DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

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DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World
The Future
                                                  of Property
                                                  IN FOCUS 2021

 Deeper insights support better   PropTech, SpaaS, ESG lead   Chief data officers critical to
 decision-making                  innovation and disruption   business transformation
Featuring CHAOS | PfP Capital
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World
A pioneering approach
to placemaking and ESG

PfP Capital is an ambitious fund management business,
born from a great heritage at Places for People Group.
We deliver stable returns and ongoing value growth
across our suite of residential-led funds.
We pioneer a market-leading holistic approach to
placemaking and ESG to deliver quality homes and
places across the UK. Find out more today at

PfP Capital Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under FRN 775636
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

    By A. Paris

    By Alexandra Notay, PfP Capital


    By Paloma Bautista, CHAOS


                                                                                                                                             PHOTO CREDIT: TAPIO AUVINEN

Published by: Property Funds World, 8 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4JU, UK
©Copyright 2021 Global Fund Media Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro-
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of future results. The value and income derived from investments can go down as well as up.

THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021                                                         | 3
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

      The growing role of data
      in real estate investment
                                                     By A. Paris

       ike most other economic sectors, property invest-       a regular income with the potential for capital growth.”
       ment had to re-invent itself in view of the Covid-19       The asset manager notes real estate can provide a
       pandemic. As some parts of the market, like hotels      stable income potential for capital growth. These assets
and retail businesses, were hit hard, others like data cen-    also offer a pattern of returns which differs from those of
tres and large warehouses flourished. As the outlook is        traditional equities and fixed income. In addition, BlackRock
becoming more positive given the global vaccine rollout,       explains there are dislocation opportunities due to Covid-19,
investment managers should re-assess the resources and         “where under-pressure financial markets have not reflected
support they need to succeed in this environment.              the quality of a number of properties in their price. We
   “Momentum in global office markets remains subdued,         believe volatile financial markets and an uneven economic
with Q1 leasing volumes down 31 percent on Q1 2020.            recovery have created an opportunity to buy attractive prop-
However, there are now tentative signs of an improving out-    erties at prices that do not reflect their true value.”
look with leasing activity in some countries including China      In support of this belief, BlackRock is starting to invest
back above pre-pandemic levels. Retail and hospitality, the    more in sectors facing a more volatile future, such as
two sectors most directly impacted by social restrictions,     bricks-and-mortar retail and hotels. These sectors, as also
are continuing to face challenges. The logistics sector, the   highlighted by Jones Lang LaSalle, can deliver significant
standout performer throughout the pandemic, maintained         returns as economies slowly start to emerge from restric-
its robust growth in Q1,” says Jones Lang LaSalle in its       tive measures.
Global Real Estate Perspective for May 2021.
   Despite the difficulties the industry faced as a whole,     Data alone is not enough
real estate opportunities remain attractive. BlackRock         Although the outlook for the real estate sector is a lot more
outlines the market “offers investors the chance to            positive than it was a year ago, there is no denying things
invest in attractively priced properties that aim to provide   have changed.

4 |                                    THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

                                                                      All organisations, regardless of size, should
                                                                      include a chief data officer (CDO) or head
                                                                      of analytics in their data transformation
                                                                      planning. Data literacy, an essential
                                                                      component of a data-driven culture, must
                                                                      become a core competency of leadership
                                                                      within the enterprise, even if the CDO role
                                                                      is outsourced.
                                                                      Linda Isaacson, Ferguson Partners

                                                                 Isaacson, Ferguson Partners, in an article for NAREIM, the
                                                                 industry association dedicated to the business and organ-
                                                                 isational strategy of real estate investment management.
                                                                    “As the focus shifts to building predictive and pre-
                                                                 scriptive models for data innovation… All organisations,
                                                                 regardless of size, should include a chief data officer (CDO)
                                                                 or head of analytics in their data transformation planning.
   “The depth and breadth of economic impact on the                 “Data literacy, an essential component of a data-driven
real estate sector is uncertain, just as the scale of human      culture, must become a core competency of leadership
catastrophe from the pandemic is yet to be seen. However,        within the enterprise, even if the CDO role is outsourced,”
behavioural changes that will lead to significant space          Isaacson notes.
becoming obsolete in a post-coronavirus environment                 The role of the CDO is evolving across the investment
seem imminent.                                                   management industry more broadly. A paper by Deloitte
   “Given the potential for transformative changes, real         entitled The evolving role of the chief data officer in financial
estate players will be well served to take immediate action      services: From marshal and steward to business strategist
to improve their businesses but also keep one eye on a           argues: “The CDO’s job description – for the most pro-
future that could be meaningfully different,” advise Vaibhav     gressive organisations – has evolved from its initial focus
Gujral, Robert Palter, Aditya Sanghvi, and Brian Vickery at      on data asset gathering, governance, and stewardship to
McKinsey.                                                        proactive business enablement, with many institutions even
   Technology is one of these key changes the real estate        marrying the CDO and chief analytics officer (CAO) roles
industry has had to embrace. For example, real estate            into a single senior-level position.
investment managers have been exploring potential loca-             “This is especially true for organisations that aggres-
tions virtually and making deeper use of data analytics.         sively seek to leverage data science and advanced
   Access to data is relatively straightforward. According       analytical modelling to generate new insights into the mar-
to CHAOS, the urban forecasting company, the challenge           kets and customers they serve, the products they build and
real estate professionals face is figuring out how to lever-     price, the risks they assume or pass on, and the means
age data science for maximum impact, bridging the gap            by which they operate the business to benefit stakehold-
between scattered data and holistic insights.                    ers. Organisations today need senior leaders to not only
   “Data on its own is not enough. The usage of advanced         manage and govern the data, but also to leverage the data
analytics tools that, on top of mining timely data, provide a    using emerging technologies that can generate actionable
package of information capturing location and market state,      analytical insights and tangible business benefits.”
and produce good predictions, can make a huge impact on             In view of this, the role of outsourcing within real estate
ROI and profitability,” the company says.                        investment management firms is bound to become more
   In addition to encouraging real estate investment man-        prominent. A survey by Deloitte shows how already in 2019,
agers to build relationships with trusted third-party partners   a large number of investment managers were re-thinking
to assist, this trend is also leading to changes in the inter-   their operating models, outsourcing strategies, IT tools
nal resources needed within the firm.                            and investments in technological innovations. This trend
   “Having the right people and processes to govern data         will have been further accelerated by the pandemic which
and its transformation will determine the long-term win-         acted as a catalyst for an increased focus on data science
ners in a rapidly changing environment,” writes Linda J.         and analytics. n

THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021                                        | 5
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

         Innovation, disruption
        and change in the world
         of real estate investing
                                                By Alexandra Notay
Drones and disruption                                             (ESG) metrics that are absolutely core to invest-
The word ‘drone’ has become something of a                        ment allocation have forced multiple waves of
standing joke with my colleagues, alongside                       change across every business sector. Larry
‘customer expectations’ and ‘storage’ as a sort                   Fink’s annual letters to BlackRock investors
of Buzzword Bingo for those poor souls who                        have heralded that change, highlighting that
have heard me mention them in almost every                        “climate risk is investment risk” and that finan-
meeting since 2015. I was an early adopter of                     cial performance without “social purpose” was
mandating inclusion of drone delivery pads in                     no longer deemed to be good enough.
our larger residential building specifications
and had been giving all sorts of ‘Future of                       Space as a service and the crystal ball
Residential’ presentations to real estate confer-                 Real estate investors, developers and opera-
ences from Australia to MIPIM for years so this                   tors are now grappling with the need to be
was to be expected. One of the many areas of                      innovators, disruptors and futurists, all the
change in current UK planning policy is around                    while maintaining successful portfolios and
how to safely accommodate the proliferation                       growing stable returns.
of drone and other robotic deliveries and their                       As real estate and technology strategist
related infrastructure as our appetite for deliv-                 Antony Slumbers notes: “it’s not the case that
eries shows no sign of abating.                                   everything you already know about real estate
    It is unsurprising that the wider real estate                 is no longer important, it’s just no longer
industry has remained stubbornly analogue                         sufficient.”
until fairly recently. The pre-eminence of a                          We are now dealing with buildings that are
tried and tested model focussed on ‘bricks                        still inherently illiquid assets at a time where
and mortar’ assets in core locations delivering                   flexibility and adaptability are the top priorities
reliable IRRs over long-term leases seemed                        and the previously rigid lines between asset
utterly dominant, until it suddenly wasn’t.                       classes are increasingly blurry. Ten years ago
    Tech has certainly been a key disruptor                       the ULI/PwC Emerging Trends survey didn’t
across every real estate asset class; first the                   even count residential as a major asset class,
threat of online shopping vs in-store retail,                     instead listing it under ‘Alternatives’ yet now
then the advent of working from home and                          residential investment is the fastest growth
demand for flexible office space challeng-                         area with a proliferation of new offers from
ing the historic fixed office model, AirBnB                        PBSA and BtR to co-living, senior living and
and short-term lets pushing hotels into a                          a whole range of affordable or shared own-
far more competitive mode and, of course,                           ership products. A much-heralded ‘wall of
the ultimate curveball of Covid-19 disrupting                            institutional money’ is shifting across
everything in its path.                                                     from traditional office and retail inves-
    In parallel the evolution of Corporate                                   tors seeking the stability of residential
Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustain-                                      rental returns – before finding that
ability policies from an oft-dismissed                                        the complexity of dealing with homes
‘greenwash’ sideline to established                                            comes with vastly greater regula-
Environmental, Social and Governance                                            tion, differentiated risks and that

6 |                              THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

stabilised portfolios up for sale are few and         like someone else to go first and address all
far between.                                          the thorny and expensive problems in a swiftly
   Operational businesses used to linear land-        replicable pilot.
lord-tenant ownership models are trying to                This cautionary tale isn’t to put off bold fund
shift to the concept of ‘Space as a Service’ or       managers from exploring innovations across
SpaaS; where asset ownership and physical             their portfolios but a reminder that too often
products becomes subservient to the moneti-           we fail to remember that we use the word
sation of access and services within a physical       innovation for too many things. As decades
space. Examples include the move from CDs             of academic research has shown, innovation
to music streaming, from fixed office leases to       isn’t just technology and seldom follows effi-
flex office space or fully remote teams, or from      ciency criteria! AI chatbots, delivery drones
side-stepping the fabled ‘housing ladder’ with        and air quality sensors are all brilliant inven-
a punishing mortgage deposit requirement for          tions but do not on their own constitute the
the adaptability of a Build to Rent tenancy, ena-     innovation and disruption of systems, markets
bling a lifestyle that offers security of tenure      and networks that real estate needs. Professor
but absolute flexibility with all sorts of services   Marc Ventresca, guru of strategy and innova-
and amenities included.                               tion management theory at the University of
   This expanded range of residential tenure          Oxford, underlines that “Innovation is about
types are themselves market disruptions in            recombining and repurposing (all of those
the UK but each have distinct viability thresh-       products and ideas) to create value.”
olds, return profiles and require nuances in              At the moment within PfP Capital we are
approach before you even add in the revelation        running some pilots around Electric Vehicle
of ‘tenant as customer’ with an expectation of        charging having received numerous queries
good and ever-improving service.                      from existing and potential residents prompting
   So RE investor heads are no longer mim-            interesting team meetings where colleagues
icking ostriches in the sand but the crystal ball     discuss the merits of their own hybrid vs.
that fund managers have to look in is murky at        all-electric vehicles. However, discussions with
best when considering exactly how to future-          any engineer lead to dire warnings about the
proof portfolios.                                     lack of capacity to actually support an all-electric
                                                      revolution across buildings and cars, and others
Fun with future proofing                              point to the rapidly improving pilots of hydro-
One example I’ve used repeatedly is that              gen-fuel as the true sustainable future. Would
“everyone wants to be the iPod, not the mini-         it be better to wait for hydrogen technology to
disc”. The latter was a technologically perfect       be perfected or might that risk an exodus of
piece of kit, still adored by many music afi-         residents, or us not meeting our commitments
cionados but the tactile design, overwhelming         around sustainability and working towards Net
ease of utility and futuristic aura of the iPod       Zero Carbon? What other ways could we sup-
led to its dominance being quickly asserted.          port sustainable transport in our communities
Compare this to the bold future proofing efforts      without creating accessibility issues for disabled
of one multifamily developer who toured me            residents who don’t want pavements blocked by
around an 800 unit scheme on the East Coast,          charging cables? There are a multitude of ques-
shamefacedly pointing out an unusual ‘candle          tions we are working on across our residential
nook’ recess near the entrance of each apart-         funds and I for one find it endlessly fascinating,
ment. It turned out that they had designed in         so intend to keep on droning on! n
an iPhone docking station into every single
apartment at quite significant cost; which             Alexandra Notay
initially proved to be a popular selling point         Placemaking & Investment Director, PfP Capital
to tech-savvy renters. Yet just three months
                                                       Alexandra Notay is Placemaking and Investment Director at PfP Capital, the fund
after the building opened in 2012, Apple               and asset management arm of Places for People Group, overseeing a UK-wide
suddenly launched their new Lightning port             residential strategy. She is an internationally recognised expert on build to
                                                       rent, placemaking and sustainable urban development, with 16 years’ strategic
charging cable with the iPhone 5 and subse-
                                                       advisory and investment experience to private sector, government and third
quent handsets, rendering what had been a              sector organisations across four continents. She is also a non-executive director
market-leading innovation an expensive redun-          of Essensys plc, Sound Diplomacy, SouthWest Board Member for LandAid and
dancy across the asset. Ideally we would all           trustee of the SunScreenIT Foundation.

THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021                                             | 7
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

            Data insights to drive
           real estate transactions
                                                  By Paloma Bautista

        raditionally, the real estate industry has taken invest-   world, different players in the RE industry need to continu-
        ment decisions on a case-by-case basis based on            ously monitor the market pulse.
        limited data, such as that from transactions, prop-           “In addition to the traditional macro-level insights, action-
erty owners, or type of investment, and that from personal         able micro-level insights at a neighbourhood level are
networking. The insights produced in this case-by-case             crucial to get a comprehensive market overview that ena-
model easily become outdated in a constantly changing              bles sustainable decision-making,” says Valeri Tsatsishvili,
ecosystem.                                                         PhD, Data Scientist at CHAOS
   The current pandemic has impulsed digital transforma-              Data on its own is not enough. The usage of advanced
tion around the globe and forced the adoption of methods           analytics tools that, on top of mining timely data, provide a
that deliver fact-based responses in a timely manner.              package of information capturing location and market state,
Decisions based on outdated data and personal knowl-               and produce good predictions, can make a huge impact on
edge are not sustainable. We need to look forward, detect          ROI and profitability. To illustrate this, below we explain some
trends and understand how the world, its citizens, and their       examples from our experience in working with real estate
needs are changing.                                                investors and developers to provide such business impact.
   “At the heart of CHAOS we believe that insights driven
by demand — in other words, people — provide more accu-            Case 1: Identifying the investment opportunity – what
rate predictions and forecasts to support decision-making          and where to invest?
in real estate,” says Natalia Rincón, PhD in Smart cities and      Advanced analytics can be used to support your market
CEO at CHAOS.                                                      analysis with a quick yet detailed view of an area and its
   Today, there is more than enough information that can           investment opportunities, including:
be analysed together to better understand the performance          • Demographic forecasts and population density – The
of specific locations. Yet, the challenge that real estate pro-       property demand of a specific location can be esti-
fessionals face is figuring out how to leverage data science          mated more accurately by forecasting the changes in
for maximum impact, bridging the gap between scattered                the demographics of the area (e.g. age, gender, income,
data and holistic insights.                                           unemployment rate, and generation cohort). It is also
                                                                      crucial to know how specific demographic segments are
Bridging the gap between data and business insights                   concentrated in the city and where your target client
In order to stay ahead of the curve in a fast-changing                group is located (see Figure 1).

Figure 1

8 |                                        THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

• Market performance – The finan-           Figure 2

  cial value of an area can be
  understood by looking at the aver-
  age value of the transactions in the
  market and getting a quick over-
  view of its rent levels (see Figure 2).
• Attraction points – Understanding
  people’s daily use of the built envi-
  ronment will reveal what are the
  most vital places at micro level
  (activity hubs) where people are
  spending time outside working
  hours (see Figure 3).

Case 2: Insights for a profitable
rental property – measuring the
attractiveness level of your property
During or after an investment has
                                          Figure 3
been done in a rental property, a
closer look at the area helps to plan
a long term profitable property. To
maintain a high occupancy rate, a
neighbourhood needs to be attractive.
We suggest the attractiveness level of
your property to be measured at least
according to its location’s following
• Living Convenience – Matching the
   service provision, the reachability,
   and the type of tenant group lets
   you know how convenient to live in
   an area is.
• Growth opportunities – Under­
   standing how the area will develop
   in the future is a critical insight to
   help plan rent levels. CHAOS dashboards provide a          potential in support of your proposal will reduce the risk
   growth level score based on the new and approved           of your investment and development decisions. Measuring
   development by the municipality.                           the current and upcoming competing property supply in
• Economic development – Healthy income and job               the area and finding out how the area compares to other
   opportunities are signs that a neighbourhood is expe-      potential sites based on its accessibility, service provision,
   riencing growth. For example, a high-income area           and attractiveness will enhance your project’s feasibility. n
   can indicate that its residents and those who want to
   become one have enough purchasing power to rent or         Access CHAOS’ market insights and forecasts
   buy high-class assets.                           

Big data insights and forecasts play a fundamental
                                                                                                                                   PHOTO CREDIT: TAPIO AUVINEN

role in acquiring a comprehensive understanding of             Paloma Bautista
                                                               COO & Co-founder, CHAOS
locations in relation to project feasibility
Predicting demand based on socioeconomic attributes at         Paloma Bautista provides leadership and vision to ensure
a neighbourhood level enables real estate investors, devel-    the business has effective people, operational controls, and
                                                               administrative and reporting procedures in place. She actively
opers, architects, and other agents, to understand their
                                                               pursues sustainable urban development powered by technology,
property segment targets to better plan residential and        data, and people, as the key to creating liveable cities for
commercial investments.                                        everyone. She holds a Master’s in Architecture and worked for the
   Moreover, understanding a location’s character and          consultancy company serving Spain’s Ministry of Development.

THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021                                      | 9
DATA ANALYTICS Deeper insights support better decision-making - A CHANGING INDUSTRY - Property Funds World

                                  CHAOS is the urban forecasting company for real estate investors and city developers. Our
                                  AI-platform solution provides a better understanding of cities’ complexity in an easy and intuitive
                                  map-based dashboard. We process urban data and crowd insights to forecast city investments
                                  and development which create more liveable cities and ensure high-value deals for our customers.
                                  With our indexes and machine learning models, we identify those emerging trends impacting
                                  real estate decision-making, from city to neighbourhood level (macro to micro-level). Through
                                  deep analysis of crowds, urban environment, and customer assets, CHAOS detects investment
                                  and divestment opportunities, rentability possibilities, neighbourhoods’ attractiveness and
                                  living convenience, and character of areas, among others. Our indexes are accessible through
                                  on-demand licenses to our multi-stakeholder dashboard.     Contact: Natalia Rincón | | +358 40 9359 824

                                  PfP Capital is a fund & asset management business established by Places for People Group.
                                  Its objective is to create a suite of residential funds, raising equity and investing in regeneration
                                  and rental property across all tenures including established PRS, Build to Rent, retirement and
                                  affordable homes.
                                  Leveraging Places for People Group’s expertise in placemaking, property management and social
                                  value, PfP Capital adds FCA-regulated fund management expertise to offer investors stable returns
                                  and ongoing value growth

                                  Contact: Chris Jones | | +44 (0)20 7429 0441

10 |                                   THE FUTURE OF PROPERTY IN FOCUS | May 2021
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