Crossing the Line: Where do Demographic Variables Fit into Humor Detection?

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Crossing the Line: Where do Demographic Variables Fit into Humor

                                                     J. A. Meaney
                                                  School of Informatics
                                                 University of Edinburgh
                                                     Edinburgh, UK

                           Abstract                                 However, while one can be an expert in whether or
                                                                    not an image depicts a dog, and this is stable within
        Recent shared tasks in humor classification
        have struggled with two issues: scope and sub-
                                                                    and between cultures, humor is more nuanced than
        jectivity. Regarding scope, many task datasets              that. Unlike image classification:
        either comprise a highly constrained genre of
        humor which does not broadly represent the                    • Humor differs between cultures. Even within
        genre, or the data collection is so indiscrimi-                 the same language, different nationalities per-
        nate that the inter-annotator agreement on its                  ceive jokes differently. This is particularly rel-
        comic content is drastically low. In terms                      evant to stereotyped humor, which may be per-
        of subjectivity, these tasks typically average                  ceived as funny to one culture, but offensive
        over all annotators’ judgments, in spite of the                 to another. (Rosenthal and Bindman, 2015)
        fact that humor is highly subjective and varies
        both between and within cultures. We propose                  • Humor differs within cultures. Age, gender
        a dataset which maintains a broad scope but                     and socio-economic status are known to im-
        which addresses subjectivity. We will collect
                                                                        pact what is perceived as humorous. (Kuipers,
        demographic information about the data’s hu-
        mor annotators in order to bin ratings more                     2017)
        sensibly. We also suggest the addition of an
                                                                      • Humor differs within the same person. Mood
        ’offensive’ label to reflect the fact a text may
        be humorous to one group, but offensive to                      is thought to impact what is considered to be
        another. This would allow for more meaning-                     humorous or not. (Wagner and Ruch, 2020)
        ful shared tasks and could lead to better per-
        formance on downstream applications, such as                 Currently in NLP shared tasks, there is scant
        content moderation.                                       admission of these issues. Humor is treated as a
                                                                  stable target, and humorous texts are subjected to
    1    Introduction                                             binary classification and humor score prediction,
    Interest in computational humor (CH) is flourish-             with little recognition that gold standard labels for
    ing, and since 2017, the proliferation of shared              these constructs simply do not exist.
    humor detection tasks in NLP has attracted new re-              1.1   Proposal
    searchers to the field. However, leading researchers
    in CH have bemoaned the fact that NLP’s contribu-             To the extent that humor is multi-faceted, and sub-
    tion is not always informed by the long and inter-            ject to multiple interpretations, incremental im-
    disciplinary history of humor research (Taylor and            provements to shared tasks can be made by:
    Attardo, 2016) (Davies, 2008). This may result in                 • Acknowledging that texts may not be per-
    the creation of humor detection systems which pro-                  ceived as humorous by all readers, and allow-
    duce excellent evaluation results, but which may                    ing for a different interpretation, e.g. offen-
    not scale to other humor datasets, improve down-                    sive.
    stream tasks like content moderation, or contribute
    to our understanding of humor.                                    • Collecting demographic information about the
       A central issue is the conception of humor classi-               annotators of humor datasets to learn more
    fication tasks as humor-or-not, similar to image                    about which sectors of society find a text hu-
    classification’s view of an image as dog-or-not.                    morous versus offensive.

Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop, pages 176–181
                             July 5 - July 10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
1.2    Why Offensive as an Alternative Label?              audience does not possess the tacit linguistic knowl-
                                                           edge required to understand them (Aarons, 2017).
Cultural shifts in many parts of the world have seen
a decline in racist and sexist jokes, and the growth
                                                           2.1   Limited Scope
of humor that acknowledges marginalized people.
Lockyer and Pickering (2005) argue that this is          Task 6, Hashtag Wars (Potash et al., 2017), sourced
not just a recent phenomenon, but that all pluralist     its name and data from a segment in the Com-
societies navigate the space between humor and           edy Central Show @Midnight with Chris Hard-
offensiveness, between ‘free speech and cultural         wick, which solicited humorous responses to a
respect’                                                 given hashtag from its viewers, submitted on Twit-
   Despite the shift away from using racist or sex-      ter. These submissions were effectively annotated
ist comments as humor, offensive language is still       twice: the producers selected ten tweets as most hu-
plentiful on the internet (Davidson et al., 2017),       morous, and most appropriate for the show’s type
(Nobata et al., 2016). This can reinforce racial         of humor. The show’s audience then voted on their
stereotypes, or have a damaging impact on commu-         number one submission. Task 1 was to pair the
nities. In light of the fact that many shared tasks      tweets, and for each pair, predict which one had
source their data online, either by scraping Twitter,    achieved a higher ranking, according to the audi-
Reddit, or crowdsourcing, we believe it is worth         ence. Task 2 was to predict the labels given by
capturing the impact of these texts on users.            this stratified annotation: submitted but not top-10,
                                                         top-10, number one in top-10.
1.3    Why Demographic Factors?                             The task’s organisers highlighted the data’s lim-
Studies as far back as 1937 demonstrate gender           ited scope, and were keen to point out that this task
and age differences in the appreciation of jokes,        does not aim to build an all-purpose, cross-cultural
where young men gave higher ratings to ’shady’           humor classifier, but rather to characterise the hu-
(e.g. sexual) jokes than their female, and older         mor from one source - the show @Midnight. This
counterparts did (Omwake, 1937).                         task’s dual annotation and ecologically valid task
   More recently, in the Netherlands, Kuipers            make it arguably one of the most effective humor
(2017) found significant differences in humor pref-      challenges in recent years. However, it remains to
erences along the lines of gender, age, and in partic-   be seen how well a system built on this data would
ular, social class or education level. An interesting    generalize to another humor detection task.
finding was that the older generation rated their           Semeval 2020 featured another humor challenge
younger counterparts’ humor as offensive. This           with two subtasks: predicting the mean funniness
contradicts the popular opinion that the millennial      rating of each humorous text, and given two hu-
generation is perpetually offended (Fisher, 2019).       morous texts, predicting which was rated as fun-
   In terms of gender-specific offensive humor, a        nier (Hossain et al., 2019). Instead of collecting
US study found that males tended to give higher          previously existing humorous texts, the organisers
ratings to female-hostile jokes, and females did the     generated them by scraping news headlines from
same with male-hostile jokes. Both genders found         Reddit, and then paying crowdworkers to edit the
female-hostile jokes more offensive overall (Abel        headlines to make them funny, and annotators to
and Flick, 2012).                                        rate the funniness of the new headlines.
   The body of work from CH on demographic                  Edits were defined as ‘the insertion of a single-
differences in humor perception is absent in current     word noun or verb to replace an existing entity or
work, but can be incorporated into shared tasks with     single-word noun or verb’. The annotators rated
some simple adjustments.                                 the headline as funny from 0-4. An abusive/spam
                                                         option was included, but presumably to discard
2     Previous Work                                      ineffective edits, rather than highlight a text which
                                                         would cause offense. Nonetheless, inter-annotator
SemEval 2017 posed two humor detection tasks.            agreement between raters was moderately high,
Task 7 (Miller et al., 2017) covered puns,               (Krippendorff’s α 0.64)
which we do not include here as the identifica-             Of interest to CH research is that the authors’
tion/interpretation of puns is less ambiguous than       analysis of the generated humor finds support for
other forms of humor, except in the case that the        established humor theories, such as incongruity,

superiority and setup and punchline being central          no questions as to whether the user was a Spanish
to the this task. However, the editing rules enforced      speaker, and as the task was unpaid, there may have
such tight linguistic constraints that many common         been little incentive to do it accurately.
features of language were not permitted, e.g. the
use of named entities with two words, phrasal verbs,       3     Methodology
even apostrophes. This scales down the humor that
                                                         The datasets featured in both SemEval tasks had
can be generated, not in terms of genre, as was
                                                         tight constraints on the genre of humor involved.
the case with the 2017 SemEval task, but rather in
                                                         This led to high inter-annotator reliability, but may
terms of arbitrary linguistic constraints.
                                                         not generalize well to other forms of humor. The
   Finally we must consider that, given that the hu-
                                                         Spanish tasks featured no such constraints, how-
morous texts were presented alongside the original
                                                         ever, there was extremely low inter-annotator agree-
headline, it’s possible that affirmative humor rat-
                                                         ment, suggesting that the dataset is noisy, and that
ings do not mean that the text is humorous in and of
                                                         a system which is built on this may also fail to
itself, only that it is funnier than the contemporary
news — arguably a low bar in the current climate.
                                                            This proposal aims to include a wide range
2.2   Unlimited Scope                                    of genres, and to increase the reliability of the
The HAHA challenge (Humor Analysis based on              annotations by collecting information on well-
Human Annotation) has run in 2018 (Castro et al.,        known latent variables in humor appreciation —
2018) and 2019 (Chiruzzo et al., 2019) with two          the demographic characteristics of the humor audi-
subtasks: binary classification of humor, and pre-       ence/annotators. This will allow for more nuanced
diction of the average humor score assigned to each      tasks, as an alternative to simple humor-or-not defi-
text.                                                    nitions.
   The data were collected from fifty Spanish-             3.1    Data Collection
speaking Twitter accounts which typically post hu-
morous content, representing a range of different        We plan to follow a similar data collection pro-
dialects of Spanish. These were then uploaded to         tocol to (Castro et al., 2018) and collect tweets
an online platform, which was open to the public         from a wide variety of humorous Twitter accounts.
who were asked the following questions to annotate       However, unlike Castro et al., we plan to limit the
the data:                                                dialect of the jokes collected to US English, and
                                                         use a crowdsourcing platform which allows us to
  1. Does this tweet intend to be humorous? (Yes,        select annotators who use this dialect. This will
     or No)                                              help us to avoid introducing confounds such as lack
                                                         of cultural knowledge, or divergent language us-
  2. [If yes] How humorous do you find it, from 1
                                                         age. Furthermore, we will hand select the Twitter
     to 5?
                                                         accounts which typically post humorous content,
A strength of this annotation process is that the        in order to ensure that the data features a wide vari-
first question allows the user to objectively identify   ety of genres of humor, e.g. observational humor,
the genre of the text by identifying its intention,      wordplay, humorous vignettes, etc.
before giving their subjective opinion of it. How-
ever, the inter-annotator agreement for the second         3.2    Annotation
question was extremely low (Krippendorf’s α of           As mentioned above, averaging over the opinions
0.1625). It’s possible that sourcing the texts from      of the audience, similar to approaches in image
fifty different accounts introduced too many genres      detection is not ecologically valid for humor de-
to gain a consensus about what was funny amongst         tection. For this reason, we plan to collect demo-
annotators. Similarly, the organizers targeted as        graphic information about the annotators, in order
many different Spanish dialects as possible in their     to bin the ratings into groups that may perceive
data collection, which could lead to cultural and lin-   humor in a similar way. In this way, we hope to
guistic differences in humor appreciation. Finally,      increase inter-annotator reliability. We also plan to
the annotations were sourced on an open platform,        include a second label for each text — offensive.
with only three test tweets to assess whether an an-        Following Castro et al., annotators will be asked
notator provided usable ratings or not. There were       the following questions for each text:

1. Is the intention of this text to be humorous?           from Twitter, ensuring that the semantic meaning
                                                             of the keyword stayed they same, e.g. ‘black’ re-
  2. [If so] How humorous do you perceive this               ferred to race, and not to Black Friday, and that
     text to be?                                             the texts were not intended to be humorous. The
  3. Is this text offensive?                                 average number of tokens per text in this group was
  4. [If so] How offensive do you perceive this text
     to be?                                                    • Keyword is not target of joke: ‘What is the
                                                                 Terminators Muslim name? Al Bi Baq’
   The annotator guidelines will reflect that offen-
siveness can encompass an insult to the audience               • Keyword is target of joke: ‘Mattel released
itself, or to others who are likely to find the text             a Muslim Barbie... It’s a blow-up doll.’
distasteful.                                                   • Random tweet with keyword: ‘The Mosque
   All annotators will be paid for their work, to                will close this weekend due to the pandemic’.
incentivize quality ratings. They will be selected
to undertake the task by virtue of fitting into the          We asked 2 groups of annotators, aged 18-25
following demographic bins:                               (n=10) or aged 55-70 (n=10) to imagine they were
                                                          social media moderators. Their task was to iden-
   • Age: 18-25, 26-40, 41-55, 56-70 the bins             tify the genre of the texts as label them as ‘humor-
     are broadly designed to capture Generation Z,        ous’, ‘offensive’, ‘humorous and offensive’ and
     Millenials, Generation X and Baby Boomers            ‘other’. We highlighted that they did not need to
     respectively (Dimock, 2019).                         find the text humorous, or personally offensive to
                                                          label them as such. If they identified the intent as
   • Gender: Male, Female, Non-binary
                                                          humorous, or the text as possibly offensive to oth-
   • Level of Education: High School, Undergrad-          ers, they should use the corresponding label. We
     uate, Postgraduate. This will be used as an          omitted the numerical rating task for reasons of
     index of socioeconomic status (Mirowsky and          brevity.
     Ross, 2003).                                            In terms of results, the clearest trends emerge
                                                          when the groups were split by age. Both age groups
   Subsequent to data annotation, we will select          of users made use of the ’humorous and offensive’
the demographic factor that gives the highest inter-      label, suggesting that annotators could identify the
rater reliability for this dataset. Annotations will be   genre of the text as humorous, but found it in bad
averaged by bin, rather than averaging over all of        taste. However, there was a trend for the younger
a text’s ratings, as was the case in previous shared      group using this label more frequently than the
tasks.                                                    older group.
3.3   Pilot Study                                            Examining where differences in annotation oc-
                                                          curred, Table 1 demonstrates the disparity in la-
To examine the integrity of our assumptions, we ran       belling on the following gender-related text:
a short pilot task in which we used the Prolific Aca-
demic platform to crowdsource annotations from                   We should really use the blackjack scale
users in the youngest and oldest age groups.                     to rate women. For example: “Every
   We searched for texts which related to                        girl here is ugly” “Well, what about her?”
race/origin, religion, gender, sexuality and body                “Eh, she’s like a 15 or 16. Not sure if I’d
type. We used keywords from Fortuna’s (2017) sub-                hit it”
categories of offensive speech to source texts which
could be offensive jokes, such as ‘black’, ‘woman’,            Table 1: Variation in labelling between age groups
‘girlfriend’, ‘blind’, ‘gay’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Jew’, etc.                                           Humorous &
From a readily available dataset (The Short Jokes             Age     Humorous    Offensive                 Other
dataset from Kaggle), we sourced 40 jokes, 20 in              18-25   3           3           3             1
which the keyword also referred to the butt of the            56-70   2           7           0             1
joke (average number of tokens per text = 18.4),
and 20 in which it did not (average number of to-               As we did not have balanced groups based on
kens = 19.1). Twenty neutral texts were selected             level of education, or a critical mass of non-binary

users so we omit analysis for these. Similarly, re-        5   Conclusion
garding gender differences, there were no clear
                                                           Humor detection and rating is a multi-faceted prob-
trends in terms of labelling between females and
                                                           lem. We hope that the inclusion of demographic
males, and there were no statistically significant
                                                           information will shift the state of the art away from
differences between groups.
                                                           objective classification, towards a more subjective
   The results of our pilot study suggest that pursu-
                                                           approach. Future qualitative work could also sug-
ing demographic differentiation in humor annota-
                                                           gest further variables whose inclusion would en-
tion/classification is worthwhile. Specifically, we
                                                           hance our knowledge of humor perception. This
can see that age group may be relevant as the demo-
                                                           could set a new standard for shared tasks which
graphic factor which most distinguishes annotators’
                                                           aim to model humor in future, and could outline
response to humor.
                                                           a methodology that can be replicated with other
3.4    Tasks                                               cultures and languages.
We will ask systems to predict, given a group with
                                                           6   Acknowledgements
a specific set of user demographics:
                                                        This work was supported in part by the EPSRC Cen-
    • Is this text humorous to the group, and if so,
                                                        tre for Doctoral Training in Data Science, funded
      how humorous?
                                                        by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Re-
    • Is this text offensive to the group, and if so,   search Council (grant EP/L016427/1) and the Uni-
      how offensive?                                    versity of Edinburgh.

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morous and not offensive, humorous and offensive,          References
not humorous and offensive, and not humorous and
                                                           Debra Aarons. 2017. Puns and tacit linguistic knowl-
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                                                           Millicent H Abel and Jason Flick. 2012. Mediation and
we will average over these annotations, as typical
                                                             moderation in ratings of hostile jokes by men and
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                                                             Garat, and Guillermo Moncecchi. 2018. A crowd-
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4     Contribution to Computational Humor
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