
 MAY 2022
 16 MAY - 10 JULY

 w w w. primar y times



 May 2022

Dear Readers,
 07736 945717

Welcome to the May half term issue of Primary Times!
Now that the days are longer, the weather is warmer essex@

 06 WOW
and May half term is right around the corner, it’s the
perfect time to enjoy some fun filled activities with the
whole family!
There is so much to look forward to this time of
year, from children enjoying a whole week off school PUBLISHED BY
to celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Fill up
this season by checking out our What’s On Where
guide, and see all the latest events happening in your
 10 MAY IDEAS Schools Publishing
 Limited, 6 Swan Court,
local area. Forder Way, Hampton,

Don’t forget to check the websites of any chosen venue Peterborough,
before you head out on your family adventure, for the Cambridgeshire, PE7 8GX
most up to date information. Also, why not follow us on 01733 385300
social media to see all the newest events, competitions
and posts directly from our website. It’s a great way to

stay in touch!

The Primary Times Team

 Primary Times is independently published and distributed free through national primary schools in Essex. It aims to inform families and children about current educational issues, forthcoming
 events, courses, attractions and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or by joining in the competitions. It is NOT our
 intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically based material whatsoever. We also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young families or harmful
 to the best interests of young children. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools in Essex for their assistance in distributing the magazine and for their contributions to its contents. We
 would also like to thank all the advertisers who have supported this publication and therefore made it possible. Please support their endeavours when and where you can. The copyright on all
 written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Primary Times or with the relevant contributor. Primary Times is currently publishing over 2 million copies per
 issue under franchise licences throughout Britain.

 An independent day school for
 girls and boys age 2 - 16 years

 Visit us on our next Open Day
 Thursday 16th June 2022 at 9.30am,
 tours by appointment only

 Small Class Sizes | Before and After School Clubs
 LAMDA and Individual Music Lessons | Forest School
 Flexible Pre-Reception sessions*

 01277 623070 |
 *minimum two mornings per week. MAY 2022 03
Add confidence-building fun Save money for your family
to your child’s summer term With household gas and save you as much as 25-
If you want to put a confident join the Superheroes on a electricity bills rising steeply 30% on your heating bills.
spring in your child’s step, mission to save the world after the annual energy It’s no surprise homeowners
Perform classes are the place whilst 7-12s work on an price cap increased to are turning towards home
to be this summer. Perform exciting adaptation of Jack £1,971 in April, being able to improvements to help
drama, dance and singing and the Beanstalk, in Jack and cope with the higher cost of insulate their homes, and
classes for 4-7s and 7-12s the Wonderbeans. Children living is a scary thought. the good news is that any
are unique as they focus on can join at any point during We want to keep our homes initial cost will be saved
social development. Using the term and will take part in at a comfortable temperature over time – making them
performing arts-based games the end of term performance. for our family, but how can a worthwhile long-term
and inspiring activities, they are All abilities are welcome. Book we do that and save money investment too.
designed to boost confidence, a free trial class at perform. on our energy bills? And saving money on your
build concentration, develop Primary Times With around 18-25% of household energy bills will
communication skills and readers receive a £40 discount heat loss occurring through mean more money for you
hone coordination – and are when signing up before 10th windows, upgrading your and your family to enjoy on
brimming with fun and laughter. June, just quote PTES100622. old windows with modern, the things that matter.
Run by professionally trained Classes run in Benfleet, energy efficient double With more than 50 years’
actors, dancers and singers, Billericay, Brentwood, glazing is one of the experience installing to
classes are kept small with Buckhurst Hill, Chelmsford, quickest and most rewarding homes in Essex and the
regular progress reports. Chigwell, Colchester, Epping, ways of saving energy. South East, SEH BAC can
Fantastic resources – such as Gidea Park, Hornchurch, Improving the thermal help you make your home
free apps, music downloads Leigh-on-Sea, Loughton, performance of your glazing more energy efficient.
and dance videos - support Upminster and Westcliff-On- will increase your home’s For more information call
each theme. Sea. Woodford Green opens comfort and reduce energy 0800 666 444 or visit
This term, children aged 4-7 in September. consumption – and could

 If you are feeling anxious you are not alone!
 At the Parenting with Anxiety but everyone is playing an
 Project at the University of important role in helping
 Sussex, they are focused on children with anxiety.
 finding ways to help parents
 and children navigate the
 world with confidence.
 If you feel anxious you may
 find yourself feeling worried
 about your children. Their
 research shows that with the
 right support parents can help
 their children become more
 confident. They now want to
 find out if families will benefit
 from an 8-module online
 course. If you would describe
 yourself as high in anxiety
 with a child aged 2-11 they
 would love you to join them.
 Half of the parents will do
 the course and the others
 will just answer questions,

04 MAY 2022

Aoife’s Bubbles Charity Read together and inspire your child
Eilish is a normal Mum, she affected by childhood cancer, Essex Year of Reading is School-age:
has 2 children, Aoife aged as well as supporting families, supporting children whose • Set aside time and a quiet
3 and Cody aged 7months. like Aoife’s, whose children education has been affected space to read.
Only being that her beautiful have passed away. For more by the pandemic and inspiring • Pick topics that interest them.
daughter, Aoife – will remain information, and to offer a lifelong love of reading. • Breakdown words they don’t
forever 3, and her little brother your support, please visit Created by the Essex Education know into sounds.
will one day in the not-too- Taskforce and funded by • Show and say any words
distant future be older than Essex County Council, it offers your child may find hard
his sister. Aoife was stolen access to books and resources, before they read them.
from her family by cancer, workshops and activities for • Use audiobooks to engage in
and her cancer was able to children and families. It is more challenging stories.
go undetected for months, also helping adults to improve Remember, reading isn’t just
despite her sinister symptoms their reading. about books. You could read
and frequent trips to her GP Reading is the most important recipes as you cook or ask your
and A&E. Aoife had her Germ skill a child can learn – it is child to write the shopping
Cell Cancer diagnosis only 5 the golden key to becoming a list. Play word games, try
days before her unexpected successful learner in all areas magazines or comics – getting
and untimely passing, and as of life. As a parent or carer, your child reading is the most
such, a charity was founded you can help them. Follow the important part.
and named Aoife’s Bubbles tips below to help your child The Essex Year of Reading app
Charity (1191761) in her loving discover a love of reading: has an online library, phonics-
memory. The purpose and Pre-school children: based support, reading guides,
goal of the charity is to raise • Singing songs and nursery activities and competitions.
much needed childhood rhymes are important first steps.
cancer awareness and educate • Talk to your child from birth to Download it for free from the
as many people as possible help them develop vocabulary. App Store or Google Play. Visit
of the symptoms, diagnosis, • Share picture books to develop
and effects of this disease. speech and language skills. for more information.
The charity also provides acts
of joy and amazing things to
children and their families

Let’s get cycling
The Women’s Tour, the biggest On Saturday 4th June, British
all-female cycle race in the Cycling offers an array of
world, is coming to Colchester. cycling activities for all. On
On Monday 6th June, over Sunday 5th June, the ‘Festival
100 of the world’s best riders of Fun’ will encourage families
embark on the Stage 1 - Grand to try out all that the Sports
Départ from Colchester Sports Park has to offer for just £1
Park at Northern Gateway – per activity (includes the pump
off junction 28 of the A12. track and 1-mile cycle track).
The 142 km/ 88.2 mile route Plus, there’s bike, e-bike and
passes through Colchester multi-sport demonstrations and
town centre towards Abberton tournaments to take part in.
before heading towards On Monday 6th June, from
Manningtree and onto 10am you can meet the teams,
Suffolk for the finish in Bury watch the race get underway,
St Edmunds. Thousands of cheer on the riders, grab a
spectators are expected to line coffee at Paddy & Scott’s,
the route to cheer on the riders. browse the stalls, take part
To celebrate the Tour and in competitions, hire a bike
inspire all of us to get active, and try out the one-mile cycle
Colchester Sports Park is track for yourselves!
hosting a weekend of family- Visit: and
friendly activities. MAY 2022 05
ime n, there’s loads
 ryt iratio E R E
 OW Competitors. Designed for children, these
 sessions provide a basic introduction for
 Mega Sports &
 Activity Camps - Essex Wide
 Explore the ground-breaking Firstsite Holiday
 Fun programme through vibrant artworks in

 m a insp W H
 s .co . u
 children with no or little experience of Various Locations this interactive exhibition celebrating the fun,
 trampolining. 5 years + friendly and creative ethos of ‘Holiday Fun’
 and the families who attend.
 Toys and Childhood Exhibition Mega Camps are dedicated to providing

 S O or
N Chelmsford City Museum the best activity days out for kids aged 4 Half Term Holiday Laser Games

 W H AT ’ r m ri
 e -14 during the half term & school holidays Laser Mayhem
 in Essex. At Mega Camps they understand
If you are looking foww.p
 Their brand new Toys and Childhood gallery
 that all kids are different and therefore Laser Mayhem half-term holiday games
 brings the excitement of looking through
 they offer an amazing range of Sports &
 w are great for boys and girls aged between
 more events
 a toy shop window. The room is full of
 Activities days out for both boys and girls. 7 to 13 years. Fun outdoor laser tag on their
 all kinds of toys, from dolls and trains to
 Book online. amazing playing fields littered with tanks,
 puppets and games. Whatever your age,
 this room will bring back memories of Explorer Zone planes, helicopters & more!
 childhood! Monday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm Chelmsford City Museum Perform Confidence-
 The Fingringhoe Platinum Jubilee Fete Building Classes
 Farm Experience Days There’s a new area in the museum where Various venues
 174 Turner Rd, High Woods Country Park
 Lambourne End you can pick up resources to help your children explore the museum and park. All Confidence-building fun drama, dance
 A Platinum Jubilee Charity Event in the village
 The young farmers club aims to deliver of the resources are free to borrow while and singing classes for all abilities. Weekly
 of Fingringhoe. Including a fun dog show,
 informative sessions in an relaxed, fun you use the museum, they just ask that you sessions for 4-7s and 7-12s, designed
 display and stalls, Farmers Market, Petting
 environment for individuals between the return them at the end of your visit. to boost confidence, communication,
 Farm, a craft fair and BBQ. Visitors can also
 ages of 8 – 16. It’s designed to improve enjoy Pimms at the Whalebone, enter the Pay & Play concentration and coordination. Visit
 their knowledge on farming, their raffle and watch the lighting of the Beacon. Wild Forest to book a FREE class.
 confidence, and social skills. Every Saturday Quote PTES100622 for a £40 discount when
 from 9am - 12pm Family Activities you book before 10th June.
 Have an adventure on the Wild Forest
 Thriftwood 020 7255 9120,,
 Kids Club obstacle course. Minimum age 6 years. Your
 Essex Police Museum booking gives you access to one lap of the
 From abseiling to kayaking there’s a whole route, and there’s spear throwing available host of family activities available to book at the end of the obstacle course. Request Tue 17 May
 The Essex Police Museum runs a Kids Club at Thriftwood Scout Campsite & Activity spears on arrival! Saint John’s College
 loyalty scheme. Each eligible activity you Centre. See website for details.
 purchase earns you one stamp. Collect Trains at Audley End School Open Morning
 4 and your 5th activity is free! All eligible Young Farmers Club Audley End Miniature Railway, Saint John’s College School
 activities will have the Kids Club logo on Lambourne End
 them so they are easy to spot. The morning includes tours of the school
 Spot the many Teddies that live in the
 The young farmers club aims to deliver woods as you take an exciting trip on one and a question and answer session with
 Junior Trampolining informative sessions in a relaxed, fun the Headmaster and will hopefully provide
 of the Steam or Diesel Engines through the
 Harlow Leisurezone environment for individuals between the you with a good introduction to St John’s
 beautiful Audley End Estate Woodland. ages of 8 – 16. It’s designed to improve and an understanding of what makes the
 Harlow Leisurezone has an extensive their knowledge on farming, their Keep Being Amazing school special.
 trampoline programme and offers classes confidence, and social skills. Every Saturday Firstsite
 suitable for beginners through to National from 9am - 12pm Wed 18 May

 06 MAY 2022

Colour Year 5 Taster Day SEND Party Nights Audley End Railway
Beecroft Art Gallery Brentwood School Mercury Theatre Immerse your family in nature at Audley
This exhibition explores the use of colour The morning will enable children to Calling all young people with SEND – this End Miniature Railway’s Wildlife Week,
within painting, sculpture and sound. experience some aspects of life at is the night for you! Dance the night away running from 28th May to 5th June 2022.
The power of colour has fascinated Brentwood School, enjoy a range of and make new friends at this bi-monthly, The Nature Corner will encourage children
psychologists, philosophers, chemists and subjects with our talented teachers and fun-filled party for people aged 7-14. to connect with nature, learning about
artists for hundreds of years, with certain sample lunch in their Dining Halls. This hidden habitats, creepy crawlies, and
colours long being associated with class, event has been designed specifically for Sat 28 May insects that live all around us.
status and authority within many cultures. Year Five pupils who attend local schools Queen’s Jubilee Picnic Kids Rule!
 but whose parents may be considering an King George’s Field Audley End House and Gardens
 Thu 19 May independent education at secondary level.
CPD Chelmsford Back on Track Exhibition Traditional fun & games, face painters, tug of Get ready for a right royal knees-up at
Mercury Theatre Chelmsford City Football Club war, relay races and a fancy hat competition! the Kids Rule events this May half-term. Enjoy an ice cream from one of the Ice Join them in the grounds of Audley End to
Through working with teachers on oracy Cream Vans and bring your own picnic. Free celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with
 Helping you ease back into attending model
skills, this practical workshop will provide entry event, all are welcome. 11am - 4pm historic performers, hands-on activities and
 railway exhibitions, Chelmsford & District
the tools to develop confidence in a post- fresh-air family fun. Book online and save!
 Model Railway Club will get you ‘Back on Wild Saturday
COVID world.
 Track’ with an exhibition that is more relaxed Markshall Estate
 and less busy than their normal annual
 Sun 29 May
 Fri 20 May
 exhibition. Adults £5.00. Free entry for children The Markshall Estate team will be on hand Jubilee Picnic
Leigh Farmers’ Market when accompanied by a paying adult. to guide families of all ages through fun Bonchurch Park
Leigh Community Centre crafts and adventure play. From boggart Sat 21 May to Sat 28 May hunting to flower painting, den building to Join Leigh-on-Sea Town Council for an
Leigh Farmers’ Market is the longest running leaf printing, there’s hours of hands-on fun afternoon of free music and entertainment
 Guess Who
market in the Essex area, and prides itself in Bonchurch Park on Sunday 29th May,
 Essex Police Museum to be had in these free activity sessions.
on delivering local produce including meat, 12-3pm. They are inviting residents to
veg, cheese, eggs, craft beers, honey, bring their own picnic and help celebrate
 Children’s Crown Trail
chutney, desserts and so much more. Put the photofit pieces together to identify Markshall Estate the Queens Platinum Jubilee together
 the suspect! 21st, 28th May. with friends and neighbours. There will
 Fri 20 May to Sun 22 May Celebrations are in order! Join them this be childrens activites, music, games and
 Wed 25 May half term to commemorate their 50th hopefully the sun will shine!
National Flower Show
Hylands House Back Lawn Council Litter Pick Anniversary year and the Queen’s Jubilee. Barnards Miniature Leigh-on-Sea Town Council Search the Arboretum for crowns among
 Railway Running Day the trees and plantations. Stop at the
The National Flower Show returns in May Barnards Farm
 If you would like to join them, get in touch natural play areas before collecting your
2022 for a three-day gardening extravaganza
 by either calling 01702 716288 or email special prize from the Visitor Centre.
set in the stunning grounds of Hylands House. The Barnards Miniature Railway opened
Children (5-15 years): £3 – 5, Adults: £13 – 15. on Sunday 5th September 2010, at first
 Sat 28 May to Sun 05 Jun 260 meters of single line was laid from the
 Sat 21 May Fri 27 May to Fri 29 Jul Wildlife Week station at Burton Shaw to the engine shed. MAY 2022 07

 Mon 30 May day per adult; £18 weekend pass. £4 per day At the three-day festival, visitors can enjoy Visit the Vulcan on Father’s Day
 per child (Under 14); £7 weekend pass. £22 the Chefs’ Theatre, Cake & Bake Theatre, London Southend Airport
Sing Movie and Crafts per day family pass (2 adults and 3 children Drinks Theatre, Shopping Village with
Markshall Estate under 14). award winning artisan producers, Street Visit the Vulcan Day is a great chance to Food Avenue, Feasting Tent, Cook Book get ‘up close and personal’ with Vulcan
Relax and let the kids be entertained by Sun 05 Jun Shop, Kids’ Cookery School, fairground, live XL426 at London Southend Airport. General
this popular 2016 animated film. In a city music stage and family-friendly areas with
 Calm At The Castle admission is £7.00 for adults with under-16s
of humanoid animals, a hustling theatre activities for children.
 Colchester Castle admitted FREE.
impresario’s attempt to save his theatre with
a singing competition becomes grander Wildlife Wong and the Orangutan
 Sat 18 Jun to Sun 19 Jun
than he anticipates even as its finalists find These sessions are suitable for visitors with Hylands House
that their lives will never be the same. The ASD, providing an opportunity for them to Essex Festival of Food & Drink
kitchen will also be serving hot and cold explore the museum at a quieter time. They The Great Missenden Food Festival Join Australian author Dr Sarah Pye and her
lunches for grownups so that everyone can aim to minimise sensory stimulation on the trusty puppet sidekick, Pongo, as they read
enjoy an afternoon of fun. galleries by turning off audio and visuals, The Children’s Cookery School & Food Lab
 from Wildlife Wong and the Orangutan, an
 whilst providing a sensory space off the at the Great Missenden Food Festival allows
 exciting adventure story about a real-life
 Tue 31 May main gallery. 3 – 5pm children the chance to get hands on and
 scientist in the jungles of Borneo. For ages:
 create some delicious bakes and treats, as
Bluebell Walks 6-12 £5 per child. Accompanying adult free.
 Sat 11 Jun well as some fun food experiments. The
Hedingham Castle Children’s Cookery School & Food Lab is Criminally Good Day aimed at children aged 3 - 12 years. Sat 25 Jun to Sun 26 Jun
Enjoy a stroll through the ancient High House Production Park Colchester Food & Drink Festival
woodlands and marvel at the beautiful The Nearly Festival
 www. Lower Castle Park
blooms carpetting the forest floor. Please With ‘Midnight Robber’, the giant skeleton
keep to the footpaths to avoid trampling puppet, on the loose, a great mix of The Nearly Festival is an affordable
 alternative to the bigger touring festivals & colchester-medieval-fayre
the flowers. crime-writer events and workshops for all
 ages, an intriguing heritage walk, children’s features 14 of the UK’s best touring tribute Visit Colchester’s beautiful Castle Park for
Museum Makes Session craft workshops, plus some criminally good acts live on stage, a ‘Kidzone’ with cool kids another year of the Food & Drink Festival.
Saffron Walden Museum storytelling – make sure you don’t miss out attractions & activities, and a tasty & local There will be lots of old favourites and this on the festivities. 10.00am – 5.00pm ‘Street Food Market’! 2 days of fun for all year they’ll have some new and exciting
Purchase a Click & Collect Activity Pack and ages, day or weekend tickets available & stalls and products to tempt you. Featuring
join Saffron Walden Museum to make one Fun Stories From Far Away – under 5’s go free! lots of different stalls with local and
of these royalty-themed crafts during these Children’s Workshop international food and drink. £5 per adult.
sessions at the Museum. Must be booked High House Production Park Sat 18 Jun Under 14s go free.
via the Art Tickets page. 50p to book a slot +
 Chelmsford Library Family Fun Day
£5 for the Activity Pack. Have fun with Essex-based teacher and
 Chelmsford Library
 Sun 26 Jun
 author Sade Fadipe. Sade shares her book Colchester Royal Grammar Open Day
 Fri 03 Jun to Sun 03 Jul A Fun ABC – a story about Adanah who
 A day of free family-friendly activities at Colchester Royal Grammar School
 goes on an alphabetical adventure, visiting
Chelmsford Festival Family Fun Day Chelmsford Library. Sing along to your
 her grandfather in a far-away place. Told in
Chelmsford Library favourite songs at Rhyme Time; get creative 11+ Open Evening. 6.30-9pm. No
 a claps, familiar rhymes and rhythms, with and crafting; get techy with the Ozobots; and booking required.
 art & craft activities too! 4+ years. Free.
Bringing communities together! Join hear stories read aloud with amazing authors
Essex Book Festival for a Family Fun Day Heroes and Villains – who’ll be taking their seat in the Storytelling Tue 28 Jun
at Chelmsford Library in partnership with Children’s Writing Workshop Armchair. 10.00am – 4.00pm. Free.
 Garden Open Day and BMR
Essex Libraries and Essex Cultural Diversity High House Production Park Lum’s Mum – Children’s Workshop Barnards Farm
Project. All events will be free. Chelmsford Library
 How do you create a hero who keeps The gardens open from 13:00 until 17:30.
 Sat 04 Jun readers on the edge of their seat and a
 Go along with your imagination and
 villain everyone will love to hate? Find out
West Bergholt Jubilee Festival make a knapsack to carry essentials for Thu 30 Jun
 in middle grade author Emily Kenny’s jam-
Lorkin Daniell Field your journey. You’ll get to use a compass
 packed workshop! For ages: 8-12. Free. and make flowers and bugs to fill Lum’s Southend High School
 Once Upon a Story… – meadow. For ages: 3-7 years 11.00am. for Girls Open Evening
Fun for all the family, stalls, inflatables,
rides, hog roast, under 16’s fun run, under Children’s Writing Workshop Southend High School for Girls
 Sat 18 Jun to Sun 19 Jun
11’s football, RAF Fly past plus lots more! High House Production Park
12 - 8.30pm 5 - 8pm Headteacher talks will be at
 Essex Festival of Food & Drink
 Children’s author Catherine Emmett leads a 6:00pm and 7:00pm – no appointment
 Cressing Temple Barns
 necessary. School Tours 4th – 8th July
 Sat 04 Jun to Sun 05 Jun session exploring what makes a great story,
 with a brilliant beginning, a marvellous (appointment only) 01702 588852
Colchester Medieval Fayre Including many events that are free for
 middle and an excellent ending! For ages: children to have a go.
Lower Castle Park 7-11. Free. Sun 03 Jul
colchester-medieval-fayre Motor Fest Festival Finale
 Fri 17 Jun Kings Park Chelmsford City Centre
Medieval stalls selling all sorts of wonderful
 Foodies Festival
historic crafts, entertainers from the period.
Children enthralled by the story tellers. Hylands Park motor-fest-car-show-essex Help celebrate the end of the festival as
Music wafting from every corner. £10 per One of the UK’s biggest all-action family the event providers bring you an afternoon
 events, Motorfest 2022 is not to be missed! of entertainment. Hosted by CCR Radio the
 You’ll be amazed from the moment event will bring Backnang Sq to life with the
 you step into this action-packed event. carnival parade finish, food, music, activities,
 From adventurous monster truck rides performances and boat rides. 12pm - 4pm
 to the opportunity to take to the skies in
 a helicopter ride, there’s so much to see, Tue 05 Jul - Tue 12 Jul
 and do! Check out the main arena to see
 Colchester County High
 monster trucks having a tug of war, the thrills
 of two wheel magicians on motorcycles School for Girls Open Day Tours
 and awesome motoring displays. There’s Colchester County High School for Girls
 something for everyone, all day long!
 Open Day Tours for 11+ entrants and
 Sun 19 Jun parents. Booking essential.

 Blackwater Country Show Sat 09 Jul
 Chigborough Road Tendring Show
 The Blackwater Country Show has Tendring Hundred Farmers’ Club
 established itself as one of the most
 enjoyable family events in the Essex A fun day out for the whole family. The
 calendar. Situated within a picturesque Tendring Hundred is a family show
 setting, with two well maintained lakes, it that brings together rural and urban
 offers a wonderful day out. communities in the Essex region.

08 MAY 2022
Hooray for May
May Half Term kick-starts the
summer with lots of events and
fun days out for families. Here are
some ideas for things to do around
Essex in May, June and July. Check
out our WOW pages, starting on
page 6 for more ideas.

Aoife’s Bubbles Charity
Aoife’s Bubbles Charity will magazine. To book tickets or for
be hosting a family festival at more information please visit
The Museum of Power, Maldon
on Saturday 9th July. In loving
memory of Aoife, and to raise
awareness and funds, the fun
packed event will be filled
with all day entertainment.
With plenty of free activities,
including a meet and greet with
Paw Patrol Skye and Marshall,
bouncy castles, and soft play
as well as fundraising on one
of the UKs largest inflatables,
there will be so much fun to be
had! More details can be found
on the advert on pg 13 of this

Get ready for Motorfest 2022!
One of the UK’s biggest all- the dodgems, or check out the
action family events, Motorfest amazing Wall of Death.
2022 is not to be missed! You’ll That’s just a taste of what
be amazed from the moment they have to offer at this years
you step into this action-packed show! You can relax and take in
event. From adventurous the shopping village and once
monster truck rides to the you’ve built up an appetite,
opportunity to take to the skies head over to one of their
in a helicopter ride, there’s so locally-based artisan street food
much to see, and do! and drink vendors. Fancy a little
Check out the main arena to rest after all that excitement?
see monster trucks having a tug Take in the chilled vibes and
of war, the thrills of two wheel soak up the sun whilst listening
magicians on motorcycles and to live music on stage.
awesome motoring displays. The event takes place
There’s something for everyone, just behind Hylands park,
all day long! Kids will love the Margaretting Road, Chelmsford,
inflatable village and full size Essex CM1 3PJ
funfair at this years Motorfest! June 18th-19th – Gates open
Bounce all day for free, play on 10am-6pm on both days. MAY 2022 11

Parasquawk’s Flight of Very Fancy Colours
at BeWILDerwood Norfolk for May half term! Love trees? So do we.
It’s time to run WILD and fly crafts, face painting, boat
with the Parasquawks this half rides and den building are all
term at BeWILDerwood, from included in entry price so there’s
28th May - 5th June, a place no pesky additional costs. You
where the whole family can join can also bring your own picnic
in all the fun! if you like or treat yourself to
Based on the magical and yummy, locally sourced food
enchanting books by author and from the Munch Bar.
creator Tom Blofeld, a day at Grown-ups are rarely seen
BeWILDerwood means endless sitting on the side-lines
hours spent together, exploring at BeWILDerwood and
a wonky world of treehouses, encouraged to let their inner
whizzing down super slides, WILD child loose. Create
swinging together on giant memories, get outdoors, and
swings and zipping along extra- play together!
long zip wires, as well as joining Find out more on the website:
in with storytelling shows,
creative crafts and embarking BeWILDerwood Norfolk, Horning
on a magical boat ride to the Road, Hoveton, NR12 8JW
Scaaaaary Lake. 01692 633033
Interactive storytelling sessions, yoohoonorfolk@bewilderwood.
puzzling park trails, arts & There aren’t many industries planting
 trees these days, but the paper industry
 plants and grows far more than it
 consumes. As the most recycled product
 in the world paper remains one of the
 more environmentally friendly products
 due to its ability to be recycled over again.
 Please remember to
 recycle Primary Times once
 you have finished reading it.

12 MAY 2022

 Essex Young Farmers
 Essex Young Farmers are
 a rural youth organisation, It’s a perfect family or friend
 dedicated to supporting young filled day out, with many
 people between the ages of attractions to see, from vintage
 16 and 28 in agriculture and steam engines to various riding
 the countryside. As well as displays, an I-spy trail and
 many pub trips, they take part an amazing selection of rural
 in competitions like public craft stalls, there is something
 speaking and tug of war and for everyone. Don’t forget
 make friends that last a lifetime. about the bar and amazing
 Their annual Essex Young food stalls, whether you fancy
 Farmers Show is back and better something sweet or savoury,
 than ever this year, taking place washed down with a good old
 at Boyton Hall, Roxwell, CM1 4LT beer or something stronger.
 on the 22nd May. Tickets can be Essex Young Farmers can’t
 purchased on arrival, however wait to welcome you for what
 early bird tickets are available if they hope to be a lovely sunny
 you visit their website; day out!

 ROARR! Dinosaur Adventure
 Step back in time this spring with this new interactive
 with the Valley of the Dinosaurs experience, where dinosaurs
 at ROARR! Dinosaur Adventure, come to life and give explorers
 in Norfolk. a truly Jurassic adventure.
 The Valley will be home to 11 Alongside the Valley of the
 new ROARR-some animatronic Dinosaurs, ROARR! Dinosaur
 dinosaurs for all adventurers to Adventure has 85 acres of
 meet. Visitors will be greeted dino-packed fun. Whatever
 by a statue of the park’s the weather, there are digs to
 legendary Norfolk-born explorer be dug, dinos to discover and
 Cornelius Weston-Smythe, the lots to explore. Known as the
 sanctuary owner for rescued UK’s largest Dinosaur themed
 dinosaurs. The new attraction adventure park, there’s plenty
 will feature voiceovers from to enjoy and it’s fun for all the
 Cornelius, along with exciting family.
 new dinosaur sounds. Find out more about your
 There will be plenty of next epic adventure: www.
 opportunities for dino-hunters
 to capture ROARR-tastic photos Photo credit: Laura Francis

14 MAY 2022

Eastgate’s Jolly Jubilee Party RHS Garden Hyde Hall a hive
Families are royally invited
to join in the free fun when
 his flicks and kicks and meeting
 fans. There will be live music of activity this May half term
Eastgate Shopping Centre, from gorgeous vintage singers This May half term, the RHS drop-in storytelling sessions
Basildon, celebrates the The Candy Girls too. Garden Hyde Hall is asking throughout the day and on
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on And there will be comedy shows families to get ‘buzzy’, Thursday 2nd June you can
Monday 30th May, from 11am and walkabouts from Bread and and discover the Power of take part in pre-bookable craft
to 3pm. Butter’s hilarious Dinner Ladies. Superbees, with a week of fun, workshops at £2 per child
There’s loads for children to Plus Basildon favourites Granny bee-themed activities from (book online).
enjoy. They can get creative at Turismo will perform their Saturday 28th May – Sunday And after all that fun, take a
their craft workshop making hilarious synchronised shopping 5th June. well-earned break in their family
crowns and flags. They can trolley routines. As early summer flowers begin friendly café or restaurant,
follow their Jubilee Spot the The Union Jill Girls will be to bloom, RHS Gardens Hyde where children’s portions and
Lot trail to win special platinum there, towering above shoppers Hall will be a hive of activity. lunch boxes are available.
chocolate coins. on stilts. Take a peek into the secret life Garden open daily from 10am.
Spiderman will be showing off of bees as you follow the Super Normal garden admission
 Bee garden trail, designed to applies; adults £12.95 and
 help families discover more children £6.55, toddlers go free.
 about the important role these Follow the brown tourism signs
 pollinators play. In addition from the A130. Ample
 on Tuesday 31st May, there’s free parking. MAY 2022 15

Discovery of Dragons The Liberty - Great shopping
Day at Colchester Castle and fun in the heart of Romford
Part the mists of time and head packed full of family fun. With Located in the heart of for more information.
to Colchester Castle’s Discovery three, one-hour shows taking Romford’s town centre, The
of Dragons Day. Come face to place each day you will never Liberty is the region’s top Jubilee Fun!
face with not one, but four miss a performance. shopping destination with During the June School Half
spellbinding dragons who You can also take part in over 100 fantastic stores Term holiday, (Monday 30th
will be waiting to greet and additional interactive activities including JD Sports, H&M, May to Sunday 5th June
entertain visitors on the 31st that include making your Flannels, River Island, Primark, 11am-5pm) The Liberty will
May and 1st June. very own Coronation Crown, Marks and Spencer. As well be hosting a Jubilee themed
You’ll get to meet red dragon a majestic Kings & Queens as well-known stores, The celebration for children and
Epico, elegant green Braccus, trail around the Castle and of Liberty also houses a number shoppers to enjoy. Little ones
Ildrie, the sleepy one of the course all the Castle’s treasures of independent shops that can celebrate the Queen’s 70
family and cute baby Nuri, and displays. range from Fashion, beauty years of service with a host of
everyone’s favourite! With Finally, make sure you bring salons and cafes. As well as its arts and craft activities which
colourful scaly legs, plumes of your pocket money as there will great shop offering, the centre will include flag decorating,
smoke and friendly eyes, there be plenty of treats in their pop- also hosts an exciting range of jubilee cupcake decorating and
is no need to fear the Castle’s up Dragon shop to remind you events throughout the year, for making their very own tiaras
new friends. of your special day. people of all ages to enjoy from and crowns. All creations can
Watch Epico and Braccus in Find out more at fashion shows to kids holiday then be taken home to enjoy
their Land of Adventure show, activities. Visit over the Jubilee celebrations!

 “ We saw it in
 Primary Times
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 our advertisers that
 you saw their advert or
 listing in Primary Times!

16 MAY 2022

Colchester Zoo
Explore the wonders of wildlife are constantly developing to
at Colchester Zoo and visit make your visit to the zoo as
their many different habitats, immersive as possible!
including the chance to see Whist venturing around the zoo
some of the most critically be sure to stop and enjoy the
endangered animals in the variety of animal encounters
world. Experience a jam-packed that take place at selected
day out, no matter the weather, times throughout the day – the
with a range of indoor activities perfect chance to see your
that include hand feeding their favourite animal! Download the
colourful lorikeets a nectar Colchester Zoo App to find out
treat, watching your little one all that’s on offer to you on a
release their wild side at the day out with them.
Jungle Tumble soft play, or For a whole year of fun, you
even transforming into your can upgrade your day ticket to
favourite animal at the Face an annual pass to enjoy a year’s
Painting Station. admission to the Zoo, along
Exciting development work with a whole host of other
has been taking place to benefits including discounts
enhance your experience. They and exclusive events! MAY 2022 17

Spring over to Lakeside for The big dinosaur day out
some summer half term fun! This May half term visit the Big
 Dinosaur Day Out event and
 rabbits, creeping down to
 Critter Corner, meeting the rest
Celebrate Her Majesty the Looking for some fun? Go enjoy a roaring day out with of the farm animals, jumping
Queens Platinum Jubilee and head to head at Hollywood the kids at Lee Valley Animal on the giant bouncy pillow and
May half term at Lakeside Bowl and Puttshack or show Adventure Park! exploring their adventure play.
Shopping Centre. The Bank your strength at Rock Up and You’ll meet the Dinosaurs So go down to Lee Valley
Holiday weekend has been Flip Out, or enjoy VR games at themselves, learn jurassic dino Animal Adventure Park this
extended so they have Electric Gamebox and Boom facts, dig for prehistoric fossils, May half term for an absolutely
extended the fun too! Battle Bar. wild shows and a dino trail ROARSOME family fun day out.
Hungry? Enjoy breakfast at Whatever you fancy this half round the farm.
Casco Lounge or M&S Café. term, you can find it at Lakeside! If meeting Dinosaurs wasn’t Book your tickets in advance
Grab lunch at Pizza Hut or The fun doesn’t stop there… enough you’ll also get to to avoid disappointment at
Nandos. Tuck into dinner at Join them on Saturday 4th experience all their farm
Bourgee or Coco Asia. Don’t June for some royal family fun favourites from visiting the Parking at the farm is FREE. Sat
forget to leave room for dessert to celebrate Her Majesty the Meerkats, getting close to their Nav postcode: EN9 2EF
at Creams or Social Shakes. Queens Platinum Jubilee. MAY 2022 19
20 MAY 2022
Mega Camps – May and
Holiday Clubs Summer holiday fun for kids!
& Camps - Are you in need of childcare Archery, Bungee Trampolining,

Book early for Summer
 this May half term and Summer Dance Workshops, Nerf Wars,
 holiday? Well look no further Inflatable Fun, and much more.
 as Mega Camps have multiple All their staff are enhanced
 locations in Essex available. DBS checked and fully qualified
There are lots of fun activities Dedicated to providing the within their role to ensure
to keep kids active during May best childcare activity camps
 for children aged 4-14 during
 that every child has the best
 experience possible.
Half Term and the Summer the half term and school
 holidays they have seen their
 Whether you want to send
 your child for multiple weeks
Hoildays. Don’t forget to book attendance grow year on year. or single days they’ve got an
early to ensure your childs place. At Mega Camps they
 understand that all children
 offer suited for you. Offers are
 currently available and spaces
 are different and therefore are limited.
 they offer an amazing range To view your local Mega Camps
 of sports, arts & crafts and venue and to book some May
 Mega activities each day such half term or Summer holiday
 as, Wet N Wild, Animal Zoo fun simply visit their website:
 Workshops, Wall Climbing, MAY 2022 21

Amazing adventures at Essex Barracudas
Outdoors this school holiday Barracudas offers kids aged
 between 4 ½ to 14 years
Discover the excellent School throughout the day. Sessions confidence boosting adventures
Holiday Activity Days on offer include high ropes, zip wire, in the school holidays.
at Essex Outdoors this summer archery, bushcraft and paddle A market leader, offering
and keep your children (ages sports - depending on the an amazing experience for
8 and above) active and centre and the day you choose children in fantastic settings
entertained. Learning and - or why not book the whole for over 30 years. Venues
playing outside has enormous week? Select from four centres are carefully selected with
benefits for children, with a across the county - Harlow, convenient locations and
positive impact on physical Danbury, Bradwell-on-sea impressive facilities. With over
health, general wellbeing and Mersea. 80 activities available from Barracudas will suit your child,
and sleep, and best of all its Create amazing adventures and sports to arts and crafts and whatever they’re into!
huge amounts of fun. At Essex lasting memories with peace specialist sessions, there’s Find your camp here:
Outdoors children will take part of mind for a reasonable price, plenty of fun on offer. And,
in four exhilarating outdoor just £35 per day. with a choice for every session, locations-prices
activities, hosted by highly Find out more and book now:
qualified and enthusiastic
instructors, in small groups school-holiday-activities

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22 MAY 2022

Rediscover fun this half term! Harlow Leisurezone
Discover the great value bouncy castle fun, parkour, There is so much to do for kids Dangler and Pinball, as well as
holiday camps, courses and horse riding, Lego building, at Harlow Leisurezone. the old favourites Leap of Faith
fun activities organised by scuba diving, canoeing, dance, Not only do they have the and Step Tower.
Chelmsford City Sports this arts, crafts and many more. amazingly exciting Urban Leisurezone is also running
half term! Check out the half term Limitz Trampoline Adventure Holiday Activity sessions
The sessions, which run calendar today to see what Park which features Tag Attack Monday 30th May – Wednesday
throughout every school is going on near you! Visit Tower, Ninja Assault Course, 1st June. Multi Activity Days,
holiday, are held across the The Gauntlet and Bounce Karate, Trampolining, Inflatable
Chelmsford borough, including and click holiday activities Pads. They are also home to Fun Swim and more.
Riverside Leisure Centre, where you can also find the newly refurbished space There really is so much to do
Chelmsford Sports and Athletics further information on how to themed Kidzz Kingdom with for your young ones. You will
Centre, Dovedale Sports Centre book and keep your children lots of interactive equipment never hear those dreaded
and South Woodham Ferrers entertained this school holiday! that is out of this world. words “I’m bored”.
Leisure Centre. Did you know? They also offer There have also been new For further information visit
Choose from a selection of a 15% sibling and keyworker challenges added to VertiGo
sports and activities including discount on many of their courses, Climbing Walls including Tricky kids and to book call
swimming, ice skating, athletics, so don’t delay, book today! Tree, Sports Walls, Sawtooth, 01279 621500 MAY 2022 23

 Get the best start to swimming
 Learning to swim is the has developed the Swimstylers –
 essential life skill Angela’s Swim inspirational characters who bring
 School give to every child they their teaching programme to
 teach. There are lots of skills life. They show children step-by-
 to learn, four swim strokes to step what is needed to become
 master and distance challenges confident and capable swimmers.
 to win. Children feel so proud The six Swimstylers feature
 of what they achieve with on class names and badge
 Angela’s Swim School. awards so charting progress
 Learning to swim when you’re with them is really easy.
 young is the best way to build Children start as total non-
 confidence, strength and swimmers and end up as strong
 stamina. So, children join their multi-length swimmers.
 Parent & Baby lessons from Angela’s Swim School is
 4 months old, with specialist a major provider of child
 follow-on lessons for toddlers and adult lessons in the
 and pre-schoolers before Southeast, with pools nearby in
 moving through the more Brentwood, Basildon, Laindon,
 advanced levels. Rayleigh and South Benfleet.
 To help children learn to swim Find out more at
 properly, Angela’s Swim School

 Get outside get active
 Laser Mayhem, Half-term Holiday games
 are great for boys and girls aged
 between 7 to 13 years. Fun outdoor laser
 tag on our amazing playing fields littered
 with tanks, planes, helicopters & more. | 01708 688 517
24 MAY 2022

Wee Play U Play Sarah’s Chocolate Kitchen
Following years of ‘how finding they can design and Little chocolate haven based compromising on fun, friends
much??’, Alex from Wee Play make Early Years resources that right on your doorstep in Essex, and laughter. Your child and
U Play finally persuaded her are affordable, useful, made to Sarah’s Chocolate Kitchen is the their friends will become a
talented husband to build them measure and built to last! perfect place to enjoy a sweet chocolatier, creating their own
a mud kitchen. As with most They are always on the end treat or light savoury lunch. beautiful, bespoke goodies.
things, he didn’t just make one, of Messenger, WhatsApp and Open weekly on Wednesday New for 2022 are their social
he made three; she posted two email; happy to help, happy – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm, events for the adults, like their
of them on Facebook and the to build and more importantly and Saturdays 9am – 2.30pm. Cheese and Wine nights and
rest, as they say, is history. happy you’re happy! From topped cookies, cookie Comedy Club, all with live
Nick has years of practical Pop over to their website bars, brownies and blondies music and drink license. Get in
experience, from plastering and choose from mud kitchens to paninis and loaded bagels... touch for more information or
to woodwork and from car to tool benches, planters to there is always something for booking forms on the following
mechanics to a house rebuild. picnic benches - any questions; everyone to enjoy. Popular email: sarahscreativekitchen@
Very handy to have around. just ask. at the kitchen are Birthday
Alex, she has 21 years of Early Parties – a fantastic opportunity
Years experience and owns and for your child to celebrate See
runs a collection of Early Years Instagram – wee_play_u_play their birthday in style without for more information.
and Extended schools provisions. Facebook – Wee Play U Play
The two of them combined are @earlyyearsplay

 To advertise
 with us
 Please contact
 on 07736 945717 MAY 2022 25
Why choose Colchester
 Royal Grammar School?
The Consortium Colchester Royal Grammar
 School (CRGS) is thrilled to
 is a broad extracurricular
 timetable that includes sport,

of Selective Schools welcome parents, carers and
 future students to the 11+ Open
 music, theatre, a programme of
 distinguished external speakers,

in Essex
 Evening on 28th June. Named field trips, visits to museums
 East Anglia State School of the and galleries, and trips abroad.
 Decade by The Sunday Times ‘Pupils feel listened to’ (Ofsted,
 in 2021, CRGS is a selective Feb 2022) and the wide range
 day school for boys aged 11-18 of student-led, staff-supported
Essex is home to some fantastic years and it is co-educational in clubs and societies all help to
grammar schools, all which the Sixth Form.
 ‘Pupils say school is a safe
 encourage and shape their
 equality, diversity and inclusion
sit under the Consortium of and enjoyable place to be’
 (Ofsted, Feb 2022) and central
 work. The Student Support Hub,
 run by the Student Welfare
Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE) to the ethos of their school is Manager, offers a designated
umbrella. Explore these pages their core values: Compassion,
 Respect, Generosity and
 safe space where students can
 talk about any concerns and
to learn more about the schools Support. Not only does CRGS
 focus on students attaining
 are offered support from the
 school counsellor, the school
and their admission process. academic success but they mental health nurse, and the
 also aim to promote students’ school Chaplain.
 spiritual, moral, social, and They look forward to welcoming
 cultural development. There you to their school.

 The Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex 11+ Examination for Entry September 2023
 CSSE PO Box 3087, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3SY (Telephone 01245 348257)
 Please note that the dates may change subject to the impact from September 2022, may exceptionally be allowed to take the test. Summer Term
 of the ongoing pandemic. Any changes will be updated on the 2022 Open Days/Evenings are advertised on CSSE individual school websites
 website and on the CSSE website from May 2022.
 Procedure for Entry in September 2023 to the Essex Grammar Schools and Registration commences from 17th May 2022. To register parents must complete
 for selective places at the Southend Roman Catholic Bilateral Schools and a a CSSE Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for their child either online on the
 Comprehensive School. The 11+ selection tests will be held at CSSE Schools CSSE website or by post to the CSSE Office by the deadline date of 1st July 2022.
 on Saturday 17th September 2022 and children will be asked to sit English and A copy of the SIF is enclosed in the ‘CSSE Information Guide 2023 Entry’ and is
 Mathematics. We recommend you download some free familiarisation papers available from the CSSE website. Most primary schools will request copies of the
 from the CSSE website: CSSE Guide and will distribute them to parents from May 2022.
 Past papers can be purchased from the CSSE office by downloading an order form Application for school places is through the Local Authority (LA) application packs.
 from the CSSE website or by calling 01245 348257. You should apply to the LA in which you live - either Essex or Southend.
 The test is available to children aged 11 years, but under 12 years on 31st August The last date for receipt of applications for Essex LA and Southend LA is
 2023. Children younger than this, but working and registered in the Year 6 cohort 31/10/2022 (absolute deadline).

 Shoeburyness High School
 Caulfield Road, Shoeburyness, Essex
 Colchester County High Schools for Girls SS3 9LL. Tel: (01702) 292286 St Thomas More High School (Boys)
 Norman Way, Colchester, Essex Kenilworth Gardens, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
 C03 3US. Tel: (01206) 576973 Southend High School for Girls SS0 0BW. Tel: (01702) 344933
 Southchurch Boulevard, Southend-on-Sea,
 Colchester Royal Grammar School Essex SS2 4UZ. Tel: (01702) 588852 Westcliff High School for Girls
 Lexden Road, Colchester, Essex Kenilworth Gardens, Westcliff-on-Sea , Essex
 CO3 3ND. Tel: (01206) 509100 Southend High School for Boys SS0 0BS. Tel: (01702) 476026
 Prittlewell Chase, Southend-on-Sea, Essex
 King Edward VI Grammar School SS0 0RG. Tel: (01702) 606200 Westcliff High School for Boys
 Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex Kenilworth Gardens, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
 CM1 3SX. Tel: (01245) 353510 St Bernard’s High School (Girls) SS0 0BP. Tel: (01702) 475443
 Milton Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
 SS0 7JS. Tel: (01702) 343583

 Your child’s primary school will also have a copy of the LA application form and explanatory information for you to consult in the Autumn Term 2022.

26 MAY 2022

 Southend High School for Girls
 Southend High School for Girls students should be safe,
 is built on strong traditions happy and successful.
 and values and has a long and View their online prospectus by
 illustrious history of over 100 scanning the below QR code.
 years of educating the brightest
 minds in the country. As an
 outstanding and successful
 grammar school, they celebrate
 and promote academic
 excellence, but they also place
 a high value on creativity,
 performance, sporting
 excellence and leadership.
 Their students are active
 ambassadors for the school
 in the local community and
 they have a strong family
 ethos. At the core of their
 philosophy, they believe that

 Year 5 Open Evening
 Thursday 30th June (5:00pm – 8:00pm)
 Headteacher’s Talks at 6:00pm & 7:00pm
 no appointment necessary

 School Tours
 4th – 8th July
 (appointment only – visit
 our website for details)

 Southchurch Boulevard,
 Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4UZ
 01702 588852
 Headteacher: Mr Jason Carey

 Discover more by visiting our website MAY 2022 27
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