DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...

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DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...

 The world's most detailed human cell image.
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...


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        1 dad               write pieces for the magazine, or are just interested
                                   in finding out more about the process.

                            Please do not hesitate to get in touch with either

                            Charlotte Read or Luke Tomlinson at either of our
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                                              Charlotte Read

                                              Luke Tomlinson
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...


Charlotte Read
  Fact Page

   Luke Tomlinson
   Does the internet cause
   memory loss?

   Jed Nelson
   Quantum computing and
   you. Why bother, and what
   should you expect from it

                                           Laurence Archard
                                            Why simply cutting meat out
                                           of our diets is not a
                                           sustainable answer to the
                                           climate crisis

                                            Luke Davis
                                            Running and brain disease:
                                            The cure?

   Jay Lee
   Why and how do animals

Charlotte Read
  Fact Page
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...
                                          The Human Body

                                                            The human body's most powerful cell

     The image on the magazine cover was
                                                              type is the stem cell. These cells are
        obtained using several types of
                                                            specialised and are disassociated from
       microscopes and imaging such as
                                                             other cells, meaning they do not have
       process, x-ray, nuclear magnetic
                                                             one job, and can be turned into many
    resonance and cryoelectron microscopy
                                                            different specialised cells, such as red
       datasets by Evan Ingersoll & Gael
                                                                           blood cells.

3                                                    4
        A cell is the smallest structural and                The human body comprises of about 100
         functional. unit in an organism.                      trillion cells: more than 30 times the
                    µ                                                 stars in the known galaxy.

5                                                    6
      While every minute more than 200                     The longest cell in the human body is a
    million cells die in the human body, the               motor neurone. It can measure up to 1.4
     body created billions more every day.                                 metres.

7                                                    8
                                                           Babies have almost 100 more bones than
                                                             that of an adult. This is because as a
     Our bodies have more bacterial cells
                                                            baby grows, some of these bones fuse
          than any other cell type.

9                                                 10
       The adult body is made up of: 100                     There are more than 100,000 chemical
     trillion cells, 206 bones, 600 muscles,                reactions happening in the human brain
              and 22 internal organs.                                    every second.
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...
Does the internet cause memory loss?
                                                              - LUKE TOMLINSON-

  Have you ever been through that experience of not knowing the             This experiment, whilst not providing an absolute on whether or
  name of ‘that famous celebrity?’ Or not being able to remember the        not the ease of access and use of the internet affects our memory
  name of that really good restaurant on the high street? In the late       power, does allude to the fact that the use of the internet for
  1900s the ‘network of networks’, otherwise known as the internet,         functions that we would normally use for memory power does
  was established. Since then over half the world’s population is said      hinder our memory potential. In other words if we ‘don’t use it
  to have access to an almost unlimited amount of information on the        we lose it’. So while the internet has many hugely bene cial
  internet. This wealth of information has increased the ease of            aspects to it, the wealth of knowledge it provides furthering our
  general every day activities, and has provided much freedom to            understanding on many topics, it also does have an affect on our
  many. And yet whilst there are great advantages to this abundance         memory power. We have become so reliant on the internet for
  of information. The internet is affecting how our brain works. The        our information we have neglected our own sources of
  question that is being asked is: ‘Does the internet cause memory          information and thus day by day we are losing our brains
  loss?’                                                                    capabilities.

  The nature of the brain means that when it is ‘exercised’ its
  potential is furthered to a certain extent. Just as when you exercise
  your muscles they grow and have greater potential, and this applies
  to its memory function as well. When we have to constantly
  remember and are exercising our memories, our memory potential is
  furthered. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to
  activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells and
  stimulate communication among them. However, in recent years it
  is so much easier to just look up the answer on the internet and thus
  not try and remember ourselves. People have been using the
  internet to do what our brains are meant to do and thus we are not
  ‘exercising’ our brains as much as we should, thus reducing our
  memory potential.

                                                                          However, studies have shown that having access to an increased
                                                                          amount of information is bene cial for brain growth and
                                                                          development. So the internet could potentially increase our brains
                                                                          memory capabilities. While this may be true, something we need to
                                                                          consider is that it hinders our long term memory. When we receive
                                                                          information our brain remembers it in the short term, short term
                                                                          memory. Yet in order to remember information for a long time, long
                                                                          term memory, the information must be rehearsed and recalled more
                                                                          than once. Our use of the internet does not often allow this. We
                                                                          forget something and so use the internet to nd the information we
                                                                          need and then we quickly forget what we have just learnt as we are
                                                                          not rehearsing the information converting it from short term memory
                                                                          into long term memory.

                                                                          Do we then have to eradicate the use of the internet completely? Of
                                                                          course not as a lot of our daily practices depend on it. And yet the use
                                                                          of the internet should be monitored in a way that protects and retains
                                                                          our brains memory capability. We need to make sure we are
                                                                          exercising our brains enough to keep our brain’s memory capabilities
Now this may seem like a conspiracy theory to get people to use the       up.
internet less but there is genuine research on this topic that has
been conducted by several valid sources. For instance, the University
of California, Santa Cruz conducted an experiment to test this
theory. They wanted to determine how likely it was for a group of
participants to reach for their smartphone when asked a series of
questions. First, participants were split into two groups. Each was
given a number of trivia questions. One group was able to use Google
while the other had to rely on memory alone. In the second phase,
simpler questions were posed, and both groups were allowed to use
their phones if they wished. Those who were allowed to Google
answers initially were more likely to rely on the search engine to
answer subsequent questions, even if they were easier. In contrast,
those who relied on their memory were more likely to think about
second phase questions before reaching for their smartphone.
Memory-reliant participants were also quicker at answering trivia
questions overall. Another nd, those who used the internet did not
attempt to answer one question from memory, even a simple one.
This shows that the students used the internet instead of trying to
retrieve it from the recesses of their brains, thus not exercising the
brain as much.
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...
Quantum computing and you.
                                                                                 -JED NELSON-

If you’re looking to make something sound highbrow and inaccessible to us                           The solution, if you hadn’t guessed it, is quantum
mortals, putting “quantum” in front of it should be your rst stop. A staple                         computing. What makes this so inherently different from
of science ction, the word “quantum” is a classic way to designate                                  normal contemporary computing is its use of “qubits” as
something as science mumbo jumbo. In the case of quantum computing,                                 opposed to “bits”. In normal computing we think in terms
however, the word “quantum” doesn’t just mean “better” or “more                                     of 1s and 0s, whereas with quantum computing a qubit can
advanced”, but instead denotes a drastic change in the way these computers                          have value anywhere between 1 and 0 due to a phenomenon
function. Drastic enough that it could signi cantly impact the way the                              called superposition. The physics is beyond the scope of
modern world works.                                                                                 this article and my knowledge but the long and short of it
                                                                                                    is that a quantum computer is far more ef cient than a
                                                                                                    normal computer. It is unlikely that our mobile phones and
                                                                                                    laptops will be replaced by quantum computers, but for
                                                                                                    servers and databases (which we use whenever we access
                                                                                                    the internet) this increased ef ciency will be a game

Computers are pretty cool pieces of kit. They can add numbers together,
store numbers, and send emails on Sunday nights asking for deadline
extensions. When people try to explain how computers work, a common
starting place is binary and 1s and 0s, and it’s hard to see how this is
relevant to your experience of computers. I think the missing ingredient
to understanding the link between 1s and 0s and running applications and
browsing the web is an appreciation of scale. When you download an
application that takes up 1 gigabyte of space this means there are 8 billion                   So, we have established that current computing technology
1s and 0s involved. That’s (for the time being) more than the population of                    development is unsustainable and that quantum computing
the world. In current processing technology, the amount of things done                         offers an effective alternate way of doing things, but what
per second is in the billions. If you can appreciate the crazy scale that                      applications can we expect from this new technology?
these 1s and 0s are used in, it makes understanding how binary and simple                      Firstly, quantum computing is far better at simulations of
addition can be used to do just about anything if there is enough of it.                       our world. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, said that “The real
                                                                                               excitement of quantum is that the universe fundamentally
So what’s the issue? Why do we need to invent a drastically different type                     works in a quantum way, so you will be able to understand
of computing if we can already do billions of calculations a second? To                        nature better.” This means that molecular simulations can
fully answer this question we need to go back to the rst computers . The                       be done to a much higher quality, and early versions of this
famous “Colossus” in Bletchley Park ( nished in 1944) lled an entire                           technology are currently being used to develop medicine and
room and used pulleys and punch cards. Later, in 1969, the computer                            car batteries, two very signi cant elds. Volkswagen is also
program that took man to the moon was hand written in 145,000 lines,                           using quantum computing, not for car batteries but for route
whereas nowadays Facebook is estimated to run on 62 million lines of                            nding. Famously, the travelling salesman problem has
code. As you can see programs have become more and more demanding                              eluded normal computers but with quantum computing
and computers have become smaller and smaller, so what’s changing? The                         route optimisation can be done much more ef ciently. One
processing power of a processor is roughly proportional to the number of                        nal example of an application is in database searching.
transistors on it, and as transistors were able to get smaller and smaller,                    There are many different algorithms for normal computers
more and more were able to t on a CPU chip. In 1940 the size of                                but fundamentally they boil down to trial and error - “Does
transistors were measured in millimetres, in the 1980s it was in microns                       this entry match this search value?” “No” “Test the next
(millionths of a metre) and nowadays it's nanometres (billionths of a                          one” etc. With quantum computing, Google and IBM are
metre). In 1965 Intel cofounder Gordon Moore observed that every 18-24                         developing algorithms that are signi cantly more ef cient.
months the number of transistors on a computer chip would double, an
observation that is famously known as “Moore’s Law” because it has been                        The elimination of trial and error is not only a good thing.
fastidiously followed for the last 55 years. However, in 2019 Nvidia CEO                       However, modern encryption relies on complex equations
Jensen Huang declared it dead. This is because current silicon transistors                     that would take an unfathomable amount of trial and error
are about 70 silicon atoms wide and at this molecular level there is little                    (and subsequently time) to decrypt, so many experts fear
room to maneuver. We need to turn to something completely different.                           that widely available quantum computing will invalidate our
                                                                                               current encryption algorithms and infrastructure.
                                                                                               For good or for bad quantum computers are coming. In
1- See https://www.intel.co.uk/content/www/uk/en/gaming/resources/cpu-clock-                   2019 Google published a report on having achieved
speed.html for a less oversimpli ed explanation of this.
                                                                                               “Quantum Supremacy” where they described how they were
 2-https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/                                         able to do something a normal computer would take 10000
#169ebbe2ad45559efbc6eb35720b2658                                                              years to do with a quantum computer in a trivial amount of
is a good visual demonstration of how much computers have shrunk.
                                                                                               time. This landmark achievement shows how there is not
3-And is now on Github! https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11 (go to the comanche055        much time left until we are forced to come face to face with
folder then click on any of the .agc les and scroll down to see some of the code - I have no   this brilliant technology.
idea what it does but it’s crazy to think this go us to the moon.)

4-But it’s super well explained in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhHMJCUmq28

5- For the uninitiated: https://blog.routi c.com/travelling-salesman-problem

DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...
Why cutting meat out of our diets isn’t sustainable
                                                                                                         In this scenario, the cow is the more
                                                                                                         sustainable choice as it is more regenerative
The popularity of vegetarianism and                                                                      for the environment. However this is a best
                                                                                                         case cow versus a typical avocado, and the
veganism has risen rapidly in recent years,
evidenced in the fact that 560,000 people
                                                       - LAURENCE ARCHARD-                               majority of meat both from the UK and
signed up for Veganuary in 2021, with an                                                                 worldwide is not farmed in this way so must
average rate of 62% of those participants                                                                surely be as detrimental to the
continuing a vegan diet after Veganuary.        Whilst cow production requires a lot of water, the       environment? Although animal production is
There are several arguments for becoming a      UK receives lots of rain, and cattle herds are often     responsible for green house gas emissions,
vegetarian or vegan, ranging from animal        produced in areas with higher rainfall as a result of    rice production is actually responsible for
cruelty and the humanity of slaughter to the    this. Furthermore, we have a lot of the green water      more methane release than cattle. Figures
added health bene ts such as lower              from rainfall absorbed by plants and blue water          from the Global Carbon Project show that
amounts of fat and more bre. Recently,          (from lakes, rivers and groundwater used by crops        every year 558 million tonnes of methane is
however, the most popular reason for this       or animals in a trough) needed and it is not lost        produced globally, with 188 million tones
change in diet is because of the vast amount    from the country as the meat is not exported. If the     coming from agriculture. However, methane
of resources meat production requires,          farmer uses a local abattoir and butcher, there is       only stays in the atmosphere for ten years,
which is having a devastating effect on the     very little transportation required, and due to the      after which it is degraded through hydroxyl
planet and contributing to climate change.      cold ambient temperatures during this time of year,      oxidation where it becomes carbon dioxide
But is opting for a fully-vegetable, meat-      there is also little energy used in temperature          that enters the carbon cycle and is absorbed
free diet a sustainable way to cut down on      regulation for these processes. If a customer then       by trees and then eaten by animals, before
energy use and greenhouse emissions?            buys meat from their their local butcher rather than     being locked into the ground if regenerative
                                                a supermarket, food miles are kept low and the           methods are used. Here’s the really good bit,
Not necessarily. This is due to the necessity   packaging is more likely to be kept to a minimum         every year this reaction breaks down 98%
of importing many of the foods that are         and plastic free. Admittedly this is a best case         of the methane in the atmosphere, which
required for a vegetarian or vegan diet to be   scenario for a cow, and not everyone will be able to     can then be absorbed by plants and trees.
healthy as, they are not grown in the UK        afford meat from a butchers, however there are           Furthermore, in the UK, healthy soils
throughout the year, whilst we can also         many farms in the UK that use this method of             contain methanotrophs, which also absorb
change farming methods to make them             farming.                                                 methane in the atmosphere. This rate is
more regenerative to signi cantly reduce                                                                 around 13.7mg / square metre/ day, which
the agricultural industry’s effect on climate   Now, for the avocado. However, I can’t do a              over a hectare of land roughly equals the
change. For example, if undertaking the         reasonable and fair comparison between a single          amount of methane produced by around 100
Veganuary challenge, the following plants       avocado and a single cow as you would need 6,250         herds of cattle.
are native and seasonal to the UK in            avocados to get the same amount of calories as one
January: apples, beetroot, brussels sprouts,    cow, which happens to be around the size of a            But it isn’t only avocado that is much worse
carrots, celeriac, celery, chicory, jerusalem   typical avocado crop. Although many places grow          for the environment than you may have
artichokes, kale, leeks, mushrooms,             avocados across the world, I will assume that for        thought, Almonds, for example, require 1
onions, parsnips, pears, Red cabbage,           this example they are being grown in Mexico as the       gallon of water per almond in order to grow,
salsify, savoy cabbage, spring onions,          peak season for the harvest is just starting in          a statistic that doesn’t look anywhere near
squash, swedes, turnips and white cabbage.      January. The average avocado uses 320 litres of          as bad as how much water animals need,
A delicious and complex mix of avours but       water, and as most avocados in Mexico are grown          however like avocados, almonds are grown
de nitely not the complete nutrition            for export, (5 out of 10 avocados produced globally)     in extreme climates, such as the Californian
required by our bodies such as sources of       the prioritisation has a negative impact on Mexico’s     desert, which is responsible for 82% of the
protein or vitamin B12. Another                 food security. Every day, 9.5 billion litres of water    world’s almond crop and is deemed to be
macronutrient not on that list is fat.          are used for avocado production, putting huge            responsible for the consecutive droughts
                                                strain on the aquifers in Michoacán. Once the fruit      California has suffered in the past four years
During January, a common substitute for         has left the country, the water contained within it      due to the need for constant irrigation.
fats found in animals, let’s say a cow, is      is lost from the ecosystem and surrounding areas.
avocado which has hugely grown in               There has even been a rise in small earthquakes in       This highlights that if we do not start to
popularity amongst both omnivores and           the region surrounding Uruapan, the most                 change our farming methods to become
herbivores recently. I must point out that      important avocado-producing region in the world,         more regenerative, especially as the
this is simply an illustrative swap             with 3,247 seismic movements recorded between            population of vegetarians and vegans
demonstrating how vegan swaps are not           5th January and 15th February 2020. Local                increases, we will simply run out of
always best for the environment, and not        authorities blame water extraction for the cause as      nutrients in the soil to grow anything unless
that only vegans eat avocado and that we        it has opened up subsoil caverns that are likely         we continue to use damaging chemical
must make better informed choices for           causing these movements. This is especially              fertilisers, due to the lack of natural
these swaps. Let’s take a further look at the   important when considering that avocado                  fertiliser from animals, as we currently only
swap I have used for this example.              production in Mexico has lead to deforestation in        have 60 years of topsoil left. Furthermore,
                                                Michoacán. These forests provide biodiversity,           in the UK 46% of the agricultural land is
A single cow provides around one million        livelihoods and catchment basins that supply water       what is known as marginal land, which is
usable calories for human consumption, and      to local communities and Mexico City, but have           land where agricultural farming would not
these are a combination of fats and             been devastated as a result of increased European        be pro table, usually due to factors such as
proteins. If that cow was kept in an            and American demand for avocados. These                    ooding or infer- tile land. It is this land
agricultural system that was regenerative,      avocados have to be handled gently once picked,          that is used for grazing animals in, and
where a heavy premium is placed on soil         and kept in conditions that will prevent spoilage        cannot therefore just simply be used for
health and more attention is given to water     before arrival. The optimum temperature for this is      arable purposes when there is no longer
management and fertiliser use. This results     5.5C which is a long way below the natural               demand for meat. This would leave us with
with resources used being improved and not      temperature in Mexico, therefore using signi cant        less land to grow more food on, as we would
destroyed or depleted, so the land the cow      energy to achieve this and often uses dry ice.           need 18% more calories, and from crops
was on would become signi cantly more           Avocados arrive in the UK by boat after taking a 6       that have not traditionally been grown in
biodiverse, (according to the US                week journey on container ships. During their            the UK. I am not saying that being
Department of Agriculture’s Natural             voyage, conditions in the container also have to be      vegetarian or vegan is bad for the
Resources Conservation Service, there are       kept at the optimum, using up further energy and         environment because it isn’t, we all need to
more micro-organisms in a teaspoon of           resources, as well as the diesel required for the ship   eat less meat, however, we need to raise
healthy soil than people on this earth)         to complete this journey, which is around 63,000         awareness of how to do this in a sustainable
whilst also becoming more able to sequester     gallons of marine fuel per day at 20-25 knots.           and regenerative way.
carbon into the ground which will help          Whilst this boat is not only carrying avocados, it is
provide more nutrients for the plants and       still part of the system. When they do arrive in the     It is for this reason that we, as consumers
less carbon dioxide in the air, as more         UK, they are packaged again to prevent further           have to be much more careful about where
carbon is locked into the soil than is          damage and gas ripened using ethylene before             the food products we eat have come from,
produced by the cow. This also allows more      being packaged again for the supermarkets, often         what is inside them and how they are made
water to be drawn into the soil, helping to     in more plastic.                                         as well as whether they are regenerative or
combat extra rainfall as the effects of                                                                  not, regardless of which food group that
climate change begin to be felt.                                                                         item is in, so that the food you eat has less
                                                                                                         impact on the planet.
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...
Running and brain disease: the cure?
                                                     -LUKE DAVIS-
Brain diseases like Alzheimer’s have long
been a worry of many people as they get
older. There are more than 850 000 people
in UK living with Alzheimer’s, but the
incidence of dementia radically increases
with age with 1 in every 14 people over the
age of 65 living with Alzheimer’s and one in
every 6 over the age of 80. The saddest
thing about these brain function diseases is
that we have no cure for them. However,
there are ways to try and prevent it or at
least make it more bearable. One of these
ways is running.

We know running is good for reducing stress, improving
con dence and boosting self-esteem, but studies have also
showed that people who run have a signi cantly lower risk of
diseases like Alzheimer’s. When you run your body releases
chemicals that stimulate the hippocampus, the part your
brain that is responsible for memory and learning, causing it
to increase in size. This increase in size and health of the
hippocampus is then linked to a healthier brain which is less
likely to be affected by brain disease.

                                               There is also evidence to suggest that frequent exercise could also
                                               produce new brain cells in certain areas of the brain via a process
                                               known as ‘neurogenesis’. It is thought that this leads to an overall
                                               improvement in the performance of the brain and also,
                                               importantly, prevents cognitive decline with age. A study
                                               published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease backs up this
                                               evidence. The study showed that people who ran more than 15
                                               miles per week, over the duration of the study, had a 40% lower
                                               risk of dying from Alzheimer’s related complications. The study
                                               also showed that even people who ran less still received similar
                                               bene ts. These bene ts are also more profound in those who
                                               continue to run later in life although, running at any point will still
                                               provide some sort of protection.

                                               All in all, there is signi cant evidence to suggest that running, the
                                               sport already associated with many, many health bene ts, can
                                               have a signi cant impact on how likely one is to suffer from the
                                               dreaded brain function disease like Alzheimer’s
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...
Hibernation, how and why?
                                           - JAY LEE-

For many organisms, especially in harsher
climates, it is often more dif cult to survive
during the colder winter months of the year.
During these months, the availability of the main
source of food for an animal is often scarce.
Nuts, fruits, plants or insects are either in-
accessible or not present at all, only becoming
available again when it is warmer. Furthermore,
although affecting some more than others, the
low temperatures mean that an animal will likely
have to expend much more energy to maintain a
constant, warm body temperature through
thermoregulation. This increased energy
consumption would also mean that an animal
would have a higher demand for food, which as
mentioned before, is already in short supply.

                                                    The combination of these factors means that for some
                                                    species, such as the European hedgehog, red/black
                                                    squirrels, the eastern chipmunk and several species
                                                    of bats, it would be more bene cial to hibernate. This
                                                    is a process in which an animal remains in a period of
                                                    near complete inactivity within a sheltered burrow or
                                                    den. The rate of metabolic reactions falls drastically,
                                                    which subsequently decreases the rate of energy
                                                    usage, the average body temperature falls from
                                                    38-39°C to as low as 15°C and the heart rate
                                                    decreases to only a few beats per minute. All of this
                                                    allows animal to survive the harsh winter months,
                                                    with a signi cantly shorter supply of food. In fact, it
                                                    is so effective that Hibernating animals use around
                                                    70 to 100 times less energy than those who are

 Interestingly, Bears, that are the animal most
 frequently associated with hibernation, do not truly
 hibernate. They are amongst a group of organisms that
 go through frequent deep sleeps without a very high
 decrease in their metabolism. Hibernation is a process
 that mostly occurs in much smaller mammals. They
 prepare for hibernation during autumn, consuming as
 much food as possible which therefore stores energy in
 the form of fat. For some such as the chipmunk, storing
 food in their shelter is the preferred method. However,
 the ultimate point of this is to maximise their energy
 store as well as build up a layer of insulation for the
 coming months. Overall, hibernation greatly displays
 one of the many fascinating ways that animals adapt to
 the wild and dif cult environments that exist in the
 world around us.
DC SCIENCE - The world's most detailed human cell image - Dean Close ...

1                                                         2
                                                                'Virus' comes from the Latin word for
      Viruses are NOT alive. They require a                    “poison” or “slimy liquid,” an apt name
      host cell to surive and function fully.
                                                                  for the bug that causes flu and the
                                                                            common cold.

3                                                         4
          Viruses are the most abundant
      biological entities on Earth:
                                 amThere are
                   an estimated                                 Viruses evolve quicker than any other
     10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,                             living biological organism.
        000,000 (10 quintillion) viruses on

5                                                         6
       Viruses are 20 to 250 nanometers in                    Walter Reed discovered the first human
      size. 1 nanometre is one billionth of a                    virus, yellow fever virus, in 1901.

7                                                         8
                                                              It has been estimated that there are over
                                                              380 trillion viruses housed in the human
     They are covered with a protective coat
    Viruses                                                    body, which do not cause diseases such
            of protein called the Capsid.                         as a cold or something worse. This
                                                               community collectively is known as the
                                                                            human virome.

9                                                   10
         Some of the worst viral disease                          Viruses can cause some cancers.
     outbreaks in recent years (SARS, MERS,                    Burkitt's lymphoma, cervical cancer,
      Ebola, COVID-19) have been linked to                      liver cancer, T-cell leukaemia, and
                      bats.                                    Kaposi sarcoma are some examples of
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