Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation

Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
Digital Data Archiving
“Nice to Have or Need to Have?”

               For ISACA Presentation
Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
Introduction: AXS-One

- Established over 28 years ago
- AMEX listed for over 10 years

- Prestigious established customer base within Financial
Services, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing, Transportation,
Logistics and other industries for over 10+ years
Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
A glossary of terms …

What is digital data?
   dig‧i‧tize   dɪdʒ ɪ taɪz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled
      Pronunciation[dij-i-tahyz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA
      Pronunciation verb (used with object), -tized, -tiz‧ing. Computers.
   1. to convert (data) to digital form for use in a computer.
   2. to convert (analogous physical measurements) to digital form.

What is archiving?
   ar‧chive Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahr-kahyv] Pronunciation Key -
      Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -chived, -chiv‧ing.

   1. Usually, archives. documents or records relating to the
      activities, business dealings, etc., of a person, family,
      corporation, association, community, or nation.
   2. archives, a place where public records or other historical
      documents are kept.
   3. any extensive record or collection of data: The encyclopedia is an
      archive of world history. The experience was sealed in the archive of
      her memory. –verb (used with object)
   4. to place or store in an archive: to vote on archiving the city's historic
Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
A glossary of terms …

                                              Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

  “Governance is about leadership, financial and operational
  management standards adhering to international best practices. The
  need for compliance with external regulatory requirements and heightened
  awareness over information security has meant a requirement to plan
  policies on how to use IT effectively across the whole organization. Creation
  of specific governance committees and ROI evaluation to identify which
  solutions will deliver value are key steps”
                                               Source: Computerworld, 25 March 2005

Adoption of best practices will result in compliance and good governance!

Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
If you have any of these solutions implemented …..

                                                          The core systems
                                                          required to run your
                                                          business, usually stored
                                                          in a RDBMS

                                                 Designed to enable the
                                                 consolidation of structured data
                                                 from various disparate systems
                                                 for reporting and analytics
                                                 across the organization

 Designed to enable the tracking of documents
 as they go through various iterations and are
 handled by different people                                                        5
Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
You will also be experiencing these problems ….

ƒ Access time
   − Increasing
ƒ Search Time
   − Increasing
ƒ Memory Problems (RDBMS)
   − Increasing
ƒ Backup Times
   − Increasing
ƒ Maintenance Windows
   − Decreasing
ƒ Database Handling
   − More Complex
ƒ Document Handling
   − Outward Image Storage (PO‘s)
   − Inward Image Storage (Supplier Invoices)
Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
The ongoing challenges for IT are …..

Leveraging                                   … while ensuring
technology                                   operational
investments to date                          efficiencies …

                      Managing storage
                      and associated
                      infrastructure costs

Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
… considering governance and compliance …

Identifying, tracking, retaining and accessing
   information … a compliance issue

Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
understanding that …..

            Corporate officers, legal counsel,
            CFO’s, CEOs, CIO’s and middle
            managers will be held accountable
            for records management failures –
            by investors, shareholders,
            statutory and regulatory bodies.

       This compliance risk goes to the heart of an
       organisation’s policy, statutory, legal and
       regulatory obligations, the effectiveness of
       its internal policies, procedures and controls,
       using technology as an enabler.                   9
Digital Data Archiving - "Nice to Have or Need to Have?" - For ISACA Presentation
Is back-up good enough?


                           Financials     SCM              DMS     Other Apps     CRM
                            Data &
                                          Data          Filenet/    Transaction
                           Documents                                              Siebel
                                                      Documentum       Data



       Mail Gateway


                                        Storage Devices:
Email and/or File Server

Not anymore …

While some problems may be
solved with backups ….                 Other have been created …

ƒAccess Time                           ƒAccess Time
    − Can be managed by taking older      − Increased complexity in
      data offline                          retrieving current and historical
ƒSearch Time                                data
    − Can be managed by taking older      − Increased costs in retrieval of
      data offline                          historic information from tape
ƒMemory Problems (RDBMS)               ƒSearch Time
    − Can be managed by taking older
      data offline                        − Increased complexity in
ƒBackup Times                               searching across current and
    − Can be managed by taking older        historical data
      data offline                     ƒMaintenance Windows
ƒMaintenance Windows                      − Who manages the retention
    − Can be managed by taking older        and destruction of the data in
      data offline                          accordance with internal policy
ƒDatabase Handling                          and external statutory, legal and
    − Can be managed by taking older        regulatory requirements?
      data offline                     ƒDocument Handling
ƒDocument Handling                        − Who manages the retention
    − Can be managed by taking older        and destruction of the data in
      documents and images offline          accordance with internal policy
                                            and external statutory, legal
                                            and regulatory requirements?        11
Why are these issues critical?

Data Retention/Management/Destruction
ƒ 65% of companies lack e-mail retention policies and procedures
ƒ 94% of companies fail to retain & archive instant messages
(Source: Osterman Research)

ƒ 33% of senior executives and subject matter experts interviewed
  said their company had no policy in place around digital data and
  20% did not know.
(Source: “Rules about to change in e-discovery game, Nov 2006)

Data Retrieval
ƒ 71% of organizations have been required to search through back-up
  tapes to retrieve one or more electronic records in response to a
  request from legal, HR, …
ƒ 39% of organizations have been ordered by a court or regulatory
  body to produce employee e-mail
(Source: Osterman Research)
Why are these issues critical?

Data Retrieval (cont’d)
ƒ 36.4 % of senior executives and subject matter experts interviewed
  said their companies had no technologies or policies in place to
  manage a legal discovery order involving electronic records
  Companies with annual revenues greater than US$1 billion dollars
  are sometimes juggling as many as 147 lawsuits simultaneously
ƒ Companies with annual revenues less than US$1 billion dollars are
  sometimes juggling up to 37 lawsuits simultaneously
ƒ One third of firms surveyed spend 2% of gross revenues on litigation
  expenses, while 10% spend over 5% of gross revenues.
(Source: “Rules about to change in e-discovery game, Nov 2006)

Data Supervision
ƒ 50% of workplace IM users send/receive risky content including
  attachments, jokes, gossip, confidential info, porn, etc.
(Source: Osterman Research)

Why are these issues critical?

Retention, Management, Retrieval and Disposition……. In HK

HK Companies Ordinance of 1984: “every company must keep
   proper books of account … preserved for seven years from
   the end of the financial year to which the last entry made or
   matter recorded in them relates.”
Inland Revenue Ordinance of 1977: ”must retain such records
   for a period of not less than seven years after the completion
   of the transaction
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of 1995: “A data user has a
   duty to comply with a valid data access request not later than
   40 days after receiving that request. Difficulty in searching
   through records (whether electronic or otherwise) is not
   regarded as a good excuse for failing to meet the timetable.”

Why are these issues critical?

Retrieval, Search and Destruction ……. In HK

Basic Law, the rules of court procedure in Hong Kong of
  1990: if the parties and their legal advisers do not adopt a
  'sensible and responsible approach in dealing with discovery',
  they face cost penalties meted out by the Court”
The Electronic Transactions Ordinance of 2004: "Without
  prejudice to any rules of evidence, an electronic record shall
  not be denied admissibility in evidence in any legal proceeding
  on the sole ground that it is an electronic record"
HKMA Supervisory Policy Manual: “ensure that all media are
  adequately protected, and establish secure processes for
  disposal and destruction of sensitive information in both paper
  and electronic media”

Why are these issues critical?

Retention, Management, Retrieval and Disposition … elsewhere

 ƒ Japan: A version of Sarbanes-Oxley is due to be released in
    Japan before the end of 2006
 ƒ Australia: Attorney-General, Rob Hulls said Victoria will be the
    first State to create a specific
                             Why are thesedocument
                                          issues critical? In destruction
                                                              HK …        offence
    whereby a corporation and its employees can be prosecuted in
    circumstances where there was no direct instruction to destroy a
    document but it was implied by the corporation’s culture. “In
    addition to a jail term, individuals can be fined up to $62,886 and
    corporations can be hit with a $314,430 fine.”
 ƒ US: On December 1, 2006, several amendments to the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure regarding a company’s duty to preserve
    and produce electronically stored information, in the face of
    litigation - or pending litigation, is scheduled to take effect.
Why are these issues critical ?

Operational Risk Mitigation …

Source: Wall Street Journal Asia, 13 Feb 2006
So what does all of this mean?

 Let’s get back to the basics of the business process
 from a non-digital perspective, and ask yourself the
 following questions:
 1. Who is the owner of the business process?
 2. Who is the owner of the data being stored?
 3. How often will the “data owner” or other interested parties
    need access to this data?
 4. How long does this data need to be kept?
 5. Who is responsible for the destruction of this data?

 So why should IT be responsible for the storage,
 management, access and destruction of this data, when
 all they have done is provide technology tools to enable
 the automation of the above “traditional” business

So what does all of this mean? ARCHIVE !!

 Archiving solutions should solve the BUSINESS of digital data retention,
    Architectureretrieval and disposal using TECHNOLOGY as AN
                             Financials      ERP             DMS        Other Apps Instant Message
                               Data &
                                             Data            Filenet/    Transaction
                              Documents                                                  IM
                                                           Documentum       Data



       Mail Gateway

                                          Archive Server
Email and/or File Server
                              Process                      Retrieval
                                          Web Server                                           19
ARCHIVE for Operational AND Business Benefits

 Lotus Notes
 MS Exchange

250 File Types
 Word Docs
 Adobe PDF
 PowerPoint         To benefit the business:       Policy Driven Archiving
                                                   • Compress
                    •   Storage optimisation
Text Reports
                    •                              • Single Instance
                        Migration/consolidation of data
 PCL 5
 AFP                •   Operational efficiencies   • Index
 Meta Code          •   Compliance                 • Future Proof
 Text               •   Knowledge exploitation     • Shortcut/Stub
                           • Search                • Categorise
Object Types               • Disclose
 Video                     • Share
 IP Traffic                • Retain/Delete
                           • Case Management
                           • Supervise
Common Myths/Misconceptions about ARCHIVING

 ƒ Compliance is a costly exercise                                2
 ƒ I need separate solutions to manage all of my corporate        2
 ƒ Archiving will enforce/enhance our risk management             3
 ƒ The main driver for compliance activities is the fear of the   2
   consequences of non-compliance
 ƒ There are no strategic solutions available in the              2
   marketplace – just point solutions
 ƒ Corporate governance encompasses regulatory                    3
   compliance, legislative compliance and adhering to internal
 ƒ The only positive consequence of being compliant is staying    2
   out of jail

ARCHIVE solutions come in different forms …

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is any of the strategies
  and technologies employed in the information technology
  industry for managing the capture, storage, security, revision
  control, retrieval, distribution, preservation and destruction of
  documents and content. ECM especially concerns content
  imported into or generated from within an organization in the
  course of its operation, and includes the control of access to this
  content from outside of the organization's processes.
Information Lifecycle Management refers to a wide-ranging set of
   strategies for administering storage systems on computing devices.
   Specifically, four categories of storage strategies may be
   considered under the auspices of ILM:
   −   Policy
   −   Management
   −   Operational
   −   Infrastructure                         Source:
ARCHIVE solutions come in different forms …

Records Management is the practice of identifying, classifying,
  archiving, preserving, and sometimes destroying records. ISO
  15489: 2001 defines records management as, "The field of
  management responsible for the efficient and systematic control
  of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of
  records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining
  evidence of and information about business activities and
  transactions in the form of records".          Source:

“Companies should look for solutions to support multiple
regulations and multiple business units”

Source: Business Wire, 12 December 2005. “Through 2008, Investment in new technologies will slow as
discretionary budgets are diverted to regulatory compliance projects”.

ARCHIVE with Retention and Disposition Rules


  Category:    Finance                 HR                 Personal     Unknown
                •   Invoice            •   Sick Leave      •   Home
                •   Purchase Order     •   Annual Leave    •   Lunch
                •   Payable            •   Resume          •   Joke
                •   etc                •   etc             •   etc

               • 7 Years             • 12 Months          • 30 Days    • Indefinite
 Retention:    • Tape                • Disk               • Disk       • Disk


ARCHIVE with Portal Access to ALL Data

ARCHIVE with Portal Access to ALL Data

ARCHIVE with Portal Access to ALL Data

A few suggestions …

ƒ Ensure there are written policies for traditional and digital
  record retention, management and disposal.

ƒ Educate users on these policies

ƒ Educate users regarding the impact of internal policy and
  external regulatory requirements on their use of e-mail, IM
  and SMS tools for business purposes.

ƒ Implement the defined policies and associated procedures

ƒ Determine IT strategy based on the tools required to support
  the policies and processes defined, implemented and

Corporate-wide benefits of ARCHIVING
                                        ¾Policy adherence
                                        ¾Statutory adherence
                                        ¾Regulatory adherence

                     pl ianc
                                                             Operational Efficiency
                                                             ¾Reduced TCO
                                           ien cy            ¾System performance improvements
                                      fi c
                             a l Ef
                      ra tion                                ¾Shortened backup timeframes
                  Op                                         ¾DIY search and retrieval
                                                             ¾Achieve quick and measurable ROI
                                                    e   nt
                                            m                ¾Greater Knowledge Exploitation
                           r a ge                   Storage Management
                    S   to
                                                    ¾Primary storage burdens eased
                                                    ¾SIS and Compression
                                                    ¾Data management and disposal
                                                    ¾Integration of data from disparate systems
DIGITAL DATA ARCHIVING: “Nice to Have or Need to Have”?

                                                          Risk Assessment

                                  ƒCompany Activities
Confidence                             ƒEmail
                                       ƒTransactional Data
                             ƒIdentification and resolution
                             of non-compliant activities

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