draws

                              people to East Cobb. Even if you don’t have a child           co-owners of Fitness Together,

                              in school we all have a stake in our community’s              a private personal training

educational system—from our property values to future leaders to future employees.          studio in East Cobb.

On pages 7-16, we pulled together those education stats, school by East Cobb
                                                                                            The couple began working
school—which provides evidence for East Cobb’s great reputation of its schools. While
                                                                                            at Fitness Together 10 years
the test scores offer a quick take that helps parents and teachers measure a school’s
                                                                                            ago as fitness coaches before
success, it is important to note that beyond the rankings, each school needs to be
                                                                                            purchasing the East Cobb
assessed for other qualities, such as: strong school leadership, parental and community
                                                                                            franchise 9 years ago. Since
support, creating an environment where students can learn and grow, as well as

access to up-to-date textbooks and technology.                                              2002, they have helped many

                                                                                            local families achieve their
I hope the test scores and stats help you gain some insight on your neighborhood

school(s) and our East Cobb community. In the meantime, I, like so many other               wellness goals.

East Cobb parents, will be in the trenches collecting on-the-ground intelligence by         Fitness Together is located

attending PTA meetings, volunteering at my child’s school, and/or bumping into other        at 1000 Johnson Ferry Road,
moms to help me make sure my son or daughter is in a place where they experience
                                                                                            Building 400, Suite 412 in
the excitement — and the relevance — of learning.
                                                                                            Marietta/East Cobb. You
When deciding to dine out, I hope you’ll refer to our 20th Annual Dining Directory
                                                                                            can read more about Fitness
(pages 34-49) for inspiration. You’ll discover that a special evening or a night out with
                                                                                            Together on page 6 or visit
friends can be enjoyed right around the corner.
Here’s to a successful school year and delicious diversions!
                                                                                            or call 770-321-1347.

                                                                                                 Cover photo taken by

                                                                                                  Michael Drewitz of
Cynthia M. Rozzo
Founder l Publisher                                                                             Michael’s Photography.

4 August 2017                                          EAST COBBER                              

      Customized, flexible and private describe the       obtaining degrees in exercise and health science         goals to ensure they are met and maintained. And
   workout regimens as well as the facility at Fitness    at Kennesaw State University. Mike was the first         it’s important to add that all the trainers know
   Together East Cobb. Celebrating its 15th anniver-      trainer hired at the East Cobb location, and Katie       what they are doing. They have college degrees
   sary in the community, Fitness Together continues      joined a year later. Then in 2007, the owner             in exercise science or in a related field and are
   to help East Cobbers achieve a healthier lifestyle.    decided to sell the business, and the Warechowskis       nationally certified.”
   From very early on Monday mornings through             became the new owners. Ten years later, the                 According to Katie, most of their clients are
   Saturday afternoons, trainers and clients work         Warechowskis employ a fitness center manager             in the 40s, 50s and 60s age range and are looking
   together on individual fitness goals.                  and six trainers while they operate the adminis-         to “reclaim their health.” Many are starting from
      On a recent Friday morning, Trainer Sean            trative aspects of the business. Fitness Together        scratch, having never worked out or having not
   Sullivan and East Cobb resident Tristina McElreath     East Cobb recently moved to a new location at            worked out in a long time. Along with a cus-
   met at 9:45 a.m. and immediately jumped into a         1000 Johnson Ferry Road, Building 400, Suite             tomized program, each client receives nutritional
   workout designed specifically for her preferenc-       412 (across the street from Johnson Ferry Baptist        counseling.
   es and needs in an exercise suite that allows for      Church) to better accommodate its clients.
                                                                                                                      Small group training sessions are also provided
   privacy and no distractions. A thorough review            With many fitness centers in the community,           for those who like the camaraderie of working out
   of Tristina’s fitness goals had revealed that she      Katie says several factors set Fitness Together          with others. These consist of two to six people
   liked and had participated in kickboxing. So Sean      apart from its competitors. One of the main              and focus on circuit training, cardio and strength.
   incorporated kickboxing into her fitness program.      factors is the privacy that is offered in the studio        Fitness Together East Cobb offers 45-minute
      “There is so much I like about Fitness              layout. She explains: “Our fitness studio is com-        sessions for both individual and small group train-
   Together,” says Tristina. “The reason I first decid-   prised of four private suites, which is beneficial for   ing. Monthly memberships are available, and cus-
   ed to check it out was because I wasn’t making         both the client and trainer. For the client, there is    tom and package rates are competitive. Hours are
   time for me with a busy family and work. I needed      no pressure to compete with others and no intimi-        Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m., and Saturday,
   to get back on course with a fitness routine, and      dation surrounding the workout. It’s all about that      6:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. If you are interested in check-
   I discovered how to do that at Fitness Together.       client and his or her individualized program. For        ing out Fitness Together, mention EAST COBBER
   Scheduling workouts is flexible and fits easily into   the trainer, there are no distractions and no other      Magazine and you can receive an introductory
   my schedule. The trainers focus on form, safety        trainers using the same equipment. This scenario         offer of three sessions for $99.00. For more infor-
   and helping clients with a workout that’s best suit-   allows for an efficient workout.”                        mation, visit www.fitnesstogether/eastcobb or call
   ed for them, as well as provide helpful nutritional       Katie goes on to explain that just like Tristina      770-321-1347.
   information. It was also great how Sean took the       and the incorporation of kickboxing into her rou-           With 15 successful years behind them, the
   time to find out that I liked kickboxing and then      tine, each client receives a one-on-one assessment       Warechowskis plan to continue maintaining their
   worked it into my routine. And, so important to        of his or her current fitness level. “Not only does      signature family-style environment. Promoting
   me, is that it’s always clean – no gym smell ever      the trainer help that person get to where he or she      flexibility and customized programs for their cli-
   and no sweaty mats from the client before.”            wants to be in terms of a healthier lifestyle, but the   ents will also continue to remain at the forefront
       Owners Mike and Katie Warechowski have             trainer also customizes the routine to the client’s      of their business. Long-term growth may entail
   been a part of Fitness Together East Cobb since        specific likes and dislikes,” says Katie. “Our train-    opening a Fitness Together facility in a neighbor-
   it first opened in 2002. The couple met while          ers establish detailed goals and then track those        ing community.

                                                                     P A I D   A D V E R T I S E M E N T

6 August 2017                                                          EAST COBBER                                                      

    he Cobb County School board unanimously                costs are generally lower
    approved a $1.026 billion General Fund                 than other districts. In
    budget for fiscal year 2018. The budget                addition, our expenditures
includes a 1.1 percent bonus for all employees             per student are generally
at a cost of $8.2 million.                                 lower than other metro
    The board also approved a $1,000 bonus for             Atlanta districts. The District
those who are named Teacher of the Year and                continues to keep taxes
Classified Employee of the Year at their respective        low for Cobb County
schools.                                                   citizens by maintaining
     The Cobb County School District (CCSD) is             a millage rate of 18.90
committed to meeting the needs of our students             Mills that has not been
and staff while remaining good stewards of                 changed since 2007.
taxpayer dollars. The district’s Fiscal Year 2018          Finally, for 10 years, the
General Fund budget is tight. The reality is               District has had no long        Chris Ragsdale,
while the overall economy has improved, the                term debt. The Cobb             Cobb County School
district faces revenue budget challenges to fund           County School District          Superintendent
increasing costs in future years.                          is one of the top-tiered
                                                           school districts for credit ratings in the entire country
   In the future, CCSD will struggle to maintain
what it currently has in the budget with funding           maintaining a AAA credit rating from Moody’s
going primarily into three areas:                          Investor Service since 2015.

    1. Student growth                                          The Cobb County School District is the second
                                                           largest school system in Georgia and the 23rd
    2. Increased health insurance costs
                                                           largest in the nation. It serves 113,000 students and
    3. Employee salary step increases                      114 schools, including 67 elementary schools, 25
    Despite the tight budget, CCSD continues               middle schools, 16 high schools, one charter school,
to focus available funding on teachers and                 one special education center, one adult education
classrooms. District operational and school support        center and one performance learning center..                                 EAST COBBER                                         August 2017 7
BACK TO SCHOOL                                                     2017-18
                                                                 COBB COUNTY
     COBB                                                      SCHOOL CALENDAR
   CHAMBER                                                     July 31
                                                               September 4
                                                                                                      First Day of School
                                                                                                      Labor Day Holiday

    OFFERS                                                     September 25-29
                                                               November 20-24
                                                                                                      Student Holiday
                                                                                                      Thanksgiving Holidays

 CHANCE TO BE                                                  December 21-January 3 Winter Holidays

                                                               January 4                              First Day of 2nd Semester

                                                               January 15                             M.L. King Holiday
                                                               February 19-23                         Student Holiday

                                                               April 2-6                              Spring Holidays
    he Cobb County Chamber of Commerce invites you
                                                               May 23                                 Last Day of School
    to participate in a unique, behind-the-scenes expe-
    rience as a Principal for a Day to better understand
one of Cobb County’s strongest assets: our public educa-        COBB COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT
tion system.                                                           514 Glover Street • Marietta, GA 30060
                                                                          770-426-3300 •
     As a Principal for a Day, you will have the chance to
meet one-on-one with one of Cobb County or Marietta
City’s outstanding principals to gain firsthand knowledge
of the challenges and strengths local schools face on
a daily basis. Participants will shadow a local principal,
meet with the faculty, and spend time in the classroom
with students. This special opportunity will provide a
greater understanding of the educational process in
Cobb County.
   “We believe this program can be a very rewarding
experience for members of the Cobb business community,
Cobb’s educators and our students,” says Amy Goggins,
coordinator, for the Cobb Chamber.
     This program will take place the week of Monday,
October 9 – Friday, October 13 in both Cobb County
and Marietta City Schools. The principal and participant
will connect at the beginning of the week and select the                     W. Robert McGoldrick, CPA, CFP
date that would be best for them. The program requires                          Certified Financial Planner
the commitment of a half workday.
                                                                        Business & Individual Tax Preparation
      An application for this program can be found on the                   Tax Planning and Consulting
Chamber’s website: If you would                              Trusts & Estates
like to participate, please complete the online application
by Monday, September 11.
                                                                2866 Johnson Ferry Rd, Ste 100 • Marietta, GA 30062
    For information about becoming a Principal for                     “Proudly serving East Cobb since 1991”
a Day, contact Katie Guice at 770-859-2348 or
                                                                    Securities Offered through Triad Advisors, Inc. v Member FINRA/SIPC

8 August 2017                                         EAST COBBER                                          
  By Laura Finnell, M.Ed, High School Principal, The Cottage School
                                         Your child has been in
                                    school for several weeks and
                                    the cycle is starting again:
                                    homework battles, lack of
                                    time management skills,
                                    papers everywhere and no
                                    end in sight. Many families
                                    experience children who can
                                    be messy and disorganized
                                    and sometimes it’s a simple
 matter of finding the right organizational system.
       For others, difficulty with planning, sequencing, and initi-
 ating tasks, often coupled with impulsivity and a low tolerance
 for frustration, is a sign of Executive Dysfunction. Difficulty
 organizing their things and their time can be key indicators—as
 though the secretary in the front of our brain, the one who
 helps us organize and keep track of our lives, has fallen asleep.
 Break Tasks Down into Smaller Steps
      At The Cottage School, we have learned that students need
 their responsibilities broken down into smaller steps. They
 need tasks spelled out so that they can link sequences of events
 or tasks and understand how they are related.
 Identify a System to Try
       Make a list of several “big picture goals”. Put yourself in
 the role of coach to help your child identify what needs to be
 achieved, and what steps need to be taken to get there. Instead
 of telling her what to do, I knew my daughter needed to feel
 empowered to achieve her goals on her own. We developed a
 system with a dry erase board and a list, where we both write
                                                                          Family law
 on it, and she helps decide the routine and order. She even
 picked out a pink dry erase board and special markers for it. Six
 years later, this system still works for us.
                                                                        Pamela J. Gray, a resident
 Make It Fun
       Don’t forget to add goals that are motivating and fun to the     of East Cobb with over
 list. Her fun activities, like phone or pool time, should be on        25 years of experience,
 there too. By including them on the list, she learns to check off
                                                                        primarily serving Cobb
 ‘chore’ items first to get to the fun stuff.
     Remember, every family and every child is different, so try
                                                                        and Fulton counties in
 new systems to find what works for your child.                         all aspects of Divorce
                                                                        and Family Law matters.
       The Cottage School
       700 Grimes Bridge Road
       Roswell GA 30075                                                   100 Galleria Parkway • Suite 1120 • Atlanta, GA 30339
       770.641.8688                                                          770-225-7002 •                                                    
                     P A I D A DV E RT I S E M E NT                                             EAST COBBER                                           August 2017 9
The Cobb County Board of Education consists of seven elected members who appoint a superintendent responsible for the
administration of the system. Elected to serve four-year terms, each school board member votes on issues that affect school
curriculum and instruction, auxiliary services, personnel and administration. The Board of Education meets twice each month.
The first meeting is a work session held the second Wednesday of each month at 8:30am. The Board meets again the fourth
Thursday of each month to vote on agenda items developed at the work session. The Thursday meetings begin at 7pm.

                 RANDI SCAMIHORN • POST 1                                          DAVID CHASTAIN • POST 4
                 Schools represented in Post 1:                                    Schools represented in Post 4:
                 High Schools:                                                     High Schools:
                 Allatoona, Kennesaw Mountain,                                     Kell, Sprayberry
                 North Cobb                                                        Middle Schools:
                 Middle Schools:                                                   Daniell, McCleskey, Palmer
                 Awtrey, Barber, Durham, McClure,                                  Elementary Schools:
                 Pine Mountain                                                     Addison, Bells Ferry, Big Shanty, Blackwell,
                 Elementary Schools:                                               Chalker, Keheley, Kincaid, Nicholson,
                 Acworth, Baker, Bullard, Frey, Hayes,                             Pitner, Rocky Mount
                 Kennesaw, Lewis, McCall, Pickett’s Mill
                                                                                   DAVID BANKS • POST 5
                 SUSAN THAYER • POST 2                                   
                                          Schools represented in Post 5:
                 Schools represented in Post 2:                                    High Schools: Lassiter, Pope
                 High Schools:                                                     Middle Schools:
                 Campbell, Osborne, Oakwood Digital                                Hightower Trail, Mabry, Simpson
                 Academy, Adult Education Center                                   Elementary Schools:
                 Middle Schools:                                                   Davis, East Side, Eastvalley, Garrison Mill,
                 Campbell, Floyd, Griffin, Lindley 6th                             Mountain View, Murdock, Powers Ferry,
                 Grade Academy, Lindley Middle                                     Sedalia Park, Shallowford Falls, Tritt
                 Elementary Schools:
                 Belmont Hills, Birney, Fair Oaks, Green                           SCOTT SWEENEY • POST 6
                 Acres, King Springs K-1, King Springs 2-5               
                 LaBelle, Nickajack, Norton Park, Russell,                         Schools represented in Post 6:
                 Smyrna                                                            High Schools: Walton, Wheeler
                                                                                   Middle Schools:
                 DAVID MORGAN • POST 3                                             Dickerson, Dodgen, East Cobb
                                          Elementary Schools:
                 Schools represented in Post 3:                                    Argyle, Brumby, Mount Bethel, Sope
                 High Schools:                                                     Creek, Teasley, Timber Ridge
                 Pebblebrook, South Cobb
                 Middle Schools:                                                   BRAD WHEELER • POST 7
                 Cooper, Garrett, Tapp                                   
                 Elementary Schools:                                               Schools represented in Post 7:
                 Austell, Bryant, Clarkdale, Clay,                                 High Schools:
                 Compton, Harmony Leland, Hendricks,                               Harrison, Hillgrove, McEachern
                 Mableton, Powder Springs, Riverside                               Middle Schools:
                 Intermediate, Riverside                                           Lost Mountain, Lovinggood, Smitha
                 Primary, Sanders                                                  Elementary Schools:
                                                                                   Cheatham Hill, Dowell, Due West, Ford,
                                                                                   Hollydale, Kemp, Milford, Still, Varner,

10 August 2017                                         EAST COBBER                                

                         PUBLIC SCHOOLS LOCATED
                          IN EAST COBB COUNTY
                                   21 Elementary Schools
                                   - approx.16,221 Elementary School students
                                   8 Middle Schools
                                   - approx. 8,326 Middle School students
                                   6 High Schools
                                   - approx. 12,806 High School Students

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                                               770 -578-0048
                                         4400 Roswell Road • Marietta
                                   EAST COBBER                                            August 2017 11
       Every school year, Cobb County students are tested on a variety of state and system-wide assessments. The Iowa Tests
 of Basic Skills (ITBS) are administered in September to students in grades 3, 5 and 7. Administration of the ITBS allows the
 district to compare the performance of students to that of other students across the nation who took the same test at the
 same time of year. According to the 2017 test results noted below, most East Cobb County elementary school students
 performed well above the national average on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. For complete results visit

    ITBS SCORES                                                                ITBS SCORES



                                                          3rd GE     3.2       East Side ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                         3rd GE     4.0
    Cobb County Schools - Average Scores
                                                                    57%        3850 Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30062                            83%
                                                          5th GE     5.5       770-578-7200 •              5th GE     6.9
                                                                    58%        Principal: Elizabeth Mavity • # of students: 1,270               79%
    Addison ES • 7:45am - 2:15pm                          3rd GE     3.6       Eastvalley ES • 7:55am - 2:25pm                        3rd GE     3.4
    3055 Ebenezer Road, Marietta, GA 30066                          69%        2570 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30067                      63%
    770-578-2700 •                5th GE     6.0       770-578-7214 •              5th GE     6.2
    Principal: Susan Hallmark • # of students: 617                  66%        Principal: Kendell Foster • # of students: 699                   69%
    Bells Ferry ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                      3rd GE     3.4       Garrison Mill ES • 7:55am - 2:25pm                     3rd GE     3.9
    2600 Bells Ferry Road, Marietta, GA 30066                       64%        4111 Wesley Chapel Road, Marietta, GA 30062                      80%
    678-594-8950 •             5th GE     5.8       770-642-5600 •            5th GE     7.1
    Principal: Gail May • # of students: 711                        63%        Principal: Kyle Giesler • # of students: 667                     81%
    Blackwell ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                        3rd GE     3.2       Keheley ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                           3rd GE     3.4
    3470 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066                            54%        1985 Kemp Road, Marietta, GA 30066                               66%
    678-494-7600 •              5th GE     5.8       678-494-7836 •                 5th GE     6.1
    Principal: Melissa Shackelford • # of students: 729             63%        Principal: Tucker Smith • # of students: 529                     67%
    Brumby ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                           3rd GE     2.7       Kincaid ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                           3rd GE     3.7
    1306 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta, GA 30067                      37%        1410 Kincaid Road, Marietta, GA 30066                            73%
    770-916-7070 •                 5th GE     4.5       770-578-7238 •                 5th GE     6.5
    Principal: Dr. Amanda Richie • # of students: 1,018             37%        Principal: Deborah Blake • # of students: 700                    73%
    Davis ES • 7:55am - 2:20pm                            3rd GE     3.6       Mt. Bethel ES • 7:45am - 2:15pm                        3rd GE     4.3
    2433 Jamerson Road, Marietta, GA 30066                          71%        1210 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta, GA 30068                      87%
    678-494-7636 •                  5th GE     6.4       770-578-7248 •                5th GE     7.4
    Principal: Kristin Erbskorn • # of students: 571                72%        Principal: Jessica Appleyard • # of students: 1,122              85%

KEY: Percentile: %; Above Average: 77-99%tile; Average: 23-76%tile; Below Average: 1-22%tile; National Average: 50%tile.
National Grade Equivalent (GE) for Third Grade: 3.2. National Grade Equivalent (GE) for Fifth Grade: 5.2.

12 August 2017                                                       EAST COBBER                                           

    ITBS SCORES                                                                    ITBS SCORES




   Mountain View ES • 7:55am - 2:25pm                         3rd GE    3.7        Sedalia Park ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                                        3rd GE           2.9
   3151 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta, GA 30066                          74%         2230 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30067                                              47%
   770-578-7265 •              5th GE    6.6        770-509-5162 •                               5th GE           5.0
   Principal: Dr. Renee Ingram Garriss • # of students: 834            76%         Principal: Tiffany Jackson • # of students: 870                                          49%
   Murdock ES • 7:55am - 2:25pm                               3rd GE    3.9        Shallowford Falls ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                                   3rd GE           3.9
   2320 Murdock Road, Marietta, GA 30062                               80%         3529 Lassiter Road, Marietta, GA 30062                                                   78%
   770-509-5071 •                     5th GE    7.1        770-642-5610 •                          5th GE           6.8
   Principal: Lynn Hamblett • # of students: 944                       82%         Principal: Felicia Angelle • # of students: 641                                          78%
   Nicholson ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                             3rd GE    3.3        Sope Creek ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                                          3rd GE           4.0
   1599 Shallowford Road, Marietta, GA 30066                           59%         3320 Paper Mill Road, Marietta, GA 30067                                                 83%
   770-928-5573 •                   5th GE    5.4        770-916-7085 •                                 5th GE           6.7
   Principal: Joan Johnson • # of students: 545                        56%         Principal: Dr. Douglas Daugherty • # of students: 1,164                                  77%
   Powers Ferry ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                          3rd GE    2.7        Timber Ridge ES • 7:50am - 2:20pm                                        3rd GE           4.1
   1845 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta, GA 30067                          36%         5000 Timber Ridge Road, Marietta, GA 30068                                               85%
   770-578-7936 •                 5th GE    4.6        770-642-5621 •                               5th GE           7.3
   Principal: Dr. Patrice Jones • # of students: 448                   41%         Principal: Jeffrey Castle • # of students: 615                                           83%
   Rocky Mount ES • 7:45am - 2:10pm                           3rd GE    4.0        Tritt ES • 7:55am - 2:25pm                                               3rd GE           3.9
   2400 Rocky Mount Road, Marietta, GA 30066                           83%         4435 Post Oak Tritt Road, Marietta, GA 30062                                             80%
   770-591-5050 •                  5th GE    6.3        770-642-5630 •                                     5th GE           7.1
   Principal: Peggy Fleming • # of students: 617                       71%         Principal: Dr. Tricia Patterson • # of students: 910                                     81%

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        Every school year, Cobb County students are tested on a variety of state and system-wide assessments. The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills
 (ITBS) are administered in September to students in grades 3, 5 and 7. Administration of the ITBS allows the district to compare the perfor-
 mance of students to that of other students across the nation who took the same test at the same time of year. According to the results
 noted below, most East Cobb County middle school students performed well above the national average on the Iowa Tests of Basic
 Skills. For complete results visit

   ITBS SCORES                                                                             ITBS SCORES


                                                      ACTUAL                                                                                        ACTUAL


                                                      GRADE                                                                                         GRADE
                                                       LEVEL                                                                                         LEVEL


  Cobb County School - Average Scores                  7th      7.6           58%          Hightower Trail MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm

  Daniell MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm
                                                                                           3905 Post Oak Tritt, Marietta, GA 30062
                                                                                           770-578-7225 •
                                                                                                                                                      7          9.9        79%
                                                        7       7.5          56%
                                                                                           Principal: Laura Montgomery •# of students: 1,079
  2900 Scott Road, Marietta, GA 30066
  678-594-8048 •
  Principal: David Nelson • # of students: 948                                             Mabry MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm

  Dickerson MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm
                                                                                           2700 Jims Road, Marietta, GA 30066
                                                                                           770-928-5546 •
                                                                                                                                                      7          9.3        74%
                                                        7      10.8 85%
                                                                                           Principal: Merrilee Heflin •# of students: 890
  855 Woodlawn Road, Marietta, GA 30068
  770-578-2710 •
  Principal: Dr. Carole Brink •# of students: 1,273                                        McCleskey MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm

  Dodgen MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm
                                                                                           4080 Maybreeze Road, Marietta, GA 30066
                                                                                           770-928-5560 •                   7          7.6        57%
                                                        7      10.7 84%
                                                                                           Principal: Dr. Andrea Jenkins-Mann •# of students: 698
  1725 Bill Murdock Road, Marietta, GA 30062
  770-578-2726 •
  Principal: Dr. Loralee Hill •# of students: 1,257                                        Simpson MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm

  East Cobb MS • 9:15am - 4:15pm
                                                                                           3340 Trickum Road, Marietta, GA 30066
                                                                                           770-971-4711 •                     7          8.8        70%
                                                        7       6.9          48%
                                                                                           Principal: Dr. Ansley Davies •# of students: 945
  380 Holt Road Marietta, GA 30068
  770-578-2740 •
  Principal: Leetonia Young •# of students: 1,236

KEY: Percentile: %; Above Average: 77-99%tile; Average: 23-76%tile; Below Average: 1-22%tile; National Average: 50%tile. National Grade
Equivalent (GE) for Seventh Grade: 7.2
* English Language Arts includes reading, vocabulary and written expression

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                                                                                                                                     ~Year round, boys & girls, all ages
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                                                                                                                                   FOR MORE INFO: 678-521-4100
                                                                                                                                        All Tournament Players Park
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                                                                                                                 trial           WWW.VANGUARDELITESPORTS.COM
                                                                                                            Free out
                                                                                                             work d!

14 August 2017                                                                     EAST COBBER                                                     
         The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the American
   College Testing (ACT) are offered by The College Board sev-
   eral times during the year. These tests are not required by the
   state or school system, and are not administered by Cobb
   schools; however, most colleges and universities use SAT and/
   or ACT scores in determining student admission. The SAT is
   used to predict a student’s potential for success in the first
   year of college and is required for admission to most colleg-
   es and universities. Most college-bound students take one
   or both of these tests during either their junior or senior year.
   The following chart displays SAT scores from the Class of 2016
   (the last available scores released from Cobb County School
   District) attending East Cobb high schools. For complete results

                                                                                          MATH TOTALS

                                                                                            READING &
                                                       % TESTED




  NATIONAL                                             52         494 508 1006 482 1484
  COBB COUNTY                                          79         514 513 1023 493 1520
  GEORGIA                                              79         493 490 975 476 1459
  Kell High School • 8:35am - 3:25pm
  4770 Lee Waters Road, Marietta, GA 30066
  678-494-7844 •
                                                       81 504 502 1013 480 1486                                                Leave the Cleaning to Us.
                                                                                                                          Be There When It Matters.
  Principal: Dr. Andy Bristow• # of students: 1,464
  Lassiter HS • 8:35am - 3:25pm
  2601 Shallowford Road, Marietta, GA 30066
  678-494-7863 •
                                                       100 552 566 1120 536 1654                                            Residential or Office · Move-In / Move-Out Cleaning
  Principal: Dr. Chris Richie • # of students: 2,146
                                                                                                                                           Fully Insured & Bonded
  Pope HS • 8:25am - 3:25pm
  3001 Hembree Road, Marietta, GA 30062
  770-578-7900 •
                                                       88 557 560 1110 532 1649
  Principal: Thomas Flugum • # of students: 1,959

  Sprayberry HS • 8:35am - 3:25pm
  2525 Sandy Plains Road, Marietta, GA 30066
  770-578-3200 •
  Principal: Joseph Sharp • # of students: 1,723
                                                       82 490 483 980 460 1433                                             10% OFF
                                                                                                                          First Cleaning Service
                                                                                                                           - New Customers Only -
  Walton HS • 8:35am - 3:25pm
                                                                                                                             May not be combined
  1590 Bill Murdock Road, Marietta, GA 30062
  770-578-3225 •                94 577 588 1182 565 1730                                               with other offers.
  Principal: Judith McNeill • # of students: 2,676

  Wheeler HS • 8:35am - 3:25pm
  375 Holt Road, Marietta, GA 30068
  770-578-3266 •
                                                       67 547 558 1096 530 1635
  Principal: Dr. Peter Giles • # of students: 2,118

      I                         East Cobb                                                                                     Cobb/Cherokee        North Fulton/Forsyth
                                                                                                                             770.627.4670 770.475.8700 770.559.3264
                                                                                                                                                                          Sandy Springs                                                                                        EAST COBBER                                                           August 2017 15

        By Kristy Flowers and Kimberly Webb, Co-Presidents, East Cobb County Council of PTAs
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”       that affect our schools. Earlier this year the ECCC PTA
                                                               educated our members about the upcoming Ed-SPLOST
                                           ~Helen Keller
                                                               ballot referendum and encouraged parents to get out

                                                               and vote. The referendum passed and the funds raised
    he East Cobb County Council of PTAs welcomes all           will greatly benefit our students and our schools through
    students attending the 35 schools that are members         needed capital improvements in the years to come.
    of our council and their families to another wonderful
                                                                    The ECCC PTA is thankful for the many community
year of learning. Our students attend Kell, Lassiter, Pope,
                                                               businesses and partners who work very hard to support
Sprayberry, Walton and Wheeler High Schools and
                                                               our teachers, our principals and our families and students
their feeder elementary and middle schools. Those of
                                                               as we work to give our children an opportunity to prepare
you who are members of our PTAs understand that our
                                                               for future careers. We are especially excited to watch
students and our schools are our responsibility!
                                                               our local businesses, through the efforts of the Cobb
     One of the National PTA Standards for Family-School       Chamber of Commerce, partner with Cobb and Marietta
Partnerships is collaborating with community. PTAs and         schools, Kennesaw State University, Chattahoochee
PTSAs exist in our East Cobb schools to bring additional
                                                               Technical College, Life University and Georgia Highlands
value to our children’s education. The ECCC PTA
                                                               College to create the Cobb Workforce Partnership. The
collaborates with the students, parents and educators
                                                               partnership is committed to establishing a pipeline of
inside of our schools as well as the community in which
                                                               talented workers by aligning the needs of high demand
the schools are located to make our schools stronger
                                                               careers with the education efforts at our schools.
and our students more successful.
                                                                    Our success is due to your hard work which empow-
     PTAs of East Cobb supplement our children’s quality
                                                               ers your children, your family and your community. Your
education through events and programs that promote
                                                               continued involvement in the community will maintain
Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, and Arts
                                                               the quality of living that all East Cobbers now enjoy!
Appreciation. These and other PTA programs add to
the classroom learning that our children receive by                Our children and our schools are our responsibility!
exposing them to unique opportunities within their school
                                                                                      Kimberly Webb is the
community as well as within the greater community that
                                                                                  Co-President of the East Cobb
surrounds them.
                                                                                  County Council of PTAs. She
     The ECCC PTA encourages new families to join                                 previously served as the Co-President
their school’s PTA or PTSA and see the benefits that                              and Secretary of the Timber Ridge
our members find through the many PTA activities and                              Elementary School PTA and resides in
services that help make our East Cobb schools some                                Marietta with her husband, Trey, and
of the best in the state of Georgia. Your school’s PTA/
                                                               children, Caroline, Emma Jane and Davis.
PTSA provides and supports efforts to offer a variety of
educational programming, communication tools, family-                  Kristy Flowers is serving her 2nd
fun activities and events to thank our teachers and               year as President of the East Cobb
school staff.                                                  County Council of PTAs. She resides in
    Your PTA also has the tools to amplify your voice to        Fox Hills subdivision with her husband
advocate on behalf of all our children. Together as a               Jim and 2 sons who attend Sope
council of PTAs/PTSAs, our voice is stronger in speaking           Creek Elementary and East Cobb
on behalf of our children to our elected officials on issues                              Middle School.

    GET IN TOUCH!        cobber     @EastCobber           

16 August 2017                                        EAST COBBER                                
     In my dental practice I regularly      of her front teeth as well as fracturing       According to the American Dental
  see young patients who have been          the bone above the teeth. One tooth            Association, there is only one store-
  hurried from the sports field or          was located in the grass quickly,              bought mouthguard they are willing to
  gymnasium to my office by a panicked      placed in milk, and brought with               give the ADA seal of approval as most
  parent. These kids show up distraught     the patient to my office where I was           do not do a sufficient job of protecting
  with permanent teeth that have            able to reimplant it into her mouth.           the teeth, are not comfortable (which
  been broken or injured and must           The other tooth never was found,               means they won’t be worn,) or are not
  be repaired with bonding, a crown,        and the patient has had to live with a         impact or tear-resistant.
  or even removal and future implant        temporary appliance to replace that
                                                                                              If your child is active in sports,
  placement. Some of these teeth end        tooth until she reaches 18-20 years
                                                                                           whether the sport is gymnastics,
  up needing root canal treatment for       of age, the typical age when a young
  the injuries sustained by the nerves in                                                  lacrosse, skateboarding, or other
                                            female’s bone growth stabilizes and
  the teeth. Many of the injuries I see     a dental implant can be placed. Her            activities
  could have been prevented or would        prom and senior pictures will be made          where
  have been less severe if the child had    with this temporary appliance instead          impacts to
  been wearing a protective athletic        of her beautiful, natural smile.               the mouth
  mouthguard.                                                                              may occur,
                                               Mouthguards fit best when
     One of my more memorable               fabricated by a dentist. Most store            protect his or
  emergencies was a beautiful 12-year-      bought mouthguards do not place                her smile by
  old girl who was rushed into my office    even coverage over the teeth and               making sure
                                                                                                              Dr. Cristi Cheek is the
  from the soccer practice field. She and   bone, allowing some teeth to receive           those teeth
                                                                                                              owner of Cheek Dental
  her teammate had both run toward the      a harder blow than others. Properly            are covered        here in East Cobb. You
  ball not realizing they were headed for   fitting mouthguards provide even               by a properly      may contact her at
                                                                                                              770-993-3775 or visit
  each other, and the teammate’s head       thickness and fit closely, leaving no          fitting
  hit her in the mouth, knocking out two    air pockets surrounding the teeth.             mouthguard.

     2872 Johnson Ferry Road • 770-993-3775 •

                                                     P A I D   A D V E R T I S E M E N T                                     EAST COBBER                                                        August 2017 17
                                          Let’s talk about money.
                                     More specifically, your money.
                                                                           Connects Consumers with
                                     Do you have an advisor you trust
                                     on your journey through life,
                                                                            Expert Service Providers
                                     whether it’s planning for a home,
                                     college or retirement? Edward
                                                                                                            Do you have a need for
                                     Jones advisor Greg Hyde is some-                                   a plumber, maid service
                                     one you can count on to give you                                   or graphic designer that is
  Greg Hyde                          financial guidance that will give                                  local and available? Are
                                     you peace of mind.                                                 you a programmer, tutor or
                                          Greg has more than 20 years                                   handyman seeking local or
                                    of experience working in various                                    national work? Two East
 types of financial institutions, but he finds it more rewarding to                                     Cobbers recently created the
 work directly with people. He is focused on what is important                                          free SnappHelp mobile app
 to your financial security where recommendations are based on                                          that connects service provid-
 specific goals, risk tolerance and investment objectives.                                              ers with consumers.
      Greg works with clients to establish pre- or post-retirement                                           SnappHelp makes it
 solutions, college savings and small company retirement service           easy to find help. For example, if you need an electri-
 plans. He listens to their specific goals and offers customized strat-    cian, you simply select the service you need, enter your
 egies to help them reach their goals. As an Edwards Jones advisor,        request and click “Send.” Your request is automatically
 he has access to some of the best industry investment and tech-           delivered to local electricians. Available electricians then
 nology systems, which make it easier to support clients. Edward           respond directly to you through the app with their avail-
 Jones is known in the industry for focusing on serious, long-term         ability and pricing.
 investors while emphasizing quality and diversification.
                                                                               On the other hand, if you want to market your skills
      Greg also reviews investment accounts held at other firms
 and provides a second opinion. Through his research, he finds that
                                                                           or services as a tutor, photographer, graphics designer
 many times we can improve on the level of risk and quality of the         or any other service, simply add your skills and services
 investments.                                                              when you sign-up. You will start receiving requests from
                                                                           other users in your area. Additionally, users can rate
       With a strong belief system in giving back, Greg volunteers as
 a Stephen’s Minister at Mt Bethel United Methodist Church and
                                                                           each other and see a star rating for service providers.
 acts as a SCORE mentor at the Cobb Chamber of Commerce.                       This app is unique because you are not simply
       Greg is a local East Cobb family man who loves to golf              shown a list of providers for your needs, but a direct
 and spend time with his wife, kids and grandchildren. His wife,           secure connection is made between you and the provider
 Bonnie, is a recognized pastel artist with a gallery at Frame Up          when you make a request and a provider responds to
 II in Marietta. When working with his clients, Greg likes to look         your request. It’s free for both providers and users, and
 at their big financial picture and takes the time to review family        there are no hidden fees or ads.
 budgets in order to improve future results while helping clients              What started out as an idea by founder Sony
 meet their goals.
                                                                           Roundhill for connecting odd jobs with providers turned
      “My office is open to anyone with any size account, and I            into a mobile application that can help consumers,
 pledge my full attention and time to provide each person, family or       freelancers, recruiters and job seekers. Sony partnered
 company with high quality solutions,” says Greg.                          with Jay Hodges, IT expert and fellow East Cobb dad, to
      He advises his clients that they shouldn’t navigate invest-          launch the app.
 ments on their own. “I learn something new every day. I can’t
 imagine trying to create and monitor solid investment solutions
                                                                                “SnappHelp gets stronger as more and more people
 part time.”                                                               register, and I’m happy that we can match consumers
                                                                           with someone who can meet their needs quickly and
      To learn more about Investment Planning and to set
                                                                           easily,” said Sony. “SnappHelp has unmatched priva-
 up a free consultation, contact Greg Hyde at 678-402-5460
 or His office is located in the
                                                                           cy features which allows users to delete their requests
 American Business Center at 1395 S. Marietta Parkway,                     and messages from other users’ devices as needed,” he
 Building 300; Suite 218.                              added.
                                                        Member SIPC            The app is Apple and Android friendly. Visit the
                                                                           Apple iTunes App store or Google Play Store to down-
                       P A I D A DV E RT I S E M E NT                      load, or visit for the download link.

18 August 2017                                                     EAST COBBER                            
COMPASSION MEETS                                         Schedule YOur cOnSultatiOn tOdaY!
                 EYE EXCELLENCE,                                          470-276-9401 . www.milaneYecenter.cOm
                                                                            eaSt cOBB . BuFOrd . cumminG
                 CLOSE TO HOME                                            alPharetta . cantOn . JOhnS creeK
                                                                           cOminG SOOn

                                                                            Our ServiceS include:
               Samir Vira, MD. Laser Cataract,
               Corneal, and Refractive Surgeon                            • BLADELESS CATARACT SURGERY
                                                                          • LASIK/PRK
                                                                          • CLEAR LENS EXCHANGE
                                                                          • GLAUCOMA EVALUATION/
                                                                          • CORNEAL TRANSPLANT
                                                                          • PTERGYIUM SURGERY
                                                                          • ORBITAL AND
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                              Kiran Sajja, MD. Reconstructive,            • DIABETIC EYE EXAMINATION
                              Aesthetic and Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon   • DRY EYE MANAGEMENT
                                                                          • OCULAR EMERGENCIES                                       EAST COBBER                                   August 2017 19
    Are you a bargain hunter when it comes to your kids’ wardrobe or toys? Consignment sales offer everything from strollers,
bouncy seats, cribs, any kind of toy you can think of, to diaper bags, bedding, infants’ and kids’ clothes, and maternity
clothes. You can also find winter coats, boots, and Halloween costumes. Shoppers can find a wide variety of children’s
items that are usually screened for quality, all under one roof. You don’t have to drive around town to different garage sales
where it’s a hit-or-miss on what items you might find and in what shape, as the local consignment sales have quality standards.
We’ve scouted and scoured our sources to provide EAST COBBER readers a list of upcoming local consignment sales.

AUGUST 16-17                                                       AUGUST 19
Divine Children’s Show Boutique Overstock and Con-                 Tots to Tweens Consignment Sale brought to you by
signment Sale. Preview show Tuesday, August 15 at                  Northwest Atlanta Moms of Multiples. Everything you
1-8pm, for volunteers, consignors, and new moms.                   need for your family from tots to tweens! Strollers
New moms need to register online for Tuesday preview               welcome! Electronic tagging, so a much faster checkout!
show. Wednesday: 9:30am-9pm. Thursday: 9:30am-                     9am-2pm. Sandy Plains Baptist Church, 2825 Sandy
2pm. The Mansour Center, 995 Roswell Street, Marietta.             Plains Road, Marietta. For more info: 678-235-8468 or
More info: or         
                                                                   AUGUST 25-26
AUGUST 17-19                                                       All 4 Kids/East Cobb. Friday: 9:30am (or 8:30am w/$5
Mt. Bethel UMC Fall/Winter Children’s Consignment Sale.            Cash for Missions) -8pm. No strollers before 11am. Sat-
Get the best deals on toys, books, children’s furniture,           urday: 9am-1pm (half off). Accepting Cash, Debit ($1
sporting goods, fall and winter clothing and much more.            fee), MasterCard and Visa ($2 fee). No checks. Mt. Paran
Make sure to visit the boutique section for upscale brands,        North Church of God, 1700 Allgood Road, Marietta. More
custom-made and smocked clothing. All proceeds go to               info:
support local and global missions. Preview Shopping for

                                                                       I East Cobb
volunteers and first-time moms Thursday, August 17. Friday:
9am-7pm; Saturday: 9am-12pm (all items 30% off). Mt.
Bethel United Methodist Church, 4385 Lower Roswell Road,
Marietta. More info: or

                                                                                    •   MAXIMUM 300 items
                                              Friday, September 8                   •   Sellers receive 70% of the selling price
                                              9 am - 6 pm                           •   ALL reduced 30% on Saturday
                                                                                    •   NEW! Open Late Friday until 6pm
                                              Saturday, September 9                 •   NEW! Now offering maternity wear
                                                                                    •   Volunteer and shop early!
                                              9 am - Noon
                                              1795 Johnson Ferry Road
                                              Marietta, GA 30062                        Visit us on Facebook

20 August 2017                                        EAST COBBER                                    
AUGUST 25-26                                                  SEPTEMBER 8-9
Due West Treasure Chest Children’s/Junior’s Consignment       Roswell United Methodist Church Preschool and
Sale. Friday: 9am-7pm. Saturday: 8am-12pm. Many               Kindergarten (RUMCK) Children’s Consignment Sale.
items half price on Saturday. Due West United Methodist       Friday: 9am-2pm. Saturday: 8am-12pm. Roswell United
Church, 3956 Due West Road, Marietta. More info:              Methodist Church, 814 Mimosa Boulevard, Building B.,
770-427-3835 or                    Roswell. More info: 770-853-2333 or
consignment-sale.                                             connect/children/rumck/rumck-consignment-sale

SEPTEMBER 7-9                                                 SEPTEMBER 15-16
Lil’ Lambs Closet. Thursday: $5 Public preview: 2-8pm.        KinderMart Children’s Consignment Sale. Friday: 9:30am-
Friday: 9am-7pm. Saturday: 9am-1pm. Many items half           7pm. No strollers before 11am. Saturday: 9am-12pm.
off on Saturday. Proceeds go to benefit church ministries     Many items ½ price on Saturday. Benefits Smyrna FUMC
and community missions. First United Methodist Church of      Preschool/Kindergarten. Smyrna First United Methodist
Marietta, 56 Whitlock Avenue, Marietta. Childcare availa-     Church, 1315 Concord Road, Smyrna. More info:
ble with reservations. More info: 770-429-7800 ext. 7805 or

East Cobb’s Finest Kids’ Consignment Sale. Thursday
September 7 (volunteers only): 6-8pm. Friday: 9am-6pm.
Saturday: 9am-12pm. Everything 30% off on Saturday.                        LIKE US
The Episcopal Church of St. Peter-Paul, 1795 Johnson Ferry COBBER
Road, Marietta. More info: 770-977-7473 or                                   EAST COBBER                                        August 2017 21

                                                   COMMUNITY CALENDAR
Free Mulch. Cobb EMC offers free mulch from the                   SATURDAYS
clearance maintenance of Cobb EMC power lines. It                 ECIC Free Clinic & Lab. East Cobb Islamic Center (ECIC),
is available throughout the year and can be delivered             is offering a free medical clinic with laboratory work
when crews are in your area. Free mulch is available to           and prescription assistance to uninsured/underserved
Cobb EMC members only. More info: 678-355-3413 or visit           members of the community. They are partnering with                       the Georgia Department of Public Health to provide this
                                                                  service. 9am-12pm (no appointment necessary). East
THROUGH AUGUST 29                                                 Cobb Islamic Center, 1111 Braswell Road, Marietta. More
Bulloch Hall Tours: Staying Cool in the 19th Century. The         info: 678-528-1414 or
lovely ladies of the 19th Century wore several pounds of
clothing and still only “glistened” in the Georgia heat.          SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS
How did they do it? Visit this exhibit at Bulloch Hall to learn   THROUGH SEPTEMBER 4
about 19th Century fashion. Monday-Saturday: 10am-                Acworth Slide: World’s Largest Inflatable Water Slide.
3pm. Sunday: 1pm-3pm. Adults $8, Seniors $7, Children             The 175’ long waterslide is billed as the “World’s Largest
$6, Children 6 & under free. 180 Bulloch Ave, Roswell.            Inflatable Water Slide.” Each slider must be 42 inches or
More info:                                    taller. Saturdays & Sundays: 11am-6pm. Daily rates: $16/
                                                                  person, unlimited slides; $8/person, unlimited slides for
TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS                                            1 hour; $4/person, 1 slide. Dallas Landing Park on the
Wildlife Feeding Time at the Chattahoochee Nature                 Beach, 5120 Allatoona Drive, Acworth. More info:
Center. Join a naturalist for an in-depth look at one             404-406-6996 or
of their resident animals as they are being fed. 4pm.
Admission: $10/adults. $7/seniors and students ages
13-18. $6/ages 3-12. Chattahoochee Nature Center,
                                                                                       TWEET TWEET!
9135 Willeo Road, Roswell. More info: 770-992-2055.                                    FOLLOW US ON TWITTER

22 August 2017                                           EAST COBBER                                
Marietta Square Art Walk. A free, self-guided tour of
historic Marietta Square’s eclectic art scene. Art galleries,
museums, cultural venues, restaurants and boutiques
hosting artists within their businesses will display an Art
Walk banner in their window. Maps available at each
participating location and at the Marietta Welcome
Center, 4 Depot St NE, Marietta. 5-9pm, rain or shine.
More info:

AUGUST 4-6 & 10-12
Rabbit Hole. Becca and Howie Corbett have everything
a family could want, until a life-shattering accident
turns their world upside down. Rabbit Hole charts their
bittersweet search for comfort in the darkest of places
and for a path that will lead them back into the light
of day. Winner of the 2007 Pulitzer Prize. August 4 & 5:
8pm. 6: 2pm. 10 & 11: 8pm. 12: 2pm & 8pm. Tickets: $15.

The Art Place Mountain View, 3330 Sandy Plains Road,
Marietta, East Cobb. More info: 770-331-0079 or visit


8th Annual Hero Run 5K Race. Run through historic
downtown Kennesaw to raise money for wounded
veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Awards for top 3

male/female runners in 14 age brackets plus top 3
teams. Registration at 6:30am, 1-mile fun run at 7:30am,
5K race at 8:00am, Tot Trot at 8:55am. Pre-registration:
$25 Kennesaw First Baptist Church, 2958 N. Main Street,
Kennesaw. More info: 770-427-3109, or

East Cobb Triathlon. Olympic, Sprint, Super Sprint & Kids               AROUND
Triathlon. Check in: 6:30am. All participants registered for
this race will qualify for free entry into the Five Star Turkey
Trot held on Thanksgiving Day. Mountain View Aquatic
Center, Gordy Parkway, Marietta, East Cobb. To register or
for more info:               COBB
      Meet Your Future Clients,
           Customers and
        Business Associates
 Transforming East Cobb by
                                                                             EAST COBBER
 developing business leaders
 through Networking and
 Education with an emphasis
 on Community.                                                                    East Cobb’s
 The ECBA meets monthly
 at Indian Hills Country Club,
 4001 Clubland Drive, Marietta at
                                                                               premier source for
 11:30am for lunch, networking
 and a great speaker.                                                        local info since 1993.
 Invite a guest to join you.
 For more information visit
Window   Graphics
Vehicle      Graphics
     Window     Graphics
     Vehicle Wraps
Wall Vehicle
     Murals    Wraps
     Wall Murals                       Marietta, GA
                                                               EAST COBBER                     August 2017 23
                                     Marietta, GA
                                      Marietta, GA
                                                Marietta, GA
     Event Graphics
      Event Graphics
AUGUST 5                                                         AUGUST 6
Lutzie 43 Road Race 5K. Honoring the memory of Lassiter          Water Day. Splash through sprinklers, meet water-loving
and Auburn football player, Philip Lutzenkirchen. All            community partners, play water games, make water
proceeds benefit the Lutzie 43 Foundation and the East           crafts. Come dressed to get wet. 12pm. Admission: $10/
Cobb County chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes          adults. $7/seniors and students ages 13-18. $6/ages
(FCA). The race start/finish line will be inside Lassiter High   3-12. Chattahoochee Nature Center, 9135 Willeo Road,
School’s football stadium and features a fast, smooth run        Roswell. More info: 770-992-2055.
through the streets of East Cobb. 8am. Registration: $43.
Lassiter High School, 2601 Shallowford Road, Marietta/           AUGUST 7
East Cobb. More info:        Cobb County Chamber of Commerce’s First Monday
                                                                 Breakfast. Kate Atwood, Executive Director of the Choose-
Roswell Riverside Sounds. Come listen to the gifted              ATL campaign will showcase all that metro Atlanta has to
country blues musicians Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley.                offer, and how Cobb County plays a role in it. 7:30am-9am.
Rob Ickes is a longtime, well-established instrumental           $30/member. $60/general admission. Cobb Energy Per-
giant, and Trey Hensley is bursting with talent both as a        forming Arts Centre, 2800 Cobb Galleria Parkway, Atlanta.
vocalist and guitarist. 7-9pm. Free. Riverside Park, 575         More info/Reservations: 770-980-2000 or
Riverside Road, Roswell. More info: 770-641-3705 or                                  AUGUST 8
                                                                 Pop-In For Pop Culture-Aviation & Space. Come and
AUGUST 6                                                         explore the museum in a whole new way! Every 2nd
AARP Driver Safety Course. 6-hour classes geared to              Tuesday evening the galleries will “Pop Open” for a night
those 50 and above, an up-to-date, research-based                of pop culture from the 1950s and 60s. 10:30am-8pm.
refresher on driving skills, changes with aging and ways         Members: Free; Non-members: $20 per family (up to six
to accommodate them, and changes in cars, roads                  people.) Pop-Ins are $5 per person. Marietta Museum of
and local laws. Registration required. $15/Class for AARP        History, 1 Depot Street, Marietta. More info: 770-794-5710
members, $20 for non-members. 9am-3:30pm (30-minute              or
lunch break). Arbor Terrace, 886 Johnson Ferry Road,
Marietta/East Cobb. More info: 770-977-4420.

24 August 2017                                           EAST COBBER                           
AUGUST 9                                                                    AUGUST 12
Museum Mice Tour-Etta’s Favorite Colors. Introduces                         3rd Annual Charity Car & Bike Show presented by Don’t
toddlers ages 3-5 to history through very basic concepts                    Be a Bully Foundation and United Stangs. This is a family
like shapes, sounds, games, tools and jobs. 10:30 am. $5                    fun event showcasing Georgia’s finest cars & bikes for a
per family (one adult and up to 3 children). Additional                     charitable cause. Games, vendors, performances, and
people $5. Reservations required. Marietta Museum of                        even free school supplies. 11:30am-4:30pm. All vehicles
History, 1 Depot Street, Marietta. More info: 770-794-5710                  and vendors are needed to support the cause. Jim R. Miller
or                                                     Park, 2245 Callaway Road, Marietta. More info/registration:
                                                                            Symone Cantey 404-579-9310,,
AUGUST 10                                                         
The 2017 East Cobb Pigskin Preview presented by the
East Cobb Area Council Cobb Chamber of Commerce.                            Miss Cobb County Scholarship Pageant. This August marks
A special presentation to talk shop with East Cobb’s                        the Pageant’s 60th Anniversary. Previous winners from
high school football coaches and their star players. $20/                   1958-2017 will attend this historic event. The new Miss
member. $60/general. Indian Hills Country Club, 4001                        Cobb will be crowned and the winner will move on to the
Clubland Drive, Marietta/East Cobb. More info: Ashley                       Miss Georgia Competition and compete for a $10,000
Warner, 770-859-2346, or                           scholarship. 7pm. $20/ticket. Free parking. Jennie T.
                                                                            Anderson Theatre, 548 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta.
                                                                            To register or for more info: Gene Phillips, 770-435-6378,
                                                                  , or

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                                                                                          September 16

                     Be Inspired. Stay Connected. Like Some Stuff.
                                                                    EAST COBBER                                            August 2017 25
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