Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

Page created by Salvador Hines
Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION
NISO is a not-for-profit voluntary body,
                         dedicated to the promotion of health
                                  and safety in Irish workplaces



Developing a Healthy
Workplace Framework
for Ireland
Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

                                                          President’s message
                                                          NISO Annual General Meeting        great deal of accident
    IN THIS ISSUE                                         In my presidential report at the   prevention with a fraction of
    Editorial/President’s                                 NISO Annual General Meeting        the above monies while
                                                          on 14 April 2018, I commented      government say money for
    Message ........................................2
                                                          on the great work carried out      prevention is not available due
    NISO/National News..........3-6                       by the NISO secretariat during     to budget constraints.
                                                          the year and also the                 NISO would like to see a co-
    AGM...............................................7   continuing dedication and          ordinated approach from
                                                          commitment of the executive        government to the whole area
    Quiz ...........................................8-9   and regional committee             of safety with the focus on
    Feature – Biddy O’Neill ..10-11                       members.                           prevention which would lead to
                                                             The events organised by         a major saving to the economy
    IOSH Forum..............................12            NISO include seminars,             as well as a healthier society.
                                                          workshops, annual conference,         Thirty years after the
                                                                                                                                 Harry Galvin, president,
    HSA Forum.........................13-14               safety awards etc. and have        Barrington Commission report,       National Irish Safety Organisation
                                                          seen more than 3,500               I believe it is now time for
    Legislation/Publications .......15
                                                          individuals taking part. This      another comprehensive review
    Upcoming events....................16                 clearly shows how important        of health and safety in Ireland     that participated in the 2018
                                                          our contribution to safety and     and strategic planning for how      Quiz and who made it to the All
                                                          health is seen by our members.     health and safety will be           Ireland finals in Clonmel.
                                                          We currently represent in the      implemented over the next 30
                                                          order of 600,000 employees         years. To this end I believe that   Martin O’Halloran
                                                          throughout the country, in all     the government should set up a      Martin O’Halloran will retire as
                                                          types of industry.                 working party to make               CEO of the HSA this year and I
                                                             I expressed our appreciation    recommendations on future           particularly want to pay tribute
                                                          to Insurance Ireland for their     safety regulation to include all    to him for his work. Martin has
                                                          financial support for our          priority areas for safety           been committed to improving
                                                          educational safety workshops       including fire, transport,          health and safety for decades
                                                          during this year.                  marine, public, workplace etc.      and was one of the signatories
                                                                                                                                 of the NISO Articles of
                                                          HSA Funding                        Road Safety                         Association in 1992. He is
                                                          NISO is fully supportive of the    On the subject of road safety       recognised on the NISO Roll of
                                                          work of the HSA, which is very     and the continuing issue of         Honour for his work in
                                                          wide ranging and covers all        drink driving, I welcome the        promoting health and safety. On
                                                          sectors of the workforce. We       moves by the Minister for           behalf of all of us in NISO, I
                                                          welcome the small increase in      Transport, Tourism and Sport        wish Martin a long and happy
                                                          funding to the authority during    to ban all drivers convicted of     retirement and thank him for his
    Members visit                                         2017, however, we are of the       drink driving. I would like to      support over many years. to download                                   view that more resources are       see mandatory education
                                                          required from government to        courses for all these drink         Des McNamara RIP
    previous copies of                                    assist the Authority to fulfill    drivers in addition to the          I was deeply saddened to hear
    the NISO Update!                                      their function. With the           driving ban. These courses          of the death of the NISO Mid-
                                                          workforce now at 2.1m and          cold be used to change the          Western Regional Vice
                                                          climbing, extra staff are          “mind set and culture”              Chairman, Des McNamara, in
                                                          required to continue to drive      associated with drink driving.      February. Des was a great
                                                          the continuous safety              The same could apply to those       servant to the region and was
    NISO Update! is issued                                improvement.                       drivers found to be under the       very active in the awards
    by the National Irish                                    The State Claims Agency         influence of other intoxicants      scheme. He was a true
    Safety Organisation                                   paid out €2.2b and had active      and those who face driving          gentleman and a fine footballer
    (NISO).                                               current claims of €252m at the     bans for reaching 12 penalty        for Limerick F.C. and will be
    Material printed in NISO Update!                      end of 2016. Legal fees paid       points.                             sadly missed by all who knew
    is not necessarily endorsed by the                    out to 3rd parties in 2016                                             him. May he rest in peace.
    National Irish Safety                                 amounted to €27m. In               Safety Quiz Finals
    Organisation.                                         addition to the above, in the      The 2018 All Ireland                Just a reminder that safety is
    Editorial enquiries to: The Editor,                   last six months of 2017 its own    Occupational Safety Quiz            best achieved by each and
    NISO, A11 Calmount Park,                              legal fees to outside solicitors   Finals were held on 14 April in     everyone of us acting in a safe
    Calmount Avenue, Ballymount,                          amounted to €8.3m and to           Clonmel and I congratulate the      and responsible manner by
    Dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9760                           barristers €3.8m resulting in a    Previous Entrant category           showing leadership and leading
    Fax: 01 465 9765                                      total of €12.1m in six months,     winners, Thermo King, Galway,       by example.
    Email:                                   or approximately €24m for a        and the Novice Entrant
    Design & Print: Print Bureau                          full year.                         category winners, Aughinish         Harry Galvin,
    Tel: 01 4733 567                                         The safety community, in        Alumina, Limerick.                  President, National Irish Safety                                    particular the HSA, could do a     Congratulations to all the teams    Organisation

Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

Health sector workers most likely to be off work
due to work-related illness
New research from the ESRI and the             (351) and was lowest in
Health and Safety Authority launched           construction (313).
in April 2018 by Minister Pat Breen          • Night workers, shift workers and
looks at work-related injuries and             new recruits had a higher risk of
illness in five sectors with persistently      injury. Except construction, in all
high risks: health, construction,              sectors examined, night workers and
transport and storage, industry                shift workers had a higher risk of
(manufacturing and utilities), and             injury compared to workers not
agriculture, forestry and fishing. These       working these hours. In all five         This report is part of a series of five
five sectors account for 41 per cent of        sectors, new recruits were more likely   new reports:
employment and 56 per cent of work-            to experience an injury compared to      • Analysis of Work-Related Injury
related injury in 2014. The research           those with longer tenures, on a full-       and Illness 2001 to 2014
tracks experiences over the period             year equivalence basis.                  • Analysis of Work-Related Injury
2001 to 2014 using nationally                • Longer working weeks are                    and Illness 2001 to 2014
representative surveys of the                  associated with injury. Construction        Construction Sector
workforce collected by the CSO.                sector workers working between 40        • Analysis of Work-Related Injury
   Key findings from this research:            and 49 hours a week faced a greater         and Illness 2001 to 2014 Health
• Injury rates in the agriculture,             likelihood of injury per hour worked,       Sector
    construction and industry sectors          after adjusting for worker and job       • Analysis of Work-Related Injury
    fell during the recession (2008-           characteristics.                            and Illness 2001 to 2014 Transport
    2011) compared to the boom               • Part-time workers are also at               and Storage
    (2001-2007).                               higher risk of injury. In the            • Analysis of Work-Related Injury
• The rate of fatalities is highest in         agriculture sector, while those             and Illness 2001 to 2014
    the agriculture, forestry and              working long hours had the highest          Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
    fishing sector. The number of              risks of injury overall, part-time          Sector
    fatalities increased from 129 in the       workers were found to face a             The reports are available on and
    2001-2007 period to 151 in the             greater risk of work-related illness
    2008-2014 period.                          per hour worked. This part-time
• The health sector had the highest            effect was also found in the
    total number of days lost due to           transport sector.
    work-related injury. The highest
    number of total days lost due to
    work-related injury in the 2008–
    2014 period occurred in the health
    sector (92,000 days per year)
    followed by the transport sector
    (82,000 days per year).
• The transport sector had the
    highest number of days lost per
    worker due to work-related injury.
    Adjusting for the numbers employed
    in each sector we find that in the
    2008-14 period, the highest annual                                                            ecto
                                                                                          s t ry S ector
    average number of days lost to injury                                            Ind torage S
    per 1,000 workers occurred in the                                              and S
                                                                                  t ure, Forestry & Fis
                                                                               orult                     hing
    transport sector (766) followed by                                                               is o
    construction (532), agriculture (413),                                                       Ana la          tedof
    health (329) and industry (282). The                                                          o rk aH
                                                                                                    A n-
                                                                                               W rk-Irle     l na
                                                                                                                lalth   of
                                                                                                       d alysis
                                                                                                    onAn               4
    figure for all other sectors was 216                                                        W  a
                                                                                               ry nd        orel
                                                                                                           tIl   2e S
                                                                                                                ln 0 1
                                                                                                                     s s , ecto
                                                                                          Inju  r yWa 0
                                                                                                      or1 k-       at  ed4
    days per 1000 workers.                                                                 Inju 20 An     1 t o   2 0 1
                                                                                                       0        al ys    s,
• The health sector had the highest                                                         Injur2y0and Illnes         is of
                                                                                                     Work-    tore20 la14ted
    number of days lost per worker                                                            Injury anA     dnIll ane
                                                                                                       Work               is ,of
    due to work-related illness. In this                                                       Inju20     01 to   -r20
                                                                                                      ry an                ted
    sector, 524 days were lost per 1,000                                                                        d Il
                                                                                                      2 0 0 1 l n es s ,
    workers. This was followed by                                                                                to 20
    transport (507), agriculture,
    forestry and fishing (358), industry

                                                                                                N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018                3
Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

NISO Welcomes New Members
National Irish Safety Organisation would like
to welcome all of the organisations that have             Established in 1983, we at Cumnor
joined recently. As a not for profit organisation         Construction Ltd have built our
with charitable status, your membership of                reputation for quality on personal
NISO supports our endeavours to promote                   service and attention to detail.
health and safety in Irish workplaces.                    General Contracting is our core       Building sectors. Our Civil
                                                          activity. We are successful across    Engineering Division provides a wide
Contact NISO on 01 465 9760, email                        the Commercial, Industrial,           range of specialist services: - or visit for further                 Educational, Healthcare and General   Shotcreting, Guniting, Pressure
information on NISO membership and to                                                           Grouting, Pressure Pointing, Rock
receive a copy of our Membership Brochure.                                                      Anchoring, Rock Bolting, Soil
                                                                                                Nailing, Piling, Subsidence Repair
New Members                                                                                     and Heritage and Conservations
Organisations to recently join NISO include:                                                    works.

• Abbvie Ireland NI B.V.                                                            Tel: 0214381104
                                                                     Email: Website:
• Blizzard Entertainment
• Blue Moon Investments Ltd. T/A Ardross
  Construction Solution
• Cumnor Construction Ltd.
• Gravity Construction Ltd.
• Hurson Engineering
• JMH Services
• The HR Brief Limited
• V-Plant Construction

Review of Codes of Practice
on Bullying in the Workplace announced
Mr. Pat Breen, T.D., Minister of State     in this area that has brought these            Commission.
for Trade, Employment, Business, EU        issues to the fore. He said “It is               Revision of this Code came about as a
Digital Single Market and Data             crucial that best practice in relation to      result of a recommendation from an
Protection has announced that he has       bullying in the workplace is adhered to        Inter departmental Group established in
asked the Workplace Relations              and regularly revisited and I want to          2016 to consider policy around
Commission (WRC) and the Health and        take whatever steps I can in this              retirement age in both the public and
Safety Authority (HSA) to undertake a      important area insofar as the bodies           private sectors. The Minister said “At a
review of their Codes of Practice on       for which I have policy responsibility         time when issues around retirement age
Bullying in the Workplace. The WRC         are concerned”.                                in both the public and private sector are
Code dates from 2002 and the HSA             The announcement of the review of            very topical, it is very timely to
Code has been in place since 2007.         the Code on Bullying follows the recent        introduce a new Code of Practice to act
  The Minister said “It is timely to       enactment by the Minister of a new             as a guide to employers and employees”.
have a review carried out and I have       Code of Practice on Longer Working               The Order giving effect to this Code
asked the WRC and the HSA to work          Hours. This Code facilitated by the            of Practice came into effect on 20
together to examine the possibility of     WRC, was developed in consultation             December 2017 and is accessible on
developing a single Code of Practice       with the social partners Ibec and ICTU         the Department of Business,
for Bullying in the Workplace”.            as well as the Department of Public            Enterprise and Innovation website at
  The Minister’s initiative comes          Expenditure and Reform and the       
about as a result of evolving case law     Human Rights and Equality                      No-600-of-2017.html.

Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

HSA Programme of Work 2018
This programme of work, the third
prepared under the Health and Safety
Authority’s Strategy 2016-2018, has
been developed to contribute to their
long-term vision of health, safe and
productive lives.
  The HSA’s strategy for the period
from 2016 to 2018 sets out five
strategic priorities. The programme of
work from 2018 aims to deliver on
these priorities.
1 Health: Increase the focus on work-
  related health risks.
2 Safety: Maintain and develop the
  advances achieved in the
  management of work-related safety
3 Chemicals: Focus on the risks to
  human safety and health arising
  from chemicals used at work and by
  the general public.
4 Accreditation: Provide an
  impartial, internationally
  recognised accreditation service,
  responsive to market demands
  through the Irish National
  Accreditation Board.
5 How we work: Continue to change
  and transform the way we work.

Key information:
• The construction sector will receive        will raise awareness of vehicle         of the sector, have the right to a safe
   the highest number of inspections          safety through joint initiatives with   and healthy workplace. This can be
   with 4,000 planned.                        the Road Safety Authority (RSA)         achieved by making sure that day-to-
• There will be 2,000 inspections             and An Garda Síochána.                  day knowledge of safety is high,
   carried out in the agriculture sector   The HSA chemicals safety programme         particularly in the agriculture sector
   and the HSA will participate in 50      will focus on workers and consumers:       where we have seen unacceptable levels
   “Farm Knowledge Transfer                • The REACH deadline, for                  of death and injury. The HSA
   Groups”.                                   registration of chemicals above one     approach of combining inspections
• 1,285 inspections and audits are            tonne, is on 31 May. The HSA will       and enforcement with prevention and
   planned under the chemicals                be providing advice and support to      awareness-raising measures is one I
   legislation programme.                     Irish SME registrants to help them      fully support.”
In conjunction with inspection and            meet this deadline.                       Martin O’Halloran, Chief
enforcement, a number of                   • There will also be an emphasis on        Executive, HSA said: “Our remit is
occupational safety and health                ensuring consumer products              broad and covers all work activity. The
initiatives will be adopted:                  comply with EU chemicals safety         very nature of work is evolving and
• Work-related stress will continue to        regulations. Any products that are      new types of jobs are constantly being
   be addressed through the                   found to have the potential to cause    created so we must recognise current
   promotion of the online tool               harm will be removed from the           hazards and anticipate the ones that                           market.                                 will emerge. We see our overall role as
• In the healthcare sector there will      Minister of State for Trade,               protecting the workforce while at the
   be a focus on manual and patient        Employment, Business, EU Digital           same time supporting business and
   handling.                               Single Market and Data Protection,         enterprise.”
• Accidents involving vehicles are         Pat Breen TD, said: “The work of the         The “HSA Programme of Work for
   consistently the most common            HSA is vital to a workforce that is        2018” is available to download from
   cause of fatal injury in all            increasing in size and approaching full
   workplaces. This year the Authority     employment. All workers, regardless

                                                                                            N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018       5
Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

 Public Consultation
 HSA’s Statement of Strategy 2019-2021
 The Health and Safety Authority is         2018). The statement will further                      How to respond to this consultation
 preparing a strategy statement for the     specify the manner in which the                        The Health and Safety Authority
 three year period 2019-2021, under         Authority proposes to assess its                       invites interested persons or
 Section 43 of the Safety, Health and       performance in respect of the goals it                 organisations to make written
 Welfare at Work Act 2005. While the        sets. This strategy statement will                     observations on the draft strategy
 strategy specifically focuses on the       continue many important programmes                     statement for 2019-2021.
 period 2019 to 2021 the vision,            and initiatives by the authority started               In setting out its strategy statement,
 mission and values have relevance for a    under earlier strategy statements.                     the Authority has already consulted
 longer time horizon out to 2025.             Feedback on the draft statement                      widely with external industry groups,
   The Authority has opened a public        should be emailed to                   representative bodies, other
 consultation process and interested        not later than Tuesday 8th May 2018.                   stakeholders and staff.
 parties are asked to make written            The draft Strategy Statement can be
 observations on the draft Statement.       downloaded at                                          Suggested areas for feedback:
 The final document will be presented
 to Pat Breen TD Minister of State for                                                             1. Clarity: Is the document clear on
 Trade, Employment, Business, EU                                                                      the priorities and goals that the
 Digital Single Market and Data                                                                       Authority has set?
                                                       Health and Safety Authority
 Protection.                                      Draft Strategy statement (2019-2021)             2. Focus: Are the priorities and goals
   The draft strategy is presented in a                                                               identified by the Authority
 short bullet point format as a                                                                       appropriate for the next three years?
 powerpoint presentation containing
                                                                                                   3. Amendments: Are there any
 the key elements. The final stategy
                                                                                                      amendments you wish to propose?
 statement will be presented in a word
 format and will include additional                                                                4. Additional Observations: have you
 contextual information and a review            Public Consultation period:09 April –08 May 2018
                                                                                                      any further observations or
 of the outcomes and effectiveness of                                                                 suggestions?
 the current strategy period (2016-

 Workers' Memorial Day 2018
 – Saturday, 28 April
 For everyone with an interest in the       there are a range of initiatives that
 safety, health and welfare of people at    your organisation should consider
 work, April 28th is the date every year    including:
 when trade union and employer              • Get involved by using the national
 groups worldwide, as well as                  Workers’ Memorial Day Ireland
 individual organisations, remember            logo on your website, social media
 those who have been killed or injured         presence, presentations, email
 in work-related accidents.                    signatures, displays and in offices
   In Ireland the figures are staggering.      and workplaces
 In the 10 year period between 2008         • In-house training sessions or a
 and 2017, 501 people were killed in           toolbox talk
 work-related accidents and thousands       • Website/Social Media/Newsletter                      opportunity to remember and to
 more badly injured. Last year alone 46        content                                             consolidate everyone’s focus around a
 people were killed. These are shocking     • Guest speaker presentation to your                   single day. Please mark the date in
 statistics by any standards.                  staff                                               your calendar and make the
   Colleagues from Congress, Ibec, the      • Press release to your local/national                 commitment to contribute to this most
 Health and Safety Authority and               media marking your event / the day                  important challenge.
 Construction Industry Federation will      Worker safety and health is everyone’s                   For further information contact
 come together to mark the occasion         business and can only be tackled                       Gavin Lonergan, Head of
 with a programme of joint awareness        through a collaborative approach.                      Communications at the HSA at
 raising initiatives. To mark the day       April 28th presents an important              or (01) 799 7838.

Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

NISO held its 2018 AGM in the Clonmel Park Hotel,
Clonmel, Co. Tipperary on 14 April 2018.

                                                                                                                            The NISO Executive
                                                                                                                            Committee 2018/19:
                                                                                                                            • Harry Galvin
                                                                                                                              (president), East Region
                                                                                                                            • Michael O’Neill (vice
                                                                                                                              president), South
                                                                                                                            • Fergal McKevitt
                                                                                                                              (secretary), North East
                                                                                                                            • Des Brandon
                                                                                                                              (treasurer), Members’
                                                                                                                            • David Connolly,
                                                                                                                            • Pauric Corrigan,
The NISO 2018 AGM: (l to r) Des Brandon, treasurer; Harry Galvin, president; Fergal McKevitt, secretary; Michael O'Neill,     West Region
vice president.
                                                                                                                            • Pat Donnelly,
                                                                                                                              North East Region
President’s Report                       of his retirement later this               Whitegate Refinery, was
Harry Galvin, President,                 year, Mr Galvin noted Mr                   won by Jones Engineering                • John Flanagan,
National Irish Safety                    O’Halloran’s contribution                  Group.                                    Midland Region
Organisation opened the                  to health and safety and                     Special thanks was given              • Catherine Hession,
2018 National AGM by                     mentioned that he is                       to the regional committees                Members’
reporting that NISO had                  recognised on the NISO                     and all the NISO volunteers               Representative
had a very good year and is              Roll of Honour for his                     nationwide who freely give
                                                                                                                            • Michael Horan,
in a very stable financial               work.                                      of their time and expertise
                                                                                                                              Insurance Ireland,
position, thanks to the hard               Mr Galvin spoke about                    in promoting health and
work of the NISO                         some of NISO’s                             safety awareness and NISO.
employees and the                        achievements and events                      Mr Galvin expressed                   • John McCarthy, ICTU
commitment of the                        throughout the year                        NISO’s sadness at the death               Representative
executive and regional                   including the NISO                         of Des McNamara, the                    • Anne Murphy, Ibec,
committees.                              Certificate in Safety, Health              NISO mid west region vice                 Representative
  Mr Galvin acknowledged                 and Welfare at Work course                 chairperson, noting his
                                                                                                                            • Edel Niland, Members’
the continuing cooperation               which is now taking place in               contribution to NISO over
with IOSH and the                        four regions twice a year                  his many years of
Department of Business,                  and will run in 2 two                      involvement with the                    • Lillian O’Neill, HSA
Enterprise and Innovation                further regions from                       organisation.                             Representative
and also noted the                       September 2018; the                          In conclusion, Mr. Galvin             • John O’Reilly,
continued support from                   Midland Region’s Young                     called on all members to                  East Region
Ibec, ICTU, Insurance                    Person’s Occupational                      renew their efforts in the
                                                                                                                            • Sean O’Shaughnessy,
Ireland and the HSA. He                  Safety Quiz, under the                     promotion of safety and
                                                                                                                              South Region
thanked Insurance Ireland                guidance of John Flanagan                  health awareness and
for their financial support              and with the support of                    education by leading by                 • John Quinn,
with educational workshops               Chris McCormack; and the                   example and by calling on                 North West Region
which took place during the              26th Annual All Ireland                    the politicians of all parties          • Michael Ryan,
year.                                    Safety Awards, hosted by                   to commit themselves to the               South East Region
  Paying tribute to Martin               the western region, in which               same objectives.
                                         the Supreme Safety Award,                                                          • Philip Thornton,
O’Halloran, CEO, Health
                                         sponsored by Irving Oil                                                              Mid West Region
and Safety Authority, ahead

                                                                                                                        N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018        7
Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

  Galway and Limerick teams scoop the honours
  at the 45th All Ireland Safety Quiz Final
  At the All Ireland Safety Quiz Finals held in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary on Saturday
  14 April 2018, Thermo King, Galway and Aughinish Alumina, Limerick, were the
  overall winners in the Previous Entrants and Novice Categories respectively.
  At the All Ireland Safety
  Quiz Finals held in Clonmel,
  Co. Tipperary on Saturday
  14 April 2018, Thermo King,
  Galway and Aughinish
  Alumina, Limerick, were the
  overall winners in the
  Previous Entrants and
  Novice Categories
     The All Ireland
  Occupational Safety Quiz
  Finals are run jointly by the
  National Irish Safety
  Organisation (NISO) and
  the Northern Ireland Safety
  Group (NISG). A total of 16
  teams competed from all
  parts of the island of
     There was a great turnout
  at the event, held at the
                                  Thermo King, Galway, Previous Entrant category winners
  Clonmel Park Hotel,
  Clonmel, Co. Tipperary,
  with great support for the      finishing 6 points ahead of             of crystal to acknowledge his   organisations’ managers for
  participating teams from        runners up BioMarin                     outstanding contribution to     the support and
  their co-workers.               International Ltd., Cork.               health and safety on the year   encouragement shown to
     In the Previous Entrants     Ulster University finished in           of his impending retirement     their teams.
  final, it was Thermo King,      third place with a final score          from the HSA.                   John Thompson,
  Galway, with 110 points [out    of 83 points. The other six               Mr. Galvin commended all      chairperson, Northern
  of a maximum of 128             teams in this category also             the quiz teams, noting that     Ireland Safety Group,
  marks] who topped the           performed strongly.                     each and every participant      congratulated the
  category, ahead of runners-        Martin O’Halloran, chief             should be proud of their        participants and commended
  up, Abbott Ireland              executive, Health and Safety            efforts to improve              all the work put in by the
  Diagnostics Division, Sligo,    Authority (HSA), presented              occupational health and         teams for the All Ireland
  who finished a close second     the awards and trophies at a            safety. Mr Galvin also          Safety Quiz finals.
  place with 109 points.          special prize-giving dinner             thanked the participating
  Following very close behind     that evening and
  in joint third place, with a    congratulated all
  total of 108 points each,       participating teams. Mr
  Abbott Ireland Nutritional      O’Halloran acknowledged
  Division, Cootehill, Co.        the time and commitment
  Cavan and BioMarin              each team and participating
  International Ltd., Co. Cork.   organisation gave to the quiz
  The other three teams in this   and their contribution to
  category performed strongly.    creating health and safety
     In the Novice Category       awareness in their
  finals Aughinish Alumina,       workplace. Harry Galvin,
  Limerick, scored a total of     NISO president, presented
  91 points [out of a             Mr. O’Halloran with a
  maximum of 96 points]           specially commissioned piece

Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

                                                                          Previous Entrants Category
                                                                          1st Place: Thermo King, Galway
                                                                          (representing the Western Region*)
                                                                          2nd Place: Abbott Ireland
                                                                          Diagnostics Division Sligo
                                                                          (representing the North West
                                                                          3rd Place: Abbott Ireland,
                                                                          Nutritional Division, Cootehill, Co.
                                                                          Cavan (representing the North East
                                                                          Region*) and BioMarin International
                                                                          Ltd. (representing the South Region*)

                                                                          Novice Category Winners
                                                                          1st Place: Aughinish Alumina
                                                                          (representing the Mid West Region*)
Abbott Diagnostics Division Sligo, Previous Entrant category runners up
                                                                          2nd Place: BioMarin International
                                                                          Ltd. (representing the South Region*)
                                                                          3rd Place: Ulster University
                                                                          (representing Northern Ireland*)

                                                                          Other Finalists
                                                                          [in alphabetical order]:
                                                                          Abbott Ireland, Nutritional Division,
                                                                          Cootehill, Co. Cavan (representing
                                                                          the North East Region*) Novice
                                                                          Abbvie Ballytivnan (representing the
                                                                          North West Region*) Novice
                                                                          AIB (representing the East Region*)
                                                                          Previous Entrant Category
                                                                          Glan Agua / Meic (representing the
                                                                          Western Region*) Novice Category
Aughinish Alumina, Limerick, Novice Category winners                      H&MV Engineering Ltd.
                                                                          (representing the Mid West Region*)
                                                                          Previous Entrant Category
                                                                          Hyster Yale (representing Northern
                                                                          Ireland*) Previous Entrant Category
                                                                          Inbetweeners (representing the
                                                                          South East Region*) Novice Category
                                                                          Leo Lynch (representing the East
                                                                          Region*) Novice Category
                                                                          Rosderra Irish Meats Group
                                                                          (representing the Midland Region*)
                                                                          Novice Category
                                                                          Rosderra Irish Meats Group
                                                                          (representing the Midland Region*)
                                                                          Previous Entrant Category

                                                                          *East (Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow); Midlands (Laois,
                                                                          Offaly, Longford, Westmeath); Mid West (Limerick,
                                                                          Clare, Tipperary North); North East (Cavan, Louth,
                                                                          Meath, Monaghan); North West (Donegal, Leitrim,
                                                                          Sligo); South (Cork, Kerry); South East (Carlow,
                                                                          Kilkenny, Tipperary South, Waterford, Wexford);
BioMarin International Ltd., Cork, Novice Category runners up             West (Galway, Mayo, Roscommon)

                                                                              N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018 9
Developing a Healthy Workplace Framework for Ireland - IN THIS EDITION

Developing a Healthy Workplace
Framework for Ireland
Context                       implementation of Healthy     Ms Biddy O Neill
It is widely acknowledged     Ireland. It recognises that
at international level that   workplaces have the           Department of Health
the workplace is an ideal     potential to impact on the
setting to promote            lives of a significant        Biddy is National Project
employee health and           proportion of the             Lead in the Health and
wellbeing. The Healthy        population and currently      Wellbeing       Programme
Workplace provide multiple    there are over 2m in          Department of Health. She
benefits to employees and     employment in Ireland.        is   leading      on     the
employers as well as          Given the dimension and       development of the National Healthy Workplace
broader social and            complexity of workplace       Framework in partnership with the Department of
economic gains The World      health, a multi-agency and    Business, Enterprise and Innovation under the auspices
Health Organisation           multi-disciplinary approach   of Healthy Ireland.
defines a Healthy             is required together with
Workplace as                  coordinated action by         Biddy has worked in Health Promotion for over twenty
                              different parts of            years at both strategic and operational levels within the
“one in which workers         government and society.       Health Service and the Department of Health. She has
and managers                  The development of this       extensive experience in partnership working, policy and
                              framework is overseen by      programme development and implementation. She is
collaborate to use a
                              the Department of Health      a keen advocate for personal development including
continual improvement         and the Department of         reflective practice and believes that facilitative
process to protect and        Business, Enterprise and      leadership is key to changing workplace culture to
promote health, safety        Innovation. It is important   promote health and wellbeing.
                              to recognise that many
and wellbeing of all          workplaces in Ireland have    She was appointed as an Assistant National Director in
workers”                      already embraced the health   the Health and Wellbeing Division Health Service
                              and wellbeing agenda          Executive in 2013 and seconded to the Department of
           – WHO 2010                                       Health in 2015.
                              however the development of
The development of the        this new framework creates    She has a background in Nursing and Addiction
National Healthy              an opportunity to ensure it   Counselling and holds a Higher Diploma in Adult
Workplace Framework is a      becomes embedded in the       Education and MA in Health Promotion.
priority in the               culture of all workplaces.


Key Developments to date         Framework is intended to      supported by an                   years and it is anticipated
Policy development needs to      be a practical resource,      accreditation process which       that the Healthy Workplace
be underpinned by robust         providing flexible guidance   will provide recognition to       Framework will be
evidence and public              that can be adapted to any    workplaces for good               completed and launched in
engagement and these were        workplace setting to help     practice and achievement of       2018. This will provide clear
key priorities in the first      create and sustain healthy    recognised standards.             strategic direction up until
phase of this project. The       workplaces. This will be                                        2025 however cross-sectoral
consultation process             supported by the              Conclusion                        partnership and working
included four regional           development of on line        We have made significant          with key stakeholders will
workshops and an online          resources and tools and       progress over the last two        be key to implementation.
questionnaire. It sought the
views on strategic issues
including aims and

objectives as well as
priorities for
                                                  I H SAFETY      ORGANISATION
implementation. There was
                                       NATIONAL IRIS

positive engagement from
the key stakeholders which
included Health and Safety,
Occupational Health,
Health and Wellbeing and
Human Resources. Overall
support for the framework
is very positive with culture
change identified as one of
the key challenges. One
aspect of the literature
review focused on
effectiveness and cost
effectiveness of workplace
wellbeing programmes. It
identifies the programmes
that have a positive effect on
work health behaviours and
health outcomes and on
performance. The reports
from the consultation and
the research will now
inform the framework
which is currently being
                                                               E A R T O F T HE  M A TTER
                                         SAFET’SYS :PRTEHMEIERHHEALTH AND SAFETY EVENT
   In order to build capacity
for wellbeing in the
workplace a Post Graduate
                                                                    E A T S O U TH ER N HOTEL,
                                          OCTOBER 12TH .GKRERRY
Certificate on Workplace
Wellness was developed by

                                          KILLARNEY, CO
the National University of
Ireland, Galway. To support
the development of the

                                                                                       12 OFERCENTCOE.E B..AAEWRARD2SS.0.. 18
course seed funding was
provided by both

Departments and the course
has attracted interest from                                                            CON               WORKING...
both public and private                                                                EXHIBITION....NNET INMEN
                                                                                                             E T
sectors. It is a part-time
                                             AVAILLABLE                                                                NISO.IE
course delivered over one
academic year and 35
participants were allocated
places for 2017/2018.
   The Healthy Workplace

                                                                                            N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018 11

Emphasising the “health”
in occupational safety and health
Underlining its commitment to occupational health, the Institution of Occupational Safety
and Health (IOSH) will be this year’s diamond sponsor of the 32nd International Congress
on Occupational Health, ICOH 2018, to be held in Dublin from Sunday 29 April to 4 May.

The triennial event is one of   organisations wanting to        solar radiation and              panel includes: Judith
the world’s largest             improve their reputation,       respirable crystalline silica.   Grant, Associate Director
international gatherings in     resilience and productivity.    On 9 April it launched the       of Health and Wellbeing at
the field of occupational          “In taking an all-           asbestos phase. The              Mace Group; Dr Margot
health and safety, drawing      encompassing approach to        campaign is supported by         Joosen, health scientist and
experts from around the         health and wellbeing,           over 250 organisations           senior researcher at Tilburg
world to share their            organisations have              including the Scottish           University, The
experiences and knowledge.      identified that greater         Government, Macmillan            Netherlands; Norito
This year’s theme is            collaboration is now            Cancer Support, Jaguar           Kawakami, Professor of
“Occupational Health and        required between a range of     Land Rover, HSE, New             Mental Health, The
Wellbeing: linking research     disciplines, including health   Zealand Occupational             University of Tokyo/Tokyo;
to practice”.                   and safety, human resources     Hygiene Society and the          and Dr Rob Hampton,
   Ireland Branch chair Liam    and occupational health.        Cancer Council Western           general practice doctor.
Howe said: “We are                 “ICOH 2018 is a great        Australia, and has recently        Delegates at the
honoured to have the            opportunity for us to           been nominated for a             conference will also have
International Congress on       demonstrate how we and          prestigious public relations     the opportunity to preview
Occupational Health in          our members can help these      award.                           a new course IOSH will
Ireland. [This] may be a        organisations to achieve                                         launch later in the summer.
once in a generation            their aims. And it is also a    Addressing Mental Health           To find out more, visit
opportunity for safety          good opportunity to build       Issues in the Workplace          IOSH on stand No 1 of the
practitioners here.”            new collaborations across       On Monday 30 April, IOSH         ICOH 2018 exhibition, at
   Yvette Moffatt, chair of     disciplines.”                   will run a session on mental     The Convention Centre,
IOSH’s Ireland East branch         ICOH 2018 will run for       health in the workplace.         Dublin.
said: “Occupational Health      five days and includes 10         IOSH will lead a panel           Tickets for the conference
is an integral part of Health   plenary presentations, 32       discussion focusing on           are still available at
and Safety and with the         semi-plenary sessions and       raising awareness, reducing,
impressive line-up of           176 special and oral            stigmatisation, improving        including a group booking
presentations at this           sessions. IOSH will be part     collaboration between            discount. Delegates
conference, I am sure           of the global forum             professionals and                travelling to Ireland are
everyone attending will         discussion on occupational      implementing programmes          reminded to ensure they
benefit significantly.          cancers and will also run       for rehabilitation. The          have the correct visas.
   “With a greater emphasis     sessions on its award-
on health promotion in the      nominated No Time to
workplace today, this           Lose occupational
conference couldn't have        carcinogens campaign, and
come to Ireland at a better     on mental health.
   Looking after workers’       Global Forum and the No
health and wellbeing has        Time to Lose campaign
become a top priority for       IOSH’s No Time to Lose
employers. It’s not just the    (NTTL) campaign will
right thing to do it also       form a central part of the
makes good business sense,      global forum discussion, on
as evidenced in IOSH’s          Tuesday 1 May, and in
recent publication, “The        IOSH’s NTTL conference
Healthy Profit” .               special session.
   Dr Bill Gunnyeon CBE,          Launched in 2014, the
IOSH Chair of Board of          NTTL campaign focuses on
Trustees, said: “Health and     raising awareness of causes
wellbeing has become a          of occupational cancers. It
strategic consideration for     has covered diesel fumes,


Healthy Workplaces
Manage Dangerous Substances
Gavin Lonergan, Head of Communications with the Health and
Safety Authority, writes about the new EU-OSHA “Healthy
Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances”
Campaign and the 2018 Good Practice
                                                                                                   Gavin Lonergan, Head of Communications,
Awards.                                                                                            Health and Safety Authority

Dangerous substances have         • Promote risk assessment,       organise training on safety        Health at Work (w/b
been on the OSH policy              elimination and                and health issues. When a          October 22nd)
agenda across the EU and in         substitution, as well as the   workplace has established a
Member States for decades.          hierarchy of prevention        prevention culture, the         European Good Practice
Although some substances            measures                       management of dangerous         Awards
have been banned, restricted      • Raise awareness of the         substances is integrated into   As part of the campaign, the
or subject to strict regulatory     risks linked to exposure to    systematic, sound and           European Agency for Safety
control, dangerous                  carcinogens at work            participative OSH               and Health at Work makes
substances continue to be a       • Target groups of workers       management.                     Good Practice Awards to
major safety and health risk        with specific needs and                                        businesses and organisations
in many workplaces.                 increased levels of risk       Get Involved                    that devise innovative,
                                                                   There are a number of ways      practical solutions to
Healthy Workplaces                  The effective management       to get involved and support     workplace safety and health
Manage Dangerous                  of work related exposure to      this campaign:                  problems. The Good Practice
Substances                        dangerous substances is only     • Raise awareness by            Awards is one of the main
Organised centrally by the        possible if everyone in the         disseminating and            elements of the Healthy
European Agency for Safety        workplace is well informed          publicising the campaign     Workplaces Campaign and
and Health at Work (EU-           about the risks and the             materials within your own    this year is designed to
OSHA) and coordinated in          measures that can be taken          workplace                    highlight the best examples
Ireland by the Health and         to prevent them. A major         • Organise events and           of effective OSH
Safety Authority, the 2018/19     success factor in preventing        activities, for example      management in the handling
“Healthy Workplaces               accidents and ill health is         workshops and training       and use of dangerous
Manage Dangerous                  creating a culture of risk          courses                      substances.
Substances” campaign aims         prevention, where everyone       • Promote the substitution        The awards help to
to raise awareness of the         understands that safety and         principle and the            demonstrate the benefits of
risks posed by dangerous          health is important to the          hierarchy of prevention      good safety and health in the
substances in the workplace       organisation as a whole.            measures                     workplace and serve as a
and to promote a culture of         This means that employers      • Share good practices for      platform for sharing and
risk prevention. The              need to take steps to actively      the prevention of risks      promoting good practices
campaign has a number of          involve workers in OSH              posed by dangerous           across Europe. EU-OSHA is
objectives including:             management processes.               substances in the            looking for examples that
                                  Employers are required by           workplace                    demonstrate a holistic
• Increase understanding of       legislation to involve workers   • Take part in the Good         approach to occupational
  the importance and              in the risk assessment              Practice Awards (see         safety and health
  relevance of managing           process, provide them with          details below)               management and real
  dangerous substances at         information on what they         • Get involved in European      improvements in the use and
  work                            may be exposed to and               Week for Safety and          handling of dangerous

                                                                                               N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018 13

There are some jobs that
involve specific tasks
requiring extended reaches
or overhead work that are
difficult activities to sustain.
By using ergonomic
principles to design these
tasks more people should be
able to perform the job
without the risk of injury.
   Ergonomics is the science
of fitting the job to the
human in order to improve
human performance,
comfort and health.
Ergonomics recognises that
good workplace design will
take account of the
capabilities of the people
that do the work. An               50% of all occupational         knowledge and                      control measures or
ergonomic improvement in           illnesses. The increased        understanding of ergonomic         solutions in place
a workplace setting removes        prevalence of occupational      risks and methods of             • Ability to influence
risk factors that lead to          illnesses led the HSA to        quantifying and controlling        management
musculoskeletal injury and         develop a three year            them through the use of the
allows for improved human          strategy which included a       HSE Mac Tool.                    This approach allows those
performance and                    focus on health risks in the    The Authority continues to       who are managing health
productivity.                      workplace with the              develop sector specific          issues at work to develop
   The health of workers is        following objectives:           guidance on managing             skills in good
not always taken into              • Increase the knowledge        ergonomics risks, available      communication, problem
account in the design or               and understanding of        to download for free at          solving, critical thinking
planning of work activities.           occupational health and The                  and creative thinking. In
The evidence suggests that             welfare risks               cornerstone of all these         2016 the Authority
there is still a high              • Raise awareness of the        interventions is the need for    published a document titled
prevalence of                          value of controlling        effective management of          “Ergonomics Good Practice
musculoskeletal injury and             occupational health         ergonomic risk. Effective        in the Irish Workplace”
ill health in the Irish                risks and promoting         management of ergonomics         which illustrates examples
workplace. According to                positive health and         risk is essential to address     of innovative engineering
Central Statistics Office              well-being                  the high rate of                 solutions developed by
figures, there are 2 million       • Ensure legal compliance       musculoskeletal injury and       companies to manage and
people at work in Ireland              through proportionate       ill health and there are some    control ergonomic risk. An
and a breakdown of these               enforcement                 key factors for its successful   example of one of these
figures shows that over fifty      • Influence the EU agenda       implementation at                solutions is detailed in the
percent of people work in              on laws and policy on       workplace level including:       picture opposite.
the manufacturing,                     occupational health         • Knowledge of the nature           A systematic approach to
wholesales & retail,                                                   of work carried out          managing ergonomic risk
transport & storage, health,       To support the                  • Ability to effectively         will ensure that work
construction and hotel             implementation of the               communicate and              activities are designed or
sector. The Health and             health strategy as it relates       consult with staff           planned to avoid or reduce
Safety Authority (HSA)             to ergonomics, there are a      • Ability to use evidence        ergonomic risk factors. The
non-fatal statistics show          number of interventions             based risk assessment        focus needs to be on
that nearly one in every           that have been introduced           tools (e.g. Use of Manual    managing these risks
three accidents reported in        including the roll out of           Handling Assessment          through the introduction of
these sectors are injuries         training to inspectors within       (MAC) Tool)                  engineering solutions or
due to manual handling             the Authority on the use of     • Ability to develop             other appropriate
activities.                        ergonomic risk assessment           appropriate or innovative    organisational changes in
   The ESRI reported that          tools such as the Health and        solutions to reduce or       work practice.
occupational illness rates         Safety Executive (HSE) Mac          eliminate risk factors         Further information on
have increased from 21.7           Tool. Ergonomic Risk                including force,             ergonomics risk
per 1,000 workers in 2001 to       Assessment workshops were           repetition and awkward       management is available at
27.1 per 1,000 workers in          hosted by the HSA and the           posture             or by phoning
2012 with musculoskeletal          Irish Ergonomics Society in     • Ability to transfer            1890 289 389.
disorders representing over        2017 to increase the                knowledge of new


New Publications
Work-related Musculoskeletal                                         Research Programme on Health Safety                            ESRI and HSA Research Programme
Disorders, and Stress, Anxiety and                                   and wellbeing at Work. Full version                            on Health Safety and wellbeing at
Depression in Ireland - Evidence from                                and “plain English” versions of the                            Work. Full version and “plain English”
the QNHS 2002–2013                                                   report are available to download from                          versions of the report are available to
Summary version of the report named                                                                            download from
available to download from The full report is available                             Research Programme on Health                                   Programme of Work 2018
to download at                                          Safety and wellbeing at Work -                                 This programme of work, the third
                                                                     Health Sector                                                  prepared under the Health and Safety
Trends and Patterns in Occupational                                  This report is published as part of the                        Authority’s Strategy 2016–2018, has
Health and Safety in Ireland                                         ESRI and Health and Safety Authority                           been developed to contribute to the
Summary version of the report named                                  Research Programme on Health Safety                            HSA’s long-term vision of healthy, safe
available to download from                                           and wellbeing at Work. Full version                            and productive lives. The full report is available                             and “plain English” versions of the
to download at                                          report are available to download from                          Nail Bars Info Sheet
                                                                                                               Using nail products and other products
Research Programme on Health                                                                                                        several times every day can pose a risk
Safety and wellbeing at Work -                                       Research Programme on Health                                   to your health. This information leaflet
Transport and Storage Sector                                         Safety and wellbeing at Work -                                 has been developed to provide practical
This report is published as part of the                              Construction Sector                                            advice to those working in the nail
ESRI and HSA Research Programme                                      This report is published as part of the                        industry and is available to download
on Health Safety and wellbeing at                                    ESRI and Health and Safety Authority                           from
Work. Full version and “plain English”                               Research Programme on Health Safety
versions of the report are available to                              and wellbeing at Work. Full version and                        Reducing the Risk of Back Injuries on
download from                                            “plain English” versions of the report are                     the Farm
                                                                     available to download from                         Farmers should be aware that some
Research Programme on Health                                                                                                        aspects of this physical work involve a
Safety and wellbeing at Work -                                       Research Programme on Health                                   risk of musculoskeletal injury,
Industry Sector                                                      Safety and wellbeing at Work -                                 particularly back injury. The
This report is published as part of the                              Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing                                information sheet is available to
ESRI and Health and Safety Authority                                 This report is published as part of the                        download from

Fatal Workplace Injuries by Economic Sector 2008-2018 (NACE Revision 2)
Economic sector                                                   2018     2017        2016        2015         2014         2013   2012     2011    2010    2009     2008
A Agriculture + forestry and fishing                                 6    21+0+1      21+0+3        18+6         30+1        16+5    20+8     22+5    22+7    10+3     20+2
B Mining and quarrying                                               0          0           1           2            0          2       1        1       0       2        1
C Manufacturing                                                      2          1           2           3            3          1       0        2       2       1        6
D Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply                0          0           0           0            1          1       0        0       0       0        0
E    Water supply, sewerage, waste management and
    remediation activities                                           0          0           1           3            0          1       4        3       2       0        2
F Construction                                                       3          5           9          11            8         11       8        6       6      10       15
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and
  personal goods                                                     0          1           2           2            4          3       3        2       4       2        3
H Transportation and storage                                         1          6           1           4            4          4       1        7       3       6        3
I   Accommodation and food service activities                        0          1           0           0            0          0       0        1       0       1        0
J Information and communication                                      0          0           0           0            0          0       0        0       0       0        0
K Financial and insurance activities                                 0          0           0           0            0          0       0        0       0       0        0
L Real estate activities                                             0          0           0           0            0          0       0        0       0       0        0
M Professional, scientific and technical activities                  0          0           0           0            1          1       1        2       0       1        1
N Administrative and support service activities                      0          0           2           0            2          0       1        0       0       1        0
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security      0          4           0           4            0          0       0        1       0       2        1
P Education                                                          0          0           0           0            0          1       0        0       0       2        0
Q Human health and social work activities                            0          0           1           1            0          0       1        1       1       1        0
R Arts, entertainment and recreation                                 2          0           1           1            1          0       0        1       1       0        1
S Other service activities                                           0          0           0           1            0          1       0        0       0       1        2
Total                                                               14         40          44          56           55         47      48       54      48      43       57
(Source: HSA, correct at 24 April 2018. Note that some accidents may be investigation and may not have been recorded yet.)

                                                                                                                                        N ISO UPDATE! SPRING 2018 15

     National Irish Safety Organisation
     Events Diary
     Visit our website to book courses and to stay up to date with
     safety training and events in 2018.

     1. NISO Safe Pass Training:                   Health and Safety Representation           WEST REGION
                                                   (QQI L5)                                   Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
       East: NISO Training Centre, Ballymount,     Duration: 4 days                           Health and Welfare at Work
       Dublin 12                                   18-21 June                                 Venue: GMIT Castlebar Campus
       Dates: 27 April; 4, 11, 18 May              IOSH Managing Safely (IOSH cert)           Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
       Weekly: On Fridays                          Duration: 4 day                            Commencing: September 2018
       South: Clayton Hotel Silver Springs,        27-30 August                               Contact:
       Dates: 23 May; 18 June; 25 July
       Monthly                                   3. Courses and events in the regions       4. National/All Ireland Events
       South East: Clonmel Park Hotel,
                                                   EAST REGION                                55th Annual NISO Health and Safety
       Poppyfields, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
                                                   Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,        Conference
       Dates: 16 May; 13 June; 18 July
                                                   Health and Welfare at Work                 Great Southern Hotel, Killarney,
                                                   NISO Training Centre, Dublin 12            Co. Kerry
       South East: Springhill Court Hotel,         Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk         12 October
       Co. Kilkenny                                Commencing: September 2018
       Dates: 9 May; 6 June; 11 July               Contact:                      Trade Exhibition of Health and Safety
       Monthly                                                                                Products and Services
                                                   MIDLAND REGION                             Great Southern Hotel, Killarney,
                                                   Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,        Co. Kerry
     2. Courses scheduled at NISO                  Health and Welfare at Work                 12 October
        Training Centre, Ballymount,               Athlone Institute of Technology
        Dublin 12                                  Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk         27th Annual NISO/NISG Safety Awards
                                                   Commencing: September 2018                 Gala Dinner
       Introduction to H&S for the non safety      Contact:                     Great Southern Hotel, Killarney,
       specialist (NISO Cert)                                                                 Co. Kerry
       Duration: 2 days                            MID WEST REGION                            12 October.
       2-3 May                                     Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                   Health and Welfare at Work
       Manual Handling Instruction (QQI L6)        Limerick Institute of Technology
       Duration: 5 days (3 days week 1 /           Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
       2 days week 2)                              Commencing: September 2018
       8, 9, 10 & 14, 15 May                       Contact:
       VDU/DSE Assessor Course (NISO cert)
       Duration: 1 day                             NORTH EAST REGION
       8 May                                       Seminar: Temporary Traffic
       IOSH Working Safely (IOSH cert)             Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk, Co. Louth
       Duration: 1 day                             26 April
       15 May
       Manual Handling Basic                       SOUTH EAST REGION
       Duration: half day                          NISO Certificate in Safety, Health and
       17 May                                      Welfare at Work
                                                   Venue: Waterford Institute of
       Risk Assessment Basic Concepts (NISO        Technology
       cert)                                       Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
       Duration: 2 day                             Commencing: September 2018
       22-23 May                                   Contact:
       Safety Representation (NISO Cert)
       Duration: 2 days
       11-12 June

                    NISO, A11 Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Ballymount, Dublin 12.
                    Tel: 01 465 9760 Fax: 01 465 9765 Email: Website:

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