DEFENCE PROSPECTUS - Regional Development Victoria

DEFENCE PROSPECTUS - Regional Development Victoria

DEFENCE PROSPECTUS - Regional Development Victoria
MO I R A                                   ALBURY
                                                                                             Australian Target Systems (ATS)           4
               G R E AT E R                                INDIGO           TOWONG
             SH E P PA R TO N
                                                                                             Australian Aerospace Engineering (AAE)    5
                                       B E NALLA                                             Bertazzo Engineered                       6
              ST R AT H B O G I E                               ALPINE

                                                                                             Broadspectrum                            7
                                                                                             KBR                                      9
                                            M ANSFIELD
                    MU R R I N D I N D I
                                                                                             Meggitt Training Systems                 10

                                                                                             Milspec                                  11
                                                                                             NIOA                                     12

                                                                                             Parker Hannifen                          13

                                                                                             Pentarch                                 14

                                                                                             Red Baron                                15

                                                                                             Spotless                                 16

                                                                         Hume Region         Wodonga Institute of TAFE                17
                                                                         North East
                                                                                             Thales                                   18
                                                                         Goulburn Valley
                                                                                             Veolia                                   19
                                                                         Central Highlands
                                                                         & Goldfields
                                                                                             WCL Management Services                  20

DEFENCE PROSPECTUS - Regional Development Victoria
Regional Development Australia | HUME | Defence Prospectus

The Hume Region boasts the largest Australian        The Defence force footprint within the Hume            Stakeholders within the Hume Region providing
Defence Force presence in Victoria and has a         Region extends from Albury-Wodonga to the              essential services and products to the Department
resources sector to match it, with skilled trades    Puckapunyal Army Base near Seymour and                 of Defence are broken up into two distinct groups;
and support chains bolstering the armed forces.      includes the municipalities of Benalla Rural City,     prime contractors and vendors or Original
                                                     City of Wodonga, Mitchell Shire, Strathbogie           Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), whose main
The total value of the Defence                       Shire and Rural City of Wangaratta.                    business in the region is with Defence.

sector in the Hume Region is                         The Albury-Wodonga Military Area (AWMA)                The skilled enterprises leveraging the Department
$185 million per annum and                           consists of Gaza Ridge Barracks, Wadsworth             of Defence in the Hume Region comprise small
generates more than 5600 jobs.                       Barracks, Latchford Barracks Bonegilla, Joint          businesses employing just five people to larger
                                                     Logistics Unit-Victoria and the Army Logistics         operations with a workforce of in excess of
The Department of Defence and businesses in          Training Centre.                                       680 people.
the Hume Region have established partnerships
committed to the continued growth and success        The AWMA workforce and trainee population,             State-of-the-art facilities are dotted throughout the
of one of Australia’s most skilled hubs.             including serving members, public service              region, with the newest technology and innovations
                                                     employees and contractors, can vary from               being rolled out to facilitate Defence needs.
Sustainable relationships between Defence and        between 2000 and 4000 people, depending
businesses in the Hume Region are leading to the     on what courses are being offered at the time.         By 2021, it is predicted that there will be a 44
procurement of products and services both locally,                                                          per cent increase in spending, according to the
nationally and internationally, cementing                                                                   Defence Industry in the Hume Region report
the experienced capabilities within the region.                                                             released last year.

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    Australian Target Systems (ATS) is the country’s     “This starts with a thorough Training Needs        Mr Crilly said ATS adopted a whole of life cycle
    most experienced live fire target system business,   Analysis (TNA), supporting a disciplined systems   approach to its work, using world-leading systems
    providing real-life training environments for        approach to the delivery of training capability    integration and quality components to deliver the
    members of the Department of Defence.                outcomes for the customer,” he said.               sovereign capability training outcome required by
                                                                                                            the Department of Defence.
    ATS uses world-leading systems integration           “The ATS approach is based on using the best
    and quality components to deliver the required       live fire training equipment available in the      “ATS also provides ongoing technical advisory
    sovereign capability training outcome.               world to develop a fully integrated capability     services regarding range management, policy
                                                         solution that meets the exact requirements         formulation and experimental activities,” he said.
    Managing Director Tony Crilly said ATS was an        of the end user.”
    Australian veteran owned and operated business,                                                         “There is no other Australian company that can
    providing realistic operational environments and     ATS’ history dates back to the 1950s and           provide such a full spectrum and immersive live
    the rigors of live fire training.                    combines the skills of ex-military professionals   fire training capability.”
                                                         with the know-how of highly skilled software
                                                         and hardware engineers to integrate leading        Mr Crilly advised businesses wanting to work with
                                                         edge live fire training systems.                   the Department of Defence to ensure they achieve
                                                                                                            their ISO certification for the area of skill they are
                                                         “Today, ATS is the dominant provider of full       applying for.
                                                         spectrum live fire training systems to the ADF,
                                                         providing design input, systems development,       “It is important you understand the customer and
                                                         project management, installation, operations       what the customer requires,” he said.
                                                         and maintenance services,” Mr Crilly said.
                                                                                                            “Focus on the end user during the process.”

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Australian Aerospace Engineering (AAE) is a          “Army Aviation contacted us to solve a procurement      Mr Johnston urged businesses vying for Defence
premier Part 145 Helicopter MRO, manufacturer of     problem they were facing in sustainment of the           work to ensure they attend conferences and
aeronautical products and distributor of aerospace   legacy Bell Helicopter platform,” he said.               remain patient.
hardware, supporting Defence and other industries.
                                                     “We were able to assist, and they were able             “There is a lot of support available through
In the past 30 years AAE has supported a             to streamline us getting set up as a recognised          ADA formerly AIDN Victoria, VDA, Defence
variety of helicopter platforms in Defence from      Defence supplier, along with a NCAGE                     Murray Riverina Alliance and the CDIC,”
line maintenance tasks through to complete           (a government and commercial entity) code.”              he said.
refurbishments and deep level structural repairs.
                                                     “Following this we continued our support role with      “Leverage these resources and reach out
Engineering and Sales Manager, Viv Johnston          parts supply manufacturing services to various           to people for their assistance.”
said since 2015, AAE had successfully supported      System Program Offices which we continue today.”
the Department of Defence with 206B-1 Kiowa,
CH-47 Chinook and Black Hawk platforms with          Mr Johnston said AAE had also become involved
spare parts and manufactured                         with the Australian Defence Alliance - Victoria
aeronautical products.                               (ADA-VIC), Defence Murray Riverina Alliance,
                                                     RDA Hume and the Victorian Defence Alliance.
AAE also offers low volume manufacturing
services to Defence, primarily in the aviation       “We started attending the Defence conferences
space.                                               and networking within Defence,” he said.

Mr Johnston said AAE leveraged its established       “We also sought and achieved support from the
quality control systems, along with its extensive    CDIC (Centre for Defence Industry Capability)
milling, turning, sheet metal and composite          for business improvement activities to better align
manufacturing capabilities.                          ourselves with Defence requirements.”

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                                                                 BERTAZZO ENGINEERED

                                                                 Bertazzo Engineered has been providing       “They came in with the stick figure type
                                                                 targetry systems to the Department of        drawings and we designed the product
                                                                 Defence for more than three years.           from there.

                                                                 Owner Ray Bertazzo said Albury-based         “The smalls arms training with Defence
                                                                 Australian Target Systems (ATS) had          is where they shoot at the metal targets
                                                                 approached Bertazzo Engineered to            that we have produced.”
                                                                 design targetry systems for small
                                                                 arms training.                               Bertazzo Engineered is a family
                                                                                                              -owned company employing more
                                                                 “We had initially been providing targetry   than 40 people.The production staff
                                                                 systems for the Royal United Emirates        are dedicated, highly skilled tradesmen
                                                                 through ATS. Defence here in Albury-         with many years of experience.
                                                                 Wodonga saw this and were interested,”
                                                                 he said.                                     Mr Bertazzo said the business had
                                                                                                              recently applied to engineer a new
                                                                 “We worked with ATS in order to design      range of targetry to be used at the
                                                                 and engineer the whole range of pop-up       Puckapunyal Army base.
                                                                 targetry which can be used for small
                                                                 arms training here in Albury Wodonga.        “Hopefully we will be successful with
                                                                                                              that project,” he said.

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Broadspectrum (now a part of           Nationwide, Broadspectrum delivers    “It is important to go to them with
Ventia) provide maintenance            approximately 885,000 hours per       better processes and better ways
support systems to the Department      annum for the maintenance, repair     and they will listen.
of Defence’s ground equipment          and support services that are
and vehicles.                          necessary to maintain and sustain     “They will provide funding to make
                                       the Department of Defence land        improvements if we flag the
From weaponry to Abrams tanks          -based equipment.                     benefits with them.
and Hawkei vehicles, a dedicated
team of more than 140 staff            Mr Bament said the dedicated          “The great thing about working with
service the Albury-Wodonga region,     team consisted of mechanics, fitter   Defence is that they are flexible,
including Bandiana and Latchford       armourers, electronic technicians,    and they do like that continuous
Barracks at Bonegilla.                 electricians and trace assistants.    improvement approach.”

Joint Logistics Unit Manager Brett     “A tradesman may be employed as      Mr Bament said business and
Bament said Broadspectrum was          a fitter and then they are Defence    organisations looking to work with
first awarded the Department of        trained to specifically work on       the Department of Defence needed
Defence contract in 2013 and this      Department of Defence equipment,”     to approach contracts and tenders
was then extended to 2022.             he said.                              with an open mind.

“We also have a further two-year      Mr Bament said the Department         “Don’t be siloed, it’s important to
option,” he said.                      of Defence was always looking         think outside the square and always
                                       to better improve processes and       be prepared to change direction
“There are 140 staff that work here   modernise its approach.               in what you are doing if need be.”
with a mix of 90 tradesmen and
55 support staff.”                     “Working with Defence means if
                                       we can find a way to fix something
                                       quicker or more cheaply we
                                       improve the process,” he said.

DEFENCE PROSPECTUS - Regional Development Victoria
“Collaboration which
      brings together the
      required range of
      specialist skills is
      essential to success.”

    Brendan Tenison-Woods
    National Training Manager, KBR

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KBR Wodonga operates as an             Mr Tenison-Woods said in addition       Mr Tenison-Woods said the
integrated element of a larger         KBR developed live-stream training      Wodonga team had been part of
conglomerate that provides             to Defence fuels environment            Scientific Management Associates
integrated logistics support (ILS)     operators.                              (SMA) until KBR acquired the
to the Department of Defence.                                                  operation in early 2020.
                                       “KBR develops training resources
The team provides specialist           and delivers training for an            “SMA commenced operations
skills at a local, national and        equipment supplier to the RAAF          providing ILS to the Department
international level.                   and provides Registered Training        of Defence in 1981,” he said.
                                       Organisation or RTO specialist
National Training Manager Brendan      support to KBR’s Navy technical         “The Defence industry operates
Tenison-Woods said KBR was             training contract,” he said.            within a demanding and often
currently providing an introduction                                            complex process of Australian
into service training for the          The Wodonga team focuses on             Defence Force acquisition or
maintainers of new Australian          training delivery, including training   sustainment project requirements,”
Defence Force vehicles.                development of all types, ranging       he said.
                                       from curriculum to face-to-face
“We are developing simulation         delivery, eLearning and simulation.     “Collaboration which brings together
that augments KBR training being                                               the required range of specialist
delivered to the first crews of new    “The simulation development            skills is essential to success.”
Navy ships in Sydney,” he said.        involves the most basic animated
                                       graphics through to virtual reality
“We are also involved in developing   of VR,” he said.
eLearning for the online training
of crews of new Navy ships.”

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                                      INVERIS TRAINING SYSTEMS

                                      Inveris Training Solutions (formerly        “Ours is a business with a long-       He said it was important for
                                      Meggitt Training Systems) delivers          standing relationship with Defence      businesses to understand the
                                      simulation support services to              and is proud of its record in terms     Department of Defence’s processes.
                                      Department of Defence sites around          of the great and ongoing relationship
                                      Australia, including the Hume Region.       we have with the Department of          “Make sure you are well equipped to
                                                                                  Defence,” he said.                      respond in a timely manner,” he said.
                                      Managing Director Kevin McNaughton
                                      said Inveris Training Solutions supplied    Mr McNaughton said businesses           “Burn time on RFTs/RFIs is often short
                                      the Weapon Training Simulation              or organisations wanting to work with   and might appear unrealistic.“
                                      Systems (WTSS) across the network.          Defence needed to maintain honesty
                                                                                  and be transparent throughout the       “If you commit, make sure you deliver.”
                                      “We have 18 sites around Australia         engagement process and ongoing
                                       and we provide project management,         relationships.                          He said the Department of Defence
                                       operations management and technical                                                was a willing partner and adhered to
                                       support to all of these sites,” he said.   “You need to communicate often         fairness in its adjudications.
                                                                                  and respectfully - it is important to
                                      “We also offer live fire targets,         meet your KPIs and be patient with      “Bad news does not get better with
                                       technical support, range installation      the process,” he said.                  age and if you stay engaged and
                                       and range management to Defence.”                                                  honest in your communication,
                                                                                  Mr McNaughton said it was important     you will find Defence is often very
                                      Inveris Training Solutions delivered        for businesses and organisations to     accommodating,” he said.
                                      its first Weapon Training Simulation        provide solutions to the Department
                                      System to Defence in 1999.                  of Defence and not problems.            “Remember, they have a vested
                                                                                                                          interest in seeing their industry
                                                                                  “Be a willing partner, rather than     partners succeed in the delivery
                                                                                  simply a supplier,” he said.            of contracts.”

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Milspec Manufacturing designs,        He said the mission of Milspec        “Without it you are unlikely to
assembles and supplies patented       Manufacturing was to continually      win any meaningful work.
and unique alternators and portable   improve its market position towards
power systems for Defence primes.     being Australia’s number one          “It takes a long time to convert
                                      provider of electrical mechanical     discussions to orders.
General Manager Neil Morrison         subsystems to Defence, as well
said when Milspec was formed          as other industries by designing      “For Milspec this is typically
in 2003, the site already             and manufacturing products and        two years.”
manufactured live fire target         services that consistently meet
systems.                              and exceed customer requirements      Mr Morrison said it was also
                                      and expectations.                     important for organisations to have
“We were already in that defence                                           a point of difference in the services
space so in the subsequent            Milspec Manufacturing complies        or products they offered.
16 plus years we have accessed        with statutory requirements, codes
various Defence sites to quote        and standards and guidelines.         “Ask yourself what your point of
for work,” he said.                                                         difference is,” he said.
                                      Mr Morrison said Milspec was
Milspec is now revered as the         always looking to continually         “Milspec has evolved to become
premier Australian Defence SME        improve its quality management        an OEM (original equipment
for subsystems, alternators and       systems to maintain AS/NZ             manufacturer) - if you are in
portable power.                       ISO9001 and AS9100 certification.     the contracting game, what’s
                                                                            your niche?”
                                      “If you are manufacturing it is
                                      important to have ISO9001,”
                                      he said.

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                                                           NIOA Benalla’s core work comes from its            “You need to know the key trigger points that
                                                           provision and support of weapon systems            make your product or your service stand out
                                                           and integrated soldier systems to Department       and keep pushing them into Defence at the
                                                           of Defence.                                        right level,” he said.

                                                           Director of Operations, Garry Warrender said the   “Being connected and able to meet and present
                                                           organisation provided the full gamut of weapons,   your business to at least one-star and two-star
                                                           munitions and associated equipment within          level will be beneficial for selling your products
                                                           its contract.                                      and services.”

                                                           “We also repair and maintain munitions and        He said it was important to spend time
                                                           weapons, undertake munitions manufacturing,        networking to cover all angles and assessments.
                                                           engineering services and facility management,”
                                                           he said.                                           “Organisations need to understand how their
                                                                                                              product or service can benefit Defence,” he said.
                                                           Mr Warrender indicated that NIOA had adopted
                                                           a strategic and pointed business approach to       “It is worthwhile documenting concept papers
                                                           secure its contract with the Department            that explore why your product will benefit and
                                                           of Defence.                                        how it does this better or more affordably than
                                                                                                              other products.”
                                                           “We were deliberately seeking business
                                                           opportunities through supply channels              “It is good to remember that affordability and
                                                           and expanding from there,” he said.                benefit can be the same thing, but may also
                                                                                                              be very different and sometimes the better
                                                           Mr Warrender advised that organisations need       product is the one made locally, so be prepared
                                                           to be patient when attempting to secure            to demonstrate the Australian content as part
                                                           contracts and tenders with the Department          of the value assessment and any broader
                                                           of Defence.                                        sovereign benefits.”

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Parker Hannifin’s Australian          He said Parker Hannifin also             “Parker Hannifin Australia has a          Mr Jones said the Department of
manufacturing site, located in        supplied cooling systems, hydraulics,    large system engineering team to           Defence had begun to streamline
Wodonga, has been engaged             hydraulic hose and fittings, hydraulic   assist OEMs with custom designs            supply chains and awarding system
with the Department of Defence        tube assemblies, pneumatics and          and can also leverage global               contracts rather than individual
for many years.                       automation products for additional       engineering support and product            components.
                                      Defence projects.                        development teams.”
In the past Parker Hannifen Wodonga                                                                                       “Targeting larger corporations and
manufactured various fittings and     Mr Jones said the Wodonga factory        Mr Jones said organisations looking        SMEs that win full systems may
components for Naval projects         was part of the global Parker Hannifin   to work with Defence should follow         be the best opportunity rather than
such as HMAS Frigates and Collins     Motion and Controls business worth       contract tenders and awards                direct to the Defence contractor,”
Class Submarines.                     in excess of $13 billion in revenue.     through on-line tools such as ICN          he said.
                                                                               gateway or subscriptions such as
Parker Hannifen also supplied a       “Our Wodonga facility also              Defence Connect.                           “Quality systems need to be in
small number of components for        manufactures and assembles                                                          place, in most cases an SME would
Land 116 both directly and through    products supporting current              “It is important to create business       not pass through the request for
SMEs and continues to support this    land projects directly with OEMs         and product awareness through              information phase without ISO
project through new contracts and     (original equipment manufacturer),       Defence trade shows and also build         9001 compliance.”
service requirements.                 Land 121 and Land 400 and                Defence network contacts,” he said.
                                      indirectly through a number
Key Account Manager Victoria Chris    of Australian SMEs,” he said.            Mr Jones said it was important to
Jones said Parker Hannifin had                                                 start working with customers from day
significantly increased its Defence   “While we predominantly work            one and be willing to invest significant
engagement on the Land 121 project.   with OEMs directly we can also           resources into the tender process,
                                      service smaller SMEs through our         with the risk of possibly not winning
“We have been supplying a number     distribution channel partners            the contract.
of cooling, pneumatic and hose        and our Enzed franchises.
fittings systems for this project,”
he said.

Regional Development Australia | HUME | Defence Prospectus


     Pentarch Industrial offers specialised,   Managing Director Chris Deighton         “We recycle all components, pull      “You can’t just roll up out of the
     environmentally acceptable solutions      said the refurbishment included          the bullets out, empty propellants,    blue, I have done my research
     for the disposal of munitions and other   quality testing, painting and            everything we do is EPA tested.’’      and designed this business to do
     hazardous goods for the Department        stencilling to order.                                                           business with defence, and once
     of Defence.                                                                        Mr Deighton said it was also           you are in the door you can continue
                                               Mr Deighton said that recently,          important to understand the Defence    to grow your business.’’
     It also supplies a wide range of          Pentarch had signed an additional        Procurement Guidelines.
     ammunition packaging, including           six-year contract worth $15 million                                             Mr Deighton encouraged businesses
     being responsible for maintaining         to continue the provision of services.   “This is critical and if people       and organisations looking to work
     the inventory of Defence’s most                                                    understand this then they are at       with the Department of Defence to
     common ammunition containers              “We collect the boxes and packaging     the first stage of being able to       do their research.
     and internal furniture.                   from the various depots and bring        submit what Defence is seeking.’’
                                               them back to our Oaklands depot,                                                “Be part of the RDA Hume group and
     The M19A1, M2A1, M548, PA125              where they are pre-sorted for quality,   Mr Deighton said it was important to   relevant defence alliances and go
     are reusable containers and are           some can be refurbished whilst           have the appropriate accreditation.    to meetings every time they are held
     fully refurbished at its facilities in    others may be rusty or damaged,’’                                               and talk to people,’’ he said.
     Wangaratta and Oaklands.                  he said.                                 “ISO accreditation is a definite
                                                                                        advantage and demonstrating that       “Industry groups are a good way of
                                               “We employ 22 staff at Oaklands         you are part of the Defence Industry   creating a level of engagement in
                                               and 17 in Wangaratta.”                   Security Program DISP is also          business and establish connections,
                                                                                        beneficial,’’ he said.                 you will find that people will be
                                               “We undertake ammunition disposal                                              quite open about how they are
                                               of a large scale in an environmentally   “Becoming familiar with defence       doing business.
                                               responsible way.                         processes, picking your target
                                                                                        and surviving the gestation period     “The best piece of advice I have is
                                                                                        is all important,’’ he said.           to get the very best accreditation
                                                                                                                               you can afford for your business.’’

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Red Baron ALSE is a specialist             As well as supplying the full raft      “What do they need product-wise?
company providing aviation life            of life support and communication       What are they after contract-wise?
support equipment products and             equipment Red Baron also provides
services to the Department                 a repair service for not only its       “They won’t even deal with
of Defence.                                own products but other life support     companies who are not across this.”
                                           products the Department of Defence
From flight helmets to inflatable life     needs to be repaired.                   Mr Bayne advised businesses not
vests and life rafts, Red Baron has                                                to rely solely on the Department of
been operating for more than 20            “We service the equipment and also     Defence for its entire yearly revenue.
years and established a reputation         provide consulting and training about
for providing state-of-the-art and         our products,” he said.                 “Don’t commit your entire business
cutting-edge technology to the                                                     to just one contract and don’t put
defence forces.                            Mr Bayne said businesses looking        all your eggs in one basket,” he said.
                                           to do business with the Department
Managing Director Greg Bayne               of Defence needed to ensure they        “In saying that, be persistent as it
said Red Baron supplies a range            joined an organisation that would       may take some time and become
of flight clothing including specialised   represent them well in the defence      involved in events and get your
dry suits and anti-G suits for jet         industry such as the Australian         face out there.
fighter pilots.                            Defence Alliance.
                                                                                   “Now is the best time to try and
“Pilot communications are another         “That would make a good entry          get on board, particularly with
area we specialise in with flight          point,” he said.                        sovereign capability.”
helmets and survival products
being supplied to defence,” he said.       “It is a good idea to research into
                                           what the industry requires from a
“The equipment we provide to the          contract point of view.
Department of Defence makes up for
about 50 per cent of our business.”

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                                        Spotless Integrated Facilities Services    Estate Operations and Management          Mr Mosterd said Spotless utilises
                                        supports the Defence sector with           Service (EMOS) Operations Manager         people from the Hume Region as part
                                        an integrated range of services that       Robert Mosterd said within the Hume       of its workforce to facilitate contracts
                                        allows the military to focus on what       Region, Spotless provides estate          with the Department of Defence.
                                        they do best.                              operations and management service,
                                                                                   building facility maintenance, grounds    “For any jobs relating to the services
                                        Spotless, a Downer company, is the         maintenance, cleaning, transport as       we provide, we advertise these
                                        largest integrated facilities services     well as gym and pool attendants for       opportunities through local papers,”
                                        provider throughout Australia and          sports and recreation services.           he said.
                                        New Zealand and provides essential
                                        services and solutions for everyday        Spotless brings together experience       Mr Mosterd said the most recent
                                        operations to the Department               and technical expertise in the delivery   recruitment drive was conducted
                                        of Defence.                                of a full range of facilities and asset   in March and April 2020 to attract
                                                                                   management services ensuring quality      resources to continue to provide an
                                        Spotless has a 70-year history and         and rigorous compliance.                  extensive range of services to the
                                        is renowned for innovating large                                                     Department of Defence.
                                        scale service demand and asset             Mr Mosterd said Spotless began its
                                        performance to facilitate its contracts.   involvement with the Department of
                                                                                   Defence through the national tender
                                        The long-standing relationship with the    system, Austender.
                                        Department of Defence has resulted
                                        in a wealth of experience for Spotless     He said it was important for
                                        to respond to the changing operational     businesses wanting to tender for
                                        needs of the Defence sector.               services with the Department of
                                                                                   Defence to first register
                                                                                   with Austender.

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Wodonga Institute of TAFE has           Part of the contract goals include      He said supporting trainees to learn
trained thousands of Defence            modernising training methodology        where they live through blended
personnel and provides training         and reporting practices, and to         learning has reduced the burden of
services to the Army School of          streamline the process from end-to      travel, increased a trainee’s time
Health, Army School of Logistics,       -end of a trainee’s program, creating   back in their workplace and reduced
Army School of Electrical and           a smoother and more holistic learning   costs for Defence for travel and
Mechanical Engineering and the          experience.                             accommodation.
Army School of Transport in the
Hume Region.                            Wodonga TAFE staff are embedded         “A great way to start building
                                        within Army bases around the Hume        relationships within Defence is
More than 200 Wodonga TAFE staff        Region to ensure exceptional lines       to reach out to organisations who
support the provision of training.      of communication are adhered to          are already providing services
The current contract has a lifespan     and relationship-building is at          or materials to Defence,” he said.
of nine years and an is expected to     the forefront.
realise more than $140 million in                                               “Contracting to these organisations
revenue over the contract life.         TAFE General Manager Strategic          is a great way to showcase your
                                        Partnerships, Damien Crawley said       company’s capability and enables
In 2019, Wodonga TAFE was               the training programs provided to       you to create further relationships.
awarded the Academic Institution        Defence were moving with the times.
of the Year Award at the Australian                                             “Building, maintaining, nurturing and
Defence Industry Awards.                “This has involved moving a vast        expanding relationships is the key
                                        majority of training to blended,         to ongoing successful collaboration,
Wodonga TAFE plays an integral          remote and online learning where         particularly with Defence.
role in critical defence training and   practical and the incorporation of
is the largest out-sourced training     technology in competency tracking,      “Being flexible in your arrangements,
provider for the Army Logistics         reporting and interactive learning       and providing client-focused
Training Centre.                        tools,” he said.                         solutions, is paramount.”

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     For Australian Munitions (a business   “We are very proud that the Strategic    Mr Aggenbach said the relationship      Mr Aggenbach said working with the
     of Thales Australia), providing        Domestic Munitions Manufacturing          with the Department of Defence had      Department of Defence was different
     ammunition for all three factions of   (SDMM) agreement will make our            come about by chance.                   to working with a civilian company.
     the Defence forces is something to     operation of the facilities on behalf
     be proud of.                           of the Commonwealth one of the            “We were chasing a lifestyle           “It is not a normal pace, so expect
                                            longest as will be running for over       change from living and working in       some frustrations along the way, but
     Thales supplies to Army, Navy and      30 years.                                 Melbourne,” he said.                    stick with it and it will be worth it for
     Air Force, including small, medium                                                                                       all in the end.”
     and large calibre ammunitions,         “We also have a large share of the       “In the local region, working with
     both live and for training purposes.   civilian ammunition market both           Defence is hidden, it is very much
                                            locally and internationally and we        out of sight and mind, even though
     It also provides a large range of      sell domestically and into the US,        Thales is a large regional employer
     bombs, including for the new F35       UK and other smaller markets.”            and provides broad support to
     Joint Strike Fighter.                                                            local economy.”
                                            Mr Aggenbach said simulators,
     Thales General Manager, Brett          detonators, close quarter combat          He said the most successful way to
     Aggenbach (Benalla facility) said      grenades, both live and for training      work with the Defence Department
     a recently-signed contract with        and demolition stores are also            was to firstly better understand the
     the Commonwealth secured the           supplied to Defence.                      requirements.
     ongoing operation of the Benalla
     and Mulwala factories to continue      “We employ 650 people across the         “You then need to understand their
     providing these munitions.             two facilities, inject over $30 million   limitations and bureaucracy that they
                                            into the local economy and have           have to deal with, so you can better
     “This cements the future of the       a large supplier base with 600 small,     tailor and work within their systems
     facilities as Strategic Pillars for    medium and large suppliers,”              and requirements,” he said.
     Defence’s Strategic Industrial         he said.
     Capability Plan (SICP),” he said.

Regional Development Australia | HUME | Defence Prospectus


Veolia directly supports the            National Contract Manager Defence,     “We service defence sites in Albury-   “Accessing Defence opportunities
Department of Defence’s strategic       Dale Manley said Veolia actively       Wodonga at Bandiana, Latchford          is hard, it takes a lot of networking
environmental management,               engaged with local communities         Barracks and Wirlinga.                  and you need to show innovation”
resource efficiency and pollution       with a focus on sustainable                                                    he said.
prevention objectives through its       waste management.                      “We reduce waste by separating
contract mobilisation.                                                         waste at the source and when you        “The Government is looking to
                                        He said Veolia was helping the         have got the volume of waste we         promote Australia’s reuse and
Veolia has issued 8000 waste            Department of Defence to reduce        are dealing with, then you have the     recycling, so businesses need
receptacles to 377 Defence sites        its waste-related environmental        opportunity to innovate.                to be involved in that whole
and supplied 11 dedicated waste         impact through innovative waste                                                circular economy of Defence
collection vehicles to its existing     treatment technologies.                “We are always looking to trial        and Government.”
fleet across Australia.                                                        something new, whether that be
                                        This involves the waste being          waste going to worm farms or            “Provide options and solutions
Tens of thousands of tonnes of waste    sorted into various components and     looking at soldier flys for organic     and show that the end product has
has been collected, with much of it     then recycled by local organisations   materials.                              a value and is not single use.”
recycled to ensure its sustainable      in Albury-Wodonga and surrounds.
disposal.                                                                      “There are opportunities to leverage
                                        Plastics, cardboard, fluorescent       off the defence sector and offer
The Department of Defence can           lights, batteries, oily rags, liquid   that to the wider community which
now ensure the sustainable disposal     waste, sheet metals and plastic        benefits everyone.”
of more than 40,000 used vehicle        wrap are all waste products that
tyres each year from its expansive      are sorted and recycled.               Mr Manley said businesses looking
fleet of more than 6000 light, medium                                          to work with Defence needed to
and heavy vehicles as part of the       “We take away the waste and use       provide options through the tender
contract with Veolia.                   due diligence and innovation to        process to show they can support
                                        improve targets and reduce the         the circular economy.
                                        waste that is going to landfill by
                                        improving diversion rates,” he said.

Regional Development Australia | HUME | Defence Prospectus


                                                                  WCL Management Services provides secure ground
                                                                  transport services, event transport management services
                                                                  and VIP passenger transport services as part of its work
                                                                  contracts with the Department of Defence.

                                                                  Operations Manager, Matthew Joyce, said WCL
                                                                  Management Service had a long history in the transport
                                                                  industry in Wangaratta and had first started working with
                                                                  the Department of Defence in 2013.

                                                                  “We applied and through a successful tender we were
                                                                  given the contract for the provision of secure ground
                                                                  transport services,” he said.

                                                                  Mr Joyce said it was important for organisations
                                                                  vying for Defence work to ensure they had the correct
                                                                  accreditations and systems in place.

                                                                  “Work health and safety, compliance and IT system
                                                                  readiness are essential for businesses looking to work
                                                                  with Defence,” he said.

“Provide options and
  solutions and show
  that the end product
  has a value and is not
  single use.”

Dale Manley
National Contract Manager, Veolia

Regional Development Australia | HUME | Defence Prospectus


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