CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning - GitHub Pages

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CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning - GitHub Pages
CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning
                  Lecture 1 - Introduction

       Amir-massoud Farahmand & Emad A.M. Andrews

                     University of Toronto

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CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning - GitHub Pages
This course

   Broad introduction to machine learning
      I   First half: algorithms and principles for supervised learning
            I   nearest neighbors, decision trees, ensembles, linear regression,
                logistic regression, SVMs
      I   Unsupervised learning: PCA, K-means, mixture models
      I   Basics of reinforcement learning
   Coursework is aimed at advanced undergrads. We will use
   multivariate calculus, probability, and linear algebra.

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Course Information

Course Website:

Main source of information is the course webpage; check regularly! We
will also use Quercus for announcements & grades.
    Did you receive the announcement today?

We will use Piazza for discussions.
    Sign up:
    Your grade does not depend on your participation on
    Piazza. It is just a good way for asking questions, discussing with
    your instructor, TAs and your peers. We will only allow questions
    that are related to the course materials/assignments/exams.

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CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning - GitHub Pages
Course Information

   While cell phones and other electronics are not prohibited in
   lecture, talking, recording or taking pictures in class is strictly
   prohibited without the consent of your instructor. Please ask
   before doing! is the only
   acceptable form of direct medical documentation.
   For accessibility services: If you require additional academic
   accommodations, please contact UofT Accessibility Services as
   soon as possible,

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CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning - GitHub Pages
Course Information

Recommended readings will be given for each lecture. But the
following will be useful throughout the course:
    Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman, The Elements of
    Statistical Learning, Second Edition, 2009.
    Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 2006
    Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An
    Introduction, Second Edition, 2018.
    Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, 2016
    Kevin Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, 2012.
    Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani, An
    Introduction to Statistical Learning, 2017.
    Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David, Understanding Machine Learning:
    From Theory to Algorithms, 2014.
    David MacKay, Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, 2003.

There are lots of freely available, high-quality ML resources.
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Requirements and Marking

   Four (4) assignments
      I   Combination of pen & paper derivations and programming exercises
      I   Weights to be decided (expect 10% each), for a total of 40%
   Read some seminal papers.
      I   Worth 10%.
      I   Short 1-paragraph summary and two questions on how the
          method(s) can be used or extended.
      I   February 26, 6–7pm. (tentative)
      I   Worth 20% of course mark
   Final Exam
      I   Two (or Three) hours
      I   Date and time TBA
      I   Worth 30% of course mark

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Final Exam

   Everybody must take the final exam! No exceptions.
   Time/location will be announced later.
   You have to get at least 30% in the final exam in order to pass the

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CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning - GitHub Pages
More on Assignments

Collaboration on the assignments is not allowed. Each student is responsible for their own
work. Discussion of assignments should be limited to clarification of the handout itself, and
should not involve any sharing of pseudocode or code or simulation results. Violation of this
policy is grounds for a semester grade of F, in accordance with university regulations.

The schedule of assignments will be posted on the course webpage.

Assignments should be handed in by deadline; a late penalty of 10% per day will be
assessed thereafter (up to 3 days, then submission is blocked).

Extensions will be granted only in special situations, and you will need a Student Medical
Certificate or a written request approved by the course coordinator at least one week before
the due date.

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Related Courses and a Note on the Content

   More advanced ML courses such as CSC421 (Neural Networks
   and Deep Learning) and CSC412 (Probabilistic Learning and
   Reasoning) both build upon the material in this course.
   If you’ve already taken an applied statistics course, there will be
   some overlap.
   This is the first academic year that this course is listed only as an
   undergrad course. Previously it was CSC411, with a bit more
   content and heavier course-load. CSC411 has a long history at the
   University of Toronto. Each year, its content has been added,
   removed, or revised by different instructors. We liberally borrow
   from the previous editions.
   Warning: This is not a very difficult course, but it has a lot of
   content. To be successful, you need to work hard. For example,
   don’t start working on your homework assignments just two days
   before the deadline.
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What is learning?

 ”The activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying,
practicing, being taught, or experiencing something.”

                                             Merriam Webster dictionary

 “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect
to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance
at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.”

                                                           Tom Mitchell

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What is machine learning?

   For many problems, it is difficult to program the correct behaviour
   by hand
      I   recognizing people and objects
      I   understanding human speech
   Machine learning approach: program an algorithm to
   automatically learn from data, or from experience
   Why might you want to use a learning algorithm?
      I   hard to code up a solution by hand (e.g. vision, speech)
      I   system needs to adapt to a changing environment (e.g. spam
      I   want the system to perform better than the human programmers
      I   privacy/fairness (e.g. ranking search results)

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What is machine learning?

   It is similar to statistics...
      I   Both fields try to uncover patterns in data
      I   Both fields draw heavily on calculus, probability, and linear algebra,
          and share many of the same core algorithms
   But it is not statistics!
      I   Stats is more concerned with helping scientists and policymakers
          draw good conclusions; ML is more concerned with building
          autonomous agents
      I   Stats puts more emphasis on interpretability and mathematical
          rigor; ML puts more emphasis on predictive performance,
          scalability, and autonomy

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Relations to AI

   Nowadays, “machine learning” is often brought up with “artificial
   intelligence” (AI)

   AI does not often imply a learning based system
      I   Symbolic reasoning
      I   Rule based system
      I   Tree search
      I   etc.

   Learning based system → learned based on the data → more
   flexibility, good at solving pattern recognition problems.

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Relations to human learning

   Human learning is:
      I   Very data efficient
      I   An entire multitasking system (vision, language, motor control, etc.)
      I   Takes at least a few years :)

   For serving specific purposes, machine learning doesn’t have to
   look like human learning in the end.

   It may borrow ideas from biological systems, e.g., neural networks.

   It may perform better or worse than humans.

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What is machine learning?

   Types of machine learning
      I   Supervised learning: access to labeled examples of the correct
      I   Reinforcement learning: learning system (agent) interacts with
          the world and learn to maximize a reward signal
      I   Unsupervised learning: no labeled examples – instead, looking
          for “interesting” patterns in the data

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History of machine learning

   1957 — Perceptron algorithm (implemented as a circuit!)
   1959 — Arthur Samuel wrote a learning-based checkers program
   that could defeat him
   1969 — Minsky and Papert’s book Perceptrons (limitations of
   linear models)
   1980s — Some foundational ideas
      I   Connectionist psychologists explored neural models of cognition
      I   1984 — Leslie Valiant formalized the problem of learning as PAC
      I   1986 — Backpropagation (re-)discovered by Geoffrey Hinton and
      I   1988 — Judea Pearl’s book Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent
          Systems introduced Bayesian networks

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History of machine learning

   1990s — the “AI Winter”, a time of pessimism and low funding
   But looking back, the ’90s were also sort of a golden age for ML
      I   Markov chain Monte Carlo
      I   variational inference
      I   kernels and support vector machines
      I   boosting
      I   convolutional networks
   2000s — applied AI fields (vision, NLP, etc.) adopted ML
   2010s — deep learning
      I   2010–2012 — neural nets smashed previous records in
          speech-to-text and object recognition
      I   increasing adoption by the tech industry
      I   2016 — AlphaGo defeated the human Go champion

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History of machine learning

ML conferences selling out like Beyonce tickets.

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History of machine learning

ML conferences selling out like Beyonce tickets.

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Computer vision: Object detection, semantic segmentation, pose
estimation, and almost every other task is done with ML.

Instance segmentation -   Link

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Speech: Speech to text, personal assistants, speaker identification...

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NLP: Machine translation, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, spam

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Playing Games

DOTA2 -     Link

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E-commerce & Recommender Systems : Amazon,
Netflix, ...

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Why this class?

Why not jump straight to CSC412/421, and learn neural nets first?
    The principles you learn in this course will be essential to really
    understand neural nets.
    The techniques in this course are still the first things to try for a
    new ML problem.
       I   For example, you should try applying logistic regression before
           building a deep neural net!
    There is a whole world of probabilistic graphical models.

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Why this class?
2017 Kaggle survey of data science and ML practitioners: what data
science methods do you use at work?

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ML Workflow

ML workflow sketch:
 1. Should I use ML on this problem?
       I   Is there a pattern to detect?
       I   Can I solve it analytically?
       I   Do I have data?
 2. Gather and organize data.
       I   Preprocessing, cleaning, visualizing.
 3. Establishing a baseline.
 4. Choosing a model, loss, regularization, ...
 5. Optimization (could be simple, could be a PhD!).
 6. Hyperparameter search.
 7. Analyze performance and mistakes, and iterate back to step 4 (or

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Implementing machine learning systems

   You will often need to derive an algorithm (with pencil and
   paper), and then translate the math into code.
   Array processing (NumPy)
      I   vectorize computations (express them in terms of matrix/vector
          operations) to exploit hardware efficiency
      I   This also makes your code cleaner and more readable!

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Implementing machine learning systems

   Neural net frameworks: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Theano, etc.
      I   automatic differentiation
      I   compiling computation graphs
      I   libraries of algorithms and network primitives
      I   support for graphics processing units (GPUs)
   Why take this class if these frameworks do so much for you?
      I   So you know what to do if something goes wrong!
      I   Debugging learning algorithms requires sophisticated detective
          work, which requires understanding what goes on beneath the hood.
      I   That is why we derive things by hand in this class!

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Preliminaries and Nearest Neighbourhood Methods

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   Today (and for the next 5-6 lectures) we focus on supervised learning.
   This means we are given a training set consisting of inputs and
   corresponding labels, e.g.

                 Task                  Inputs            Labels
          object recognition            image        object category
           image captioning             image            caption
        document classification          text       document category
            speech-to-text         audio waveform          text
                   ..                      ..                ..
                    .                       .                 .

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Input Vectors

What an image looks like to the computer:

[Image credit: Andrej Karpathy]

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Input Vectors

   Machine learning algorithms need to handle lots of types of data:
   images, text, audio waveforms, credit card transactions, etc.
   Common strategy: represent the input as an input vector in Rd
      I   Representation = mapping to another space that is easy to
      I   Vectors are a great representation since we can do linear algebra

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Input Vectors
Can use raw pixels:

Can do much better if you compute a vector of meaningful features.
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Input Vectors

   Mathematically, our training set consists of a collection of pairs of an
   input vector x ∈ Rd and its corresponding target, or label, t
      I   Regression: t is a real number (e.g. stock price)
      I   Classification: t is an element of a discrete set {1, . . . , C}
      I   These days, t is often a highly structured object (e.g. image)
   Denote the training set {(x(1) , t(1) ), . . . , (x(N ) , t(N ) )}
      I   Note: these superscripts have nothing to do with exponentiation!

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Nearest Neighbors
   Suppose we’re given a novel input vector x we’d like to classify.
   The idea: find the nearest input vector to x in the training set and copy
   its label.
   Can formalize “nearest” in terms of Euclidean distance
                                      u d
                                      uX (a)        (b)
                        (a)    (b)
                     ||x − x ||2 = t (x − x )2        j       j

        1. Find example (x∗ , t∗ ) (from the stored training set) closest to
           x. That is:
                         x∗ =      argmin          distance(x(i) , x)
                                x(i) ∈train. set
        2. Output y = t∗

   Note: we do not need to compute the square root. Why?
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Nearest Neighbors: Decision Boundaries

We can visualize the behaviour in the classification setting using a Voronoi

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Nearest Neighbors: Decision Boundaries

Decision boundary: the boundary between regions of input space assigned to
different categories.

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Nearest Neighbors: Decision Boundaries

Example: 2D decision boundary

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Nearest Neighbors
                                                             [Pic by Olga Veksler]

  Nearest neighbors sensitive to noise or mis-labeled data (“class noise”).

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k-Nearest Neighbors
                                                             [Pic by Olga Veksler]

  Nearest neighbors sensitive to noise or mis-labeled data (“class noise”).
  Smooth by having k nearest neighbors vote

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k-Nearest Neighbors
                                                                    [Pic by Olga Veksler]

     Nearest neighbors sensitive to noise or mis-labeled data (“class noise”).
     Smooth by having k nearest neighbors vote

        Algorithm (kNN):
          1. Find k examples {x(i) , t(i) } closest to the test instance x
          2. Classification output is majority class
                                             X k
                               y = argmax        I{t(z) = t(i) }
                                       t(z)   i=1

I{statement} is the identity function and is equal to one whenever the
statement is true. We could also write this as δ(t(z) , t(i) ) with δ(a, b) = 1 if
a = b, 0 otherwise. I{1}.
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K-Nearest neighbors

[Image credit: ”The Elements of Statistical Learning”]
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K-Nearest neighbors

[Image credit: ”The Elements of Statistical Learning”]
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k-Nearest Neighbors

Tradeoffs in choosing k?
    Small k
      I Good at capturing fine-grained patterns

      I May overfit, i.e. be sensitive to random idiosyncrasies in the

        training data
    Large k
      I Makes stable predictions by averaging over lots of examples
      I May underfit, i.e. fail to capture important regularities

    Balancing k:
      I The optimal choice of k depends on the number of data points n.
      I Nice theoretical properties if k → ∞ and k → 0.
      I Rule of thumb: Choose k = n 2+d .

      I We explain an easier way to choose k using data.

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K-Nearest neighbors

     We would like our algorithm to generalize to data it hasn’t seen before.
     We can measure the generalization error (error rate on new examples)
     using a test set.

[Image credit: ”The Elements of Statistical Learning”]
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Validation and Test Sets

   k is an example of a hyperparameter, something we can’t fit as part of
   the learning algorithm itself
   We can tune hyperparameters using a validation set:

   The test set is used only at the very end, to measure the generalization
   performance of the final configuration.

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Pitfalls: The Curse of Dimensionality
     Low-dimensional visualizations are misleading! In high dimensions,
     “most” points are far apart.
     If we want the nearest neighbor to be closer than , how many points do
     we need to guarantee it?
     The volume of a single ball of radius  is O(d )
     The total volume of [0, 1]d is 1.
     Therefore O ( 1 )d balls are needed to cover the volume.

[Image credit: ”The Elements of Statistical Learning”]
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Pitfalls: The Curse of Dimensionality
   In high dimensions, “most” points are approximately the same distance.
   (Homework question coming up...)

   Saving grace: some datasets (e.g. images) may have low intrinsic
   dimension, i.e. lie on or near a low-dimensional manifold. So nearest
   neighbors sometimes still works in high dimensions.

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Pitfalls: Normalization

   Nearest neighbors can be sensitive to the ranges of different features.
   Often, the units are arbitrary:

   Simple fix: normalize each dimension to be zero mean and unit variance.
   I.e., compute the mean µj and standard deviation σj , and take
                                         xj − µj
                                 x̃j =

   Caution: depending on the problem, the scale might be important!

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Pitfalls: Computational Cost

   Number of computations at training time: 0
   Number of computations at test time, per query (naı̈ve algorithm)
      I   Calculuate D-dimensional Euclidean distances with N data points:
          O(N D)
      I   Sort the distances: O(N log N )
   This must be done for each query, which is very expensive by the
   standards of a learning algorithm!
   Need to store the entire dataset in memory!
   Tons of work has gone into algorithms and data structures for efficient
   nearest neighbors with high dimensions and/or large datasets.

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Example: Digit Classification
   Decent performance when lots of data

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Example: Digit Classification

     KNN can perform a lot better with a good similarity measure.
     Example: shape contexts for object recognition. In order to achieve
     invariance to image transformations, they tried to warp one image to
     match the other image.
        I   Distance measure: average distance between corresponding points
            on warped images
     Achieved 0.63% error on MNIST, compared with 3% for Euclidean KNN.
     Competitive with conv nets at the time, but required careful engineering.

[Belongie, Malik, and Puzicha, 2002. Shape matching and object recognition using shape
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Example: 80 Million Tiny Images

     80 Million Tiny Images was
     the first extremely large
     image dataset. It consisted of
     color images scaled down to
     32 × 32.
     With a large dataset, you can
     find much better semantic
     matches, and KNN can do
     some surprising things.
     Note: this required a carefully
     chosen similarity metric.

[Torralba, Fergus, and Freeman, 2007. 80 Million Tiny Images.]

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Example: 80 Million Tiny Images

[Torralba, Fergus, and Freeman, 2007. 80 Million Tiny Images.]
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   Simple algorithm that does all its work at test time — in a sense,
   no learning!
   Can be used for regression too, which we encounter later.
   Can control the complexity by varying k
   Suffers from the Curse of Dimensionality
   Next time: decision trees, another approach to regression and

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You can also read