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*   •
                                                                                                                                               Potential bird flu has U.S.
•   •
                                                                          App. State                                                           residents worried I NEWS, P. 2

•   •
                                                                          Heartbreak                                                           GSU Idol: performances
                                                                          The Eagles suffer major loss                                         start tonight in the Union
                                                                          on the road | SPORTS, p. 6                                            CAMPUS, p. 2

«   •

                                 THE GEORGE
4   •

*   *

                                                                                                                        MONDAY, OCTOBER             17, 2005

      law vote
                                                        Ciara to headline concert
                                                        Nov. 18 concert at Paulson to                                                           $25 for students and $35 for everyone        But (these performers) will still cater

      set for
                                                                                                                                                else. Member's of Eagle Entertain-           to the students."

                                                        feature Ciara, Bobby Valentino                                                          ment helped select the replacement
                                                                                                                                                                                                 An R&B singer out of Atlanta,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ciara debuted in 2004, with a popular
                                                                                                                                                    "Georgia Southern really stepped         single in which she teamed with Lil Jon

    . Tuesday
                                                        By Adam Crisp                               signed a contract to perform at Paul-       up in getting an act that will be            and Petey Pablo for "Goodies." The
                                                        Managing editor                             son Stadium Friday, Nov. 18.                successful with all students," said          song raced up the charts, setting the
                                                                                                       Word of this performance comes           Shadonna Lamar, a member of Eagle            stage for her debut album by the same
                                                        It's not the same as Kanye West,            about two weeks after the university        Entertainment's team. "The concert           name. She has since scored hits with
                                                            but it's a good replacement, say        announced Grammy winner Kanye               will still be a success.                     "1,2 Step" and "Lose Control," which

    . Large crowd,                                          students.
                                                           School officials confirmed Friday
                                                                                                    West wouldn't perform here.
                                                                                                       The concert is being sponsored by
                                                                                                                                                    "They are up-and-coming artists
                                                                                                                                                who are making it. Kanye already
                                                                                                                                                                                             she teamed with Missy Elliott.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Also an Atlanta resident, Bobby                            Associated Press

      protest expected                                  Ciara and Bobby Valentino have              the university. Tickets prices will be      made it - there's no doubt about that.                         see CONCERT, page 3        Ciara Williams

            From staff reports

                The fate of happy hour specials
            and all-you-can-drink parties will be
            decided Tuesday night as the Statesboro

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       calls get
            City Council will hold discussion and
            a possible vote on amendments to the
            city's alcohol ordinances.

                The meeting, which starts at 6 p.m.,
            will open with a
            public forum on
            the nearly 20 pro-

            posed changes.
                The urge to
            make changes
            to the ordinance
            came nearly a
            month ago after                                                                                                                                                                                                            State recognizes
            Georgia Southern Will Britt
            professor Laura                                                                                                                                                                                                            GSUfor freshman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       visitation program
            Milner addressed the council on behalf
            of a group of concerned members of
            the GSU and Statesboro communities.
            Milner, who says there is no official                                                                                                                                                                                      GSU News Service
            group of people pushing for the changes,
            spoke to the council about underage and                                                                                                                                                                                     For the third year in a row, Georgia
            binge drinking, as well as other unsafe                                                                                                                                                                                 Southern has been honored with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grayson Hoffman/STAFF             "Best Practices" award from the Uni-
            drinking practices, at Statesboro bars.
                                                               Members of the GSU College Republicans are selling T-shirts that poke fun at Kanye West's Sept. 2 criticism of President Bush.                                       versity System of Georgia (USG).
                The Woodin Nikel, which is owned

                                                                Offensive                                                                                 orTshirtsare
            by Councilman Will Britt, has been tar-                                                                                                                                                                                     The House Calls program wel-
            getedin much ofthe discussionbecause                                                                                                                                                                                    comes residence hall students to GSU's
            of its controversial Ladies' Lock-up, a                                                                                                                                                                                 campus and community and received
            weekly event that allows women only                                                                                                                                                                                     second place in the student affairs
            to the bar for a certain period of time                                                                                                                                                                                 category ofthe annual "Best Practices"
            to enjoy free drinks.                                                                                                                                                                                                   competition, which recognizes new

                                                                free speech?
                 According to Sam Brannen, the city's                                                                                                                                                                               initiatives that maximize the use of
            attorney, Britt will be unable to discuss                                                                                                                                                                               USG resources.
            or vote on the issue since he stands to                                                                                                                                                                                     Instituted by University Housing
            gain or suffer financially in regard to                                                                                                                                                                                 at GSU, "House Calls" features teams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of administrators and faculty and staff
                                                                                                                                                                                     in poor taste
            the ordinance changes.
                 Groups on campus have come out                                                                                                                                                                                     volunteers who visit students in their
            on both sides of the issue regarding                                                                                                                                                                                    residence hall rooms at the beginning
            the alcohol ordinance changes and                                                                                                                                                                                       of the Fall semester.
            are encouraging students to attend                                                                                                                                                                                          The volunteers address any ques-
            Tuesday's meeting. Many are advertis-             By Adam Crisp                           "We heard what Kanye said about the president.                                                                                tions or concerns the students might
            ing concerned students to show up at              Managing editor                                                                                                                                                       have, and they leave a packet that
                                                                                                      And you know what, if Kanye can say whatever
            5 p.m. — an hour before the meeting                                                                                                                                                                                     includes study tips and other pertinent
            begins — to ensure a chance to be in               Georgia Southern College
                                                                                                      he wants, so can we."
                                                                                                                                    Kristian McPeak
                                                                                                                                                                                        KANYEWEST                                   information.
            the meeting room.                                          Republicans are taking                                                                                                                                           Thirty-two volunteers reached
                                                                                                                                                      GSU Republican chairman                                                       approximately 1,200 students dur-
                                                                        aim at Grammy winner
                                                              Kanye West and his controversial                                                                                                                                      ing the inaugural "House Calls" in
            THE MEETING                                       criticism of President George          group criticism from those who          West's management didn't want                                                          August 2004.
                                                              W Bush.                                say the shirts go beyond free           to perform outdoors.                                                                       "Research indicates that develop-
        »   Who: The Statesboro City Council                                                                                                                                                                                        ing a relationship with a faculty or
                                                                  The group is selling T-shirts      speech.                                     McPeak said he placed the
            When: 6 p.m. Tuesday                              that shoot back at the hip-hop              "It's disheartening for a stu-     order for the shirts shortly after it                                                  staff member can have a significant

            Where: Statesboro City Hall,
            50 E. Main Street.
                                                              artist with the phrase "Kanye
                                                              West doesn't care about white
                                                                                                     dent organization to print shirts
                                                                                                     just to offend," said Charisse
                                                                                                                                             was announced that West would
                                                                                                                                             not perform here.
                                                                                                                                                                                         •WlTl PI0WI
                                                                                                                                                                                           TOUR 2005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   impact on students and increase re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tention," said Allison Williams Scott,
                                                              people..." The shirts are for sale     Perkins, aformerSGApresident.               "We wanted to do it (when                                                         the interim academic enhancement
            Why is it important: Councilmen                                                                                                                                                                                        coordinator in University Housing.
                                                              for $10.                               "There is no other reason to do         it was announced that West
            are set to vote in a new liquor
                                                                  The GSU Republicans printed        it. It's offensive."                    would come to GSU), but after                                                         "Consequently, this program is a
            ordinance that may effectively
                                                              the shirts in response to West's            McPeak said the shirts were        he cancelled we realized we had             While Perkins took a com-                 valuable asset to the GSU campus and
            end happy hours and other drink
                                                              scathing critique of Bush during       meant mostly as joke, but that          a unique opportunity," said Mc-         bative stance on the shirts, Sean             our goal of being a student-centered
                                                              an off-script statement at a Sept.     freedom of expression was at the        Peak. "We figured it might go off       Bethune, president of the Black               institution."
                                                              2 Hurricane Katrina telethon, in       heart of their decision.                even better now."                       Student Alliance, was more                         The "Best Practices" competition,
                                                              which West declared "George                 "We thought the shirts were            Perkins, who said she hadn't        diplomatic.                                   which began in 2003, is divided into

        - INSIDE                                              Bush doesn't care about black
                                                                                                     funny," said McPeak. "We printed
                                                                                                     50. They are pretty much for our
                                                                                                                                             yet seen the shirts, said it could
                                                                                                                                             only serve to stir negative feel-
                                                                                                                                                                                         "We all have a right to free
                                                                                                                                                                                     speech," said Bethune. "What
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   four categories: academic affairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   finance and business, student affairs,
                                                                  "We heard what JCanye said         members, but ifwe have some left        ings.                                   Kanye West said was not a re-                 and information technology. This
            No one on ballot                                  about the president," said Kristian    over we are willing to sell them            "I think it's unnecessary and       flection of how all black people              year's competition drew 84 submis-
        *   No one has signed up for elec-                    McPeak, the chairman ofthe GSU         to whomever."                           uncalled for, but people can do         feel, but it was a reflection of his          sions from 20 institutions.
            tions in the tiny town of Oakley,                 Republicans. "And you know                  West was slated to perform         what they want," said Perkins.          experiences and his opinion...                     Senior USG administrators evalu-
            Ohio. If no one runs, the council
                                                              what, if Kanye can say whatever        at GSU Nov. 19, but cancelled           "Some people need to express            Since this an institution ofhigher            ated and scored the submissions in
        j   will have to appoint someone to                                                                                                                                          learning, we should all be able               a number of areas, including their
                                                              he wants, so can we."                  his plans shortly after signing         their other Constitutional rights
            fill the two vacancies|OIA, p. 5                                                                                                                                                        see SPEECH, page 3             impact on operations; the benefits
                                                                  The shirts are earning the         the contract. School officials said     - plead the fifth and shut up."
            Campus        2      Briefs        5                                                                                                                                                                                   provided to students, faculty, staff or
        ,   News          3      Sports        6                                                                                                                                                                                   others; and the effectiveness or effi-
            Opinion       4      Classifieds   7                                                                                                                                                                                                         see CALLS, page 3

                                                               Established 1927«The Newspaper for Georgia Southern University                                                  Covering the campus like a swarm of gnats.

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PAGE 21 HEX                                                                                                                                                                          MQMDAY, OCTOBER 17,2005 I THE GEORGE-ANNE

                                  GSU Idol hits the stage tonight
    ON THE STREET                                                                                                                                                                                                       CALENDAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Monday, October 17

What do                                                                                                                                                                                                           11 a.m. -1 p.m.

you think
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "Headlining in Vegas" Stop by and take            •
                                                                                                                          By Jerriod Grizzle
                                                                                                                          Staff writer                             applause for each singer and then              a chance with some roadside gambling,
                                                                                                                                                                   decide who will move on to the next
about Ciara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vegas Karaoke, free giveaways, carnival
                                                                                                                              Homecoming starts off in har- round of competition.                                 food and live music from WVGS 91.9             •
                                                                                                                          mony as the 4th annual Georgia               "Being GSU Idol is an honor,"              the Buzz.

at GSU?                                                                                                                   Southern Idol competition begins said Laura Markle, vice president
                                                                                                                          tonight.                                 of academic affairs for the Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Russell Union Rotunda

                                                                                                                              This year's GSU Idol                          Government Association.               7 p.m.
Ciara and Bobby Valen-
                                                                                                                          contestants will have to Want to hear "It means you are the go-                         SGA sponsors its Fourth Annual "GSU
tino to perform at Paulson                                                                                                perform music selections GSU Idols?               to person and perform                 Idol" competition, featuring 12 students.
Stadium Nov. 18.                                                                                                          in categories ranging from GSU Idol will          throughout the year."                 All proceeds benefit the United Way.
                                                                                                                          top 40 to oldies but good- strike its first           GSU Idol, besides being           Russell Union Ballroom
I really                                                                                                                  ies, leading up to the final note Monday          the first event in a long
                                                                                                                          round where contestants at 7 p.m. in the line during Homecoming                         Tuesday, October 18                            **'
don't like
                                                                                                                          will have to perform "I Russell Union             serves as philanthropy as
Ciara, but                                                                                                                Need an Angel" by Ruben Ballroom. The             well.                                 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
I guess                                                                                                                   Studdard.                      event is spon-         All the money raised by           "Sculpt It for the Hungry" is a fun way       •
some                                                                                                                          The first round will sored by SGA             ticket purchases goes to the          to collect cans. Sponsored by Volunteer
                                                                                                                                                         and all pro-       Southeast Georgia chapter
                                                                                                                          give 12 competitors the                                                                 Services, students can join in and build
people will                                                                                                               opportunity to perform
                                                                                                                                                         ceeds go to the
                                                                                                                                                                            of the United Way.                    sculptures from canned goods.                 »
                                                                                                                                                         United Way.
enjoy it.                                                                                                                 selections from the top 40                            "We are really excited            Russell Union Rotunda
                                                                                                                          category.                                         that all the money is going
                                                                                                                              The second round will narrow to be used locally," said Markle. "We                  7 p.m.
                                                                                                                          the field to six contestants who will hope that this can really give back               "Eagle Casino Night" offers casino
            Cedriz Morris,                                                                                                sing selections from the "oldies but to the community."                                 themed games, prizes, real show girls
                Freshman                                                                                                  goodies" category. In the last round,       Trent Herring won last year's               and entertainment by illusionist Wayne
                                                                                                                          three contestants will perform "I competition, winning the hearts of                    Hoffman.
                                                                                                                          Need an Angel."                          the audience and judges with his               Russell Union Ballroom
                                                                                 Felicia Emanuel/File Photo                   After each performance, a panel rendition of "I Believe" from the
I don't                           Trent Herring won last year's GSU Idol competition singing "I believe."                 of judges will monitor the audience movie "Fantasia."                                   Wednesday, October 19
know who
Bobby Val-                                                                                                                                                                                                        11 a.m.- 1p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "WalkUpWeddingChapel." Stop by and            »

                                  Author Andrea Lunsford presents Averitt Series
entino is,                                                                                                                                                                                                        get hitched, Vegas Style. Get your free
but I know                                                                                                                                                                                                        wedding certificate, photo, and rings.
who Ciara                                                                                                                                                                                                         Russell Union Rotunda                         r

is and I                          GSU News Service                             ed,"andmost recently, "Everything's                                                                                                7 p.m. .
think it'll                                                                    An Argument."                                                                                                                      "Doo-Dah/Step Show." Come check out
be a good show.                      Andrea Lunsford, Director ofthe               Lunsford joined the Stanford                                                                                                   the hottest step and dance moves from
                                  Program in Writing and Rhetoric              faculty in March 2000. Prior to                                                                                                    fellow students. Comedian and emcee,
                                  at Stanford University, will be the          this appointment, she was Distin-                                                                                                  Big Sean will lead the show. Hanner
                                  featured speaker for the 15th an-            guished Professor of English at Ohio                                                                                               Fieldhouse
                 Kim Bonner,      nual Jack N. and Addie D. Everitt            State University.
                  Sophomore       Lecture Series at Georgia Southern               Currently, Lunsford is a member                                                                                                Thursday, October 20
                                  Oct. 20-21. The series is free and           of the faculty of the Bread Loaf
                                  open to the public.                          School of English. Lunsford earned                                                                                                 12 p.m. -1 p.m.
                                     "Writing Matters: Literacy in             her B. A. and M. A. degrees from the                                                                                               "Visions of Vegas." Enjoy a cookout, CSI
Yeah, I'll                        the 21 st Century" will be the theme         University of Florida and earned her                                                                                               theme with dead bulldog, show girls,          «M

go. I enjoy                       of Lunsford's three lectures, all of         doctgrate in English at Ohio State                                                                                                 magician Michael Bairefoot, road side
                                  which will be held in the Assembly           University.                                                                                                                        card playing and music.
Ciara, but                                                                         Lunsford's scholarly interests
                                  Hall of the Nessmith-Lane Build-                                                                                                                                                Russell Union Rotunda                         #
she's not                         ing. This year's series is hosted            include contemporary rhetorical
my favor-                         by the department of writing and             theory; women and the history of                                                                                                   7 p.m.
                                  linguistics in the College of Liberal        rhetoric; collaboration and collab-                                                                                                "Homecoming Formal & Court An-
ite. I'll just
                                  Arts and Social Sciences.                    orative writing; current cultures of                                                                                               nouncement" The Homecoming 2005
go to be                              The series opens with "What is           writing; intellectual property and                                                                                                 royalty court will be announced and
going.                            Writing?" at 11 a.m. on Thursday,            composing; style; and technologies                                                                                                 awards will be given out for Homecoming
                                  Oct. 20, and continues with a sec-           of writing.                                                                                                                        participation.
                                  ond lecture, "Language Wars in the               Jack Averitt and his wife Addie                                                                                                Russell Union Ballroom
                                  U.S.A.," at 7 p.m. that day.                 established the Averitt Lecture
          Megan Malone,                                                                                                                                                            Special Photo
                                      On Friday, Oct. 21, the conclud-         Series in 1990 as a gift to GSU's                                                                                                  Friday, October 21                            »
                                                                                                                      Author Andrea Lunsford will speak during the Averitt Lecture Series.
               Freshman           ing lecture, "Four Years of Student          department of history, depart-
                                  Writing: What We Can Learn from              ment of literature and philosophy, Award and now serves as dean literary subjects.                                                 4 p.m.
                                  Longitudinal Studies," will be held          and department of writing and emeritus.                                         The lectures are subsequently                      The "Homecoming Parade" will start            i
                                  at 11 a.m.                                   linguistics.                               The Averitt Lecture Series seeks published by the University of                         near Paulson Stadium and end on

I'd rather                            Lunsford has written or co-au-               Jack Averitt was the first dean of to enhance on-campus academic Georgia Press.                                                Sweetheart Circle. Enjoy floats, crazy
                                  thored 14 books including "The Ev-           GSU's graduate school, which now and cultural life for students, faculty        For more information on the                        cars, candy, clowns and walking orga-         -¥
go to see                         eryday Writer," "Essays on Classical         bears his name.                         and community by bringing world- Averitt Lecture Series, contact                           nizations.
Ciara over                        Rhetoric and Modern Discourse,"                  Averitt funded the biennial class scholars to the university to the GSU's department of writing and
                                  "The St. Martin's Handbook, 5th              Averitt Distinguished Service university to speak on historical and linguistics at (912) 681-0739.
West any-
way; West                                                                                                                                                                                                         10-11-2005

                                  Bird flu threat strikes fear in Americans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • A Brannen Hall resident reported her
has too                                                                                                                                                                                                             bike was taken from the residence hall's
big of a head. I think                                                                                                                                                                                              bike rack.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • A student reported his cell phone was       *
there will be a good                                                                                                                                                                                                taken from his vehicle in the RAC
crowd.                            By Mike Stobbe                                                                                                                                                                    parking lot.
                                  Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • A University employee reported her          »
                                     Americans fearful of bird flu are                                                                                                                                              purse was taken from the Family Life
                                  peppering health officials with all                                                                                                                                               Building.
     Dominique Young              sorts of questions. Officials at the U.S.
                     Freshman     Centers for Disease Control have been                                                                                                                                           10-12-2005
                                  handling an avalanche of phone calls                                                                                                                                            • Statesboro Police Detectives opened an
                                  from the public and the press.                                                                                                                                                    investigation about a forgery at BB&T
                                      "It's been insane," said Dave                                                                                                                                                 Bank College Plaza. A GSU student
1 know                            Daigle, a spokesman for the CDC,                                                                                                                                                  reported that her financial aid check had
                                  which has been getting an average                                                                                                                                                 been removed from her Landrum box and
who they                          of 447,000 hits a day on its avian flu                                                                                                                                            cashed at the BB&T College Plaza without    *
are, and       flr
                                  information Web page.                                                                                                                                                             her permission. Evidence was collected
                                      That's more than the CDC got                                                                                                                                                  at BB&T and witness statements were
1 don't

                                   from people wanting to know about                                                                                                                                                taken. A suspect was determined to be       «
 know                              the flu shot shortage last October                                                                                                                                               22 year-old GSU student Nicole Conti,
about                              or the West Nile virus outbreaks in                                                                                                                                              and she was located and arrested with
                                   2003.                                                                                                                                                                            charges of Forgery in the first degree.

                                        And the bird flu isn't even here. It                                                                                                                                        Conti also had an active probation war-
 music, so 1 p robably             is just now infecting poultry in eastern                                                                                                                                         rant for her arrest.

 won't go.                         Europe. So far, it almost never spreads
                                   between humans and in two years has                                                                                                                                             10-13-2005
                                                                                                                                                                                       AP Photo/Yahya Ahmed
                                   infected 117 people, all in Asia. More                                                                                                                                          • Ryan O. Brown, 22, of Chandler Road,
                                   than 60 have died.                          A man sprays disinfectant at a chicken farm in Kirkuk, Iraq, Sunday Oct. 16. Iraq's health authorities banned all                     Statesboro, was charges with DUI and
                                                                               imports of live chicken and chicken meat following discovery of deadly strains of bird flu virus in Turkey and
     Michael C )'Loughlin               But in the past couple of weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     driving with a suspended license.
                                   there has been tremendous attention                                                                                                                                             • Grady Scott McQuade.l 8, ofWatson Hall,
                 Freshman           on the virus and U.S. government            created to treat ordinary human flu,        of bird flu will reduce supplies for the   tions, they should eat right, wash their      was charged with possession of marijuana
                                    plans to cope with a possible global        advises the drug be taken within 48         elderly and others at risk of serious      hands and take commonsense steps              with intent to distribute.
                                    flu outbreak. Health experts believe        hours after flu symptoms begin. So          illness and death from conventional        to bolster their health and immune          • A case of harassment was reported at
    HOW DO YOU PARTICIPATE          the bird virus may one day mutate           some health officials agree it might        flu, he said.                              systems. She also suggested getting           the RAC.
                                    to a form that is not only deadly, but      be wise to have a supply at the ready,           "You'd be denying some folks who      a flu shot.                                 • TwobicydesweretakenfromtheKennedy          »
 Students are chosen for the        easily spread among people.                 especially if a shortage develops.          have definite, immediate needs," said          The vaccine for the upcoming flu         Hall bike rack
 'On the Street'feature at ran-         The U.S. government has started             But people should suppress the          Woernle, Alabama's assistant state         season doesn't offer protection against
 dom by staffers. If you have a     stockpiling Tamiflu and other medi-         urge to pester their doctors for Tami-      health officer for disease control and     bird flu. In North Carolina, officials      Information for the Police Beat is com-      »
 question you'd like us to ask     cines that scientists believe might be       flu prescriptions, said Dr. Charles         prevention.                                estimate that 5,600 state residents         piled from university and Statesboro
 your fellow students, please      effective against a pandemic virus.          Woernle of the AlabamaDepartment                 Debbie Crane, a spokeswoman           could die in a bird flu pandemic.           police incident and arrest reports, which
 e-mail it to our managing edi-        Some people wonder if they               of Public Health.                           for the North Carolina Department          Meanwhile, about 10,000 residents           are public record. Not all arrests lead to
 tor at gamed@georgiasouth-        should do the same thing. The                    Those who hoard Tamiflu for pro-        of Health and Human Services, said         of that state die because of tobacco        convictions; the court system determines                          manufacturer of Tamiflu, which was           tection against the hypothetical threat     if people really want to take precau-      use, Crane noted.                           guilt or innocence.
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
MGMDM, OCTOBER 17,2005 I THE GEORGE-ANNE                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS I PAGE 3

                Concert                                     draw a large crowd.
                                                                "That's a good replacement for
                                                            Kanye West," said freshman Amber
                                                                                                         Speech                   from page 1
                                                                                                                                                    Are Americans getting ruder?
                                         from page 1        Caruthers. "She's blown up pretty fast
                                                            and she just came out. I think a lot of
                                                                                                                                                    Technology is to                         to teach the basics of polite living,
                                                                                                                                                                                             let alone how to hold a knife and
                Valentino has scored two major hits         people will go."                             to find a better way to get our feelings   blame for road rage,                     fork, according to Post.
                since his 2003 debut. He has made               This will be the second major con-       across."                                                                                A slippage in manners is obvi-
                waves with hits like "Tell Me" and          cert for GSU this year. In the spring,           A spokesman from the College           other rude acts                          ous to many Americans. Nearly 70
                "Slow Down."                                the university brought 3 Doors Down,         Republicans national organization                                                   percent questioned in an Associated
                    This concert is expected to fetch far   Silvertide and Breaking Benjamin for         said the group can perform almost any      By Donna Cassata                         Press-Ipsos poll said people are
                less than the 25-30,000 many thought        a concert that garnered about 7,500          fundraiser without prior permission.       Associated Press                         ruder than they were 20 or 3 0 years
                Kanye West, Fantasia, Keyshia Cole          attendees.                                        "I don't know anything about this                                              ago. The trend is noticed in large and
                and Common would bring to the                   The school has since vowed to            fundraiser so I can't speak on particu-        WASHINGTON - Americans'              small places alike, although more
                stadium. Teresa Thompson, interim           bring major entertainers to campus.          lars," said Paul Gourley, Chairman, of     fast-paced, high-tech existence has      urban people report bad manners,
                vice president of student affairs and       Administrators mentioned shortly             the College Republican National Com-       taken a toll on civility.                74 percent, then do people in rural
                enrollment management, estimated            after the Kanye West announcement            mittee. "Each chapter and their events         From road rage in the morning        areas, 67 percent.
                about 7-8,000 will attend.                  that a country act would grace Paulson       and activities are pretty far removed      commute to high decibel cell-phone           Peggy Newfield, founder and
                    "We plan to start selling tickets       this spring.                                 from the national level."                  conversations that ruin dinner           president of Personal Best, said the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Alden Pellett/Associated Press
                the week after Homecoming," said                "We very much wanted to provide               The debut of the shirts1 making       out, men and women behaving              generation that came of age in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "Don't you dare!" shouts Cindy
                Thompson. "At the earliest, we may          a concert for students for the fall," said   way onto campus last Wednesday             badly have become the hallmark           times-a-changin 1960s and 1970s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Senni ng, rig ht, to her brother Peter
                be able to sell them at the Homecom-        VP Thomspon. "We feel very confident         - came just days after Dean of Students    of a hurry-up world. An increas-         are now parents who don't stress         Post as he jokes about misplacing
                ing game."                                  that this concert will take place on Nov.    Georj Lewis admonished students            ing informality — flip-flops at the      the importance of manners, such as       the silverware setting.The siblings,
                    One student, who counted herselfa       18; what happened with Kanye West            for often-harsh exchanges over the         White House, even — combined             opening a door for a female.             descendants of ettiquette author
                fan of Ciara, was hopeful Ciara would       was a highly unusual situation."             Web site Posts on the        with self-absorbed communication             A whopping 93 percent in             Emily Post, offer tipson cell phone,
                                                                                                         site centered around the Kanye West        gadgets and a demand for instant         the AP-Ipsos poll faulted parents        email, and other modern social
                                                                                                         concert.                                   gratification have strained common       for failing to teach their children      interactions.

                                                                                                              One group, "Wearing a F**k/boy-       courtesies to the breaking point.        well.
                                                            $10,000.                                     cott Kanye West Shirt Might Get You            "All of these things lead to             Sulking athletes and boorish
                                                                GSU has been recogruzed during           Stomped Out On Nov. 19," mentioned         a world with more stress, more           celebrities grab the headlines while     boy tossed a snowball at the back
                                         from page 1        every year of the "Best Practices"           veiled threats to those who might pro-     chances for people to be rude to         television and Hollywood often           of another driver's head. In this
                                                            competition. In 2003, the university         test the now-cancelled show.               each other," said Peter Post, a de-      glorify crude behavior.                  litigious society, she argued, a
                                                            earned second place in the academic               The GOP's McPeak said he isn't        scendent of etiquette expert Emily           More and more, manners are           grown-up risks trouble correcting
                ciencies created, such as cost sav-         affairs category for its Professional        deterred.                                  Post and an instructor on business       taught less and less.                    someone else's kid.
                ings, cost avoidance or productivity        Development District, a groundbreak-              "We're not promoting any sort of      manners through the Emily Post               Carole Krohn, 71, a retired              One solution for bad behavior
                increases.                                  ing partnership between the College          violence," he said. "We hope people        Institute in Burlington, Vt.             school bus driver in Deer Park,          "is to put a kid off in the middle of
                   The first-place winner is each           of Education, the Screven County             can get the humor. We're not going to          In some cases, the harried single    Wash., said she has seen children's      the road. Nowadays all people want
                category receives $15,000. Each of          School System and the Savannah River         be afraid of what other people might       parent has replaced the traditional      behavior deteriorate over the            to do is sue, to say you're to blame,

                the second-place winners receives           Challenge Program.                           or might not do."                          nuclear family and there's little time   years, including one time when a         get you fired," Krohn said.


*-*       • ♦
                                                                                                         GSU IDOL
                                                                                                                 UNITED WAY

**        V

»     -    •

                                                               Sponsored by SGA
                                                                    Monday, October 17
                                                                            7 p.m.
                                                                   Russell Union Ballroom
                                                                                 $3 in Advance • $5 at the Door
                 L                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                J
PAGE 4                                                                                                                                                                                                             MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2005 I THE GEORGE-ANNE

                                                                                                                                THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                                                                                        LUKE HEARN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't
                                                                                                                                    ADAM CRISP, MANAGING EDITOR FOR NEWS
                                                                                                                                MORGAN MARSH, MANAGING EDITOR FOR OPERATIONS                                             have as many people who believe it."
                                                                                                                                       RACHEL McDANIEL, NEWS EDITOR

                                                                                                                  LaVene Bell-Koepke, Photo manager                 Chad Bishop, Sports                editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - George Carlin
                                                                                                                  Grayson Hoffman, Assistant photo manager       Renaldo Stover,Sports                 editor
                                                                                                                  Miguel Fuller, Variety editor            Casey Altman, Assistant news                editor
                                                                                                                  Bert Noble, Deputy managing editor               Anne McGuire,Copy                   editor

                                                                                                                                       OUR VIEW

                     Alcohol in the 'Boro: no more after Tuesday meeting?
                                    AT ISSUE: Students attending Tuesday city council meeting should be professional, not belligerent

                            Tomorrow night the Statesboro City Coun-                  in flocks to let the leaders of the community               are as ready to approve them as George Bush is                     Whether one person will be the spokesman
                        cil is expected to vote on the newly proposed                 know how we feel about their proposals.                     appoint his dog Barney to the Supreme Court.                  for the entire group or anyone with an issue can
                        amendments to the city's alcohol ordinance.                       The issues being debated Tuesday could                  Going to the council meeting and acting like                  talk, we're not sure. We just want everyone to
                            Since they announced the amendments—                      very well change the Statesboro nightlife as                a bunch of hoodlums will result in one thing:                 behave like adults.
                        that would outlaw happy hours, among other                    we know it.                                                 having the amendments approved and turning                         If you feel strongly about alcohol—if you
                        things—nearly two weeks ago, there has been                       With this being said, we urge everyone                  the Statesboro drinking scene into something                  love happy hour or wish it would be deleted
                        much talk throughout the campus and com-                      planning to attend the meeting to use common                about as exciting as a social at Gentilly Gardens             from the terminology of Statesboro—go to
                        munity about packing the meeting to voice                     sense when voicing his or her concerns.                     retirement home.                                              the meeting and let your voice be heard. It's
                        opinions on the issues up for approval.                           Nothing will be accomplished with bel-                      At the meeting, be professional, be courte-               important.
                            We would love it if there were 1,000 people               ligerent students making fools of themselves.               ous and be sane.                                                * The city council members may not necessar-
                        at the meeting on Tuesday night.                              Showing up drunk is also a bad idea.                            We're not sure of how the debate on the                   ily care about the students at Georgia Southern,
                            We would love to see the students, regard-                    Remember, the city council has already en-              alcohol issues will be structured, but we do                  but if we really want to, we can really let them
                        less of their feelings on the issue, to come out              dorsed the proposed changes, which means they               know it's going to be a big deal.                             know that they should.

Adam Crisp                                                                         SP£C\AI         comov                                                                                                                  Brandon Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AGAINST THE GRAIM

Shooting suspects                                                                                                                                                                                                         Republicans: thanks
sadly familiar                                                                                                                                                                                                            for everything
     Three weeks ago, I had the displeasure of plastering                                                                                                                                                                       The right winged Republican party has taken control over
three men from my hometown across the front of The                                                                                                                                                                         the United States government. All three branches ofpolitics
George-Anne.                                                                  Dusty Nesmith is a contributing political cartoonist for The George-Anne. He is a graphic designer for the Southern Reflector.               are now controlled by a majority of conservatives.
     Shabby haired and disheveled, the three mug shots ran                                                                                                                                                                      Because of this, I decided to write a congratulations to
along side an article that explained that either of the three                                                                                                                                                              Republicans for their great performance in office. Of course
might have had a hand in the shooting of two Georgia                        Kenneth Aud:                     STURM                                                                                                         the first man I need to praise is George W Bush himself,
Southern basketball players.                                                                                                                                                                                               the biggest name in American politics today. He is the
     Had I not been at least marginally acquainted with the
names of the trio, I might have barely thought another
                                                                            Must change thinking, not drinking laws themselves                                                                                             man who has helped create this conservative bias through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           our government.
                       minute about placing their pictures                                                                                                                                                                                           Throughout his governing as presi-
                       atop that day's edition.                                  To understand a metafact you must break down the                 loose control. People will just take their money and                                           dent there are three large events he
                           If either of three are found to be               word. Meta is a reference to and idea or thought. Fact is             acquire their alcohol elsewhere. We can change how                                             has dealt with that will no doubt place
                       guilty of the crime - which they haven't             something that is known, a truth. A metafact is a tangible            people drink with laws, but not why they drink. The                                            him in the history books. The first of
                       yet been - a prison sentence is certainly                                 object, an artifact that has an idea, a          only way to change their reason for getting drunk is to                                        course is the War on Terrorism. A war
                                                                            Kenneth Aud
                       to follow.                                           is a sophomore       known    or at least widely accepted             change how they think.                                                                         started so the United States could flex its
                           That thought made me wonder how                  electrical engi-     truth associated with it.                            No amount of legislature is going make people look                                         muscles and show the world around it
                       either of the three ended up where they              neering major            To change the way a people op-               at alcohol differently. This kind of thing has been going                                      that no other country is more powerful
                       are today.                                                                erate we must change the way they                on since alcohol was discovered.                                                               with our sophisticated technology and
Adam Crisp                 I can't say for certain what any of                                   think, not the artifacts and metafacts               Do I take part in the happy hours, beer and wing                     Brandon Smith         weaponry against the rudimentary and
is a junior journal-                                                                                                                                                                                                       is a junior ac-
                       their home lives were like, and I likely             in their environment.                                                 specials, and ladies nights? As easily as I could, no, I'm                                     obsolete ways of life of the terrorists; a
ism major from                                                                                                                                                                                                             counting major
Glennville.Ga. He couldn't even tell you where they lived in                     Alcohol and the good time associated with it is a                not 21.                                                                  from Atlanta. He      war led so ingeniously that four years
is The George-         our town of less than 5,000 residents.               metafact. Change the metafact and you change the per-                     No one should take pride in total loss of self-control,              is a columnist        later we've managed to increase global
Anne's managing                                                                                                                                                                                                            forTheGeorge-
editor for news.
                           But what I am certain of is that                  ception. Change the perception you change the priorities             but they should have the right to do so if they please. If                                     terrorism.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . Anne.
                       far too many young black men with                     if not the actions of the people in question.                        nothing else it makes the rest of us look good.                                                    The next big event we can thank our
                       whom I went to high school have met                       Simply taking away the happy hour and drink specials                                                                                                            Republican president for is the infamous
similar fates.                                                              will not change peoples' drive to get drunk until they                               Write Kenneth                     War on Iraq. Only one word will always followthis war down
     After running the story, I did a search on the Georgia                                                                                                                                                                through history: illegal. Yes, an illegal war started around
Department of Corrections Web site for anyone convicted                                                                                                                                                                    lies and fraud. Another war about which our citizens are
of a crime in Tattnall County under the age of 27.                          Jack Parks: YOUR TURN                                                                                                                          wondering, "when will this end?"
     What popped up astounded me.                                                                                                                                                                                               The last event that will not be easily forgotten is the
     There were more than 150 names and no less than 20                                                                                                                                                                    recent Hurricane Katrina. Along with the fear of "hurricane
were familiar faces.                                                        N.O. residents only ones to blame for Katrina deaths                                                                                           attacks" will be the fear of poor response systems, like the
      Starring back from the other side ofmy computer screen                                                                                                                                                               current FEMA. The failure of Republican FEMA director
were now grown men, hardened and in some of the state's                         While I'm glad to see that America's favorite Demo-               get out. Thirty-six hours before landfall, a voluntary                   Michael Brown proved that experience and intelligence is
toughest prisons. But I remember them all from middle or                    crat, Michael Moore, has contributed to the hurricane                 evacuation order was issued. A mandatory order was                       indeed a prerequisite for leading such a large response effort.
high school where we shared hallways or classrooms.                         relief fund in New Orleans, he still cannot help jnake                issued almost 24 hours before landfall. This is more than                But looking even deeper we can be truly mind-boggled by
      At least a few didn't surprise me: the kids who quit                                      a mention of the tragedy being the                enough time for people to leave. The people who had                      the fact that our wonderful president appointed the former
                                                                            Jack Parks,
 school; the ones who were always in the principal's office;                a junior music      fault of George Bush.                             "nowhere to go" could have gone to the Superdome, which                  director of the Arabic Horse Association as head of the
 they are all in jail now.                                                  education major         Hurricane Katrina was a disaster              was one of the safehouses in New Orleans. Thousands                      Federal Emergency Management Agency. I suppose this
                                                                            from Woodbury,
      But in that mix are the guys who were standout foot-                                     this country will not forget. With                 of people went; many others didn't.                                      fact is no surprise to people who know how great of a job
                                                                            Ga, is a self-pro-
 ball players; stars of the basketball team. They, too, are                 claimed "South '    over $25 billion in damage and                        The people who died in the disaster died because                     Bush does with appointments.
 behind bars.                                                               Park Republican.    nearly 1,000 lives lost, it is one of             of their own actions. The persons responsible for the                          Who can forget the appointment of John Roberts as
      I suppose statistically it shouldn't have been surprised                                  the worst disasters in the country's              death toll in New Orleans are the ones who took it upon                  chief justice of the United States. The extremely religious
 that all but three of the faces I recognized were black, but               200-plus year history. The financial damages were                     themselves to ignore what the government told them and                   judge has every practical citizen of our country worried
 I was. Naively, I thought these guys would have made it.                   almost unavoidable due to the location, but the death                 play chicken with a Category 4 hurricane.                                about just how well he can make decisions about laws
      When I saw their pictures I immediately flew back to                  toll was unnecessary.                                                     They lost.                                                           created with freedom of religion and separation of church
 pep talks in gymnasiums and life skills teachers who all                       I'm very sorry about the loss of life in New Orleans;                                                                                      and state in mind.
 sang the same mantra that anything was possible.                           however, there was more than ample time for people to                                 Write Jack at                         Speaking of fantastic supreme court nominations, we
      But realistically I should have known - even in middle                                                                                                                                                               can't leave out the new appointee Harriet Miers, former white
 school - that it's nearly impossible in the rural South to                                                                                                                                                                house secretary and commissioner of the Texas Lottery. A
 arise from poverty, and all the dregs that come with that                   Brandee Thomas: YOUR TUR*                                                                                                                     lady who has absolutely no experience as a judge, and whose
  status.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   only well known opinion is that George Bush is the most
      Should these guys get the book thrown at them if they                                                                                                                                                                brilliant man she has ever met. Looks like the conservatives
  are guilty? You bet.                                                       Just when you thought we were in 2005...                                                                                                       have given us quite the Supreme Court line up.
      But the path that lead them to Legends that night                                                                                                                                                                          Now while speaking about the exceptional performance
  with an automatic rifle was begun years before they were                        Where is all this hatred coming from? Why does it seem           bigoted comments began to spread, via                      ofRepublicans in office, I must not leave out the much-loved
  born. It's a system that white people like myself foolishly                like we all can't coexist within the same community? In               In one commentary, one individual stated that Kanye                      Tom DeLay. This former House majority leader has been
  believe isn't there.                                                       my four years here at GSU, I have never encountered such              West wasn't black because if he was "his name would be                   indicted not just once, but rather numerous times, the first
       We see happy suburban black families on TV and we                                            blatant racist rhetoric. I'm not sure          Tyrone and he would smell of chicken grease and jehri                    being the charge ofcriminal conspiracy for corporate contri-
  see well-to-do minorities in our neighborhoods, and we                     Brandee Thomas what has changed the GSU student                       curl relaxer."                                                           butions to the Republican party, while Texas law specifically
                                                                             is a senior
  assume that racism has run its course. Because we don't                    journalism major body. Let me share a couple of very                      To the people who have been affected by the racist word              outlaws such actions. Another for his involvement with
  consider ourselves racist, equal opportunity must be there                 from Brunswick,        relevant and recent stories: '                 vomit spreading around campus I offer this advice—keep                   money laundering. As one ofthe most powerful Republican
  for everyone.                                                              Ga. She is a staff         • Last Monday around 6 p.m., I             your heads held high. Do not bend, do not concede defeat,                leaders, this man gives us a great depiction of his party.
                                                                             writer for The
       But the men from Tattnall County who now make                          George-Anne.          helped my roommate, Danielle, hang             and do not alter your path.                                                   Congratulations to all the Republicans out there. You've
  their homes in jail cells either didn't find the opportunity                                      homecoming posters around campus.                  Make your haters your motivators. Do not take the low                done an amazing job filling up our government with won-
  or didn't take it.                                                          Less than 24 hours later, a friend informed her that                 and easy road by lashing out in violence and continuing                  derful candidates who are doing nothing but great things
       I can only imagine that their fate is a mixture of the                 someone had written on her publicly displayed poster,                this cycle of ignorance.                                                 for our country and its citizens.
   two.                                                                       "No ni**ers allowed."
                                                                                  • When The George-Anne published articles announc-                      Write Brandee at brandee_a_thomas@georgia$outh-                                    Write Brandon at
     Write Adam at                                 ing Kanye West was coming to GSU, almost immediately                                                      

   Staff Writers
                                                                                    Advertising & Distribution Services (ADS)                               Letters Policy                                                         How to Contact Us:
   Angela Byrd, Christina Calloway Britt Davis, Anthony Fierstos, Maria Folsom,
                                                                                    Marketing Director: LindseyTreadwell                                    The George-Anne welcomes letters to the editor, story submissions      Letters to the Editor:
   Cheryl Frost, Robert Greene, Jill Harris, Kristen Hillis, Alicia Howe, Darren
                                                                                    Ad Reps: Drew Anthony, Caitlin Carter, Angela Parker, Kori Williams     and guest columns from people both inside and outside the GSU          News:
   Jones, Heidi King, Tyson Madden, Jennifer Maddox, Bryan Metcalf, Jenny
                                                                                    Circulation Manager: Trevor Long                                        community. All copy submitted should be 300 words or less, typed,      Sports:
   Miller, Courtney Murphy, Mary Kate Roan, Brandee Thomas, Marcy Thornton.
                                                                                                                                                            and preferably sent via e-mail in Microsoft Word format to gaeditor@   Features:
                                                                                    Photography, Art, Graphics, Electronic Systems (PAGES)         All submissions must be signed and include a      Advertising:
   Affiliated Publications                                                          Production Manager: Sarah Banks                                         mailing address, and phone number for verification. GSU students       Newsroom: 912.681.5246
   Reflector editor: Katie Glorieux, Reflector Managing Editor: Katie McLeod,       Photographers: Daniel Flanders, James Hall, Chase Lanier, Victor        should include their academic major, year at GSU, and hometown.        Advertising: 912.681.5418
   Miscellany editor: Ashley Stevens                                                Martinez, Anna Mitchum, Jared Siri, Joe Waddell, Terrence Williams      The editors reserve the right to reject any submission.                Fax: 912.486.7113
1GNDAY, OCTOBER 17r2005 I THE GEORGE-ANNE                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MEWS I PAGE 5

PAGE 6                                                                                                                                                                                                      MONDAY, OCTOBER 17,2005 I THE GEORGE-ANNE-

                                                                                                                                                                     Rashean Mathis scored on a 41-                                        straight at home. The Jaguars improve
                                                                                                                                                                           yard return of a Tommy Mad-                                     to 4-2.
                                                                                                                                                                            dox interception in overtime                                       In San Antonio, Todd Petersons
                                                                                                                                                                    and Jacksonville took advantage of four                                36-yard field goal won it for Atlanta in
                                                                                                                                                                    Maddox turnovers against the injury-                                   the final seconds, 34-31
                                                                                                                                                                    thinned Steelers to win 23-17.                                           ' The Falcons improve to 4-2 while
                                                                                                                                                                       The Steelers (3-2) lost their second                                the Saints fall to 2-4 on the year.

                                                Heartbreak on the hill
  Bryan Metcalf                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 icconm:

  Trojans                                                                                                    B£h%                                                                                                   H                   wm
  arent safe
                                                By Renoldo Stover                                                        i w&WmmWwmMKjF '&MmtE.. —%JfaW ™ w
                                                Sports Editor                                                           * ^u£&19PS wml ' ht
                                                                                                                                                                                   -•"■r!•TB" m\ ^fl
                                                     Georgia Southern (4-3, 3-2)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               f^**^HHi u
        Can someone explain to me the           traveled to Appalachian State this                                                                                                                                             BP*iJ Bfl
   reasons why USC is the number one            past weekend looking to extend a                             W9t^ m
   ranked team in Division 1-A college          three-game winning streak. The
   football?                                    Mountaineers (4-2,2-1) were hoping
        I understand that they're unde-         to bounce back after a tough loss to
   feated, and I know they're the defend-       Furman two weeks ago in a game that
   ing national champions, but there            would have given them sole possession
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    k^k#^K&, "' ^rsJ
                                                                                           * iP*!L                                                                                                                                                            Furman survives in three OT's
   are other teams that are undefeated          of the conference lead. When the dust                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •
   as well. Texas would make a better           settled, the Eagles were headed back to                                                                                                                                                                           Fullback Jerome Felton rushed
                                                                                                                                                                                  m\.m                       MM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              forthree touchdowns, includingthe
   number one team than USC.                    Statesboro with their second confer-
        Last Saturday the Longhorns             ence loss of the season after falling to                                                                                                                                                                      go-ahead score and the two-point .
   totally dominated the #24 Colorado           the Mountaineers 24-14.                                                                                                                                                                                       conversions No.5 Furman escaped
   Buffalos 42-17.                                   After going three and out on their                                                                                                                                                             ^pF.^™    The Citadel at Johnson Hagood
                                                                                           K: ' M     1«g|
        Vince Young                             first possession for only the second                                                                                                                                                                          Stadium with a 39-31 victoryinthree
   scored five touch-                           time this season, the Eagles looked to                                                                                                                                                                        overtimes.
   downs (two pass-                             keep App. State out of the end zone.                                                                                                                                                                              Felton's 16-yard scamper and
                                                                                                                                                                                  Lw flLw ,JHI
   ing, three rushing)                              But the Mountaineers would move                                                                                                                                                                           two-point run gave the Paladins
   to lead his team. In                         theballdowntothe 18-yard-line before                                                                                                                                                                          (6-1, 2-1) in the Southern Confer- •
   that game, Young Bryan Metcalf               settling for a Julian Rauch field goal.              mm                                                                                                                                                       ence) their final margin of victory.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "w''-'■■■■■->■-- -t'-' -r-im

   had a near-perfect isasopho-                     On GSU's second possesion, after                                      M—TM                                                                                                                                The Bulldogs (3-3,1-2) had one last
           . .                more Journal-
   completion percent- ism major                four consecutive running plays, the                                                                            |                    *       '      ■           -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              chance to keep the game alive, but *
   age, no interceptions, from Napa,            Eagles decided to go to the air on                                                                                                                                                                            redshirt freshman quarterback Jus-
   no sacks, and threw CA-                      second and seven but Darius Smiley's                                                                                                 LaVene Bell-Koepke/STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tin Knox'spasstookKinta Palmer out
   for 336 yards.                               pass would be picked off giving App.       Senior fullback Brandon Andrews is stuffed by the App. State defense during Saturday's loss to the Mountaineers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of bounds in the corner of the right .
        Saturday night came the most            State a great field position.                                                                                                                                                                                 end zone on fourth and nine from
   anticipated game of the week with                It wouldn't take the Mountaineers      miss a 36-yard field goal.                   end the Eagles hopes of not being               App State's Kevin Richardson                                          the 14, and Furman celebrated their
   the #1 USC Trojans taking on the #9          long to capitalize as they capped off an       Appalachian would capitalize on          shutout before halftime for the first       presented problems for the Eagles                                         ninth win in their last 11 tries against
   Notre Dame Fighting Irish.                   8-play drive in just over three minutes    the special teams miscue when Kevin          time since 2002.                            defense all day Saturday, racking up                                      their long-time state rivals.
        The Trojans just barely sneaked         with a touchdown run to take a 10-0        Richardson took a handoff on first               App. State was on the verge of put-     208 rushing yards at 9.5 a carry while                                        Furman ended with 460 yards of
   past the Irish, catching a lucky break       lead.                                      down and raced 73 yards down to the          ting up 24 first half points if not for     the Eagles were not able to really get                                    total offense, 234 of them coming
   when Matt Leinart fumbled the foot-              On the Eagles', Coach Mike Sewak       Eagles six-yard line. Two plays later        John Mohring's endzone interception         their running game on track. Both                                         after the third quarter, compared to *
   ball on what would have been the last        went into his bag of tricks when the       he would cross the goal line to give the     of a Richie Williams pass on first and      Jermaine Austin and Jayson Foster had                                     270 for the Bulldogs.
   play of the game.                            Eagles were looking at their second        host a 17 point cushion.                     goal from the one.                          a combined-39 carries for 136 yards                                          The Bulldogs nearly knocked off
        USC legitimately won the game,          three and out of the day. On fourth            The Eagles next possession would             The second half turned into a race      and one touchdown..                                                       theirsecondrankedopponentofthe *'
   but they didn't play very well. Notre        and three, the Eagles came out in a        also end on a missed field goal, this        to see who could chew up the most               The Eagles next opponent is The                                       season, as they defeated then No. 18
   Dame managed to get 409 yards of             punt formation and snapped the ball        one being a 38-yarder by Dudley. The         game clock after both teams scored on       Citadel in Our House this Saturday                                        Western Carolina, 17-7, on October
   total offense, and scored on a punt          directly to linebacker John Mohring        Eagles appeared to be on their way to        their opening possessions. The Eagles       for homecoming.                                                           1 in Cullowhee, NC.                 .
   return. Matt Leinart was an un-heis-         who rumbled 36 yards for a first down.     a touchdown on the drive after mov-          day ended on a fourth-and-two play              With only four games left in the                                           The Citadel travels to Georgia
   man-like 17-for-32 for 301 yards.            The Eagles would move into field goal      ing down to the Mountaineer 9-yard           when Jayson Foster was met at the line      season, and two conference losses, the                                    Southern next weekend while Fur-
        He was sacked twice by ND, and          range, but Jonathan Dudley, who had        line. A false start penalty, followed        of scrimmage by a wave of tacklers on       Eagles need to win out with a little help                                 man hosts Elon.                  ,-
   threw two interceptions. Not a good          made all 13 ofhis previous kicks, would    by a tackle for loss and a sack would        a 12-play drive.                            to get into the playoffs.                                                        X
   outing from the defending national
                                                Swim and Dive team                                                                                                                                                                                             4^                at

   champs. USC got exposed on national

                                                has fun at scrimmage
        Texas should be the number one                                                                                                  Women's tennis                                  Women's soccer                                                             23                        38
   team this week, not USC. The Long-                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wofford beats VMI                         •
   horns played better football, and have       By Lelan Washington                        good in the sprint and freestyle."               Four members of the Georgia                 UNC Greensboro held a 30-6
   been all season.                             Staff writer                                   Some events for Saturday's meet          Southern women's tennis team                advantage in shots and three different                                       Wofford rushedfora season-high
        Even if USC can survive their                                                      were the breast stroke, freestyle, back      competed in the 2005 ITA Southern           players scored a goal as the Spartans                                     441 yardsandquarterbackJosh Col-
   PAC-10 schedule, which includes                   The Eagle swim and dive team held     stroke, and butterfly.                       Regional Championships Thursday,            blanked the Georgia Southern wom-                                         lier threw two touchdown passes •
   Top-25 teams UCLA (#8) and Cal               their blue/white scrimage Saturday.            But the most peculiar looking            Friday and Saturday.                        en's soccer team 3-0 Sunday afternoon                                     to lead the Terriers to a 38-23 win
    (#25), they still will have to play              All the ladies were highly enthused   event had to be the blue and white                 Seniors' Kimberly Wollett and         at the UNCG Soccer Stadium.                                               over VMI (3-4) Saturday afternoon
   somebody in the Rose Bowl.                   about Saturday's meet at the pool,         team relay where the one swimmer             Szilvia Zsakay and freshman Molly               Georgia Southern returns home                                         at Gibbs Stadium.                   »
        Southern Cal's road to the Rose         having just returned from College          per team swam to the other end and           Maddox competed in Singles com-             to host an Oct. 20 contest with Fur-                                        Seven Terriers rushed for 30 or
   Bowl has to go through Berkely.              of Chaleston with a second place           back, where they had to exchange the         petition and freshman Shea Huxtable         man.                                                                      more yards in the game as Wofford
        Last time there the Trojans got
 ' beat 34-31 by the Golden Bears. USC
                                                     The Eagles fell to the College of
                                                                                           blue or white t-shirt they wore during
                                                                                           their swim to the next swimmer.
                                                                                                                                        joined the team to compete in doubles
                                                                                                                                                                                    Men's soccer                                                              (4-2) rushed for its most yards in a .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              game since putting up 476 yards
   was #3 back then, and Cal pulled off         Charleston 156- 86, but tallied a win          GSU will now prepare for next                The Georgia Southern women's               Brett Paschall scored two goals as                                     against The Citadel on Oct. 30,
    the upset. It could very well happen        over Wingate 165- 62.                      week's match-up with University of           tennis team will next compete at the        the Phoenix earned a 4-0 Southern                                         2004.                               *
    again three.weeks from now.                      "Right now we're trying to swim       New Orleans and Emory University             Memphis Invitational on Oct. 21-23.         Conference men's soccer victory on                                           Michael Hobbs rushed for a
         If Cal doesn't'upset the Trojans,      fast while we're tired after coming        in Atlanta.                                                                              Sunday afternoon from Rudd Field.                                         game-high 85 yards but left the
    look for arch-rival UCLA to step            in at about two o'clock (Saturday)             "We're going to train our hardest        Men's tennis                                   Elon (6-6-2 overall, 2-0-1 SoCon)                                      game afterfracturing his rightankle
    up. The Bruins have lost six-straight       morning." said head coach Nathan           and hcfpe [it pays off]," said Kellogg.          The Georgia Southern men's tennis       got on the board in the 14th minute                                       late in the first half.
    to USC, but keep in mind that               Kellogg.                                       Both teams were very competitive         team finished play at the South Caro-       when Paschall collected a Gabe                                                Wofford's defense held VMI to
    UCLA had not lost to USC from                    The ladies would show that they       and exhibitted plenty of hard work in        lina Fall Invitational Sunday. Seniors'     Loducca pass and went one-on-one                                          just 47 yards rushing and 307 total
     1991-1998.                                  could do just that as they went nauti-    the water, while still having fun, show-     Lasha Janashia and Charles-Henri            with the Georgia Southern (6-6-1,                                         offense yards.                    •
         The BCS rankings come out today,        cal. Kellogg was pleased with some of     ing what being a member of the Eagle         Trottet led the Eagles by winning the       1-4-0) keeper for his fourth goal of                                          Wofford will play host to Ap-
    and I expect a very undeserving USC          his team's individual performances.       swim and dive team really takes.             B-2 Doubles competition.                    the season.                                                               palachian State next Saturday at
    Trojans squad to be at the top of the             "Allison Cochran, a freshman,            The swim and dive team will be in             The men's tennis team will next            Georgia Southern will visit Mercer                                    Gibbs Field in the final home game 4
    list, with a bright red target painted on    she placed second in the 100 and 200       action this Saturday in Atlanta at the      compete at the ITA Mideast Regional         on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 7:00 p.m.                                        of the season. VMI will host Gard-
    their back for everyone to aim for.          breast stroke, and Jen Clayton is real     Emory/New Orleans Invitational.             in Chapel Hill, N.C. on Oct.19-24.                                                                                    ner-Webb.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             —From GSU News Service

   Volleyball rebounds with win over Bulldogs                                                                                                                                                                                                                       10
   By Bryan Metcalf                             last three points for GSU, and Dowd                                                     App. State.                                         The Cougars fought back and tied                                    Mocs hold off Elon
   and Courtney Murphy                          added another ace to beat The Citadel                                                       "Christy went in and played really          the Eagles at 19. Unfortunately the                                       Esteban Lopez booted a 19-yard;
   Staff writer
                                                30-22.                                                                                  well," said Messersmith. "She had a lot         Eagles were unable to rally and lost                                  field goal with 5:16to playthat broke"
                                                     Game three seemed like it could                                                    ofconfidence and she served well. She's         the game 30-24.                                                       a 7-7 tie and lifted the Chattanooga:
      The Georgia Southern Eagles               go either way at first as the teams                                                     going to be a good player."                         Going into the second game the                                    Mocs to a 10-7 Southern Confer-
  (14-7, 7-2 SoCon) wrapped up their            went back and forth for the first ten                                                       Porumbescu leads the team in kills          Cougars kept a steady lead over                                       ence football victory over the Elon •
  three-match home stand Saturday               points.                                                                                 (357) and in digs (304)                         the Eagles and won with a score of                                    Phoenix from Rhodes Stadium on
  afternoon with a win over The Citadel              The Citadel managed to take an                                                         In Friday's action GSU battled              30-13.                                                                Saturday night. UTCupped its record
  (2-19,0-10 SoCon) in three games at            8-6 lead early, but GSU came back                                                      against conference unbeaten College                 The third game proved to be no                                    to 5-2 overall and 2-1 in the SoCon .
  Hanner Fieldhouse.                            with four unanswered points to retake                                                   of Charleston (17-1, 9-0 SoCon).                different, as the Cougars finished the                                with its third consecutive victory

      In game one the Eagles jumped              the lead.                                                                              According to Coach Messersmith the              game 30-20, and swept the Eagles three                                while Elon dipped to 3-4,0-3.
  out to an early five-nothing lead.                 Leading 13-11 the Eagles went on                                                   focus before the game was, "Like every          games straight.                                                           Chattanooga has secured its first,
  After calling a timeout, the Bulldogs          another five-point streak to open the                                                  other game, to go out and play well."               "We didn't go out and compete,"                                   five win season since 2000 when the
  managed to put two points of their             gap to seven.                                                                              The Cougars came into the game              said Messersmith after the match.                                     team went 5-6.
  own on the scoreboard and closed                   Everything went the Eagles way                                                     winning the last nine straight match-               "There were just errors after errors.                                 Chattanooga's offense was led by
  the gap to just three.                         after that as GSU handed Citadel their                                                 es.                                             The important thing is to be competi-                                 Eldra Buckley's 124 yard game, his
      GSU went on another five-point             tenth-straight conference loss by win-                                                     Leading the Cougars were Senior             tive and play hard, ifwe do these thing                               third 100-yard game of the season.;
H tear and Citadel never recovered.              ning game three 30-19.                                                                 Rebecca Wieters and Senior Amanda               we'll bounce back."                                                      Elon's Kye Hamiltyon is the 13th;
       Freshman Christy Dowd recorded                Coleman led the way offensively           .yw     |f*"**-                          Timmers who average over 3 kills                    GSU travels to Appalachian State                                  Elon quarterback to surpass the*
   an ace to help guide the Eagles to a          for the Eagles with 14 kills. Dowd                                 .fared Siri/STAFF
                                                                                                                           Sir          per/game.                                        on Tuesday.                                                          2,000 with 2,061 yards for the year.
                                                                                            GSU's Jennifer Charles
   30-17 victory.                                added nine digs to lead the team                                                           GSU and Charleston have alter-                      Southern Conference Standings as of 10/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 For the game, Elon was out
                                                                                            goes for the kill in Saturday's win                                                                                         Conference                  Overall
       Game two was more of the same as          defensively.                                                                           nated being SoCon regular season                                                W-L                         W-L       gained 332-215 in total yards, in-»
   GSU grabbed the early lead again and              Senior Natalia Galantini had           great things from her."                     champs for the past four years.                 Coll of Charleston               9-0                        17-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              eluding 202-150 on the ground and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Georgia Southern                 6-1                        13-6
   forced another Citadel timeout.               20 assists for the Eagles. GSU head           When asked about the freshman,               The first game was a challenge for          Appalachian State               4-2                         11-7      130-65 through the air.
       While the Bulldogs played bet-             coach Kerry Messersmith was more          Dowd, coach Messersmith said she            both teams, which took turns taking             Chattanooga                     4-2                         9-9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Elon hits the road for a 2:00 p.m.,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Davidson                       4-3                         8-13
   ter overall in the second game, but            than happy after the game about her       was happy with Dowd's production            the lead and were tied for most of the           Wofford                        4-4                         9-8       kickoff at #5 Furman next Saturday
   it wasn't enough to stop Dowd and              young players.                            in the absence of star player Iulia         game. Charleston was forced to take              Western Carolina               4-4                         5-15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              afternoon in Greenville, S.C. while
                                                                                                                                                                                         Furman                         3-5                         7-11
   sophomore Bailey Coleman.                          "Bailey always does a good job,"      Porumbescu, who was watching                a timeout when the Eagles took the               Elon                           2-4                         4-13      Chattanooga heads home to face r
       Coleman recorded two of the                said Messersmith. "We always expect       from the sidelines while resting for        lead at 19-15.                                   UNC Greensboro                  1-7                        2-16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Western Carolina at 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                         The Citadel                    0-9                         2-18
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