Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives?

Page created by Allan Howard
Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives?
Deep-sea mining: fact sheet 9

                                            Deep-sea mining:
                                            what are the alternatives?
                                            Deep-sea mining is out of step with the direction the world is taking1 as leaders across both
                                            public and private sectors seek nature-based solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises.
                                            Set within a circular economic model, this approach is in line with the United Nations (UN)
                                            Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 – to ensure responsible consumption and production
                                            – and the UN’s designated decades of ocean science and habitat restoration.

                                                                                                                              goal to “stop mining the earth altogether” in
                                                                                                                              20174 battery technology has advanced rapidly.
                                                                                                                              Investment in innovation means that the next
                                                                                                                              generation of longer-lived batteries that reuse
                                                                                                                              metals – or do not use deep-sea minerals at
© OFOS-Launcher Team (AWI), RV SONNE 2016

                                                                                                                              all – are already entering the market. A joint
                                                                                                                              study by the International Energy Agency (IEA)
                                                                                                                              and the European Patent Office underlines the
                                                                                                                              key role that battery innovation is playing in
                                                                                                                              the transition to clean energy technologies. It
                                                                                                                              revealed that between 2005 and 2018, patenting
                                                                                                                              activity in batteries and other electricity storage
                                                                                                                              technologies grew at an average annual rate
                                                                                                                              of 14% worldwide, four times faster than the
                                                                                                                              average of all technology fields.5
                                                                                                                                  Experts anticipate that new technologies
                                            Above: goosefish            Deep-sea mining prospectors claim we have             will unlock additional applications sooner than
                                            (Lophiodes beroe), a type   no choice but to open the ocean to mining in          expected and create a “seismic shift” in how we
                                            of anglerfish 640 meters.   order to power the green shift. This is because       power our lives and organize energy systems as
                                                                        the minerals they are targeting – manganese,          early as 2030. They warn investors that change
                                                                        cobalt and nickel – are used to build batteries for   will be rapid, with timelines that “may not align
                                                                        renewable technologies. However, alternatives         with traditional venture capital criteria.”6
                                                                        to deep-sea mining are within reach providing             “As early as 2025, and no later than 2030,
                                                                                       we continue to invest in three         RMI expects non-Li-ion battery technologies
                                                “It is true that there are             main areas: innovation in battery      to have made significant commercialization
                                                                                       technology; increased reuse and        steps… Regulators and policymakers must look
                                                enough metal-bearing deposits
                                                                                       recycling capacities; and the          ahead to understand just how quickly lower-
                                                on land to meet the needs of
                                                                                       continued extraction of metals         cost batteries will accelerate the transition to
                                                the clean energy transition.”3         from terrestrial sources under         zero-carbon grids and open new pathways for
                                                DeepGreen subsidiary, Tonga            greatly improved environmental         mobility electrification.” RMI, 2020.
                                                Offshore Minerals Ltd                  and social governance (ESG)                Some foresee companies moving away from
                                                                                       frameworks.23                          the use of nickel altogether, due to its cost.7
                                                                                                                              Solid-state batteries, that require no nickel or
                                                                         Innovation in battery technology                     cobalt, can be lighter and provide more range
                                                                         Ensuring clean and green battery supply              at a lower cost than today’s electric vehicles
                                                                         chains has been identified as a requirement for      (EVs) that use lithium-ion batteries. They also
                                                                         business and government energy strategies            have faster charging times and do not contain
                                                                         in order to shape an energy transition that          flammable electrolytes.8 This may explain why
                                                                         does not repeat the mistakes of the fossil fuel-     solid-state battery technology is predicted to
                                                                         based economy. Since Apple announced its             massively disrupt the battery industry in the near

                                            Fact sheet 9 | Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives? | JULY 2021                                                              1
Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives?
what are the alternatives?
 Deep-sea mining: fact sheet 9

                                                  future, and why Ford and BMW       q In May 2021, the world’s biggest truck
      “Lithium-iron phosphate and                 are leading a $130 million           makers – Volvo and Daimler – bought into
      its upgraded versions will have             funding round in a solid-state       a joint hydrogen venture for large vehicles,
                                                  battery start-up, Solid Power,       predicting that hydrogen will “take off” as the
      a major role in the future of
                                                  with hopes of integrating next-      future of long-distance transport between
      EVs and fundamentally change
                                                  generation batteries into its        2027 and 2030 before going “steeply up”.19
      large-scale energy storage.”                electric vehicles by the end of    q In April 2021, IBM Research reported
      Professor Shirley Meng, materials           this decade.9                        progress in testing a new battery chemistry
      scientist at the University of                 In addition, lithium-iron         that is free from any heavy metals, such as
      California San Diego13                      phosphate (LFP) batteries, also      nickel and cobalt.20
                                                  cheaper than nickel and cobalt     q In February 2021, UK government-funded
                                                  batteries, have seen huge            tests successfully developed a cobalt and
                              success over the past year. Although they tend           nickel-free solid-state battery system which,
                              to hold less power and have a shorter range              they say, costs half that of lithium-ion.21
                              than ‘conventional’ lithium ion batteries,10 their     q In January 2021, Guoxuan High-tech
                              overall share of the global battery market rose          launched its new generation LFP cell.22
                              to 18.5% in January 2021, compared to just 1%          q In September 2020, SAIC Motors produced
                              in January 2020. In March 2021, Volkswagen               the first high end hydrogen cell vehicles.23
                              announced its intention to employ LFP batteries          It aims to roll out at least 10 models and
                              in its own models.11 This upward trend is                produce 10,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2025.
                              forecast to increase to 25% during 2021.12 13          q In May 2020, Chinese automotive battery cell
                                  In April 2021, China’s BYD announced14 that          manufacturer, SVOLT, launched a cobalt-free
                              it is going all-in on LFP and removing cobalt,           battery.24
                              nickel and manganese from its vehicle batteries        q In April 2020, Honda announced it will use solid
                              entirely, enabling it to produce vehicles at a           state battery technology by the late 2020s.25
                              lower cost to consumers and with a lower fire          q Mercedes is exploring advances in battery
                              risk. Overall, the installation of LFP batteries in      technology from lithium-sulphur to solid state,
                              EVs in China is reported to have increased by            and even lithium-air or organic batteries,
                              around 21% in 2020 and Tesla’s move to LFP               describing solid state battery technology as a
                              batteries in its Model 3 cars15 has proved to be a       “step change” for battery technology.26
                              runaway success.16 17
                                                                                     Recycling and re-use
                              Other recent innovations include:                      The International Resource Panel Global
                              q In June 2021, a Bioleaching Research Group           Resources Outlook has emphasized that
                                at Coventry University reported that all metals      rapid growth and inefficient use of natural
                                present in EV batteries can be recovered             resources will continue to create unsustainable
                                using bioleaching, allowing them to be               pressures on the environment. It stresses that
                                “recycled indefinitely into multiple supply          the decoupling of natural resource use and
                                chains.”18                                           environmental impacts from economic activity
                                                                                     and human well-being is an essential element in
                                                                                     the transition to a sustainable future.27
      “LFP battery capacity deployed onto roads increased six-fold                      Now is the time to invest in recycling
      and we continue to see cathode manufacturers ramping up                        plants for rare earth elements and other non-
      output and a growing list of the automakers in China announcing                renewable natural resources used in renewable
      upcoming model-versions that will incorporate LFP cells. Among                 energy systems, in tandem with these market
                                                                                     shifts. Research into ‘urban mining’ – making
      the more prominent are Xpeng, Seres and VW.”
                                                                                     better and smarter use of the metals we have
      Alla Kolesnikova, Head of Data and Analytics at Adamas17
                                                                                     already taken – is already underway. As one
                                                                                     of the fastest global waste streams – one that
                                                                                     threatens to grow into a global problem of
                                                                                     unmanageable proportions – the recovery of

 2                                                                    Fact sheet 9 | Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives? | JULY 2021
Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives?
?   © NOAA OKEANOS Explorer Program , 2013 ROV Shakedown and Field Trials

                                                                                                                                                                                     the total supply if effective
                                                                                                                                                                                     recycling policies are adopted
                                                                                                                                                                                     more widely across the globe,
                                                                                                                                                                                     with larger benefits particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                     for the regions with higher
                                                                                                                                                                                     EV deployment”.35 Recycling
                                                                                                                                                                                     processes that recover all
                                                                                                                                                                                     metals are also needed.36
                                                                                                                                                                                     Currently, when Li-ion batteries
                                                                                                                                                                                     are recycled, processes
                                                                                                                                                                                     usually prioritize certain high
                                                                                                                                                                                     value metals but do not
                                                                                                                                                                                     recover significant quantities
                                                                                                                                                                                     of lithium. Clarios, which
                                                                                                                                                                                     produces a third of the world’s
                                                                            Above: methane bubbles       electronic waste can play a significant role in        EV batteries, has stated that battery recycling
                                                                            rising above a cold          reducing the need for virgin-mined metals to           should be baked into battery designs rather than
                                                                            seep site. Quill worms,      meet future demand. It also has the potential to       thought of at the end of the life cycle.37
                                                                            anemones, patches of         be more cost-effective.28 Research has shown               Manufacturers should also provide detailed
                                                                            bacterial mat, pandalid      that it is technologically possible to recover and     information to facilitate battery recycling.Many
                                                                            shrimp, and a large          recycle upwards of 95% of lithium, nickel, cobalt      governments have, or are developing, policy
                                                                            red crab (Chaceon            and copper in batteries,29 and that significant        or regulatory instruments to encourage the
                                                                            quinquedens) along           reductions in demand for virgin mining are             recycling, reuse or refurbishment of consumer
                                                                            the periphery of the         feasible in the nearer term. Moreover, large           electronics and industrial batteries. The ReCell
                                                                            seepage area.                amounts of nickel, copper and cobalt that have         Center, the US Department of Energy’s Li-ion
                                                                                                         been used in other manufacturing processes,            battery recycling Research and Development
                                                                                                         products and applications besides batteries are        center, has been running since December
                                                                                                         already being recycled and are available on the        2017 with the goal of making recycling
                                                                                                         market. For example, around 50% of the nickel,30       competitive and profitable.38 More recently,
                                                                                                         38% of the copper31 and 29% of the cobalt32 on         the US Battery Supply Chain Review called
                                                                                                         the US market in 2020 consisted of recycled            for more research into “alternates to critical
                                                                                                         metal, or metal recovered from scrap.                  minerals” and measures to enable “end-of-
                                                                                                             In 2021, Earthworks analyzed and quantified        life reuse and critical materials recycling at
                                                                                                         the recycled content from general end-markets          scale”.39 Meanwhile, the proposed EU Batteries
                                                                                                         and the recycling of end-of-life EV lithium-ion        Regulation aims to ensure that batteries placed
                                                                                                         batteries, as well as demand reduction driven          in the EU market are sustainable and safe
                                                                                                         by improved recovery rates. On comparing the           throughout their entire life cycle. It requires
                                                                                                         results with total metal demand, it found that:        manufacturers to use a minimum amount of
                                                                                                         “Effective recycling of end of life batteries has      recycled cobalt, lithium, nickel and lead from
                                                                                                         the potential to reduce global demand by 2040          2030 and to provide information that facilitates
                                                                                                         by 55% for copper, 25% for lithium and 35% for         recycling at end-of-life. This would also affect
                                                                                                         cobalt and nickel – creating an opportunity to         manufacturers outside the EU if they intend to
                                                                                                         significantly reduce the demand for new mining.”33     sell their products within the bloc.40
                                                                                                             “If the market steers away from cathodes
                                                                                                         containing cobalt to an LFP-dominated market,
                                                                                                         cobalt, manganese, and nickel become less                “The sustainability of batteries has to
                                                                                                         relevant and reach circularity before 2040.”34
                                                                                                                                                                  grow hand in hand with their
                                                                                                             The IEA has also confirmed that recycling end
                                                                                                                                                                  increasing numbers on the EU market.”
                                                                                                         of life Li-ion batteries could “relieve a proportion
                                                                                                         of the burden from mining them from virgin ores”,
                                                                                                                                                                  Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU commissioner
                                                                                                         highlighting that “contributions from recycled           for environment, oceans and fisheries40
                                                                                                         minerals could be even more prominent in

                                                                            Fact sheet 9 | Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives? | JULY 2021                                                                   3
what are the alternatives?
                                                                                                                   1    DSCC (2020) Deep-sea mining and the transition economy.
                                                                                                                   2    Amnesty International (2021) Powering Change: Principles for Businesses
                                                                                                                        and Governments in the Battery Value Chain
                                                                                                                   3    Matangi Tonga Online (2021) How to transition to clean energy future
                                                                                                                        with the lightest possible impact.
                                                                                                                   4    Apple (2017) Environmental Responsibility Report
                                                                                                                   5    IEA (2020) Innovation in batteries and electricity storage
© NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program.

                                                                                                                   6    RMI (2020) Breakthrough Batteries: Powering the Era of Clean
                                                                                                                   7    Clean Technica (2020) Why Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries May Be
                                                                                                                        The Key To The EV Revolution
                                                                                                                   8    Autoweek (2021) What You Need to Know About Solid-State Batteries
                                                                                                                   9    CNBC (2021) Ford and BMW lead $130 million round in EV battery
                                                                                                                        start-up Solid Power
                                                                                                                   10 (2021) Cobalt, nickel free electric car batteries are a
                                                                                                                        runaway success
                                                                                                                   11   S&P Global (2021) Volkswagen's plan on LFP use shifts hydroxide
                                                                                                                        dominance narrative in EV sector
                                   Above: goiter sponge      Conclusion                                            12   Roskill (2021) Lithium-ion batteries: LFP cathode materials market
                                                                                                                        share forecast to increase in 2021
                                   (Heterochone calyx).      Assessments of deep-sea mining should not             13   Clean Technica (2020)Why Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries May Be
                                                             only consider the significant risks it poses to            The Key To The EV Revolution/
                                                                                                                   14 (2021) World’s no. 2 electric carmaker goes nickel, cobalt
                                                             biodiversity and humanity but also the risks for           free
                                                             investors; minerals from the deep may come            15   Business Insider, 2020.
                                                             too late to compete with rapid advances in            16 (2021) Cobalt, nickel free electric car batteries are a
                                                                                                                        runaway success
                                                             alternatives that underpin a circular economy         17   Ibid.
                                                             and a genuinely green transition.41                   18   The Conversation (2021) Bacteria can recover precious metals from
                                                                                                                        electric vehicle batteries – here’s how.
                                                                                                                   19   Financial Times (2021) Volvo and Daimler bet on hydrogen truck boom
                                                                                                                        this decade
                                        “The economic viability of exploration and extraction in                   20   IBM (2021) IBM Research is reshaping the scene of sustainable
                                        the deep sea as of 2030 must be carefully evaluated in                          batteries
                                                                                                                   21   SP Global (2021) UK cobalt-free solid-state battery technology claims
                                        light of advances in battery and other technology as well                       major cost efficiencies
                                        as circular economy benefits. More research is required to                 22   Roskill (2021) Lithium-ion batteries: LFP cathode materials market
                                                                                                                        share forecast to increase in 2021
                                        thoroughly consider the environmental implications before                  23   Fuel Cell Works (2020) SAIC Motors reveals the world's first high end
                                        increasing the exploitation of these resources”                                 hydrogen fuel cell MPV SAIC Maxus Euniq 7
                                                                                                                   24 (2020) SVOLT Officially Launches Two Cobalt-Free
                                        The World Economic Forum41                                                      Batteries via Livestream
                                                                                                                   25   Auto Express (2021) Honda to be electric only by 2040 with solid state
                                                                                                                        battery tech coming late 2020s
                                                                                                                   26   Elecktrek, (2021) Mercedes-Benz invests in next-gen li-ion battery,
                                                                                                                        promises faster charging and longer range
                                                                                                                   27   IInternational Resource Panel (2019) Global Resources Outlook: Natural

                                         About the DSCC
                                                                                                                        Resources for the Future We Want
                                                                                                                   28   Zeng et al., (2018) Urban Mining of E-Waste is Becoming More Cost-
                                                                                                                        Effective Than Virgin Mining. Environmental Science & Technology, 52,
                                                                                                                        8, 4835–4841
                                          The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) was founded                   29   Earthworks, 2021
                                          in 2004 to address the need to prevent damage to deep-sea                30   U.S. Geological Survey, 2021a
                                                                                                                   31   U.S. Geological Survey, 2021b
                                          ecosystems and the depletion of deep-sea species on the
                                                                                                                   32   U.S. Geological Survey, 2021c
                                          high seas from bottom trawling and other forms of deep-sea               33   Earthworks, 2021
                                          fishing. The DSCC is made up of over 90 non-governmental                 34   Dunn et al., (2021) Circularity of Lithium-Ion Battery Materials in
                                                                                                                        Electric Vehicles. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(8)
                                          organizations (NGOs), fishers organizations and law and policy           35   Argus (2021) Battery recycling could cut raw material use by 12pc
                                          institutes, all committed to protecting the deep sea.               
                                                                                                                   36   Duesenfeld (2021)
                                                                                                                   37   Auto News (2021) Recycling could help fill battery demand
                                          For further information:                                            
                                                                                 38   C & En (2019) It’s time to get serious about recycling lithium-ion
                                                                                  39   National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries (2021)
                                              @DeepSeaConserve                                                     40   European Commission (2020) Green Deal: Sustainable batteries for a
                                                                                                                        circular and climate neutral economy
                                                                                                                   41   World Economic Forum (2019) A Vision for a Sustainable Battery Value
                                                                                                                        Chain in 2030

                                   4                                                                Fact sheet 9 | Deep-sea mining: what are the alternatives? | JULY 2021
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