Differentiating Centrality and Power in the World City Network

Page created by Leonard Burgess
48(13) 2733–2748, October 2011

Differentiating Centrality and
Power in the World City Network
Zachary Neal
[Paper first received, July 2010; in final form, September 2010]

    Centrality and power have become common foci for world city network research
    and frequently serve as tools for describing cities’ position or status in the system.
    However, these concepts are difficult to define and measure. Often they are treated as
    equivalent: more central cities have more power. This paper challenges this assumed
    equivalence by proposing conceptually distinct definitions and developing two new
    measures that allow them to be differentiated empirically. Applying the proposed
    measures in a hypothetical world city network and the Internet backbone network
    reveals that centrality and power are distinct and suggests that world cities should be
    viewed as arising from multidimensional network positions that define multiple types:
    quintessential world cities that are both central and powerful (such as New York and
    London), hub world cities that are central but not powerful (such as Washington and
    Brussels) and gateway world cities that are powerful but not central (such as Miami
    and Stockholm).

Recent research on world urban systems                    2006). However, these concepts are difficult
has been characterised by a shift away from               to define and measure. The most common
viewing cities as hierarchically organised                approach to measuring a city’s centrality in
and towards conceptualising the system                    the world city network involves counting
as a network of intercity relations: a world              its total number of relationships or net-
city network. As a result, such intrinsically             work connections. Yet, do all relationships
relational constructs as centrality and power             contribute equally to a city’s centrality, or
have become common foci of interest and                   are some relationships more valuable than
frequently serve as tools for describing cit-             others? Similarly, it is often assumed that
ies’ position or status in the system (see                cities occupying more central positions in
for example, Smith and Timberlake, 2001;                  the world city network are more powerful
Alderson and Beckfield, 2004; Choi et al.,                and able to control or influence the flow of

Zachary Neal is in the Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, 316 Berkey Hall East
Lansing, Michigan, 48824-1111, USA. E-mail: zpneal@msu.edu.

                                                                          0042-0980 Print/1360-063X Online
                                                                         © 2010 Urban Studies Journal Limited
                                                                           DOI: 10.1177/0042098010388954

resources (for example, Taylor, Walker et al.          third section demonstrates the utility of these
2002; Alderson and Beckfield, 2004; Alderson           new measures by applying them to hypotheti-
et al., 2010; Ma and Timberlake, 2008). Yet,           cal and observed world city networks. The
is power a consequence of centrality, or are           paper concludes with a discussion of the
these two relational constructs distinct? More         implications of cities’ centrality and power, as
than simply an issue of methodology and                defined in the proposed ways, on processes of
language, a robust set of concepts and tools           globalisation and world city formation.
for describing cities’ relationships is essential
for understanding the world city network and           Background
world city formation.1
   To provide a framework for answering such           At least since Friedmann’s (1986) world city
questions, this paper explores the relationship        hypothesis, the notions of centrality and
between centrality and power, and develops             power have featured prominently in discus-
an approach for their measurement and dif-             sions of world cities and the world city net-
ferentiation. First, viewing centrality in the         work. Indeed, it would be quite surprising to
world city network as a force that concentrates        find a paper in this body of literature that did
resources or allows them to be efficiently dif-        not use both terms at least once. However,
fused, a recursive conception of centrality is         they are often used in loose or imprecise
proposed wherein a city’s centrality depends           ways that challenge their utility as analytical
on the centrality of the cities to which it is         tools.2 In this section I briefly consider how
connected. Secondly, viewing power in the              these concepts have been used as theoretical
world city network as the ability to control           constructs and how they have been measured
resource flows between cities, a similarly             in empirical applications.
recursive conception of power is proposed                 Centrality, as applied to cities in the context
wherein a city’s powerfulness depends on the           of globalisation and world city networks, has
lack of centrality of the cities to which it is con-   been identified as the catalyst for two related
nected. These two measures are applied to two          but opposite processes: concentration and
different world city networks: the hypotheti-          diffusion. First, centrality has been used to
cal network described by Friedmann (1986)              denote the concentration of resources in par-
that initiated the earliest research in this area;     ticular cities or, more accurately, the structural
and, the Internet backbone network origi-              arrangement of resource flows that facilitate
nally analysed by Choi et al. (2006). Results          such concentration. Friedmann’s world city
suggest that centrality and power are theo-            hypothesis argued that
retically and empirically distinct constructs
                                                         key cities throughout the world are used by
worth differentiating and that the proposed
                                                         global capital as basing points [and that] world
measures identify positional characteristics             cities are major cites for the concentration
missed by more traditional measures.                     and accumulation of international capital
   This paper is organised in four sections. The         (Friedmann, 1986, p. 73).
first section briefly reviews how the concepts
of centrality and power are currently dis-             These interrelated hypotheses highlight
cussed and measured in world city network              how centrality—that is, being enmeshed in
research. In the second section, an alternative        exchanges of resources or in what Castells
approach to measuring centrality is developed          (1996) called the ‘space of flows’—is a driving
that draws on theories of social capital, and          force behind the emergence of world cities.
a related measure of power is developed that           Sassen (2010) further developed these ideas by
draws on theories of social exchange. The              noting that, as networks serve to concentrate

resources in particular places, new forms of        sites where innovations and reputation can
territorial centrality arise, including not only    be spread rapidly and widely throughout
the traditional downtown business centre,           the network. In this paper, although I do not
but also the suburbs as emerging centres of         distinguish between its roles facilitating the
global finance. Indeed, although some have          concentration and diffusion of resources, I
suggested that networks of transport and            do adopt a specifically structural conception
communication have reduced the importance           of the source of cities’ centrality: each city’s
of place by creating a ‘flat world’ (Friedman,      centrality is a function of its position within
2005), it is far more likely that these networks,   the world city network.
through their ability to concentrate resources        Together with centrality, power is a domi-
in highly central cities, have exacerbated the      nant concept in the study of world cities, but
unevenness of the global urban landscape            one that is difficult to address with precision
(Florida, 2005). Thus, in many instances,           because it has been used in such diverse ways.
cities’ centrality within a world city network is   Noting that cities are key sites for multina-
viewed as a new mechanism for capital accu-         tional corporate headquarters, some con-
mulation where a central location in space is       nect cities’ power to their roles as centres of
augmented by a central location in networks         command-and-control in the global economy
of resource exchange.                               (Sassen, 1991). Others view cities as powerful
  However, centrality has been used to describe     to the extent that they can dominate other
the structural arrangement of resource flows        cities, whether via traditional world systems
that facilitate the diffusion of ideas, capital     dichotomies (Friedmann, 1986; Derudder
and people. That is, a central position in the      et al., 2010), or through the structure of global
world city network can lead not only to the         supply chains (Hesse, 2010). Still others, who
concentration of resources within a city but,       adopt an actor–network theory approach,
by providing a city with a wider reach, can         view power as systemic rather than concen-
also lead to the efficient diffusion of those       trated in individual cities. For example, Allen
resources throughout the network. Adopting          argues that
a diffusion view of centrality, Wheeler and
                                                      power does not radiate out from any given
Mitchelson (1989) examined the flow of
                                                      centre, as much as it runs along the length and
information among US cities as indicated by           breadth of a network (Allen, 2009, p. 203; see
Federal Express shipments, finding that com-          also Grewal, 2008).
monly cited examples of American world cit-
ies (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) were key       This proliferation of conceptions of power has
sites of information creation and dissemina-        led to the development of several typologies
tion, rather than information concentration.        of power (Allen, 1997, 2009) and has forced
These cities’ ability to ‘get the word out’ was     researchers to employ “an eclectic theoretical
facilitated by their central position within the    position” that attempts to merge these into a
Federal Express network. Similarly, centrality      unified idea (Taylor, 2004, p. 88). Thus, it is
within air traffic networks allows some cities      important to be clear what version of power
to deliver business services more effectively to    I intend to address. In this paper, I focus on
increasingly global hinterlands (Neal, 2010a,       what Dahl (1957) initially described as ‘power
2010b). Often, these two aspects of central-        over’ and what Allen (1997) later described as
ity—concentration and diffusion—intersect           ‘power as a capacity’. This approach equates
to provide cities with a double structural          power with an ability to dominate and con-
advantage, as sites where capital converges         trol, and views the fact that some cities are
and collects from many sources, but also as         more able to influence the circulation of

resources through the world city network            follow this approach, assessing power in light
than others as fundamental to their status as       of other measures of centrality applied to dif-
world cities. Additionally, as with centrality,     ferent data, including flow centrality in office
I adopt a specifically structural conception of     networks (Wall and van der Knaap, forth-
the source of cities’ power: each city’s power      coming) and eigenvector centrality in airline
is a function of its position within the world      networks (Mahutga et al., 2010). Similarly,
city network (see Neal and Neal, 2010).             in analyses of the interlocking branch office
   Although multiple conceptions of both            networks, a single measure called ‘network
centrality and power in the world city net-         connectivity’ is used in some cases to measure
work exist, there appears to be consensus           cities’ centrality (Beaverstock et al., 2002) and
that these two concepts are closely related.        in other cases to measure their power (Taylor,
More specifically, it is generally assumed          Walker et al., 2002).
that cities occupying central positions in the         However, theories of social exchange have
world city network—positions that facilitate        questioned the relationship between central-
the concentration of resources in, or diffu-        ity and power. Emerson (1962) argued that
sion of resources from, the city—are more           power derives not simply from one’s having
powerful. Those cities that are densely inte-       a large number of relationships (i.e. being
grated into the intercity economic, political       central), but specifically from having rela-
or social flows (i.e. centrality) enjoy access      tionships with dependent others. Drawing
to concentrated pools of resources and the          on these ideas, Cook et al. (1983) found
ability to diffuse those resources widely, which    that, when actors are engaged in economic
in turn provides opportunities to exercise          exchange, those whose exchange partners
control over them (i.e. power). Thus, in most       are dependent upon them (i.e. who were in
discussions of world cities and the world city      positions of power) had more opportuni-
network, centrality and power are treated as        ties to control and influence exchanges than
equivalent, or at least causally linked: power is   did those who merely had a large number
derived from a central network position. The        of opportunities to exchange (i.e. who were
conflation of centrality and power is clear in      in positions of centrality). That is, central
theoretical discussions. For example, Allen         actors may enjoy many opportunities to
argues that                                         exchange resources, but they have relatively
                                                    little opportunity to exercise power over those
  powerful cities ... stand at the intersections,
                                                    exchanges. In contrast, powerful actors may
  so to speak, of all that matters in global
  economic terms (Allen, 2009, p. 187).             have few opportunities to exchange, but they
                                                    exercise a great deal of influence over those
Thus, he connects power to the extent to            opportunities that do exist. This finding sug-
which a city lies at the centre of several con-     gests that positions of centrality are distinct
verging resource flows. Similarly, Boschken         from positions of power and have different
(2008, pp. 8–9) describes centrality as “based      consequences.
in part on the city’s role as a node of power          Before turning to the question of whether
and connectivity”. These concepts are often         centrality and power should be treated as
used interchangeably in empirical analyses as       conceptually and empirically distinct in
well. Alderson and Beckfield (2004, p. 822),        investigations of world cities, it is useful to
for example, note that in examining corporate       consider how cities’ centrality has actually
networks “we assess the power of world cities       been measured in past studies. The earliest
in light of three measures of point centrality”     studies of cities’ centrality did not directly
(see also Alderson et al., 2010). Others also       examine position within a network of cities,

but rather used cities’ internal features as a       While degree centrality offers a straightforward
proxy indicator of centrality: comprehensive         way of measuring the extent to which cities’
political-cultural-financial indices (Hall,          are highly connected, two conceptual chal-
1966; Reed, 1981), counts of headquarters            lenges arise. First, using a single measure to
and corporate service firms (Friedmann,              assess both cities’ centrality and their power-
1986; Sassen, 1991) and even occurrences             fulness does not allow the possibility for these
of major spectacles like the Olympics or the         two characteristics of cities’ position in the
1995 Rolling Stones World Tour (Short et al.,        world city network to be distinct; it ignores
1996). Hierarchical rankings of cities based on      the possibility that some cities are central,
these features were assumed to mirror cities’        while others are powerful.3 Secondly, simply
centrality in an unobserved intercity network        counting up a city’s total number of connec-
because they indicate the consequences of            tions in the network implicitly assumes that
such positions of centrality. This approach          each connection is equally valuable, when in
is problematic, however, because it risks an         fact some connections (for example, to New
inherent circularity: the presumed effect of         York) may be more valuable than others (for
centrality in the world city network is used         example, to small, local towns).
as an indicator of centrality itself.                  A limited number of studies have used more
   Among those empirical studies that directly       sophisticated measures of centrality known
examine the world city network, the most             as closeness and betweenness (Alderson and
widely employed measure of centrality                Beckfield, 2004; Alderson et al., 2010; Neal,
involves counting a city’s total number              2008). Closeness centrality captures the
of linkages. In the social network analysis          extent to which a city is directly connected to
literature, this is known as degree centrality       other cities in the network or separated from
(Freeman, 1978/79), but other labels have            them by only short indirect linkages, reflect-
been applied in studies of world cities, includ-     ing the notion that both direct and indirect
ing interlock connection, nodal connection,          linkages contribute to a city’s centrality and
situational status (Taylor, 2001) and global         to opportunities for capital accumulation
connectivity (Taylor, Catalano and Walker,           or innovation diffusion. Betweenness cen-
2002). This approach has been used to mea-           trality focuses on the extent to which a city
sure the extensiveness of cities’ linkages in        serves as an intermediary that facilitates the
world city networks based on the interlocking        flow of resources between other cities in the
branch office networks of advanced producer          network, reflecting the notion that broker-
service firms (Taylor, Walker et al., 2002),         ing or gatekeeping positions provide a city
corporate headquarters and subsidiary rela-          with a unique ability to monitor and control
tions (Alderson and Beckfield, 2004; Alderson        resource flows. While these two alternative
et al., 2010), and air traffic (Ma and Timberlake,   approaches to measuring centrality provide
2008). In each case, this measure of centrality      different views of cities’ positions in the world
is interpreted as an indicator of power and          city network, their usefulness is severely lim-
thus the two concepts are treated as both            ited by the fact that they can only be applied
conceptually and empirically equivalent. For         to binary networks. That is, cities’ closeness
example, Ma and Timberlake argue that                and betweenness can only be assessed in
  one of the most effective measures of network      networks where a relationship between cities
  members’ relative centrality or power              either does or does not exist, but cannot be
  potential is their degree: the number of ties      applied to networks where some relation-
  from and/or to others (Ma and Timberlake,          ships are known to be stronger than others.
  2008, p. 26).                                      Measures of centrality based on eigenvectors

have also been employed (for example, Smith
and Timberlake, 2001; Mahutga et al., 2010),
but are similarly subject to severe limitations,
which are discussed in greater detail in the
following section.

Measuring Centrality and Power
Much progress has been made in the empiri-
cal investigation of world city networks over
the concept’s long history, but these efforts
remain challenged by the conceptual and                Figure 1.   Two hypothetical world city
methodological shortcomings of existing
analytical tools. Although notions of cities’
centrality and power are widely used, these            connections in both networks. The key dif-
concepts are often left ambiguous or treated           ference is that these connections are more
interchangeably, and are measured with                 valuable in network A because they provide
instruments that do not always match the               indirect access to still more cities, while in
theoretical ideas they are intended to assess.         network B they are ‘dead ends’. This logic is
In this section, I propose new conceptions             closely connected to Bourdieu’s notions of
of centrality and power in the world city              social capital depending not only
network, with accompanying measurement
tools, that aim to overcome these difficulties.          on the size of the network of connections
   Figure 1 depicts two possible city networks,          [one] can effectively mobilize [but also] on
                                                         the volume of the capital (economic, cultural,
where circles represent cities and lines repre-
                                                         or symbolic) possessed in his own right by
sent resource flows between them. While these            each of those to whom [one] is connected
two networks have very different structures,             (Bourdieu, 1986, p. 249).
the focal city identified by the Black circle has
the same degree centrality (i.e. the same num-         Thus, while a focus on only direct connections
ber of direct connections: three) in both cases.       suggests that the focal city is equally central
Similarly, the focal city is the most central city     in these two networks, taking a wider view
in both networks when using closeness and              reveals that it is better positioned in network
betweenness measures of centrality. Thus,              A because it is not merely well connected
for the set of three most commonly used                itself, but is well connected to others who are
measures of centrality—degree, closeness               also well connected. Because this conception
and betweenness (Freeman, 1978/79)—these               of centrality depends not only on a city’s own
two networks and the focal city’s position             connections, but also on the centrality of the
within them are virtually indistinguishable.           other cities to which it is connected, I call it
It is important to consider, however, whether          recursive centrality.
there are differences between network A and               Because such a position of recursive central-
network B in the focal city’s role as a site of        ity increases opportunities for the concentra-
resource concentration and diffusion (i.e. its         tion of resources from many sources or the
centrality) and in its role in controlling the         diffusion of resources to many sources, it may
flow of resources (i.e. its power).                    seem reasonable to assume that a recursively
   Turning first to centrality, it is clear that the   central city is quite powerful. However, exper-
focal city enjoys the same number of direct            imental research on agents’ ability to control

the flow of resources in exchange settings has      they distinguish centrality and power as
demonstrated that centrality does not auto-         potentially different features of a city’s posi-
matically translate into power (Cook et al.,        tion within a network. In network A, the focal
1983). While the focal city in network A has        city is central but not particularly powerful,
direct and indirect access to resources from        while in network B, the focal city is powerful
a number of sources, so too do the cities to        but not particularly central. Differentiating
which it is connected. Thus, the focal city lacks   these two characteristics of network position
the ability to control or influence resource        reveals that structural arrangements facilitat-
exchanges with its exchange partners. These         ing resource accumulation or diffusion do not
partners have alternatives and thus they can        necessarily also facilitate resource control,
ignore the actions or demands of the focal city.    and vice versa. Some cities may have struc-
In contrast, although the focal city in network     tural opportunities to become sites of large
B has access to resources from a more limited       concentrations of resources or efficiently to
pool of contacts (i.e. it is not recursively        diffuse resources throughout the rest of the
central), it has significant bargaining and         network, but little ability to control their
negotiating influence over its exchange part-       flow. In contrast, others may have structural
ners because it is their only source for capital,   opportunities to control the flow of resources,
information and other valuable commodities.         but a limited capacity to accumulate or dis-
These partners have no alternatives and thus        seminate them.
cannot ignore the focal city’s demands. Allen          These simple networks help to illustrate
touched on the advantage of such a position,        the recursive conceptions of centrality and
noting that the importance of such cities as        power. However, to be useful in empirical
New York and Tokyo stems                            investigations of world city networks, these
                                                    concepts must be accompanied by practical
  from the fact that the world of banking and
                                                    measurement methodologies. If the struc-
  finance seems to have little choice other than
  to go through the financial districts of those    ture of a world city network is represented
  cities (Allen, 1999, p. 187).                     in a symmetrical matrix R, where each entry
                                                     Rij contains the strength of the connection
This logic is also closely connected to social      between cities i and j, then the recursive cen-
exchange theory, which views power as a type        trality (RCi) and recursive power (RPi) of city
of relationship in which one agent is able to       i can be computed as
dominate others because these others have
                                                                  RCi =∑ Rij × DC j             (1)
limited alternatives (Emerson, 1962). Because                           j

this conception of power depends not only
on a city’s own connections, but also on the                      RPi = ∑
                                                                            DC j
connections (or, indeed, lack thereof ) of
                                                                        j                       (2)
the cities to which it is connected, I label it
recursive power.                                    where, DC j is the degree centrality of city j.
  These recursive conceptions of centrality         The first equation, used to compute recur-
and power offer two significant conceptual          sive centrality, sums the total number (or
advantages over existing approaches. First,         strength) of city i’s connections, weighting
they do not simply focus on a city’s own con-       each one by the degree centrality of the city
nections, treating each as equally useful, but      to which it is connected. The second equation,
take a broader view of the world city network’s     used to compute recursive power, performs
structure to consider direct connections as         the same operation but weights each connec-
well as the status of those contacts. Secondly,     tion by the contact’s inverse degree centrality,

thus capturing the extent to which city i is        are considered further in the following section,
able to dominate (i.e. is the sole exchange         in the context of the analysis of specific world
partner for) city j (Neal and Neal, 2010).          city networks where they arise.
These measures can be computed using the
 command in STATA, which has
been written to accompany this paper; it can        Applying Recursive Centrality
be downloaded by typing ‘findit centpow’ in         and Power
the STATA command line. Applying these to
the hypothetical networks in Figure 1, the          Friedmann’s ‘Basing Points’ Network
focal city in network A has a high recursive        The world city network described by
centrality score (9), but a low recursive power     Friedmann (1986), while intended only as
score (0.75). In contrast, the focal city in        a heuristic rather than explanatory model,
network B has a relatively lower recursive          offers an opportunity to illustrate the pro-
centrality score (3), but a relatively higher       posed recursive conceptions of centrality and
recursive power score (3). These differences        power in a relatively simple and well-known
highlight the differing positions of these two      context (see Figure 2). Table 1 lists each city’s
focal cities, despite their equal degree central-   score using the traditional degree centrality
ity scores.                                         measure, as well as the recursive central-
  The logic underlying these proposed con-          ity and recursive power measures already
ceptions of centrality and power is closely         described. Eigenvector-based measures
related to two existing measures: eigenvector       including eigenvector centrality (Bonacich,
centrality (Bonacich, 1972) and beta central-       1972) and beta centrality (Bonacich, 1987)
ity (Bonacich, 1987).4 Although these have          are not appropriate because the network’s sec-
been applied in a limited number of world           ond eigenvalue (l2 = 3.45) is relatively large
city network studies (Smith and Timberlake,         compared with its first eigenvalue (l1 = 4.59).
2001; Choi et al., 2006; Mahutga et al., 2010),     This mathematical property typically occurs
their computation is complex, involving an          in networks where clustering or cliqueishness
analysis of the network matrix’s eigenvectors.      is present. In this case, regional clusters of
Additionally, their usefulness in examining         Asian, North American and European cit-
world city networks is limited by two impor-        ies are clearly visible. Using such measures
tant constraints that are often overlooked.         in clustered networks can yield results that
First, they cannot be applied to networks that      focus only on the largest cluster, and is akin
contain clustering or cliques, which are com-       to examining only the first factor in a factor
mon in world city networks (Derudder et al.,        analysis even if subsequent factors were also
2003; Derudder and Taylor, 2005). Secondly,         found to be important.
they often do not yield useful results when           Comparing the results of the recursive
applied to networks that are large (for exam-       measures with those of the more traditional
ple, 3692 cities in Alderson and Beckfield,         degree centrality measure, it is clear that the
2004) or contain many strong linkages (for          recursive measures provide finer-grained
example, London’s degree centrality is 63 399       distinctions among cities. Using degree
in Taylor, Catalano and Walker, 2002). The          centrality, many cities are tied with the same
mathematical complexity of eigenvector cen-         scores; among the 25 cities in the network,
trality (Bonacich, 1972) and beta centrality        there are only seven unique degree central-
(Bonacich, 1987) places a detailed discussion       ity scores. This suggests, for example, that
of their computation and properties beyond          Los Angeles, Tokyo and Singapore are struc-
the scope of this paper, but these limitations      turally identical because they have the same

Figure 2.   Friedmann’s world city network.

Table 1.   Comparing centrality and power among Friedmann’s world cities

Degree centrality                    Recursive centrality                 Recursive power
Los Angeles            1.00          Los Angeles             1.00         Paris                1.00
Tokyo                  1.00          Tokyo                   0.88         Singapore            0.85
Singapore              1.00          Singapore               0.82         Tokyo                0.80
Chicago                0.86          Chicago                 0.76         London               0.78
New York               0.86          New York                0.73         New York             0.67
London                 0.71          Rio de Janiero          0.70         Rio de Janiero       0.65
Rio de Janiero         0.71          Sydney                  0.64         Chicago              0.64
Mexico City            0.57          San Francisco           0.61         Los Angeles          0.63
Miami                  0.57          Mexico City             0.58         Miami                0.40
Paris                  0.57          London                  0.55         Hong Kong            0.36
Hong Kong              0.43          Miami                   0.55         Taipei               0.36
Houston                0.43          Houston                 0.52         Mexico City          0.34
San Francisco          0.43          Manila                  0.42         Houston              0.21
Sydney                 0.43          Hong Kong               0.36         Bangkok              0.18
Taipei                 0.43          Taipei                  0.36         Seoul                0.18
Bangkok                0.29          Toronto                 0.36         Madrid               0.17
Caracas                0.29          Bangkok                 0.30         San Francisco        0.17
Madrid                 0.29          Caracas                 0.30         Sydney               0.16
Manila                 0.29          Seoul                   0.30         Caracas              0.15
Seoul                  0.29          Madrid                  0.27         Toronto              0.12
Toronto                0.29          Paris                   0.27         Manila               0.11
Buenos Aires           0.14          Buenos Aires            0.15         Milan                0.09
Johannesburg           0.14          Johannesburg            0.15         Vienna               0.09
Milan                  0.14          Milan                   0.12         Buenos Aires         0.07
Vienna                 0.14          Vienna                  0.12         Johannesburg         0.07
Notes: Ties are listed in alphabetical order. Scores are rescaled with a maximum value of 1.

number of linkages to other cities. In con-           the 25 cities, there are 17 unique recursive
trast, using recursive centrality and power,          centrality scores and 20 unique recursive
there are fewer cities with tied scores; among        power scores. Thus, the recursive measures

allow cities’ positions in the network to be       The Internet Backbone Network
distinguished more effectively. For example,       Although applying the proposed recursive
the recursive centrality measure reveals that      centrality and power measures to Friedmann’s
although Los Angeles, Tokyo and Singapore          hypothetical world city network is instructive,
may have the same number of direct link-           it is also important to consider how these
ages, Los Angeles is likely to enjoy greater       measures work when applied to ‘real’ data.
concentrations of resources and greater            Examining the network of Internet backbone
ability to disseminate innovations than the        connections among cities—the physical
other two.                                         infrastructure that digitally links cities to one
   In addition to allowing finer-grained dis-      another—offers an opportunity to examine
tinctions among cities’ network positions, the     directly one actual world city network. Choi
recursive measures also allow cities’ centrality   et al. (2006) compiled a network of 82 inter-
and power to be considered separately. Using       national cities from two annual reports of
degree centrality, Paris appears to be moder-      Internet geography (Telegeography, 2002a,
ately central (0.57), which may be interpreted     2002b) and have kindly provided their data
as evidence of second-tier world city status.      for this paper. Unlike the Friedmann network
However, a more complete picture of Paris’         already considered, which merely indicated
world city status emerges when centrality and      the presence or absence of a relationship, this
power are treated as distinct concepts. Paris      network captures the capacity for informa-
has a relatively low recursive centrality score    tion flow between pairs of cities, measured as
(0.27), but has the highest recursive power        megabits per second (Mbps) of bandwidth.
score in the network (1.0). These results             Like all networks among cities, the organisa-
might suggest that, while Paris may not be a       tion of the Internet’s physical infrastructure
hub of capital accumulation, it is a centre of     is the result of some combination of political
command-and-control, serving as an inter-          forces and a cost-minimising logic of growth.
mediary that connects other European cities        Yet, whatever the causes of its current struc-
(such as Milan, Vienna) to the world. That         ture, it remains the principal method for
is, to view Paris as a second-tier world city      moving information between cities and thus
obscures its more nuanced role as a minor          is of critical importance for economic, social,
site of flow concentration but a major site of     political and cultural activities. Beyond its role
flow influence. A similar but reversed story       in structuring a range of intercity transac-
emerges in the case of Sydney which, like          tions, I examine this Internet infrastructure
Paris, appears moderately central using degree     network data for two additional reasons. First,
centrality (0.43) but, unlike Paris, is revealed   it is relational data that directly measure rela-
to be highly central (0.64) and minimally          tionships between pairs of cities, rather than
powerful (0.16) when the recursive measures        the more common attribute data that mea-
are used. The cases of Sydney and Paris mir-       sure characteristics of individual cities such
ror the cases of the focal cities in Figure 1’s    as the presence advanced producer service
network A and network B. Despite both cit-         firms (Taylor, Catalano and Walker, 2002) or
ies having similar degree centrality, Sydney’s     multinational headquarters data (Alderson
position in the Friedmann network closely          and Beckfield, 2004; Alderson et al., 2010; for
resembles the ‘central but not powerful’ focal     a critique, see Nordlund, 2004; Neal, 2010a).
city in network A, while Paris’ position more      Secondly, it was originally analysed in a highly
closely resembles the ‘powerful but not cen-       cited study of world city networks (Choi
tral’ focal city in network B.                     et al., 2006) using eigenvector-based measures

of centrality and power that are conceptually       and highly powerful. In this case, recursive
similar to those proposed earlier, but which        centrality indicates that these cities have many
were methodologically inappropriate. Thus,          high bandwidth connections to cities that
the discussion that follows might be viewed         themselves also have many high bandwidth
as a re-analysis that provides a more robust        connections. Such a position allows large
assessment of cities’ centrality and power.         amounts of information, coming both from
   In this case, eigenvector-based measures         direct connections as well as more distant
like eigenvector centrality (Bonacich, 1972)        indirect connections, to converge in a single
and beta centrality (Bonacich, 1987) are not        location and allows large amounts of infor-
appropriate because the network’s largest           mation to be diffused very efficiently from
eigenvalue (l1 = 178 231.55) is too large. This     London and New York to the rest of the world.
typically occurs in networks with many nodes        This provides the actors in these cities (for
(for example, cities) or when the connec-           example, multinational firms, political lead-
tions between some pairs of nodes are strong        ers, cultural organisations, social movements)
relative to other pairs. For example, in this       with greater opportunities to strategise and
network, the bandwidth connection between           innovate. In addition, however, recursive
New York and London is 96 599 Mbps while            power indicates that these cities also have high
the connection between Manila and Jakarta           bandwidth connections to cities that have
is only 10 Mbps. Using eigenvector-based            few other high bandwidth connections. This
measures in such cases, although technically        position of power allows these cities to control
possible, yields centrality and power scores        the flow of information to certain parts of the
that are equal or nearly equal to each other        network because they act as the sole gateways
and to ordinary degree centrality. As a result,     through which some cities gain access to the
they offer no additional information about          global Internet backbone. By simultaneously
network position.                                   occupying a position of centrality and a
   Plotting the 82 cities by both their recur-      position of power in the world city network,
sive centrality and recursive power in this         cities like London and New York capture the
network, Figure 3 illustrates that centrality       structural advantages of both resource accu-
and power are distinct characteristics of           mulation/diffusion and resource control, and
cities’ network positions. This suggests that       thus stand apart as quintessential world cities.
positional status in the world city network is         However, positions of centrality and power
not a unidimensional phenomenon ranging             are not always found together. As Figure 3
from highly central and powerful world cities       illustrates, a second group of cities—Paris,
to peripheral and powerless lower-tier cities.      Amsterdam, Washington, Brussels and
Instead, network status is better understood        Chicago—occupy highly central positions in
as a multidimensional phenomenon where              the network, but do not occupy positions that
centrality and power are independent and            afford them significant amounts of power. By
combine in various ways to constitute distinct      occupying highly central positions, these cities
types of world cities (see Guimera et al., 2005).   are likely to be resource rich, with structural
   The most obvious examples of world               opportunities to accumulate and diffuse the
cities—London and New York—lie at one               commodities that flow through the network
extreme. Indicated by their position in the         (in this case, information). They are not,
upper-right corner of Figure 3, these cities        however, likely to have much influence over
occupy positions in the Internet backbone           the flow of those resources elsewhere in the
network that make them both highly central          system and thus little ability to control the

Figure 3.   Comparing recursive centrality and power in the Internet backbone network.

activities in other cities. Quite different from      resource concentrations or particularly effective
the quintessential world cities of London and         at diffusing resources through the network.
New York, these ‘central but not powerful’            Quite different from both quintessential and
places are a unique type of world city char-          hub world cities, these ‘powerful but not
acterised by their role as hubs. Such places are      central’ places are characterised by their role
likely sites of innovation because they benefit       as gateways. Such places are likely to be sites of
from the high concentrations of capital and           instrumental and co-ordinative activities (for
the ability to disseminate new information            example, banking, advertising and consulting)
that is necessary for such activities. In this        that facilitate the more primary activities found
case, the role of hubs as centres of national         in hub world cities. In this case, because the
(for example, Paris, Washington) and trans-           Internet backbone network is constituted by
national (for example, Brussels) government           physical infrastructure, the most powerful cities
also highlights the ability of cities in central      are located at the geographical edges, serving as
positions efficiently to communicate policy           the principal entry points for their respective
and diplomatic messages to wide audiences.            continents. However, in other less physically
   A third group of cities—Miami, Stockholm,          grounded networks such as the branch office
San Francisco, Los Angeles and Tokyo—are              networks of advanced producer service firms,
the mirror image of hubs, occupying positions         the spatial organisation of powerful gateway cit-
of power but not of centrality. By occupying          ies and central hub cities may be less patterned.
positions of power, these cities are likely to
be highly influential, with structural oppor-
                                                      Discussion and Conclusion
tunities to function as gatekeepers that can
mediate or broker other cities’ access to the         By examining both hypothetical and observed
resources flowing through the network. They           world city networks, these analyses sug-
are not, however, likely to be sites of significant   gest that centrality and power are distinct

characteristics of world cities that derive          classifications of cities that have focused on
from distinct structural patterns of linkages.       combinations of city attributes (for example,
Occupying a position of centrality in the            Boschken, 2008) because it links cities’ roles
world city network does not automatically            directly to the structural properties of the
translate into structural opportunities to           world city network. This is a major strength
exercise power. To differentiate effectively         because it paves the way for future studies
positions of centrality from positions of            to examine how the structurally defined
power requires moving beyond relatively              roles of quintessential, hub and gateway city
simple measures such as degree centrality. In        are associated with such attributes as firm
addition, empirical analysis of the world city       location or demographic diversity without
network requires accounting for the differing        undue circularity.
strength of intercity linkages, which limits           Conceptualising centrality and power in the
the usefulness of closeness and betweenness          proposed recursive manner, where a city’s sta-
measures, and attending to the mathemati-            tus depends not only on its own connections
cal properties of highly sophisticated net-          but also on the connectivity its contacts, also
work indices, which limits the usefulness of         has implications for understanding changes
eigenvector-based measures. The proposed             in the structure of the world city network. A
measures of recursive centrality and recursive       given city’s status in the global arena depends
power offer a practical solution to these issues.    in part on the number and strength of exter-
These measures effectively differentiate cen-        nal linkages it maintains. However, equally
trality from power in theoretically informed         important are the number and strength of
ways, are computationally simple and can             external linkages maintained by those cities
be applied to networks where some linkages           to which it is connected. Thus, whether a
vary in strength.                                    city’s status rises or falls over time depends
   More than simply a methodological inno-           not on its own internal features, nor on its
vation, however, these analyses have chal-           own network, but on the structure of the
lenged the conception of world cities’ status        entire world city network. This more global
in networks as a unidimensional, hierarchi-          understanding of world city status suggests
cal phenomenon. Rather, they suggest that            that purposive attempts to enhance a city’s
positional status in the world city network          global status may be quite difficult and,
is a multidimensional phenomenon that has            indeed, may lie outside the reach of a city’s
implications for the roles that cities play in the   own leaders. Nonetheless, for cities seeking a
world system. First, quintessential world cities     more global identity, urban leaders must look
simultaneously occupy positions of centrality        beyond simply forging newer and stronger
and power, and serve as the principal outposts       external linkages, and focus on forging stra-
of economic, political and social globalisation.     tegic linkages. Enhancing resource concentra-
Secondly, hub world cities occupy positions of       tion potential (i.e. centrality) requires new
centrality but not power, and serve as sites for     connections to well connected places, while
resource concentration and diffusion where           enhancing command-and-control potential
innovation and investment activities are sup-        (i.e. power) requires new connections to
ported. Finally, gateway world cities occupy         poorly connected places.
positions of power but not centrality, and serve       Yet, just as centrality and power may occur
as gatekeepers that gain influence through           independently, they are also likely to occur in
their ability to broker and mediate other cities’    different combinations based on the substance
access to the rest of the network. This typol-       of the network in question. In the analysis
ogy differs from previous multidimensional           presented earlier, the most powerful cities

were those located at the edges of continents,        Notes
because they were geographically convenient
                                                      1. Any discussion of urban systems risks
gateways for the Internet’s physical infra-
                                                         reifying cities and treating them as actors.
structure. However, examining other types                The variety of forms that urban networks
of network that map the flow of different                may take yields an equal variety of actors
resources (for example, foreign direct invest-           that constitute and maintain the networks.
ment, migration) would be likely to reveal that          In intercity transport and communication
the same cities play unique roles in other con-          networks, individuals (such as passengers,
texts. The two earlier analyses illustrate one           callers) are the true actors. In command-
such case: Paris is powerful but not central in          and-control networks like those discussed
Friedmann’s economically focused network,                by Alderson and Beckfield (2004), firms
                                                         (given agency by executives) are the actors.
yet it is central but not powerful in a commu-
                                                         Finally, in political networks like those forged
nication infrastructure network. Thus, cities            by sister-city relationships, the cities (given
may play the role of a gateway world city in             agency by political leaders) are the actors. For
some domains, while playing the role of a hub            the sake of simplicity, cities are discussed as
world city in others. The character and status           the actors responsible for the network, but it
of any given city in the global arena, therefore,        is recognised that the actual actor depends
is the result of its varying levels of centrality        on the type of network and the conceptual
and power in each of several networks. Indeed,           level of analysis.
the two measures developed in this paper can          2. This paper aims to clarify methods of
be applied to world city networks defined to             analysing world city networks, specifically
                                                         by developing more robust measurements
capture not only exchanges of an economic
                                                         of cities’ centrality and power based on their
nature, but also cultural, political and social          positions within such networks. Derudder
flows. Future research should focus not only             (2006) has noted a related need for clarity in the
on how centrality and power differ in eco-               data used to define the networks themselves.
nomic contexts, but how they differ in these             He argues that there are two broad empirical
other global city arenas as well.                        approaches, each of which implies a set of
   Notions of centrality and power are ubiqui-           (often unstated) theoretical assumptions: a
tous in discussions of cities’ positions within          corporate organisation approach that focuses
world city networks. Frequently, these concepts          on producer service firms or multinational
                                                         corporations and an infrastructure approach
are treated as indistinct and are measured
                                                         that focuses on the built structures that
using conceptually simple or methodological              facilitate communication and transport.
inappropriate instruments. However, centrality           Although this paper and Derudder’s tackle
and power are conceptually distinct and have             different issues, together they highlight that
unique consequences for cities, and therefore            empirical world city research could benefit
should be differentiated in empirical investi-           from more careful attention to issues of both
gations of world city networks. The proposed             data and their analysis.
measures of recursive centrality and recursive        3. Notably, Alderson and Beckfield (2004)
power offer a promising approach that provides           analysed a network of directed relationships,
a more refined and theoretically informed view           which permitted the computation of two
                                                         types of degree centrality: in-degree centrality,
of cities’ network positions, while also over-
                                                         which counts the number of inbound linkages,
coming some of the methodological limitations            and out-degree centrality, which counts the
of existing approaches. Together, they more              number of outbound linkages. Although
accurately capture the multidimensionality of            in- and out-degree centrality are distinct
world city status where cities play different roles      measures, they are nonetheless still both
within and across different types of network.            measures of centrality, and not of power.

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Barnett, and Bum-Soo Chon for kindly providing            port intercity linkages, Global Networks, 6,
their data on the internet infrastructure network,        pp. 81–99.
and Jennifer Watling Neal and Ken Frank for their      Cook, K. S., Emerson, R. M., Gillmore, M. R. and
comments on earlier drafts.                               Tamagishi, T. (1983) The distribution of power
                                                          in exchange networks: theory and experimen-
                                                          tal results, American Journal of Sociology, 89,
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