CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Era - An Overview

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CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Era - An Overview
International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
                                                                     DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20210440
                                                                                   Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
                                                                                                 Website: ijshr.com
Review Article                                                                                    ISSN: 2455-7587

        CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of
     Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Era - An Overview
                                            Tamijeselvan S
         Asst. Professor in Radiography, Mother Theresa PG and Research Institute of Health Sciences
               (Government of Puducherry Institution) Indira Nagar, Puducherry, INDIA 605006

ABSTRACT                                                          Mucormycosis infection of the
                                                         sinuses         that    typically       affects
Mucormycosis is a rare but serious fungal                immunocompromised patients with an
infection      caused     by     mucormycetes.           impaired neutrophilic response. Persons can
Mucormycosis mainly affects people who take              include those with uncontrolled diabetes
medicines that lower the ability of the body to
                                                         mellitus, iatrogenic immunosuppression,
fight germs and have health problems. The
involvement and the extension of the disease             acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and
can be investigated with the medical imaging             haematological malignancies, and those
modalities like CT scan and Magnetic                     who have underwent organ transplantation.4
Resonance Imaging. The knowledge and the                          Mucormycosis is delineated by the
interpretation of medical imaging is very useful         presence of hyphal invasion of sinus tissue
in the treatment planning. CT scan and                   and a time period of less than four weeks.5,6
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is very useful in             Clinically, rhinocerebral mucormycosis can
finding the intra-orbital involvement which is           be present with atypical signs and symptoms
common in mucormycosis.                                  similar to chronic sinusitis, such as nasal
                                                         blockage, proptosis, facial pain and oedema,
Key words: Mucormycosis, CT scan, MR
                                                         chemosis, ptosis, and ophthalmoplegia, with
Imaging, Covid-19
                                                         headache and fever and various neurological
INTRODUCTION                                             symptoms if intracranial extension is
        Mucormycosis is a rare but serious               present.7,8 A black eschar is often seen over
fungal infection caused by mucormycetes, a               the hard palate region or in the nasal cavity
group of molds. Mucormycosis mainly                      .9,10 Histological features include mycotic
affects    people     who     are     taking             infiltration of blood vessels, tissue
immunosuppressive drugs have health                      infarction, vasculitis with thrombosis, ,
problems. Mucormycosis is also known as                  haemorrhage and acute neutrophilic
phycomycosis. It was initially described in              infiltrate.11
1885 by Paltauf, is an uncommon and                               Without early diagnosis and
aggressive fungal infection that usually                 treatment, there may be rapid progression of
affects patients with alteration of their                the disease, with reported mortality rates
immunological system.1 It is consider to be              from       intracranial   and     intra-orbital
a lethal fungal disease, with rhinocerebral              complications of 50–80 per cent.12 Even
presentation being its most common form.2                with prompt diagnosis, aggressive medical
Although it has a low incidence rate,                    and surgical intervention treatment of
varying from 0.005 to 1.7 per million                    underlying diseases, the management is
population, many cases have been reported                often not very effective, leading to an
recently, amounting to a notable increase in             extension of the infection and ultimately
its incidence in the ongoing covid-19                    death.13

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CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Era - An Overview
Tamijeselvan S. CT and MR imaging in the diagnosis of mucormycosis in COVID-19 era - an overview

        A complex interplay of factors that                         fungal infections to colonise. Hence, it is
include any previous respiratory pathology,                         important to be careful that Covid-19
diabetes    mellitus,   immunosuppressive                           patients can develop further fungal
therapy, nosocomial infection sources and                           infections during the treatment and latter
systemic immune alterations of Covid-19                             stages of this disease, also especially
infection itself may lead to secondary                              severely ill individuals.15
infections. These are increasingly being                                    Mostly patients had a primary
recognised in view of their impact on                               disease infection involving the ethmoid
morbidity and mortality.14 Extensive use of                         sinus air cells. The maxillary sinus was
steroids in managing Covid-19 can also                              affected in most of the cases. Sphenoid and
suppress immunity, allowing opportunistic                           frontal involvement was less common.

Medical Imaging in Mucormycosis

Fig. 1: (a–c) Coronal, non-contrast computed tomography scans of the paranasal sinuses, showing involvement of the sinuses with
intracranial involvement.

              Fig. 2: (a–f) Axial, magnetic resonance imaging scans showing intra-orbital extension of mucormycosis.

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CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Era - An Overview
Tamijeselvan S. CT and MR imaging in the diagnosis of mucormycosis in COVID-19 era - an overview

         Fig. 3: (a–h) Coronal, magnetic resonance imaging scans showing intra-orbital extension of mucormycosis.

        Because of nonspecific clinical                         immediately      after  suspicion   for
signs, a high index of suspicion should be                      histopathological study to confirm the
made in the existence of risk factors. Biopsy                   diagnosis. And the correct parallel
of antral necrotic tissue should be performed                   comparison      between   clinical and

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Tamijeselvan S. CT and MR imaging in the diagnosis of mucormycosis in COVID-19 era - an overview

histological features helps in diagnosis.             patients suffering from or recovered from
Some clinicians prefer CT scan before                 Covid-19 are at increased risk of developing
biopsy because biopsy may take time.16. So,           invasive fungal diseases, and gave a
to appraise the extent of disease and to get a        management algorithm for such cases. 15 In
quick picture of disease CT scan is done              a recent review, 8 per cent of coronavirus-
immediately before histopathology results.            positive or recovered patients had secondary
        Nearly 50 percentage of the patients,         bacterial or fungal infections during hospital
had involvement of the eye. Intracranial              admission, with widespread use of broad-
involvement was seen very rarely. The                 spectrum antibiotics and steroids.. Mucor is
classical black eschar on the hard palate was         a saprophytic fungus; its spores exist widely
observed in nearly half of the patients.              in nature, and are spread in soil, air, food
        Imaging reveals the erosion of                and decaying organic material. 13 due to the
bones, obliteration of sinuses, and MRI is            low virulence potential, it's going to be
favored to visualize the soft tissue changes          present within the nasal mucosa of healthy
but is more expensive. 17                             people as a commensal. If the patient
                                                      becomes immunosuppressed, this fungus
DISCUSSION                                            may germinate within the paranasal sinuses,
        The Covid-19 infection caused by              and spread intracranially or to other nearby
the novel SARS-CoV-2 has been associated              structures        like        the        orbit.
with a wide range of disease patterns,                Non-contrast computerized tomography of
ranging from a mild cough to life-                    the paranasal sinuses is typically the
threatening pneumonia. 18 A myriad of                 primary investigation of choice, with
manifestations and complications are                  gadolinium-enhanced resonance imaging
documented, and new ones are emerging                 being resorted to if intra-orbital or
and being reported on with each passing day           intracranial extension is suspected. Focal
as we learn more about this novel Covid-19            bony erosions and extrasinus spread are
pandemic.                                             strongly implicational the diagnosis. 13
        During the SARS-CoV infection
spread in 2003, the incidence of mycosis              CONCLUSION
was 14.8–27 per cent, and it had been the                     Mucormycosis is a fungal infection
most explanation for death for severe acute           with high mortality and rising incidence
respiratory syndrome patients, accounting             associated with Covid19 disease affected or
for 25–73.7 per cent in all causes of death.          recovered patients. The most common
      Studies have shown that SARS-CoV                sinuses involved are the ethmoids followed
and SARS-CoV-2 belong to the same                     by the maxillary sinus. The involvement and
species, and have similar prevalence rates            the extension of the disease can be
and biological and clinical characteristics. 22       investigated with the medical imaging
supported our experience in 2003, it's                modalities like CT scan and Magnetic
important that physicians pay critical                Resonance Imaging. The knowledge and the
attention to the high probability of increased        interpretation of medical imaging is very
incidence of fungal infections in Covid-19            useful in the treatment planning.
affected or recovered patients, almost like           Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus increases
the finding observed in mucormycosis cases            further risk.
here. White et al. studied 135 adults with                    CT scan and Magnetic Resonance
Covid-19 infection, and reported an                   Imaging is very useful in finding the intra-
incidence of 26.7 per cent for invasive               orbital involvement which is common in
fungal infections. 23 Song et al. studied the         mucormycosis. The intracranial involve-
association between Covid-19 and invasive             ment is rare and also it can be diagnosed by
fungal sinusitis in April 2020, and                   the help of CT scan and MRI. Extensive
concluded that an outsized number of                  steroid and broad-spectrum antibiotic use

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Tamijeselvan S. CT and MR imaging in the diagnosis of mucormycosis in COVID-19 era - an overview

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