Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                            Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
                     Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     • Who am I?
                     • New Computer Science Technologies: Big Data , Big Data Integration, Cyber
                       Physical Systems, Cognitive Computing (Data Science)
                     • Occupational Challenges?
                     • The DBGROUP contribution
                     • Engineering UNIMORE departments contribution
                     • Emilia Romagna region contribution
                     • And the women?
                     • who uses European data and generates value
                     • Issues in Ethical Data Management

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
                     Full professor
                     Leader of the Database research
                     group (DBGroup)
                     Dean of the ICT doctorate
                     UNIMORE delegate for ICT technologies
                     •ACM distinguished researcher
                     •IEEE senior member
                     >200 publications in international conference and journals
                       Google Scholar

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     • Current Members:                   – 1 postdoc
                                                            • PhD Gagliardelli Luca (Big Data
                       – 5 faculty                            Integration & Analysis)
                           •   Sonia Bergamaschi
                           •   Domenico Beneventano       – 4 ICT PhD students
                           •   Francesco Guerra             • Luca Zecchini (2nd year phd
                           •   Laura Po                     on Big Data Integration &Analysis)
                           •   Giovanni Simonini (RTDB)     • 3 phd students starting on
                                                              November/January on
                                                                  –   Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to the
                                                                      efficiency of production processes in industrial
                                                                      manufacturing (MIUR DM1061 - Datariver)
                                                                  –   "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for the
                     • Member of the Italian                          enhancement of energy virtuosity” (ER grant),
                                                                  –   Deep learning in real-time on the astrophysical
                       CINI Big Data Lab                              data obtained from the Cerenkov CTA
                                                                      Observatory (MIUR DM 1061 – INFN)

                     • 1 spin-off (now innovative SME) to deploy the
                       MOMIS data integration system

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     ü Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)/ Internet of Things (IOT)

                     ü Cloud Computing

                     ü Big Data & Big Data Integration

                     ü Cognitive Computing

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     • A Cyber Physical System (CPS) is a system controlled or monitored by computer-
                       based algorithms, tightly integrated with the Internet and its users..
                         ü physical components and software interact (autonomous driving systems, robotics systems,
                           medical monitoring, etc.)
                         ü it is similar to the Internet of Things (Internet of Things – IOT)

                     • Cloud Computing (in italian nuvola informatica) indicates the provision of pre-
                       existing and configurable IT resources, such as archiving, processing or transmission
                       of data, available on demand through the Internet.

                     • Cognitive Computing (better than Artificial intelligence) it is the technology that will
                       allow us to interact with computers practically "talking" to machines and exploiting
                       their ability to learn from experience (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning).
                         –     Big Data Integration is a fundamental technique in this context.

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     • Internet of Things (IoT) merges physical and virtual worlds, creating smart
                       environments. (IoT) represents the next step towards the digitisation of our
                       society and economy, where objects and people are interconnected through
                       communication networks and report about their status and/or the surrounding

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     PC    Server    Cluster       Data center   Network of data centers

                     Google data center location (inferred):

Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" - Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
DB Group @ unimore

                     • The power plant analogy:

                                Power source                                                      Metering

                     • Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
                       pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and
                       services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
                       service provider interaction
                     • Characteristic:
                         – On-demand self service
                         – Measured service
                         – Rapid elasticity (resources can be rapidly and elastically provisioned to quickly scale up and rapidly
                           released to quickly scale down)
                         – Resource pooling

DB Group @ unimore

                     The quest for
                     knowledge used to
                     begin with grand
                     Now it begins with
                     massive amounts of
                     data. Welcome to
                     the Petabyte Age!

DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                         Only 0.5% to 1% of the
                         data is used for analysis.

DB Group @ unimore

                     • Then there is another V to take into account when
                       looking at Big Data: Value!

                     • Having access to big data is no good unless we can turn
                       it into value.

                     • What technologies?

DB Group @ unimore

                     God made integers,
                     all else is the work of man.
                     (Leopold Kronecker, 19th Century Mathematician)

                     Codd made relations,
                     all else is the work of man.
                     (Raghu Ramakrishan, DB text book author)

DB Group @ unimore

                                 Stonebraker Says!

                           One Size Fits None
                     “The elephants are toast”"

DB Group @ unimore

                     At This Point, RDBMS is “long in the tooth”"
                     There are at least 6 (non trivial) markets where a row
                     store can be clobbered by a specialized architecture !
                      Warehouse     (Vertica,
                         – Warehouses          Red Red
                                           (Vertica, Shift,Shift,
                                                            Sybase   IQ, DW
                                                                  Sybase IQ)! Appliances)
                      OLTP (VoltDB, HANA, Hekaton)
                      RDF– (Vertica,  et. al.)Hana, Hekaton)!
                            OLTP (VoltDB,
                      Text (Google, Yahoo, …)
                         – RDF (Vertica, et. al.)!
                      Scientific data (R, MatLab, SciDB)
                         – Streaming    (Storm,
                            Text (Google,   Yahoo,Spark
                                                     …)! Streaming, InfoSphere)

                         – Scientific data (R, MatLab, SciDB)!

                         – Streaming data (coming in part 3 )!

DB Group @ unimore

                     An emerging “movement” around non-
                     relational software for Big Data
                     •   NOSQL stands for “Not Only SQL” (but is not entirely
                         agreed upon), where SQL doesn’t really mean the query
                         language, but instead it denotes the traditional relational

                     •   Google Bigtable, Memcached, and Amazon’s Dynamo are
                         the “proof of concept” that inspired many of the data
                         stores we will see:
                          –   Memcached demonstrated that in-memory indexes can be
                              highly scalable, distributing and replicating objects over
                              multiple nodes
                          –   Dynamo pioneered the idea of eventual consistency as a way
                              to achieve higher availability and scalability [5]
                          –   BigTable demonstrated that persistent record storage could
                              be scaled to thousands of nodes [4]

DB Group @ unimore

                     • Volume, Velocity
                       Calling for new Big Data systems:

                       – Big Data Management Systems: NOSQL & more

                                                                 Many more…

                       – Big Data Analysis Systems:

                          • Batch + Streaming

                                                                 Many more…

                      Not only Relational Database Management Systems
                      and Business Intelligence
DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                     • Data integration = solving lots of puzzles
                        – Each puzzle (e.g., Taj Mahal) is an integrated entity
                        – Each piece of a puzzle comes from some source
                        – Small data integration → solving small puzzles

DB Group @ unimore

                     • Modern enterprises are often organized as “virtual networks”, where enterprises
                       operate through inter-enterprise cooperative processes
                     • To manage inter-enterprise processes and data exchange a key issue is to
                       mediate among the heterogeneity of different information systems:

                       Data Integration is a technological solution to build a shared and integrated
                       knowledge base

                     • Applications of Data Integration
                        –   Business
                        –   Science
                        –   Government
                        –   The Web
                        –   Pretty much everywhere

DB Group @ unimore

                        Enterprise Databases
                                                                        EII Apps:

                                        Single Mediated View

                     Legacy Databases
                                            Services and Applications

                          50% of all IT $$$ spent here!

DB Group @ unimore

                     ü According to Gartner:
                       Gartner estimates that the data integration tool market generated more than $2.7 billion in software
                       revenue (in constant currency) at the end of 2016.
                     ü A projected five-year compound annual growth rate of 6.32% will bring the total market revenue to
                       around $4 billion in 2021 (see "Forecast: Enterprise Software Markets, Worldwide, 2014-2021, 2Q17
                       Update" )
                     ü $3.3 billion software revenue in 2020.

                     ü The discipline of data integration comprises the practices, architectural techniques and tools that ingest,
                       transform, combine and provision data across the spectrum of information types in the enterprise and
                       beyond in order to meet the data consumption requirements of all applications and business

                        Market Overview:
                     ü The biggest change in the market from 2016 is the pervasive yet elusive demand for metadata-driven
                     ü Consumers are asking for hybrid deployment not just in the cloud and on-premises (which is
                       metadata-driven combined with services distribution), but also across multiple data tiers throughout
                       broad deployment models, plus the ability to blend data integration with application integration
                       platforms (which is metadata driven in combination with workflow management and process
                       orchestration) and a supplier focus on product and delivery initiatives to support these demands.

DB Group @ unimore

                     • The research community has been investigating data integration for more
                       than 20 years: different research communities (database, artificial intelligence,
                       semantic web) have been developing and addressing issues related to data
                         – Definitions, architectures, classification of the problems to be addressed
                         – Different approaches have been proposed and benchmarks developed
                     • (see See tutorial: S. Bergamaschi, A. Maurino for an extensive description of data
                        integration/ontology alignement techniques at:
                     • Future directions
                         –   Uncertainty, Provenance, and Cleaning
                         –   Lightweight Integration
                         –   Visualizing Integrated Data
                         –   Integrating Social Media

DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                     • Data integration = solving lots of puzzles
                       – Big data integration → big, messy puzzles
                       – E.g., missing, duplicate, damaged pieces

DB Group @ unimore

                     Alan Turing   Turing Award
DB Group @ unimore

                     Machine learning gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitely
                     programmed (Arthur Samuel, 1959) .. Now algorithms which can learn and make
                     predictions on data.

DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                     From Jens Dittrich uni saarland
DB Group @ unimore

Automation of the entire supply chain is expected: cargo ships, ports, trucks,
warehouses, delivery, ...

DB Group @ unimore

                 Thanks to machine learning techniques AlphaGo can develop
                 «intuitions» for the game of Go.

DB Group @ unimore

           • McKinsey: 45% of jobs will be replaced by already available
           • Gartner: 1 of 3 jobs will be replaced by technology in 2025
           • … But new jobs will be created by technology

DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                     Contribution of the DBGROUP

DB Group @ unimore

                     1. Big Data Management
                          the DBGroup is adopting and improving cutting-edge technologies to
                          manage Big Data (e.g. Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark,
                          NoSQL/NewSQL DBMS)

                     2.      Big Data Integration
                             to extract the real value of data by integrating different and
                             heterogeneous data sources (structured, semi-structured,

                     • Big Data Analysis = (1 +2 + BI + AI (ML)) ---> Data Science
                       how to get valuable insight from the data, and how to extract
                       information to drive decision making process, when the data is too
                       large for traditional algorithms (including traditional BI and machine
                       learning techniques)

DB Group @ unimore

                     •   Sonia Bergamaschi - ”Big Data" at Confindustria 2017
                     •   Sonia Bergamaschi - ”Big Data panel" at SEBD 2016
                     •   Sonia Bergamaschi - invited paper at CLADAG 2015 (8-10 October 2015)
                     •   Sonia Bergamaschi - Workshop "PICO: the CINECA solution for Big Data management" @
                         headquarters of Casalecchio on December 5th 2014
                     •   Sonia Bergamaschi - IC3K 2014 ( - lecture title
                         "Big Data integration - State of the Art &Challenges" - Roma 21-24 October 2014.
                     •   Sonia Bergamaschi - BDAA 2014 - lecture title " Big Data Analysis: Trends & Challenges"
                         [IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing &
                         Simulation (HPCS 2014), pag. 303 – 304.

                     Advanced Training COURSES
                     •   Big Data Academy: “Metodologie, tecniche e tool per l’analisi di Big Data” DIEF UNIMORE
                         (150 ore) – Gennaio 2019
                     •   Corso di Formazione per l’Ordine degli Ingegneri: “Metodi e Tecniche per l’Analisi di Big
                         Data” DIEF UNIMORE (15 ore) – Aprile 2017.
                     •   Several courses "Tools and techniques for massive data analysis" promoted in conjunction
                         with Cineca for the scientific research community on 2015, 2016, 2017

DB Group @ unimore

                     •   Smart monitoring of Local Energy Community – 2021
                         The project is funded by-and in collaboration with ENEA. The goal is to design a platform to
                         collect and analyze data from sensors that monitor the energy network to allow a conscious
                         use of energy by users in the home and workplace.

                     •   Digital Experience Platform – Ongoing
                         The project is funded by Regione Emilia Romagna and is developed in collaboration with
                         Doxee. The project aims to build a platform to perform data analysis on gas and electric
                         bills coming from different vendors. The platform includes machine learning techniques to
                         forecast churn rates and to suggest the best pricing plans to the users.

                     •   PLEINAIR: elaborazione di strategie motivazionali personalizzate per promuovere
                         l’attività fisica degli utenti – Ongoing
                         The project is developed in collaboration with DataRiver aims to create inclusive contexts to
                         promote the adoption of active lifestyles and good health for all and for all age groups.

                     •   Big Data Management and Governance – Master Degree in Computer Engineering at
                         University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (72 hours) – From academic year 2011/12

DB Group @ unimore

                     Engineering UNIMORE departments contribution

DB Group @ unimore

                       What do the Engineering departments of Modena and
                     • International Conferences
                     • University Education
                       – Master’s Degree Couses
                     • University Top Education
                       – PhD courses of basic research, industrial research,
                       – High apprenticeship
                       – (as coordinator of the PhD course in ICT (Information and
                         Communication Technologies)
                          please contact me for information)

DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                                  Enrolled Students

                                  Total number of students                Total number of
                                  enrolled in Ingegneria                  students enrolled in
                                  Informatica: 776                        Ingegneria
                                                                          Informatica : 202

                     Triennali                               Magistrali

                                  Total number of students                 Total number of

                                  enrolled in Ingegneria                   students enrolled
                                  Informatica : 781                        in Ingegneria
                                                                           Informatica : 228

                     Triennali                               Magistrali

                                 Enrolled Students                                               43
DB Group @ unimore

                                              Enrolled Students

                     Triennali   Magistrali                  Triennale   Magistrale

                     Triennali   Magistrali                  Triennale   Magistrale

DB Group @ unimore

                                     Enrolled Students
                           Cycle             Regular           Industrial
                     XXXI (2015-2018)          7                     1
                     XXXII (2016-2019)         9                     2
                     XXXIII (2017-2020)        4                     5
                     XXXVI (2018-2021)         6                     6
                     XXXV (2019-2022)          9                     5
                     XXXVI (2020-2023)         7                     5
                     XXXVII (2021-2024)        14               5+11*
                               *Co-financed by MIUR (D.M. 1061/21)          45
DB Group @ unimore

                     What does the Emilia Romagna region do on Big Data?

DB Group @ unimore

                     LEPIDA, GARR

                     CINECA, INFN, LEPIDA,
                     CINECA, INFN, UNIMORE,
                     UNIBO, UNIFE, INAF, CNR,

                     END USERS
                     UNIMORE, CINECA, INFN,
                     UNIBO, UNIFE, INAF, CNR,
                     IOR, UNIPR, LEPIDA,
                     ENEA, CMCC, INGV

DB Group @ unimore

                     Academy “Methods, techniques and tools for the analysis of Big Data”
                     • DBgroup Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia & CINECA
                     • 50 hours of training:
                         – 30 hours of teaching
                         – 20 hours big data lab with CINECA infrastructure
                     •   20 places available
                          – 10 € 1,500 scholarships
                          – Registration: € 3,000

                          PhD Scholarship (three year grants)
                          – Big data e Artificial Intelligence per la valorizzazione del virtuosismo energetico,
                            finanziata in attuazione del Programma “Big Data per una regione europea più
                            ecologica, digitale e resiliente" – 2021
                          – Integrazione di Big Data, finanziata in attuazione del Piano triennale Alte Competenze
                            per la ricerca, il trasferimento tecnologico e l’imprenditorialità – 2016

                          Research grants for companies in Modena (2017)
                          – BPER: “Big Data and Analytics for the development of the customer's digital behavior
                            from prospect to acquired ”
                          – DOXEE: “Methodology of designing Big Data applications based on Amazon Web
                            Services technology“
                          – Expert System: “Data Scientist to support the intelligence production process (Corporate
                            Intelligence Data Scientist”

DB Group @ unimore

                     Are women involved?

DB Group @ unimore

                     Project Digital Girls
                                   8° Edizione (from 2014)
                                   June – July 2021
                                   4-week free summer camp
                                   Dedicated to the students of 3rd and 4th high

                                   Laboratory activities– Learn by doing
                                   •Development of video games in Python
                                   •Team working
                                   female role models in ICT
                                   #teamwork #creativity #coding #empowerment

DB Group @ unimore

                  Thank you!

DB Group @ unimore

                     who uses European data and generates value?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
DB Group @ unimore

DB Group @ unimore

                           Volume and Variety: the loss of control

                     40%       16%        10%       8%       7%

DB Group @ unimore



                            Foreign        US Citizen

DB Group @ unimore

                     Issues in Ethical Data Management

DB Group @ unimore

                     Issues in Ethical Data

                        Serge Abiteboul

                                          Serge Abiteboul   1
DB Group @ unimore

                         Promises and risks of massive data
                     •    Improve people’s lives, e.g.,                Growing resentment
                          recommendation                               • Against bad behaviors: racism,
                     •    Accelerate scientific discovery,                terrorist sites, pedophilia, identity
                          e.g., medicine                                  theft, cyberbullying, cybercrime
                     •    Boost innovation, e.g.,                      • Against companies: intrusive
                          autonomous cars                                 marketing, cryptic personalization
                     •    Transform society, e.g., open                   and business decisions
                          government                                   • Against governments: NSA and its
                     •    Optimize business, e.g.,                        European counterparts
                          advertisement targeting                      Increasing awareness of the
                                                                           dissymmetry between what
                                                                           these systems know about a
                                                                           person, and what the person
                                                                           actually knows

                                                             Serge Abiteboul                                  4
DB Group @ unimore

                     Future challenges in data management
                     An opinion:
                     • In the past, the field was driven by
                        – Company data
                        – Data model & performance & reliability
                     • In the future
                        – Personal and social data
                        – Ethical issues

                     Ethics: concepts and principles that guide us in
                     determining what behavior helps or harms us
                                              Serge Abiteboul           5
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