CSPCP WORK PLAN 2020-2021 - Created in support of the CSPCP's Vision, Mission and Goals

Page created by Barry Padilla

                                               Created in support of the CSPCP’s Vision, Mission and Goals

                                                           Oct 2019 – Sept 2020                                                       Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL              ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                           GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD
                                    Improved the mechanism for sharing of palliative educational materials     Support undergraduate representatives from the Canadian faculties of medicine
                                     across Canadian universities                                                to champion palliative medicine curriculum within their programs, through
M1. Promote scholarship and
                                    Engaged with external organizations to positively influence palliative      exchange of practical and successful strategies. Look at how to influence
education in palliative medicine
                                     medicine curriculum and assessments (e.g., Pallium Canada, Medical          colleagues within each medical school.
for all levels of training and
                                     Council of Canada, Toronto Notes).                                         Continue sharing palliative educational materials with Canadian universities.
                                    Through donor support, provided grants for palliative care student         Assist Pallium Canada with completion of an unbiased online education module
                                     interest groups (10 grants x $250). Nine schools applied for, and           about medical cannabis in palliative care.
Responsible: Undergraduate
Committee and CSPCP Board            received, grants.                                                          Use the CSPCP staffing model, the EFPPEC competencies, and the Clinical
                                     Some of the planned activities were put on hold due to the pandemic;        Rotations Project report to advocate for improved funding and support for PC
                                     others were able to move forward pre-pandemic. Shared successful            education – both UG Committee and Board.
                                     initiatives between schools.                                               With donor support, continue to provide financial support for palliative care
                                    Started development of an unbiased online education module about            student interest groups (10 grants x $250).
                                     medical cannabis in palliative care. Pallium is leading the work and       Foster the establishment of new palliative care student interest groups and
                                     several Undergraduate Education Committees are on the core                  growth of existing groups in Canadian medical schools. Specifically:
                                     development team.                                                           encourage collaboration at the Committee level (faculty champions) and
                                    Spearheaded improvements to Toronto Notes. The palliative care              between the interest groups (through the Student Representative on the UG
                                     content will grow from ~1 page (in 2 other chapters) to 16 pages            Committee).
                                     within its own chapter. Led by U of T and the Past Chair of UG cttee.      Celebrate and promote release of 2021 Toronto notes, which will have a 16-
                                                                                                                 page dedicated chapter on palliative care instead of a single page embedded in
                                                                                                                 two other chapters.
                                                                                                                Reengage the Medical Council of Canada about assessment of palliative care in
                                                                                                                 LMCC exams
                                                                                                                Time permitting: Engage with external organizations to positively influence
                                                                                                                 palliative medicine curriculum and assessments (e.g., Pallium Canada, Medical
                                                                                                                 Council of Canada, Toronto Notes).
                                                                                                                Educate undergrads about options for a career in palliative medicine.

EDUCATION, Continued
                                                                Oct 2019 – Sept 2020                                                        Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION                ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                               GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD

   M1. Promote scholarship and         Provided a forum for collaboration and leadership across the PGE PC            Provide a forum for collaboration and leadership across the PGE PC programs
   education in palliative medicine     programs nationally (ongoing)                                                   nationally (ongoing)
   for all levels of training and      Participated on the Royal College Palliative Medicine Subspecialty             Participate on the Royal College Palliative Medicine Subspecialty Committee
   practice.                            Committee (ongoing)                                                             (ongoing)
                                       Participated on the CFPC Palliative Care Member Interest Group (ongoing)       Ensure representation and active participation on the CFPC Palliative Care
   M2. Promote certification and       Supported schools in launching or maintaining Royal College Subspecialty        Member Interest Group
   recognition of physicians with
                                        Programs in Palliative Medicine                                                Work with the Intercollegiate Task Force on postgraduate training in palliative
   special competence in palliative
   medicine                            Worked collaboratively with the CFPC and Royal College regarding                medicine to outline overall objectives of 2-year subspecialty vs 1-year CAC;
                                        implementation of the PACE competencies in specialities other than              including reasons learners might consider 2-year. Share this info with
   G2. Promote development and          palliative medicine                                                             undergrad medical students and residents.
   dissemination of national           Participate in Intercollegiate Task Force meetings on postgraduate training    Coordinate an approach to unaccredited PC training (fellowships)
   clinical practice standards and      in palliative medicine                                                         Board and PG cttee to discuss best approach re shorter non-accredited
   guidelines for palliative care.
                                       Received financial support from Pallium for a lunch for residents after         training opportunities
   G4. Continue to support the          NAHD session for networking. Cancelled due to pandemic but carrying            Continue offering national academic half days for palliative medicine trainees,
   College of Family Physicians of      over to the next in-person NAHD (2022?)                                         emphasizing resident engagement and a flipped classroom
   Canada’s Enhanced Skills            Advocated for CSPCP to participate in the development of competencies for      Introduce at least one nation-wide interactive opportunity for Residents,
   Program in Palliative Care           the CAC for palliative care. Advocated to contribute to criteria for            through NAHDs or stand-alone opportunities
   G5. Continue to support the          maintenance of CAC and evaluation process for applicants                       Support the Pediatric Subcommittee as they prepare to launch pediatric
   Royal College’s Subspecialty of     Started a coordinated approach to unaccredited PC training (fellowships)        palliative medicine Royal College subspecialty residency programs
   Palliative Medicine                 Added a fifth national academic half days for palliative medicine trainees,    Support the transition to Competency Based Medical Education (for the Royal
                                        re pediatric palliative care.                                                   College program and also CFPC Enhanced Skills palliative care programs) for
   G6. Continue working with the       Shared Academic Half-Day curricula for Royal College + Enhanced Skills          individual programs and national CBME rollout.
   College of Family Physicians of      training as well as other resources (ongoing)                                  Work collaboratively with the CFPC and Royal College regarding
   Canada to develop
                                       Stared discussion and planning to submit a letter supportive of funding for     implementation of the PACE competencies within disciplines other than
   competencies for the Certificate
   of Added Competence in               shorter non-accredited training opportunities; learning about funding           palliative medicine
   Palliative Care                      models and clinical fellowship models across the country.                      Collaborate with the Royal College Examination Prep Course Working Group to
                                       Supported and discussed transition of Enhanced Skills application to            improve and grow preparatory materials for the Royal College Subspecialty
   G9. Provide opportunities for        CaRMS for 2020-2021 year.                                                       Examination.
   palliative care trainees in         Continue aligning interview dates (although all virtual due to COVID19 –       Continue sharing residency program resources (academic half-day, formative
   Canada to learn, network and         less important but still good to avoid conflict of interview dates).            assessments).
                                                                                                                       Advocate with the CPFC for CSPCP to participate in the development of
                                                                                                                        competencies for the CAC for palliative care and maintenance of CACs
Responsible: Postgraduate
Education Committee; CSPCP reps
on College committees; CSPCP

PEDIATRIC PALLIATIVE CARE             ACTIONS COMPLETED – October 2019 – September 2020                           GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD - October 2020 – September 2021
                                                                                                                   Offer at least workshop on pediatric palliative care at Virtual ALPM 2021
                                       Planned two workshops on pediatric palliative care at ALPM 2020
   M1. Promote scholarship and                                                                                     Update and promote the CSPCP pediatric palliative care study module that
                                        (subsequently cancelled due to the pandemic); one will be offered at
   education in palliative medicine                                                                                 was released in May 2019
                                        Virtual ALPM 2021
   for all levels of training and                                                                                  Collaborate with the UG and PG committees as needed
                                       Collaborated with the UG and PG committees as needed
   practice.                                                                                                       Collaborate with the upcoming HR Working Group to project the need for
                                       Supported programs in working through administrative steps to submit to
                                                                                                                    pediatric palliative care physicians
   M2. Promote certification and        Royal College for Accredited Pediatric Palliative Care programs. Ottawa
                                                                                                                   Support programs in working through administrative steps to submit to
   recognition of physicians with       submitted.
   special competence in palliative                                                                                 Royal College for Accredited Pediatric Palliative Care programs (ongoing).
                                       Gathered local learning objectives in French and English for
   medicine.                                                                                                        First submissions submitted to Royal College but no feedback yet received
                                        undergraduate and postgraduate electives in PPC as well as learning
                                                                                                                    and this will be pertinent on ongoing basis as different start years at
                                        objectives for allied health  Deferred due to COVID. Committee to
   G2. Promote development and                                                                                      different universities for roll out. Aim to complete Toronto and UBC.
   dissemination of national            discuss whether there are more pressing matters
                                                                                                                   Gather local learning objectives in French and English for undergraduate and
   clinical practice standards and     Added an annual session on pediatric palliative care to the National
                                                                                                                    postgraduate electives in PPC as well as learning objectives for allied health
   guidelines for palliative care.      Academic Half Day schedule
                                                                                                                     to be re-evaluated by committee in early 2021
   G9. Provide opportunities for                                                                                   Continue offering an annual National Academic Half Day session on pediatric
   palliative care trainees in                                                                                      palliative care
   Canada to learn, network and

Responsible: Pediatrics
subcommittee; PEP-C working

CONTINUING MEDICAL                   ACTIONS COMPLETED - October 2019 – September 2020                            GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD - October 2020 – September 2021
                                                                                                                   Plan and deliver Virtual ALPM 2021
   G1. Support and provide            Planned the 2020 ALPM conference in Hamilton May 28-30 – cancelled          Determine the date and location for ALPM 2022
   continuing palliative medicine      due to COVID-19                                                             Explore offering two pre-conference workshops instead of one, if an in-
   education for physicians           Determine that 2021 ALPM would be offered virtually and began planning       person conference is possible
   through conferences, other          the program                                                                 Finish two additional modules of an online subspecialty exam preparation
   educational events, and            Piloted a Hot Topics webinar for members-only: for education and             course, bringing the total to six.
   development of educational          networking – cannabis in palliative care                                    Promote online modules to other professions (e.g., palliative care nurses)
   tools and materials.               Obtained Royal College accreditation for Hot Topics webinars                 and to physicians in other countries.
   G3. Support and promote            Obtained Mainpro+ certification for exam preparation course modules         CPD, PG Committee and Member Engagement Committee work together to
                                      Other plans were cancelled to due COVID-19 and the financial constraints     implement ways to connect Residents with each other.
   palliative medicine research,
                                       resulting from that - including plan to add two modules to the online       Offer 2-3 Hot Topics webinars for members-only: for education and
   quality improvement and
                                       subspecialty exam preparation course, and to offer an in-person,             networking (psychedelics and others)
   knowledge translation               resident-only session at ALPM 2020
   initiatives.                       Helped plan the Master Class at the International Congress of Palliative
   G8. Continue to plan and            Care in Montreal (originally planned for fall 2020), which was cancelled
   deliver the annual Advanced         due to the pandemic.
   Leaning in Palliative Medicine     Launched the Canadian Palliative Care Exchange, in partnership with
   Conference as a forum for           Pallium Canada and with financial support from the
   physician learning, networking,     CMA/Scotiabank/Financial.
   and collaboration.                 Co-hosted education webinars with Pallium Canada, for an
                                       interprofessional audience
Responsible: CPD Chair,
conference planning committee
 PEP-C working group


                                                                        Oct 2019 – Sept 2020                                                      Oct 2020 – Sept 2021

MEMBER ENGAGMENT, COMMUNICIATIONS                  ACTIONS COMPLETED Oct 2019 – Sept 2020                                GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD (Oct 2020 – Sept 2021)
                                                                                                                          Offer 2-3 Hot Topics Webinars as a members-only benefit – for education
                                                    Began leveraging the newly-formed Membership Engagement
   M3. Create opportunities for physicians                                                                                 and networking
                                                     Committee to enhance communications and engagement with
   who provide palliative care to network and                                                                             Consider a peer support network for palliative care docs- Wellness
                                                     members; and to obtain opinions on items being discussed by the
   collaborate.                                                                                                            Committee could investigate and apply for Affinity funding
                                                                                                                          Light networking – Regularly-scheduled virtual coffee sessions and/or fun
   M8. Improve the work life of our members.        Formed a Wellness committee to develop strategies for the
                                                                                                                           activities for connection and support. People seeking lightness and
                                                     promotion of wellness, prevention of burnout, and development of
   G9. Provide opportunities for palliative care                                                                           connection right now. Came up on member survey as a need. Member
                                                     resiliency for our members. Materials posted but most activities
   trainees in Canada to learn, network and                                                                                Engagement Committee could lead. Ideas: chat with Board, chat with
                                                     on hold due to the pandemic.
   collaborate.                                                                                                            each other, games nights, baking contest. Use technology to advantage.
                                                    Conducted a Member Survey in September 2020 to ask priorities
                                                                                                                          Continue deepening engagement with family physicians in collaboration
                                                     for the year ahead
   G10. Promote and sponsor initiatives to                                                                                 with the CFPC. Help them find a vice chair for their palliative care
   promote the wellness of our members,             Frequent communications through pandemic period to keep
                                                                                                                           Member Interest Group (MIG).
   development of resiliency, and recognition        Members abreast of materials, services and advocacy done by
                                                                                                                          Resident engagement: In collaboration with the PG committee,
   of contributions.                                 CSPCP on behalf of its members (See also: Advocacy and
                                                                                                                           implement at least two new ways for Residents to engage with each
                                                                                                                           other. Ideas: Make NAHDs can be more interactive; Resident group,
Responsible: Member Engagement Committee,           Trialled Hot Topics Webinars as a members-only benefit – for
                                                                                                                           Balint group (Balint = tool for discussion of cases, holistic approach).
Wellness Committee, Board, Staff                     education and networking (see also: CPD)
                                                                                                                          Continue offering a Members showcase as a way of sharing and
                                                    Launched the Canadian Palliative Care Exchange
                                                                                                                           celebrating work done by CSPCP members
                                                     (www.cpcexchange.ca) in partnership with Pallium (online
                                                     discussion forum)
                                                    Exhibited at the Family Medicine Forum in Vancouver to share
                                                     information about educational opportunities and CSPCP
                                                     membership (October 2019)
                                                    Continued supporting residents by offering National Academic Half
                                                     Days. Planned a resident-only learning and networking session at
                                                     ALPM, which was cancelled due to COVID.
                                                    Planned a Members showcase as a way of sharing and celebrating
                                                     work done by CSPCP members – cancelled when ALPM 2020 was
                                                     cancelled. Carrying over to ALPM 2021.
                                                    Actively encouraged members from across Canada to run for the
                                                     Board in 2020. Candidates from five provinces ran for the Board.

                                                   ONGOING COMMUNICATIONS
                                                    Quarterly e-briefs
                                                    Web site – public site and members/only area
                                                    Other timely/topical messages by email
                                                    Facebook and Twitter

AWARDS                                          ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                   GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD

G10. Promote and sponsor initiatives to          Continued honouring outstanding palliative care physicians         Defer the Eduardo Bruera Award, Humanitarian Award, and Lifetime
promote the wellness of our members,              through promotion of CSPCP’s five awards (Undergrad Narrative,      Achievement award until in-person celebrations are possible
development of resiliency, and recognition of     Resident Research, Humanitarian, Eduardo Bruera, Lifetime          Continue the Undergraduate Narrative Award
contributions.                                    Achievement).                                                      Continue the Palliative Medicine Resident Research Award via a virtual
                                                 Improved nomination and selection processes for several awards      format. Change timeline to better align with the timeline of residents’
                                                 Successfully changed the Resident award to a virtual format         projects (now that the Award is decoupled from ALPM)
Responsible: Awards Committee Chair, CSPCP       Received a record number of submissions for the Undergraduate
Board                                             Narrative Award.
                                                 Deferred full celebration of award recipients to a future year.
                                                  Cancellation of ALPM meant winners could not be honoured



                                                                             Oct 2019– Sept 2020                                                    Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
ADVOCACY & PUBLIC POLICY                             ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                         GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD
                                                     • Sent a brief “Immediate Issues and Recommendations Regarding
   M4. Be the national voice for issues of                                                                                     •   Monitor, and try to address any new issues that arise for palliative care
                                                        Provision of Palliative Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic” to
   concern for physicians who provide palliative                                                                                   as a results of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                        the federal Standing Committee on Health, Health Canada, the
   care in Canada.                                                                                                             •   In collaboration with partners: Continue advocating strongly for action
                                                        federal Ministry of Health, and the CMA. Topics included
                                                                                                                                   and resources to implement Health Canada’s Action Plan for the
                                                        availability of medications used in palliative care, availability of
   M5. Support all physicians in providing                                                                                         Framework on Palliative Care in Canada, including underserved
   quality palliative care through advocacy.            PPE, and staffing.
                                                     • Actively contributed to Drug Shortage work being done nationally.
                                                                                                                               •   Continue to work with CFPC on endorsement of the Definitions
   M9. Promote and maintain the integrity of            Shortages experienced early in the pandemic have been resolved.
   palliative care, while innovating to meet the     • Assisted the Public Health Agency of Canada with upgrading the
   needs of all Canadians.                              recommendations for treatment of COVID-19 in LTC settings, to          •   Advocate for adoption of the credentialing standards for specialist
                                                        include palliative care                                                    palliative care physicians as outlined in the Definitions Document. Send
   G7. Advocate for the adoption of the                                                                                            to provincial Ministries of Health and provincial Colleges when timing is
                                                     • In collaboration with partners: Continued advocating strongly for
   credentialing standards for specialist                                                                                          right based on COVID priorities.
                                                        action and resources to implement the Framework for Palliative
   palliative care physicians in all provinces and      Care in Canada                                                         •   Continue promoting integration of EFPPEC competencies into the
   territories.                                                                                                                    medical schools– see also: Undergrad Education
                                                     • Reviewed and edited physician competencies in the draft National
                                                        Competency Framework for Palliative Care (Health Canada and            •   Promote PACE competencies to Specialty Committees for relevant
   G12. Promote strategies for appropriate                                                                                         disciplines. (See also: Post Grad and Pediatrics Education)
   remuneration for physicians providing                CPAC).
                                                                                                                               •   Form a national working group to look at credential recognition and
   palliative care in Canada.                        • Helped the CFPC to better understand the Definitions Document.
                                                                                                                                   remuneration schemes. Consider a survey for the latter. Foundational
                                                        Getting closer to endorsement. Residency profile drafted.
   G13. Provide education about the                                                                                                info needed to advocate for an appropriately sized work force. Would
                                                     • Continued promoting integration of EFPPEC and PACE
   distinction between palliative care and                                                                                         complement work by the Intercollegiate Task Force at the national
                                                        competencies into the medical schools and residency programs
   Medical Assistance in Dying.                                                                                                    level, and the Action Plan for the National Framework.
                                                        (See Undergrad and Postgrad education)
                                                                                                                               •   Summarize the work being done by CSPCP groups regarding Equity,
                                                     • Continued to provide education about the distinction between
Responsible: CSPCP Board, Executive Director                                                                                       Diversity and Inclusion
                                                        palliative care and Medical Assistance in Dying – joint statement
                                                                                                                               •   Advocate for palliative care in the context of the proposed changes to
                                                        with CHPCA in November 2019
                                                                                                                                   Bill C-7 legislation re Medical Assistance in Dying (submissions and
                                                     • Reviewed and endorsed national recommendations for opioids in
                                                                                                                                   presentations to the House of Commons and Senate)
                                                        palliative care (awaiting publication)
                                                                                                                               •   Continue to provide education about the distinction between palliative
                                                     • Advocacy letter re billing codes for palliative care – i.e., allowing
                                                                                                                                   care and Medical Assistance in Dying
                                                        for indirect work as is done for MAiD (Ontario).
                                                                                                                               •   Discuss/plan CSPCP’s role in LTC reform, including potential partners
                                                                                                                               •   Contribute to the development of standards for palliative care for
                                                     •   SEE ALSO: PARTNERSHIPS, HUMAN RESOURCES, EDUCATION
                                                                                                                                   incarcerated persons
                                                                                                                               •   Support Bill 3 in Ontario - An Act providing for the development of a
                                                                                                                                   provincial framework on palliative care
                                                                                                                               •   Support members with local/regional advocacy initiatives (capacity

HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING FOR PALLIATIVE             ACTIONS COMPLETED - October 2019 – Sept 2020                             GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD – Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
                                                                                                                            •   Present a workshop a Virtual ALPM 2021 regarding application of the
                                                   •   Submitted a workshop proposal to ALPM 2020 regarding                     staffing model
   G11. Contribute to human resource planning
                                                       application of the staffing model – Accepted. With cancellation of   •   Continue to follow Kingston’s experiences of applying the staffing
   for palliative care in Canada
                                                       ALPM, the workshop has been deferred to Virtual ALPM 2021                model recommendations and program development
   G12. Promote strategies for appropriate         •   Submit a workshop proposal to International Congress on              •   Continue with HHR Dialogue (Royal College) if the group continues
                                                       Palliative Care – Montreal 2020 – Accepted, but conference           •   Form a national working group to look at credential recognition and
   remuneration for physicians providing
                                                       cancelled.                                                               remuneration schemes. Consider a survey for the latter. Foundational
   palliative care in Canada.
                                                   •   Sent a CSPCP representative to the 2020 Human Resources for              info needed to advocate for an appropriately sized work force. Would
                                                       Health Dialogue (organized by the Royal College) in March 2020 –         complement work by the Intercollegiate Task Force at the national
Responsible: CSPCP Staffing Model Working
                                                       One meeting took place; subsequent meeting cancelled due to              level, and the Action Plan for the National Framework.
Group, Board, Executive Director
                                                       COVID-19 and appears to be on hold.                                  •   Collaborate with the Pediatric Palliative Care Education Subcommittee
                                                                                                                                to project the need for pediatric palliative care physicians and training
                                                   SEE ALSO: EDUCATION, POSTGRAD, UNDERGRAD, PEDIATRIC                          programs.
                                                   PALLIATIVE CARE EDUCATION                                                •   Continue working with the national Physician Resource Planning
                                                                                                                                Advisory Committee (PRPAC) when/if they are ready to test their
                                                                                                                                planning model

PARTNERSHIPS                                       ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                        GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD

   M6. Partner with other organizations that       •   Launched the Canadian Palliative Care Exchange, in partnership       •   Continue working with partners on projects of mutual interest.
   share the Society’s vision, mission and             with Pallium Canada and with financial support from the                  Examples are provided throughout this work plan and will be
   goals.                                              CMA/Scotiabank/Financial.                                                communicated through e-briefs, website postings, and occasional
                                                   •   Co-hosted education webinars with Pallium Canada, for an                 emails.
   M7. Promote interprofessional palliative care       interprofessional audience                                           •   Continue contributing to the National Competency Framework with
   for patients and families.                      •   Contacted provincial and territorial pharmacy regulators regarding       CPAC and Health Canada
                                                       issues with NAPRA regulations. Ongoing discussions and work          •   Partner with organizations that are addressing outcomes of the
   G14. Collaborate with our partners to               with Ontario, BC, and Alberta including coordination with clinical       pandemic, such as grief/bereavement and mental health.
   advocate on a national level for improved
                                                       groups in these provinces.                                           •   Seek suitable partners for major initiatives such as LTC
   interprofessional palliative care.
                                                   •   Contributed to the National Competency Framework with CPAC
                                                       and Health Canada
                                                   •   Assisted the Public Health Agency of Canada with upgrading the
Responsible: CSPCP Board, Executive Director           recommendations for treatment of COVID-19 in LTC settings, to
                                                       include palliative care
                                                   •   Active participants in collaborative initiatives including:
                                                             AFMC - Canadian Opioid Crisis Project Oversight Committee
                                                             CFPC Palliative Care Member Interest Group
                                                             CAC – ACV Peer Review Committee
                                                             CPAC/Health Canada – National competency framework
                                                             Quality end of Life Care Coalition (QELCCC)
                                                             ACP Task Group
                                                             CEO Roundtable

Choosing Wisely
                                                           CCSA: Opioid Response Partners
                                                           PHAC: Stakeholders’ group; LTC recommendations
                                                           Health Canada / Drug Shortages Unit – access to PC drugs
                                                 •   Other ongoing partners include: Association of the Faculties of
                                                     Medicine of Canada, College of Family Physicians of Canada,
                                                     Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association, Canadian Medical
                                                     Association, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Health Canada,
                                                     Intercollegiate Task Force, Medical Council of Canada, Pallium
                                                     Canada, Quality End of Life Care Coalition of Canada, Royal
                                                     College, (Canadian) Virtual Hospice, Pan Canadian Palliative Care
                                                     Research Network, Société québécoise des médecins en soins


                                                                       Oct 2019 – Sept 2020                                                   Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
RESEARCH                                         ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                       GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD

   G3. Support and promote palliative medicine                                                                           •   Continue encouraging research through ALPM presentation
                                                 •   Continued encouraging research through ALPM presentation
   research, quality improvement and                                                                                         opportunities – posters and oral presentations during the Members
                                                     opportunities – posters and oral presentations during the
   knowledge translation initiatives.                                                                                        Showcase
                                                     Members Showcase. Unfortunately, ALPM 2020 was cancelled
                                                                                                                         •   Continue showcasing residents’ research through the Palliative
                                                     but top authors will present their work at Virtual ALPM 2021.
Responsible: CSPCP Board, Executive Director                                                                                 Medicine Research Award. Change timing of the award process.
                                                 •   Continued showcasing residents’ research through the Palliative
                                                                                                                         •   Continue informing our members about networking opportunities
                                                     Medicine Research Award – successfully conducted via webinar in
                                                                                                                             through the Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaboration
                                                                                                                         •   Provide letters of support for members who meet the criteria specified
                                                 •   Continued informing our members about networking
                                                                                                                             in our policy.
                                                     opportunities through the Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research
                                                 •   Provided letters of support for members who met the criteria
                                                     specified in our policy.
                                                 •   Obtained CSPCP member discount of 25% discount ($300) on
                                                     Article Processing Charges (APCs) for the open access journal:
                                                     Palliative Medicine Reports.

                           Develop structures, processes and capacity to carry out the action plan, in support of the Vision, Mission and Goals of the Society

                                                                         Oct 2019 – Sept 2020                                                        Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
OFFICE STRUCTURE & PROCESS                        ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                        PLAN FOR THE COMING YEAR
                                                   Hired additional part-time staff person to support the E.D.,            Follow established processes
Responsible: Executive Director, Administrative     committee chairs, and projects                                          Modify or add to formalized processes if required
Assistant                                          Established processes for virtual delivery of CSPCP events including    Explore alternatives to GoTo Meeting/Go To Webinar, such as Zoom.
                                                    AGM and Resident Award
                                                   Obtained deferral of AGM until October 2020
STRATEGIC PLAN & WORK PLAN                         Substantially revised Vision, Mission and Goals in Oct 2019             Update and post work plan for Oct 2020 – Sept 2021
                                                   Updated and posted work plan for Oct 2019 – Sept 2020 in
Responsible: Executive Director & CSPCP Board       alignment with the Vision, Mission, Goals
POLICIES & GOVERNANCE                              Developed a policy review schedule and began following it.              Bring forward motions for Member Vote at 2020 AGM including:
                                                   Reviewed limitations in CSPCP bylaws with a lawyer; obtained             redefining quorum, setting the number of Board members, and allowing
Responsible: Executive Director & CSPCP Board       advice on changes to propose to members                                  for appointment of Board members under certain circumstances if
                                                                                                                             vacancies exist after an AGM
                                                                                                                            Continue following the policy review/edit schedule developed in 2020.

BUDGET & FINANCIAL PROCESSES                       Re-worked CSPCP’s budget after the forced cancellation of ALPM          Budget conservatively and re-adjust as revenues are better known
                                                    2020 in Hamilton.                                                       Virtual ALPM 2021 is the biggest unknown financially
Responsible: Executive Director, Treasurer         Created a plan to mitigate losses in Financial Year 2020. Promptly      Ensure that the CSPCP maintains an adequate reserve
                                                    communicated the plan to members and kept members apprised of           Continue lobbying for financial assistance from the federal government
                                                    the status.                                                             Continue to scrutinize spending to ensure high value for membership
                                                   Lobbied (unsuccessfully) for financial assistance from the federal       dollars
                                                    government. CSPCP is not eligible for any of the programs in spite      Keep membership dues steady for 2021.
                                                    of lower revenues.
                                                   Obtained a substantive grant from the CMA/Scotiabank/MD
                                                    financial to launch the CPC exchange.

WEB SITE                                          ACTIONS COMPLETED                                                         Keep public web site, Members Area, and conference web site current.
                                                   Kept public web site, Members Area, and conference web site
COMMITTEE SUPPORT                                 ONGOING ACTIONS                                                          Ongoing as per past year.
                                                      Provided general administrative support to committees               HR working group will be added.
Responsible: CSPCP Staff                                including meeting set up, minutes, correspondence                  Networking activities will also require support.

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