Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM

Page created by June Jones
Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Australia   2012

Footy Means Business          TM

Development for high performers
Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
The Rio Tinto and AFL leadership development
                                               programme, Footy Means Business is going           TM

                                               from strength to strength. It is delivering jobs,
                                               networks, and supporting the aspirations of all the
                                               150 plus Indigenous men who’ve taken part so far.
                                               We are proud to be part of the journey, making
                                               sure our eyes are always open to new and better
                                               ways of working together.

About Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto is a leading global business
delivering value at each stage of mineral
and metal production. Australia is home to
almost half our global assets. We produce
iron ore, coal, bauxite, alumina, aluminium,
uranium, copper, gold, diamonds and salt
from more than 30 operating sites and
processing plants around the country.
More than 190,000 Australians own shares.
In Australia we employ more than 20,000
people, and many more contractors. We
make a considerable contribution to build
the social and economic fabric in the          Message from David Peever                               Message from Andrew Demetriou
communities where we operate, and during       Managing director Rio Tinto Australia                   Chief Executive Officer, AFL
2011, we supported more than 1500 socio        This is a very exciting and challenging time for        Many of the community engagement initiatives undertaken by the
economic programmes in Australia and           Rio Tinto and the mining industry as a whole.           AFL generate far more than goodwill. Not only do these programmes
New Zealand, across health, education,         At Rio Tinto, we are investing in Australia at          have a social and economic impact in the community, they
business development and environmental         record levels - expanding capacity at various           contribute to the overall growth of Australia’s game.
conservation.                                  sites, introducing new technology, and
                                                                                                       We’re pleased to be partnering with Rio Tinto on the Footy Means
                                               employing many new people for our Iron Ore
In 2011 our total direct community                                                                     BusinessTM programme. Like Rio Tinto, the AFL recognises the
                                               operations in the Pilbara.
contributions, including direct payments                                                               importance of Indigenous contribution to our core business, and
via trusts and impact benefit agreements       Just recently, the number of Indigenous people          both organisations have demonstrated leadership in this field,
with host communities was more than            employed in our businesses around the country           particularly with regards to employment.
US$200 million. We provided additional         passed the 2000 mark, or around 9 per cent of
in kind support of US$20 million.                                                                      The AFL has an Indigenous framework that outlines our partnership
                                               our total Australian workforce. We are proud
                                                                                                       approach for working with the Indigenous community. Our
                                               that we continue to be the largest private sector
The minerals and metals produced at our                                                                philosophy is based on mutual responsibility, mutual benefit
                                               employer of Indigenous people in Australia,
operations contribute to society’s needs,                                                              and shared value.
                                               and Footy Means BusinessTM is helping us
delivering financial dividends for our
                                               along that path.                                        The investment in the Footy Means BusinessTM partnership is not
shareholders, paying wages and salaries
for our employees, and creating wealth                                                                 a charitable exercise. It is crucial that more Aboriginal and Torres
                                               We are only too aware that we need to work with
to support community infrastructure,                                                                   Strait Islander people play, coach and work in our game and this
                                               others to sustain our business success. In the
health care and education. We pioneer                                                                  programme has already produced some outstanding results for
                                               Footy Means BusinessTM programme we have an
technologies that minimise our impact                                                                  Indigenous employment at the AFL.
                                               example of what is possible when you combine
on the environment and improve                 resources and networks to achieve a common              Four players from the programme currently hold a place on AFL
safety conditions.                             goal. We have seen real progress and positive           club lists – Zeph Skinner, Isaiah Stevens, Callum Papertalk and Amos
                                               outcomes for the young men involved, as well            Frank. In addition, 12 participants are employed in AFL State
                                               as their families and communities.                      affiliate offices.
                                               I am proud of our association with                      The AFL looks forward to the Footy Means BusinessTM partnership
                                               Footy Means BusinessTM, and we’re looking               with Rio Tinto continuing to deliver positive outcomes for Indigenous
                                               forward to more and more great stories                  communities, and also creating leadership opportunities for
                                               of achievement.                                         Aboriginal people in the Australian football industry.
Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Footy Means BusinessTM                                     2012

    About the programme
    Footy Means Business , now into its third year is tracking well towards

    the employment goals that were established by Rio Tinto and the AFL.
    This programme is unique because it uses the vast networks of both
    organisations to identify young leaders.
    It gives those young leaders the chance to discover more about the
    world of jobs and education and offers new skills and contacts to help
    them reach their potential. At the end of the programme, participants
    compete for the Rio Tinto Cup at the MCG.

    Selecting the talent                               Leadership performance                                Support networks                                    Employment and education
    AFL Regional Development Officers select the       Each year the participants attend two one-week        Participants are matched with a mentor.             From the start, Rio Tinto and the AFL set an
    talent in collaboration with Rio Tinto community   residential camps, one in Sydney and one in           Mentors include former AFL players and current      ambitious goal that 100% of the participants
    engagement staff.                                  Melbourne. The programmes are run by Chris            AFL and Rio Tinto staff. Mentors participate in a   would end up in employment or further
                                                       Johnson, former Brisbane Lions Premiership            formal training session, that builds professional   education.
    They pick 50 young men, aged 18-24 for each
                                                       player, and Engagement and Talent Coordinator         capability as a competent mentor.
    programme year, based on attributes such as                                                                                                                  Now after more than two years, we are pleased
                                                       for the AFL.
    current employment status, career aspirations,                                                            Mentors work with participants to identify         to say around 80% of participants are either
    leadership and football capability.                The camps focus on what it means                      ‘stretch goals’ and participants work towards       working or studying.
                                                       to be a leader in all aspects of life. Participants    their goals between the camps.
    So far, 150 young men have started the                                                                                                                       Footy Means BusinessTM participants have gone
                                                       set goals for employment, and discuss strategies
    programme, selected from regions all over                                                                A former programme participant has been             on to full time employment and apprenticeships
                                                       for self management, strengthening identity
    Australia. We have received valuable feedback                                                            employed by Rio Tinto to stay in touch with         with Rio Tinto, full time university or course
                                                       and positive decision making.
    from past participants and used it to improve                                                            all the Footy Means BusinessTM participants         work, the AFL Rookie Draft, jobs within the AFL
    the Programme.                                     Other important aspects of the programme              over time to ensure they are made aware             and its State affiliates, and AFL SportsReady
                                                       include the chance to informally meet with            of job opportunities.                               traineeships.
                                                       football and business leaders, as well as many
                                                                                                                                                                 The Footy Means BusinessTM programme
                                                       others who are succeeding in their chosen field.
                                                                                                                                                                 offers financial support to selected participants
                                                       Participants get a chance to visit;                                                                       who want to further their career options by
                                                       – A Rio Tinto mine                                                                                        undertaking more study or training.
                                                       – Selected universities and training organisations
                                                       – Potential employers.
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Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Footy Means BusinessTM             2012

    Dreamtime at the ’G                       Leaders share
                                              their stories

    For most participants, the                                                                                                                     Favourite Indigenous player
                                                                                                                                                   Nathan Adam Goodes
    highlight of the programme is                                                                                                                  Ludwig Cyril Rioli

    playing the game they love on                                                                                                                  Greatest football memory

    the MCG. The Footy Means                                                                                                                       Nathan Playing on the MCG
                                                                                                                                                   as part of the Footy Means
    Business participants play
                 TM                                                                                                                                BusinessTM programme and
                                                                                                                                                   winning back to back U/18
    against each other – North                                                                                                                     premierships in Sydney
                                                                                                                                                   Ludwig Playing on the
    versus South – in the curtain                                                                                                                  MCG as part of Dreamtime
                                                                                                                                                   at the ‘G and AFL Indigenous
    raiser game to the Dreamtime                                                                                                                   Round celebrations

    at the ’G game. The event                 Nathan Weldon Bowen                                Ludwig Schebeck
                                                                                                                                                   Biggest football achievement
                                              Current employment: Apprentice Auto Electrician,   Current employment: Apprentice Diesel Mechanic,
    is broadcast across regional              Rio Tinto Iron Ore                                 Pacific Aluminium
                                                                                                                                                   Nathan Playing in the U/16
                                                                                                                                                   Flying Boomerangs team as a
    and remote Australia, giving the          Youngest Australian male to ever represent         Recognised as runner up, Aboriginal and Torres    14 year old
                                              Australia as a delegate at CHOGM (2011)            Strait Islander Trainee of the Year, 2011         Ludwig Being selected for
    participants’ home communities                                                                                                                 the Footy Means BusinessTM
                                              Nathan Weldon Bowen, originally from Sydney,       Originally from Nhulunbuy in the NT, Ludwig       programme.
    a chance to share the                     is now involved in apprenticeship training with    attended school at St Helena Secondary College
                                              Rio Tinto Iron Ore, based in Perth.                in Eltham Victoria, where he completed year
    excitement.                                                                                  12 in 2009.
                                              He is receiving support from Nyaarla Projects
                                              and the Indigenous Youth Mobility Programme        Returning to Nhulunbuy after school, Ludwig
                                              (IYMP) while he is in Perth. IYMP provide          completed a traineeship through Rio Tinto
                                              accommodation and other services. Once             Alcan’s Arnhem Learning Education Regional
                                              Nathan has completed his Perth based training      Training (ALERT) programme. Upon completing
                                              he will work at Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s Brockman      his traineeship Ludwig commenced a heavy
                                              2 mine on a fly-in fly-out roster.                 duty diesel mechanic apprenticeship with
                                                                                                 Group Training Northern Territory hosted by
                                              Nathan was the youngest male in Australia
                                                                                                 Pacific Aluminium Gove.
                                              to be chosen as a Commonwealth Heads of
                                              Government Meeting delegate in 2011, and
                                              provided international leaders a different
                                              perspective on many key issues facing youth
                                              around the world.
                                              He went to school at St Mary’s Cathedral
                                              College completing Year 12 in 2010, and went
                                              on to complete an electrical pre-apprenticeship
                                              course with Ausgrid at Petersham TAFE. He was
                                              a standout participant of the 2010/2011 Footy
                                              Means BusinessTM programme.

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Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Footy Means BusinessTM                                     2012

                              Leaders share
                                                                                                                                                   Brandon McRedmond
                                                                                                                                                   Current employment: AFL Victoria – AFL SportsReady Traineeship

                              their stories                                                                                                        Brandon is from Red Lion in country Victoria and completed school up to year 11 at Maryborough
                                                                                                                                                   Education Centre. After school Brandon worked in variety of different roles, including cultural
                                                                                                                                                   heritage work with Waddadwarrung Aboriginal Corporation.
                                                                                                                                                   He was originally chosen as part of the 2010/2011 Footy Means BusinessTM programme, and
                                                                                                                                                   was identified as a great role model. This led to him being chosen as part of the 2011/2012
                                                                                                                                                   programme’s leadership group.
                                                                                                                                                   In 2012 Brandon was employed by AFL Victoria undertaking an AFL SportsReady traineeship.
                                                                                                                                                   His role with the AFL Victoria includes assisting with the delivery of Auskick, KickStart, and a host
                                                                                                                                                   of other Indigenous programmes. Through his traineeship with AFL SportsReady Brandon will
                                                                                                                                                   achieve Certificates III and IV and a Diploma in Sport and Recreation. AFL SportsReady Field
                                                                                                                                                   Officers will also provide ongoing formal mentoring support for Brandon.

Favourite Indigenous player
Brandon Andrew McLeod
Amos Andrew McLeod
Callum Jeff Farmer
Jesse Andrew McLeod
Lewis Andrew McLeod

Greatest football memory
Brandon Winning 3 grand finals
in a single year
Amos Premiership for Mimili in 2007
in the Far North West Sports League
Callum Playing at home in Geraldton.
Kicked 12 goals in the Colts and 11 in       Amos Frank                                         Callum Papertalk                                   Jesse Green                                           Lewis Upton
the League on the same day, finishing        Current employment: Hawthorn Football              Current employment: West Coast Eagles Football     Current employment: AFL Queensland –                  Current Training: Australian Institute of Fitness
with 23 in total                             Club – AFL Rookie                                  Club – AFL Rookie                                  Indigenous Programmes Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Previous employment: Apprenticeship with
Jesse Playing at the MCG, I never
thought I would get the opportunity
                                             First person to be drafted by an AFL club from     Northern’s leading goal scorer                     Previous employment: Personal Trainer                 Rio Tinto Iron Ore
to do that                                   the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands
                                                                                                Callum is originally from Geraldton WA,            Jesse hails from Brisbane QLD, and went to            Lewis is originally from Dampier in the Pilbara
                                             (APY Lands)
Lewis The first goal I ever kicked in                                                           and attended Geraldton Senior High School          Runcorn State High School where he completed          region of WA, the hub of Rio Tinto’s Iron Ore
football, I was playing on a girl            Amos attended the Fregon Anangu School and         where he completed year 12. Callum held a          year 12. Jesse was the School Vice Captain,           operations. He is the son of Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s
                                             also the Wiltja School located at the Woodville    number of positions after completing school        Sports Captain and Senior Sportsman of the            longest serving Aboriginal employee. Lewis
Biggest football achievement
                                             High School campus in Adelaide. Wiltja was         including a role as an Aboriginal Education        Year in 2004. After school Jesse completed            attended school in Perth, completing year
Brandon 2 League Best and                    created to service remote communities from         Worker at Rangeway Primary School and              certificates III and VI in fitness and became         12 in 2010 at Wesley College.
Fairest awards
                                             the Aboriginal Lands’ District (ALD).              a Project Worker with Geraldton Sporting           a qualified personal trainer.
Amos Getting drafted to Hawthorn                                                                                                                                                                         Lewis was selected as a member of the
                                                                                                Aboriginal Corporation (GSAC).
in 2011                                      After finishing school Amos returned to the                                                           Through Jesse’s involvement in the Footy              2011/12 programme and starred in the game
Callum Being drafted as a rookie to          APY Lands and worked mustering camels and          Callum was selected for the 2010/11 Footy          Means BusinessTM programme as a participant           held in Sydney, being awarded the best on
the West Coast Eagles in 2011                also taught music at the local Fregon School.      Means BusinessTM programme and starred             he was able to secure employment with the AFL         ground medal for the Northern side. After an
                                                                                                in both the feature games included in the          in Queensland. He is now running many great           outstanding performance in both the AFL high
Jesse U/18 Best and Fairest and most         Amos was selected in the 2010 Footy Means
improved for Mt Gravatt in the North                                                            programme, first in Sydney and then on the         Indigenous programs in QLD, and has a very            performance testing and Sydney game, Lewis
                                             BusinessTM pilot programme and then returned
East Australian Football League                                                                 MCG in Melbourne.                                  promising career in front of him with the AFL.        was identified as having great potential and
                                             as one of the leadership group for the 2010/11
                                                                                                                                                                                                         possibly capable of playing football at an elite
Lewis Winning my first best and              programme. Amos starred in the curtain raiser      After being identified as an elite talent Callum   Jesse is also making a great contribution to the
fairest award last year and being                                                                                                                                                                        level. Lewis has since moved to Perth to pursue
                                             game during Dreamtime at the ‘G when he            moved to Perth to pursue his football dream        Footy Means BusinessTM programme by working
selected for the Footy Means                                                                                                                                                                             his football career and will play with West
                                             played against the other men in the programme      playing in the West Australian Football League     in the community to proactively identify future
BusinessTM programme.                                                                                                                                                                                    Australian Football League side Swan Districts
                                             for the Rio Tinto Cup. He caught the eye of        with East Fremantle. Callum was selected by        participants, and staying in touch with current
                                                                                                                                                                                                         in the 2012 season, and he is hoping to be
                                             AFL scouts with his use of the ball and            the West Coast Eagles in the 2011 AFL Rookie       and past participants in his role as a mentor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         selected in the AFL draft.
                                             incredible speed.                                  Draft at pick 33, a remarkable achievement.
                                                                                                                                                   Jesse was a standout participant during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Prior to moving to Perth, Lewis began an
                                             Amos was selected by the Hawthorn Football                                                            2010/11 programme, and was selected as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         apprenticeship with Rio Tinto, and he will be
                                             Club in the 2011 AFL Rookie Draft at pick 34.                                                         Captain of the Southern team, which he led
                                                                                                                                                                                                         able to return to Rio Tinto should his dream
                                             Amos is a great role model for other Indigenous                                                       to victory in the curtain raiser game
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of playing AFL football not come to fruition.
                                             young men, especially those living in remote                                                          to Dreamtime at the ‘G.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         He is completing a personal training course
                                             communities around Australia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with the Australia Institute of Fitness while
                                                                                                                                                                                                         playing football in Perth.

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Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Footy Means BusinessTM                                        2012

                              Careers, goals
                                                                                                                                                       William Farrer
                                                                                                                                                       Current employment: Clontarf Dripstone Academy, Darwin

                              and highlights                                                                                                           Originally from Kununurra, Will is now living, working and playing football in Darwin.
                                                                                                                                                       He works at the Dripstone Clontarf Academy, where he is involved with current NT Thunder
                                                                                                                                                       team mate, Iggy Vallejo.
                                                                                                                                                       Will joined NT Thunder in 2011 and went on to play a crucial part in their inaugural North East
                                                                                                                                                       Australian Football League grand final victory. He was a leading goal kicker and provided a huge
                                                                                                                                                       highlight on the day with one of the classic marks of the season.
                                                                                                                                                       Will participated in the 2010/11 Footy Means BusinessTM programme and demonstrated his capability
                                                                                                                                                       and potential in football and more importantly as a leader. He has since been invited to join
Favourite Indigenous player                                                                                                                            the programme’s leadership group.
William Buddy Franklin
Josh Chris Johnson
Kevin Sharrod Wellingham
Ben Michael Long
Keith Michael Long

Greatest football memory
William Taking a ‘screamer’
and kicking 5 goals in 2011 as
part of the NT Thunder inaugural
premiership team
Josh Playing U/13’s, kicking 2 goals
in 3 minutes to put us into the grand
final and sharing the experience with
my old man (dad)
Kevin Winning a premiership in 2009
with all of the mates I grew up with
Ben Running out and playing
on the MCG
Keith Kicking a freakish goal in a           Josh Young                                            Kevin Taylor                                        Ben Masso                                           Keith Morgan
2011 semi final to win the game,
and going on to win the grand final
                                             Completed studies: RMIT AutoCad Course                Current Studies: Medicine at the University         Current employment: Rio Tinto Dampier Salt –        Current employment: Melbourne Storm
2 weeks later                                                                                      of Western Australia                                Apprentice Diesel Mechanic                          Indigenous Programmes Coordinator – AFL
                                             Work ambition: To own and operate a business
                                                                                                                                                                                                           SportsReady Traineeship
                                                                                                   Represented Rio Tinto at the 2012 Australian High   Represented Rio Tinto at the 2012 Australian High
Biggest football achievement                 Josh is from Melbourne and went to Craigieburn
                                                                                                   Commission’s Australia Week in Papua New Guinea     Commission’s Australia Week in Papua New Guinea     Keith is originally from Bairnsdale in East
William Winning the Most                     Secondary College before completing a
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gippsland and attended Bairnsdale Secondary
Improved award for NT Thunder                Certificate III in Fire Safety. He entered the        Kevin is studying full time and was recently        Ben is originally from the remote community
                                                                                                                                                                                                           College, completing year 12 in 2011. In 2012
in 2011 and being labelled as a              programme as a qualified fire fighting sprinkler      awarded a scholarship through Rio Tinto Iron        of Weipa in the Cape York region of QLD, but
potential draft prospect                                                                                                                                                                                   Keith secured a traineeship with Melbourne
                                             fitter. Josh received funding support from            Ore following his involvement in the Footy          has recently relocated to WA after successfully
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Storm as the Indigenous Programmes
Josh Premiership with Williamstown           the Footy Means BusinessTM programme to               Means BusinessTM Programme.                         transferring his apprenticeship to Rio Tinto’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Coordinator. His position was facilitated through
Reserves. Winning the best and               complete professional development training                                                                Dampier Salt operations. Ben began his
fairest award in my first year of                                                                  He was part of the 2011/12 programme and was                                                            AFL SportReady’s Indigenous Employment
                                             at RMIT. This training will help him to achieve                                                           apprenticeship as a Diesel Mechanic at
senior football and representing                                                                   judged best on ground for the Southern team.                                                            Programme, which will see Keith receive
                                             his career aspiration, of one day owning and                                                              Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA) Weipa, and through
Williamstown in the VFL                                                                            After being identified as a leader and role model                                                       ongoing mentoring to assist him in building
                                             operating a business.                                                                                     the support of the business was able to transfer
Kevin Being judged best on ground                                                                  during the Footy Means BusinessTM programme                                                             a successful career in sport and recreation.
                                                                                                                                                       to Dampier Salt.
during the Footy Means BusinessTM            Josh was a member of the 2010/11 programme,           Kevin was selected to represent Rio Tinto at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Keith was a member of the 2010/11 programme
match played in Sydney 2011, and             and was the leading possession getter in both         2012 Australian High Commission’s Australia         Ben was selected as part of the 2011/2012
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and he was subsequently selected and recruited
the experience and knowledge I have          matches played in Melbourne at Punt Road              Week in Papua New Guinea. He played in an           programme after being recognised by
                                                                                                                                                                                                           by AFL SportsReady. He was also a leading goal
been able to gain by playing with and        and the MCG curtain raiser game. Josh’s talent        exhibition match with local players, passing on     Communities staff from RTA Weipa. Ben was
against players who went on to play                                                                                                                                                                        kicker for the Southern team during the curtain
                                             saw him play football at a State level with           his skills and knowledge of AFL.                    identified for having a solid work ethic and
AFL including Nic Naitanui, Chris                                                                                                                                                                          raiser at the ‘G.
                                             Williamstown in the VFL.                                                                                  acting as a positive role model for others in the
Masten and Rhys Palmer
                                                                                                                                                       community. He was rewarded with his selection       Keith was named Mr NAIDOC for the State
Ben Making the QLD State                                                                                                                               into the Footy Means BusinessTM programme.          of Victoria in 2011 due to his ability to act
representative team, and being                                                                                                                                                                             as a positive role model for other young
selected in an Indigenous team that                                                                                                                    Ben was also one of three young men selected
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Indigenous people.
played against South Africa                                                                                                                            to represent Rio Tinto at the 2012 Australian
Keith Winning my first best and                                                                                                                        High Commission’s Australia Week in Papua
fairest award, being selected for Footy                                                                                                                New Guinea.
Means BusinessTM and playing the
curtain raiser to Dreamtime at the ‘G.
I loved it and want to do it again!

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Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Footy Means BusinessTM                            2012

                                Footy Means Business participants
                                                                                                                                                David Groves [Barunga Community]       Rob Mosby [Melbourne]                       Mitchell Taylor [Baggot Community]
                                                                                             TM                                                 Darren Gundalmirriwuy [Milingimbi]     Tim Mosquito [Kununurra]                    Rex Taylor [Echuca]
                                                                                                                                                Dalton Gutherie [Melbourne]            Donald Mungatopi [Tiwi Islands]             Andrew Thorpe [Lakes Entrance]

                                come from all over the country                                                                                  Liam Hansen [Perth]
                                                                                                                                                Justin Hodder [Canberra]
                                                                                                                                                Peter Hood [Melbourne]
                                                                                                                                                                                       Nathan Munungmurru
                                                                                                                                                                                       [Elcho Island - Galiwinku]
                                                                                                                                                                                       Michael Munungurritj [Yirrkala]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stanley Turner-Long [Mt Liebig]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scottie Ugle [Perth]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lewis Upton [Dampier]
                                                                                                                                                Tyler Horwood [Tennant Creek]          Brandon Narkle [Perth]                      Chris Wailu [Karratha]
                                                                                                                                                Chris Hunt [Thursday Island]           Baydon Ngalkin [Hermannsburg Community]     Jye Walker [Melbourne]
                                                                                                                                                Zac Ivory [Devonport]                  Brad Palipuminni [Tiwi Islands]             Dale Wallam [Geraldton]
                                Andrew Arden [Mildura]                   Byron Cooper [Jabiru]
                                                                                                                                                Chris Jackson [Toowoomba]              Callum Papertalk [Geraldton]                Corey Wanganeen [Echuca]
                                Daniel Ariuu [Wadeye]                    Morris Coppin [Port Hedland]
                                                                                                                                                Josh Johnny [Alice Springs]            Nelson Peters [APY Lands]                   Steven Warrior [Adelaide]
                                Braeden Atkins [Jigalong]                Des Corbett [Perth]
                                                                                                                                                Cameron Josiah [Brisbane]              Rowen Pickett [Geelong]                     Nathan Weldon-Bowen [Sydney]
                                Jason Atkinson [Shepparton]              Gerry Cunningham [Tiwi Islands]
                                                                                                                                                Miles Kerindun [Weipa]                 Tristram Pigram [Broome]                    Brayden Williams [Echuca]
                                Tyrone Bean [Melbourne]                  Jerome Dhagapan [Milingimbi]
                                                                                                                                                Dylan Kerr [Melbourne]                 Levi Power [Shepparton]                     Anthony Wilson [Adelaide]
                                Grant Bell [Melbourne]                   Tyrese Dhurrkay [Elcho Island–Galiwinku]
                                                                                                                                                Eddie Kickett [Perth]                  John Purdie [Kununurra]                     Jerry Wilson [Manigrida]
                                Shannan Bendessi [Adelaide]              Shannon Dowell [Perth]
                                                                                                                                                Justin Kickett [Perth]                 B-Jay Quartermaine [Geraldton]              Shaun Wilson [Darwin]
                                Cammy Bennell [Bunbury]                  Nathan Dumoo [Wadeye]
                                                                                                                                                Isaac Kielly [Rockhampton]             William Ramsay [Warmun Community]           Henry Woods [Perth]
                                Josh Blitner [Beswick Community]         Jayden D’Vauz [Perth]
                                                                                                                                                Roy Kintilla [Tiwi Islands]            Adam Rigney [Adelaide]                      Darren Woodward [Launceston]
                                Chris Bolt [Sydney]                      Leroy Eggmolesse [Sydney]
                                                                                                                                                Jayden Kynuna [Yarrabah]               James Rivers [Kununurra]                    Jermaine Wunungmurra
                                Jamie Bolton [Gnowangerup]               William Farrer [Kununurra]
                                                                                                                                                Alex Lantjin [Wadeye]                  Kieran Roberts [APY Lands]                  [Elcho Island - Galiwinku]
                                Dwayne Bosun [Cairns]                    Jarryd Fitzgerald [Melbourne]
                                                                                                                                                Matty Lewington [Albury]               Jesse Roe [Carnarvon]                       Josh Young [Melbourne]
                                Jordan Brooking [Fitzroy Crossing]       Amos Frank [APY Lands]
                                                                                                                                                Zane Litchfield [Canberra]             Brent Rose [Broken Hill]                    Lulumu Yunipingu [Yirrkala]
                                Albert Brown [APY Lands]                 Arthur Gamarrawu [Arnhem Land]
                                                                                                                                                Owen Love [Murray Bridge]              Noelan Rosser [Cape York]
                                Anthony Burgoyne [Adelaide]              Kurtis Geary [Port Hedland]                                            Ray Love [Murray Bridge]               Matty Sailor [Heywood]
                                Jai Burns [Melbourne]                    Chris Gordon [Melbourne]                                               Jarrah Makymow [Albury]                Ludwig Schebeck [Nhulunbuy]
                                Josh Cameron [Melbourne]                 Thomas Gorey [Alice Springs]                                           Ben Masso [Weipa]                      James Sebire [Perth]
                                Nathaniel Congoo [Brisbane]              Jesse Green [Brisbane]                                                 Longy Maymuru [Yirrkala]               Zeph Skinner [Noonkanbah]
                                                                                                                                                Brad McMasters [Alice Springs]         Desmond Stacey [Jabiru]
                                                                                                                                                Brandon McRedmond [Red Lion]           Phil Starri [Adelaide]
                                                                                                                                                Wayne Miller [Ceduna]                  Isiah Stevens [Port Hedland]
                                                                             7           4                                                      Bevan Mills [Roebourne]                Kieran Stone [Adelaide]
                                                                                                       1                                        Chris Milner [Tiwi Islands]            Timmy Sumner [Adelaide]
                                                                                                                                                Keith Morgan [Bairnsdale]              Kevin Taylor [Perth]
Rio Tinto operations in Australia

                                                                                                                                                       Aluminium                              Energy                                      Iron ore
                                                                                                                                                       Rio Tinto Alcan                        Coal operating sites                        Iron Ore operating sites
                                    5               8                                                                                               1 Weipa bauxite mine and project       1 Hail Creek Mine (82%)                     1 Hlsmelt® (60%)
                                                                                                                                                    2 Yarwun alumina refinery/             2 Kestrel Mine (80%)                        2 Mesa J (53%)
                                                                                                                                                       Boyne Smelters Ltd (59%),              Kestrel Mine Extension (80%)                Mesa A (53%)
                                                3                                                                   3
                                                                                                                            2                          Queensland Alumina Ltd (80%)
                                                                                                                                        2                                                  3 Blair Athol Mine (71%)                    3 West Angelas (53%)
                            6                                                                                                                         Pacific Aluminium                       Clermont (51.1%)                            Brockman No.2 & Brockman No.4
                                                                                                                                                    3 Gove bauxite mine                                                                   Channar (60%)
                                                                                                                                                                                           4 Bengalla (32%)                               Eastern Range (54%)
                                                                                                                                                    4 Gove alumina refinery                5 Hunter Valley Operations (80%)               Hope Downs (50%)
                                                                                                                                                    5 Tomago Aluminium (52%)                  Mount Thorley (64%)                         Marandoo
                                                                                                                                                                                              Warkworth (44.64%)                          Nammuldi
                                                                                                                                                    6 Bell Bay aluminium smelter                                                          Tom Price
                                                                                                                                                                                              Projects                                    Paraburdoo
                                                                                                                                    6                  Copper and gold
                                                                                                                                4                                                          6 Mount Pleasant (76%)                         Yandicoogina
                                                                                                                                    5       5       1 Northparkes (80%)                       Uranium operating sites                     Ports
                                                                                                                                                       Diamonds                            7 Energy Resources of Australia (68%)       4 Dampier
                                                                                                                                                    1 Argyle                                                                           5 Cape Lambert
     KEY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Salt operating sites
     Mines and mining projects                                                                                                                                                                                                         6 Lake MacLeod (68%)
     Smelters, refineries, power facilities and                                                                                                                                                                                        7 Dampier (68%)
     processing plants remote from mines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       8 Port Hedland (68%)


10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Acknowledgements                                Contact                                    For information about how to
We thank the range of organisations that have   For more information about the             apply for a job at Rio Tinto go to:
provided access to expertise about jobs and     Footy Means BusinessTM programme or
education and those who have generously         employment opportunities please contact:   or call 1300 MINING
offered sporting and training facilities.                                                  1300 64 64 64 (within Australia)
                                                Rio Tinto                                  +61 2 9263 8587 (internationally)
                                                James Sebire
                                                T (08) 6213 1118

                                                Julie Warren
                                                T (03) 9643 1999

                                                                                                                                 Footy Means Business is a trade mark
                                                                                                                                 of Rio Tinto Services Limited
Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
Rio Tinto plc           Rio Tinto Limited
2 Eastbourne Terrace    120 Collins Street
London W2 6LG           Melbourne, Victoria 3000
United Kingdom          Australia

T +44 (0)20 7781 2000   T +61 (0)3 9283 3333
Development for high performers - Footy Means BusinessTM
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