DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood

Page created by Cecil Mckinney
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
          160 YEARS                             GET THE LOOK…                             EASTERN MEETING POT
A passion for wood, passed on from          …with a wood floor. Decorating         Interiors in Dubai are as varied as its people.
  generation to generation. Meet     inspiration from stunning homes in Denmark,   Meet the successful wood flooring specialist
 the people of Kährs and learn why                France and Sweden.                     who caters to all design schemes.
   Kährs is best in the business.
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
Kährs Design Stories 3

Celebrating 160 years
of quality and beauty
From a local wood goods craftsman, deep in the forests of
southern Sweden, evolved into a world-leading inventor and
producer of modern hardwood floors. The 160-year history
of Kährs is the story of our strong passion for nature, the
environment, interior design, and for wood itself. Add those
elements with innovative thinking, a commitment to the
highest quality standards, and the result is beauty itself.
  Today, we sell our beautiful, durable wood floors in more
than 60 markets worldwide – many more than any other
manufacturer on the globe.
  “The whole world is standing on our floors,” as one of our
co-workers puts it.
  Design Stories is a celebration of what generations of Kährs
employees and wood lovers have achieved over decades.
  This tribute is to the creative minds that ensure that we
will continue to lead in wood flooring design, innovation,
and development.
  Design Stories is also a reflection and presentation of how
vastly different interior styles in different countries inspire us
to develop new designs. We welcome you into homes in Germany,
France, Denmark and Sweden; hoping this will provide you with
the design inspiration and ideas for your own home.
  Please also visit our website,, where you will
find many more ideas as well as useful information about wood
and wood flooring.

Happy reading!

 4     Bare necessities
10     A tradition of thinking outside the box
12      assing on wood knowledge
       from generation to generation
14     In Provence
20     Beauty with a conscience
21     Saving the world each day
22     The house among the dunes
26     Individuality rules in multicultural society
30     In Berlin
36      evelopment driven by passion
       for perfection
40     East West
46     From Småland with love

                                                                     COVER: YDRE
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
4 Kährs Design Stories


          The expression ‘Less is More’ would be an understatement if it was used to
          describe this new family summerhouse, on the Swedish west coast.
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
6 Kährs Design Stories

          Southern façade lets the sunshine in through wide sliding doors
          that open the house up to the outdoors. The matte surface of Gray
          is perfect for creating a borderless feeling between the raw timber
          of the patio/terrace and the wood flooring throughout the interior.

DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
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DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
8 Kährs Design Stories

DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
Kährs Design Stories 9

Looking at the bare wooden exterior you almost expect the interior to follow in
the same fashion, with minimal decoration.

Certainly, you will not find anything that the owners do not feel absolutely
necessary for their relaxing summer stay, far, far away from their usual hectic
life in the city.

The whole interior breathes of a calm and relaxing existence where the focus is
summer life; play, bicycle trips and days on the beach just a couple of minutes’
walk from the house.


            Other floors with a weathered feeling. See the full range at

                                CHALK                           STELE                NOUVEAU GREIGE
DESIGN STORIES - Denver Hardwood
10 Kährs Design Stories

      Experience is the best innovator. With 160 years in the business, Kährs is one of the oldest
      manufacturers of wood floors in the world. It is also one of the most innovative. The wood
      knowledge we have accumulated over the years has been passed down from generation to
      generation, from neighbor to neighbor. Over the lunch table, on the football fields, on the ski slopes
      and over the fence, we are constantly discussing new ways to improve our floors. At work, we try
      these ideas, we test them, sometimes we fail – but eventually we succeed. The goal is always the
      same; to make our floors even more beautiful, stronger, sustainable and easier to install.

      Our combination of tradition, knowledge and           later, our operations are still based in this small,   sustainable wood raw material and improving the
      technology is unique for wood floor producers.        rural town.                                            stability of wood when used in building materials.
      It has inspired us to think outside the box and
      to use wood in an innovative way – for the benefit    In 1919, Gustaf Kähr, grandson of the elder,           In 1937, Gustaf ’s perseverance pays off as he receives
      of present and future generations.                    takes over the company and changes its name to         a patent for the invention of the modern multi-layer,
                                                            AB Gustaf Kähr. Under his leadership, the company      laminated door. Following upon this success, he
      In 1857, Kährs is founded in Nybro, deep in the       becomes an important and innovative producer of        works hard to find a solution for the problem of
      forests of Sweden. The elder, Johan Kähr, sets up a   wooden doors, toys, furniture and floors. Gustaf       gapping, twisting and cupping of solid wood floors.
      shop crafting wood utility goods. Today, 160 years    was dedicated to finding efficient ways of using
Kährs Design Stories 11

In 1941, Kährs is awarded a patent for the invention     long before this becomes general practice in the         Long-term efforts continue to ensure
of today’s modern engineered hardwood floor, the         business.
                                                                                                                  maximum sustainability throughout the
multilayer floor. After World War II, the home market
booms and many families build homes of their own.        In 1993, Kährs is the first wood floor manufacturer      whole production process and life cycle
This means an increased demand for engineered            to achieve the ISO 9001 quality certification.           of a wood floor – from raw material to
parquet floors, regarded as essential for the more                                                                recycling.
representative parts of every house.                     In 1995, Kährs introduces a new generation of wood
                                                         floors: Linnea featuring a thin surface layer of wood,
In 1958, Kährs introduces the first factory-finished     but still hard, durable and easy to install.
floors. Previously floors were installed and sanded
before being lacquered on site. The production of        In 1997, Kährs gains a ISO 14001 environmental           In 2009, Kährs launches the next level of the
a factory-finished floor requires a high degree of       certification. Waste products from forest felling        Woodloc® joint system – Woodloc® 5S. This new
precision to ensure that the surface of the floor        provide district heating for the community around        joint make installation even faster and more
becomes smooth and consistent.                           the factory. The ash that remains is returned to the     flexible, while producing a stronger floor.
                                                         forest as fertiliser.
In 1965, Kährs receives a patent for a completely                                                                 In 2013, Kährs introduces Master, a technically
new sports floor construction. Boards were nailed        In 1999, Kährs introduces the world’s first              advanced 2-layer engineered floor. The range com-
to a flexible batten system, which resulted in a floor   engineered floor with the glueless Woodloc®              prises three collections: small-, medium- and large-
that was able to absorb impacts and give a more          joint. The technology was seen as revolutionary,         format.
uniform response to sports activities.                   resulting in faster laying and perfect results.
                                                                                                                  In 2015, a revolutionary, high-tech robotic design
In the 1980’s, Kährs starts a global expansion,          In 2004, a new sports floor is launched by Kährs.        line is taken into operations at the Nybro plant.
starting with several markets in Europe, including       Advantages include that it can be installed quicker      The line enables advanced pre-programmed designs
the Nordic region, Germany and France, as well           and over larger areas. The floor is approved for the     adjusted to each unique plank.
as the US. In the mid 1990’s, Kährs also moves into      global standard for sports floors and used at many
East European and Asian markets, such as Russia          major sporting events.                                   In 2017, the company’s 160th anniversary is
and China.                                                                                                        celebrated by the introduction of a number of new,
                                                         In 2007, Kährs celebrates 150 years as a company,        innovative floors. Long-term efforts continue to
In 1984, Kährs is the first floor manufacturer able      with products sold in more than 30 countries, in         ensure maximum sustainability throughout the
to boast an entirely solvent-free production process,    hundreds of designs, styles and finishes.                whole production process and life cycle of a wood
having initiated its own environmental program                                                                    floor – from raw material to recycling.
12 Kährs Design Stories

                                                                  “The whole world is
                                                                  standing on our floors.
                                                                  Of course I’m proud!”

      What makes a product go from good to great? We are certain that the key to success lies in the
      people that produce it. It is their passion and knowledge that ensures that the quality that we have
      been delivering over the years continue to distinguish our floors from the many others. Many of our
      employees have been working at the Nybro plant for several decades – in some cases generations –
      passing on their knowledge to new family members, friends and neighbors that start working at Kährs.
      Meet three pillars of the company.
Kährs Design Stories 13

“A second family.” This is how these employees at Kährs in Nybro describe their colleagues
and workplace. Despite their different backgrounds and assignments in the production
process, they all share a long history in the company, deep wood knowledge and a passion
for the end product. Much of the activities in Nybro, bordering the deep forests of Småland,
circle around our wood flooring producing plant, which provides jobs, heat and a natural
meeting place.

ZORAN STANKOVIC,                                  – My father worked at Kährs for 40 years.
second generation who returned to Kährs:          He taught me to love my job. As a youngster,
                                                  I thought it was a great place to be. Of course,
– I learn new things every day. Since I left in   you sometimes feel you should try something
2003, the production process has undergone        different. I ran my own company for some
dramatic changes. But there is a great            years, but now it’s great to be back.
atmosphere here and people are more than
willing to share their knowledge. That’s one of   – I know everyone here feels passionate about
the things I really like about working at Kährs   the beautiful, high-quality floors that we
and why I returned to the company, says Zoran     produce. I mean, the whole world is standing
Stankovic, who was at Kährs between 1994          on our floors. Of course I’m proud!
and 2003 and then came back in August 2016
to work with producing the core of the floors,
quickly advancing to group leader in his shift.

                                                                             ADIVIJE DALIPI,                                home for me, says Adivije, who works at
                                                                             31 years at Kährs:                             the production line, ensuring that the right
                                                                                                                            pieces of wood are selected for each floor.
                                                                             – I love the smell of wood, the sensation      “You could say that Kährs is in our genes”,
                                                                             when you touch a smooth plank and I take       she adds, laughing.
                                                                             pride in the feeling that we produce the
                                                                             best quality wood floors in the world”, says   – My parents came here from Macedonia
                                                                             Adivije Dalipi, who joined her father at the   in the 1960’s, when my father was offered
                                                                             plant when she was 18.                         a job at Kährs. This company has meant
                                                                                                                            so much to us. I feel a strong sense of
                                                                             – It felt natural to start here – apart from   solidarity with Kährs and always try to
                                                                             my father, three of my sisters, my brother,    do my best at work. We have a beautiful
                                                                             husband, as well as my sisters’ husbands       Kährs floor in our home – so you could say
                                                                             and several of the friends that I went to      that a great part of my life circles around
                                                                             school with work here. This is like a second   the company.

STEFAN LARSSON,                            wheel over and over again. It’s really
28 years at Kährs:                         exciting to constantly discuss new
                                           options with my young colleagues
– Over the years, I have tested most       and to be able to provide facts and
wood species. I know how they react to     information that we have collected in
moisture, underfloor heating, pressure     the testing processes over the decades,
and climate changes. I’ve seen what can    he says.
be done – and what can’t, says Stefan
Larsson, who works with technical          – After finishing my college studies
development at Kährs in Nybro.             and working for some other companies,
                                           it was great to return to Nybro. I love
– I love the fact that we always get to    working and living here. And I love
work with new ideas – but it’s also        the forest, spending most of my
great to have a wide knowledge base,       time off mountain biking in the
so that we don’t have to reinvent the      surroundings.
14 Kährs Design Stories

      At first glance, this impressive stone house looks like a grand estate, for
      relaxing by the pool and in the garden. However, it is actually a working
      farmhouse and the surrounding land is full of olive trees and rolling fields
      where different crops are grown.
18 Kährs Design Stories

Kährs Design Stories 19

The interior is not what you would expect from a traditional
farmhouse. The owners have a keen interest in interior design
and they have created both a practical and modern home with
high ceilings and an airy feel.


The cool mix of rustic and minimal furnishings, together with large, comfortable sofas, create a very
relaxing interior. The wood floors throughout the house soften the feeling, with their oiled and slightly
undulated tactile surface that perfectly matches and complements the interior, in color tone and mood.

              Other floors with rustic feeling. See the full range at

                                  VEDBO                             MÖRE              STURE           CONCRETE
20 Kährs Design Stories

         We appreciate beauty. That is why we produce the
         most stunning floors on the market. We also love
         nature. We strive to manufacture our floors in the
         most sustainable way. We call it “Beauty with a          Pioneers in sustainability
                                                                  Kährs invented the modern, engineered wood floor in
         conscience”.                                             1941 and, in doing so, created a much more effective way
                                                                  of utilizing the raw material – which was later adopted
                                                                  worldwide. We were also the first company to use glueless
                                                                  joints. In 1993, Kährs was the first wood flooring
                                                                  producer in the world to be awarded an environmental
                                                                  certification according to ISO 9001 and four years later
                                                                  the operations were certified according to ISO 14001.

                                                                    FOCUS ON ENERGY AND RAW MATERIAL
                                                                    Kährs is one of the leading producers of wood
                                                                    floors in the world. Not only does this mean that
                                                                    we have the opportunity, but also the responsibility
                                                                    to use our influence to pursue matters that are
                                                                    important for both our customers, the company
                                                                    and society in general.

      To choose a wood floor is to make a responsible
      choice, both when it comes to the indoor and outdoor
      environment. Selecting a floor from Kährs means
      making an even smarter green choice. Our innovations
      have radically changed the production of wood floors
      globally – while at the same time contributing to a
      brighter future for our planet.

         Wood is the world’s most environmentally friendly
         building material. The production of materials made
         from wood consumes very small amounts of energy
         and results in very small emissions of carbon dioxide.
                                                                                Green thinking at every stage
                                                                                Throughout the production process, we
                                                                                strive to always pick the most sustainable
                                                                                option. One example is that we only work
                                                                                with certified forestry suppliers. A major
                                                                                part of the raw material we use is derived
                                                                                from local forestry farmers; something
                                                                                that both reduces transport and increases
                                                                                control. We only use water-based surface
                                                                                treatments and our floors are easy to keep
                                                                                clean without the use of strong chemicals.
“We knew that we were already working according to the strictest environmental requirements
throughout the whole production process of our wood floors, but we didn’t know how to prove it.
The answer was to apply for ‘The Swan’ Nordic Ecolabel certification,” says Bruce Uhler, Kährs
environment ambassador. Today, more than 150 floors from Kährs have been certified according
to the Nordic Ecolabel – one of the world’s most comprehensive environmental certifications.

“Save the world a little bit each day”. This is the motto that     Comprehensive documentation and analysis
Nordic Ecolabel has been using for more than two decades to        Despite the strong conviction that the company was working the
help consumers make the best green choices. “The Swan” label       right way, documentation was lacking. This meant that the
was born 25 years ago, when the Nordic Council of Ministers        process to achieve this turned into a major investment in both
initiated the Nordic Ecolabel to guide consumers to find the       time and money for Kährs.
most eco-friendly products and services. It started with paper        “We were obliged to analyze and document our products
and batteries – and today more than ten thousand products and      throughout their life cycles; from raw material to waste,”
services have been certified. The non-profit state owned           explains Bruce.
company Ecolabelling Sweden, which operates on consignment            The work yielded results – today more than 150 wood floors
from the Swedish government, has the overall responsibility for    from Kährs have been certified according to the Nordic Ecolabel.
the Ecolabel certification.                                           “Our effort has attracted a lot of external attention. We have
                                                                   also noticed a great interest in the Nordic Ecolabel from other
Natural step                                                       countries, including the US and several other markets in the EU
In 2014, Kährs initiated preparations to apply for certification   and the Middle East, as the certification covers so many
of our wood floors according to the Nordic Ecolabel.               environmental aspects,” Bruce adds.
   “It was a natural step, since we suspected that we have been       Bruce Uhler and his colleague Sverre Severindsen from
meeting the demands of ‘The Swan’ label for a long time.           Norway were invited to the 25th anniversary of the Nordic
Meanwhile, we also noticed increased demand for                    Ecolabel, which was opened by His Royal Highness the Crown
environmentally certified floors both for public spaces and        Prince Haakon of Norway, to give their account of Kährs journey
private homes,” Bruce Uhler says.                                  towards achieving “The Swan” certification.
   “We also knew that if we could prove that our floors live up
to the strict requirements of the Nordic Ecolabel, they would      “The Swan” – the official environmental certification
also meet most other international environmental demands,”         of the Nordic region
he continues.                                                      The Nordic Ecolabel – “The Swan” – is one of the most
                                                                   comprehensive and strict product certifications in the world.
                                                                   “The Swan” includes criteria such as content and use of
                                                                   hazardous chemicals, emissions to air, water and land, use of
                                                                   energy and resources, as well as waste disposal. It also includes
                                                                   demands on quality and functionality. “The Swan” is today one
                                                                   of the most recognizable brands in Sweden with more than
                                                                   96 per cent recognition.
22 Kährs Design Stories


This small summerhouse on the Danish West coast sits less
than 500 yards from the beach and the North Sea. The dunes
stretch as far as the eye can see, softening the hard winds from
the west and giving breathtaking views in all weathers and
seasons. Truly relaxing scenery.
24 Kährs Design Stories

Kährs Design Stories 25


The small house has a large living, kitchen
and dining space in its centre and three small
bedrooms have been fitted with white wood
flooring; it’s very forgiving when shoes, bare
feet and the breeze bring in sand from the
dunes, through the open doors.

Other floors in white. See the full range at

                   STROBE                            VISTA   PALE
26 Kährs Design Stories

              United Arab Emirates

              RULES IN
Kährs Design Stories 27

A melting pot of people. Interiors in the United Arab Emirates are as varied as its
international community, with decorating styles reflecting the diverse cultures and
traditions of its residents. “We’re fortunate to be able to cater to every interior design
scheme. Kährs offers so many different designs and colors with its wide variety of floors,
that there is a floor for every style and preference,” explains Pauline Madani, founder of
the successful flooring specialist, Nordic Homeworx in Dubai.

                                                             “The community here is more
                                                              daring in its design schemes;
                                                              people are not afraid to stand
                                                              out and be individual. The
                                                              spirit of the nation is to keep
                                                              pushing boundaries and to be
                                                              a role model of leadership,
                                                              innovation and progress,”
                                                              says Pauline.
28 Kährs Design Stories

                Founded: 2006
                Showroom: Sidra Tower, Dubai, UAE
                Company Size: 35 employees
                Completed Projects to Date: +2,000

            She is a Swedish native who has lived with her husband and             preference of interior style and the concept for each project.
            four daughters in the Middle East since 1999 and has managed           Many clients know the color scheme they want for their
            to combine her passion for wood flooring, while developing a           project, but are uncertain about the design, wood species or
            successful business. In 2006, Pauline founded Nordic                   surface finish,” she continues.
            Homeworx in an effort to bring premium Swedish wood
            flooring to the region. Today, Nordic Homeworx celebrates its          SELLING A FEELING, RATHER THAN A PRODUCT
            10th anniversary as the exclusive distributor of Kährs in the          Over the past decade, the company has developed a successful
            UAE, as well as the agent for the brand in the Middle East.            concept based on a strong passion for Kährs as a brand with its
               “Here, you can’t say that one floor is most popular, or fits all.   Nordic heritage. Focus has been on maintaining a boutique-
            We cannot predict as easily what color or design will work best        style concept, providing inspiration for a lifestyle that Pauline
            for the masses – this keeps it interesting and exciting to work        wants to share with her clients.
            on projects as each one is so unique and unpredictable,”                 “Kährs wood floors enable our clients to experience their
            Pauline says.                                                          interiors completely differently – we sell them a feeling, rather
               “We spend a lot of time with our clients to find out what           than just a product. This approach, along with us representing
            type of floor would suit their specific project. This means that       and specialising in a single brand, has been very successful
            we can guide them in the selection of floors based on their            and well received by clients here,” adds Pauline.
Kährs Design Stories 29

   The UAE market is extremely service-oriented and                   Nordic Homeworx approaches has something in common;
Nordic Homeworx’ focus has been to provide the best service           that they all require high quality in both product and service.
consistently, from initial client meeting, to project finalization      “Kährs has the premium qualities required to meet these
and after-care. The company has strong relationships with             demands by providing beautiful floors, innovative solutions
architects, interior designers and contractors, providing them        and – most importantly – consistently high quality, which is
with samples to inspire them for their projects.                      crucial in our tough climate of extreme heat and high
   “Our clients love to work with Kährs because it has such a         humidity,” Pauline says.
wide range of products, including colors, wood species and              Pauline believes that her Swedish heritage is an important
finishes suitable for any type of project. It’s really inspiring to   reason for Nordic Homeworx’ success.
see how such a broad range of clients and designers visualise           “We work according to beliefs and values strongly linked
their concepts using our wood floors in so many different             to my Swedish heritage of quality, design, tradition,
interior designs,” explains Pauline.                                  sustainability and, most importantly, outstanding and
                                                                      reliable customer service. We are especially proud that our
QUALITY VALUED AMONGST ALL                                            hard work has paid off, as we were recently voted ‘Best for
She also says that although the market in the UAE does not            Flooring 2016’ at the InsideOut Readers’ Choice Awards,”
follow one specific interior design trend, the client segment         Pauline concludes.
30 Kährs Design Stories

      This large property in the Eastern part of Berlin was built in the 1930’s
      for small industries and craftsmen. Today, it houses a mix of spacious
      residential apartments and businesses, mainly in the fields of marketing,
      film and communication.
34 Kährs Design Stories

Kährs Design Stories 35


                     The owner of this three room 3200 square foot apartment
                     has chosen the wood floor as the main interior decoration
                     feature throughout the living space. It softens the large
                     area and creates a more “homey” feeling.

                     Other delightful floors. See the full range at

                                                     CHEVRON WHITE                              CHEVRON GREY

                                             CHEVRON LIGHT BROWN

Kährs Design Stories 37

Development is driven by conviction. A precise
vision. For us it has always been to find new ways of
enhancing the natural beauty of wood, while making
our floors even stronger yet more sustainable.
“You could describe our work as a meeting between
man and machine – creativity meeting the possible”,
explains Patrik Antonsson, project leader of technical

                            An ounce of fashion. A pinch of electronics, fabrics,   electronics design. When we translate all this into
                            colors and interior design. A cup of technology.        floors, however, we always aim for a natural look,
                            A dose of chemistry. All mixed together using           bearing in mind that our floors should remain
                            innovative thinking, blended with experience.           as attractive tomorrow, as they are today, says
                            These are all vital ingredients in the making of        Emanuel Lidberg, Creative Design Manager
                            new wood floors.                                        at Kährs.
                               Kährs has always been a pioneer in the wood             – Also, we always consider trends in architecture,
                            flooring business. Today, our team of developers        i. e. how we build our houses. A current trend in
                            represent a combination of expertise and experience     Scandinavia, for example, is big windows, covering
                            in design, technology and chemistry, working in         a whole wall from ceiling to floor. This means that
                            close cooperation to produce new floors. The process    the light falls in a way that can cause reflections in
                            typically begins with an idea to identify new looks,    the floor, confusing our sense of color. In order to
                            colors and surfaces.                                    address this, we’re currently working with new ultra
                               – I get my inspiration from many sources – fashion   matte surfaces that absorb the light in a new way, he
                            magazines, interiors, furniture, fabrics and even       explains.
38 Kährs Design Stories

                    It’s extremely important never to be satisfied with what you have achieved.
                    The design team is working closely together, constantly challenging each
                    other, Patrik says.

      MAN MEETING MACHINE                             combination of expertise and technology
      IN NEW DESIGN LINE                              from Germany, Italy and Sweden to achieve,
      Creative thinking is not only applied to        he says.
      looks. The company also boasts a history           The company is always evaluating new
      of innovation in the production process         ways of improving the production process
      of wood floors. One of the most recent          from a number of aspects – with the overall
      investments at the Nybro plant is a robotic     object to use more of the raw material,
      design line, based on advanced technology       not least from a sustainable point of view.
      that adjusts itself to each plank in order      A major part of the floors produced by
      to create a desired look that has been pre-     Kährs are traditionally made from Oak.
      programmed into the computer system             But current development projects include
      that runs it.                                   using other wood species – that with new
         – Using this line, we can create a number    technology could be made to attain desired
      of looks, rustic or clean grades, through       looks and performance.
      enhancing or reducing natural characteristics      – It’s extremely important never to be
      of the wood, such as grains, says Patrik        satisfied with what you have achieved. The
      Antonsson.                                      design team is working closely together,
         Patrik, who has been breathing wood          constantly challenging each other, Patrik says.
      since he was a baby with both a mother
      and grandfather working for Kährs, has          THE SURFACE IS WHAT MEETS THE EYE
      been instrumental in achieving the new,         – AND THE FEET
      innovative line, which took over 2 years to     Another important aspect of the floor is the
      develop.                                        surface. Sara Hagman has an Masters degree
         – It’s been a major challenge, but also      in chemical engineering and is working as a
      extremely interesting to produce a machine      development engineer and surface treatment
      that thinks like a man. It required a           specialist at Kährs. The work mainly involves
Kährs Design Stories 39

The structure and feeling of the surface
is just as important as the color in how
you perceive a floor

leading projects within this area. She cooperates closely with the design team
at Kährs, as well as suppliers, to constantly perfect the looks, durability and
sustainability of the surface treatments.
    – A lot has happened within this area since I began working for Kährs seven
years ago. Focus is on aesthetics – colors and looks – technical performance
and environ­mental aspects, Sara says.
    Before e.g. a new finish is used, it goes through a number of tests – both
by Kährs, the supplier and external testing institutes in order to ensure that
it lives up to the company’s high demands.
    – Some people ask how I can be so dedicated to what they see as a small
detail. But it’s not just one type of surface treatment, look or property. There’s
lots of them! Each with unique performance and a lot of development work
behind. The surface is such an important part of how you perceive a floor and
provides with the important protection of the wood. It’s fascinating how you
can dig so deep in every detail, Sara says.
40 Kährs Design Stories

         EAST WEST

Kährs Design Stories 41
42 Kährs Design Stories

            The owner of this one-story house imports traditional
            handmade decorative pieces from Asia and has used
            a lot of these items throughout the property.


                                                                    The clean natural Oak floors have been used throughout the
                                                                    house, to complement and brighten the interior and to further
                                                                    enhance the dark, exotic decorations, the walls and doors.

              SIENNA                                                  SUEDE
44 Kährs Design Stories

Kährs Design Stories 45


Other floors in natural oak. See the full range at

                                      TOWER                             SUGAR

                                     NUBACK                              REEF
46 Kährs Design Stories

                          FROM SMÅLAND
                            WITH LOVE
               Quality is a way of life. Perhaps it is because we have been in the same
               location in Sweden for more than 150 years and our staff takes such pride
               in what they do. Their passion for wood, craftsmanship and knowledge
               has been passed down through the generations. Their focus on quality in
               every detail also means that our floors last for more than a generation.
Kährs Design Stories 47

                  Sprinkling            Sawing             Drying     Sawing          Off-cuts to heat

                                    Filling                Pressing     Bonding

                                                                                                                     THE QUALITY IS IN THE
                                              Surface treatment             Packaging                               DETAIL. OVER 50 QUALITY
                                                                                                                     CHECKS THROUGHOUT
                                                                                                                         THE PROCESS.

To turn a tree into a Kährs wood floor requires a great deal of           can withstand seasonal changes? That it is sawed in two stages?
wood knowledge, advanced technology and engineering skill. It is          And that nothing is wasted in the process – off-cuts are used to heat
a complicated process that we have been refining over the decades         the neighbourhood.
– and that we try to continuously improve. Did you know, for                Throughout the process, we carry out more than 50 quality checks,
instance, that the wood is both sprinkled with water and dried            to ensure that all Kährs floors meet our strict requirements, both
to achieve the perfect balance of humidity to create a floor that         when it comes to looks and functionality.

                                              60                          OLDEST – AND MOST INNOVATIVE
                                                                          Kährs is the world’s oldest wood flooring manufacturer still in operation.
                      30                             70
                                                                          The company was founded in 1857 in the small town of Nybro, located in
                                                                          the deep forests of Southern Sweden.
                 20                                       80
                                                                            it is also the most innovative, pioneering the evolution of the modern
                                                                          wood floor. Our innovations include the multi-layered wood floor in 1941, a
                                                                          construction that has now been adopted globally. We were the first floor
                                                                          manufacturer to use a glue-less joint system – Woodloc® – as well as
                                                                          water-based stains.
                           0                       100
                                                                            By combining tradition and innovation, we continue to lead the way.

Quality also means that we make sure that our floors perform                   MORE THAN A PRETTY SURFACE
equally well in all types of climates. Wood is affected by the amount
                                                                               For us, beauty is more than what meets the eye. Equally
of humidity in the air and a wood floor moves with the seasons, i.e.
                                                                               important is what the floors feel like to touch – and how well
it expands in high humidity and contracts when the air is dry. Our
                                                                               they can stand up to the strain of daily wear and tear. Our
innovative three-layer construction, however, reduces this type of
                                                                               surface treatments are strong enough to resist normal family
movement and creates a stable floor all year round with a correct
                                                                               life, but thin enough so as not to disguise the silky and natural
balance between the layers – top, core and back.
                                                                               sensation of wood.
                                                                                  All surface treatments are water based and free from
                                                                               solvents and formaldehyde.

The smallest things often
make the biggest difference.
This is true of a Kährs floor,
where the highest level
of skill and craftsmanship
is added to every detail,
including the base boards
and different types
of transitions.
6862112US 2017

                                Kährs Headquarters for the Americas
                                      940 Centre Circle, Suite 1000
                                   Altamonte Springs, Florida, 32714
                                Tel: 1.800.800.5247 | Fax: 407.260.9933

Eugenio Baraldi e hijos           Natura                      Adeco Superficies        Meglio      Mexico                     Peru
Argentina                                                     Guatemala

Graiman                           Attmosferas                 MATERIA PRIMA S.A.         
Ecuador                          Costa Rica

AB Gustaf Kähr                    Kährs UK Ltd                Kährs Parkett                             
Sweden                            United Kingdom              Germany
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