Page created by Gene Daniels
Debt & Capital Advisory

                Debt & Capital Advisory

December 2017
Introduction to
PwC Debt &
Capital Advisory

1 PwC Debt & Capital Advisory

PwC Debt & Capital Advisory is a team of specialist providing independent
financial advisory services to clients in debt financing or capital raising

                                                               Carl-Wilhelm Levert
                                                               Director - Head of Debt & Capital Advisory

                                                               Christer Bois
                                                               Director – Debt & Capital Advisory
                                   PwC                         Stockholm

                                                               Christoffer Adrian
                                                               Senior Manager – Debt & Capital Advisory

           Assist in competitive         Support in dialogue
                                                               Daniel Johansson
              capital raising               with debt and
                                                               Senior Manager – Debt & Capital Advisory
                  process                  capital markets

                    Deal                  Quick process to
                 structuring                  market
                                                               Henrik Borgfeldt
                                         Competitive through   Associate – Debt & Capital Advisory
                 Investment                 wide range of      Stockholm
                presentation              financing sources

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1 PwC Debt & Capital Advisory

Borrowers may face financing situations such as…

             Acquisition financing                                                                                                      Cash out
             You are aiming to acquire a business and need                                              You want to recapitalize in order to pay out
             additional capital to meet your acquisition                                           dividends. Additional proceeds raised through a
             aspiration. The acquisition can be new or a follow   Acquisition                               debt raising process will be paid out to
             on acquisition                                                      Cash out                                              shareholders

Expansion capital                                                                                                                                      Buy outs
You have growth plans that for example                                                                           You are aiming to buy out one or more owners
include expansion or restructuring of                                                                            in a take-private transaction or to gain further
operations, product development or entering a        Expansion                                                   control and ease decision making processes in
new market                                                                                     Buyouts                                              the company

                                                    Refinancing                                                                            Asset financing
                                                                                                                        You are aiming to finance large capital
                                                                                                                        expenditure and seeking to obtain best
You want to replace an existing debt obligation                                                                 possible terms and conditions on asset-backed
and attain a change in terms                                                                                                                         financing
                                                                    Recap-      Procurement
                                                                  italization   of financing                     Procurement of financing
             Recapitalization                                                                      You are running a competitive financing process
             You want to change the company’s capital                                             with various lenders and need support to manage
             structure. The aim can for example be to stabilize                                     process, maintain dialogue with financiers and
             or implement an exit strategy                                                                              compare and analyse offers

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1 PwC Debt & Capital Advisory

Questions we regularly hear from our clients and can help with

 I keep reading about                                          What is the most
 alternative lenders                                           efficient way to fund               I've always sourced financing from the
 and funds - who are they,           I'm running close to      growth in my business?              banks. Is it time to access the bond
 what do they do and how             covenants and my                                              markets?
 do I reach them?                    lenders are making
                                     noises - what's my best
                                     course of action?                     My long-term relationship
                                                                           banks have hit their
                                                                           exposure limits - who
                                                                           should I go to now?
                                 Would a credit rating
                                 help me access
                                 cheaper funding? How
                                                                       What is the best way of
                                 do I go about this?
                                                                       returning capital to

                                Should we fix interest
                                at current rates?
                                How do I know that I’m                         How do I protect my
                                getting the best deal?                         business and best
                                                                               position it for future

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Swedish debt &
alternative credit

2 Swedish Debt Market

Development in Swedish capital markets

                                            • Historically the majority of Swedish non-financial corporations debt financing

       01             Strong
                      lending market
                                              from bank loans – typically relationship lending
                                            • Strong banking sector

                      New regulation        • Basel III banking regulations are expected to increase the price on bank loans to

      02                                      corporations and to decrease the supply
                                            • Swedish banks and financial institutions anticipate a growing demand for Swedish
                                              corporate bonds.

                      Funding gap for • Large corporates benefitting from attractive lending and strong demand in bond

      03              SMEs              markets
                                            • Reduced bank lending to SMEs due to stricter regulation
                                            • Funding gap

                      Increased use of • SMEs turning to new sources of financing and alternative debt financing options

      04              alternative
                                       • Growing direct lending market

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2 Swedish Debt Market

Development in Swedish capital markets (cont.)

   1        Strong relationship lending market in Sweden                 2           Growing bond financing market

• Traditionally strong banking relationships/spheres of influence with   Issuers on the Swedish bond market (bn SEK, 2005-2014)
  designated “house banks” supplying funding at attractive terms to
                                                                                  3 500

• Limited tradition of corporates (SMEs) seeking and obtaining credit                                                                                            136
                                                                                  3 000
  rating                                                                                                                                                  115
• Large Swedish multinationals have moved into the international                  2 500
                                                                                                                                        94        70       63
                                                                                                                                78     192
  bond markets directly                                                                                                        188      30
                                                                                                                                                  40             538
                                                                                                                        71                                509
                                                                                                                  88   169      18     297
• Non-financial companies’ borrowing on the fixed-income market                   2 000                   90
                                                                                                                        18     290               372
  has increased to one-fifth of the non-financial companies loan-

                                                                                                   81    143     298
                                                                                           71     117     21
  based funding                                                                           120
                                                                                  1 500    91
                                                                                                                                       1,241             1,223   1,267
• Majority of funding (approximately 70%) still provided by                                                            1,035
                                                                                                                               1,105             1,159
  commercial banks                                                                        685     747    821
                                                                                  1 000

 Corporate Funding Mix - Reliance on bank loans
                                                                                          817     812    768                   802     796       761      801    794
               US                            EU   Sweden                                                         753   741

                                                                                          2005    2006   2007   2008   2009    2010    2011      2012     2013   2014

                                                                                          Central government             Mortgage institutions
                                                                                          Banks                          Municipalities & county councils
               Low                                  High
                                                                                          Non-financial corporates       Other credit market corporates

Source: Swedish Central Bank, PwC analysis

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2 Swedish Debt Market

Trends in the alternative credit market

                                    • Credit funds and direct lenders supply liquidity back to mid-market

     01              Increased
                                    • Larger funds are increasingly able to operate in the upper mid-market
                                    • Loan volumes are recovering
                                    • Lenders are increasing their lending targets

                                    • The use of alternative lenders are increasing in Europe

     02              Intensified
                                    • Competition increase between both lenders and debt products

                                     • Increased competition between lenders improve borrowing terms

     03                 Improved
                                       and bring a range of new products to the market.
                                     • Erosion of covenant packages
                        terms        • Alternative debt products provides significantly more leverage

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PwC Debt

3 PwC Debt Advisory

PwC Debt & Capital Advisory – can assist you in obtaining appropriate,
long-term sustainable financing for your business

  We know how to ‘frame the ask’
  We have experience of presenting to lender credit
  committees. We know how lenders think

 Our expertise and resource
 allows you to run your business
 while we arrange your
 financing package                                                     We have access to a diverse
 We are a well resourced international                                 investor community of over
 team, providing us with the                                           200 global investors, which
 experience of driving a financing                                     provides current market
 process and ensure we deliver the                                     liquidity and pricing guidance
 best terms, on time                                                   We tailor our approach to the
                                                                       financing requirements of our clients
 We will access the relevant sector
 experience in our global network to                  Why PwC?         and target the right lenders for each
 address your specific transaction                                     opportunity
 issues and create value for you

We consider all options available to
drive the most appropriate funding
options and solutions for you
We have expertise across a range of products                     We find the best solution for you with
including senior and subordinated debt                           no bias toward the product or
loans, hybrid products, high yield bonds,                        financing parties to be used
private placements and real estate                               Our independence means we provide
We place high priority on developing                             objective and expert advice on optimal debt
sustainable financing structures that help                       structures
you achieve your financing objectives within
appropriate debt market parameters

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3 PwC Debt Advisory

PwC can assist you in every phase of the investment lifecycle

                              •   Solve upcoming debt maturity issues
                              •   Debt market assessment to optimise finance costs
                              •   Identify and structure alternative non-bank
                                  sources of capital                                         •   Sell-side staple finance raising
                                                                                             •   Debt discovery exercise to confirm
Investment lifecycle

                                                                                                 market appetite and underpin price
                                                              Maturity                       •   Recapitalisation and equity release

                                                                                              Realisation                                    Realisation

                                    •   Acquisition debt finance raising
                                    •   Capital expenditure programme and
                                        working capital finance raising                                     Distress/
                                    •   Construct financing solutions                                       restructure
                                        appropriate to the business and assets
                                        being funded
                                    •   Advice through public/private bond           •   Options assessment, liquidity solutions and covenant renegotiation
                                        issuance, including rating advisory          •   Modelling of sustainable debt capacity in the business
                                                                                     •   Stakeholder management and facilitation of consensual solutions
                                                                                     •   Investigate alternative sources of fresh capital
                                                                                     •   Restructure debt to stabilise the business and preserve value

Our typical process
                       Understand          Identify best          Identify                                                                               Negotiate
                                                                                       Run competitive debt              Analyse and advise
                         financing          solution /          appropriate                                                                             commercial
                                                                                     process to optimise offers         you on optimum offer
                       issues / need         product         lenders / investors                                                                    loan documentation

                       ~1-2 weeks                      ~1-3 weeks                                        ~3-6 weeks

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3 PwC Debt Advisory

Helping clients to make confident debt decisions throughout the cycle

Lifecycle stage           Your objective                    How PwC is able to support

                                                             • Deliver a competitive financing process to get the best deal for you
                          “What is the most efficient way    • Raise finance for bolt-on or transformational acquisitions
                          to fund growth in my
  Investment                                                 • Raise capital expenditure or working capital facilities
                                                             • Leveraged buyout financing for financial sponsors

                                                             • Solve upcoming debt maturity issues
                          “How do I know that I’m            • Optimise finance costs
                          getting the best deal?”            • Identify and structure alternative non-bank sources of capital
                                                             • Advise through public/private bond issuance and credit ratings process

                                                             • Optimise working capital, operating costs and EBITDA ready for sale
                          “What is the best way of           • Return of capital to shareholders via dividend recapitalisations
  Realisation             returning capital to
                                                             • Implement pre-arranged ‘staple’ financing packages for potential buyers
                                                             • IPO financing packages

                                                             • Sustainable debt capacity and options analysis, including covenant
                          “How do I protect my business
  Distress/                                                  • Stakeholder management and facilitation of consensual solutions
                          and best position it for future
                          recovery?”                         • Investigate alternative sources of new capital
                                                             • Restructure debt to stabilise the business and preserve value

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3 PwC Debt Advisory

Overview of financing options

     Bank loan                  Bond/                Alternative                Convertible          Preferred stock          New share issue
                               Private              credit market                  debt

  Large liquidity on      Lower regulatory        Can lend to              Low coupon             Has no maturity         No interest rate
   the market               demands on the           businesses not           Interest rate tax      Classified as equity     payments
  Provides                 issuer                   suited for bank           deductible                                      Classified as equity
                                                                                                      No voting rights
   confidence to other     Lower interest           loan
                                                                              The debt                contrary to             Improves financial
   lenders                 Possibility of a        Offers a high             “disappears” if         common stock             ratios
 × Demands                  longer maturity          flexibility in the        converted              Can be bought           With a directed
   amortization for         with fixed interest      design of the
                                                                             × Uncertain if            back to a pre-           issue the process
   highly leveraged         rate                     instrument
                                                                               convertibles are to     determined offer         can be simplified
   businesses              Control is kept        × Can include               be payed back or                                 and faster
                                                                                                     × Dividend is made
 × Relatively high          within the               restrictive               converted               with taxed capital     × Equity is diluted
   demands on the           company                  covenant, that also
                                                                             × If converted,         × The company can        × Can give the
   borrowers                                         could restrict how
                          × Interest rate is                                   equity is diluted       not cancel               impression that
   financial position                                the capital is used
                            dependent on the                                                           dividends, unless it     the share price is
                            credit rating of the   × More expensive
                                                                                                       is also cancelled        over-valued
                            bond                     than more senior
                                                                                                       for common stock,      × If a directed issue,
                          × Low flexibility in                                                         and doing so             exclusion of
                            regards to interest                                                        entails a fee            investors

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3 PwC Debt Advisory

PwC has built an extensive network of financiers including…

Commercial banks          Multilateral banks etc          Bond arrangers                   Credit funds

                                               PwC offers an extensive network of lenders. We maintain a close
                                                relationship with key market players enabling us to provide a
                                                 competitive landscape for debt financing. By leveraging our
                                                 extensive network of lenders as an independent advisor we
                                                  ensure the most optimal financing solution for borrowers

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3 PwC Debt Advisory

 PwC Debt & Capital Advisory has an unrivalled global presence…



                                                  Williams            Ard                         Piotr
                                                                      Burgers                     Zdrojewski
                           Hogue                                Hervé                                                                          Shoichi
                                                                Colson                                                                         Oka

                                                           Diego A.             Perco                          Aykut
                                               Rodrigues                                                               Matthew
                                                                                                                       Wilde     Girish



PwC Debt & Capital Advisory has unrivalled global presence. Every local PwC team has unique access to local liquidity but it is the
           interconnectivity within the global PwC firm that makes it truly powerful when put to use for our clients

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This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not
constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication
without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given
as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent
permitted by law, Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, its members, employees and agents do not
accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else
acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision
based on it.
© 2017 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms,
each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.
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