Page created by Adrian Higgins
DICK EARDLEY                                                                             MISSION: To provide a safe
                                                                                         and supportive environment

                                                                                         where older adults can engage
                                                                                         in activities that promote
                                                                                         physical, intellectual, and social
                                  | DECEMBER 2021

                                         COME HAVE LUNCH AND CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS ON DEC. 16
  Coming up...                           The Metro Meals on Wheels kitchen         offered for a suggested donation
                                         is planning a special holiday meal        of $4 for those 60 and older ($6 for
The Winter/Spring Activity Guide
                                         on Dec. 16. Come for lunch that day       everyone else). There will also be a
will be available during the first
                                         and enjoy baked ham, scalloped            selection of Christmas cookies, and
week of December. See page 3 for
                                         potatoes, peas & carrots, dinner roll     everyone in attendance will have a
information on a few new programs
                                         and holiday dessert.                      chance to win a beautiful poinsettia
and activities.
                                         Lunch will be served from 12-12:30 p.m.   generously donated by Edwards
The Senior Center will be closed                                                   Greenhouse.
                                         Guests are welcome to arrive as
on Friday, Dec. 24 for Christmas,
                                         early as 11 a.m. to socialize and enjoy   We’ll have holiday music playing
and will close at 2 p.m. on Friday,
                                         the festive decorations in the dining     and plenty of Christmas cheer to go
Dec. 31 for New Year’s Eve.
                                         room. The holiday meal is being           around. We hope you will join us!
The Thrift Store and Craft Boutique
will be closed from Dec. 27-31 so that   WINTER SCAM JAM SERIES KICKS OFF DEC. 1; WATCH IT WITH US!
our volunteers can enjoy a holiday
                                         The Idaho Department of Finance,
                                         in partnership with the Idaho Scam
We’re having a half-off sale on          Jam Alliance, will present the winter
holiday decor, in the Thrift Store       virtual Scam Jam webinar series this
Dec. 14-23. Come find a great deal!
                                         month. Join us at the Senior Center
Free tax help will be offered by         to participate and learn how to
AARP starting in February. Watch for                                               conference. These virtual webinars
                                         protect yourself.
details in the January newsletter.                                                 are free, educational, and interactive
                                         The winter virtual Scam Jam webinar       forums where local experts share
                                         series will take place just in time       key information and practical advice
  DID YOU KNOW?                          for the holidays on Dec. 1, 8, and        including how to identify, prevent and
  A snowflake’s shape is                 15 from 10-11:30 a.m. via video           report bad actors.     (More on page 2)
  primarily determined by
  temperature and humidity at             HALLOWEEN WHO’S WHO
  the time it is formed, and by
  changing conditions as it falls.
  An estimated 10 quintillion
  (that’s 10 billion billion) water
  molecules make up a typical
  snowflake, allowing for
  innumerable variations.
  While it’s true that no two
  snowflakes are exactly alike,
  each can be categorized in
  eight broad classifications             Can you guess who is pictured in this Halloween lineup? Our two prize
  based on its shape.                     winners — center and second from left — had us stumped for quite a while!
ONE MORE CHANCE TO TRY OUT A GUIDED                            CHECK OUT SOME NEW ACTIVITIES IN THE                                experience and other important natural and cultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                           features of Donner Memorial State Park. Registration is
                                                                        MEDITATION CLASS FOR FREE                                      UPCOMING WINTER/SPRING ACTIVITY GUIDE
                                                                                                                                                                                                           required for this free online program. Call 208-608-7580.
                                                                        Meditation instructor Michelle Wood will offer a free                                Boise Parks and Recreation’s
                                                                        sample guided meditation class on Monday, Dec. 20 from                               Activity Guide for the Winter/Spring
                                                                        1-1:30 p.m. She will also briefly address reducing stress
                                                                                                                                                                                                           WE’RE OFFERING TOURS AND FREE LUNCH!
                                                                                                                                                             2022 season will be available online
    Michelle Wood                                                       during the holidays. Space is limited, so please register in                         and in print during the first week            Are you new to town or know someone who is? Stop in
                                                                        advance to reserve your spot, 208-608-7580.                                          in December. Activity registration            and see what’s happening at the Senior Center. Facility
                                                                                                                                                                                                           tours led by Wes Underwood are scheduled on the second
    PARTICIPANT SPOTLIGHT                                               Watch for information about hour-long meditation classes                             begins on Dec. 6 for Boise residents
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wednesday of each month beginning at 11 a.m. This
                                                                        in the January newsletter.                                                           and Dec. 8 for non-residents.
    Michelle will begin teaching meditation classes at the                                                                                                                                                 month’s tour falls on Dec. 10. Newcomers will get a coupon
    Senior Center starting in January. She offered two free                                                                                                  Starting with this issue, the guide           good for one free lunch in the dining room.
    30-minute sample classes in November and has one                    POP-UP LIBRARY SCHEDULED ON DEC. 1                                                   will no longer be mailed out to all
                                                                                                                                       customers. Instead, printed copies will be available at the
    scheduled this month. (See details on this page.)                   The Boise Public Library is planning a visit to the Senior
                                                                                                                                       Dick Eardley Senior Center and Fort Boise Community                 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HEALTHIER SNACKS?
                                                                        Center on Wednesday, Dec. 1 starting at 12 p.m. Several
    What brings you to the Senior Center today?                                                                                        Center, and people can submit a request to have a                   Join us for this month’s online Food for Life class, Avoiding
                                                                        bins of books, including large print, will be available to
    The Longevity Stick class. It’s a great workout.                                                                                   printed copy mailed to them. Give us a call for more                Holiday Weight Gain, on Friday, Dec. 17 beginning at
                                                                        check out.
                                                                                                                                       information or if you need help registering for programs,           11 a.m. Instructor Barb Smith will help participants find
    What do you enjoy most about the Senior Center?                                                                                    208-608-7580.                                                       delicious alternatives to heavy holiday snacks and meals.
    I love the variety of activities, and meeting new                   ARTIST OF THE MONTH: ILSE SCHREINER                                                                                                This month’s featured recipe is Portobello Fajitas. Register
                                                                                                                                       Zumba: The Senior Center is excited to announce that
    people, making new friends.                                         Come by and see the beautiful work                                                                                                 in advance to attend this online class from the Senior
                                                                                                                                       Zumba will return in the spring. Zumba Basics is a low-
                                                                        of local artist Ilse Schreiner. Her show,                      impact Senior Dance Fitness Class designed for Seniors              Center or to receive the link to attend from home via
    Are you a lifelong Idahoan or did you come from
                                                                        scheduled through January, will primarily                                                                                          Zoom. Call 208-608-7580.
    somewhere else?                                                                                                                    50+ looking to get in better shape and build a consistent
                                                                        include water media, such as watercolor,
    I am originally from Syracuse, N.Y. I spent about a                                                                                workout regimen. This class can be done standing, in
                                                                        various inks, acrylic and gouache. She                                                                                             ROBBINS ROAD HOLIDAY SING-ALONG DEC. 16
    decade in Bend, Ore., and moved to Boise in 2013.                                                                                  a chair or alternating and is a great way to introduce
                                                                        also uses a variety of papers, including
                                                                        sometimes collaging various paper                              students to the fun and energetic rhythms of Zumba!                 It’s that time of year to sing all those holiday favorites that
    What are your interests or hobbies?
                                                                        on the surface before painting on them. “And then              Classes begin in March and will meet every Wednesday                have been playing through your head already anyway!
    Organic gardening & nutrition, fine art & conservation
                                                                        sometimes, just because, I use oil pastels instead.”           from 1:15-2 p.m.                                                    Heidi Marino will lead on the piano while we sing such
    photography are the main two right now.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           favorites as “Deck the Halls,” “Frosty the Snowman,” “Let
                                                                        She gains inspiration by taking lots of pictures while         Carpet Bowling for Beginners: Carpet bowling is a fun
    Are you skilled/trained in something specific?                                                                                                                                                         it Snow,” “Joy to the World,” “We Need a Little Christmas”
                                                                        traveling the West with her husband. What inspires             and competitive indoor game that is similar to bocce. It’s
    I trained for a certification in Relaxation Therapy and                                                                                                                                                and many more. There’s no need to register for this
                                                                        her most of a given picture is the colors. Ilse has been       popular in Canada and Europe. It’s being offered on three           activity and it’s free. Come for the Holiday Meal and stay
    have taught meditation classes through a community                                                                                 consecutive Wednesdays in January, the 5th-19th, from
    college, at a hospital, and at Community Ed.                        drawing and painting since childhood, but she became                                                                               for the tunes!
                                                                        more productive upon retiring 25 years ago. She belongs        2-4 p.m. and again in March. Come give it a try!
    Tell us a little bit about your family.                             to several local art organizations. She said that attending    Mystery Night: Murder at the Disco! Join us for a fun               YOU’RE INVITED TO THE PAINTING/CRAFTING
    My son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren live                workshops and being around other artists and seeing            murder mystery game, offered Jan. 13 and again on
    here, one granddaughter lives in Oregon, and my                                                                                                                                                        SOCIAL GROUP EVERY WEDNESDAY
                                                                        their work is inspiring and sometimes instructive.             March 8 from 2-5 p.m. Dress the part or borrow a prop.
    brother and a few cousins are in central New York.                                                                                 Get in character for this afternoon of fun.                         Combine creativity and social time at this weekly gathering.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Meet on Wednesdays from 1-3 p.m. for beginner acrylic
    If you could have a casual lunch with anyone in the                 WINTER SCAM JAM (Continued from page 1)
    world, alive or passed, who would it be?
                                                                                                                                       BRING YOUR QUESTIONS TO HOUSING 101                                 painting. Participants use web tutorials and gain inspiration
                                                                        Session topics covered in this three-part series include:                                                                          from each other. Cost is $1 with your materials or $5 with
    Louise Hay - I have been inspired by her for years,                 scams trending locally, Medicare fraud, gift card              Real estate professional Paige Oeding will offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                           materials provided. Other crafts are welcome as well! It’s all
    especially starting new things at any age. She started              scams, digital privacy, tax fraud and scams, and how           Housing 101 on Dec. 14 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Anyone
                                                                                                                                                                                                           about the socializing. Space is limited, so call to reserve your
    Hay House Publishing when she was 60. I started                     to distinguish deceptive solicitations from legitimate         can stop in during the hour to ask questions and get
                                                                                                                                                                                                           spot, 208-608-7580.
    photography when I was 60 thanks to her inspiration.                communications that arrive in the mail.                        information related to local housing. There’s no need to
    Never stop starting new things!                                                                                                    register for this free service.
                                                                        The “Monitor Your Mail” segment on the final day of
                                                                        this series will be presented by Celia Kinney, Consumer        Paige is an associate broker with Equity Northwest Real
    What else would you like us to know about you?
                                                                        Affairs Officer with the Idaho Department of Finance,          Estate. She has been in the industry for 36 years and is a
    I am very interested in plant conservation, rare and
                                                                        who visited the Senior Center in October to offer Fraud        certified Seniors Real Estate Specialist.
    endangered species, and am planning to work
    with a biologist to photograph and catalog rare and                 Bingo. She will be joined by an inspector from the United
    endangered plants in our area, and perhaps publish a                States Postal Service. Other presenters include local          EXPLORE DONNER MEMORIAL STATE PARK
    book on them.                                                       law enforcement, Idaho Department of Insurance, Idaho          Join us at the Senior Center on Dec. 2 from 2-3 p.m.
                                                                        Attorney General’s office, Better Business Bureau, and         for “The Donner Party of 1846,” a live, internet-based
                                                                        AARP Idaho.                                                    opportunity to explore the region where the famous
                                                                        Space is limited, so stop by the front desk or give us a       Donner Party spent the tragic winter of 1846. A California
                                                                        call to claim your spot, 208-608-7580.                         State Park Interpreter will highlight the California emigrant
2                                                   Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter                                                                                              Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter                                                  3
MONDAY                                         TUESDAY                                 WEDNESDAY                                              THURSDAY                                                FRIDAY
      December                                                                                                                                1
                                                                                                                                              9-11:30 am       Teddy Bear Factory sewing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 10-11 am              Bingo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11:30 am         Senior Goldmine visit
                                                                                                                                              10-11:30 am      Winter Scam Jam Webinar*          10-11:30 am           Chat-n-Chew Social Group*     Noon Meal        Meatloaf w/ Gravy
                                                                                                                                              10 am-12 pm      Happy Hookers Knit & Crochet*     11:30 am-12:30 pm     Drumming Divas*               1-2 pm           Fit and Fall Proof
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Noon Meal             Beans & Ham
    Dick Eardley Senior Center                                                                                                                10:30-11:30 am   Gentle Yoga**
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2-3 pm                The Donner Party of 1846*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 pm             BSU Nurses’ Presentation
                                                                                                                                              Noon Meal        Turkey Florentine
    690 Robbins Road                                                                                                                          12-12:30 pm      Pop-Up Library                    3-4 pm                Tai Chi and Qigong**
    Boise, ID 83702                                                                                                                           1-3 pm           Painting/Crafting Social Group*
                                                                                                                                              1-4 pm           Canasta*
    Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
    cityofboise.org/seniorcenter                  6                                               7                                           8                                                  9                                                   10
                                                  10:30-11:30 am Storytime Writing Group*         10:30-11:30 am   Longevity Stick*           9-11:30 am       Teddy Bear Factory sewing         10-11 am              Bingo                         11:45 am         Birthday Friday
                                                  Noon Meal      Mushroom Swiss Chicken           Noon Meal        Lemon Herb Cod             10-11:30 am      Winter Scam Jam Webinar*          10-11:30 am           Chat-n-Chew Social Group*     Noon Meal        Salisbury Steak
                                                  1-2 pm         Write Your Own Obituary*         1-2 pm           Fit and Fall Proof         10 am-12 pm      Happy Hookers Knit & Crochet*     10:30 am-12 pm        Blood Pressure Clinic         12:45-2:45 pm    Birdhouse Craft with Sherri*
                                                                                                  1-3 pm           Ugly Christmas Sweaters*   10:30-11:30 am   Gentle Yoga**                     11:30 am-12:30 pm     Drumming Divas*               1-2 pm           Fit and Fall Proof
                                                                                                                                              11 am            Welcome Tour & Lunch              Noon Meal             Chicken & Dumplings
                                                                                                                                              Noon Meal        Beef Stew                         1-3 pm                Movie: European Christmas*
                                                                                                                                              1-3 pm           Painting/Crafting Social Group*   3-4 pm                Tai Chi and Qigong**
                                                                                                                                              1-4 pm           Canasta*

    The noon meal is prepared on site by
    Metro Meals on Wheels, 208-321-0031.          13                                              14                                          15                                                 16                                                  17
                                                  9 am-12 pm       Foot Clinic by Stonebridge**   10 am-12 pm      Legal Counsel**            9-11:30 am       Teddy Bear Factory sewing         10-11 am              Bingo                         11 am-12 pm     Food for Life Online: Avoiding
    Substitutions may be necessary without
                                                  10:30-11:30 am   Storytime Writing Group*       10:30-11:30 am   Longevity Stick*           10-11:30 am      Winter Scam Jam Webinar*          10-11:30 am           Chat-n-Chew Social Group*                     Holiday Weight Gain**
    advanced notice.
                                                  Noon Meal        Sausage Rice Skillet           11 am-12 pm      Housing 101                10 am-12 pm      Happy Hookers Knit & Crochet*     11:30 am-12:30 pm     Drumming Divas*               Noon Meal       Herb Salmon
                                                  1-2:30 pm        Watercolors with Teresa*       Noon Meal        Fiesta Chicken             10:30-11:30 am   Gentle Yoga**                     Noon Meal             Holiday Meal: Baked ham,      1-2 pm          Fit and Fall Proof
                                                                                                  1-2 pm           Fit and Fall Proof         Noon Meal        Swedish Meatballs                                       scalloped potatoes, peas
                                                                                                                                              1-3 pm           Painting/Crafting Social Group*                         & carrots, dinner roll, and
                                                                                                                                              1-4 pm           Canasta*                                                holiday dessert
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1-2 pm                 Robbins Road Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3-4 pm                Tai Chi and Qigong**

    Billiards Room is open M-F,                   20                                              21                                          22                                                 23                                                  24
    9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m.                   10:30-11:30 am   Storytime Writing Group*       10:30-11:30 am Longevity Stick*             9-11:30 am       Teddy Bear Factory sewing         10-11 am              Bingo                                 The Senior Center is closed for
    Call to sign up, 208-608-7580.                11 am-12 pm      Book Club*                     Noon Meal      Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce      10 am-12 pm      Happy Hookers Knit & Crochet*     10-11:30 am           Chat-n-Chew Social Group*
                                                  Noon Meal        Tuna Casserole                 1-2 pm         Fit and Fall Proof           10:30-11:30 am   Gentle Yoga**                     10:30 am-12 pm        Blood Pressure Clinic                          CHRISTMAS
                                                  1-1:30 pm        Seated, Guided Meditation*                                                 Noon Meal        Pork Roast w/ Gravy               11:30 am-12:30 pm     Drumming Divas*
                                                                                                                                              1-3 pm           Painting/Crafting Social Group*   Noon Meal             Soup, Salad & Bread
                                                                                                                                              1-4 pm           Canasta*                          1-3 pm                Movie: National Lampoon’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Christmas Vacation*
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3-4 pm                Tai Chi and Qigong**

                                                  27                                              28                                          29                                                 30                                                  31
                                                  10:30-11:30 am Storytime Writing Group*         10:30-11:30 am Longevity Stick*             9-11:30 am       Teddy Bear Factory sewing         10-11 am              Bingo                         11:45 am         New Year’s Eve celebration
                                                  Noon Meal      Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole    Noon Meal      NEW Mongolian Beef           10 am-12 pm      Happy Hookers Knit & Crochet*     10-11:30 am           Chat-n-Chew Social Group*     Noon Meal        Polish Sausage w/ Kraut
                                                                                                  1-2 pm         Fit and Fall Proof           10:30-11:30 am   Gentle Yoga**                     11:30 am-12:30 pm     Drumming Divas*               1-2 pm           Fit and Fall Proof
                                                                                                                                              Noon Meal        Veggie Lasagna                    Noon Meal             Stuffed Fish
                                                                                                                                              1-3 pm           Painting/Crafting Social Group*   3-4 pm                Tai Chi and Qigong**              The Senior Center will close at 2 pm for
    * These programs require registration for                                                                                                 1-4 pm           Canasta*
    each visit. Call up to 7 days in advance to                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEW YEAR’S EVE
    register, 208-608-7580.
    ** These programs/series require
    registration. Call anytime, 208-608-7580.

4                                                      Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter                                                                                                              Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter                                                       5
WRITE YOUR OWN OBITUARY                                                HOLIDAY MOVIES & FRESHLY POPPED CORN!
                                                                                                              I read an obituary for the owner of the world’s biggest                Mark your calendar and plan to join us for two holiday
                                                                                                              stone quarry. It said, “He left a deep hole.”                          movies this month. Everyone in attendance will get a bag
                                                                                                              Now that we’ve broken the ice with some humor, let’s                   of popcorn. Cost is $1 per person. Space is limited, so
                                                                                                              talk about obituaries. We’re all going to need one some                give us a call to reserve your spot, 208-608-7580.
                                                                                                              day so why not have some say in what is said? There are                Dec. 9, 1 p.m.: “Rick Steves’ European Christmas.” A
                                                                                                              plenty of reasons to write your own obituary:                          celebration of European Christmas traditions throughout
                                                                                                              •     Who knows you better than you?                                   England, Norway, Germany, Italy, and the Swiss Alps.

                                                                                                              •     You get to control the content and the tone. Do you              Dec. 23, 1 p.m.: “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.”
                                                                                                                    want it to be in first-person? Will it be funny? Serious?        A comedy film starring Chevy Chase. This movie was
    BROWN BUTTER, GARLIC &                                                                                                                                                           selected by popular vote.
                                                                                                              •     It can be a good opportunity to advise or say a
    Made with Idaho potatoes!                                                                                                                                                        WE’RE MAKING UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS
                                                                                                                    poignant goodbye.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Join us for a fun afternoon of fun holiday crafting. Melinda
    Ingredients                                                                                               Join us on Monday, Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. for a one-hour
                                                                                                              video tutorial offered by the Lifelong Education & Aging               Baker will lead us in decorating ugly Christmas sweaters
    5 pounds Idaho® potatoes of choice                                                                                                                                               and everyone is invited. You’ll have the option to wear
    6 ounces butter                                                                                           Resource Network. Presenter Diane Ronayne will share
                                                                                                              tips on what to include, things to avoid, and how to get               your creation during our Ugly Sweater Contest during the
    4 cloves garlic, minced                                                                                                                                                          holiday meal on Dec. 16. There’s no cost to attend and all
                                                                                                              started. Participants should bring a notebook or a few
    5-6 ounces (about 4 cups packed)                                                                          pieces of paper and something to write with. Space is                  materials will be provided. Space is limited, so call to sign
    baby spinach                                                                                              limited, so sign up at the front desk or call 208-608-7580.            up, 208-608-7580
    1 cup milk
    Salt and pepper to taste                                                                                  SENIOR CENTER BOOK CLUB MEETS DEC. 20                                  TEAPOT BIRDHOUSES WITH SHERRI YOST
    Directions                                                                                                              The Senior Center Book Club will meet on                 Sherri Yost from Brookdale Independent Living is hosting a
                                                                                                                            Dec. 20 at 11 a.m. to talk about this month’s            free crafting event at the Senior Center on Friday, Dec. 10
    Peel potatoes and cube into large                                                                                                                                                beginning at 12:45 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Participants
    pieces. Cover with cold water in a                                                                                      book, “I’ll Push You: A Journey of 500 Miles,
                                                                                                                            Two Best Friends, and One Wheelchair.”                   will paint and decorate a teapot birdhouse. Instruction and
    large pot, and bring to a boil for 20                                                                                                                                            materials will be provided. Space is limited, so sign up in
    minutes or until tender.                                                                                                Amazon.com describes the book as “a travel
                                                                                                                            adventure full of love, humor, and spiritual             advance at the front desk or call 208-608-7580.
    While potatoes are cooking, heat                                                                             Amazon.com truth, it exemplifies what every friendship
    butter in a pan over medium heat.
                                                                                                              is meant to be and shows what it means to never find
    As butter begins to foam, add the
                                                                                                              yourself alone.” There’s no cost to participate. Copies
    minced garlic and lower heat to
                                                                                                              and space are limited, so give us a call to reserve yours,
    medium. Cook until butter is amber
    color; add milk and remove from
    heat. Set aside.
                                                                                                              STORYTIME WRITING GROUP MEETS WEEKLY,
    Drain potatoes and return to pot.
    Mash lightly. Add the warm milk                                                                           WELCOMES NEW PARTICIPANTS
    mixture; mash by hand or with a                                                                           The Storytime Writing Group meets every Monday
    mixer until smooth or nearly smooth.                                                                      from 10:30-11:30 a.m. and welcomes anyone who
    Stir fresh spinach into hot potatoes                                                                      enjoys writing. No prior writing experience is needed.
    until leaves start to wilt.                                                                               Participants receive a writing prompt each week, and
                                                                                                              everyone has an opportunity to share their writing if they
    Servings: 12                                                                                              choose to. There’s no cost to participate. Space is limited,
    Recipe author, Jennifer Leamons. Recipe                                                                   so sign up at the front desk or call 208-608-7580.
    and photo courtesy of the Idaho Potato
    Commission.                               Many thanks to our monthly crossword puzzle sponsor!
                                                                                                                  NURSING STUDENTS TO PRESENT FINDINGS
                                              Jim Starr also sponsors the Senior Center’s weekly Bingo game
                                                                                                                  The Community and Population Health Nursing
                                              and calls Bingo on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
    Can you find a mistake in this                                                                                students who have spent the semester with us will be
    month’s newsletter? Despite                                                                                   presenting a summary of their work. Anyone interesting
    our best efforts to be error-             Give Jim a call if you
                                              have questions regarding
                                                                                                                  in hearing about the findings of their project and
    free, it’s possible that we overlooked                                                                        recommendations for the Senior Center is welcome to
                                              Medicare, 208-713-3166.
    something. If you can find an error,                                                                          join us on Friday, Dec. 3 starting at 2 p.m.
    point it out to us and receive a treat.
6                                               Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter                                                                            Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter                                               7
Dick Eardley Senior Center
                       690 Robbins Road, Boise, ID 83702

    Phone: 208-608-7580
    Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
    Website: cityofboise.org/seniorcenter


                                                                          BIRTHDAY CORNER

                                                                           Happy birthday to everyone who celebrated a
                                                                           November birthday with us!

                                                                               Judy Brook                Larry Mauzerall
                                                                               Harry Davidson            Rose Sanchez
                                                                               Claudette Levesque        Camille Stockton
                                                                               Mary Lou Hay

    Everyone is invited to join us on Monday, Dec. 13 from
    1-2:30 p.m. for Watercolors with Teresa. No experience                 Celebrate your special day with us on the 2nd Friday
    is needed and all skill levels are welcome at this holiday-            of every month beginning at 11:45 a.m.
    themed class. Participants will take home one or two
    pieces of artwork.
                                                                                                     A big thank you to our
    Cost is $1, and all materials will be provided. Space is
                                                                                                     Birthday Friday sponsor,
    limited and registration is required, so stop by the front
    desk or give us a call at 208-608-7580.

8                                                   Dick Eardley Senior Center Newsletter
You can also read