Cross-Domain Modeling of Sentence-Level Evidence for Document Retrieval
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Cross-Domain Modeling of Sentence-Level Evidence for Document Retrieval Zeynep Akkalyoncu Yilmaz, Wei Yang, Haotian Zhang, and Jimmy Lin David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Abstract 0.315 under more rigorous experimental condi- tions with a neural ranking model, but this is still This paper applies BERT to ad hoc document pretty far from the best-known score of 0.3686 on retrieval on news articles, which requires ad- dressing two challenges: relevance judgments this dataset (Cormack et al., 2009). in existing test collections are typically pro- Although Sculley et al. (2018) remind us that vided only at the document level, and docu- the goal of science is not wins, but knowledge, ments often exceed the length that BERT was the latter requires first establishing strong base- designed to handle. Our solution is to ag- lines that accurately quantify proposed contribu- gregate sentence-level evidence to rank docu- tions. Comparisons to weak baselines that inflate ments. Furthermore, we are able to leverage the merits of an approach are not new problems in passage-level relevance judgments fortuitously available in other domains to fine-tune BERT information retrieval (Armstrong et al., 2009), and models that are able to capture cross-domain researchers have in fact observed similar issues in notions of relevance, and can be directly used the recommender systems literature as well (Ren- for ranking news articles. Our simple neural dle et al., 2019; Dacrema et al., 2019). ranking models achieve state-of-the-art effec- Having placed evaluation on more solid footing tiveness on three standard test collections. with respect to well-tuned baselines by building on previous work, this paper examines how we might 1 Introduction make neural approaches “work” for document re- The dominant approach to ad hoc document re- trieval. One promising recent innovation is mod- trieval using neural networks today is to deploy els that exploit massive pre-training (Peters et al., the neural model as a reranker over an initial list 2018; Radford et al., 2018), leading to BERT (De- of candidate documents retrieved using a standard vlin et al., 2019) as the most popular example to- bag-of-words term-matching technique. Despite day. Researchers have applied BERT to a broad the plethora of neural models that have been pro- range of NLP tasks with impressive gains: most posed for document ranking (Mitra and Craswell, relevant to our document ranking task, these in- 2019), there has recently been some skepticism clude BERTserini (Yang et al., 2019b) for ques- about whether they have truly advanced the state tion answering and Nogueira and Cho (2019) for of the art (Lin, 2018), at least in the absence of passage reranking. large amounts of behavioral log data only avail- Extending our own previous work (Yang et al., able to search engine companies. 2019c), the main contribution of this paper is a In a meta-analysis of over 100 papers that re- successful application of BERT to yield large im- port results on the dataset from the Robust Track provements in ad hoc document retrieval. We at TREC 2004 (Robust04), Yang et al. (2019a) introduce two simple yet effective innovations: found that most neural approaches do not com- First, we focus on integrating sentence-level evi- pare against competitive baselines. To provide two dence for document ranking to address the fact that recent examples, McDonald et al. (2018) report a BERT was not designed for processing long spans best AP score of 0.272 and Li et al. (2018) 0.290, of text. Second, we show, quite surprisingly, that it compared to a simple bag-of-words query expan- is possible to transfer models of relevance across sion baseline that achieves 0.299 (Lin, 2018). Fur- different domains, which nicely solves the prob- ther experiments by Yang et al. (2019a) achieve lem of the lack of passage-level relevance anno-
tations. Combining these two innovations allows 2.1 Key Insights us to achieve 0.3697 AP on Robust04, which is We propose two innovations that solve the above- the highest reported score that we are aware of mentioned challenges. First, we observe the ex- (neural or otherwise). We establish state-of-the-art istence of test collections that fortuitously con- effectiveness on two more recent test collections, tain passage-level relevance evidence: the MA- Core17 and Core18, as well. chine Reading COmprehension (MS MARCO) dataset (Bajaj et al., 2018), the TREC Com- 2 Background and Approach plex Answer Retrieval (CAR) dataset (Dietz To be clear, our focus is on neural ranking mod- et al., 2017), and the TREC Microblog (MB) els for ad hoc document retrieval, over corpora datasets (Lin et al., 2014), described below. comprising news articles. Formally, in response MS MARCO features user queries sampled to a user query Q, the system’s task is to produce from Bing’s search logs and passages extracted a ranking of documents from a corpus that maxi- from web documents. Each query is associated mizes some ranking metric—in our case, average with sparse relevance judgments by human edi- precision (AP). We emphasize that this problem tors. TREC CAR uses queries and paragraphs is quite different from web search, where there extracted from English Wikipedia: each query is is no doubt that large amounts of behavioral log formed by concatenating an article title and a sec- data, along with other signals such as the web- tion heading, and passages in that section are con- graph, have led to large improvements in search sidered relevant. This makes CAR, essentially, a quality (Mitra and Craswell, 2019). Instead, we synthetic dataset. TREC Microblog datasets draw are interested in limited data conditions—what from the Microblog Tracks at TREC from 2011 can be achieved with modest resources outside to 2014, with topics (i.e., queries) and relevance web search engine companies such as Google and judgments over tweets. We use the dataset pre- Microsoft who have large annotation teams—and pared by Rao et al. (2019). hence we only consider “classic” TREC newswire Note, however, that all three datasets are out of test collections. domain with respect to our task: MS MARCO pas- Beyond our own previous work (Yang et al., sages are extracted from web pages, CAR para- 2019c), which to our knowledge is the first re- graphs are taken from Wikipedia, and MB uses ported application of BERT to document re- tweets. These corpora clearly differ from news trieval, there have been several other proposed ap- articles to varying degrees. Furthermore, while proaches, including MacAvaney et al. (2019) and MS MARCO and MB capture search tasks (al- unrefereed manuscripts (Qiao et al., 2019; Padi- though queries over tweets are qualitatively differ- gela et al., 2019). There are two challenges to ap- ent), CAR “queries” (Wikipedia headings) do not plying BERT to document retrieval: First, BERT reflect search queries from real users. Neverthe- has mostly been applied to sentence-level tasks, less, our experiments arrive at the surprising con- and was not designed to handle long spans of in- clusion that these datasets are useful to train neural put, having a maximum of 512 tokens. For ref- ranking models for news articles. erence, the retrieved results from a typical bag- Our second innovation involves the aggrega- of-words query on Robust04 has a median length tion of sentence-level evidence for document rank- of 679 tokens, and 66% of documents are longer ing. That is, given an initial ranked list of docu- than 512 tokens. Second, relevance judgments in ments, we segment each into sentences, and then nearly all newswire test collections are annotations apply inference over each sentence separately, af- on documents, not on individual sentences or pas- ter which sentence-level scores are aggregated to sages. That is, given a query, we only know what yield a final score for ranking documents. This ap- documents are relevant, not spans within those proach, in fact, is well motivated: There is a long documents. Typically, a document is considered thread of work in the information retrieval litera- relevant as long as some part of it is relevant, and ture, dating back decades, that leverages passage in fact most of the document may not address the retrieval techniques for document ranking (Hearst user’s needs. Given these two challenges, it is not and Plaunt, 1993; Callan, 1994; Kaszkiel and Zo- immediately obvious how to apply BERT to docu- bel, 1997; Clarke et al., 2000). In addition, recent ment ranking. studies of human searchers (Zhang et al., 2018b,a)
revealed that the “best” sentence or paragraph in with an initial learning rate of 1 × 10−5 , linear a document provides a good proxy for document- learning rate warmup at a rate of 0.1 and decay of level relevance. 0.1. All experiments are conducted on NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPUs with PyTorch v1.2.0. 2.2 Model Details During inference, we first retrieve an initial The core of our model is a BERT sentence-level ranked list of documents to depth 1000 from relevance classifier. Following Nogueira and Cho the collection using the Anserini toolkit1 (post- (2019), this is framed as a binary classification v0.5.1 commit from mid-August 2019, based on task. We form the input to BERT by concatenat- Lucene 8.0). Following Lin (2018) and Yang et al. ing the query Q and a sentence S into the sequence (2019a), we use BM25 with RM3 query expansion [[CLS], Q, [SEP], S, [SEP]] and padding each (default parameters), which is a strong baseline, sequence in a mini-batch to the maximum length and has already been shown to beat most existing in the batch. We feed the final hidden state cor- neural models. We clean the retrieved documents responding to the [CLS] token in the model to by stripping any HTML/XML tags and splitting a single layer neural network whose output repre- each document into its constituent sentences with sents the probability that sentence S is relevant to NLTK. If the length of a sentence with the meta- the query Q. tokens exceeds BERT’s maximum limit of 512, we To determine document relevance, we apply in- further segment the spans into fixed size chunks. ference over each individual sentence in a candi- All sentences are then fed to the BERT model. date document, and then combine the top n scores We conduct end-to-end document ranking ex- with the original document score as follows: periments on three TREC newswire collections: n X the Robust Track from 2004 (Robust04) and Sf = a · Sdoc + (1 − α) · wi · Si (1) the Common Core Tracks from 2017 and 2018 i=1 (Core17 and Core18). Robust04 comprises 250 topics, with relevance judgments on a collection of where Sdoc is the original document score and Si 500K documents (TREC Disks 4 and 5). Core17 is the i-th top scoring sentence according to BERT. and Core18 have only 50 topics each; the former In other words, the relevance score of a document uses 1.8M articles from the New York Times An- comes from the combination of a document-level notated Corpus while the latter uses around 600K term-matching score and evidence contributions articles from the TREC Washington Post Corpus. from the top sentences in the document as deter- Note that none of these collections were used to mined by the BERT model. The parameters α and fine-tune the BERT relevance models; the only the wi ’s can be tuned via cross-validation. learned parameters are the weights in Eq (1). 3 Experimental Setup Based on preliminary exploration, we consider up to the top three sentences; any more does not We begin with BERTLarge (uncased, 340m param- appear to yield better results. For Robust04, we eters) from Devlin et al. (2019), and then fine- follow the five-fold cross-validation settings in Lin tune on the collections described in Section 2.1, (2018) and Yang et al. (2019a); for Core17 and individually and in combination. Despite the fact Core18 we similarly apply five-fold cross valida- that tweets aren’t always sentences and that MS tion. The parameters α and the wi ’s are learned MARCO and CAR passages, while short, may in via exhaustive grid search as follows: we fix w1 = fact contain more than one sentence, we treat all 1 and then vary a, w2 , w3 ∈ [0, 1] with a step texts as if they were sentences for the purposes of size 0.1, selecting the parameters that yield the fine-tuning BERT. For MS MARCO and CAR, we highest average precision (AP). Retrieval results adopt exactly the procedure of Nogueira and Cho are reported in terms of AP, precision at rank 20 (2019). For MB, we tune on 2011–2014 data, with (P@20), and NDCG@20. 75% of the total data reserved for training and the Code for replicating all the experiments de- rest for validation. scribed in this paper is available as part of our We use the maximum sequence length of 512 recently-developed Birch IR engine.2 Additional tokens in all experiments. We train all models us- ing cross-entropy loss for 5 epochs with a batch 1 2 size of 16. We use Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014)
Robust04 Core17 Core18 Model AP P@20 NDCG@20 AP P@20 NDCG@20 AP P@20 NDCG@20 BM25+RM3 0.2903 0.3821 0.4407 0.2823 0.5500 0.4467 0.3135 0.4700 0.4604 1S: BERT(MB) 0.3408† 0.4335† 0.4900† 0.3091† 0.5620 0.4628 0.3393† 0.4930 0.4848† 2S: BERT(MB) 0.3435† 0.4386† 0.4964† 0.3137† 0.5770 0.4781 0.3421† 0.4910 0.4857† 3S: BERT(MB) 0.3434† 0.4422† 0.4998† 0.3154† 0.5880 0.4852† 0.3419† 0.4950† 0.4878† 1S: BERT(CAR) 0.3025† 0.3970† 0.4509 0.2814† 0.5500 0.4470 0.3120 0.4680 0.4586 2S: BERT(CAR) 0.3025† 0.3970† 0.4509 0.2814† 0.5500 0.4470 0.3116 0.4670 0.4585 3S: BERT(CAR) 0.3025† 0.3970† 0.4509 0.2814† 0.5500 0.4470 0.3113 0.4670 0.4584 1S: BERT(MS MARCO) 0.3028† 0.3964† 0.4512 0.2817† 0.5500 0.4468 0.3121 0.4670 0.4594 2S: BERT(MS MARCO) 0.3028† 0.3964† 0.4512 0.2817† 0.5500 0.4468 0.3121 0.4670 0.4594 3S: BERT(MS MARCO) 0.3028† 0.3964† 0.4512 0.2817† 0.5500 0.4468 0.3121 0.4670 0.4594 1S: BERT(CAR → MB) 0.3476† 0.4380† 0.4988† 0.3103† 0.5830 0.4758 0.3385† 0.4860 0.4785 2S: BERT(CAR → MB) 0.3470† 0.4400† 0.5015† 0.3140† 0.5830 0.4817† 0.3386† 0.4810 0.4755 3S: BERT(CAR → MB) 0.3466† 0.4398† 0.5014† 0.3143† 0.5830 0.4807 0.3382† 0.4830 0.4731 1S: BERT(MS MARCO → MB) 0.3676† 0.4610† 0.5239† 0.3292† 0.6080† 0.5061† 0.3486† 0.4920 0.4953† 2S: BERT(MS MARCO → MB) 0.3697† 0.4657† 0.5324† 0.3323† 0.6170† 0.5092† 0.3496† 0.4830 0.4899† 3S: BERT(MS MARCO → MB) 0.3691† 0.4669† 0.5325† 0.3314† 0.6200† 0.5070† 0.3522† 0.4850 0.4899† Table 1: Ranking effectiveness on Robust04, Core17, and Core18 in terms of AP, P@20, and NDCG@20. details about the technical design of our system successfully transfer over to news articles despite are presented in Yilmaz et al. (2019), a companion large differences in domain. This surprising re- demonstration paper. sult highlights the relevance matching power in- troduced by the deep semantic information learned 4 Results and Discussion by BERT. Fine-tuning on MS MARCO or CAR alone Our main results are shown in Table 1. The top yields at most minor gains over the baselines row shows the BM25+RM3 query expansion base- across all collections, and in some cases actu- line using default Anserini parameters.3 The re- ally hurts effectiveness. Furthermore, the num- maining blocks display the ranking effectiveness ber of sentences considered for final score aggre- of our models on Robust04, Core17, and Core18. gation does not seem to affect effectiveness. It In parentheses we describe the fine-tuning proce- also does not appear that the synthetic nature of dure: for instance, MSMARCO → MB refers to a CAR data helps much for relevance modeling on model that was first fine-tuned on MS MARCO newswire collections. Interestingly, though, if we and then on MB. The nS preceding the model fine-tune on CAR and then MB (CAR → MB), name indicates that inference was performed using we obtain better results than fine-tuning on either the top n scoring sentences from each document. MS MARCO or CAR alone. In some cases, we Table 1 also includes results of significance test- slightly improve over fine-tuning on MB alone. ing using paired t-tests, comparing each condition One possible explanation could be that CAR has with the BM25+RM3 baseline. We report signifi- an effect similar to language model pre-training; it cance at the p < 0.01 level, with appropriate Bon- alone cannot directly help the downstream docu- ferroni corrections for multiple hypothesis testing. ment retrieval task, but it provides a better repre- Statistically significant differences with respect to sentation that can benefit from MB fine-tuning. the baseline are denoted by †. We find that BERT fine-tuned on MB alone sig- However, we were surprised by the MS nificantly outperforms the BM25+RM3 baseline MARCO results: since the dataset captures a for all three metrics on Robust04. On Core17 search task and the web passages are “closer” to and Core18, we observe significant increases in our newswire collections than MB in terms of do- AP as well (and other metrics in some cases). In main, we would have expected relevance transfer other words, relevance models learned from tweets to be more effective. Results show, however, that fine-tuning on MS MARCO alone is far less effec- 3 Even though Lin (2018) and Yang et al. (2019a) re- tive than fine-tuning on MB alone. port slightly higher AP scores for tuned BM25+RM3 on Robust04, for consistency we use default parameters because Looking across all fine-tuning configurations, no careful tuning has been performed for Core17 and Core18. we see that the top-scoring sentence of each candi-
date document alone seems to be a good indicator 5 Conclusion of document relevance, corroborating the findings This paper shows how BERT can be adapted in of Zhang et al. (2018a). Additionally considering a simple manner to yield large improvements in the second ranking sentence yields at most a mi- ad hoc document retrieval on “classic” TREC nor gain, and in some cases, adding a third actu- newswire test collections. Our results demon- ally causes effectiveness to drop. This is quite a strate two surprising findings: first, that relevance surprising finding, since it suggests that the docu- models can be transferred quite straightforwardly ment ranking problem, at least as traditionally for- across domains by BERT, and second, that effec- mulated by information retrieval researchers, can tive document retrieval requires only “paying at- be distilled into relevance prediction primarily at tention” to a small number of “top sentences” in the sentence level. each document. Important future work includes In the final block of the table, we present our more detailed analyses of these transfer effects, best model, with fine-tuning on MS MARCO and as well as a closer look at the contributions of then on MB. We confirm that this approach is document-level and sentence-level scores. Never- able to exploit both datasets, with a score that is theless, we believe that both findings pave the way higher than fine-tuning on each dataset alone. Let for new directions in document ranking. us provide some broader context for these scores: For Robust04, we report the highest AP score that Acknowledgments we are aware of (0.3697). Prior to our work, the meta-analysis by Yang et al. (2019a), which an- This research was supported by the Natu- alyzed over 100 papers up until early 2019,4 put ral Sciences and Engineering Research Council the best neural model at 0.3124 (Dehghani et al., (NSERC) of Canada, and enabled by computa- 2018).5 Furthermore, our results exceed the pre- tional resources provided by Compute Ontario and vious highest known score of 0.3686, which is a Compute Canada. non-neural method based on ensembles (Cormack et al., 2009). This high water mark has stood un- References challenged for ten years. Recently, MacAvaney et al. (2019) reported James Allan, Donna Harman, Evangelos Kanoulas, Dan Li, Christophe Van Gysel, and Ellen Voorhees. 0.5381 NDCG@20 on Robust04 by integrating 2017. TREC 2017 Common Core Track overview. contextualized word representations into existing In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Text REtrieval neural ranking models; unfortunately, they did Conference (TREC 2017), Gaithersburg, Maryland. not report AP results. Our best NDCG@20 on James Allan, Donna Harman, Evangelos Kanoulas, and Robust04 (0.5325) approaches their results even Ellen Voorhees. 2018. TREC 2018 Common Core though we optimize for AP. Finally, note that since Track overview. In Proceedings of the Twenty- we are only using Robust04 data for learning the Seventh Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2018), Gaithersburg, Maryland. document and sentence weights in Eq (1), and not for fine-tuning BERT itself, it is less likely that we Timothy G. Armstrong, Alistair Moffat, William Web- are overfitting. ber, and Justin Zobel. 2009. Improvements that don’t add up: ad-hoc retrieval results since 1998. Our best model also achieves a higher AP on In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Core17 than the best TREC submission that does on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM not make use of past labels or human interven- 2009), pages 601–610, Hong Kong, China. tion (umass baselnrm, 0.275 AP) (Allan et al., Payal Bajaj, Daniel Campos, Nick Craswell, Li Deng, 2017). Under similar conditions, we beat every Jianfeng Gao, Xiaodong Liu, Rangan Majumder, TREC submission in Core18 as well (with the Andrew McNamara, Bhaskar Mitra, Tri Nguyen, best run being uwmrg, 0.276 AP) (Allan et al., Mir Rosenberg, Xia Song, Alina Stoica, Saurabh Ti- wary, and Tong Wang. 2018. MS MARCO: A hu- 2018). Core17 and Core18 are relatively new and man generated MAchine Reading COmprehension thus have yet to receive much attention from re- dataset. arXiv:1611.09268v3. searchers, but to our knowledge, these figures rep- James P. Callan. 1994. Passage-level evidence in doc- resent the state of the art. ument retrieval. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual 4 International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research robust04-analysis and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 5 Setting aside our own previous work (Yang et al., 2019c). 1994), pages 302–310, Dublin, Ireland.
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