Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet Complex and Multifaceted Link - Neuropsychiatry (London)

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Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet
Complex and Multifaceted Link
Giovanni Amodeo1,†, Maria Allegra Trusso1, Andrea Fagiolini2

While it is unlikely that Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a primary and pure ‘inflammatory’
disease, evidence is accumulating to show that depression and inflammation are closely
connected and may fuel each other. Specifically: 1) patients with inflammatory diseases are
more likely to show greater rates of MDD; 2) a large number (approximately one-third) of
people with major depression show elevated peripheral inflammatory biomarkers, even in the
absence of a medical illness, and 3) patients treated with cytokines (i.e. for chronic infective
hepatitis) are at increased risk of developing depression. Indeed, inflammatory mediators
have been found to alter glutamate and monoamine neurotransmission, glucocorticoid
receptor resistance and hippocampal neurogenesis. Also, inflammation is able to alter brain
signalling patterns, to affect cognition and to contribute to the production of a pattern of
symptoms, clustering in a syndrome named ‘sickness behaviour’ and closely related to
depression. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly clear that inflammation may increase the
complexity and severity of illness presentation, as well as treatment response, at least among
a subpopulation of individuals with MDD.
Not surprisingly, a number of illnesses, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, rheumatoid
arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, and psoriasis, are
characterized by increased risk for depression.
This paper provides a review on the mechanisms by which inflammation may interact
with neurotransmitters and neurocircuits to influence the risk for depression. The links
between depression and inflammation are analyzed with special reference to the presence
of increased inflammatory markers in patients with depression, to the relationship between
inflammation and cognitive symptoms of depression, to the relationship between depression
and medications that may promote or halt inflammation and to the relationship between
depression and certain inflammatory diseases.
Depression, Inflammation, Neurotransmitters

Introduction                                                        pathway, in which inflammatory responses can
                                                                    lead to depression and depression can lead to
Several studies have described the link between                     inflammation. While it is unlikely that MDD
inflammation and depression [1-7] and the fact                      is a pure ‘inflammatory’ disease, evidence is
that the two conditions are closely connected                       accumulating to indicate a role for inflammation
and may fuel each other in a bidirectional                          in the pathophysiology of depression. Most
 Department of Mental Health and Molecular Medicine, University of Siena Medical Center and University of Siena School of Medicine,
Siena, Italy
 Professor of Psychiatry, Chairman, Department of Mental Health, University of Siena School of Medicine, Viale Bracci 1, Siena, 53100
 Author for correspondence: Giovanni Amodeo, M.D., Division of Psychiatry, University of Siena, Viale Bracci 1, 53100 Siena, Italy.
Phone: +39- 0577-586275, Fax: +39-0577-233451, email:

10.4172/Neuropsychiatry.1000236 © 2017                           Neuropsychiatry (London) (2017) 7(4), 448–457                          p- ISSN 1758-2008   448
                                                                                                                                        e- ISSN 1758-2016
Review   Giovanni Amodeo

                 of the evidence that connects MDD to                  between inflammation and cognitive symptoms
                 inflammation derives from three factors: 1)           of depression and between depression and
                 patients with inflammatory diseases are more          medications that may promote or halt
                 likely to show greater rates of MDD; 2) a large       inflammation. The paper will also focus on the
                 number (approximately one-third) of people            relationship between depression and diabetes,
                 with major depression show elevated peripheral        rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory
                 inflammatory biomarkers, even in the absence          related diseases, in an attempt to deepen the
                 of a medical illness, and 3) patients treated with    knowledge into the relationship between
                 cytokines (i.e. for chronic infective hepatitis)      depression and inflammation by looking at
                 are at increased risk of developing depression.       illnesses that are characterized by an alteration of
                 Indeed, inflammatory mediators have been              immunity mechanisms.
                 found to alter glutamate and monoamine
                 neurotransmission, glucocorticoid receptor
                                                                       Depression and Inflammatory Biomarkers
                 resistance and hippocampal neurogenesis.
                 Moreover, inflammation is able to alter brain         Several studies have pointed to the presence of
                 signalling patterns, to affect cognition and to       increased inflammatory cytokines in subjects
                 contribute to the production of a pattern of          with major depressive disorder (MDD).
                 symptoms, clustering in a syndrome named              Inflammatory cytokines are cell-signaling protein
                 ‘sickness behaviour’ and closely related to           molecules that are released during inflammation
                 depression [8]. Although it is unclear the extent     and launch signaling cascades able to activate
                 to which inflammation contributes to depression       the immune system. Type 1 cytokines include
                 onset and relapse [9-11], it is becoming              tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α], interferon-γ,
                 increasingly clear that inflammation may              interleukin [IL]-1) and serve the primary role
                 increase the complexity and severity of illness       of enhancing cellular immune responses. Type
                 presentation, as well as treatment response,          2 cytokines include IL- 6, IL-10, IL-13 and
                 at least among a subpopulation of individuals         are more linked to antibody responses. These
                 with MDD [12]. Although longitudinal studies          cytokines also prompt acute phase proteins that
                 have shown that elevated serum cytokine levels        further activate the immune system, such as
                 often precede, and therefore potentially cause        C-reactive protein (CRP) [8,21,22].
                 depressive symptoms [13,14]            ,       the    Proinflammatory cytokines may be either
                 direction of causality is still being studied and     produced in the brain itself or reach the brain
                 the possibility that depression worsens the course    from the periphery, through active transport
                 of inflammatory illnesses cannot be ruled out, at     or ‘leaky’ regions across the blood brain barrier
                 least in a subset of patients.                        (BBB). Also, cytokines may signal the brain
                 Not surprisingly, a number of illnesses,              through the afferent vagal pathway or via the
                 including diabetes, metabolic syndrome,               entry of activated monocytes into the brain from
                 rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis,     periphery. Finally, the endothelial lining of the
                 cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, and             BBB may generate second messenger signals, this
                 psoriasis, are characterized by increased risk for    leading to an excess production of cytokines by
                 depression [15,16]. For instance, nearly 20% of       glia [8].
                 subjects with cardiovascular disease experience       The mechanisms by which inflammatory
                 major depressive disease (MDD) [17], patients         cytokines modulate the pathways that are
                 with diabetes are twice as likely to develop          implicated in the aetiology of depression
                 depression [18] and up to 70% of patients with        is not completely clear but it is becoming
                 autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus           increasingly evident that these cytokines can
                 erythematosus [19] or rheumatoid arthritis [20]       change brain function and structure through
                 experience depression.                                mechanisms that are still being studied but
                 This paper will provide a review on the               may include effects on neurotransmission, for
                 mechanisms        by     which       inflammation     instance via an increase in glutamate induced
                 may interact with neurotransmitters and               neurotoxicity, as well as effects on the HPA
                 neurocircuits to influence the risk for depression.   axis or on hippocampal neurogenesis, [8]. Also,
                 The links between depression and inflammation         proinflammatory cytokines increase the activity
                 will be analyzed with special reference to the        of serotonin transporter (SERT) proteins,
                 presence of increased inflammatory markers            resulting in an increase of serotonin reuptake
                 in patients with depression, to the relationship      and and in a reduction of extracellular serotonin.

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Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet Complex and Multifaceted Link   Review
Moreover, proinflammatory cytokines are able         Cytokine Mediated Cognitive Dysfunction
to up-regulate enzymes such as tryptophan
                                                     Patients suffering from depression display a
2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine
                                                     number of cognitive dysfunctions, within the
2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), with a resulting decrease
                                                     domains of memory, attention and executive
in tryptophan (TRP) availability for serotoning
                                                     function and cognitive deficits have been
synthesis. Finally, quinolinic acid (QUIN) and
                                                     shown to correlate positively with the levels
3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) may elevate the
                                                     of proinflammatory cytokines and with the
levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
                                                     presence of other inflammatory mediators [30].
oxidative stress within the brain, while QUIN
                                                     Indeed, a growing body of preclinical and clinical
increases N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
                                                     data suggests that inflammatory changes may
activity, resulting in hippocampal atrophy and
                                                     well contribute to cognitive changes and that
loss of glucocorticoid receptors and leading to a
                                                     pro-inflammatory cytokines play a central role in
loss of negative feedback and over-activity in the
                                                     synaptic plasticity and other cellular mechanisms
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis [23].
                                                     that underlie cognition [31].
Human studies have demonstrated that patients
                                                     The relationship between neuroinflammation
with depression exhibit the key features of an
                                                     and cognitive dysfunction is supported by the
inflammatory response, including increased
                                                     studies showing an association between markers
levels of acute-phase reactants, chemokines
                                                     of inflammation and illnesses such as Parkinson’s
and soluble adhesion molecules as well as an
                                                     disease, Alzheimer Disease (AD), and mild
increased expression of pro-inflammatory
                                                     cognitive impairment (MCI). For instance, in
cytokines and their receptors, both in peripheral
                                                     late-stage AD beta-amyloid plaques are very often
blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [22,24].
                                                     co-localized with proinflammatory cytokines,
Increased levels of IL-6, IL-8 and type I IFN-
induced signalling pathways have been described      activated microglia, acute phase proteins, and
along with a variety of innate immune genes and      complement factors [32,33].
proteins, including IL-1β, IL-6, TNF, Toll-like      Neuroinflammation may lead to behavioral
receptor 3 (TLR3) and TLR4 [Miller, 2015].           and cognitive changes through several
Indeed, several meta-analyses [1,25,26] have         mechanisms, including alteration of gene
compared patients with MDD and controls and          expression, modification in neuronal function,
shown differences in proinflammatory cytokines-      decreased neurogenesis, and impaired long-term
such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α),         potentiation [34]. Of interest, a growing body of
C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-         evidence points to the possibility of closely linked
6), IL-1β, the soluble IL-2 receptor, and the        inflammatory etiology that is shared between
IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra). For instance,     depression and cognitive impairment and that
a meta-analysis of 24 studies measuring              may stem from a cytokine-induced imbalance
cytokines in depressed patients [1], showed that     in the kynurenine pathway. This pathway is
individuals with MDD had significantly higher        responsible for tryptophan (TRP) degradation
concentrations of TNF-α and IL-6 compared            and hence plays a major role in serotonin (5-
with controls. Similarly, a meta-analysis of         HT) synthesis and in the key balance between
over 50 studies, demonstrated that the majority      neuroprotective and neurotoxic metabolites.
of researches indicate that depressed patients       Kynurenine pathway is being looked as a possible
have shown elevations in the proinflammatory
                                                     target for treatment interventions. However,
cytokines, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1β as well
                                                     most of the medications that are presently being
as increased levels of the acute phase protein,
                                                     used or tested for this purpose are more targeted
C-reactive protein (CRP). Indeed, results from
                                                     towards the downstream receptors, enzymes, or
the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey [27] highlighted that 47% of depressed        transporters than towards the inflammatory
participants had a CRP level ≥3.0 mg/L, and          basis of such disorders. Other strategies with
29% had a CRP level ≥5.0 mg/L. On the same           anti-inflammatory benefits, such as regular
line, a recent meta-analysis has revealed that       physical exercise, may provide an effective
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is increased in        intervention for the treatment, prevention
patients with major depression [25]. Of interest,    or modulation of diseases such as depression
increased peripheral inflammatory markers            or cognitive impairment. Indeed, regular
have been demonstrated among antidepressant          exercise has been recurrently shown to reduce
non-responders more often than in treatment          inflammation and to protect against several
responders [28,29].                                  related disorders [23].

Review   Giovanni Amodeo

                                                                       Also, greater remission of depressive symptoms
                 Relationship         between        Depression        with the TNF-α antagonist infliximab were seen
                 and Medications that Promote or Halt                  in Crohn’s disease patients [39], while TNF-α
                 Inflammation                                          antagonists have shown efficacy in patients with
                 Patients receiving interferon-alpha (INF-alpha)-      depression within the context of autoimmune
                 a potent inducer of cytokines- for treating           disorders or other conditions with increased
                 hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, malignant            inflammation [40,41]. A systematic review and
                 melanoma, and some blood cancers have higher          meta-analysis of antidepressant efficacy of anti-
                 rates of depression than those not administered       cytokine treatment was recently conducted
                 interferon [2].                                       using clinical trials of chronic inflammatory
                                                                       conditions where depressive symptoms were
                 Not surprisingly, changes in monoamine                measured. A significant antidepressant effect
                 neurotransmitters and along the HPA axis,             of anti-cytokine treatment compared with
                 which mimic those seen in depressed patients,         placebo was showed and anti-TNF drugs were
                 have been described in individuals receiving          most commonly studied. Statistically significant
                 immunotherapy treatment [3,10,35]. Also, the          improvements in depressive symptoms were
                 administration of immunotherapeutic agents,           observed for adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab
                 such as the typhoid vaccine, has led to depressive    and tocilizumab and the antidepressant effect
                 symptoms and to brain changes similar to those        was associated with baseline symptom severity
                 observed in MDD [4,35].                               but not with improvement in primary physical
                                                                       illness, sex, age or study duration. This finding
                 There have been few successful trials investigating
                                                                       confirm a potentially causal role for cytokines
                 whether treatment with anti-inflammatory agents       in depression and indicates the possibility that
                 can ease depressive symptoms in humans and anti-      cytokine modulators may be developed and used
                 inflammatory agents such as acetylsalicylic acid      as novel drugs for depression, at least in subjects
                 (aspirin), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors,       with chronic inflammation.
                 and TNF receptor antagonists have shown the
                 ability to improve depression treatment [35]. For     However, inflammation is neither sufficient nor
                 instance, meta-analyses of randomised controlled      necessary to induce and/or to sustain depression
                 trials (RCTs) of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory      and vice-versa. Hence, a clinical benefit from
                 drugs (NSAIDs), given in monotherapy or as            anti-inflammatory agents may only occur in the
                 adjunct to antidepressants, indicate that these       subset of depressed patients with heightened
                 medications may be more effective than placebo        inflammation [9]. For instance, Raison and
                 in treating depression [36,37]. Although these        colleagues evaluated 60 patients with treatment-
                 results confirm an inflammatory component of          resistant depression (TRD), in a double-blind,
                 depression, the extent to which the antidepressant    placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, to
                 effect of NSAIDs may be exclusively attributed to     determine if the inhibition of the inflammatory
                 their anti-inflammatory action is unclear. In fact,   cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) can reduce
                 NSAIDs effects may be due to an activity on other     depressive symptoms and if treatment response
                 targets, such as glucocorticoid receptors [38].       may be predicted by an increase in baseline
                                                                       plasma inflammatory biomarkers, including
                 Moreover, given that many trials of NSAIDs            C-reactive protein (high sensitivity-CRP), TNF,
                 medications for depression are based on patients      and its soluble receptors. Study subjects received
                 with chronic physical diseases, it is difficult to    an infusion of infliximab, a TNF antagonist
                 establish how much of the improvement in              administered at 5 mg/kg (n = 30) or placebo (n
                 depression is attributable to an improvement in       = 30) at baseline and weeks 2 and 6 of a 12-week
                 the main physical disorder.                           trial. Interestingly, infliximab did not show a
                 Studying the antidepressant effects of cytokine       generalized efficacy in TRD. Yet, it showed the
                 modulators, i.e. monoclonal antibodies and            ability to improve depression in those subjects
                 cytokine inhibitors, may provide a model that is      with higher baseline hs-CRP concentration. In
                 easier to understand. A recent proof-of-concept       fact, 62% (8 of 13 subjects) of study participants
                 RCT of the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)        with a baseline hs-CRP concentration greater
                 monoclonal antibody infliximab, showed                than 5 mg/L showed a response (defined as
                 improvements in patients with treatment-              ≥50% reduction in HAM-D score at any point
                 resistant depression and high inflammation at         during treatment) to infliximab versus only 3
                 baseline [6].                                         out of the 9 patients (33%) with high baseline

451              Neuropsychiatry (London) (2017) 7(4)
Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet Complex and Multifaceted Link   Review
hs-CRP that had been assigned to placebo             several studies in various medical and psychiatric
treatment. Similarly, among patients treated         settings have shown that depression is associated
with infliximab, baseline levels of TNF and its      with hyperglycemia and higher rates of diabetes
soluble receptors were significantly higher in       related complications and that relief of depression
responder’s vs non-responders [6].                   is associated with improved glycemic control
                                                     [18, 47,48].
Similarly, Rapaport and colleagues evaluated
a group of 155 patients with major depressive        For instance, Anderson and colleagues conducted
disorder (MDD), to establish if inflammatory         a metanalysis to estimate the rate of depression in
biomarkers such as interleukin (IL)-1ra, IL-6,       individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP),        found that the odds of depression in subjects
leptin and adiponectin, act as moderators of         with diabetes were twice that of the non-diabetic
clinical response to omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids.      comparison group. The prevalence of comorbid
                                                     depression was significantly higher in diabetic
Study subjects were randomized to treatment with
                                                     women (28%) than in diabetic men (18%) but
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic
                                                     the presence of diabetes doubled the odds of
acid (DHA) or placebo. Interestingly, subjects
                                                     comorbid depression in both genders.
with high levels of inflammation markers
improved more on EPA than placebo and the            A meta-analysis of 9 cohort studies reported a 37
separation between EPA and placebo increased         % increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
with increasing numbers of markers of high           in adults with depression [18] after accounting
inflammation [42].                                   for shared factors including sex, body mass
                                                     index, and poverty. However, a considerable
Depression in Patients with Other Medical            heterogeneity across studies was reported,
Illnesses Related to Inflammation                    with the association risk varying from a non-
                                                     significant increased relative risk of 1.03 to a very
Inflammation plays a role in the pathogenesis of
                                                     significant risk of 2.50. A further meta-analysis
several neurological, metabolic and behavioral
                                                     of 13 studies reported that incident depression in
diseases including depression, dementia, and
                                                     subjects with diabetes at baseline was more likely
metabolic disorders. Conversely, these disorders
                                                     by 15 % (OR 1.15 (95 % CI 1.02–1.30) [49].
have been shown to contribute to the elevated
inflammatory state, this resulting in a vicious      Negative correlations of depression in patients
cycle [23]. Several mechanisms may explain           with diabetes include poorer adherence to
this relationship. In addition to the ability of     treatment [50], increased risk of vascular
inflammatory cytokines to directly impact the        complications (eg, neuropathy, macrovascular
nervous system cytokines may directly stimulate      complications, diabetic retinopathy) [51],
receptors within the hypothalamic-pituitary-         worsened control of glycemia [50], and poor
adrenal (HPA) axis, with the result of influencing   metabolic control [52]. Also, in patients with
hormone secretion. Moreover, several cytokines       diabetes depression tends to last longer and
                                                     is associated with decreased quality of life
may indirectly influence endocrinal and
                                                     and increased disability [53], more somatic
neurological disorders by an interference with
                                                     symptoms [54], increased health care costs and
the regulation of enzymes, which may determine
                                                     higher mortality risk [52,55].
a shift in key metabolic pathways, with resulting
imbalance in critical neuroactive molecules [23].    A number of epidemiologic studies have shown
                                                     that the correlations between depression and
                                                     diabetes is bi-directional [49,56]. Yet, the
Depression in Diabetic Patients
                                                     meaning of depression in the context of diabetes
Comorbid depression and diabetes is a challenging    is not straightforward and several models have
and under-recognized clinical problem, despite       been suggested to explain the comorbidity
the fact that a relationship between depression      of depression and diabetes. For instance,
and diabetes has been recognized for a long time     depression can be a comprehensible reaction to
[43-45]. Given the high prevalence of diabetes       the problems resulting from a challenging and
and depression, a degree of comorbidity is to be     life-shortening chronic medical illness and to its
expected. However, epidemiological studies have      related complications. Moreover, lifestyle factors
consistently demonstrated that the 2 diseases        and behavioural habits related to depression may
occur together twice as frequently as would be       contribute to the correlation with diabetes. For
expected by chance alone [18,46]. Moreover,          instance, people with depression are more likely

Review   Giovanni Amodeo

                 to be physically inactive, eat diets that are rich in   and inflammatory bowel diseases, which show
                 saturated fats and refined sugars while reducing        rates of MDD that are conservatively estimated
                 the intake of fruit and vegetables, have an             between 13% and 17% [8,20,65,66], with some
                 increased body mass index and not adhere with           studies reporting an even higher prevalence. For
                 weight loss recommendations, which may well             instance, a recent review of 17 studies involving
                 increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes         patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
                 [57-59].                                                (SLE) reported prevalence rates of depressive
                                                                         disorders, within the range 17–75% [67]. As in
                 In addition to the psychosocial models
                                                                         similar inflammatory illnesses, depression may
                 mentioned above, the co-occurrence of diabetes
                                                                         result from the psychosocial impact of a chronic
                 and depression is likely fueled by common
                                                                         disease as well as from lesions of the central or
                 pathogenic mechanisms. In other words, the co-
                                                                         peripheral nervous system owing to cytokines
                 occurrence may be driven by shared underlying
                                                                         induced biochemical and neurophysiological
                 biological mechanisms, such as hypothalamic-
                                                                         changes. For instance, in patients with SLE,
                 pituitary-adrenal axis activation, inflammation,
                                                                         cytokines may cause or sustain depression via
                 alterations of the sympatho-adrenal axis [60],
                                                                         activation of the indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
                 and increased proinflammatory cytokines [61],
                                                                         (IDO) enzyme as well as through the alteration
                 which may contribute to insulin resistance,
                                                                         of neurotransmitters’ bioavailability, the
                 diabetes risk and depression [45,47].
                                                                         modification of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity
                 For instance, a dysfunction of the hypothalamic-        and via the overstimulation of certain neural
                 pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, may manifests             circuits.     Furthermore,       cerebro-reactive
                 as subclinical hypercortisolism, blunted                autoantibodies present in the cerebrospinal
                 diurnal cortisol rhythm, or hypocortisolism             fluid (CSF) of patients with SLE, such as anti-
                 with impaired glucocorticoid sensitivity, and           N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and anti-
                 increased depression and inflammation [45,62].          ribosomal P, may damage neurons in brain areas
                                                                         that are relevant to mood and behavior, thus
                 Chronic inflammation may also stand alone
                                                                         causing depressive symptoms [68].
                 to underlie the correlation between depression
                 and diabetes, as inflammatory cytokines and             In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA),
                 markers, such as TNF-α, C-reactive protein, and         prevalence estimates for depression have widely
                 other proinflammatory cytokines, are increased          ranged across studies, with results ranging
                 in diabetes, in the metabolic syndrome and              from 9.5% [69] to 41.5% [70], depending
                 in a portion of subjects with depression. Not           on the study methodology and on the chosen
                 surprisingly, those markers have shown the ability      threshold for depression. For instance, a study
                 to cause depression in human beings and sickness        by Robinson and colleagues involving 144
                 behavior in animal models, with symptoms that           patients with rheumatoid arthritis, stated that
                 include negative mood, anhedonia, increased             almost 60% of the female patients and 35%
                 pain sensitivity, fatigue. loss of appetite, and        of the males reported to have felt depressed at
                 cognitive deficits, a cluster of symptoms that well     some time [71]. In a systematic review and meta-
                 remind human depression [45,60,63].                     analysis on the prevalence of depression in RA,
                                                                         Matcham and colleagues included a total of 72
                 Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis and                    studies, with more than 13 000 patients, and
                 other Inflammatory Related Diseases                     reported that 43 methods had been used to define
                 Several Inflammatory diseases have been                 depression. The authors reported differences
                 associated with elevated rates and a greater            across multiple studies, mainly depending on
                 severity of depression presentation. Depression         the definition of depression and on the threshold
                 occurs 5-10 times more frequently among                 that was used for the diagnosis of depression. The
                 those with a medical illness, worsening their           overall prevalence of major depressive disorder
                 prognosis and disability, especially when the           (MDD) resulted 16.8%, whereas the Patient
                 illness is linked with an autoimmune process.           Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) prevalence
                 For instance, the rate of MDD in multiple               of depression was 38.8%, and the prevalence
                 sclerosis reaches 50%, with a suicide rate as high      levels according to the Hospital Anxiety and
                 as 15% [64,65]. This occurrence is not limited          Depression Scale (HADS), with thresholds of
                 to inflammatory disease that interest CNS, being        8 and 11 were 34.2% and 14.8%, respectively.
                 seen also in peripheral inflammatory diseases           Despite the differences among the single studies,
                 such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriasis            it is clear that these rates are significantly higher

453              Neuropsychiatry (London) (2017) 7(4)
Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet Complex and Multifaceted Link   Review
than the prevalence rates observed in the general       causing depression during illnesses that primarily
population [72] and are comparable to, or higher        affect the brain (eg, depression during multiple
than, those reported in subjects with diabetes          sclerosis or post-stroke depression) is more easily
[73], Parkinson’s disease [74] and cancer [75].         understood than their role in peripheral illnesses.
                                                        Peripheral immune activation, such as that
Hence, it is clear that both depression [72,76-
                                                        seen with RA, but also with local infections or
79] and depressive symptoms [80,81] are
                                                        injuries, is followed by release of cytokines such
common in persons rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
                                                        as IL-1α , IL-1β , IL-6, and TNF-α. However,
These conditions have been correlated with
                                                        these cytokines are not small enough to freely
reduced quality of life [82], increased pain
                                                        pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Yet,
[83], fatigue [84], increased degree of physical
                                                        it is now known that the brain itself is able to
disability [85], increased health care costs [86],
                                                        produce cytokines and that peripheral cytokines
more comorbidities [87] and increased mortality
                                                        can signal the brain through several ways, such
levels [88]. Depression should therefore be
                                                        as a passage through certain cytokines permeable
a useful target for interventions aimed at
                                                        regions in the BBB, through active transport
improving subjective health and quality of life in
                                                        across the BBB, through the afferent vagal, or
RA patients, as well as in individuals with other
                                                        through an excess production of cytokines by
inflammatory diseases.
                                                        glia induced by second messenger signals from
As for the other illnesses described above, the         the endothelial lining of the BBB.
relationship between RA and depression may
                                                        Regardless of the exact mechanisms that are
be mediated by several factors. For instance,
                                                        involved, it is clear that inflammatory mediators,
emotional responses to a physical illness
                                                        whether they are generated peripherally or
characterized by pain and debility may play an
                                                        centrally by specific diseases or they are given
important role. Also, somatic symptoms that are
                                                        exogenously (as with IFN therapy) can lead
common in RA (e.g. poor sleep, loss of appetite)
                                                        to depression and that a significant subset of
are also common, and shared with, depression.
                                                        individuals with depression show an increase of
As in other illnesses previously described,             inflammatory factors, such as IL-6, TNF-α, and
pathogenesis of RA seems to be multifactorial           CRP, even when they are not diagnosed with an
and involve key pro-inflammatory cytokines such         inflammatory disease.
as IL-1 and TNFα. However, recent discoveries
                                                        Although the mechanisms that have been
have pointed to a role of novel cytokines, including
                                                        described as potential mediators of the relationship
IL-17, IL-18 and RANK ligand (RANKL) and
                                                        between depression and inflammatory illnesses
confirmed that inflammation and tissue damage are
                                                        likely represent only a few of the many causal
the outcome of multifaceted cell-cell interactions in
                                                        paths, they potentially explain many features of a
the rheumatoid synovium [89,90].
                                                        complex relationship and provide help to design
Nonetheless, it is clear that a dysregulation in        newer studies for a deeper understanding of the
the cytokine network plays a crucial role in the        pathophysiology of depression and of certain
pathogenesis of RA and likely contribute to its         inflammatory diseases, with the ultimate goal to
association with depression. TNF and IL-1               develop better intervention strategies.
are among the most studied cytokines and are
considered to play a key role in the process of
chronic joint inflammation and erosive cartilage
and bone changes that are seen in RA. These             Inflammation plays an increasingly evident role
observations are consistent with the fact that          in the pathogenesis of a number of immune
anticytokine treatments have proven clinical            system, neurological and behavioral disorders,
efficacy, especially with approaches directed           including depression, cognitive impairment,
against tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha.              metabolic and autoimmune diseases.
Proinflammatory cytokines may contribute to
                                                        Clearly, depression, diabetes and inflammatory
the development of MDD in multiple ways,
                                                        illnesses are linked in several ways, although neither
including their effects on the HPA axis, on
                                                        appears to be absolutely necessary or sufficient for
neurotransmission and possibly a direct action
                                                        the other. However, there is a significant subset of
on hippocampal neurogenesis.
                                                        patients for whom inflammation may precipitate
However, RA is primarily considered a                   or prolong depression or for whom depression
‘peripheral disease’ and the role of cytokines in       may significantly contribute to the inflammatory

Review             Giovanni Amodeo

                                  response, course and outcome of the comorbid                More studies are needed to explore the relationship
                                  disease.                                                    between depression and inflammation, possibly
                                                                                              stemming from an evaluation of the relationship
                                  As the role of inflammation is becoming
                                                                                              between depression and illnesses such as diabetes,
                                  increasingly appreciated for a growing number of
                                                                                              rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory
                                  diseases, treatments aimed at restoring a balance
                                                                                              illnesses. Those studies may lead to a better
                                  of the immune system and its inflammatory
                                                                                              understanding of the pathogenesis of each single
                                  mediators should be considered as a potential
                                                                                              disease and of the mechanisms that mediate or
                                  strategy of treatment and prevention. A new
                                                                                              moderate the co-occurrence. In the meantime,
                                  group of anti-inflammatory drugs may help treat
                                                                                              a treatment model that incorporates assessment
                                  depression and the link between these drugs and
                                                                                              and treatment of both comorbid conditions
                                  depression may shed further light on the role
                                                                                              seems necessary for improved outcomes.
                                  that inflammation plays in depression.

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