Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...

Page created by Bradley Schultz
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
MARCH 2021

                    Win a smart home technology package   See Page 3

                                                                Dig into the benefits
                                                             of geothermal systems
  Visit our website at www.livingwithenergyiniowa.com

                                                                  Electric bus fleets:
                                                                 Saving fuel, helping
                                                                   the environment

                                                                       Irish recipes for
                                                                       St. Patrick’s Day
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
Iowa Association of
                 Electric Cooperatives

                 Volume 74 • Issue 3
                           Ann Thelen
                       ART DIRECTOR                                     CONTENTS                                                           M AR C H 2021
                         Joel Clifton

            EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT                                    Features
                  Chuck Soderberg
        D I R E C T O R O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N S                  6 Digging into the benefits of
                        Erin Campbell                                     geothermal systems                                       6

                BOARD OF DIRECTORS
               Steve Seidl, District 5 – President                          With geothermal heating and cooling
          Don Shonka, District 2 – Vice President
                                                                            systems, the power of the earth can be

     Roger Solomonson, District 3 – Secretary/Treasurer                                                                        4

                                                                            harnessed to heat and cool your home

     Darrell Jensen, District 4 – Asst. Secretary/Treasurer

                 Gordon Greimann, District 6                                                                                           5

                     Neal Heldt, District 7                                 renewably and efficiently.                                               1

               Kenneth VandenBerg, District 1
       Marion Denger, Prairie Energy Cooperative –
                   NRECA Representative                                 8 Irish recipes
         Brian Krambeer, MiEnergy Cooperative –
                   Managers’ Representative                                 We’ve assembled a scrumptious
                                                                            collection of Irish-inspired recipes, all
Living with Energy in Iowa magazine (ISSN: 1935-7176) is published
monthly by the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives, a not-for-
                                                                            from Iowa’s co-op cooks. PLUS: Find
                                                                            out how you can receive a $25 credit on

profit organization representing Iowa’s member-owned local electric
cooperatives. Association address: 8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48, Des
Moines, IA 50322-2992. The phrase Living with Energy in Iowa is             your power bill!
a mark registered within the state of Iowa to the Iowa Association of
Electric Cooperatives. The magazine does not accept advertising.
Editorial Office: 8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48, Des Moines, IA
                                                                        10 Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel
50322-2992. Telephone: 515-276-5350. E-mail address:
editor@livingwithenergyiniowa.com. Living with Energy in Iowa
                                                                           and helping the environment
magazine does not assume responsibility for unsolicited items.
                                                                            Electric buses are an emerging
Website: www.livingwithenergyiniowa.com
                                                                            technology that can help address some
Postmaster: Send address changes to Living with Energy in Iowa
                                                                            of the issues caused by diesel-powered

magazine, 8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48, Des Moines, IA 50322-2992.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Des Moines, Iowa, and at additional
mailing offices.
                                                                            buses while still providing quality
Change of Address: Every local electric cooperative maintains               transportation.
an independent mailing list of its members, so please send your
change of address directly to your local electric cooperative’s
office. Living with Energy in Iowa magazine cannot make an              Favorites
address change for you.
© Copyright 2021, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives.            3 Statewide Perspective                   14 Home Technology
No portion of the editorial, photographic or other content of Living
with Energy in Iowa magazine or its website may be reproduced               Renewable Energy: Setting                   Smart home tech for
without written permission of the editor.
                                                                            realistic expectations                      your budget
                                                                        3 Editor’s Choice Contest                 15 Out Back
                                                                            Win a smart home                            Tiny huts on the farm
                                                                            technology package

                                                                          ON THE COVER

                                                                                                           Congratulations to Kim Scharfenkamp,
                                                                                                                   a Southwest Iowa Rural Electric
                                                                                                           Cooperative member, for providing the
                                                                                                               cover image for this month’s issue!
                                                                                                            She captured this beautiful image of a
                                                                                                        rainbow in Ringgold County. To have your
                                                                                                        photo considered for a future cover, email
                                                                                                        high-quality images (in high resolution) to
                                                                                                                 If we select your photo, you’ll be
                                                                                                                            awarded with $100.

2      LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA                     March 2021
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...

Setting realistic expectations for
renewable electric generation

  There has been a lot of talk lately
about when America will transition                    U.S. electricity generaon from selected fuels
                                                      AEO2021 Reference case (2010-2050)
to a 100% renewable electric grid.                    billion kilowahours
Some utilities, states and cities have                6,000
announced plans to be fully powered                                        history     projecon
by renewable sources by a specific                    5,000                                                  renewables                                   renewables
date. Reducing carbon emissions is                    4,000
                                                                                                                hydro                                     42%
also a major focus of the presidential                                                 21%                      wind                                      in 2050
                                                                                       in 2020
administration. As we talk about a                    3,000                                                     solar
clean energy economy, it’s important                  2,000                                                  natural gas
to set realistic expectations about the
timeline.                                             1,000                                                       coal
  Iowa’s locally owned electric                                                                                  nuclear
cooperatives have been balancing the                      2010                    2020                    2030                   2040              2050
need for safe, reliable, affordable and                    Sources: U.S. Energy Informaon Administraon, Annual Energy Outlook 2021 (AEO2021)
environmentally responsible power
for decades. Our state’s electric co-ops            higher renewable percentages will take                           renewables will collectively surpass
have long promoted energy efficiency                time as we are also responsible for                              natural gas to be the predominant
efforts with the belief that the greenest           balancing the needs of safety, reliability                       source of generation in the U.S.
kilowatt-hour is the one you never use.             and affordability for the member-                                   According to the EIA report, the
From 2010-2019, Iowa’s electric co-ops              consumers we serve. While renewable                              share of natural gas-fired generation
invested more than $120 million in                  energy continues to grow, it will take                           in the U.S. will remain relatively
energy efficiency measures, saving at               decades before that category outpaces                            constant through 2050, and the
least 4.9 billion kilowatt-hours. That’s            natural gas and coal generation                                  contribution from the coal and nuclear
enough energy to power more than                    nationwide.                                                      fleets will drop by half. Technological
490,000 homes for a full year.                         In its Annual Energy Outlook                                  advances in battery storage will make
                                                    2021, the U.S. Energy Information                                intermittent renewable sources like
Incorporating more                                  Administration (EIA) projects that                               wind and solar more reliable and
renewable energy                                    the share of renewables in America’s                             dependable, which are the top reasons
   As economic conditions allow,                    electricity generation mix will increase                         why natural gas and coal have been
electric co-ops are incorporating                   from 21% in 2020 to 42% in 2050. Wind                            stalwart baseload generation sources.
more renewable sources of generation                and solar generation are responsible
into the energy mix. Moving toward                  for most of that growth. By 2030,                                Electric cooperatives are making
                                                                                                                     great strides
EDITOR’S CHOICE CONTEST                                                                                                Because electric cooperatives are
                                                                                                                     owned and governed by the member-
 Win a smart home technology package                                                                                 consumers we serve, it’s important
                                                                                                                     to keep you informed on how power
 Smart home devices can add comfort and                                                                              supply decisions are made and why.
 convenience to your life while helping to save                                                                      Electric cooperatives are making
 energy. This smart home starter set features an
 all-new Echo Dot smart speaker with clock and
                                                                                                                     great strides in reducing greenhouse
 Alexa, four smart bulbs and four smart plugs.                                                                       gas emissions and incorporating
 The package is valued at $115. Learn more about                                                                     more renewable energy sources into
 these technologies on Page 14 of this issue.                                                                        the generation mix. Like all things,
                                                                                                                     change will take time. Be assured that
 Visit our website and win!                                                                                          we are moving in the right direction
    Enter this month’s contest by visiting www.livingwithenergyiniowa.com no later than                              as we transition to a clean energy
 March 31, 2021. You must be a member of one of Iowa’s electric cooperatives to win. There’s                         economy.
 no obligation associated with entering, we don’t share entrant information with anyone and
 multiple entries from the same account will be disqualified. The winner of the Fitbit Charge 4                      Chuck Soderberg is the executive vice
 from the January issue was Mary Eller, Consumers Energy.                                                            president and general manager of the
                                                                                                                     Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives.

                                                                                                                        March 2021      LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA     3
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...

New state funds available to support innovative
rural projects and housing assessments
  Gov. Reynolds and the Iowa                       interpret this hard data with
Economic Development Authority                     supplemental information, as
(IEDA) recently announced two                      well as to implement through
competitive funds available for rural              changes to development
communities with a population                      codes, local ordinances and
under 20,000. Specifically, funding                housing incentives specific
of up to $400,000 has been allocated               to their community needs in
to the following two funds for                     partnership with Iowa State
current fiscal year (FY) 2021                      University Extension and
through FY 2022:                                   Outreach.
     Rural Innovation Grant                     Guidelines and scoring rubric
     Program – Provides up to                 for both programs are available on
     $300,000 in grants supporting            the Office of Rural Revitalization’s
     creative, non-traditional ideas          website. The programs, defined
     that focus on current issues             in Iowa Administrative Code, are
     and challenges faced by rural            administered by the Center for
     communities associated with              Rural Revitalization, a division
     the themes of community                  of IEDA, in consultation with the
     investment, growth and                   Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa
     connection.                              Initiative Task Forces.
     Rural Housing Assessment                    Applications for FY 2021 are
     Grant Program – Provides                 currently being accepted via                 members and expert professionals.
     up to $100,000 to support                iowagrants.gov and are due by                Successful applicants will be
     the use of publicly available            April 16, 2021. Applications will be         informed in June.
     online information through               scored by a volunteer panel that will           For additional program parameters
     the “Profile of Iowa” tool and           include the Governor’s Empower               and information, contact Liesl Seabert
     rural community efforts to               Rural Iowa Initiative Task Force             at rural@iowaeda.com.

 QUOTE OF THE MONTH                           POWERFUL IMAGE

“Co-ops really are                                  This month’s “Powerful Image” comes to us from western Iowa, where
                                                  Jeff Ten Napel, Osceola Electric Cooperative’s general manager, captured

about constructive,                               a photo of beautiful sun dogs. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac,
                                                  sundogs are formed by moisture filtering the sunlight. Sundogs appear
                                                  when sunlight hits clouds of ice crystals, and the ice acts as prisms.
positive ideas to help                              A sundog is seen about 22 degrees to the left or right of the sun. Sundogs
                                                  often form in pairs on either side of the sun. While they frequently appear
the communities that                              white, sometimes they are quite colorful, looking like patches of rainbow.
                                                  The colors usually go from red closest to the sun, to blue on the outside of
they serve. That’s                                the sundog.

how we’re going to
look at the tough
days ahead in terms
of the pandemic and
everything else.”
– National Rural Electric Cooperative
  Association CEO Jim Matheson
  speaking at the U.S. Energy
  Association’s State of the Energy
  Industry Forum held virtually Jan. 28.

Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
  The Iowa Association of Electric
Cooperatives maintains a statewide
outage map online at www.iowarec.
org/outages. The map refreshes
automatically every 15 minutes and
shows outage data that is reported by
IAEC member cooperatives.
  Some electric co-ops report outages
automatically while other co-ops report
their outages manually every few hours
only during major outage events.
  For information regarding specific
outages or to report your outage,
always contact your local electric co-op
directly. It’s also important that your
local co-op is notified if your phone
number or other contact information
  If you see downed power lines,
always stay away from the lines and
poles. Always assume the lines are
energized and report any damage to
your local electric cooperative.

                                                       Ag Day
                                                       is March 23
                                                       Food brings everyone to the table.
                                                       And this past year, the individuals
                                                       that feed the world have kept us
 His job is dangerous enough.                          going no matter what. Iowa is a
 When you see utility crews at work, slow down and     national leader in the production
 move over. You have the power to protect a life.      of corn, soybeans, eggs and pork.
                                                       Show your appreciation for Iowa’s
                                                       farmers to celebrate #AgDay21.

                                                     March 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   5
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
Digging into the benefits of

   Later this spring, we’ll see farmers
out in the fields digging into the
earth to plant crops. The ground
beneath us has incredible benefits.
In fact, you can also harness the
power of the earth to heat and
cool your home renewably and
   Geothermal heating and
cooling systems – also referred
to as ground source heat pumps
– use underground loops to
take advantage of the constant
temperature below ground to keep
you comfortable. In the winter, the
loop system removes heat from the
ground and transfers it into your
living space. In the summer, the
loop system transfers warm energy
from your home to be absorbed by
the cooler ground.                            Efficient, renewable energy               system? It comes down to the loops.
                                                Geothermal systems are                  An underground loop system
A proven technology                           supremely efficient, renewable and        needs to be trenched or drilled
  Geothermal technology isn’t new;            will save homeowners substantially        in your yard to take advantage of
in fact, Iowa’s electric cooperatives         on heating and cooling costs,             the earth’s constant temperature.
have been promoting geothermal                according to Sayers. The average          Once installed, a water-based
systems to members since the 1980s.           savings of geothermal compared            solution circulates through the loop
Jim Sayers was one of those co-op             to an aging conventional HVAC             system to transfer the heat energy.
employees who worked to educate               system is around $1,400 annually,         Electricity is needed to operate the
members about the many benefits               accounting for 40%-70% savings.           heat pump, ground loop pump and
of geothermal throughout his                  And while the installation cost of a      distribution fan or pump.
34-year career in communications              geothermal system is higher than             Because it uses the earth, a
and energy services at Corn Belt              conventional HVAC systems, it is so       geothermal system is the most
Power Cooperative. Headquartered              efficient that it can pay for itself in   efficient heating and cooling system.
in Humboldt, Corn Belt Power                  as little as five to seven years. Rates   In fact, it is 400% more efficient
Cooperative is a generation and               and incentives are important in           than conventional HVAC systems.
transmission electric cooperative             determining payback.                      Geothermal systems are also known
owned by its member systems.                    “The good news is that there are        for having low maintenance costs.
  Sayers retired from the co-op in            federal and state tax credits available      Sayers says, “With all the attention
2018 and found an opportunity to              to help defray the installation           on wind and solar these days, we
continue educating others about               costs,” says Sayers. “Currently, the      often forget about geothermal as a
geothermal technology’s advantages            federal tax credit for geothermal         renewable option. If a homeowner
as the cooperative engagement                 installation is 26%, and the Iowa tax     is considering investing in a solar
coordinator for the Geothermal                credit is 20% of the federal credit,      array, I would encourage them to
Exchange Organization (GEO).                  for a total tax credit of just over 31%   first think about energy efficiency
  “You retire from a job, but you             of the geothermal installation cost       measures and then consider
don’t retire from your passion. And           in 2021.”                                 installing a geothermal heating
my passion includes Iowa’s electric             So why is the installation of a         and cooling system because it uses
cooperatives and geothermal,” says            geothermal system higher than             stored, renewable thermal energy all
Sayers.                                       installing a conventional HVAC            day, every day, year-round.”
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
geothermal systems
  Resources for more information              and cooling systems, maintains                special geothermal electric rates
    The cost of installing a                  a list of geothermal system                   and incentives to make the system
  geothermal system will vary by              professionals you can contact at              even more affordable. Contact the
  location, the size of your home,            www.geoexchange.org/directory/.               member services staff at your co-op
  equipment installed and local                  Learn more about geothermal at             to learn more.
  incentives. GEO, a non-profit               GEO’s consumer education website
  trade association that promotes             at www.geothermalforall.com. In               Erin Campbell is the director of
  the manufacture, design and                 addition to the tax credits, many             communications for the Iowa Association
  installation of geothermal heating          of Iowa’s electric cooperatives offer         of Electric Cooperatives.

                                                                                                                                            House graphic: Enertech Global


                                 4                                           3


     1   Ground loop
         The earth absorbs and stores
         almost 50% of the sun’s solar
         energy. Because of this, the
         temperature four to six feet below                                                 5 Radiant heating (optional)
         ground is consistently between 45-                                                    Known as the most comfortable
         70 degrees F. A geothermal system                                                     type of heating, radiant heating
         transfers heat from one place to      3 Indoor heat pump                              uses a series of pipes under a
         another using a ground loop field        The loop field transfers heat to the         home or building’s floor to circulate
         buried in the yard. The loop field       home through an indoor geothermal            warm water, which heats the entire
         circulates a water-based solution        heat pump kept indoors through               space evenly.
         through a series of pipes.               forced air and radiant heating and
                                                  cooling.                                  6 Hot water
     2 Flow center                                                                             A hot water assist, known as a
         The flow center resides on your       4 Forced-air heating and cooling                desuperheater, allows the system
         unit or a wall near the geothermal       In a forced-air system, an air-handler       to capture excess heat to assist a
         system. It pumps the water-based         disperses the ground’s heat to air in a      water heater. This cuts hot water
         solution in the ground loop to the       home or building through ductwork            costs 25-40%. Geothermal systems
         house or building unit to disperse       and vents. In the cooling mode, the          can also provide 100% of the hot
         heating or cooling.                      process is simply reversed.                  water needed for a home.

                                                                                              March 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   7
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
                                                                                               3 pounds potatoes, about 12
                                                                                               8 scallions
                                                                                               6 tablespoons butter
                                                                                                 salt and pepper to taste
                                                                                               6 tablespoons milk

                                                                                          Cut potatoes in chunks, boil in large pot with
                                                                                          salted water to cover. Cook until tender, about 25
                          • R E C I P E S •                                               minutes, drain. Slice scallions, including some of the
                                                                                          green tops. Melt butter in the pot used to cook the
                                                                                          potatoes. Add the scallions, cook on low heat about
                                                                                          10 minutes. Peel potatoes and mash with salt, pepper
                                                                                          and milk. Stir into scallions and heat through.
                                                                                          Serves 8

                                                                                                                        Francene Holstein • Persia
                                                                                                        Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative

                                                                                          Corned Beef Casserole
                                                                                               1   large onion, sliced
                                                                                               1   medium/large head cabbage, shredded
                                                                                               2   cans corned beef hash
                                                                                               2   cans cream of mushroom soup
                                                                                                   salt and pepper to taste

                                                                                          Spray a deep sided baking dish (can use cast
                                                                                          iron Dutch oven) with non-stick spray. Layer all
                                                                                          ingredients evenly starting with the onions, then
                                     Sausage Coddle                                       cabbage, corned beef hash, mushroom soup, salt and
                                                                                          pepper. This usually makes 2 or 3 layers depending
                                                                                          on size of baking dish. Bake covered at 350 degrees F
                                          1 pound beer-flavored brats or pork
                                                                                          for 45 minutes, uncover and bake another 15 minutes
                                            sausages, cut into bite-sized slices
                                          ½ pound smoked bacon, cubed
                                                                                          or until cabbage is tender. Serves 8
                                          2 onions, thinly sliced
                                          3 carrots, chopped                                                             Robin J. Koob • Alexander
                                          4 large potatoes, peeled and sliced                                   Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative
                POTATO                      salt and pepper to taste

                                                                                          2-Cup Stew
                FAMINE                    1 teaspoon parsley, dried
                Potatoes                  1 cup beef stock
                transformed              1½ cups Guinness beer
                the Irish                 ½ cup heavy cream                                   2    cups stew meat
                diet when                                                                     2    cups onion, chopped
                they were            Cook the sausages and bacon in a large skillet           2    cups potatoes, diced in 1-inch pieces
                introduced           on medium heat for 10 minutes until browned              2    cups carrots, sliced in 1-inch pieces
                from the             on both sides. Spray or butter a 9x13-inch               2    cups celery, sliced in ½-inch pieces
                New World                                                                    1½    teaspoons salt
                                     baking dish. Place 1/3 of the onions, carrots,
                in the late                                                                   2    cups frozen peas
                16th century.
                                     potatoes and the meats in the baking dish,
                                                                                              2    cups frozen whole kernel corn, optional
                Ireland’s cheap      sprinkle with salt and pepper, if desired, and
                and plentiful        1/3 of the parsley. Repeat layers two more times.
                food source          Warm the beef stock in a medium saucepan             Bring meat to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 5
                was later            over medium heat, add beer and cream. Do             minutes. Strain broth; return to pan bringing meat
                decimated            not boil. Once warm, pour over the casserole.        and broth to a simmer. Add onions, potatoes, carrots,
                when potato          Bake at 325 degrees F for 1½ hours until the         celery and salt. Cook until tender. Add peas and corn

                harvests were        vegetables are tender. Serves 6                      the last 5 minutes.
                hit by blight
                in the 19th                           Christine Mimick Keller • Norfolk                                   Vickie Johnson • Osceola
                century.                          North West Rural Electric Cooperative                            Clarke Electric Cooperative, Inc.

                8   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   March 2021
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
Irish Muffins                                                Irish Stew                                                       TRADITIONAL
    3     cups flour                                               1 cup carrots                                              Soups and
    1     cup raisins                                              1 cup potatoes                                             stews are
    ½     cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar                             1 cup cabbage                                              popular Irish
    1     tablespoon caraway seeds                                 1 cup onions                                               dishes. A
    1     tablespoon baking power                                    salt and pepper to taste                                 traditional Irish
    1     teaspoon salt                                            1 tablespoon sugar                                         stew is very
    ¼     teaspoon baking soda                                       2-inch thick brisket                                     hearty and
    1     egg                                                      1 cup water                                                filling, with
   1¾     cups buttermilk                                                                                                     ingredients
    ¼     cup butter, melted                                 In a large bowl, peel and cut carrots, potatoes,                 like potatoes,
                                                             cabbage and onions. Add salt, pepper and sugar.                  onions, carrots,

                                                                                                                                                   F U N FAC T S
Mix flour, raisins, sugar, caraway seeds, baking             Set aside. In a deep-dish, oven-durable pan place                diced lamb
powder, salt and baking soda in large bowl. Beat             cut brisket, water, salt and pepper (can use cast                chops and
egg and buttermilk together in a small bowl. Stir                                                                             Canadian
                                                             iron pan). Bake brisket at 400 degrees F for 1 hour              bacon.
into flour mixture. Fold butter in batter. Spoon             making sure water level stays 1 inch or more deep.
batter in a muffin tin (with paper liners). Bake at          Add veggies and bake covered at 350 degrees F for
400 degrees F for 20-30 minutes, until toothpick             another hour. Check liquid level and keep at 1 inch
comes out clean.                                             or more at all times or veggies will burn. Can be                BILLIONS OF
                                                             cooked in a large oval slow cooker, adjusting heat as            More than
                   Annalee Buffington • Marshalltown         needed.
                                  Consumers Energy                                                                            41.5 billion
                                                                                                                              pounds of beef
                                                              Betty Sorden • Webster • T.I.P. Rural Electric Cooperative      is produced
Reuben Bake                                                                                                                   each year for

     2    tubes crescent rolls
                                                             Blarney Bundt Cake                                               St. Patrick’s
                                                                                                                              Day. About 2.5
                                                                                                                              billion pounds

                                                                                                                                                   F U N FAC T S
     1    pound Swiss cheese, sliced
                                                                   1   yellow cake box mix                                    of cabbage is
   1½     pounds deli corned beef
                                                                   1   package pistachio instant pudding                      also produced
     8    ounces sauerkraut
                                                                   4   eggs                                                   for the same
    2/3   cup Thousand Island salad dressing
                                                                   1   cup water                                              event.
     1    egg white, lightly beaten
                                                                   ½   cup vegetable oil
     3    teaspoons caraway seeds, optional
                                                                   ½   teaspoon almond flavoring
                                                                   ¼   cup chocolate syrup
Unroll one tube of dough, press into greased                           powdered sugar
                                                                                                                              SODA IS A
9x13-inch pan and bake at 375 degrees F for                                                                                   BREAD
8-10 minutes. Layer half of the cheese and all the                                                                            Soda bread is
                                                             Beat cake mix, pudding, eggs, water, oil and                     a classic Irish
corned beef. Combine sauerkraut and dressing,                almond flavoring together for 2 minutes at                       bread, often
spread over corned beef. Top with remaining                  medium speed. Pour 2/3 of the batter into a greased              served with
cheese. Put the second crescent roll over cheese.            and floured Bundt pan. Add chocolate syrup to                    soup. This
Brush with egg white. Top with caraway seeds if              the remaining batter. Pour this into the pan and                 brown bread

                                                                                                                                                   F U N FAC T S
desired. Bake at 375 degrees F for 12-16 minutes.            swirl a bit with a knife. Bake at 350 degrees F for              is made with
Serves 4-6                                                   50 minutes, test for doneness. Glaze with a thin                 whole wheat
                                                             frosting or dust with powdered sugar.                            flour and
                           Melissa Schultes • Dedham                                                                          buttermilk.
                   Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative        Carol DeJong • Sibley • Osceola Electric Cooperative, Inc.

 Wanted: Sweet Corn Favorites!                                                                                                IN AMERICA
                                                                                                                              Like St.
 The Reward: $25 for every one we publish!                                                                                    Patrick’s Day,
                                                                                                                              corned beef
    Iowa-grown sweet corn is a summertime favorite! Share your               EMAIL:                                           and cabbage
 delicious recipes that use sweet corn as an ingredient. If we run yours     recipes@livingwithenergyiniowa.com               is strictly an
 in the magazine, we’ll send a $25 credit for your electric co-op to         (Attach your recipe as a Word document           American
 apply to your power bill. Recipes submitted also may be archived on         or PDF to your email message.)                   invention.
 our website at www.livingwithenergyiniowa.com.                              MAIL:                                            In Ireland,
                                                                                                                                                  F U N FAC T S

    The deadline is March 31, 2021. Please include your name, address,       Recipes                                          cabbage is
 telephone number, co-op name and the recipe category on all                 Living with Energy in Iowa                       often paired
 submissions. SERVINGS: Please also provide the number of servings           8525 Douglas Ave., Suite 48                      with bacon or
 per recipe.                                                                 Des Moines, IA 50322-2992                        with lamb.

                                                                                                 March 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA    9
Dig into the benefits of geothermal systems Electric bus fleets: Saving fuel, helping the environment Irish recipes for St. Patrick's Day - Win a ...
Electric bus fleets:
Saving fuel and helping the

  Millions of Americans and
thousands of Iowans depend on
public bus transportation every day.
Whether you’re an adult on your way
to work or a child going to school, you
can rely on a bus to take you where
you need to go.
  But most buses in America are
diesel-powered, which produce
harmful exhaust fumes when
breathed in and greenhouse gas
emissions that contribute to climate
  Electric buses are an emerging
technology that can help address some
of the issues caused by diesel-powered
buses while still providing the same            Electric school bus programs are in progress in a few states
                                                such as Virginia, Maryland and Minnesota, but California leads
quality of transportation to many               the transition with a goal of replacing all of the state’s school
Americans.                                      buses with electric buses by 2040 – a total of 30,000 buses.

Applications and technologies
for electric buses                             buses. However, hybrid electric                 barriers to overcome before making
  There are two main applications for          buses are heavier than traditional              the full transition to electric bus fleets.
electric bus fleets: school buses and          buses since they carry both an                  For any electric bus technology, the
public transit. For each application,          electric motor and a gasoline engine,           main barrier is cost. For example,
there are three types of electric bus          which can reduce passenger vehicle
technologies that can be used: hybrid          capacity. Fuel cell electric buses have           One of the main challenges of
electric buses, fuel cell electric buses       no tailpipe emissions and hydrogen                transitioning diesel-powered bus fleets
and battery electric buses.                    is a renewable resource, but the cost             to electrified fleets is the current lack of
  A hybrid electric bus uses both an           is higher than any other electric bus             charging infrastructure. New charging
electric motor and a gasoline engine to        technology type. Battery electric buses           infrastructure will be crucial to support
                                                                                                 increased use of electric buses.
power the bus. Electricity is generated        have no tailpipe emissions, are the
through regenerative braking to                most energy efficient and have low
charge a battery connected to the              operating costs; however, they have a
electric motor, which lessens the need         more limited driving range than other
for gasoline.                                  electric bus technology types.
  Fuel cell electric buses contain                Generally, electric bus fleets
hydrogen fuel cells, which need to be          provide many benefits, such as fuel
refueled with hydrogen to charge the           cost savings, maintenance cost savings
battery that powers the bus.                   and emissions reductions. Since there
  A battery electric bus is plugged            are fewer fuel costs and maintenance
directly into the grid to charge the           costs, school districts and transit
battery that fully powers the bus.             agencies can save money over time by
                                               switching to electric buses. Electric
Pros and cons with                             bus fleets have fewer diesel emissions,
each technology                                or none at all, which improves
  Each of these technologies has pros          overall public health by making
and cons. Hybrid electric buses are            the air cleaner for the surrounding
the easiest transition since they are          community or school.
closest to traditional diesel-powered             That said, there are still several
battery electric school buses can
cost up to $200,000 more than a
comparably sized diesel school bus.           Iowa: Expanding the use of
If a school district or transit agency
doesn’t receive any outside financial
                                              alternative fuels
support, the purchase can be difficult           The Clean Cities program
to justify. Additionally, new charging        coordinated at Iowa Economic                               Fuel economy
infrastructure will be necessary to           Development Authority is a designated
support the electric buses, which will        member of the U.S. Department
add to the overall cost.                      of Energy’s Clean Cities program.                          Idle reduction
                                              Public and private stakeholders work
Expanding use of electric                     together to increase adoption of
bus fleets                                    alternative fuels, advanced vehicle
   Several areas of the country, like         technologies and energy-efficient                          Biodiesel
Seattle and Los Angeles, are making           transportation strategies.
commitments to electrify their bus               Iowa Clean Cities Coalition
transit fleets in the next 20 years or        stakeholders include local                                 Natural gas
so. Even smaller cities are moving            governments, metropolitan planning
toward electrification of buses. Iowa’s       organizations, private fleets, non-
first electric buses, a zero-emissions        profits, associations, industry                            Hydrogen
alternative to the current diesel-            representatives, colleges and
powered fleet, debuted in the Des             universities, and businesses committed
Moines metro in October 2020.                 to sustainable practices. Collaborative
   Electric school bus programs are                                                                      Propane
                                              efforts include educating fleets,
in progress in a few states, such as          developing infrastructure to support
Virginia, Maryland and Minnesota.             alternative fuel vehicles, disseminating
Still, California leads the transition        technical information, and raising                         Electricity
with a goal of replacing all of the           awareness through meetings,
state’s school buses with electric buses      workshops and webinars.
by 2040 – a total of 30,000 buses.               To learn more, visit www.iowaeda.                       Ethanol
   Many electrified fleet pilot projects      com/iowa-energy-office/clean-cities.
show that electric buses can provide
cost-effective and clean transportation
to Americans, although there will
be challenges along the way. While
electrified fleets aren’t mainstream
yet, one thing is clear: partnerships
between utilities, transit agencies and
school districts will be crucial for
   The shift toward electric buses will
take time, but as progress is made, we
can all expect to benefit from cleaner
air and a more environmentally
friendly future.
Maria Kanevsky is a program analyst for
the National Rural Electric Cooperative
Association, the national trade association
representing more than 900 local electric

                                                                                         March 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   11

Prepare and make a plan

   The spring season will soon usher                                                      Importance of early preparation
in changing weather. In Iowa, March                                                          The CDC is stressing the
22-26 is Severe Weather Awareness                                                         importance of early preparation.
Week.                                                                                     Checking and updating supplies
   The week is designed to refresh,                                                       before they are needed can prevent
remind and educate everyone about                                                         the need for shopping trips during the
the seasonal threats from severe                                                          run-up to threatening storms or other
weather and how to avoid them.                                                            emergencies. If shopping excursions
It’s also a great time to make and                                                        are needed, officials recommend that
practice your emergency plan and                                                          a limited number – one or two people,
build or update your emergency                                                            considered low risk be designated to
preparedness kit.                                                                         make all necessary shopping runs.
   As many Iowans have experienced                                                           In the event of any emergency or
firsthand, families always need to                    March                               natural disaster, you’ll want to be
be prepared for emergencies, and
ongoing concerns triggered by the                     22-26                               prepared to shelter in place for several
                                                                                          days if necessary. FEMA recommends
COVID-19 pandemic have prompted                                                           having an emergency kit stocked
several new recommendations for                       is Severe Weather                   with all essential supplies in one or
evacuation planning, emergency                        Awareness Week.                     two containers that are easy to access.
supply kits and community shelter                                                         Visit ready.gov/kit for a full checklist
operations.                                                                               of disaster kit items and additional
                                               check for expiration dates for these       recommendations.
Updated CDC guidance                           products regularly.”                          Spring and summer often bring
  “We did a lot of work in 2020 to                Funk recommends that those              severe storms, so now is the time
update our guidance for natural                items be included in personal go kits      to make a kit, make a plan and stay
disasters to include COVID-19                  and the family’s cache of emergency        informed. That’s the best way to care
guidance,” says Capt. Renee Funk,              supplies. She also suggests that when      for yourself in your family.
DVM, of the Centers for Disease                you review the expiration dates of
Control and Prevention (CDC). Funk             perishables, like canned goods, other      Ann Thelen is the editor of Living with
received her Doctorate of Veterinary                                                      Energy in Iowa. Derrill Holly writes on
                                               foods and medications, you replace         consumer and cooperative affairs for
Medicine from Iowa State University            any cleaning items or protective gear      the National Rural Electric Cooperative
and her Masters of Public Health               that might also be out-of-date.            Association.
and Tropical Medicine from Tulane
  Many of the precautions and
revisions implemented as part of the
pandemic response are expected to be
among the CDC’s recommendations
in place for 2021. Some are likely to
                                                               12 WAYS
remain in place permanently.
  Funk, who serves as the CDC’s
associate director of emergency                                                               EXIT

management, says personal protective
gear, hygiene items and cleaning
                                                   Sign up     Make a Plan   Save for a    Practice       Test Family        Safeguard
products are among the most                       for Alerts                 Rainy Day    Emergency     Communication        Documents
prominent additions to every family’s           and Warnings                                 Drills          Plan
emergency supply preparation lists.
  “We recommended a hand sanitizer
that’s at least 60% alcohol, disinfectant
wipes and two masks for each
person,” Funk says. “Those things                Plan with     Make Your       Know       Assemble or    Get Involved in    Document and
                                                 Neighbors       Home        Evacuation     Update      Your Community     Insure Property
should be considered permanently                                 Safer         Routes      Supplies
added to your go kit, and you need to

Extreme weather leads to unprecedented
measures to protect electric grid
  The word “unprecedented” has                                                    several states in the Midwest.
been used often over the past 12                                                    SPP issued the EEA orders to
months, but there really is no other                                              prevent a damaging regional
way to describe what happened in the                                              blackout which could have taken
electric industry last month.                                                     days to restore. EEA Level 3 orders
  On Feb. 15 and 16, utilities across                                             are extremely rare and are only
the Midwest, including several local                                              implemented when absolutely
electric cooperatives in western and                                              necessary. In fact, these are the first
north-central Iowa, implemented                                                   Level 2 and Level 3 orders issued in
load control measures and temporary                                               the power pool’s 80-year history.
power disruptions to reduce electric                                                To comply with the Level 3 orders,
demand on the grid. These highly                                                  some local electric cooperative
unusual control measures were                                                     substations were taken offline for
needed to prevent a catastrophic                                                  about an hour at a time on average.
system-wide blackout. Electric                                                    Unfortunately, these outages
demand reached historic highs due                                                 occurred with almost no advanced
to electric heat use during record-                                               warning as SPP manages electric
breaking arctic weather that lingered                                             supply and demand minute-by-
over a large portion of the country. To                                           minute in real time. Local electric
put it simply, there was not enough       Impacted electric co-ops in Iowa        distribution cooperatives had
available generation/supply to meet         Utilities that are members of         just minutes to initiate substation
this exceptionally high electric use.     SPP, including several Iowa electric    outages and they worked to avoid
                                          distribution cooperatives served by     interrupting service to critical
The grid’s “air-traffic controllers”      Corn Belt Power Cooperative, L&O        facilities.
  Many electric utilities across the      Power Cooperative and Northwest           These load control measures
country are members of regional           Iowa Power Cooperative (NIPCO),         were unprecedented in our region,
transmission organizations (RTOs)         needed to shed specific amounts         stemming from historically frigid
and independent system operators          of electric load at particular times    weather impacting a vast portion
(ISOs), also referred to as power         to maintain a safe and functional       of the country over a prolonged
pools. These federally regulated          electric grid under the EEA Level 2     period. While extremely rare, this is
entities work on a regional scale to      and Level 3 orders. The SPP-related     another example of how your local
coordinate, control and monitor           outages that affected some Iowans       electric co-op works to protect the
supply and demand on the electric         were part of a larger electric demand   electric grid.
grid. RTOs do not own the power           management effort that impacted
grid, but they do work as “air-traffic
controllers” of the grid to ensure                                                Erin Campbell is the director of
                                                                                  communications for the Iowa Association
reliable supplies of power, adequate                                              of Electric Cooperatives
transmission infrastructure and
competitive wholesale electricity
prices on behalf of their member
utilities. Most Iowa electric utilities
are members of one of two RTOs:
Southwest Power Pool (SPP) or
Midcontinent Independent System
Operator (MISO).
  SPP issued unprecedented Energy
Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2 and
Level 3 orders to its member utilities
across several states on Feb. 15 and
16, calling for high levels of electric
demand reduction/curtailment to
match available supply.
                                                                                   March 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   13

Smart home tech for your budget

   Smart home devices can add

                                                                                                                                Photo Source: Abby Berry, NRECA
comfort and convenience to your
life, but the price tag for some
of these devices can be another
story. Since many smart home
technologies are new and cutting-
edge, the cost of owning these
devices can sometimes be a major
barrier. Luckily, there are several
inexpensive options for smart home
devices that won’t break the bank                                                                  Smart home speakers,
while still offering nearly all the                                                                like the Amazon Echo
same benefits.                                                                                     Dot shown here, offer a
                                                                                                   wide range of features
                                                                                                   that provide consumers
 1 Smart home speakers. Smart                                                                      convenient control of
   home speakers provide a wide                                                                    smart home devices.
   range of features, such as
   playing music, calling friends
   or family, or even locating a                 Google Assistant works best        3 Smart light bulbs. Smart light
   misplaced smartphone. One of                  with other Google products,            bulbs can be controlled through
   the most useful aspects of smart              rather than Amazon or Apple            your phone or by voice if
   home speakers is that they act                products. Several smart home           connected to your smart home
   as a smart home hub for your                  speakers, especially smaller,          speaker. Some features include
   other smart devices. Each smart               entry-level types like the             the ability to choose different
   speaker comes with a voice                    Amazon Echo Dot and Google             lighting colors and shades,
   assistant, like Amazon Alexa or               Home Mini, can cost as little          dimness levels and the ability
   Google Assistant, which can be                as $30 or less. This makes them        to turn them on or off entirely.
   used to control additional smart              more affordable than the larger        There is an extensive market for
   devices in your home.                         versions, like Amazon Echo             smart LED bulbs, but some of
     When choosing a smart home                  and Google Home, while still           the less expensive options are
   speaker, make sure your other                 offering nearly all the same           the Wyze Bulb, the Lifx Mini
   smart devices are compatible                  features.                              and the Ikea Tradfri, with prices
   with the system. For example,                                                        ranging from about $8 to $20 per
                                               2 Smart plugs. This technology           bulb. For multi-bulb fixtures,
                                                 works by directly inserting            an alternative to buying several
                                                 the smart plug into an outlet,         smart bulbs is to buy a smart
                                                 then plugging your device              light switch to control the entire
                                                 into the smart plug. This can          fixture.
                                                 make any device “smart” by          If you’re looking to buy more than
                                                 connecting it to your Wi-Fi       one smart home device, make sure
 Smart plugs                                     through the smart plug. They      the devices are compatible with your
 can make                                        can also be used with smart       smart home hub (Google Home Mini
 any device                                      home speakers. One of the         with Google products, or Amazon
 “smart” by                                      best features of a smart plug     Echo Dot with Amazon products)
 connecting it
 to your Wi-Fi.                                  is that it can help you reduce    to ensure the best performance of
 Smart plugs can                                 your monthly energy use. This     all devices. As with any smart home
 be controlled                                   can be done by programming        device, access to a secure and stable
 through a                                       automatic shut-off times to       Wi-Fi connection will be crucial to
 smartphone app                                  prevent devices from drawing      properly use the technology.
 and can also
 be used with                                    energy when they’re not in use.
 smart home                                      There are plenty of inexpensive   Maria Kanevsky writes on consumer and
 speakers.                                       and well-performing smart         cooperative affairs for the National Rural
                                                 plugs available under $20.        Electric Cooperative Association.


Tiny huts on the farm

   A while back on Facebook, an
acquaintance posted a picture of a
field with little, peaked buildings
dotting its surface. “What are these
tiny huts?” she asked. “Are they some
kind of tiny houses?”
   Those of us who had grown up
on farms chimed in immediately –
they were A-frames, built for “free
range” hogs but used more and
more infrequently in the present
when most porcine entities are now
gathered in large confinement sheds.
   A-frames were a huge part of my
growing up on a hog farm, where we
raised thousands of hogs annually.
Each hut held a mama sow and
her piglets, which made for strong,
healthy pigs growing up in fresh
air and able to move where they
wanted. However, this also made
the care of these hogs much more
labor-intensive, as they would escape
through the smallest of cracks in
fences and gates and needed to have
their houses replenished with straw
in cold and wet weather.
Early morning chores
  Many was the rainy early morning      wet but relatively safe and easy.       a “woof” that was intimidating and
that my sister and I huddled under      Vaccinating the piglets was another     a bite that could maim. We were
the blankets, savoring the last few     story. Dad would spread ground          equipped with a fence panel to hold
minutes of warmth, fully expecting      corn out several hundred yards from     up, if needed, to divert the angry
at any moment my father to yell up      the A-frames and the sows would,        assault. For a couple of tweenagers,
the steps: “Get up, girls. We need to   understandably congregate there. As     though, the panel might as well have
bed A-frames.”                          fast as we could, we’d zip from one     been a hula hoop. We didn’t have the
  Depending on the direction that       A-frame to another, catch the piglets   strength to hold it against a raging
the rain or snow was coming from,       by the back leg and hand them to my     sow and knowing that made the
bedding up A-frames was a necessity     dad, who would jab them with the        entire process an exercise in speed
to keep the animals dry and was         syringe and then drop them into a       and anxiety. We were, in effect, the
a process that entailed riding on a     bushel basket so we’d know which        weakest link.
cart or wagon behind the tractor        had been inoculated.                      The age of A-frames may be
with several straw bales on board.                                              finished, and though I may wax
At each A-frame, my dad would stop      Protective mothers                      nostalgic for them, I’ll pass on fending
the tractor, and Amber and I would        The mothers may have been             off enraged sows, thank you.
throw a few “paragraphs” of straw       otherwise occupied, but they were
into the hut, knowing that the sow      Tamworths and Durocs – strong,          Valerie Van Kooten is a writer from Pella
                                                                                who loves living in the country and telling
would trample it down into a nest for   hearty stock but also fiercesome        its stories. She and her husband Kent have
her young.                              mothers. One squeal from a piglet       three married sons and two incredibly
  Bedding A-frames was cold and         and they were headed our way with       adorable grandsons.

                                                                                 March 2021   LIVING WITH ENERGY IN IOWA   15

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