Darkside: a Two Phases Argon Time Projection Chamber for Dark Matter Searches - Eugenio Paoloni
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Darkside: a Two Phases Argon Time Projection Chamber for Dark Matter Searches Eugenio Paoloni, INFN & Università di Pisa
Plan For this Tour de Force ➤ Why are we searching for Dark Matter? ➤ Astrophysical and cosmological evidences. ➤ Noble liquids Time Projection Chambers (TPC) for Dark Matter search ➤ Prototypical example: Darkside 50 ➤ Some neat features of Argon ➤ Backgrounds and backgrounds rejection ➤ Darkside 50 preliminary results ➤ Toward a multi tonne background free experiment: Darkside 20k 2 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Zwicky Analysis of the Coma Cluster Dynamics Fritz Zwicky, (Varna 1898, Pasadena 1973) Postulated the existence of Dark Matter in 1930’s to explain the dynamic behavior of the Coma cluster O(1000) galaxies. 46’ ~ 13 mRad The Coma Cluster: Mosaic in false color (Red long waves infrared, Green short waves infrared, visibile light) 4 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Put 1000 Galaxies on a Scale: Virial Theorem ➤ Zwicky and Assuming that the theis held Coma cluster Coma Cluste together by classical Zwicky and the Coma Cluster gravitational forces and that it reached equilibrium, then the Forvirial theorem systems states in dynamical that for equilibrium and a single held galaxy together of mass by gravity, m: theorem the virial becomes: For systems in dynamical equilibrium and held together by gravity, the virial theorem becomes: 1 21 MM tot (r(r)m Velocities ~ 1000 km/ m(3 )m(3 2 ) G G tot )m Velocities ~ 1000 km/s RR~~Mpcs Mpcs 2 2 rr Distance~100~100 Distance MpcMpc 2hT i2hT =i =hVhV ii (1pcpc==3.26 (1 3.26 light light yrs)yrs) By measuringBy measuring the velocity the velocity (dispersion) (dispersion) of theof the galaxiesininthe galaxies the Coma Coma cluster, Zwicky cluster, could Zwicky cou ➤ Byinfer its total mass. velocity dispersion σ (Doppler shift) and measuring infer itsthe total mass. However, the luminous mass (the galaxies in the cluster) was far smaller! the distance However, r from mass the luminous the cluster center (the galaxies in theZwicky cluster) was F. Zwicky, Astrophysical Journal, vol. 86, p.217 (1937) was farable to smaller! measure F. Zwicky,M tot, ie. the Astrophysical total Journal, mass vol. 86, of the cluster p.217 (1937) s star gas DM s star g DM 5 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
1937ApJ....86..21 F. Zwicky, Astrophysical Journal, vol. 86, p.217 (1937) […] […] 6 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Rotation Curves of Galaxies ➤ Measure line of sight velocity of stars and gas via Doppler shift (Hα in optical and HI 21 cm line in radio) Galaxies Infer the tangential velocity, apply classical mechanics ➤ M31 ( Andromeda ) Image of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) (2007) with rotation curve superimposed (Turner,2000) 7 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
NGC 3198 8.5 ’~ 2.5 m Ra d NGC 3198: 14 Mpc, Visual Magnitude 9.15 8 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
⇠ 25 kpc, also this modified baryon ⇤CDM halo profile appears to create a tension with the derived DM halo density. [astro-ph. Key words. Astronomy Dark Matter; & Astrophysics April 13, 2015 Galaxy: manuscript NGC 3198; NFW haloes; Universal Rotation Curve; Baryonic Feedback no. N3198A_A2col c ESO 2015 1. Introduction and HI-21 cm radio observations (Bosma 1981; van Albada et al. 1985; Begeman 1987, the latter established it as the object with It has been known for several decades that the kinematics of disk the clearest evidence for DM), see also (de Blok et al. 2008; The leads galaxies darkto mattera mass discrepancydistribution (e.g. Bosma in1978;the Bosma spiral Gentile NGC2008). 3198 out to 0.22 Rvir arXiv:1503.04049v2 & van der Kruit 1979; Rubin etE.V. al. Karukes 1980). 1,While in their 2 , P. Salucci in- G. Gentile 1, 2 and Our3, 4present analysis is mainly based on the HI observations ner regions that range between one and threeA&A disk proofs: exponentialmanuscriptby Gentile et al. (2013), part of the HALOGAS (Westerbork Hy- no. N3198A_A2col scale lengths 1 according SISSA/ISAS, to the International galaxy School luminosity for Advanced Studies,(Salucci & Per- Via Bonomea drogen 265, 34136, Trieste,Accretion Italy in LOcal GAlaxieS) survey. The main goal sic 1999), 2 observed baryonic matter accounts for the rotation of HALOGAS is to investigate the amount and properties of the ekarukes@sissa.it e-mail: INFN, Sezione (e.g. diAthanassoula Trieste, Via Valerio et2,al. 34127, Trieste, Italy & Salucci extra-planar gas by using very deep HI observations. In fact, for curves3 (RCs) 200 1987; Persic Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium 1988; 4Palunas & Williams Sterrenkundig Observatorium, 2000), we must Universiteit add an281, Gent, Krijgslaan extra mass B-9000 this galaxy, they present a very extended RC out to 720 arc- Gent, Belgium component in the outer regions, namely a dark matter (DM) halo sec, corresponding to ⇠ 48 kpc for a galaxy distance at 13.8 April 13, 2015 to account for that component. The kinematics of spirals is now Mpc (Freedman et al. 2001). The previous HI observations by In de Blok et al. (2008) were only extended out to ⇠ 38 kpc, for Apr 2015 routinely interpreted in the framework of a DM component. the widely accepted Lambda 150 cold dark matter (⇤CDM) scenario, the same galaxy distance. In Gentile et al. (2013) this extended ABSTRACT the virialized Aims. We structures use recent very are distributed extended according HI kinematics (out to 48thekpc) well known along RCH↵was with previous modelled kinematics in thegalaxy of the spiral framework NGC 3198 of modified Newtonian dy- in order to derive its distribution of dark matter (DM). namics (MOND). Here, we want to use such a uniquely extended NFW Methods. profile proposed First, we usedby Navarro,method Frenk, and White (Navarro V Hkm s-1 L a chi-square to model the rotation curve (RC) of this galaxy in terms of di↵erent profiles of its et al. 1996). The ⇤CDM DM distribution: scenario the universal rotationdescribes curve (URC) the masslarge-scale struc- model (stellar kinematics disk + Burkert to help halo + gaseous resolving disk), the NFW massthe model DM core-cusp issue. To the very ture of(stellar the Universe disk + NFWwell halo +(e.g. Springel gaseous disk) and et theal. 2006), baryon ⇤CDM but it seems mass reliable model (stellar disk + NFWkinematics halo modified available by baryonicfrom 2 to 48 kpc we apply two dif- physics + gaseous disk). Second, 100 to derive the DM halo density distribution, we applied a new method that does not require a global and often of galaxies (de Blok & Bosma 2002; Gen- ferent mass decomposition methods that will derive the DM halo 03.04049v2 [astro-ph.GA] 10 to failuncertain on the massscales modelling. tile et Results. al. 2004,While2005). accordingGoing into detail, to the standard method,the bothNFW URC and density NFW mass pro-modelsstructure. can account This for the is RC,compared the new method with a) the empirically based halo instead leads to file leads to athe density profile that isproblem”: “core-cusp sharply disagrees with the dark empirical halo density profiles a profiles withdistribution coming predicted within the from Lambda thecoldURC, b) the NFW haloes and c) the dark matter (⇤CDM) scenario. We find that the e↵ects of baryonic physics modify the original ⇤CDM halo densities in such a way that the centralresulting core of constant profile density, with is more compatible such the as DMthe pseudo-isothermal density of NGC 3198 derived using baryon our new⇤CDM haloes,atthe method. However, largeoutcome distances, r of Corradi scenarios in which bary- (Begeman et also ⇠ 25 kpc, al. this 1991; Kent 50baryon modified 1986)⇤CDM andhalothe Burkert profile appears(Salucci & onic to create a tension physics with the derived DM hashalo shaped density.the DM halo density. Burkert Key2000), words. fitDark the available Matter; Galaxy: RCs much NGC 3198; NFWbetter haloes; than the mass Universal Rotation Curve;This paper Baryonic is organized as follows. Daigle Feedback In Sect. 2 we present the models based on NFW haloes. HI and H↵ kinematics used in this study. In Sect. 3 we model Gentile In the present paper, we derive the DM content and distri- the RC by using the quadrature sum of the contributions of the 1. Introduction bution in the spiral galaxy NGC 3198. This galaxy has been and HI-21 the cmindividual radio observations mass (Bosma components1981; van Albadadisk (stellar et al.+ dark halo + gas disk) subject of several investigations. 0 It was studied by means1985; of Begeman 1987, the latter established it as the object with opti- where the dark halo has a NFW or a Burkert density profile, It has been known for several decades 0 that the kinematics 10 of disk the clearest 20 evidence for DM), see also (de Blok et al. 2008; 30Sect. 4 we obtain 40the results of standard 50 HkpcL cal (Cheriguène 1975; Hunter et al. 1986; Bottema 1988; Wevers respectively. In galaxies leads to a mass discrepancy (e.g. Bosma 1978; Bosma Gentile 2008). mass et&al.van1986; Kent1979; der Kruit 1987; Corradi Rubin et al. 1991; et al. 1980). While inDaigletheir in- et al. 2006) Our presentmodelling analysis is of the NGC mainly based on 3198 RC. the HI In Sect. 5 we use a recent mass observations ner regions that range between one and three disk exponential by Gentile et al. r (2013), part of the HALOGAS (Westerbork Hy- scale lengths according to the galaxy luminosity (Salucci & Per- drogen Accretion in LOcal Article number, page 1 of 10 GAlaxieS) survey. The main goal Fig. 1. sic Comparison between 1999), the observed H↵ and baryonic matterHI RCs black accounts for the open of HALOGAS is to investigate the amount and properties rotationtriangles with error bars from Corradi et al. (1991), blue of circles with error bars are from (RCs) (e.g. Athanassoula et al. 1987; Persic & Salucci extra-planar gas by using very deep HI observations. In fact, for Daigle curves et al. (2006), and red circles with error bars are from Gentile et al. (2013). 1988; Palunas & Williams 2000), we must add an extra mass this galaxy, they present a very extended RC out to 720 arc- component in the outer regions, namely a dark matter (DM) halo sec, corresponding to ⇠ 48 kpc for a galaxy distance at 13.8 to account for that component. The kinematics of spirals is now Mpc (Freedman et al. 2001). The previous HI observations by 9 Eugenio de Paoloni INFN Blok et &Table Università al. (2008) 1. only were diextended Stellar Pisa disk out to ⇠ 38 kpc,Vfor(km s 1 ) (de Blok et al. 2008) and contribution
NGC 3198 components E.V. Karukes et al.: The dark matter distribution in the spiral NGC 3198 out to 0.22 Rvir 10-22 10-23 Rotation Curves of Galaxies reff Hgêcm3 L 10-24 From newtonian dynamics: -25 2 10 mv mM F = =G 2 r -26 r 10 1/2 NGC 2403 v(r) / r For constant 10 v: -27 Rotation Curves of Ga 0 10 20 30 40 50 r HkpcL 2 M (r) / r ⇢(r) / r From newtonian Corbelli dynamics:et al (2009) Mass density not as steeply falling as star 2 M31 Fig. 7. Density profile of the DM halo of NGC 3198 and the e↵ective density mv of the other mM components. We assume M 10 D = 4.4 ⇥ 10 M . The density (exponential)! stellar disk (Blue line), the HI disk (magenta line), the dark halo (red line)Fand =the sum of = G all components (green line). The di↵erent colour regions r Darkr 2matter correspond to the regions a) where we do not have any kinematical information due to the lack of data (dark purple), b) where the stellar disk ➡ By adding extended dark matter halo dominates the DM density profile (light purple) and c) where DM dominates (white). Stellar disk get good fit to the data. v(r) / r 1/2 Stellar bulge Similar exercise for the Milky Way yields For constant v: Gas local DM density: 2 ρ(8.5 kpc)~0.2-0.5 GeV/cm3 (direct Údetection) M (r) / r ⇢(r) / r Ú 10-24 Ú Ú Ú MassÚ density not as steeply falling as star Ú densityÚ &(exponential)! 10 Eugenio Paoloni ÚINFN Università di Pisa
The Bullet Cluster Smoking Gun Evidence The Astrophysical Journal, 604:596–603, 2004 April 1 # 2004. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. WEAK-LENSING MASS RECONSTRUCTION OF THE INTERACTING CLUSTER 1E 0657!558: DIRECT EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF DARK MATTER1 Douglas Clowe2 1.1 Gpc (3.7 Gly) Institut für Astrophysik und Extraterrestrische Forschung der Universität Bonn, Auf dem Hügel 71, 53121 Bonn, Germany; dclowe@as.arizona.edu Anthony Gonzalez Department of Astronomy, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Science Center, Gainesville, FL 32611-2055 and Maxim Markevitch Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Received 2003 October 28; accepted 2003 December 11 ABSTRACT We present a weak-lensing mass reconstruction of the interacting cluster 1E 0657!558, in which we detect both the main cluster and a subcluster. The subcluster is identified as a smaller cluster that has just undergone initial infall and pass-through of the primary cluster and has been previously identified in both optical surveys and X-ray studies. The X-ray gas has been separated from the galaxies by ram pressure–stripping during the pass-through. The detected mass peak is located between the X-ray peak and galaxy concentration, although the position is consistent with the galaxy centroid within the errors of the mass reconstruction. We find that the mass peak for the main cluster is in good spatial agreement with the cluster galaxies and is offset from the X-ray halo at 3.4 ! significance, and we determine that the mass-to-light ratios of the two components are consistent with those of relaxed clusters. The observed offsets of the lensing mass peaks from the peaks of the dominant visible mass X-ray photo (140 proof of dark hr)existence holds component (the X-ray gas) directly demonstrate the presence, and dominance, of dark matter in this cluster. This matter 0.45 mRad true even under the assumption of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND); based on the observed gravitational shear–optical light ratios and the mass peak–X-ray gas offsets, the dark matter component in a MOND regime would have a total mass that is at least equal to the baryonic mass of the system. 11 Subject headings: dark matter — galaxies:Eugenio Paoloni individual clusters: INFN & Università di Pisa — gravitational lensing (1E 0657!556)
Superimposing the 2 Pictures Co Ho lli sio tc n- Co ol les lli lid s sio in DM n- gg les as s DM 12 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Dark Matter Ring The ring, 2.6-million light-years wide, formed when two huge clusters of galaxies slammed together in a head-on collision 6 to 7 billion years ago, puffing the mysterious matter outward, the astronomers figure. If the galactic hit-and-run had occurred outside of Earth's line-of-sight, the result might look more like the "Bullet cluster"-- another cosmic impact site that astronomers view as strong evidence for dark matter. (from NBC news) 14 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Cosmology (From Astrophysical Observation) Nine-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Final Maps and Results Sky in different microwaves bands C. L. Bennett1 , D. Larson1 , J. L. Weiland1 , N. Jarosik2 , G. Hinshaw3 , N. Odegard4 , K. M. Smith5,6 , R. S. Hill4 , B. Gold7 , M. Halpern3 , E. Komatsu8,9,10 , M. R. Nolta11 , L. Page2 , D. N. Spergel6,9 , E. Wollack12 , J. Dunkley13 , A. Kogut12 , M. Limon14 , S. S. Meyer15 , G. S. Tucker16 , E. L. Wright17 cbennett@jhu.edu ABSTRACT 1 Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-2686 2 Dept. of Physics, Jadwin Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-0708 3 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1 4 ADNET Systems, Inc., 7515 Mission Dr., Suite A100 Lanham, Maryland 20706 5 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5, Canada 6 Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences, Peyton Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001 7 University of Minnesota, School of Physics & Astronomy, 116 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455 Backgrounds to subtract 8 Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany 9 Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Todai Institutes for Advanced Study, the University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan 277-8583 (Kavli IPMU, WPI) 10 Texas Cosmology Center and Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Texas, Austin, 2511 Speedway, RLM 15.306, 15 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Temperature Fluctuations of The Early Universe As Seen Now WMAP (NASA). Temperature Range +/- 200 μK 16 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
spherical harmonics Angular Correlations of The Temperature Fluctuations TT T T TT T T NASA / WMAP Scienc Fig. 32.— The nine-year WMAP TT angular power spectrum. The WMAP data are in black, with error bars, the best fit model is the red curve, and the smoothed binned cosmic variance curve is the shaded region. The first three acoustic peaks are well-determined. 17 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Cosmological Parameter Summary Table 17. Cosmological Parameter Summary ( PDG ) Parameter Symbol WMAP a WMAP+eCMB+BAO+H0 a b 6-parameter ΛCDM fit parametersc Physical baryon density Ωb h2 0.02264 ± 0.00050 0.02223 ± 0.00033 Physical cold dark matter density Ωc h2 0.1138 ± 0.0045 0.1153 ± 0.0019 Dark energy density (w = −1) ΩΛ 0.721 ± 0.025 0.7135+0.0095 −0.0096 −1 Curvature perturbations (k0 = 0.002 Mpc ) d 109 ∆2R 2.41 ± 0.10 2.464 ± 0.072 Scalar spectral index ns 0.972 ± 0.013 0.9608 ± 0.0080 Reionization optical depth τ 0.089 ± 0.014 0.081 ± 0.012 Amplitude of SZ power spectrum template ASZ < 2.0 (95% CL) < 1.0 (95% CL) 6-parameter ΛCDM fit: derived parameterse Age of the universe (Gyr) t0 13.74 ± 0.11 13.772 ± 0.059 Hubble parameter, H0 = 100h km/s/Mpc H0 70.0 ± 2.2 69.32 ± 0.80 Density fluctuations @ 8h−1 Mpc σ8 0.821 ± 0.023 0.820+0.013 −0.014 Velocity fluctuations @ 8h−1 Mpc σ8 Ω0.5 m 0.434 ± 0.029 0.439 ± 0.012 Velocity fluctuations @ 8h−1 Mpc σ8 Ω0.6 m 0.382 ± 0.029 0.387 ± 0.012 Baryon density/critical density Ωb 0.0463 ± 0.0024 0.04628 ± 0.00093 Cold dark matter density/critical density Ωc – 130 –0.233 ± 0.023 0.2402+0.0088 −0.0087 +0.0096 Matter density/critical density (Ωc + Ωb ) Ωm 0.279 ± 0.025 0.2865−0.0095 Physical matter density Ωm h2 0.1364 ± 0.0044 0.1376 ± 0.0020 Current baryon density (cm−3 )f nb (2.542 ± 0.056) × 10−7 (2.497 ± 0.037) × 10−7 Current photon density (cm−3 )g nγ 410.72 ± 0.26 410.72 ± 0.26 Baryon/photon ratio η (6.19 ± 0.14) × 10−10 (6.079 ± 0.090) × 10−10 Redshift of matter-radiation equality Table zeq 17—Continued 3265+106 −105 3293 ± 47 Angular diameter distance to zeq (Mpc) dA (zeq ) 14194 ± 117 14173+66 −65 Horizon scale at zeq (h/Mpc) keq 0.00996 ± 0.00032 0.01004 ± 0.00014 Parameter Symbol WMAP a WMAP+eCMB+BAO+H0 a b Angular horizon scale at zeq leq 139.7 ± 3.5 140.7 ± 1.4 Tensor spectral indexl Epoch of photon decoupling zn∗t > 1090.97 −0.048+0.85 (95% CL) −0.86 > −0.016 1091.64 ± 0.47 (95% CL) +0.044 +0.0039 Curvature Age at photon(1 − Ωtot )m(yr) decoupling tΩ∗k −0.037 376371 +4115 −0.042 374935−0.0027 +1731 −0.0038 −4111 −1729 Fractional Angular Helium diameter abundance, distance by hmass to z∗ (Mpc) dYAHe(z∗ )
Ok… let’s say that DM exists, what the heck is it anyhow ???
What we Do Know After an 80 Years Long Investigation? :`+B2H :2HKBMB@l*G 7i2` 3y v2`b- r?i r2 FMQr #Qmi .J, ̫ ii`+iBp2 ;`pBiiBQMH BMi2`+iBQMb M/ bi#H2 UQ` HB72iBK2 ॺॢ V ̫ .J M/ MQi JPL. Y QMHv pBbB#H2 Kii2` Udz"mHH2i *Hmbi2`ǴV ̫ RyХ :2o ѷKbbѷRyХJҬ Ry:2o UHBKBib QM J*>Pa bi`Q@T?fyeydkydV Udz6mxxv .JǴ- #QbQM /2 "`Q;HB2 rp2H2M;i?4 R FT+ >m- "`FM- :`mxBMQp- bi`Q@T?fyyyjje8V Q` yXk@yXd ƓRyХ :2oѷ Kbb U7Q` T`iB+H2b r?B+? `2+?2/ 2[mBHB#`BmK @ /2T2M/BM; QM #QbQM@72`KBQM M/ /XQX7X h`2KBM2@:mMM RNdNc J/b2M- bi`Q@T?fyyyeyd9V .J T`iB+H2 Kbb, 3y Q`/2`b Q7 K;MBim/25 GL:a- P+iQ#2` kR- kyR9 e 20 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Hopefully DM Interacts with Ordinary Matte KIS (Keep It Simple)/ Occam’s Razor: WIMP - Nucleus Elastic Collision 40 Ar Kin En (keV) Max Transferred Energy Ar 150 WIMP 100 Ar WIMP 50 DM Mass (GeV) 1 10 100 1000 104 Use neutrons to mimic WIMPs for calibrations 21 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Two Phases Time Projection Chamber (Darkside 50) Electric Field: Multipl. (4200 V/cm) Electric Field: Drift (200 V/cm) 22 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
The Prompt Signal ~ 40 primary photons UV (128nm) / keV 23 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
The Delayed Signal 24 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
The Darkside PMT array and the whole TPC 25 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Backgrounds ➤ We are looking for extremely rare events consisting of a few 10s of keV released in the detector, that is a few tens of photons on the PMT ➤ The signal must come out of the blue in the core of the detector ➤ radioactive decays inside the detector Clean Construction ➤ neutrons ( cosmogenic, radiogenic ) Shielding+Veto + ➤ γ rays Background rejection ➤ neutrino - electron scattering ➤ neutrino floor (coherent neutrino - nucleus scattering) 26 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Backgrounds [30-200] keVr Backgrounds NUCLEAR ELECTRON RECOILS RECOILS μ n 39Ar n ~30 evt/m2/day ~9x104 evt/kg/day α 39Ar μ Radiogenic n γ ~6x10-4 evt/kg/day γ ~1x102 evt/kg/day α γ ~10 evt/m2/day 100 GeV, 10-45cm2 WIMP Rate ~ 10-4 evt/kg/day 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 27 27 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Darkside 50 Vetos Systems DarkSide-50 Housed in CTF Borexino CounLng Test Facility Radon-free (Rn levels < 5 mBq/m3) Clean Room 1,000-tonne Water-based Cherenkov Cosmic Ray Veto 30-tonne Liquid ScinLllator Neutron and γ’s Veto Inner detector TPC 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 5 28 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
a s s o Gr an S Under 3800 meters of equivalent water shield in LNGS
Pulse Shape Discrimina8on Electron Pulse and nuclear Shape Electron recoils Discrimination and nuclear produce recoils different produce different excitaLon excitaLon densiLes densiLes in the argo in the argon, leading to different leading ra8os to different of of ra8os singlet singlet and triplet and triplet excita8on excita8on states states τsinglet ~ 7 ns τsinglet ~ 7 ns τtriplet ~ 1500 ns τtriplet ~ 1500 ns Electron Recoil Electron Recoil Averaged Wave forms Nuclear Recoil Averaged Wave fo 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 8 Nuclear Recoil Different singlet/triplet excitations ratio. Electron recoil pulse shape is longer 30 Eugenio 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de Paoloni la Vallée INFN & Università d'Aoste D. di Pisa - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results D'Angelo
(663 keV) 137Cs Calibration • And Cross-checks CALIS Neutron source: AmBe CALibraLon CALISInserLon System CALibraLon InserLon System Calibrate both TPC and Neutron veto Calibrate • both TPC Gamma and Neutron sources: vetokeV), 133Ba (356 keV), 57Co (122 NR band matches with the points extr • Gamma sources: 57Co (122 keV), 133Ba (356 keV), 137Cs (663 keV) 137Cs (663 keV) •• Neutron Neutron source: source: AmBeAmBe NR study (crosscheck of SCENE data) NR band matches with the points extrapolated from SCENE. NR band matches with the points extrapolated from SCENE. NR study (crosscheck of SCENE data) Test of the MC code NR study (crosscheck of SCENE data) Test of the MC code NR band Signal Band NR band NR band ER band ER band ER band Bkg. Band 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 15 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 3115 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Argon Isotopical Composition ➤ 39Ar (Cosmogenic Isotope ) is a contaminant of Argon extracted from atmosphere ➤ β emitter (565 keV head of the spectrum) darkside 50 ➤ Intrinsic radioactivity 1Bq/kg ➤ Limiting factor for multi ton detectors S2 e- ➤ The activity of Argon from the deep underground CO2 mine in Colorado is S1 ~ 150 times lower ➤ Distillation plant produces 0.5 kg/d of underground Argon (uAr) WIMP 32 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Underground Ar 1. Extrac8on at Colorado (CO2 Well) Extract a crude argon gas mixture (Ar, N2, and He) Plant at Colorado 2. Purifica8on at Fermilab Separate Ar from He and N2 DisLllaLon Column at Fermilab 3. Arrived at LNGS UAr boSles at LNGS Ready to fill into DS-50 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 18
UAr vs Atmospheric UArArgon First(AAr) Results AAr vs UAr. Live-Lme-normalized S1 pulse integral spectra at Zero field. 10−1 Events / [50 PE × kg × s] AAr Data UAr Data 39 MC Total Ar 10−2 85 Kr 238 U Cryostat ~1/1400 238 U Fused Silica 232 Th Cryostat 232 232 Th Fused Silica Th PMT Stem −3 10 ~1/300 60 Co Cryostat 40 K PMT Photocathode 235 222 U PMT Stem Rn TPC 54 −4 Mn PMT Stem 10 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 S1 [PE] Low level of 39Ar allows extension of DarkSide program to ton-scale detector. 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 34 19 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Darkside with Underground Argon First results UAr First Results No background events in nuclear recoil (WIMP) region! WIMP Expected Region 71 live-days aher all cuts. (2616±43) kg day exposure. Single-hit interacLons in the TPC, no energy deposiLon in the veto arXiv:1510.00702 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 20 35 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Darkside 50 Exclusion σ [cm 2] Region UAr First Results 01 4) 2 −42 AA r, 10 - 50 ( 5) d e 01 WARP (2007) arkSi r, 2 d) 1) D (U A ne 01 0 b i (2 d e -5 ( com I I N-II ar kSi e-50 L D id −43 ZEP k S 10 ) Dar 5 ( 201 O PIC CDMS (2015) 10−44 PandaX-I (2015) 12) 0 (20 0 ON1 XEN 5) 10−45 U X (2 0 1 L 10 102 103 104 Mχ [GeV/c2] Best limit to date, with argon target, third best limit behind LUX & Xenon100. 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 21 36 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
SiPM Ok… What Next? SiPM
Future Searches using 2 phases Argon TPC Expected sensi8vity ➤ Longer exposure, then larger detector 10−41 σ [cm 2] ) (2007 ) W A R P O (2015 10−42 P I C 2 014 ) I ( 15) Pan daX- (2 0 10−43 ide-50 DarkS ) yr proj. CDMS ) e - 50 (3 10−44 (2015) 1 0 0 (2012 DarkS i d XEN ON 2013 ) −45 ( 10 L U X 10−46 ) y r proj. k ( 1 00 t 10−47 k S i d e-20 Dar oj.) y r p r ( 1 0 00 t 10−48 Argo 10−49 10−50 10 102 103 104 M χ [GeV/c2] 07/03/16 - Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste D. D'Angelo - The DarkSide physics program and its recent results 3824 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Darkside Past, Present, Future ➤ 2010-2012; DS-10 at Princeton-> LNGS 10 kg normal Ar not radiopure, water-block shielding, 8 PMTs ➤ 2013-present; DS-50 at LNGS 153 kg total, 36.9 kg fiducial radiopure construction, UAr target (arXiv 1204.6024; see below) high efficiency neutron shield/veto currently: > 4000 kg-day analyzed, planned exposure 3 years -44 8.6x10 cm2 @ 1 TeV/c2, world's 3rd best current limit ➤ ~2020 DS-20k at LNGS (proposed to NSF & INFN 2015) 30 ton total, 20 ton fiducial radiopure construction, Depleted Ar target, SiPM sensors high efficiency neutron shield/veto -47 -46 100 ton-year planned exposure 10 (10 ) cm2 at 1(10) Tev/c2 ➤ 202x ARGO at LNGS 1000 ton-year planned exposure to reach the solar ν coherent scattering floor detailed solar ν studies possible (arXiv 1510.04196) 39 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Toward a MultiTonne Background Free 2 Phases Ar TPC ➤ Background free: ➤ Darkside 50 collected 47.1 live days (1422 kg x day fiducial) of Atmospheric Argon data ➤ The sample corresponds to the expected background of 180 live years of UAr operations 39 ➤ Darkside demonstrated complete background rejection of Ar bkg. at level of 5.5 ton x year ➤ Project Urania (Underground Argon): ➤ Expansion of the argon extraction plant in Cortez, CO, to reach capacity of 100 kg/day of UArg ➤ Project Aria (UAr Purification): ➤ 100s meters tall distillation column in the Seruci mine (Sardinia) for further reduction of UAr contaminants ➤ First test facility funded by INFN, Sardinia regional funds for the construction of the complete facility 40 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Photo sensors ➤ Replace PMT with SiPM ➤ Pros: ➤ Cheaper ➤ More efficient (filling factor) ➤ More radiopure ➤ Cons: ➤ 15 m2 of SiPM arrays: hundred thousands of devices ➤ Cold front end electronic to sum SiPM output ➤ Intense R/D ongoing 41 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
SiPM At Cryogenic Temperature Big R&D News- Can Dark Rate at 87 be K Quie 42 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
Conclusions ➤ I tried to cover lot of material today ➤ The astrophysical and cosmological evidences of the existence of Dark Matter together with an estimate of the local density ➤ The concept of 2 phases noble gas TPC for DM searches ➤ The main characteristics of a prototypical TPC: Darkside ➤ The latest results from Darkside ➤ The plans for the next generation of Darkside ➤ I hope you survived the tour de force 43 Eugenio Paoloni INFN & Università di Pisa
s of galactic rotation curves, but seem to run into conflict with the results of e and collaborators [41]. a convergent determination DM halo profiles ations. On the other hand, profiles steeper that NFW had been previously Angle fromofthethe GCactual degrees⇥DM profile is not reached, it is From N-body numerical simulations: t disposal10the30⇤⇤whole range 5⇤ 10⇤ of 30⇤ these 1o 2o possible 5o 10o20o45choices when computing Dark ⇤⇤ 1⇤ o n the Milky Way. The functional forms of these profiles read: 104 Moore ⇤ ⌅ 2 3 10NFW :NFW r s r DM halo r s [kpc] ⇥ s [GeV/cm 3 ] ⇥NFW (r) = ⇥s 1+ ⇥DM GeV⇤cm3 ⇥ Einasto r EinastoB rs 102 ⌥ ⇧⇤ ⌅ ⌃ NFW 24.42 0.184 2 r Einasto 10 : ⇥Ein (r) = ⇥s exp 1 Einasto 0.17 28.44 0.033 rs EinastoB 0.11 35.24 0.021 Iso ⇥ 1 Isothermal : ⇥Iso (r) = s 2 Isothermal(1) 4.38 1.387 ⇥ Burkert 1 + (r/rs ) 10 1 Burkert 12.67 0.712 ⇥s Burkert : ⇥Bur (r) = r 2 Moore 30.28 0.105 10 2 (1 + r/rs )(1 + (r/rs ) ) ⇤ 10 ⌅ 1.84 2 10 3 10 2 10 1 rs ⇥1.16 1 r 10 Angle from the GC degrees⇥ Moore : ⇥Moo (r) = ⇥s 1+ r kpc⇥r rs 10⇤⇤ 30⇤⇤ 1⇤ 5⇤ 10⇤ 30⇤ 1o 2o 5o 10o20o45o Figure At small1:r:that simulations DM includeand tryprofiles (r) to1/r the the corresponding effects of the existence parameters 104 to of baryons be plugged have Moore in the functional forms of modified nd eq. (1). profiles The dashed lines that are represent steeper in the the smoothed center functions with respect to theadopted 3 DM- for some of the computations s in [42]. Most recently, [43]that has we found such a trend2 re-simulating 10 NFW Sec. 4.1.3. Notice here provide (3) decimal the ⇥DM GeV⇤cm3 ⇥ haloes digits for the value of r (⇥ ): significant s s 6 profiles: eper Einasto profiles (smaller ) are obtained when baryons are this precision is sufficient for most computations, but more this possibility we include a modified Einasto profile (that we denote as added. 102 would be Einasto EinastoB needed for specific cases, such nasshort to precisely reproducewiththe factors (discussed an J parameter of 0.11. Allinprofiles Sec.5) for small angular regions around the etry cuspy: NFW, Moore Galactic 2 in the following) and rCenter. is the coordinate centered in the Galactic Center. 10 assume Iso 1 mild: Einasto betterNext, approximated we needas triaxial ellipsoids instead to determine the(e.g. [44]). For thercase parameters ⇥ ulations show that in general halos can deviate from this simplest form, and the isodensity 10oftypical 1 the Milky Burkert s (a scale radius) and s (a typical smooth: isothermal, Burkert s fair to say that at the moment we do not have good observational determinations of its scalealready efforts density) madethat enter studying in each the stellar tidal of theseseeforms. streams, Instead [45]. Thus the 10 of taking assumption 2 them from the r individual simulations, we fix them by imposing that the resulting 10 3profiles 10 2 satisfy 10 1 the findings of EinastoB = steepened Einasto astrophysical observations of the Milky Way. Namely, we require: 1 10 102 (effect 5 of baryons?) r kpc⇥
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