Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

Page created by Cathy Kelly
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group
May 2020 •

        The 50
     biggest debt
    fund managers
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group
Leaders in Commercial Real Estate Finance

   INVESTORS                                                     North America                                Public and Private
                                                                                                                Pension Plans
                                                                                                               Insurance Companies
    $16.9 Billion                                             
                                                                  Middle East
                                                                                                               Ultra-High-Net-Worth
           in AUM              1
                                                                  Asia                                          Family Offices
                                                                                                               Asset Managers

©2020 ACORE Capital. Registered trade/service marks are the property of ACORE Capital. All rights reserved. 1Assets under management” are
comprised of a number of components, including certain subordinate debt investments and capital commitments related thereto, a whole loan
facility commitment, and certain other whole loan investments and senior debt investments. Certain assets under management are managed on
a non-discretionary basis for an institutional investor, while others are managed on a discretionary basis for other institutional investors. Figures
include both funded and committed unfunded amounts, as of 12.31.19.
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

How to contact us

Senior Editor, Real Estate
Jonathan Brasse,
+44 20 7566 4278
Evelyn Lee, +44 20 3640 7511
Senior Special Projects Editor
Graeme Kerr                                       ISSN 1558–7177 • MAY 2020, +44 20 3862 7491
Special Projects Editor
James Linacre, +44 20 7566 5465
Senior Reporters
Arshiya Khullar, +1 212 796 8324
                                                  Insight                                The RED 50
Kyle Campbell, +1 646 545 4428
Christie Ou
                                                  Real estate debt news timeline
                                                                                         Capital raising steps up a gear, +852 2153 3247
Contributors                                      A year in the industry                 This year’s debt fund ranking reflects
Mark Cooper, Daniel Cunningham,                                                          a market with more capital than
Daniel Humphrey Rodriguez, Jesse Koppi,
Stuart Watson                                     EDITOR’S LETTER                        before and reveals a new top player
Managing Editor, Production: Mike Simlett         The more things change...         4    in the sector.
Head of Production: Greg Russell
Production Editors: Daniel Blackburn,
Adam Koppeser
Copy Editors: Eric Fish, Nicholas Manderson
Art Director: Mike Scorer
Head of Design: Miriam Vysna
Senior Designer: Lee Southey
                                                  Debt’s first true test
Designers: Denise Berjak, Pio Blanco
Head of Marketing Solutions, Real Assets Group:   Covid-19 presents challenges but
Nick Hayes, +44 20 7566 5448
                                                  disciplined lending provides support
Marketing Solutions Manager:
Annie Liu                                         ARA Venn on market momentum, + 852 2153 3843
Subscriptions and reprints
                                                  Paul House and ARA AM’s                        Mark Ebbinghaus discuss debt
Customer Service                                  opportunities                6
Editorial Director: Philip Borel
Director, Digital Product Development:            Debt’s new frontiers
Amanda Janis                                      Seeking fresh pockets of value    9
Director of Research and Analytics: Dan Gunner
Managing Director, Americas: Colm Gilmore
                                                  Yardi Systems on data-driven
Managing Director, Asia: Chris Petersen
Chief Commercial Officer: Paul McLean             decisions                              Data
                                                  Chris Barbier considers risk

Chief Executive: Tim McLoughlin
                                                  management in tough times        12

                                                  Virus won’t stop debt market           Fundraising dips
                                                  Edmond de Rothschild fund to           But data show large funds continue
For subscription information visit                launch despite covid-19          15    to be raised

                                                  Investors have RE debt appetite        Funds aim high
                                                  Survey results show institutional      Funds in market are seeking to raise
                                                  demand for more risk              29   almost $55 billion                 32

                                                                                                          May 2020    •   Debt    1
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

    A year in real estate debt
    Managers tested new
    strategies, ventured into
    new regions – and more
    than one targeted
    a billion-euro fundraise
                                                         Amundi raises €1bn
                                                         French asset manager Amundi raised more than
                                                         €1 billion for its first real estate debt strategy,
                                                         which had launched in May. At the time, the fund
                                                         had deployed €180 million across six loans in
                                                         France, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy, with an
                                                         average LTV of 58 percent and a blended spread
                                                         of around 230bps. The loans were issued against
                                                         a variety of asset classes including offices, retail
                                                         and hospitality.

     APR 2019             MAY             JUN           JUL                 AUG                   SEP

                                Generali launches                 Bain forms debt JV
                                debut fund                        Bain Capital formed a half-billion-
                                Generali Real Estate              dollar venture to acquire distressed
                                launched its first                real estate debt with a New York
                                vehicle to invest                 lender. The Boston-based group is
                                in commercial real                allocating capital to the partnership
                                estate debt across                from its credit platform’s distressed and
                                Europe. Generali                  special situations strategy. Bain was far
                                raised about €1                   from the only firm interested in non-
                                billion from the                  performing loans, with real estate funds
                                group’s insurance                 that included distressed debt as part of
                                companies, with                   their mandate closing on $18.75 billion
                                another €500 million              through H1.
                                expected to be
                                raised from third-      APG ventures into real estate debt in APAC
                                party investors over    Pension fund manager APG Asset Management
                                the next couple         entered into a partnership with Australian
                                of years. Generali      commercial real estate debt manager MaxCap
                                Real Estate Debt        Group to invest up to A$600 million ($418 million;
                                Investment Fund         €370 million) in the sector, marking the investor’s
                                will invest in senior   entry into the asset class in Asia-Pacific. APG made
                                property loans across   a A$300 million initial commitment to the JV and
                                Europe.                 can re-up to a total commitment of A$600 million.

2   PERE   •   May 2020
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

Chenavari seeks                     LaSalle targets €1bn
£350m for beds-                     LaSalle Investment
focused fund                        Management set its sights
Chenavari Investment                on raising €1 billion for a
Managers was raising                fourth mezzanine lending
capital for a new debt fund         vehicle in its European
predominantly focused on            property debt fund
the private rented sector           program, LaSalle Real
and student housing                 Estate Debt Strategies
across the UK and Spain.            IV, which would be the
Chenavari set a target              largest fund yet in the       Multifamily breakthrough targeted
of £350 million ($458               series. It would also be      Qualitas launched Australia’s first dedicated
million; €394 million)              the first in the series to    built-to-rent debt fund, Qualitas Build-to-Rent
for the vehicle by final            be euro-denominated,          Impact Fund, in a bid to tap into the country’s
close in September 2020.            reflecting growing            emerging multifamily sector. The Melbourne-
Chenavari Real Estate               demand from continental       based manager plans to raise A$1 billion ($659
Fund III will originate             European investors and        million; €607 million) from institutional investors.
predominantly stretched             LaSalle’s increasing focus    The vehicle is expected to provide financing to
senior debt and profit-             on continental European       build-to-rent projects in major cities in Australia
participating whole loans.          lending deals.                via senior loans to developers.

   OCT                 NOV                  DEC                JAN 2020              FEB                  MAR

CBRE GI expands into European debt                                ICG focusing on              ICG raises £500m
Property investment manager CBRE Global Investors made            alternatives                 first close
a significant push into the European real estate debt market      ICG-Longbow is               The London-based
with the acquisition of London-based credit specialist            deploying its fifth          asset manager
Laxfield Capital by parent CBRE Group. Laxfield has £818          UK property debt             announced its latest
million of assets under management in the UK. For CBRE            vehicle, which closed        round of successful
GI it represents an expansion of existing real estate credit      in November after            fundraising for its
strategies. It has been investing in debt in the Americas         raising £928 million.        real estate lending
since 2009.                                                       The focus will be on         program with a first
                                                                  asset classes that are       close of its fourth
                                                                  expected to benefit          senior debt vehicle
                                                                  from demographic or          raising £500 million
                                                                  structural tailwinds that    of investor capital.
                                                                  are weakly correlated        ICG-Longbow
                                                                  to the economic              Senior Debt
                                                                  cycle. UK Real Estate        Programme Vintage
                                                                  Debt Investments             IV is expected to
                                                                  V will originate             reach a final close
                                                                  predominantly whole          in the final quarter
                                                                  loans secured against        of 2020, with a
                                                                  UK commercial                hard-cap set at £1
                                                                  property.                    billion.

                                                                                                  May 2020   •   Debt    3
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

    Editor’s letter

    The more things                                                                                      New York
                                                                                                   130 West 42nd Street
                                                                                                         Suite 450

                                                                                                         New York
                                                                                                         NY 10036
                                                                                                    T: +1 212 633 1919

                                                                                                     100 Wood Street
                                                                                                        EC2V 7AN
                                                                                                   T: +44 20 7566 5444
                           James Linacre                                                               Hong Kong
                                                                    19F On Hing Building
                                                                                                1 On Hing Terrace Central
                                                                                                       Hong Kong
                                                                                                   T: +852 2153 3240

           uddenly, coronavirus has changed everything. Or has it? Covid-19 isn’t             Published 10 times a year by
                                                                                            PEI Media. To find out more about
           stopping firms such as Edmond de Rothschild from launching a real estate           PEI Media visit
           debt fund according to its original timetable. And while the pandemic may
                                                                                                     © PEI Media 2020
    well represent the first true test of Europe’s private real estate debt fund industry
    since it emerged in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, conservative lending         No statement in this magazine is to
                                                                                            be construed as a recommendation
    practices during that time ought to mean real estate debt fund managers prove              to buy or sell securities. Neither
    stable throughout the current crisis.                                                     this publication nor any part of it
                                                                                            may be reproduced or transmitted
        As in all times of change, where some see
    challenges, others will see opportunities.
                                                       “     As in all times                     in any form or by any means,
                                                                                            electronic or mechanical, including
    Debt funds are likely to receive a boost from       of change,                               photocopying, recording, or
                                                                                                by any information storage or
    shrinking bank appetite. Commercial real
    estate debt is also able to offer the lower risk
                                                        where some                           retrieval system, without the prior
                                                                                                  permission of the publisher.

    strategies which investors may desire after         see challenges,                           Whilst every effort has been
                                                                                              made to ensure its accuracy, the
                                                                                             publisher and contributors accept
    this period of volatility.
        Real estate debt was undergoing
                                                        others will see                      no responsibility for the accuracy
                                                                                               of the content in this magazine.
    some notable changes even without the               opportunities            ”              Readers should also be aware
                                                                                                that external contributors may
    coronavirus complication. Our second                                                        represent firms that may have
                                                                                              an interest in companies and/or
    annual global private real estate debt fund capital raising ranking – the RED 50         their securities mentioned in their
    – shows the largest managers have been able to raise even more capital.                          contributions herein.
        And while many of those managers are the usual suspects, there are also new            Cancellation policy You can
    entrants to shake things up. For one, Blackstone is no longer top of the pile.            cancel your subscription at any
                                                                                            time during the first three months
        New York does remain the leading debt fundraising center, however, and                  of subscribing and you will
    North American firms continue to dominate the RED 50. With $156.9 billion                 receive a refund of 70 percent
    raised, and some 62.4 percent of that by North America-based firms, the extent            of the total annual subscription
                                                                                                fee. Thereafter, no refund is
    of the change does, perhaps, remain limited.                                            available. Any cancellation request
        If other managers follow Edmond de Rothschild’s lead and proceed with their            needs to be sent in writing to
                                                                                              the subscriptions departments
    fund launches as planned, then it could be another busy year for the market. It         (subscriptionenquiries@peimedia.
    all depends on the extent to which things really will change. Because sometimes,           com) in either our London or
                                                                                                      New York offices.
    the more things change, the more they stay the same.
                                                                                            Printed by Stephens & George Ltd

    James Linacre

4    PERE   •   May 2020
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

         Private real estate debt
        is facing its ‘first true test’
                    Disciplined lending throughout the cycle should stand
            the non-bank lending space in good stead, writes Daniel Cunningham

               he covid-19 crisis rep-          Wallace notes that debt specialists      the situation. Wallace explains: “Activ-
               resents the first major       should treat data from the listed prop-     ity levels will be lower than in previous
               test of Europe’s private      erty sector with caution: “It can hint      quarters and the market will be shallow
               real estate debt industry     at the differential between sectors and     for some time. Many on the borrower
               since it emerged in ear-      risk types. But there is always enhanced    and lender sides will take a wait-and-
               nest during the current       volatility on the listed side, so we need   see approach. Some deals will continue
property cycle, the global co-head of        to be careful about translating falls on    to go ahead, although it is too early to
alternatives research and strategy at        the listed side to the debt side of the     say on what terms. The pipeline of new
asset management company DWS tells           market.”                                    deals is likely to be lower.
sister publication Real Estate Capital.                                                      “There is an expectation that mar-
    Simon Wallace says the alternative       Better prepared                             gins will increase, although we will see
property lending market has experi-          Europe’s real estate debt market is slow    differentials between sectors. Lower
enced strong growth in the last decade,      as lenders and borrowers take stock of      loan-to-values will be a common re-
but that conservative lending practices                                                  sponse among lenders.”
ought to mean real estate debt fund                                                          However, Wallace also says that the
managers prove stable throughout the                                                     real estate industry entered the current
current crisis. He adds that it could                                                    crisis in much better shape than it did
prove to be a catalyst for further growth                                                during previous market shocks: “The
as investors seek a haven for capital.                                                   industry has been disciplined on the
    Speaking about the outlook for Eu-                                                   leverage side, and there is low vacancy
rope’s real estate debt markets in light        “Some deals will                         in most sectors, aside from retail, and
of the coronavirus pandemic, Wallace                                                     less development in the pipeline.”
admits it is too early for lenders to have      continue to go                               An increase in loan defaults is to be
a clear view: “It is exceptionally diffi-                                                expected, though the extent is “very
cult to have an understanding of where
                                                ahead, although                          difficult” to ascertain. “Hopefully, the
pricing and values are right now.”
                                                it is too early to say                   industry has learned lessons about how
    Although Q1 real estate market                                                       to deal with such situations,” he says.
data in April will hint at how property         on what terms. The                           On the longer-term view, Wallace
values are shifting, Wallace warns that                                                  notes that the consensus among eco-
valuers will not yet have clarity due to a      pipeline of new deals                    nomic forecasts is for a strong upswing
lack of transaction evidence.                                                            in the aftermath of the crisis.
    “We will need to look beyond the            is likely to be lower”                       “Yes, we’re experiencing severe dis-
Q1 data, and it will be important to                                                     ruption now, but this is a long-term
communicate as much as possible with            SIMON WALLACE                            asset class,” he says. “We need to look
valuers, brokers and industry analysts,”        DWS                                      beyond the next six months to the next
he says.                                                                                 five or 10 years.” ■

                                                                                                           May 2020    •   Debt      5
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

    K E Y N O T E                                                   I N T E R V I E W

    Debt opportunities, risk premia and
           market momentum

                 Growing investor interest and increasing market momentum in real
                   estate debt have prompted a new partnership, say ARA Venn’s
                   Paul House and ARA Asset Management’s Mark Ebbinghaus

    Global expansion is on the menu for                                                     demand on the credit side. Some of
    ARA Asset Management, which is ac-                                                      our investors actually prefer to invest
                                                              ARA VENN
    tive in 100 cities in 28 countries and has                                              in debt, but we had never really been
    been investing in European real estate                                                  able to cover that. So, we have broad-
    equity for some time. However, the           at ARA Venn, discuss the opportunities     ened out our expertise within the wider
    Singapore-based group has been look-         on offer in European real estate debt.     platform, bringing people on that have
    ing for product line expansion, which                                                   a deep experience in credit, and this
    led it to join forces with Venn Partners,
    a London-based European real estate
    credit specialist to create ARA Venn.
                                                 Q     What were the drivers
                                                       behind this partnership?
                                                 Mark Ebbinghaus: Our move into
                                                                                            new partnership is a significant step

        ARA has taken a majority stake in        Europe was very much investor-led          Paul House: Our business commenced
    Venn and will work closely with ARA          and we have seen significant quantities    in 2009 and our investment manage-
    Venn to grow the scale and scope of          of capital progressively deployed, not     ment efforts began in 2012. Since then,
    its operations. Mark Ebbinghaus, ARA         only to the UK but continental Europe      we have built a business with about £5
    Asset Management’s European chief            over the last five years. We have seen a   billion ($6.4 billion; €5.8 billion) of as-
    executive, and Paul House, managing          lot of interest in Europe and the UK       sets under management and committed
    partner and head of the CRE business         from our Asian investors and a lot of      capital, purely focused on real estate

6    PERE    •   May 2020
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

credit in both commercial and consum-
er residential areas.
    What we noted in our own capital
raising is that firms like us have been in
an increasingly competitive market for
capital as investors look to rationalize
the number of managers they deal with
while still wanting to access a choice of
different products, so we were looking
to align ourselves with a partner who
would help us expand and with whom
we would have a good cultural fit. As
ARA looks to grow in Europe, we think
we are in a good position to help foster
that growth.

ME: I’ve known the Venn team for
over five years and we have developed a
                                             Q     How will investors respond to the increasingly volatile
                                                   environment driven by the reaction to covid-19?
                                             ME: We think at least in the near term there is going to be relative
close relationship and understand each       polarization between those investors that are proactive and those that
other well. We tend to think about           are reactive, it is likely that there are going to be few leaders and more
things quite deeply and for us the cul-      followers in these uncertain times, decision making is also likely to be
ture, alignment and really wanting to        pushed out for many.
work together is critical. It’s not just a       It is in our view likely that the market will continually evaluate and
numbers game.                                eventually ‘come to a landing’ on the competing impacts of, on the one
                                             hand, as to whether we are in a near term (temporary), medium term or

Q    What characterizes the
     transactions you are
                                             more permanent change in risk premia environment, requiring a higher
                                             rate of return for a given level of risk, leading to asset pricing contraction
                                             pressures, and on the other hand, the impact of what is likely to be an
PH: On the CRE debt side, we are             unprecedented level of monetary and fiscal expansion leading to asset
raising capital for our latest fund for      pricing stimulus and lower required rates of return pressures.
deployment in the UK and Europe,                 We feel that participating in the markets via debt is likely to receive
supported by ARA. We are looking for         strong levels of support, particularly as bank appetite contracts and those
mid to upper single digit total returns,     with firepower are likely to be well positioned to optimize performance.
predominantly from whole loans but           Investors are likely to support trusted managers with strong sponsorship
with the ability to take some junior po-     and deep market insight that have scale and scope to capture market
sitions as well.                             opportunities.
    We are targeting mid-sized private
equity or institutional-sized family of-     PH: On a more lasting note, the extreme volatility that investors are
fices who are investing in value-add         experiencing in the global capital markets – in both the equity and the debt
real estate opportunities. We are able       capital markets, is happening post a long stretch of relatively low volatility
to go higher in loan to value than bank      and consistent moves higher in asset prices. The sharp volatility experience
lenders, as we typically try not to com-     from the global pandemic can lead to investors seeking lower risk strategies
pete with banks given their pricing ad-      that are available in the private debt markets of which CRE debt is part of.
vantage at lower LTV loans. The types            In addition, the public policy reaction that is currently underway –
of deals we would look to do are often       being a decline in central bank interest rates plus higher fiscal spend – is a
with some form of value-add aspects.         trend that spells of continued low interest rates in sovereign debt is likely
    We are looking at a building in          to spill over to corporate debt. With the backdrop of high volatility, the
Spain right now, located in the CBD          opportunities that emerge from the dislocation plays to the benefit of
of Madrid. It has an existing tenant         private funds that we manage as we retain the ability to pivot to capture the
but the building could use some im-          best investments as they emerge. Investors with the memory of the 2008
provements. Some capital expenditure         crisis will recall that post that event, significant opportunities were captured
will improve its sustainability rating       in the years that followed.
as well as its aesthetic quality and add

                                                                                                          May 2020    •   Debt   7
Debt - The 50 biggest debt fund managers - Bridge Investment Group

                                                    “The covid-19 crisis
    value for the client, either through in-                                                 that it is difficult to predict timing as
    creased rent or a new tenant. The loan          is such a major and                      this is more in the hands of the medi-
    size also fits neatly into the fund target                                               cal profession and in the public policy
    of between €10 million to €50 million,          unique event that it                     arena. What is happening economical-
    where we see less competition from                                                       ly is that the functioning of the market
    low cost capital providers.
                                                    is difficult to predict                  is being severely disrupted and we are
        We also have a residential lending          timing”                                  witnessing a sharp decline in economic
    business in the UK private rented sec-                                                   activity levels.
    tor, which would be called multifami-                                                        Whilst we were late cycle before this
                                                    PAUL HOUSE
    ly residential in other markets, where                                                   event, this unprecedented interruption
    we originate and manage a £3.5 billion                                                   in economic activity will indeed have
    PRS lending scheme for the UK gov-                                                       an impact, and in our view, it will be
    ernment. To date, we have lent a little                                                  correlated to how long the market is
    over a billion in this mandate and we are                                                disrupted. The longer the stagnation
    looking to deploy another £2.5 billion                                                   period, the deeper the economic im-
    over the next few years. For this type of                                                pact is likely to be.
    assets, we would lend on an LTV of say                                                       If we are able to commence trading
    60-65 percent. We get a government                                                       again in the summer this sharp correc-
    guarantee on the bonds that we issue                                                     tion will reset economic points (for ex-
    and then we go into the institutional                                                    ample, rental rates in the occupational
    marketplace and fund those positions.                                                    market, or capitalization rates for the
    So, there is a policy angle, which is to         Over the next couple of years, we       transactional market) however with the
    support a nascent industry.                  can broaden out the offer in the plat-      short closing we would not foresee a
        We see potential to develop              form, augmented by our capital part-        massive move on pre-closing levels as
    non-government investment mandates           ners and our public market experience.      the market re-opens. The drag of three
    in this asset class given its growth pros-   For example, ARA Dunedin, which was         or four months of inactivity will have
    pects and the deep technical expertise       set up in July 2019 to invest in and man-   time impact, but occupational markets
    and market knowledge that we have            age real estate assets in the UK, will be   should resume where they left off and
    gained through our work with the             able to co-operate with ARA Venn to         the markets that were already under
    Government program.                          the benefit of both organizations.          pressure, retail for instance, will be
                                                     Given the size of ARA, scale is crit-   more impacted than those that were
    ME: We see three or four strong prod-        ical and, as we all have limited band-      trading well before the crisis.
    uct lines at ARA Venn and we are re-         width, we have to focus our energies on         However, if the market close period
    viewing broader opportunities. In ad-        scalable opportunities, whether they        extends or the return is muted by way
    dition to the products Paul mentioned,       are platforms or products. We believe       of continued policy moves to suppress
    ARA Venn is very strong in the RMBS          ARA Venn and the debt arena is abso-        the virus transmission (which has a
    market through their Dutch residential       lutely something which is scalable. I       drag effect on the economy), then the
    program, so we will naturally look at        think we have the right ingredients to      financial cost of this crisis will deepen,
    the commercial mortgage-backed secu-         really leverage a platform which has        and there will be a reset in asset values
    rities market too and look at other gov-     had a great start in life, towards bigger   and the risk premium required by capi-
    ernment programs outside UK PRS.             and broader initiatives.                    tal. In this case, we could see some dis-
        Following this transaction and our                                                   tress in the system.
    current contracted dealflow, we will
    have some S$90 billion ($63 billion; €58
    billion) of real estate AUM worldwide,
                                                 Q    What do you think will
                                                      be the impact of the
                                                 current global pandemic on the
                                                                                                 It is in these times of heighted vola-
                                                                                             tility, firms such as ARA Venn are well
                                                                                             positioned to use our skill set to re-en-
    with some half that figure in the public     European debt market?                       ter the market in a timely way and have
    markets. We are reviewing a whole host       PH: Right now, the news flow and mar-       the double benefit of prudent but high
    of opportunities and we will take them       ket hope is for a return to a functioning   return investments for our investor cli-
    one at a time, but we think public credit    market by summer 2020 – the covid-19        ents and be part of a market that will be
    funds are quite an exciting space.           crisis is such a major and unique event     re-establishing itself. n

8    PERE    •   May 2020

                       Debt exploring
                        new frontiers

                   s real estate markets           Capital providers and                        debt that offer a measure of downside
                   around the world enter                                                       protection.” He estimates that around
                   the late stages of a pro-        their managers are                          80 percent of that capital was allocated
                   longed cycle and brace          seeking fresh pockets                        to the value-add and opportunistic end
                   themselves for the im-                                                       of the real estate debt spectrum, target-
                   pact of the coronavirus            of value, writes                          ing double-digit returns.
epidemic, investment in real estate debt,             Stuart Watson                                 “The sheer weight of capital allo-
generally regarded as a lower-risk strat-                                                       cated to enhanced return strategies has
egy than equity investing, might be ex-                                                         created a really dramatic spread com-
pected to come to the fore.                    fundraising activity. “We have seen a            pression, and so managers are now find-
    However, while managers report             proliferation of new funds in the US –           ing it very difficult to replicate that kind
that demand for such investments re-           150 over the last three years and $100           of return without pushing up the risk
mains high, PERE figures show global           billion-plus of capital allocated to cred-       curve. Many of the LPs that allocated to
fundraising for the strategy plunged           it,” says Todd Sammann, head of credit           those strategies are concerned that the
in 2019 to $13.7 billion in 29 vehicles,       strategies at CBRE Global Investors.             risks being underwritten are not being
less than half 2018’s $28.6 billion in 54          “That was motivated by a broad view          fairly compensated.”
funds. In 2017, $42.9 billion was raised       that the upside on real estate equity in-            Those LPs will therefore be less
across 72 strategies.                          vestment was likely to be muted for the          likely to commit capital to high-yield-
    Debt has always been a much smaller        foreseeable future, so it made sense to          ing strategies, and that tendency may
slice of the real estate investing market      focus on current yielding strategies in          account for at least part of the slow-
than equity. Nevertheless, the level of                                                         down in fundraising. Andrew Radkie-
global annual commercial real estate                                                            wicz, global head of debt strategies at
debt origination held steady at just un-                                                        PGIM Real Estate, believes that core-
der $1 trillion over the past three years,                                                      plus lending offers a better risk-adjusted
reaching $970 billion in 2017, $993 bil-                                                        return than value-add debt investing in
lion in 2018 and $971 billion last year.                                                        the US at present: “In core-plus we are
    It appears that for the last two years                                                      writing loans at 75 percent loan-to-val-
a shrinking group of investors has fa-                                                          ue, conservatively leveraging the vehicle
vored debt fund vehicles as a means to                                                          to enhance returns without increasing
access that market. Why has fundrais-                                                           risk too much, and at the moment that
ing apparently slowed? And in a market                                                          is producing a 6-7 percent return in a
where commingled funds appear to play                                                           market that is deep and liquid.”
a diminishing role, which debt strategies                                                           CBRE Global Investors’ Sammann
are still attracting capital?                                                                   concurs: “The core-plus part of the
                                                                                                market is not subject to the same com-
Pushed up the risk curve                                                                        petitive pressures. There are proba-
The US has historically made up                Higher returns from development: the London      bly half a dozen meaningful funds in
                                               Olympia redevelopment (pictured here and
the lion’s share of the market, and it         on the following pages) is being financed by a
                                                                                                the lightly transitional space – assets
has remained the principal focus of            loan from Goldman Sachs                          that don’t qualify for bank or CMBS

                                                                                                                   May 2020      •   Debt      9

                           financing, but where the risk profile is
                           so light as not to necessitate the kind of
                           spreads that are being charged for those
                           much more highly operationally risky
                           value-add strategies. That is where real
                           value lies in US credit.”
                               Meanwhile, at the low-risk end of the
                           market, pension vehicles and insurance
                           companies are responding to rock-bot-
                           tom interest rates by reallocating capital
                           from fixed-income to real estate debt,
                           says Jack Gay, global head of commer-
                           cial real estate debt at Nuveen Real Es-
                           tate: “In the continued lower-for-longer
                           interest rate environment it is harder
                           for them to meet their target returns.
                           If instead of buying treasury securities
                           or investment-grade corporate bonds
                           they move some of that allocation into
                           a senior whole loan mortgage strategy it
                           gives them some yield pickup – perhaps
                           not all that dramatic, but a premium
                           over public securities.”
                               Such investors are less likely to place
                           capital in commingled funds. “We are
                           looking at strategies that would club
                           investors up in that senior whole loans
                           space, or in some cases the mandates
                           would be large enough to do them as a
                           separate account,” adds Gay.

                           The view from Europe
                           On the other side of the Atlantic, Al-
                           lianz Real Estate, the real estate asset
                           management arm of Munich-headquar-
                           tered insurer Allianz Group, is seeking
                           to harness the same trend. It is inviting
                           like-minded third-party investors, prin-
                           cipally pensions and other insurance
                           companies seeking yield to match their
                           liabilities, to participate in its lending
                           platform. It places mainly senior debt
                           on prime real estate with an element
                           of yield-enhancing lending to build-
                           to-core and manage-to-core sponsors.
                           “Relative returns still look quite attrac-
                           tive, especially in what is once again an
                           extremely low interest rate environment
                           where bond levels are below zero,” says
                           head of European debt Roland Fuchs.
                               However, he adds that lower interest
                           rates have impacted absolute returns.
                           “Investors in senior core and core-plus

10   PERE   •   May 2020

                                                                                        been getting a fairly significant currency
                                                                                        pickup, and many see Europe as at an
                                                                                        earlier stage in the cycle.”
                                                                                            A number of European investors are
                                                                                        showing strong interest in Australia.
                                                                                        “For a long time that market was limited
                                                                                        to the Australian banks,” says Kavanau.
                                                                                        “But stronger regulation introduced in
                                                                                        the last couple of years has opened it up
                                                                                        for smart capital to go in and make real-
                                                                                        ly excellent risk-adjusted returns.”
                                                                                            The largely untapped Chinese mar-
                                                                                        ket could offer great potential for real
                                                                                        estate debt investors, suggests Gretch-
                                                                                        en Yuan, executive director at CBRE
                                                                                        Capital Advisors Asia: “Between 2020
                                                                                        and 2022, Chinese developers will need
                                                                                        to refinance 10 trillion yuan [$1.4 tril-
                                                                                        lion; €1.3 trillion] worth of debt. This
                                                                                        will provide opportunities for investors
                                                                                        to offer development loans or junior
                                                                                        and mezzanine debt, and distressed and
                                                                                        NPL managers will be in a favorable
                                                                                        position to deploy capital. However,
                                                                                        investors have been having difficulties
lending strategies have had to adapt to     financing, where it can generate higher     in identifying and accessing institutions
the reality that in these times you can-    returns by staking large sums to back       which can serve as a local platform with
not expect a return at the same level as    complex high-quality projects, such as      fiduciary responsibility and can provide
equity by flipping it into debt, as the     the £875 million ($1 billion; €946 mil-     consistent performance.”
first movers into the space did.”           lion) loan that it agreed to provide for        The behavior of cross-border capital
    At present the high yielding debt       the redevelopment of London’s Olym-         in the coming months will likely be af-
space in Europe is more compelling          pia exhibition center in March.             fected by the covid-19 crisis.
than that in the US, where the weight          “I think we will see the trend contin-       “I felt there was going to be renewed
of capital has driven down returns, ar-     ue where debt fund managers are real-       interest in overseas debt markets from
gues Richard Spencer, managing di-          ly being paid for their origination and     US investors, but I am not sure that is
rector at Goldman Sachs Merchant            underwriting capability,” says Spencer.     going to be the case today,” says Dale
Banking. Goldman raised $6.4 billion        “Sectors where you are just showing         Lattanzio, managing partner at real es-
for Broad Street Real Estate Credit         up with the money will continue to get      tate debt advisory platform DRC Cap-
Partners III in 2018, creating one of the   returns eroded, so LPs need to think        ital. “Currencies could re-align, and
segment’s largest vehicles.                 about what they are paying management       investors’ attitudes toward different
    “Whether we are investing more          fees for.”                                  regions could change according to how
in Europe or the US at any given time                                                   economies react as the virus spreads. It
is a function of where we see the most      Cross-border capital                        could be the case they are even more in-
interesting opportunities,” he says.        Michael Kavanau, head of debt and           terested.”
“RECP III at the moment is rough-           structured finance for EMEA at JLL,             He is optimistic about the longer-
ly 50-50. However, its predecessor,         says debt markets are seeing cross-bor-     term prospects for the sector, however:
RECP II, was more like 80-20 in favor       der capital movement as participants        “Once the volatility settles, global inter-
of the US.”                                 seek diversification and a niche where      est rates will still be lower and investors
    The market for mezzanine lending,       they can generate higher returns: “US       will still be in need of yield. Meanwhile
particularly in the US, has become very     capital is looking to invest in Europe,     there will have been a tremendous
crowded, he observes, with credit funds     where investors see better risk-adjusted    amount of disruption in public markets,
competing largely on pricing. That led      returns because of higher pricing. Plus,    so real estate and private debt will con-
Goldman to pivot towards development        if they are dollar investors they have      tinue to look pretty attractive.” n

                                                                                                         May 2020     •   Debt    11

 K E Y N O T E                                                   I N T E R V I E W

                    Why data drives
                  debt decision-making

     Yardi Systems’ Chris Barbier considers how access to information can help investors
                         manage risk in turbulent economic times

 Rapidly-evolving market dynamics,                                                        markets are very high, so taking a debt
 coupled with a heightened perception                                                     as opposed to an equity position is a
                                                       YARDI SYSTEMS
 of risk, are driving two emerging trends                                                 lower-risk alternative. We have seen a
 within the real estate data management                                                   tremendous surge in the number of debt
 sphere, argues Chris Barbier, industry
 principal, investment management, at
 property management software provid-
                                             Q    What is driving the need for
                                                  supporting technologies in
                                             the real estate debt segment?
                                                                                          funds managed by our real estate clients
                                                                                          as debt is increasingly treated as an as-
                                                                                          set within their portfolios. Now we are
 er Yardi Systems: a growing need for        Because of where we are in the market        seeing them putting in place the systems
 integrated technology platforms that        cycle there is an aversion to risk. Every-   and reporting around that.
 enable the same kind of reporting and       body thinks there is a correction com-           Some managers are using existing
 analysis for real estate debt as managers   ing, and maybe coronavirus will be the       legacy systems for managing debt that
 are already accustomed to utilize for eq-   mechanism through which that happens.        is old and dated, or they have built their
 uity investments; and increased demand      Investors are concerned about risk expo-     own custom systems for managing debt,
 from institutional investors for managers   sure, so they want to be able to analyze     while others – some larger than you
 to provide them with detailed and up-       their portfolios in greater depth.           would think – are still using Excel. Now
 to-the-minute data analysis that allows         Meanwhile many of our clients are        that debt is becoming a larger part of
 them to gauge their exposure to risk in     increasing their allocations to debt         portfolios, needs for analysis, account-
 the light of current events.                strategies, because asset prices in most     ing and reporting have become more

12   PERE   •   May 2020

complex, so it is becoming clear that
older technology is no longer adequate.
Moreover, managers are not in the
software business, so they do not want
to spend time and money maintaining
legacy systems, and many would like to
achieve efficiencies by consolidating into
as few technology platforms as possible.
    However, most managers are not pri-
marily investors in debt, and capital pro-
viders see real estate debt investments
as an asset class that sits alongside real
estate equity, so they want a technolo-
gy solution where the two are aligned
so that they can compare and analyze
them side by side with a similar level of
detail. Our lender clients are telling us
that being able to track the underlying
real estate collateral, the covenants that
are in place, and how those assets are
performing relative to whatever kind of
position they took on the debt, is be-
coming a more critical analysis than it
was previously.                               Q    Yardi has been developing a real estate debt
                                                   management platform. What have you learned from
                                              that process?

Q    How do the changes taking
     place in the debt sphere sit
within the wider context of the
                                              We have built a real estate debt investment management system that can be
                                              added on as an optional component to our investment management suite.
evolution of data usage in real               That went live with our first set of clients in December last year.
estate?                                       The feedback we got from the beta testing was that there is a need for an
We have seen an increasing number             accounting solution for clients that want to service their own loans, that sits
of institutional investors and private        alongside a solution for managing real estate debt and equity investments
equity fund managers seeking to make          on a single platform. The debt is the asset instead of the property and the
greater use of operational data on both       debt management solution provides the tracking for all the information
the debt and equity side. They fre-           around the debt instrument.
quently look to feed that operational             Some clients want to be in the business of servicing the loans
data together with financial data into        themselves, billing borrowers and taking the servicing fees. Others prefer
a single consolidated technology plat-        to outsource the servicing, but still want that data available to them on
form so that it can support data-led          the system so that they can analyze it, identify critical dates, and do the
business initiatives.                         necessary reporting.
    The dynamics of markets are shifting          On the debt side we are seeing that there is an accounting piece, which
quickly, so investors are becoming more       is needed by the accountants, and then there is a transparency piece, which
inquisitive about what is driving returns     is needed by the asset and fund managers who are responsible for managing
and value. A financial or fund report that    the debt portfolio and understanding the risks and critical dates.
is 30 or 40 days old is no longer useful in       We are in controlled release of that product with our first half dozen
a lot of cases. They are looking for re-      clients and we are expanding the product’s functionality as new use cases
al-time information about specific things     emerge. We are also starting to see interest from some borrowers too,
they are hearing in the news.                 because within the technology platform they can place the data on the
    For example, they read about a re-        property that they own and operate alongside the data on whatever loans
tailer going bankrupt or closing stores       are secured against it. That could allow them better visibility of loan
and want to know immediately what that        covenants and what triggers them so that they are better attuned to critical
means for their portfolio if they are in-     dates and can manage those covenants more effectively.
vested in a fund with a retail component

                                                                                                        May 2020    •   Debt    13

 to it. What impact will that have on re-                                 in the last 18 months toward institu-
 turns? How much risk is there? And if                                    tions wanting their various operating
 they are a debt investor, they will want      Now that debt is           partners to process data on a common
 to know whether the underlying col-                                      platform. That allows them access to
 lateral for their loan is impacted by the     becoming a larger part     the data, and also ensures data govern-
 reduction in value and cashflow that                                     ance and integrity. They can look at two
 might come with the loss of a large an-
                                               of portfolios, needs for   office buildings on different continents
 chor tenant.                                                             managed by different operators and
                                               analysis, accounting       know that they will be able to look at
     If the fund manager has that infor-
 mation at their fingertips, then they can     and reporting have         the same set of data for both.
 prepare in advance to respond to that                                        Some of our investor clients also
 type of question. They can also go a          become more complex”       care about providing a consistent brand
 step further and set out what they are                                   experience throughout their properties
 doing about it. Who might be able to                                     even though they are the institutional
 step in and take that vacant space? For                                  owner and not the operator, and hav-
 fund and asset managers, being able to                                   ing a consistent set of performance data
 access data is critical to getting ahead of                              helps them to achieve that. Meanwhile
 the questions that investors might raise.                                there are efficiencies to be gained by
     In the past, investors and fund man-                                 having all that data in one place and not
 agers were removed from that broader                                     having to aggregate it by pulling it from
 set of data and higher level of detail.                                  disparate sources.
 They were getting a monthly report
 from their operating partner in PDF
 containing data that may already have
 been stale.
                                                                          Q    What will be the next step
                                                                               change for the use of data
                                                                          in the sector?
     Formerly the operating model                                         Once investors have a consistent and
 adopted by most institutions was to                                      comprehensive single source of data,
 leave property management to their                                       they can begin to design and make use
 operating partners, who would provide                                    of new analytical tools. The next wave
 them with periodic reports, while the                                    of things to come is the concept of
 investor or fund manager concentrat-                                     prescriptive predictive analytics. Real
 ed on the financial results. Now, while                                  estate investors are beginning to think
 they are still not necessarily involved in                               about how they can leverage artificial
 day-to-day operations, they can access                                   intelligence and machine learning to
 the operational information they need                                    analyze their past investments in both
 to make key decisions around what                                        debt and equity, together with the out-
 drives revenue and risk.                                                 comes of those decisions, to help them
     Being able to access asset-level op-                                 make better choices in the future.
 erational information can help support                                      A couple of our clients are already
 managers in developing their business                                    starting to experiment with that tech-
 models. For example, some of our cli-                                    nology, and that is part of the reason
 ents have invested in commercial real         “Real estate investors     why they want control over all aspects
 estate funds for many years but are only                                 of their data. Until now real estate has
 now beginning to enter the multifamily        are beginning to think     tended to be a very backward-looking
 space at scale. Holding and managing                                     industry compared with equity markets,
 property for the long term in that sector
                                               about how they can         and we are just starting to think more
 produces a different set of operational
                                               leverage artificial        prospectively than retrospectively, and
 metrics, and if their various operating                                  to consider how we leverage data to
 partners are providing data on the man-       intelligence and           help us do that. That is driving further
 ager’s platform, they can conduct their                                  consolidation in data management plat-
 own analysis of that data set to inform       machine learning”          forms because the more systems you
 their decisions in that space.                                           have, the harder it is to standardize data
     We have seen an increasing trend                                     for use in predictive technologies. n

14   PERE   •   May 2020

                 Covid-19 won’t stop
                    fund launch
     Edmond de Rothschild plans to introduce a real estate debt offering on schedule,
                                 reports Christie Ou

C                                            €10.4bn
         ovid-19 may have created                                                 fundraising. While the former have
         multiple fundraising hurdles,                                            been affected by slower decision-mak-
         including a ban on in-person                                             ing processes and greater difficulty in
meetings, but Edmond de Rothschild           AUM: Edmond de Rothschild Real
                                                                                  arranging financing, the latter has been
Real Estate Investment Management             Estate Investment Management        challenged by travel restrictions and so-
chief executive Pierre Jacquot says the                                           cial distancing measures that preclude
firm is still proceeding with the struc-           Types of vehicles              in-person meetings with investors.
turing and pre-marketing of a €300 mil-

lion pan-European real estate debt fund                                           Opportunity in uncertainty
according to its “original timeline.”                                             Despite – or rather because of – the
   The launch of the vehicle was in the                                           uncertainty, however, EDR is proceed-
works as early as October when the firm             In open-end vehicles          ing with its planned fundraise. Jacquot
brought on board Ralf Kind, ex-CEO                                                says: “We think the crisis will generate

of listed German commercial property                                              opportunities of real estate debt deals.
company DEMIRE Deutsche Mittel-                                                   It is often the case after volatile times.”
stand Real Estate. Including Kind, the                                                The vehicle will be the first real es-
firm has hired two dedicated profes-                                              tate debt fund for the firm, which al-
sionals for the new debt fund, in addi-            In closed-end vehicles         ready manages a €2.6 billion infrastruc-
tion to half a dozen existing real estate                                         ture debt platform. The new product
team members who will work on the            Geographical split of AUM            offering follows EDR’s consolidation
business. With a high-yield strategy, the                                         of its three real estate businesses in

fund will look at private credit opportu-                                         March under a new global brand – Ed-
nities across the capital stack, including                                        mond de Rothschild Real Estate In-
senior loans, junior loans, mezzanine                                             vestment Management. On the real es-
and preferred equity in Europe.                          In France                tate equity side, EDR manages around
   EDR is not planning an official                                                €2 billion in open-end vehicles and

launch of the fund until mid-2020,                                                €8 billion in closed-end vehicles.
however. “There is a lot of prepara-                                                  The new brand combines pan-Eu-
tion, structuring and research work to                                            ropean fund manager Cording Real
be done,” says Jacquot, explaining to                                             Estate Group, French firm Cleaveland
                                                       In Switzerland
PERE why the timeline hasn’t changed.                                             and Swiss-based Orox into a €10.4
“They want to take advantage of this                                              billion pan-European platform. EDR

period to also talk to market operators                                           entered the real estate sector in 2012
to help evaluate the situation.”                                                  when it acquired Orox. Post-consolida-
   Having said that, Jacquot admits                                               tion, the firm hopes to double the size
covid-19 has made it “uncertain” and         In Benelux, Germany and the UK, at
                                                                                  of its real estate portfolio in the next
“difficult” to execute transactions and               10 percent each             three to five years. n

                                                                                                   May 2020     •   Debt    15
16   PERE   •   May 2020

                                    May 2020 •

                                            The 50
                                         biggest debt
                                        fund managers

                                Cover story

        Ready for change?
            Debt fund capital raising steps up a gear

                       ur inaugural top                       to combine the capital raised by Cer-
                       50 ranking of                          berus and the two firms above them in
                       global private real                    the ranking – second- and third-placed
                       estate debt fund                       Blackstone and PGIM Real Estate –
                       managers       pub-                    to surpass the $19.5 billion raised by
                       lished last year ap-                   AXA, and even then only by $500 mil-
peared to confirm what many already                           lion or so.
believed: debt fundraising had been                               The Paris-based manager’s debt
strong, North American firms were                             fund capital raising accounts for more
dominating, and Blackstone was the                            than 12 percent of the entire RED 50
top dog. The list this year has built on                      and 34 percent of the capital raised by
that but also provided a twist.                               firms headquartered in Europe. The
    Despite slowing, debt fundraising                         bottom 14 managers globally – all firms
remains strong, with more than $40                            that raised comfortably more than
billion of extra capital raised by this                       $1 billion each – raised just $200 mil-
year’s top 50 compared with the class of                      lion more between them than AXA.
2019. North American firms continue                               Two firms from Asia-Pacific – Mel-
to dominate, having accounted for 32                          bourne-based pair Qualitas and MaxCap
out of 50 firms last time and exactly the                     Investment Management – make the top
same this time. However, Blackstone is                        50, with the latter a new entrant. There
no longer top, with AXA Investment                            are, however, another six firms from the
Managers – Real Assets rocketing to                           region that would rank within the top 75
the number one spot in 2020.                                  if the RED 50 were to be extended, sug-
    Furthermore, 10 of the names on                           gesting that this particular statistic will
the list were not in the original RED                         change in future rankings.
50. That degree of change is often in                             Real estate debt has room to grow
the nature of a young ranking. Two of                         in Asia-Pacific – particularly in mar-
these new names make the top 10 this                          kets such as China and Australia – as
time around, which is more unusual.                           it does in Europe. North America may
    Joining AXA Investment Managers                           continue to be the dominant region
– Real Estate near the top of the list is                     but, as the latest iteration of the RED
distressed investment specialist Cer-                         50 shows, the picture is starting to
berus Capital Management. You have                            change. ■

                                                                               May 2020     •   Debt    17

                                                                              2020   since
                                                                              rank   2019      Manager

       The Real Estate Debt
                                                                               1              AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets
                                                                               2      q       Blackstone
                                                                               3      p       PGIM Real Estate
                                                                               4              Cerberus Capital Management
                                                                               5      q       Intermediate Capital Group
                                                                               6      q       AllianceBernstein
                                                                               7      q       M&G Investments
                                                                               8      q       Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division
                                                                               9      p       Bridge Investment Group
                                                                              10              ACORE Capital
                                                                              11      q       PCCP
                                                                              12              Mack Real Estate Credit Strategies
                                                                              13      q       Oaktree Capital Management
                                                                              14      q       LaSalle Investment Management
                                                                              15      p       BentallGreenOak
                                                                              16      p       Torchlight Investors
                                                                              17      p       Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors
                                                                              18      q       Brookfield Asset Management
                                                                              19      p       KKR
                                                                              20      q       DRC Capital
                                                                              21              Aberdeen Standard Investments
                                                                              22      q       CAERUS Debt Investments
                                                                              23      p       DWS
                                                                              24      vw      Rialto Capital Management
                                                                              25      q       Prime Finance Advisor
                                                                              26      q       Nuveen Real Estate
                                                                              27      q       BlackRock
     PERE’s latest ranking of the largest real estate                         28      p       Mesa West Capital

                  debt fund managers                                          29
                                                                                              Walton Street Capital
                                                                                              Cheyne Capital Management
                                                                              31      p       Qualitas
                                                                              32      vw      Square Mile Capital
      Definitions                                                             33      q       Madison Realty Capital
                                                                              34              MaxCap Investment Management
      Private real estate debt                                                35      q       Värde Partners
      For the purposes of the RED 50, this is equity capital raised for a     36      p       CBRE Global Investors
      dedicated program of issuing debt for property deals. The capital       37              Invesco Real Estate
      is raised primarily in blind-pool limited partnerships. These           38      p       JCR Capital Investment Corporation
      investment programs are further distinguished in that they do not       39      q       Tyrus Capital
      pursue ownership of the assets, but rather the financing of them.       40      q       SCOR Investment Partners
                                                                              41      q       Ares Management Corporation
      Capital raised                                                          42      q       Colony Capital
      This means capital definitively committed to a private real estate      43              Barings
      direct investment program. In the case of a fundraising, it means       44      q       AgFe
      the fund has had a final or official interim close after January 1,     45      q       Atalaya Capital Management
      2015. We may count the full amount of a fund if it has a close after    46              LCN Capital Partners
      this date. And we may count the full amount of an interim close (a      47      q       Brunswick Real Estate Capital
      real one, not a ‘soft-circle’) that has occurred recently, even if no   48              Octopus Real Estate
      official announcement has been made. We also count capital raised       49              Amundi Group
      through co-investment vehicles.                                         50      q       Pacific Investment Management Co.

                                                                              New entry    p Riser       q Faller    vw No change

18   PERE    •   May 2020

                 Capital raised
 Headquarters    ($m)                 What counts?
Paris               19,467.05         Structures
New York             8,506.00         – Limited partnerships
Madison              5,768.27         – Co-investment/sidecar vehicles
New York             5,748.85         – Seed capital or manager commitment
London               5,162.30         Strategies
New York             5,050.00         – Debt issuing funds
London               4,794.86
New York             4,706.36         What does not count?
Salt Lake City       4,181.00         –   Expected capital commitments
San Francisco        4,056.45         –   Open-end funds subject to conditions on tab 6
Los Angeles          4,043.30         –   Public funds
New York             3,863.00         –   Funds of funds
Los Angeles          3,685.00         –   Non-discretionary vehicles
Chicago              3,624.74         –   Secondaries vehicles
New York             3,410.33         –   Real estate equity funds (core, core plus, value-add,
New York             3,042.50             opportunistic)
Los Angeles          2,970.00         –   Private equity
Toronto              2,949.00         –   Infrastructure
New York             2,887.00         –   Hedge funds
London               2,875.27         –   Capital raised from affiliated entities
Aberdeen             2,851.45         –   Capital raised on a deal-by-deal basis
Dusseldorf           2,693.40         –   Private real estate funds for which purchasing debt is part of the
Frankfurt            2,569.14             strategy
Miami                2,542.00
New York             2,498.38
London               2,435.35     New York remains the leading debt
                                  fundraising center (proportion of RED

New York             2,428.67
                                  50 total capital raised)
Los Angeles          2,263.00
Chicago              2,173.15     Los                              Other
London               2,123.00     Angeles
                                                                 29%                  Total capital raised
New York

New York             1,931.00
Melbourne            1,829.83
Minneapolis          1,786.02
London               1,763.95                                                       Average capital raised
New York             1,713.00
Denver               1,678.20

London               1,513.63
Paris                1,493.97
Los Angeles          1,482.50
Los Angeles          1,446.89                                                       Capital raised by North
                                                                New York             America-based firms
Charlotte            1,430.46
London               1,427.79                                    32%
New York             1,425.00
New York             1,371.11
Stockholm            1,334.43     Paris                            London
                                                                              Number of places climbed by Mesa
                                  14%                              15%        West Capital, up from 42 to 28. No
                                                                               firm to appear in both editions of
Newport Beach        1,249.00                                                   the RED 50 climbed more places
                                  Source: PERE

                                                                                         May 2020      •     Debt   19

                           Headquartered in:        Asia-Pacific         Europe            North America

                                    AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets
                                    Capital raised: $19.5bn
                                    Head office: Paris

                              If you’re going to make an entrance, go big. Absent from the
                              first iteration of PERE’s RED 50, AXA Investment Managers – Real
                              Assets has done just that, debuting right at the top of the list with
                              a whopping $19.5 billion of capital raised for real estate debt
                              issuance – barely less than the next three firms combined. It was the
                              first non-banking institution to enter the European real estate debt
                              market in 2005, having raised more than €14 billion across private
                              and listed debt since then. It focuses on conservative loan-to-value,
                              quality assets and growth potential. AXA’s debt funds aim to capture
                              risk-adjusted returns from senior loan real estate investments.
                                  Among AXA’s debt funds are its mammoth Commercial Real
                              Estate Senior funds. Commercial Real Estate Senior 9 (CRE 9) closed
                              in 2015 at €2.9 billion, over €1 billion above target, and 2017’s
                              Commercial Real Estate Senior 10 (CRE 10) closed at its cap of €1.5
                              billion. Both are currently investing, with a new fund launched this
                              year already sized at €904 million. The closing of CRE 10 took AXA
                              IM – Real Assets’ total debt commitments to more than €14 billion
                              and was AXA’s first debt fund to have an initial mandate in the US.
                                  The head of commercial real estate private debt is Antonio
                              de Laurentiis. In late 2018 AXA bought a US real estate debt
                              business from Quadrant Real Estate Advisors, acquiring the US
                              debt investment team and a $9.4 billion portfolio of US commercial
                              mortgage loans.

                                    Capital raised: $8.5bn
                                    Head office: New York

                              Making way at the top for AXA is Blackstone, the leader of the 2019
                              RED 50 list, which moves into second place despite having raised
                              $1.31 billion more than it had for the inaugural list. Its most recent
                              real estate debt fund is Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies IV,
                              sized at $285 million but seeking $5 billion. The vehicle will focus
                              on public and private debt globally with an emphasis on the US.
                              The previous fund in the BREDS series – Blackstone Real Estate Debt
                              Strategies III – closed on $4.5 billion in 2016, ahead of its
                              $4 billion target, with a focus on mezzanine and structured lending
                              on well-located, institutional quality real estate.
                                  Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies II closed a year before that
                              on $3.6 billion. BREDS II and III are both still investing.
                                  Blackstone’s real estate debt business provides financing
                              solutions across the capital structure and risk spectrum. It also
                              manages Blackstone Mortgage Trust, a real estate finance company
                              that originates senior loans collateralized by commercial real estate.
                                  The firm started investing in real estate in 1991. The real estate
                              debt team is led by Michael Nash, senior managing director and
                              co-founder of the group and chairman; Jonathan Pollack, senior
                              managing director and global head of the group; and Tim Johnson,
                              senior managing editor and global head of originations for BREDS.
                                  Blackstone’s real estate debt funds typically target investments
                              with current cashflow, capital protection and high-quality borrowers.

20   PERE   •   May 2020
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