Deep reinforcement learning for smart calibration of radio telescopes

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Deep reinforcement learning for smart calibration of radio telescopes
MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021) Preprint 8 February 2021 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0

 Deep reinforcement learning for smart calibration of radio telescopes
 Sarod Yatawatta1★ and Ian M. Avruch†
 1 ASTRON, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4, 7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands

 8 February 2021

 Modern radio telescopes produce unprecedented amounts of data, which are passed through many processing pipelines before
 the delivery of scientific results. Hyperparameters of these pipelines need to be tuned by hand to produce optimal results.
arXiv:2102.03200v1 [astro-ph.IM] 5 Feb 2021

 Because many thousands of observations are taken during a lifetime of a telescope and because each observation will have its
 unique settings, the fine tuning of pipelines is a tedious task. In order to automate this process of hyperparameter selection in
 data calibration pipelines, we introduce the use of reinforcement learning. We use a reinforcement learning technique called
 twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3) to train an autonomous agent to perform this fine tuning. For the sake
 of generalization, we consider the pipeline to be a black-box system where only an interpreted state of the pipeline is used by
 the agent. The autonomous agent trained in this manner is able to determine optimal settings for diverse observations and is
 therefore able to perform smart calibration, minimizing the need for human intervention.
 Key words: Instrumentation: interferometers; Methods: numerical; Techniques: interferometric

 1 INTRODUCTION calibration setting is the regularization factor for the smoothness of
 solutions across frequency. It is possible to select the regularization
 Data processing pipelines play a crucial role for modern radio tele-
 analytically (Yatawatta 2016), however, extending this to calibration
 scopes, where the incoming data flow is reduced in size by many
 along multiple directions (where each direction will have a unique
 orders of magnitude before science-ready data are produced. In or-
 regularization factor) is not optimal. In this paper, we train an au-
 der to achieve this, data are passed through many processing steps,
 tonomous agent to predict the regularization factors for a distributed,
 for example, to mitigate radio frequency interference (RFI), to re-
 multi-directional calibration pipeline. The calibration pipeline will
 move strong confusing sources and to correct for systematic errors.
 perform calibration with a cadence of a few seconds to a few minutes
 Calibration is one crucial step in these interferometric processing
 of data. Therefore, for an observation of long duration the calibration
 pipelines, not only to correct for systematic errors in the data, but
 pipeline needs to be run many times. At the beginning of every ob-
 also to subtract strong outlier sources such that weak RFI mitigation
 servation the autonomous agent will recommend the regularization
 can be carried out. Most modern radio telescopes are general purpose
 factors to be used in the pipeline based on the pipeline state and will
 instruments because they serve diverse science cases. Therefore, de-
 update the factors at the required cadence.
 pending on the observational parameters such as the direction in the
 sky, observing frequency, observing time (day or night) etc., the pro- We train the autonomous agent using reinforcement learning (RL)
 cessing pipelines need to be adjusted to realize the potential quality (Sutton & Barto 2018). Reinforcement learning is a branch of ma-
 of the data. chine learning where an agent is trained by repeated interactions with
 The best parameter settings for each pipeline are mostly deter- its environment, with proper rewards (or penalties) awarded when-
 mined by experienced astronomers. This requirement for hand tuning ever a correct (or incorrect) decision (or action) is made. In our case,
 is problematic for radio telescopes that stream data uninterruptedly. the environment or the observations made by the agent are i) the input
 In this paper, we propose the use of autonomous agents to replace the data to the pipeline ii) the input sky model to the pipeline used in
 human aspect in fine-tuning pipeline settings. We focus on calibration calibration, and, iii) the output solutions iv) the output residual data
 pipelines, in particular, distributed calibration pipelines where data from the pipeline. However, we do not feed data directly to the agent,
 at multiple frequencies are calibrated together, in a distributed com- instead, only an interpretation of the pipeline state is fed to the agent.
 puter (Yatawatta 2015; Brossard et al. 2016; Yatawatta et al. 2018; Because the calibration is done on data at a small time duration, the
 Ollier et al. 2018; Yatawatta 2020). In this setting, the smoothness of amount of data used to determine this state is also small (compared
 systematic errors across frequency is exploited to get a better quality with the full observation). The determination of the reward is done
 solution, as shown by results with real and simulated data (Patil et al. considering two factors. First, the calibration should perform accu-
 2017; Mertens et al. 2020; Mevius et al. 2021). rately such that the variance of the residual data should be lower than
 The key hyperparameter that needs fine-tuning in a distributed the input data (scaled by the correction applied during calibration).
 Secondly, we should not overfit the data, which will suppress signals
 of scientific interest in the residual. In order to measure the overfit-
 ★ E-mail: ting, we use the influence function (Cook & Weisberg 1982; Koh
 † & Liang 2017) which we can calculate in closed form (Yatawatta

 © 2021 The Authors
Deep reinforcement learning for smart calibration of radio telescopes
2 Yatawatta and Avruch

2019). Therefore, the reward is determined by considering both the within a small time interval (say ), within which it is assumed that
noise reduction as well as the influence function of calibration. To J remains constant. An important distinction is that we only cal-
summarize, we consider both the bias and the variance (Geman et al. ibrate along directions, but in real observations, there is always
1992) introduced by the pipeline for the determination of the state as signals from faint sources (including the Galaxy) that are not being
well as the reward. The agent will perform an action, that is to rec- modeled. We are not presenting a method of calibration in this pa-
ommend the optimal regularization factors to use in the calibration per, and therefore the actual method of calibration is not relevant.
pipeline. However, for the sake of simplicity, we follow a straightforward de-
 The advent of deep neural networks (deep learning) (LeCun et al. scription. What we intend to achieve is to relate the hyperparameters
2015) combined with better training algorithms have enabled RL used in the pipeline to the performance of calibration. Therefore, we
agents to perform superhuman tasks. Early RL breakthroughs were represent J as 8 real parameters (for frequency and direction
made in discrete action spaces such as in computer games (Mnih ), and we have 8 × × real parameters in total for frequency ,
et al. 2015). The regularization factors used in calibration are in per direction, namely .
a continuous action space, and therefore, in this paper we use RL We represent (1) in vector form as
techniques suitable for continuous action spaces, namely, deep de- 
terministic policy gradient (DDPG) (Lillicrap et al. 2015) and its v = s ( ) + n (2)
improvement, TD3 (Fujimoto et al. 2018). In this paper, we only =1
consider calibration pipelines that perform distributed, direction de-  
pendent calibration, but the same RL technique can be used in other where s ( ) = J★ 
 ⊗ J (C ), v =
data processing pipelines in radio astronomy and beyond. (V ), and n = (N ).
 The rest of the paper is organized is as follows. In section 2, we We stack up the data and model vectors of (2) for the time slots
describe the distributed, direction dependent calibration pipeline. In within which a single solution is obtained as
section 3, we introduce our RL agent and its environment. In section
 x = [real(v 12 ), imag(v 12 ), real(v 13 ), . . .] (3)
4, we provide results based on simulated data to show the efficacy of      
the trained RL agent. Finally, we draw our conclusions in section 5. s ( ) 
 = [real s 12 ( ) , imag s 12 ( ) , real s 13 ( ) ,
 Notation: Lower case bold letters refer to column vectors (e.g. y).
Upper case bold letters refer to matrices (e.g. C). Unless otherwise . . .] 
stated, all parameters are complex numbers. The set of complex num- which are vectors of size 8 × ( − 1)/2 × and we have
bers is given as C and the set of real numbers as R. The matrix inverse,
pseudo-inverse, transpose, Hermitian transpose, and conjugation are ∑︁
 x = s ( ) + n = s ( ) + n (4)
referred to as (·) −1 , (·) † , (·) , (·) , (·)★, respectively. The matrix
Kronecker product is given by ⊗. The vectorized representation of
a matrix is given by vec(·). The identity matrix of size is given as our final measurement equation ∈ R8 , ∈ R8 .
by I . All logarithms are to the base , unless stated otherwise. The In order to estimate from (4), we define a loss function
Frobenius norm is given by k · k and the L1 norm is given by k · k 1 .
 ( ) = (x , ) (5)
 depending on the noise model, for example, mean squared error loss,
 kx − s ( )k 2 . We calibrate data at many frequencies and we
2 DISTRIBUTED DIRECTION DEPENDENT exploit the smoothness of with and in order to make the
 CALIBRATION PIPELINE solutions smooth, we introduce the constraint
In this section, we give a brief overview of the distributed, direction = Z b (6)
dependent calibration pipeline that is used by the RL agent for hy-
perparemeter tuning. We refer the reader to Yatawatta (2015) for an where b (∈ R ) is a polynomial basis ( terms) evaluated at and
in-depth overview of its operation. Z (∈ R8 × ) is the global variable ensuring smoothness across
 The signal received by an interferometer is given by (Hamaker frequency.
et al. 1996) With the use of Lagrange multipliers y (∈ R8 ), we write the
 augmented Lagrangian as
V = J C J 
 + N (1) ( , y , Z : ∀ , ) = (7)
 =1 ∑︁
where we have signals from discrete sources in the sky being re- ( ) + y ( − Z b ) + k − Z b k 2
ceived. All items in (1), i.e., V , C , J , J , N ∈ 

C2×2 are implicitly time varying and subscripts , correspond to which we minimize to find a smooth solution.
stations and , correspond to the receiving frequency, and The hyperparameters in (7) are the regularization factors (∈ R+ ,
correspond to the source index. The coherency of the -th source at we have one regularization factor per each direction ). Therefore,
baseline - is given by C and for a known source, this can we need to select positive, real valued hyperparameters to get the
pre-computed (Thompson et al. 2001). The noise N consists of optimal solution to (7). We can consider the directional calibration
the actual thermal noise as well as signals from sources in the sky as separate subproblems and find analytical solutions to optimal
that are not part of the model. The systematic errors due to the propa- as done in Yatawatta (2016), however this is not optimal. The
gation path (ionosphere), receiver beam, and receiver electronics are alternative is to use handcrafted methods such as grid search, but
represented by J and J . For each time and frequency, with because each observation is unique, performing this for every obser-
 stations, we have ( − 1)/2 pairs of - . vation is not feasible. In the next section, we will present the use of
 Calibration is the estimation of J for all and , using data RL to automatically find the best values for .

MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021)
Smart Calibration 3

 The RL agent interacts with the pipeline (the pipeline is solving regularization we will have low bias and high variance (overfitting
(7)) to recommend the best values for . In order to do this, the RL compared to the ground truth) and with high regularization, we will
agent needs to have some information about the environment (i.e., the have high bias and low variance (underfitting). The fine tuning of 
performance of the pipeline). In Fig. 2, we show the interactions be- will give us the optimal tradeoff between bias and the variance of the
tween the agent and the pipeline. After each calibration, we calculate residual data, and we achieve this by RL as described in section 3.
the residual as
R = V − J 
 J C b
 In this section, we describe the basic concepts of reinforcement learn-
where b J ∀ , , are calculated using the solutions obtained for ing, especially tailored to our problem and thereafter we go into
 . specific details about our RL agent. A RL agent interacts with its en-
 We can rewrite (4) in a simplified form (dropping the subscripts vironment via some observations and performs an action depending
 , ) as on these observations and the current state of the agent. The objec-
x = s( ) + n (9) tive of the agent is to maximize its reward depending on the action it
 performs. As shown in Fig. 2, our agent interacts with our calibration
where x (∈ R ) is the data, s( )
 is our model and n is the noise. We pipeline, which is the environment. We describe these interactions
find a solution to by minimizing a loss ( ), say b . Thence, we as follows:
calculate the residual as
 • At an instance indexed by , the input to the agent is given by
y = x − s(b (10) state . This is a summary of the observation that we deem sufficient
We have shown (Yatawatta 2019) that the probability density func- for the agent to evaluate its action. In our case, we give the sky model
tions of x and y, i.e., (x), (y) are related as used in calibration as part of . In addition, we create an influence
 map (an image), that summarizes the performance of calibration as
 (x) = |J | (y) (11) part of . Note that we do not feed the data or the metadata (such as
 the coverage) into the agent.
where |J | is the Jacobian determinant of the mapping from x to y.
 • Depending on and its internal parameter values, the agent
Using (10), we can show that
 ! performs an action . In our case, the action is specification of the
 ∑︁ regularization factors ( values) which is fed back to the pipeline.
|J | = exp log(1 + (A)) (12) • We determine the reward (a real valued scalar) to the agent
 =1 using two criteria. First, we compare the noise of the input data 0
where and the output residual 1 of the pipeline (by making images of the
  −1 2 field being observed) and find the ratio . We get a higher reward
 s( ) 2 ( )
 ( ) if the noise is reduced. Second, we look at the influence map and
A= (13)
 x find its standard deviation, which we add to the reward. If we have
 high influence (high bias), we will get a smaller reward. With both
evaluated at = b . Ideally, we should have |J | = 1 and therefore
 these components constituting the reward, we aim to minimize both
all eigenvalues of A, (A) = 0. But in practice, due to model error
 the bias and the variance of the pipeline.
and degeneracies in the model, we have some non-zero values for
 (A). Note that unlike in most RL scenarios, we do not have a terminal
 Using (13), we can calculate { 0 0 } for the residual R state (such as in a computer game where a player wins or loses). We
in (8), where the expectation {·} is taken over 0 , 0 (excluding the terminate when we reach a certain number of iterations of refinement
tuple , ) and (∈ [1, 8]). We call the image made in the usual radio on .
astronomical image synthesis manner, replacing the residual R We give an overview of the inner workings of our RL agent, and for
 R a more thorough overview, we refer the reader to (Silver et al. 2014;
with { }, as the influence map, which we denote by I ( ). Lillicrap et al. 2015; Fujimoto et al. 2018). The major components
 0 0 
 In Fig. 1, we show a montage of I ( ) generated in our simulations of the agent are:
(see section 4). All the images shown in Fig. 1 are made using the
same coverage, and the images are not deconvolved with the PSF. • Actor: the actor with policy (·) will produce action given the
Therefore, the only reason for the differences in these images are state , ( ) → .
the sky models (the true sky and the sky model used in calibration) • Critic: given the state and action , the critic will evaluate the
and the performance of the calibration pipeline itself. Therefore, expected return (a scalar), ( , ) → . The mapping (·, ·) is
influence maps serve a useful purpose in diagnosing the performance also called as the state-action value function.
of calibration (Yatawatta 2019). Note that neither the actor nor the critic are dependent on past states,
 We relate the influence map to the bias and variance of calibration but only the current state and a measure of the state’s favorability
residual as follows. The bias is primarily caused by the errors in for future rewards, which is a characteristic of a Markov decision
the sky model (difference between the true sky and the sky model process (Sutton & Barto 2018). Looking into the future, the expected
used in calibration). Therefore, with low regularization, we have cumulative reward can be written as the Bellman equation
high bias, high influence and low variance. With high regularization,
we have low bias, low influence and high variance. An example of ★ ( , ) = + m ( 0 , 0 ) (14)
 0 = ( 0 )
this behavior is shown in Fig. 4. Note that we consider the bias
and variance of the residual data, and not the bias and variance of where 0 , 0 is the (optimal) state action pair for the next step and
the solutions of calibration. If we consider the solutions, with low ≈ 1 is the discount factor for future uncertainty.

 MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021)
4 Yatawatta and Avruch

Figure 1. A montage of influence maps 128 × 128 pixels each, centered at the phase centre, generated with various calibration settings and sky models. All these
maps are created using the same coverage. The values in each influence map are normalized to the range [0, 1].

 average between the online and target parameters, and for the target
 actor, the update is only performed at delayed intervals.
 Agent • We use random actions at the start of learning for exploration,
 which is called the warmup period.
 Reward and • We keep a buffer to store past actions, current states, next states
 Influence map and rewards that we re-use in mini-batch mode sampling during
 r training (this is called the replay buffer).
 In See Algorithm I (Fujimoto et al. 2018) for a detailed description of
 Solutions the TD3 algorithm.
 Data Data
 In Out
 Model Regularization
 Simulations are required to train the RL agent. In this section, we
 present the details of our simulations and show that the agent is able
Figure 2. The interactions between the RL agent and its environment, i.e., to learn, in other words, with more training, the reward obtained by
the pipeline. the agent increases.
 Before we proceed to describing the agent used in radio interfer-
 ometric calibration pipelines, we consider a much simpler problem.
 We model both the actor and the critic as deep neural networks, This is to test and demonstrate the efficacy of our reinforcement
with trainable parameters for the actor and for the critic. We train learning algorithm (TD3), which has already been proven to be su-
the actor and the critic as follows. Given the current state , the actor perior in other environments. However, we did not find an analogue
tries to maximize ( ) = ( , )| = ( ) by choice of action. We to hyperparameter tuning. Elastic net regression (Zou & Hastie 2005)
perform gradient ascent on ( ), with the gradient (using the chain observes x (∈ R ) given the design matrix A (∈ R × ) and esti-
rule) given as mates the parameters (∈ R ) of the linear model x = A . The
 estimation is performed under regularization as
∇ ( ) = ∇ ( , )| = ( ) × ∇ ( ). (15)  
 = arg min kx − A k 2 + 2 k k 2 + 1 k k 1
 b (17)
The critic is trained by minimizing the error between the current 
state-action value ( , ) and the expected cumulative reward under
optimal settings (14) where we have hyperparameters 1 and 2 . We can easily relate (17)
 to (7), which is our original problem.
 ( ) = k ( , ) − ( + m ( 0 , 0 ))k 2 . (16) Representing (17) as in (9) and using (13), for the elastic net
 0 = ( 0 )
 problem, we have
 In practice, RL is prone to instability and divergence, and therefore 1  −1  
we follow van Hasselt et al. (2015); Lillicrap et al. (2015); Fujimoto A = A A A + 2 I −2A (18)
et al. (2018) with the following refinements:
 which can be used to calculate the influence function. The RL agent
 • Instead of having one critic, we have two online ( 1 ( , ) and for the elastic net problem hyperparameter selection interacts with
 2 ( , )) and two target ( 1 ( 0 , 0 ) and 2 ( 0 , 0 )) critics and select its environment as follows:
the lower evaluation out of the two to evaluate (14).
 • State: design matrix A and eigenvalues (1 + (A)).
 • Rather than having just one actor, we also have a target actor
 • Action: regularization factors 1 , 2 .
network. When evaluating (14), we use the target network to evaluate kx k (1+ ( A))
 m ( 0 , 0 ). • Reward: kx−A k + (1+ ( A)) .
 0 = ( 0 )
 • The parameters of the target networks are updated by a weighted Note that the reward considers both the (inverse) residual error as

MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021)
Smart Calibration 5

 pipeline is run unchanged for the full observation (which typically
 will last a few hours). We use SAGECal2 for calibration and excon3
 for imaging.
 We simulate data for calibration along = 4 directions in the
 sky, with systematic errors J in (1) that are smooth both in
 time and in frequency, but have random initial values. One direction
 out of represents the observed field, and its location is randomly
 chosen within 1 deg radius from the field centre. The remaining −1
 directions play the role of outlier sources (for instance sources such as
 the Sun, Cassiopeia A, Cygnus A) and are randomly located within a
 15 deg radius from the field centre. The intensity of the central source
 is randomly selected within [3, 10] Jy. The intrinsic intensities of
 the outlier sources are randomly selected within [100, 250] Jy. An
 additional 200 weak sources (point sources and Gaussians) with
 intensities in [0.01, 0.1] Jy are randomly positioned across a 16 × 16
 square degrees surrounding the field centre. The spectral indices of
 all sources are also randomly generated. The simulation includes
Figure 3. The smoothed score variation with episode for the agent selecting
 the effect due to the station beam shape. Finally, zero mean, complex
hyperparameters in elastic net regression. circular Gaussian noise is added to the simulated data with a signal to
 noise ratio of 0.05. Note that the sky model used for calibration only
 includes the sources (not the weak sources) and the − 1 outlier
well as the bias (ratio of eigenvalues of the influence matrix). In this sources have their intensities reduced by a factor of 100 (apparent
manner, we can achieve a balance between the bias and the variance value).
of the residual. The RL agent used in the calibration pipeline interacts with the
 We consider = 20 and the agent is implemented in Pytorch environment (or the pipeline) as follows:
(Paszke et al. 2017), within an openai.gym compatible environment • State: the sky model used in calibration and the influence map
1 . The critic uses 2 linear layers each for the state and for the action,
 I ( ) generated using 1 min of data.
finally combined in one linear layer to produce a scalar output. The • Action: regularization factors for directions.
actor uses three linear layers to produce the 2 dimensional output. • Reward: 0 1
We use exponential linear unit activation (Clevert et al. 2015) except 1 + ( I ( )) , where 0 and 1 are the image noise
 standard deviations of the input data and output residual, respectively.
in the last layer of the actor, where we use hyperbolic tangent acti-
 = 8 ( −1)/2 is the total number of data points used to calculate
vation (which is scaled to the valid range afterwards). We use batch
 I ( ) and (I ( )) is the standard deviation of the influence map.
normalization (Ioffe & Szegedy 2015) between all layers except the
last. We use the LBFGS algorithm Yatawatta et al. (2019) to solve In Fig. 4, we show the residual image standard deviation, influence
(17) and the Adam optimizer Kingma & Ba (2014) is used to train map standard deviation and the calculated reward. The -axis corre-
the agent. sponds to the regularization parameters , scaled up and down by
 In each episode, we create A by filling its entries with unit variance, various factors (starting from the regularization that gives the highest
zero mean Gaussian random values. The ground truth value of the reward). For low regularization values, we see more or less constant
parameters, 0 is generated with the number of non-zero entries residual image noise, however, we clearly see a high level of influ-
randomly generated in the range [3, ] and these non-zero entries ence. This high influence on the left hand side of Fig. 4 implies high
are filled with unit variance, zero mean Gaussian entries. In order to bias (due to the unmodeled sources in the sky) and as a consequence,
get x, we add unit variance, zero mean Gaussian noise to A 0 with a we should expect high level of weak signal suppression. On the other
signal to noise ratio of 0.1. hand, on the right hand side of Fig. 4, for high regularization, we see
 For each episode, we limit the number of iterations to 30 (chosen increased residual image noise, meaning poor calibration. We com-
arbitrarily). In each iteration, the tuple (state, action, reward, next pose our reward to reach a balance between the bias and variance of
state) are determined and stored in the replay buffer. After the initial the residual.
warmup interval (100 iterations), we start the learning process. In The RL agent and environment are quite similar to the ones used
Fig. 3, we show the smoothed reward after each episode. We have in elastic net regression. The critic uses 3 convolutional layers to
compared DDPG algorithm with TD3 algorithm. We clearly see process the influence map, and two linear layers to process the action
the stability of TD3 that justifies using TD3 algorithm to train our and the sky model. These two are combined at the final linear layer.
calibration pipeline agent. The actor also uses 3 convolutional layers to process the influence
 We give a summary of the calibration pipeline. The data passed map and two linear layers for the sky model. Once again, they are
through the calibration pipeline have 1 sec integration time and 8 combined at the final linear layer. The first three layers of both the
frequencies in the range [115, 185] MHz. Calibration is performed actor and critic use batch normalization. The activation functions are
for every = 10 time samples (every 10 sec) and 6 such calibrations exponential linear units except at the last layer of the actor, where we
are performed to interact with the RL agent. In other words, 1 min use hyperbolic tangent activation. The action is scaled to the required
of data are used by the agent to make a recommendation on the range by the environment.
regularization parameters. In practice, the first 1 min of data is used The training of our RL agent is done as follows. In each episode,
to adjust the hyperparameters of the pipeline, and thereafter, the

1 3

 MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021)
6 Yatawatta and Avruch

 pipeline running with the same hyperparameters for a much longer
 time (ideally for the full observation). This aspect needs more work
 with real data, which we intend to pursue as future work. In addition,
 we can develop similar agents for other data processing steps in radio
 astronomy, including RFI mitigation and image synthesis. Extending
 beyond radio astronomy, similar techniques can be applied in other
 data processing pipelines in general machine learning problems.

 We have introduced the use of reinforcement learning in hyper-
 paremeter tuning of radio astronomical calibration pipelines. By us-
 ing both the input-output noise reduction as well as the influence to
 determine the reward offered to the RL agent, we can reach a balance
 between the bias and the variance introduced by the pipeline. As
 illustrated by the elastic-net regression example, we can also apply
 the same technique to many other data processing steps, not only in
Figure 4. The residual noise, the influence map noise and the reward for radio astronomy but also in other applications.
various values of regularization. The regularization factors are scaled up and
down from the optimal values (×1).

 Ready to use software based on this work and test data are already
 available online4 .

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MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021)
Smart Calibration 7

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 MNRAS 000, 1–7 (2021)
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