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BASIC SITUATION AND INTRODUCTION 2 • Objectives of this guideline: – To provide an initial overview regarding the topic maritime electromobility – To facilitate the market entry for potential contributors • Basic questions are addressed – What is maritime electromobility? What is the state of the art in technology and development? – Which sectors are involved? Can maritime electromobility be a business segment for my company? • A detailed documentation will be provided in a text document for module A and B (German) • Actual work status: Module A • Detailed reference list in the appendix DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
AGENDA 3 1 Maritime electromobility: Introduction & overview of the fields of application Representation of the overall societal spectrum Importance of the early establishment of maritime electromobility Assessment of market barriers 2 Summarizing comparison of electric and conventional propulsion Introduction Fully battery electric propulsion Hybrid electric propulsion Solar electric propulsion Fuel cell propulsion Development needs and market potential 3 Investigation and presentation of energy carrier related infrastructure Brief overview of commercial shipping Comparison of commercial and recreational shipping Lessons learned from module A References DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD S OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (1) 4 Strategy paper and objectives on international and national level (Germany) • Geopolitical: United Nations Climate Change Conference [Bun17c] 2015 Paris [EUR19] 2018 Katowice [Bunb] 1997 Kyoto … … Limitation of temperature … Rules to implement the Emission reduction increase to 2°C Paris Agreement • Continental: Objectives of the European Union • National: Germany Germany EU Objectives 2020 2030 2050 2020 2030 2050 Greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 min. min. min. -80% -20% -40% -80% -40% -55% up to -95% up to -95% Share of renewable energies in final energy 18% 30% 60% 20% 27% consumption [Buna] Analysis of the international market for emission-free / emission-reduced shipping • Increase in transportation capacity in the German inland shipping sector expected by 2030 [Sch14a], [Sut], [Zim09] • Nowadays: Approx. 6000 inland navigation vessels with an average age of 47 years Need for fleet modernisation Global trend Increasing importance DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (2) 5 Pragmatic investigation of renewable energies • Germany 2017: 15,9% of energy consumption covered by renewable energies [Umw18b] • 2016: 30% of energy consumption was caused by the transportation sector whereof 1,5% was covered by electricity (incl. renewable energies) [Umw18a] Significant potential for renewable energy sources Alternative application of renewable energies within the maritime economy Often Use of electric propulsion Unusual Low Needed energy amount (weight, distance) High Frequent application in recreational shipping sector (local bans, low transportation distances, gain in comfort), economy is indispensable for commercial shipping (transportation volume, -weight, distance, cost) • On specific, short routes, battery solutions with partial photovoltaic support are common [Bau], [Brø18], [Fin], [Fje], [FRS], [Gat18], [Ort], [Ove], [Wei17], [Wri17] • Few fuel cell solutions as solely propulsion [Wik18b] or for reduced fuel consumption [e4s16] DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (3) 6 Retrofit of the inland navigation fleet for using renewable energies = ∙ (electric power [W]= voltage [V] ∙ current [A]) Voltage results in increasing health hazards Current requires increased conductor cross-sections Increase in weight and cost Survey of innovations of suppliers in the sector of electromobility • 2022 autonomous electric cargo vessel in Norway powered by fuel cells [Yar18] [H2I] • Innovative charging system [STE] • Battery solutions [AKA], [Cor], [EST], [Kre18] • Opportunities for suppliers to differentiate themselves from the conventional market • Need for new technologies (e.g. additive manufacturing) Maritime tourism industry and recreational shipping sector • Bundeswasserstraßen (federal waterways) generate an annual gross turnover of 4,2 billion € through water tourism, 2800 inner waterways represent existential infrastructure [Bun13] • Further growth expected in the future [Bun13] Responsible handling of natural resources will be inevitable DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (4) 7 General evaluation of regulations concerning the operation of motorized floating vehicles General climate objectives (measures to achieve them can be chosen freely) see table no. 10 Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement and Katowice Climate Change Conference Global IMO: MARPOL-The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (i.a. limitation of fuel emissions) Specific regulations for maritime electromobility General climate protection objectives of the EU until 2050 see table no. 10, 11 specified Emission Controlled Areas (ECA) in North und Baltic Sea by IMO European Union EU-Regulation (EU) 2016/1628: Stricter requirements for the emission of pollutants by inland navigation vessels General climate protection objectives on national level Regulation of the inland navigation shipping by Binnenschifffahrtsstraßenordnung (Inland see table no. 6, 12 Navigation Waterway Regulation), Rhein-, Mosel- and Donauschifffahrtspolizeiverordnung Germany (Rhine, Mosel and Danube Shipping Police Regulation) Driving license exemption for recreational crafts with low propulsion power according to §5 Sportbootführerscheinverordnung (Recreational Craft Driving License Regulation) Prohibition of driving in nature reserves §2 NSGBefV Bundesländer see table no. 1, 2, 8 Ban on night jouneys for boats operated with combustion engines (e.g. in Brandenburg §47 LSchiffV) (federal states) In other Bundesländern (e.g. Bavaria §3 Abs. 1 BaySchiffV, MV §21 Abs. 7 Wassergesetz) delegation of responsibilities to the Landkreise Landkreise see table no. 7 Especially in Bavaria, numerous restrictions or bans on the registration of boats equipped with combustion engines (administrative Operation of combustion engines on Lower Saxony’s two largest lakes (Steinhuder Meer, districts) Dümmer) only with special permission according to §3 Abs. 2 and §20 Abs. 1 DStMVO DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD S OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (5) Scope 8 No. Regulation name Content Link Geographical Vessel specific Authorization of the lower water authority to formulate approval restrictions for boats on national 1 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Motorboats in general §21 Absatz 7 Wassergesetz MV (water act MV) waters §3 Absatz 1 Verordnung für die Schifffahrt auf den Requirement of authorization for motorboats on waters not approved for general navigation, 2 Bavaria Motorboats in general bayrischen Gewässern (regulation for navigation on transfer of responsibility to the administrative district authorities Bavarian waters ) 3 Rhine: Recreational crafts < 15 m length Other inland navigation waterways: §3 Absatz 1 Sportbootführerscheinverordnung (recreational 4 Federal waterways Issuing a licence requirement for sailing on German inland waterways Recreational crafts < 20 m length navigation licence regulation) Other maritime waterways: recreational 5 crafts without length restrictions §2 Naturschutzgebietsbefahrensordnung – NSGBefV (nature 6 Federal waterways Any motorized vessel Prohibition on navigating designated federal waterways in nature conservation areas reserve navigation rules) §3 Absatz 2, §20 Absatz 1 Dümmer und Steinhuder Meer- Prohibition of using the combustion engine on sailing ships, 7 Steinhuder Meer and Dümmer All Verordnung - DStMVO approval of combustion engines only by the water owner Navigable waters of the federal §47 Verordnung für die Schifffahrt auf den schiffbaren Sailing prohibitions at night and on designated waters for recreational crafts equipped with 8 Mainly recreational shipping state Brandenburg Gewässern des Landes Brandenburg combustion engines §2 Absatz 1 Verordnung über die Zuständigkeiten für die Navigable waters of the federal Transfer of responsibility for the waters in their territory to administrative 9 All Gefahrenabwehr in Hafen- und Schifffahrtsangelegenheiten state Lower Saxony districts, cities independent of districts, large independent cities and independent municipalities (regulation on responsibilities for port and maritime security) &showdoccase=1&doc.hl=0& International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from 10 Global shipping All A wide range of measures to prevent pollution from ship emissions Ships (MARPOL) 11 Inland navigation in the EU All Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 Pollutant emission requirements for inland waterway vessels §5 Sportbootführerscheinverordnung (recreational 12 Federal waterways Recreational crafts License exemption up to certain propulsion power navigation licence regulation) DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD S OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (6) 9 Framework conditions for maritime electromobility • Federal government: Providing framework conditions to strengthen the sustainability in the shipping sector [Bun17d] – Supporting the (further) development of globally valid climate and environmental standards, e.g. the international rules and regulations for the prevention of pollution from ships: in 1973 MAROL-Convention by IMO [IMO] – In principle, incentives should be created for the nationwide use of environmentally friendly ship propulsion systems – Federal states and port cities should be supported in the establishment of uniform approval standards – Alternative transport technologies are to be coupled with the production of renewable energies [Bun17d] • Federal states level: Structures to foster renewable energies and electromobility [Lanb], [LEK] Nature and environment protection in inland and coastal waterways • Only fuel with a maximum emission level equal to that of marine diesel without exhaust after-treatment are permitted to used in inland waterways [Umw13] • IMO: Emission limitation for seagoing ships [IMOa] • Additional incentives by commissions such as HELCOM (Helsinki Commission) [HEL17] or local specifications (e.g. port of Amsterdam) [Por17]. DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION REPRESENTATION OF THE OVERALL SOCIETAL SPECTRUM (7) 10 Interests of shipbuilding participants • Historically no economically feasible alternative to conventional combustion engines • Holistic view of the ship design is needed • Iterative methodological selection and design of the (alternative) drive train required • Increased design effort for ship developers and ship builders, development of new competences required, shipyard independent development to strive for ideal technical solutions Development of national and international Rules and Regulations • European Committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation (CESNI) Since 2015: European Standard laying down Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation vessels (ES-TRIN), these are continuously optimized and extended [Eur17], [Eur18], [Eur19a] – Blueprint for the regulation of ship safety in inland navigation (Binnenschiffsuntersuchungsordnung- BinSchUO) which is completed by national specifications, if required [Was18] – 2017: Few chapters like "Electric Vessel Propulsion“ are vacant – 2019: New content regarding special provisions applicable to electric vessel propulsion • Due to the rapid development and bureaucratic processes, many issues are not yet addressed by official regulations • Alternatively, classification societies may be assigned for the approval of innovations [Nac15] DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION IMPORTANCE OF THE EARLY ESTABLISHMENT (1) 11 SWOT- Analysis STRENGTH WEAKNESSES • Innovation capacity in Germany (industry and science) • High degree of oil-pricing dependence • Existing funding structure • Financially weak sector • Approx. 1/5 of the electric energy from renewable energy sources • Competition with road-based electromobility • Battery disposal: Careful handling • Lack of standardisation in charging infrastructure • European recycling structures • Lack of transmission grids and consumption deficits often require • Almost every recreational craft jetty is equipped with power supply temporary shutdown of renewable energy producers • Almost no exception regarding the exemption from the EEG-Umlage (Renewable Energy Sources Act) CHANCES RISKS • Storage of excess electricity (reduction of residual load) • Realisation of immature solutions • Reduction of electricity transportation hauls • Slow implementation can gamble away the technological lead • Increased attractiveness of inland navigation shipping • Insufficient documentation of project findings • Development of innovative tourism concepts Loss of knowledge • Basic research, R&D impulses • Knowledge leakage • Further development of expertise (e.g. overseas) (by industrial spying, own publications, staff emigration) • Expansion of the public transport system without increasing • Lack of infrastructure or high expenditure of time for installing the emissions infrastructure can cause delays in establishment of electromobility • Decreasing battery prices accelerate the growth of electric mobility • Negative public perception due to safety-critical incidents • International leading position within the sector of electric mobility (e.g. burning batteries) especially with human injury • Growth in economy due to synergy effects • Portfolio extension for companies from other industry sectors (electro mobility, automation, digital safety, additive manufacturing) • Reduction of environmental and noise pollution DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION IMPORTANCE OF THE EARLY ESTABLISHMENT (2) 12 Application examples of maritime electromobility within the commercial shipping industry in Europe Location Vessel type Name IMO-Nr. Owner Shipyard Sector Short description In operation Source Fjellstrand AS, Commercial First fully electrically operated Norway Ferry Ampere 9683611 Norled ✔ [Sie16] Siemens AG shipping car ferry worldwide Commercial Hybrid ferry, fully electric Finland Ferry Elektra 9806328 Finferries Havyard Shipyard ✔ [Fin] shipping operation (diesel as backup) Future of the Commercial Norway Ferry 9830214 The Fjords Brødrene Aa Fully electric operation ✔ [Gat18] Fjords shipping (D), Oberbillig Sankta Maria Ortsgemeinden Oberbillig Ostseestaal GmbH & Co. KG, Commercial One of the first German fully Ferry / ✔ [Ort] – Wasserbillig II und Wasserbillig Kräutler Elektromaschinen GmbH shipping electric ferries Sweden, Tycho Brahe 9007116 / Commercial Biggest fully electric ferry Ferry ForSea AB / ✔ [For] Denmark / Aurora 9007128 shipping worldwide (D), Aasee, Commercial Ferry Solaaris / Overschmidt Ostseestaal GmbH & Co. KG Fully electric ferry in Münster ✔ [Ove] Münster shipping Commercial Fully electric ferry for public (D), Berlin Ferry Fährbär 1-4 / Weiße Flotte GmbH Ostseestaal GmbH & Co. KG ✔ [Sch14b] shipping transportation in Berlin Wabe mbH, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Non commercial operated fully (D), Witten Ferry Hardenstein / Wabe mbH Tourism ✔ [Wab18] Specialty Steel GmbH & Co. KG electric ferry for hikers Passenger (D), Hamburg Alsterwasser / ATG Alster Touristik GmbH SSB Spezialschiffbau Oortkaten Tourism Fuel cell propulsion X [Wik17] vessel Passenger Netherlands Nemo H2 / Reederij Lovers Scheepswerf Bodewes Tourism Fuel cell propulsion ✔ [Wik18] vessel (D), Leipzig, Passenger etaing GmbH, First passenger vessel with Hydra / Tourism X [die] Belgium vessel Ecoboot fuel cell propulsion worldwide Fully electrically operated Norway Fishery vessel Elfrida / Salmar Farming AS Ørnli Slipp AS, Siemens AG Fishery ✔ [Sie17a] vessel for fish farming Hybrid, fully electric operation Norway Fishery vessel Karoline / Selfa Arctic AS, Siemens AG Fishery ✔ [Rüt16] (diesel as backup) DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD S OF APPLICATION IMPORTANCE OF THE EARLY ESTABLISHMENT (3) 13 Application cases of maritime electromobility within recreational shipping sector in Europe • Popular in the recreational sector, e.g. most recreational vessels on Starnberger See are electrically operated due to approval restrictions for combustion engines [Süd16] • Widespread portfolio, e.g. outboard engines with different power levels [Tor] Markets in which maritime electromobility can be established soon & pragmatically Recreational shipping Often Inland and coastal navigation (passenger and car ferry, Use of electric fishery, water tourism) propulsion Maritime navigation Unusual Low Needed energy amount (weight, distance) High Suitable markets DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD S OF APPLICATION IMPORTANCE OF THE EARLY ESTABLISHMENT (4) 14 Map of component manufacturers DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION ASSESSMENT OF MARKET BARRIERS (1) 15 Differences in the political framework between Germany and other European countries EU: Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 - pollutant emissions of inland navigation vessels [EUR16] e.g. subsidy of 7 Mill. € for electrified inland container vessel [Haf18] • Germany: Local and regional admission restrictions for combustion engines [Gre16] • Netherlands: Until 2025 only fully electric propulsion in Amsterdam (currently no subsidy) • Sweden: Since 2018 takeover of 25% of the costs for electric outboard motors up to approx. 1000€ [Ger18] Differences and similarities by comparing Germany and Norway Germany Norway („good practice“ Europe) Complete coverage of electricity demand by Renewable Coverage of “only” 38% Renewable energy Examples of similarities with respect to renewable energy sources energy of net electricity consumption by regulations for the operation of motorized vessels Composition of 96% of renewable energies electric energy from Norway hydropower Establishment of zero-emission zones in fjords until 2026 Germany Lack of funding Intensive financial support Local and regional admission restrictions as Financial Financial support support programs with for battery operated well as bans for vessels with combustion focus explicitly on shipping projects engines maritime electromobility e.g. 1,3 Bill. NOK between 2015 and 2018 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION ASSESSMENT OF MARKET BARRIERS (2) 16 Analysis of the situation of shipyards and suppliers • Shipyards with experience in lightweight construction have an advantage (e.g. fiberglass reinforced plastics, aluminium) • Modular manufacturing enables entry for suppliers from other industries [Nep18] • Product adaptation and certification by manufacturers from other industries [Bau18] • Exchange between shipyards, suppliers and classification societies [EST18] Assessment of existing potential analyses and technical feasibility studies Potential analyses Feasibility studies Demonstration projects Völker, Thorsten (2015): Hybrid Sandia National Laboratories (2018): TU Berlin (2018): Hydrogen push boat concepts for vessels [Völ15] Hydrogen research vessel Zero-V [Cam18] [Haa18], [Hol18] Neptun Ship Design GmbH (2016): Alster Touristik GmbH (until 2013): Concept Neptun Hopper [Nep16a] Hydrogen Zemships [Wik17] Neptun Ship Design GmbH (2016): Concept Neptun Mover [Nep16b] Neptun Ship Design GmbH (2018): Concept Neptun Mover Haff [Nep18] Significant dependence on technology and cost Reaching competitive CAPEX is possible by mature basic design DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
1 MARITIME ELECTROMOBILITY: INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF THE FIELDS OF APPLICATION ASSESSMENT OF MARKET BARRIERS (3) 17 Assessment of current operator models Lack of profitability purely self-motivated establishment by operators very unlikely Maritime charging infrastructure Status quo Cruise shipping Inland shipping Market barriers • Uncertainties (e.g. which technology will prevail) (examples) • Financial burden • To be financed by port operator Measures • Financial support: Installation of shore power • Commitment to shore power from December (examples) [Kri18] 2019 in the Moselle area (D) [Bin18] • Kiel 2019: Shore power supply of a ferry line • EU-Regulation: Shore power supply for the [Kri18] Trans-European Network (TEN) until 2025 • Rostock Warnemünde 2020: Shore power for Cruise ships [Thi18] Situation of the port and jetty structures regarding grid connections + Availability of shore power for inland navigation vessels + Energy supplier: Additional volume and creation of an infrastructure feasible [Han18], [Thi18] – Ports are often not designed for new-build longer and heavier ships [Bin19], [Chr15] – Infrastructure of isolated inland waters [Nep16a] DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION INTRODUCTION (1) 18 • Conventional propulsion: Chemical energy (fossil) mechanical energy Ecological comparison (well to propeller) Storage and Conversion Energy source Generation Transport into mechan. extraction energy Economical comparison at known energy costs (tank to propeller) Benefit over conventional propulsion required: Emission reduction Cost reduction (ecological comparison) (economical comparison) Improved comfort … DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION INTRODUCTION (2) 19 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION FULLY BATTERY ELECTRIC PROPULSION 20 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION HYBRID ELECTRIC PROPULSION (1) 21 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION HYBRID ELECTRIC PROPULSION (2) 22 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION SOLAR ELECTRIC PROPULSION 23 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON : ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION FUEL CELL PROPULSION 24 DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON: ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AND MARKET POTENTIAL (1) 25 Gravimetric specific energy density [Wh/kg] Weight ratio: 1:48 1:76 Volumetric specific energy density [Wh/l] Volume ratio: 1:3330 Compressed (700bar): 1:7,5 Liquefied: 1:4,2 1:8,2 1:6,1 [Ado17], [Deu13], Further research is required compared to diesel [Rah15], [van16], Long-term: New energy-storage technologies needed [Wie15] DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
2 COMPARISON: ELECTRIC AND CONVENTIONAL PROPULSION DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AND MARKET POTENTIAL (2) 26 • Medium-term: Development of new concepts within the field of ship design Mere adaption of conventional propulsion system Holistic perspective, new design Worsening Battery weight ↓ Total weight Optimization Propulsion power Changed mass and volume distribution ↓ Battery weight ↓ Propulsion power Structural Total weight strengthening DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
3 INVESTIGATION AND PRESENTATION OF ENERGY CARRIER RELATED INFRA STRUCTURE BRIEF OVERVIEW OF COMMERCIAL SHIPPING (1) 27 Why do construction, ship, jetty and charging infrastructure have to be seen in context? Schedule, profitability Onshore: Energy supply Battery mass Ship: Charging Charging Charging & volume Costs infrastructure logistics duration infrastructure Battery capacity/ Mooring lifetime (Electrical) connection Entries and exits Energy Ship design Automation demand (e.g. draught) • Safety • Staff and time savings Which role plays the examination of construction documents within design phase? Initial situation Preparation/ derivation of official regulations and rules • Based on approval documents of the classification societies Examination and confirmation by the classification societies within the early design phase Goal • Approval by national and international authorities, coverage of not existing regulations Poor regulatory situation • High number and speed of new developments • Risk of non-approval of innovations or design adaptations DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
3 INVESTIGATION AND PRESENTATION OF ENERGY CARRIER RELATED INFRA STRUCTURE BRIEF OVERVIEW OF COMMERCIAL SHIPPING (2) 28 Which role plays the evaluation of grid feed-in & energy supply? • Feasibility and economic efficiency of the concept • Innovative operator models possible, e.g. battery leasing • Complex solution space: Grid feed-in & energy supply Electric current Regenerative fuel Direct supply Battery buffer Pipeline Storage from grid [Sie16] Exemplary problem Suited power grid? Local Swapping system Power grid expandable? Low-voltage grid regenerative Local refuelling Local production [NPR] Cost structure? energy sources Truck (onshore) Tanker boat [van16] (on the water) DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
3 INVESTIGATION AND PRESENTATION OF ENERGY CARRIER RELATED INFRA STRUCTURE BRIEF OVERVIEW OF COMMERCIAL SHIPPING (3) 29 What are the challenges for refuelling with alternative fuels? • Methane: Methane slip- 25 to 30 times of greenhouse gas effect compared to CO2 [DNV18] • Hydrogen: Highly inflammable blend at standard temperature and a volume ratio of 4-75% [Cam18] • Ammonia: Toxic and caustic gas [Wik18e] However, risks are limited and the technology is mostly used since many years What depth are needed for tenders of new construction/ modification of electric inland navigation vessels? Tender documents for a new construction or modification must be adapted to the energy-carrier-related infrastructure • Abandon flexibility while docking and charging • Minimize energy reserves • Specify the operating profile and additional requirements as precisely as possible, e.g.: Distance, schedule, payload, hotel load, operation conditions etc. e.g.: Facilitates optimized weight and battery design DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
COMPARISON OF COMMERCIAL AND RECREATIONAL SHIPPING 30 Marketing relevant criteria of electro mobile products in commercial shipping and recreational shipping Cargo-to-ship-size ratio 3 Range and quantitative criteria Product lifetime performance 2 Investment 1 Operating and maintenance and financing costs 0 Charging qualitative criteria Product range infrastructure Image and customer Comfort requirements Regulatory pressure DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
LESSONS LEARNED FROM MODULE A 31 Research & Regulatory pressure development Strengthening and Technical improvements extending environmental resulting from increasing regulations regarding the innovations which are operation of motorized caused by an increased vessels demand Renewable Financial support energies Financial Support of projects for the Extension of renewable establishment of energies and maritime electromobility increasing their share in the electricity mix Marketing relevance Identical marketing criteria, but with different weighting for commercial and recreational shipping DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
32 The contents of this study are the sole responsibility of the author[s] and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority or the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. DESIGNED BY NEPTUN Neptun Ship Design GmbH I Kurt-Dunkelmann-Str. 4 I 18057 Rostock I Germany I Phone: +49 381 60912 –0 I Fax: +49 381 60912–925 I I © 2019
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