Decapod crustaceans on dead coral from reef areas on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

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Decapod crustaceans on dead coral from reef areas on the coast of Bahia, Brazil
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                     145

Decapod crustaceans on dead coral from reef areas on the coast of
Bahia, Brazil

Patricia Souza Santos, Guidomar Oliveira Soledade and Alexandre Oliveira Almeida

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Rodovia Jorge
Amado, km 16. 45662-900 Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. E-mails: (PSS); (GOS); (AOA) (corresponding author).


                   The decapod crustaceans inhabiting dead portions of the fire-coral
           Millepora alcicornis Linnaeus, 1758 and coral rubble were surveyed in six reef
           areas on the coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil, in 2011. A total of 453 specimens
           belonging to 39 species in the infraorders Stenopodidea (family Spongicolidae),
           Caridea (families Palaemonidae, Alpheidae, Hippolytidae, and Processidae),
           Axiidea (family Callianassidae), Gebiidea (family Upogebiidae), Anomura (family
           Porcellanidae), and Brachyura (families Majidae, Pilumnidae, Domeciidae,
           Panopeidae, and Grapsidae) were collected. Members of the families Alpheidae
           and Porcellanidae were prominent, with 14 and 9 species, respectively. Of
           the species collected, the alpheid shrimp Alpheus peasei (Armstrong, 1940) is
           recorded for the first time in the southwestern Atlantic. Microprosthema semilaeve
           (von Martens, 1872), Corallianassa hartmeyeri Schmitt, 1935, and Petrolisthes
           marginatu Stimpson, 1859 also had their known geographic ranges extended along
           the western Atlantic. Alpheus nuttingi (Schmitt, 1924), Synalpheus scaphoceris
           Coutière, 1910, and Pachycheles riisei (Stimpson, 1858) are new records for Bahia.

           Key words: coral reefs, Crustacea, cryptic fauna, Decapoda, new records.

Introduction                                           organisms, and sites for protection and food
                                                       (including coral mucus) for mobile organisms
       Coral reefs are the most biodiverse             (Coles, 1980; Gotelli and Abele, 1983; Garcia
marine ecosystems (Abele, 1974; Reaka-                 et al., 2009; Leray et al., 2012).
Kudla, 1997; Hoeksema et al., 2012). Many                      The cryptofauna is especially rich in
groups are associated with living corals,              species and biomass in coral reef communities.
including non-colonial organisms such as               Such cryptofauna consists predominantly
flatworms, polychaetes, crustaceans, mollusks,         of boring invertebrates such as sponges,
echinoderms, sipunculans, bryozoans, and               polychaetes, crustaceans, sipunculans, and
fishes, as well as colonial invertebrates such         bivalves (Kropp, 1987; Reaka-Kudla, 1997;
as sponges and ascidians (Young, 1986;                 Hoeksema et al., 2012), and incrusting forms
Scott, 1987; Nogueira, 2003; Oigman-                   and motile nestlers that inhabit crevices
Pszczol and Creed, 2006; Garcia et al., 2008;          generated by burrowing (Reaka-Kudla, 1997).
Hoeksema et al., 2012). Living corals provide          Perforating invertebrates, along with algae
a hard substrate for the attachment of sessile         and bacteria, are primarily responsible for
Decapod crustaceans on dead coral from reef areas on the coast of Bahia, Brazil
146                                                   Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

bioerosion, which may not only reduce the                 May 2011, 13º36’49.5”S / 38º54’16.2”W),
strength of the coral skeleton, but may also kill         Tassimirim (Cairú, May 2011, 13º34’49.6”S
portions of coral colonies (Kropp, 1987).                 / 38º54’49.4”W), Taipús de Fora (Maraú,
       The living and the dead coral portions,            July 2011, 13º56’22.0”S / 38º55’35.4”W),
both in live colonies as well as in fragments             Algodões (Maraú, August 2011, 14º04’37.1”S
(coral rubble), serve as substrates for various           / 38º57’17.2”W), Mutá (Porto Seguro,
animals, which may use this microhabitat as a             March and November 2011, 16º21’52.2”S /
refuge from predators and as sites for feeding            39º00’15.9”W), and Coroa Vermelha (Santa
and reproduction (Coles, 1980; Grajal and                 Cruz Cabrália, March 2011, 16º19’58.5”S /
Laughlin, 1984; Young, 1986; Kropp, 1987;                 39º00’21.5”W) (Fig. 1).
Moreno-Forero et al., 1998). These portions
are inhabited by epilithic organisms and a
perforating biota composed of macroscopic
and microscopic organisms (Moreno-Forero
et al., 1998). Decapod crustaceans are
prominent, where they are represented by an
abundant and rich fauna (Coles, 1980; Grajal
and Laughlin, 1984; Young, 1986; Moreno-
Forero et al., 1998).
       The decapod crustaceans associated with
living corals have been little studied in Brazil
(Young, 1986; Nogueira, 2003; Johnsson et
al., 2006; Oigman-Pszczol and Creed, 2006;
Garcia et al., 2008; 2009). The northeastern
Brazilian coast has the greatest coral biodiversity
in the South Atlantic (Hetzel and Castro,
1994; Castro and Pires, 2001). Although the
state of Bahia has the longest coastline of all
Brazilian states and houses the largest and most
diverse coral reefs, including large numbers
of endemic species (Leão and Dominguez,                   Figure 1. Study area, coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil.
2000; Leão, 2002), no studies have specifically           (CB) Camamu Bay. (TSB) Todos os Santos Bay.
surveyed the decapod crustaceans in dead coral            Arrows indicate (1) Municipality of Cairú, Boipeba
                                                          Island; (2) Municipality of Maraú, Maraú Peninsula;
in this region. Almeida et al. (2010, 2012)               (3) Municipalities of Santa Cruz Cabrália and Porto
reported, in general surveys, a few decapods in           Seguro, where decapod crustaceans were sampled from
crevices of coral rubble in southern Bahia. The           dead coral.
present study surveyed the fauna of decapod
crustaceans associated with these reef habitats                  Samples were taken in the intertidal and
in six reef areas of the coast of Bahia.                  shallow subtidal zones in shallow pools up to
                                                          1.5 m deep in general surveys. The salinity was
                                                          measured with an optical refractometer. Two
                                                          kinds of dead coral substrates were examined
Material and Methods                                      for decapods: dead portions of colonies of the
                                                          fire-coral Millepora alcicornis Linnaeus, 1758 in
       The material examined was collected                standing position and partially exposed during
in 2011 during the project “Diversidade                   spring low tides and coral rubble taken from
de Crustáceos do Sudeste e Sul da Bahia,                  tide pools (see Figs. 2A, B). Dead portions
Brasil”. Sampling was carried out on coral                of colonies of M. alcicornis were recognized
reefs of the following beaches: Moreré (Cairú,            by the algal covering and incrusting animals
Decapod crustaceans on dead coral from reef areas on the coast of Bahia, Brazil
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                                        147

such as sponges, zoanthids and bryozoans.                       fixed in 70% ethanol for later identification to
Portions of dead coral were detached from                       species level. Because males of the shrimp genus
the colonies by hammer and chisel or taken                      Synalpheus Spence Bate, 1888 lack an appendix
from the bottom and wrapped in plastic                          masculina on the endopod of the second pair
bags to prevent the associated animals from                     of pleopods (see Tóth and Bauer, 2007; 2008),
escaping. The fragments were also broken up
                                                                the specimens were classified as non-ovigerous
with a hammer and chisel, and the decapods
                                                                (nov) and ovigerous female (ovf ). The
obtained on the surface and cavities or galleries
constructed mainly by polychaetes, bivalves,                    specimens were deposited in the crustacean
and sipunculans (Figs. 2B, D).                                  collection of the Universidade Estadual de
      Specimens obtained were anesthetized                      Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil (UESC). The
on ice and photographed, particularly shrimps                   classification adopted follows De Grave et al.
of the family Alpheidae, where the color                        (2009). Other abbreviations used: (m) male,
pattern has taxonomic significance; and then                    (f ) female, (ni) sex not identified.

Figure 2. Habitats sampled and some decapod crustaceans found on dead coral on the coast of the state of Bahia,
Brazil. (A) View of the Mutá Beach coral reef in Porto Seguro, where part of the samples was taken. On the right, note
emerging colonies of the fire-coral Millepora alcicornis Linnaeus, 1758 during spring tide. (B) View of a broken piece of
coral rubble, showing longitudinal and transverse galleries excavated by perforating fauna, which serve as a habitat for
many decapod species. (C) The endolithic snapping shrimp Alpheus simus Guérin-Méneville, 1855 in a gallery in the
dead skeleton of M. alcicornis Linnaeus, 1758. (D) The snapping shrimp Alpheus formosus Gibbes, 1850 in a crevice of
coral rubble.
Decapod crustaceans on dead coral from reef areas on the coast of Bahia, Brazil
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Results                                                 was collected in a crevice of coral rubble
                                                        at a depth of 1–1.5 m. The present record
       A total of 453 decapods were                     represents a minor southward range extension
examined, belonging to 39 species in                    in the western Atlantic, from Itapuã Beach,
the following infraorders: Stenopodidea                 Salvador (Coelho, 1969) to Taipús de Fora
(family Spongicolidae), Caridea (families               Beach, Maraú.
Palaemonidae, Alpheidae, Hippolytidae, and
Processidae), Axiidea (family Callianassidae),                 Infraorder Caridea Dana, 1852
Gebiidea (family Upogebiidae), Anomura                  Superfamily Palaemonoidea Rafinesque, 1815
(family Porcellanidae), and Brachyura                      Family Palaemonidae Rafinesque, 1815
(families Majidae, Pilumnidae, Domeciidae,                 Subfamily Pontoniinae Kingsley, 1879
Panopeidae, and Grapsidae). The families                    Cuapetes americanus (Kingsley, 1878)
Alpheidae and Porcellanidae were most
prominently represented, with 14 and 9 species                  Material examined: 3 f (1 ovf ),
e respectively. A total of 19 and 32 species were       22.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa
obtained from dead portions of M. alcicornis            Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
and fallen dead-coral rubble, respectively.             Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 32
                                                        p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1412; 1
                 Taxonomy                               ovf, 22.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa
       Order Decapoda Latreille, 1802                   Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
  Suborder Pleocyemata Burkenroad, 1963                 Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u.,
 Infraorder Stenopodidea Spence Bate, 1888              on dead coral rubble, UESC 1413; 2 m, 5 f
     Family Spongicolidae Schram, 1986                  (4 ovf ), 19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba Island,
   Microprosthema semilaeve (von Martens,               Tassimirim Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
               1872) (Fig. 3A)                          Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31 p.s.u.,
                                                        on dead coral rubble, UESC 1419; 4 m, 7 f (5
       Material examined: 1 f, 31.VII.2011,             ovf ), 20.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba Island, Moreré
                                                        Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
                                                        A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
                                                        rubble, UESC 1436; 1 m, 1 ovf, 30.VII.2011,
p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1477.
                                                        Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Bahamas,
                                                        G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
southern Florida, West Indies, northern South
                                                        p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1466; 2
America, and Brazil (Fernando de Noronha,
                                                        m, 6 f (4 ovf ), 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de
Pernambuco, and Bahia) (Coelho and Ramo-
                                                        Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade
Porto, 1998; Coelho et al., 2006).                      and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead
       Remarks: Microprosthema semilaeve is a           coral rubble, UESC 1475.
small stenopodidean shrimp with a few records                   Distribution: Western Atlantic: North
from Brazil (Pocock, 1890, as Stenopusculus             Carolina to western Gulf of Mexico, West
spinosus Pocock, 1890; Coelho, 1969; Coelho             Indies, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil (Atol
et al., 2006). Illustrations (line drawings or          das Rocas, seamounts of North Brazilian Chain,
photographs) of Brazilian material had not              and from Amapá to São Paulo) [Holthuis,
been previously provided. The color pattern of          1951, as Periclimenes (Harpilius) americanus;
the female examined here agrees in part with            Grajal and Laughlin, 1984, as P. americanus;
that described by Manning (1961) (Fig. 3A).             Williams, 1984, as P. americanus; Ramos-Porto
It has been collected on coral reefs and other          and Coelho, 1998, as P. americanus].
rocky bottoms, and on sand flats, sometimes                     Remarks: Frequently found on fouling
studded with boulders (Manning, 1961;                   organisms on the surface of coral rubble and
Coelho, 1969; Chace, 1972). Our specimen                in more superficial crevices of coral rubble.
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                                      149

Figure 3. Decapod crustaceans collected on dead coral on the coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil. (A) Microprosthema
semilaeve (von Martens, 1872) (Stenopodidae). (B) Alpheus bouvieri A. Milne-Edwards, 1878 (Alpheidae). (C) Alpheus
carlae Anker, 2012 (Alpheidae). (D) Alpheus cristulifrons Rathbun, 1900 (Alpheidae). (E) Alpheus formosus Gibbes, 1850
(Alpheidae). (F) Alpheus intrinsecus Spence Bate, 1888 (Alpheidae). (G) Alpheus nuttingi (Schmitt, 1924) (Alpheidae).
(H) Alpheus cf. packardii Kingsley, 1880 (Alpheidae). (I) Alpheus cf. paracrinitus Miers, 1881 (Alpheidae). (J) Alpheus
peasei (Armstrong, 1940) (Alpheidae).
150                                                   Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

Reported on various kinds of substrata in                 Florida, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Belize, Panama,
southern Bahia (Almeida et al., 2012). Grajal             Venezuela, French Guyana, and Brazil (Ceará
and Laughlin (1984) observed C. americanus                to São Paulo) (Anker, 2012).
(as Periclimenes americanus) in dead portions                    Remarks: Alpheus carlae belongs to the
of corals Acropora prolifera (Lamarck, 1816)              large A. armillatus H. Milne-Edwards, 1837
and A. cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816), and Young             species complex (Anker, 2012). It has been
(1986) recorded the species on dead parts of              recorded in various types of habitats and
Mussismilia harttii (Verrill, 1868), M. hispida           substrata from the intertidal to shallow subtidal
(Verrill, 1902), and Siderastrea stellata (Verrill,       (0–3 m), including under coral rubble (Anker,
1868).                                                    2012). Part of the material referred from
                                                          southern Bahia as A. cf. armillatus correspond
  Superfamily Alpheoidea Rafinesque, 1815                 to A. carlae (Almeida et al., 2012).
     Family Alpheidae Rafinesque, 1815
  Alpheus bouvieri A. Milne-Edwards, 1878                  Alpheus cristulifrons Rathbun, 1900 (Fig. 3D)
                  (Fig. 3B)
                                                                 Material examined: 3 m, 3 ovf,
       Material examined: 1 m, 20.V.2011,                 22.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa
Cairú, Boipeba Island, Moreré Beach, coll.                Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,              Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u.,
salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC           on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1416;
1437; 1 ovf, 25.IX.2011, Mutá Beach, Porto                6 m, 8 f (5 ovf ), 19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba
Seguro, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and              Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead              G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31
coral rubble, UESC 1504.                                  p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC
       Distribution:      Western       Atlantic:         1431; 3 m, 3 ovf, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro,
Bermuda, Florida, West Indies, Panama, and                Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade
Brazil (Fernando de Noronha, Ceará to Rio                 and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on
Grande do Sul). Central Atlantic: Ascension               dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1500.
Island. Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde, Senegal                    Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,
to Gulf of Guinea and Congo-Brazzaville                   Gulf of Mexico, West Indies, Central America,
(Crosnier and Forest, 1966; Chace, 1972;                  northern South America, and Brazil (Atol
Christoffersen, 1979; 1998; Manning and                   das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha, and from
Chace, 1990; Anker et al., 2009a).                        Rio Grande do Norte to Rio de Janeiro)
       Remarks: Alpheus bouvieri is commonly              (Christoffersen, 1998; Anker et al., 2008a).
found under rocks or in crevices of rocks and                    Remarks: Alpheus cristulifrons is typically
rubble, more rarely on sabellariid reefs, and             found in hard substrates (dead and living
also on sand and sand-mud bottoms (Anker et               portions of several corals, coral rubble,
al., 2009a). Almeida et al. (2012) reported the           concretions of coralline algae, sabellariid
species in crevices of coral rubble in southern           polychate reefs, bryozoans) and occasionally in
Bahia.                                                    sponges (Grajal and Laughlin, 1984; Young,
                                                          1986; Moreno-Forero et al., 1998; Anker et
      Alpheus carlae Anker, 2012 (Fig. 3C)                al., 2008a). In Bahia, Almeida et al. (2012)
                                                          recorded the species on coral rubble and in
       Material examined: 2 f, 20.V.2011,                 the present survey we collected A. cristulifrons
Cairú, Boipeba Island, Moreré Beach, coll.                in male/female pairs on several occasions on
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,              dead portions in live position of M. alcicornis.
salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC           It is not considered a boring species, but it
1435.                                                     is capable of excavating or enlarging small
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Southern           natural cavities using its major claw (Anker et
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                     151

al., 2008a).                                        coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
                                                    Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
   Alpheus formosus Gibbes, 1850 (Fig. 3E)          rubble, UESC 1480.
                                                           Distribution: Western Atlantic: Puerto
       Material examined: 1 ovf, 21.III.2011,       Rico to Brazil (Piauí to Santa Catarina).
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,          Eastern Atlantic: Western Sahara to Gabon
coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.           (Crosnier and Forest, 1966; Christoffersen,
Almeida, salinity: 32 p.s.u., on dead coral         1979).
rubble, UESC 1415; 2 m, 6 f, 19.V.2011,                    Remarks: Alpheus intrinsecus has been
Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll.      reported in several types of soft bottoms, such
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,        as mud, clay, sand, sand with gorgonians,
salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC     Halodule beds, coarse sand with shells,
1417; 6 m, 8 f, 20.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba           and on calcareous algae, from 0 to 40 m
Island, Moreré Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.       (Christoffersen, 1979; Almeida et al., 2006).
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,     Our material was obtained in crevices of coral
on dead coral rubble, UESC 1434; 3 m, 3 f           rubble, which is, as far as we know, a previously
(1 ovf ), 30.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora        unreported habitat for the species.
Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead           Alpheus nuttingi (Schmitt, 1924) (Fig. 3G)
coral rubble, UESC 1468; 1 m, 2 f (1 ovf ),
31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,                  Material examined: 1 f, 30.VII.2011,
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,        Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC     G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
1474; 1 m, 1 ovf, 01.VIII.2011, Maraú,              p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1463; 1
Algodões Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.             f, 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,     coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
on dead coral rubble, UESC 1494.                    Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral,
       Distribution:      Western       Atlantic:   UESC 1478.
Bermuda, North Carolina to Brazil (Atol das                Distribution: Western Atlantic: southern
Rocas, Fernando de Noronha, and from Ceará          Florida, southwestern Gulf of Mexico, West
to São Paulo) (Christoffersen, 1998; Anker et       Indies to Brazil (Ceará to Santa Catarina)
al., 2008b).                                        (Coelho et al., 2006; Anker et al., 2007).
       Remarks: Commonly found in various                  Remarks: Alpheus nuttingi is common on
types of hard substrata, including dead and         sandy bottoms with abundant coral rubble and
living portions of coral and coral rubble           rocks, in crevices of coral rocks, on sabellariid
(Young, 1986; Castro et al., 2006; Anker et         polychaete reefs, and in clumps of Halimeda
al., 2008b). Castro et al. (2006) reported A.       (Anker et al., 2007); therefore its occurrence
formosus on living colonies of M. alcicornis in     in coral rubble was not unexpected. In Brazil,
Colombia, but we have not found the species in      the species is known from Ceará to Santa
dead portions of this coral in our sampling. A      Catarina states, but there are no previous
previous record on coral rubble from southern       records from the state of Bahia, filling a gap in
Bahia was provided by Almeida et al. (2012),        the distribution (Coelho et al., 2006; Anker et
where the species is apparently very abundant       al., 2007).
in this kind of microhabitat.                       Alpheus cf. packardii Kingsley, 1880 (Fig. 3H)

  Alpheus intrinsecus Spence Bate, 1888 (Fig.              Material examined: 1 m, 2 ovf,
                       3F)                          30.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll.
                                                    P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
     Material examined: 2 m, 4 f (1 ovf ),          salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,           1464; 1 m, 2 f (1 ovf ), 31.VII.2011, Maraú,
152                                                  Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.            30.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,          coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
on dead coral rubble, UESC 1479.                         Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
       Distribution:       Western      Atlantic:        rubble, UESC 1462; 2 m, 3 f (2 ovf ),
Bermuda, Virginia to South Carolina, Florida,            01.VIII.2011, Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll.
Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas, Mexico (Quintana                P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
Roo and Yucatan), West Indies, Venezuela, and            salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
Brazil (Atol das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha,             1493.
and from Amapá to São Paulo) (Christoffersen,                   Distribution: Western Atlantic: Bermuda
1979; 1998, as A. normanni Kingsley, 1878;               and Florida Keys to Tobago, and westward to
Rodríguez, 1980, as A. normanni; Martínez-               Providencia Island and the Yucatan Peninsula
Iglesias et al., 1996, as A. normanni).                  (Chace, 1972; Rodríguez, 1980).
       Remarks: Alpheus packardii is a species                  Remarks: Alpheus peasei has been
complex (Almeida et al., 2012; A. Anker, pers.
                                                         reported from Bermuda and the Florida
comm.). It has been reported in crevices of
                                                         Keys to Tobago (Chace, 1972; Rodríguez,
coral rubble from southern Bahia (Almeida et
                                                         1980). The present record is the first from the
al., 2012).
                                                         southwestern Atlantic, significantly enlarging
                                                         the southern range of this alpheid and
 Alpheus cf. paracrinitus Miers, 1881 (Fig. 3I)
                                                         creating a huge gap in the species distribution,
       Material examined: 1 m, 3 ovf,                    including the Guyanas and northern and most
30.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,                of northeastern Brazil. The presently known
coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.                distribution of A. peasei suggests an Antillean
Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral              disjunct distribution for this species, similar
rubble, UESC 1461.                                       to some other western Atlantic decapods (see
       Distribution:     Western        Atlantic:        Coelho and Ramos 1972; Melo 1985). Alpheus
Bermuda, West Indies, Panama, and Brazil                 peasei has been collected in interstices of rocks
(Paraíba and Espírito Santo). Central Atlantic:          and dead coral and on sponges (Chace, 1972;
Ascension Island. Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde           Rodríguez, 1980) and polychaete tubes, from
to Gulf of Guinea and Angola. Eastern Pacific            the intertidal to 25 m (Martínez-Iglesias et al.,
and Indo-West Pacific (Crosnier and Forest,              1996). In this study, the species was obtained
1966; Chace, 1972; 1988; Banner and Banner,              in shallow pools in crevices of coral rubble.
1982; Kim and Abele, 1988; Manning and                   The color pattern of the Bahian material agrees
Chace, 1990; Christoffersen, 1998).                      with that observed in the Caribbean (A. Anker,
       Remarks: Alpheus paracrinitus is a species        pers. comm.).
complex (Almeida et al., 2012; A. Anker, pers.
comm.). Young (1986) reported the species on              Alpheus cf. rostratus W. Kim and Abele, 1988
dead portions of the corals Mussismilia hispida                               (Fig. 4A)
and Siderastrea stellata. However, because A.
paracrinitus is a complex, records of this species              Material examined: 2 m, 4 f, 21.III.2011,
must be considered with care (see Almeida et             Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha
al., 2012). It has been reported in crevices of          Beach, P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
coral rubble from southern Bahia (Almeida et             Almeida, salinity: 32 p.s.u., on dead coral
al., 2012).                                              rubble, UESC 1409; 3 f (1 ovf ) 22.III.2011,
                                                         Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,
  Alpheus peasei (Armstrong, 1940) (Fig. 3J)             coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
                                                         Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead portions
      Material examined: 1 m, 1 ovf,                     of M. alcicornis, UESC 1410; 5 m, 6 f (5 ovf ),
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                                          153

Figure 4. Decapod crustaceans collected on dead coral on the coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil. (A) Alpheus cf. rostratus
W. Kim and Abele, 1988 (Alpheidae). (B) Alpheus simus Guérin-Méneville, 1855 (Alpheidae). (C-D) Color patterns
observed for species of the Synalpheus brevicarpus (Herrick, 1891) complex (Alpheidae). (E) Synalpheus cf. fritzmuelleri
Coutière, 1909 (Alpheidae). (F) Synalpheus scaphoceris Coutière, 1910 (Alpheidae). (G) Corallianassa hartmeyeri Schmitt,
1935 (Callianassidae). (H) Pachycheles riisei (Stimpson, 1858) (Porcellanidae). (I) Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson,
1859 (Porcellanidae).
154                                                Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

01.VIII.2011, Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll.             Cortes, 1985; Moreno-Forero et al., 1998, as
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,           Thunor simus; Bezerra and Almeida, 2008).
salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC        It is common in suitable habitats in the
1490; 4 m, 4 f (2 ovf ), 30.VII.2011, Maraú,           Caribbean (A. Anker, pers. comm.). However,
Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.          in Brazil, A. simus is known based on only
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,        two records. Christoffersen (1979, as Thunor
on dead coral rubble, UESC 1465.                       rathbunae) recorded the species from Abrolhos
       Distribution: Alpheus cf. rostratus:            Archipelago, and Bezerra and Almeida (2008)
Western Atlantic: Brazil (Bahia) (Almeida et           recorded it from Rio Grande do Norte. The
al., 2012). Alpheus rostratus: Eastern Pacific:        material reported by Christoffersen (1979)
Gulf of California to Colombia (Kim and                was obtained between 2–5 m depth, on sand
Abele, 1988; Ramos, 1995).                             and calcareous algae bottoms; and the material
       Remarks: This species belongs to the A.         reported by Bezerra and Almeida (2008) was
paracrinitus complex, based on morphology              obtained between 3–4 m, on M. alcicornis.
and color pattern (Almeida et al., 2012; A.            No other details on the species habitat were
Anker, pers. comm.). It was recently recorded          provided by the latter authors. At Coroa
from southern Bahia for the first time,                Vermelha Beach, we found A. simus living
although with no report from coral rubble in           endolithically in galleries constructed in the
that region (Almeida et al., 2012), where it is        M. alcicornis skeleton (Fig. 2C). These galleries
apparently very abundant. Additionally, we             occurred in both dead and living parts of the
observed this species on the coral Mussismilia         coral. We also observed perforations on the
harttii (1 ovf, 20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá        coral skeleton, connecting the gallery to the
Beach, UESC 1408).                                     outside. These perforations resemble the sieve
                                                       pores or plates such as those observed in the
  Alpheus simus Guérin-Méneville, 1855 [in             habitats of endolithic alpheids, including A.
  Guérin-Méneville, 1855–1856] (Fig. 4B)               simus in the Caribbean (Cortes, 1985; Fischer
                                                       and Meyer, 1985; Kropp, 1987; Werding,
       Material examined: 1 m, 1 f, 22.III.2011,       1990). By means of these plates, the shrimp
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,             communicate with the environment outside
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,           their habitation, extending the second chelate
salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.            pereopods through the perforations to pick up
alcicornis, UESC 1411; 1 f, 25.IX.2011, Porto          debris and take it into the galleries (Kropp,
Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.            1987; Werding, 1990).
Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40
p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC           Synalpheus cf. brevicarpus (Herrick, 1891)
1503.                                                                    (Figs. 4C, D)
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,
Yucatan, West Indies, Central America,                        Material examined: 1 f, 20.III.2011,
northern South America, and Brazil (Rio                Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
Grande do Norte and Bahia) [Chace, 1972,               G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 39
as Thunor rathbunae (Schmitt, 1924);                   p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC
Christoffersen, 1979, as T. rathbunae; Bezerra         1403; 2 f, 22.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália,
and Almeida, 2008].                                    Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
       Remarks: The rock-boring snapping               G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:
shrimp A. simus is an inhabitant of shallow-           36 p.s.u., on M. alcicornis, UESC 1404; 1 f,
water hard bottoms such as coral reefs and             01.VIII.2011, Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll.
coral rock bottoms, crevices of coral rocks            P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
and rubble, and also in dead portions of               salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
living corals (Grajal and Laughlin, 1984;              1497; 2 nov, 1 ovf, 31.VII.2011, Maraú,
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                    155

Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.       Island, Moreré Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,     Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,
on dead coral rubble, UESC 1481; 2 nov, 1 ovf,      on dead coral rubble, UESC 1433; 1 nov, 1
01.VIII.2011, Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll.          ovf, 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,        Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC     A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
1496; 4 nov, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá         rubble, UESC 1473; 3 nov, 2 ovf, 01.VIII.2011,
Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and         Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead        Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,
portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1502.               on dead coral rubble, UESC 1495; 21 nov, 10
       Distribution:      Western       Atlantic:   ovf, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach,
Bermuda, Florida, Bahamas, West Indies,             coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M.
Panama, and Brazil (Ceará to Rio Grande do          Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead portions of
Sul) (Christoffersen, 1979; 1998; Bezerra and       M. alcicornis, UESC 1499; 1 nov, 25.IX.2011,
Coelho, 2006). The eastern Pacific records          Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
correspond to S. digueti Coutière, 1909             G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity:
(which also corresponds to multiple species)        40 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1501.
(A. Anker, pers. comm.).                                    Distribution:     Western      Atlantic:
       Remarks: Synalpheus brevicarpus is a         Bermuda, Carolinas, Florida, northern Gulf of
species complex including S. brevicarpus sensu      Mexico (Texas), Mexico (Veracruz, Quintana
Herrick, 1891, S. brevicarpus guerini Coutière,     Roo), Colombia (Providencia), West Indies,
1909, and several undescribed species (A.           Venezuela, and Brazil (São Pedro and São Paulo
Anker, pers comm.). In the study area, two          Archipelago, Pernambuco to Santa Catarina).
distinct color patterns of S. cf. brevicarpus       Central Atlantic: Ascension and Saint Helena
indicate the existence of at least two species      Islands. Records from the eastern Pacific (e.g.,
(Figs. 4C, D). Both species are apparently          Tres Marías Archipelago, Mexico) refer to other
very common, either on dead portions of M.          species (Christoffersen, 1979; 1998; Holthuis
alcicornis or in coral rubble.                      et al., 1980; Manning and Chace, 1990; A.
                                                    Anker, pers. comm.).
    Synalpheus fritzmuelleri Coutière, 1909                 Remarks: Species found in various types
                    (Fig. 4E)                       of substrata in southern Bahia (Almeida et
                                                    al., 2012), and, apparently, very common in
       Material examined: 7 nov, 2 ovf, 2 ni,       dead coral in the study areas. The occurrence
20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll.        of S. fritzmuelleri in pieces of dead coral was
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,        documented by Grajal and Laughlin (1984),
salinity: 39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.         Young (1986), and Moreno-Forero (1998).
alcicornis, UESC 1405; 4 nov, 22.III.2011,          Additionally, we observed this species on the
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,          coral Mussismilia harttii (1 nov, 20.III.2011,
coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.           Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, UESC 1407), as
Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead portions of   documented by Young (1986).
M. alcicornis, UESC 1406; 8 nov, 19.V.2011,
Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll.          Synalpheus scaphoceris Coutière, 1910
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,                          (Fig. 4F)
salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
1418; 8 nov, 19.V.2011 Cairú, Boipeba Island,              Material examined: 1 nov, 1 ovf,
Tassimirim Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.           01.VIII.2011, Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll.
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31 p.s.u.,     P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC             salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
1432; 8 nov, 3 ovf, 20.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba       1489; 1 nov, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá
156                                                 Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and             North Brazilian Chain, Fernando de Noronha,
A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead            Ceará to São Paulo). Central Atlantic:
portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1516.                   Ascension Island (Manning and Chace, 1990;
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,         Christoffersen, 1998; Coelho Filho, 2006).
Gulf of Mexico, West Indies, Venezuela, and                    Remarks: Thor manningi can be found
Brazil (Paraíba, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro,        on living and dead corals and several other
and São Paulo) (Chace, 1956, as Synalpheus              substrata (Chace, 1972; Grajal and Laughlin,
townsendi scaphoceris; Christoffersen, 1979;            1984; Young, 1986). Almeida et al. (2012)
Dardeau, 1986).                                         recorded the species from Bahia, in concretions
       Remarks: Synalpheus scaphoceris is found         of calcareous algae.
on both living and dead corals (Dardeau,
1986). The species is recorded for the first time         Superfamily Processoidea Ortmann, 1896
from Bahia, filling a gap in its distribution.                Family Processidae Ortmann, 1896
                                                         Processa fimbriata Manning and Chace, 1971
      Family Hippolytidae Spence Bate, 1888
      Lysmata cf. intermedia (Kingsley, 1878)                  Material examined: 1 f, 19.V.2011,
                                                        Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll.
       Material examined: 1 ovf, 30.VII.2011,           P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,         salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:               1420.
38 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1467;                    Distribution: Western Atlantic: North
2 ovf, 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora               Carolina, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Yucatan,
Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and             Bahamas, West Indies, and Brazil (Atol das
A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral        Rocas, and from Rio Grande do Norte to Rio
rubble, UESC 1482.                                      de Janeiro) (Christoffersen, 1979; 1998).
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida                 Remarks: Processa fimbriata is also
Keys to Trinidad and Tobago, Curaçao,                   reported from various types of substrata,
and Brazil (Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro)               such as sponges, coral flats, and among coral-
(Christoffersen, 1998; d’Udekem d’Acoz,                 encrusted rocks (Manning and Chace, 1971;
2000; Almeida et al., 2007).                            Chace, 1972).
       Remarks: Lysmata intermedia is a
species complex (Anker et al., 2009b), and                 Infraorder Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979
the material examined here possibly belongs                    Family Callianassidae Dana, 1852
to a hitherto undescribed species (Almeida et               Corallianassa hartmeyeri (Schmitt, 1935)
al., 2012). Material from southern Bahia has                                (Fig. 4G)
been collected on a reef, within crevices of
calcareous algal concretions (Almeida et al.,                  Material examined: 1 m, 31.VII.2011,
2012); here, we record the species in crevices          Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
of coral rubble.                                        G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
                                                        p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1476.
           Thor manningi Chace, 1972                           Distribution: Western Atlantic: West
                                                        Indies (Jamaica) and Brazil (Alagoas) (Coelho,
      Material examined: 2 ovf, 20.III.2011,            1997; Melo, 1999).
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,                   Remarks: Very poorly known species,
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:               described by Schmitt (1935) from Jamaica
39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,           based on holotype only, with no observations
UESC 1414.                                              regarding ecology. Manning and Chace
      Distribution: Western Atlantic: Bermuda,          (1990) recorded the species from Ascension,
North Carolina to Brazil (seamounts of the              from burrows in sand in shallow tide pools
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                      157

and under a rock, and commented on some              G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:
differences that they observed in relation to        39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,
the holotype. The only record from Brazil was        UESC 1375; 4 f (1 ovf ), 22.III.2011, Santa
provided by Coelho (1997) from Alagoas,              Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll.
with no illustrations, morphological account,        P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
or information regarding the type of substrata.      salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.
Subsequent listings (Melo, 1999; Coelho et al.,      alcicornis, UESC 1376; 1 ovf, 20.III.2011,
2007) are based on Coelho’s (1997) record.           Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
The southern range limit of this species is          G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 39
extended here from Alagoas to Taipús de Fora         p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1377; 1 f,
Beach, Maraú. The material was attached to           19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim
the undersurface of a coral rubble fragment          Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
in a sandy-bottom pool (1­–1.5 m). A revision        A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead
of Caribbean, Central Atlantic, and Brazilian        coral rubble, UESC 1423; 2 m, 19.V.2011,
material is desirable, because of the variation      Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll.
reported by Manning and Chace (1990) and             P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
the need to compare the Brazilian material           salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.
with other specimens.                                alcicornis, UESC 1425; 1 m, 01.VIII.2011,
                                                     Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
 Infraorder Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979          G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
                                                     p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1491; 3 m,
    Family Upogebiidae Borradaile, 1903
                                                     1 f, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach,
   Pomatogebia operculata (Schmitt, 1924)
                                                     P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M.
                                                     Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead portions of
       Material examined: 1 ovf, 25.IX.2011,
                                                     M. alcicornis, UESC 1514.
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
                                                            Distribution: Western Atlantic: Central
G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity:
                                                     America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil
40 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,
                                                     (Maranhão to São Paulo) (Melo, 1999).
UESC 1517.                                                  Remarks: Species found on various
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,      types of substrata, including corals (Gore,
Gulf of Mexico, Central America, northern            1982; Young, 1986; Veloso and Melo, 1993).
South America, and Brazil (Ceará to Espírito         A previous record in crevices of coral rubble
Santo) (Melo, 1999).                                 in southern Bahia was provided by Almeida
       Remarks: Pomatogebia operculata is            et al. (2010). Additionally, we observed this
reported as an inhabitant of massive living corals   species on the coral Mussismilia harttii (1 m,
in Saint Croix (Kleemann, 1984) and Jamaica          20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, UESC
and Barbados (Scott, 1987), where specimens          1378), as also recorded by Young (1986).
live in male-female pairs in ramifying galleries.
Scott (1987) demonstrated that P. operculata               Megalobrachium soriatum (Say, 1818)
is capable of mechanical boring. However, the
species inhabits coral rubble and rocks (Scott,              Material examined: 1 f, 01.VIII.2011,
1987; this study) as well as living corals.          Maraú, Algodões Beach, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,
                                                     on dead coral rubble, UESC 1492; 1 m, 1
     Infraorder Anomura MacLeay, 1838                ovf, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach,
 Superfamily Galatheoidea Samouelle, 1819            coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M.
    Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825               Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble,
  Megalobrachium roseum (Rathbun, 1900)              UESC 1515; 1 f, 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús
      Material examined: 1 m, 20.III.2011,           de Fora Beach, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,         rubble, UESC 1484.
158                                                  Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

       Distribution: Western Atlantic: North             is found on various types of hard substrata,
Carolina to Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico,             including corals (Young, 1986; Veloso and
Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, and                Melo, 1993). The species is apparently very
Brazil (Ceará to São Paulo). Eastern Pacific:            abundant in the microhabitats studied on the
California to Panama (Melo, 1999; Lira et al.,           Bahia coast, where it was previously recorded
2001; Rodríguez et al., 2005).                           in crevices of coral rubble by Almeida et al.
       Remarks: Species found on various types           (2010).
of substrata, including corals (Young, 1986;
Veloso and Melo, 1993). Additionally, we                         Pachycheles monilifer (Dana, 1852)
recorded this species on the coral Mussismilia
harttii (2 ovf, 20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá                Material examined: 3 m, 2 f (1 ovf ),
Beach, UESC 1379), as documented by Young                19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim
(1986).                                                  Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
                                                         A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead coral
      Pachycheles greeleyi (Rathbun, 1900)               rubble, UESC 1424.
                                                               Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,
       Material examined: 5 f, 21.III.2011,              Gulf of Mexico, West Indies, Venezuela,
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,               and Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte to Santa
coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.                Catarina). Eastern Pacific: Ecuador (Melo,
Almeida, salinity: 32 p.s.u., on dead coral              1999).
rubble, UESC 1387; 1 m, 1 f, 22.III.2011,                      Remarks: Also known from various kinds
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,               of hard substrata, including corals (Veloso and
coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.                Melo, 1993; Micheletti-Flores and Negreiros-
Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead coral              Fransozo, 1999; Nogueira, 2003).
rubble, UESC 1388; 3 f (1 ovf ), 20.III.2011,
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,                     Pachycheles riisei (Stimpson, 1858)
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, UESC                                          (Fig. 4H)
1389, salinity: 39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.
alcicornis; 1 f, 21.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália,               Material examined: 1 m, 1 ovf,
Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.            31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 32 p.s.u.,          coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1390;            Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
1 m, 2 ovf, 22.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália,            rubble, UESC 1488; 1 m, 1 ovf, 01.VIII.2011,
Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.            Maraú, Algodões Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u.,          Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u.,
on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1391;            on dead coral rubble, UESC 1498.
1 m, 2 f (1 ovf ), 19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba                     Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,
Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,             West Indies, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:                (Fernando de Noronha, Trindade, and from
31 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,            Paraíba to São Paulo) (Melo, 1999; Rodríguez
UESC 1427; 6 m, 4 f (2 ovf ), 25.IX.2011,                et al., 2005; Tagliafico et al., 2005; Lira et al.,
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,             2007).
G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity:                      Remarks: Pachycheles riisei is found on
40 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,            hard substrata, including corals (Werding,
UESC 1510.                                               1982; Young, 1986, as P. riiispi sic, misspelled;
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Brazil            Veloso and Melo, 1993). The present record is
(Pará to Espírito Santo) (Melo, 1999).                   the first from Bahia, filling a gap in the species’
       Remarks: The Brazilian endemic P. greeleyi        distribution.
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                      159

       Petrolisthes armatus (Gibbes, 1850)                  Distribution: Western Atlantic: North
                                                     Carolina to Florida, Gulf of Mexico, West
       Material examined: 2 m, 1 f, 21.III.2011,     Indies, northern South America, and Brazil
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,           (Trindade Island, and from Pará to Rio Grande
coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.            do Sul). Eastern Atlantic: western coast of
Almeida, salinity: 32 p.s.u., on dead coral          Africa. Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California, and
rubble, UESC 1385; 1 ovf, 22.III.2011, Santa         from Costa Rica to Peru (Melo, 1999).
Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll.                  Remarks: The species is present on living
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,         and dead corals, among other hard substrata
salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC      (Werding, 1982; Grajal and Laughlin, 1984;
1386; 1 m, 1 ovf, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro,          Young, 1986; Castro et al., 2006). Most of our
Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade         material was obtained on dead portions of M.
and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on          alcicornis colonies; however, we observed it on
dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1509.           living colonies as well. Castro et al. (2006) also
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: North         observed P. galathinus on living colonies of M.
Carolina to Florida, Gulf of Mexico, West            alcicornis, in the Colombian Caribbean.
Indies, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil
(Fernando de Noronha, and from Pará to                   Petrolisthes marginatus Stimpson, 1859
Santa Catarina). Eastern Atlantic: Senegal to                            (Fig. 4I)
Angola. Central Atlantic: Ascension. Eastern
Pacific: Gulf of California, Costa Rica,
                                                            Material examined: 1 m, 1 ovf,
Ecuador (Galapagos), and Peru (Rodríguez,
                                                     20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll.
1980; Barros et al., 1997a; Melo, 1999).
       Remarks: Petrolisthes armatus is found in     P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
highly diverse substrata, especially in estuaries.   salinity: 39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.
It has also been reported on living and dead         alcicornis, UESC 1374; 2 f (1 ovf ), 25.IX.2011,
corals (Gore and Abele, 1976; Werding, 1982;         Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
Veloso and Melo, 1993; Castro et al., 2006;          G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity:
Almeida et al., 2010). A previous record from        40 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,
coral rubble in southern Bahia was provided          UESC 1512.
by Almeida et al. (2010).                                   Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,
                                                     Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of San Blas (Panama),
       Petrolisthes galathinus (Bosc, 1802)          Puerto Rico, Barbados, northern South
                                                     America, Trinidad and Tobago, and Brazil
       Material examined: 2 m, 20.III.2011,          (Maranhão, Fernando de Noronha, and
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,         Trindade Island). Central Atlantic: Ascension.
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:            Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde to Annobon
39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,        (Manning and Chace, 1990; Ferreira, 2009).
UESC 1373; 1 m, 19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba
                                                            Remarks: Recorded from several types of
Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
                                                     bottom, including coral heads (Gore, 1983;
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31
p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC      Manning and Chace, 1990). The southernmost
1426; 1 m, 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de             record in the Western Atlantic was provided by
Fora Beach, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral       Ferreira (2009) from Trindade Island, around
rubble, UESC 1486; 4 m, 4 f, 25.IX.2011,             1,100 km from the Brazilian coast (20º30’S /
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,         29º18’W) (Clemente et al., 2006). Our record
G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity:          from Porto Seguro represents the presently
40 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,        known southern limit for this species, if we
UESC 1507.                                           consider Brazilian coastal waters.
160                                               Santos et al.: Decapods on dead coral on the coast of Bahia, Brazil

       Petrolisthes rosariensis Werding, 1982         Venezuela, and Brazil (Fernando de Noronha,
                                                      and from Maranhão to Rio Grande do Sul)
       Material examined: 4 m, 3 ovf,                 (Melo, 1996).
20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll.                 Remarks: Microphrys bicornutus is
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,          known from several kinds of hard substrata,
salinity: 39 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC       including dead coral (Powers, 1977; Grajal
1396; 2 m, 31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús                 and Laughlin, 1984; Almeida et al., 2010). We
de Fora Beach, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead           also recorded this species on dead portions of
coral rubble, UESC 1483; 1 m, 2 f (1 ovf ),           the coral Siderastrea stellata (1 m, 21.III.2011,
25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll.           Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach,
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M.               UESC 1397).
Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead portions of
M. alcicornis, UESC 1511.                             Mithraculus forceps (A. Milne-Edwards, 1875)
       Distribution: Western Atlantic: Central
America, Colombia, and Brazil (Paraíba to                    Material examined: 1 m, 20.III.2011,
Bahia) (Melo, 1999).                                  Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
       Remarks: Also present on living and dead       G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:
corals, among other hard substrata (Werding,          39 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1371;
1982; Young, 1986; Moreno-Forero et al.,              1 m, 2 ovf, 1 ni, 20.III.2011, Porto Seguro,
1998). We found this species on the coral             Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade
Mussismilia harttii (1 m, 2 f, 20.III.2011,           and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 39 p.s.u., on dead
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, UESC 1395), as              portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1372; 1 m,
also observed by Young (1986).                        19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim
                                                      Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
       Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802           A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead
      Superfamily Majoidea Samouelle, 1819            coral rubble, UESC 1422; 1 f, 19.V.2011,
         Family Majidae Samouelle, 1819               Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll.
      Subfamily Mithracinae MacLeay, 1838             P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
      Microphrys bicornutus (Latreille, 1825)         salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead portions of M.
                                                      alcicornis, UESC 1429; 1 m, 2 f, 30.VII.2011,
       Material examined: 1 ovf, 22.III.2011,         Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha                   G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and           p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1469; 1 m,
A.O. Almeida, salinity: 36 p.s.u., on dead            31.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach,
coral rubble, UESC 1398; 1 m, 2 f (1 ovf ),           coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O.
21.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Coroa               Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.               rubble, UESC 1487; 1 m, 25.IX.2011, Porto
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 32               Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1399; 1 m,         Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 40 p.s.u.,
19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba Island, Tassimirim          on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1506;
Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and           4 m, 1 f, 25.IX.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá
A.O. Almeida, salinity: 31 p.s.u., on dead            Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
coral rubble, UESC 1421; 1 m, 31.VII.2011,            A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40 p.s.u., on dead
Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,       coral rubble, UESC 1508.
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38                 Distribution: Western Atlantic: North
p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1485.              Carolina to Florida, Gulf of Mexico, West
       Distribution:     Western      Atlantic:       Indies, Venezuela, and Brazil (São Pedro and
Bermuda, North Carolina to Florida, Gulf              São Paulo Archipelago, Fernando de Noronha,
of Mexico, Central America, West Indies,              Atol das Rocas, and from Maranhão to Santa
Nauplius 20(2): 145-169, 2012                                                                    161

Catarina) (Holthuis et al., 1980; Melo, 1996;
Rieger and Giraldi, 1996).                                Mithrax hemphilli Rathbun, 1892
       Remarks: Known from various kinds
of hard substrata, including living and dead               Material examined: 2 m, 30.VII.2011,
corals (Powers, 1977, as Mithrax forceps; Grajal    Maraú, Taipús de Fora Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
and Laughlin, 1984, as Mithrax forceps; Young,      G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38
1986, as Mithrax forceps; Nogueira, 2003;           p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1471.
Almeida et al., 2010). A previous record from              Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida,
coral rubble in southern Bahia was provided         West Indies, and Brazil (Atol das Rocas, and
by Almeida et al. (2010). We also observed          from Maranhão to Rio de Janeiro) (Melo,
M. forceps on the coral Mussismilia harttii (3      1996).
m, 20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach,                  Remarks: Species found on various kinds
UESC 1370).                                         of hard bottoms, including on dead corals
                                                    (Young, 1986; Almeida et al., 2010).
      Mithrax braziliensis Rathbun, 1892
                                                     Superfamily Pilumnoidea Samouelle, 1819
        Material examined: 2 m, 2 f, 20.III.2011,       Family Pilumnidae Samouelle, 1819
Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,          Subfamily Pilumninae Samouelle, 1819
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 39             Pilumnus dasypodus Kingsley, 1879
p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC
                                                           Material examined: 1 m, 2 f, 20.III.2011,
1380; 1 f, 21.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália,
                                                    Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.
                                                    G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:
Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 32 p.s.u.,
                                                    39 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,
on dead portions of M. alcicornis, UESC 1382;
                                                    UESC 1393; 1 m, 2 f, 21.III.2011, Santa
1 m, 1 ni, 22.III.2011, Santa Cruz Cabrália,
                                                    Cruz Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll.
Coroa Vermelha Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
                                                    P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity: 36        salinity: 32 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC
p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1383; 1 m,       1394; 1 f, 30.VII.2011, Maraú, Taipús de Fora
20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll.        Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and
P.S. Santos, G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida,        A.O. Almeida, salinity: 38 p.s.u., on dead coral
salinity: 39 p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC     rubble, UESC 1470; 9 m, 5 f, 25.IX.2011,
1384; 3 m, 2 ni, 19.V.2011, Cairú, Boipeba          Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
Island, Tassimirim Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,        G.O. Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity:
G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:           40 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,
31 p.s.u., on dead portions of M. alcicornis,       UESC 1513.
UESC 1430; 5 m, 14 f, 25.IX.2011, Porto                    Distribution: Western Atlantic: North
Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos, G.O.         Carolina to Florida, Gulf of Mexico, West
Soledade and A.G.L.M. Pedra, salinity: 40           Indies, northern South America, and Brazil
p.s.u., on dead coral rubble, UESC 1505.            (Paraíba to Santa Catarina) (Melo, 1996).
        Distribution: Western Atlantic: Brazil             Remarks: Pilumnus dasypodus is found
(Piauí to São Paulo) (Melo, 1996; Dall’Occo         on various kinds of hard substrata, including
et al., 2004).                                      dead corals (Powers, 1977; Young, 1986;
        Remarks: This endemic Brazilian species     Almeida et al., 2010).
is found on various kinds of hard bottoms,
including dead corals (Young, 1986; Almeida               Pilumnus reticulatus Stimpson, 1860
et al., 2010). During our sampling, we also
collected this species on the coral Mussismilia           Material examined: 1 m, 20.III.2011,
harttii (3 f, 20.III.2011, Porto Seguro, Mutá       Porto Seguro, Mutá Beach, coll. P.S. Santos,
Beach, UESC 1381).                                  G.O. Soledade and A.O. Almeida, salinity:
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