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Since its launch in 1988, the Charity Crimestoppers Trust1 has focused on providing an anonymous service for the public to give information about crime. In partnership with but independent from police and the wider law enforcement community, this information has solved thousands of crimes, helped victims and their families as well as the brave individuals who have told us what they know about criminals. 1. Formally Community Action Trust.
The Charity’s structure today combines four essential elements: The environment continually evolves. Recently there have Estimates of the cost of Organised criminals “…corrupt and intimidate. been changes in the ways crime to the UK are a They undermine the role • A professional Bureau 1 working 24/7, 365 days a year. we communicate, how crime staggering £124 billion of the state, establishing operates and the role of the a year.8 This figure does themselves in some of our state in tackling it. Recorded not begin to articulate most deprived communities • A Central Office team that provides national guidance and crime has fallen consistently the human cost to victims as alternative providers of oversight for campaigns, communications, fundraising and for the past decade.5 Criminal and their families, not justice, security, housing activity may have moved into just at the time but often and livelihoods. And they do key stakeholder relationships as well as running the Charity. newer areas such as cybercrime for years afterwards. this through fear, corruption and fraud and therefore is under and control. It corrodes our • Regional Staff, the key enablers in ensuring local activity reported. There is an argument communities to the point that we are all affected by where normal life in some chimes with national priorities. organised crime, even if it feels areas comes with the awful like a local crime.6 Criminals The following, articulated after acceptance of everyday fear • 600 dedicated volunteers, the length and breadth of the UK, did not respect police force the publication of the Serious and intimidation.”9 boundaries in the past; now they and Organised Crime Strategy,7 who represent the communities of all 48 police forces covered. have the World Wide Web in provides a clear rationale for why which to operate. Crimestoppers needs to exist: Crimestoppers’ anonymous as under-reporting of feedback Our Charity plays a unique information is now fully is a common issue. Whatever role; which complements integrated into the operations the issue Crimestoppers helps the work of the police. of every local police force police solve and prevent Our charitable status and and national law enforcement crimes across the board. independence from law agency. We demonstrate the enforcement allows us to 80% of our callers3 say our protect the people who outcomes and impact of our work by routinely collecting promise of anonymity is contact us.4 We use every tool statistical feedback from these vital to them. We have to we can, technical, process, and partners. Over 100,000 pieces ask what would they do, the law, to make sure we do of actionable information where would they go, if not collect or disclose personal a year leads to over 6,000 Crimestoppers didn’t exist? details of those who turn to people arrested and charged, It is clear that ringing 999 Crimestoppers. We need to together with 15,000 positive or 101 is not an option be vigilant in keeping that outcomes.2 This is the bare for this group. promise of anonymity to the minimum of what we achieve, highest threshold. 1. The call centre and information handling facility that processes over 5. Office for National Statistics, 2013. 1/3 of a million calls and online traffic each year (data from 2012–14). 6. Home Secretary Teresa May: Understanding And Confronting 2. Positive Outcome is defined as police action short of arrested and charged Organised Crime, delivered at the Royal United Services Institute that helps the police to resolve an issue. (Data based on 2013/14 on Wednesday 11 June 2014. Crimestoppers National Statistics.) 7. UK Government Serious and Organised Crime Strategy, October 2013. 3. Crimestoppers’ Caller Survey 2014. 8. Institute for Economics and Peace, April 2013. 4. This exempts us from Freedom of Information Act for instance, but we must 9. Speech given by James Brokenshire MP on 3 December 2013 be aware of proposed changes to the legal environment in which we work. on Cutting Organised and Serious Crime.
We know that people who The state cannot deal with We have always had contact us need reassurance all crime threats alone.11 The committed volunteers, strong that they are doing the right reduction in public funding puts support from business and the thing. We need to do more to pressure on how resources are media. However, unlike most build trust and confidence in our used. The expectation of good national charities, we do not have anonymous service, especially citizenship is growing. Our own a bedrock of wider public support. in areas where individuals are survey demonstrates that the Our income is reliant on a narrow cowed by crime and criminal public want to do their bit.12 They base, and our skills are matched activity.10 Our brand profile is expect us to provide access to to this. There is potential to high, but misunderstandings better awareness and prevention diversify our income, indeed it is undermine this essential trust. information. We should do this by essential if we are to achieve this We must make sure that we, working with others, especially strategy, but we will need to test and our partners, make best use in the voluntary sector, so that new approaches to learn where of every piece of information together our impact is greater. success might lie. we receive to demonstrate our We must avoid replicating others’ outcomes meaningfully. efforts lest we find ourselves in unnecessary competition. COMMUNITIES SAFER FEWER VICTIMS FROM CRIME our Vision our Mission Theory of Change We believe that individuals Crimestoppers detects, reduces How our work leads to achieving and communities have a right and prevents crimes through this mission and vision is to be safe from crime and the the provision of information. articulated in our Theory of fear of crime. Each of us has We give people information Change diagram. a responsibility to create a and tools to act against country where there are fewer crime. Through the promise victims of crime. of anonymity, vulnerable individuals and communities can stand up against crime and criminals and the fear they bring through intimidation and possible retaliation. 10. Crimestoppers Survey, Populus, June 2013. 11. For example think tank Reform’s publication ‘The Expert Citizen’, July 2014, says “A key means to reduce the burden of demand on the police is to engage citizens in preventing crime, defending property and improving the resilience of their communities.” 12. Crimestoppers Survey, Populus, June 2013.
Crimestoppers Trust’s Strategic Ambitions CRIMESTOPPERS CRIMESTOPPERS In essence this strategy is will identify and work with With partners we will help the about evolution. The following groups where there are the most public gain the knowledge and outlines the way we anticipate significant barriers to carry out skills necessary to reduce the • 24/7 working during this period. our mission, • 24/7 be they geographic, impact of criminal activity. • ANONYMOUS demographic • ANONYMOUSor cultural. • INDEPENDENT Creating communities that are • INDEPENDENT Building collaborative • CHARITY safe from crime is what we are We must foster trust and • CHARITY relationships is a key principle about. To achieve that, first and confidence in our services. across all areas of the strategy. foremost, we will continue to run We will develop new ways to Getting the boundaries right so our anonymous hotline that all demonstrate the impact of our we add value in the preventative can reach, with confidence that activities, finding the human and awareness arenas is of OUR CALLERS STOP CRIME their information will be treated stories TOGETHER, THE in our work INFORMATION to motivate WE OBTAIN HELPS pivotal importance, making sensitively and passed safely, PREVENT CRIMEboth FROMsupporters and ENTERING OUR those COMMUNITIES sure that we complement and securely, to the police. who have information to give. not duplicate other We will reach out to the public More attention is to be given partners’ activities. ANONYMITY ANALYSIS ANONYMITY through new online and offline to growing and engaging our Information is ANALYSIS at the heart of REMOVE FEAR INSIGHT AND REMOVE FEARchannels of communication. supporter network, as advocates, INSIGHT AND Crimestoppers.LEARNING. We will examine AND BARRIERS. LEARNING. AND BARRIERS. and to diversify our income. LISTEN. LISTEN. We will concentrate on what people tell us, learn from supporting individuals There is an increased emphasis this and use it to inform our and communities to do on the prevention of crimes. work. We will share, when COMMUNITIES SAFER COMMUNITIES SAFER their bit to both solve and We will develop our authority as appropriate, what we know with FEWER VICTIMS FEWER VICTIMS FROM CRIME prevent crimes. Focus is key. FROMan organisation where we talk CRIME our partners and supporters, Engagement with ‘hard to about crime and equip the public giving people the tools they reach’ communities13 will be to avoid becoming victims. We need to build safer communities. vital. While Crimestoppers will will call for each of us to take always be available for all, we responsibility against crime. ENGAGEMENT EDUCATION ENGAGEMENT EDUCATION FOCUS ON NEEDS TO AVOID FOCUS ON NEEDS TO AVOID OF COMMUNITY. BECOMING VICTIMS. OF COMMUNITY. BECOMING VICTIMS. WE ALL HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP OUR COMMUNITIES SAFE FROM CRIME we will continue to run our anonymous service. TOGETHER, WE ENGAGE AND EDUCATE OUR COMMUNITIES TO PREVENT CRIME ENTERING OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS GAIN PEOPLE’S TRUST WORKING WITH INFORMATION AND CONFIDENCE PARTNERS AND ADVICE We will talk about crime and equip the public TOGETHER WE ARE CRIMESTOPPERS to avoid becoming victims. GAIN PEOPLE’S TRUST AND CONFIDENCE WORKING WITH PARTNERS INFORMATION AND ADVICE TOGETHER WE ARE CRIMESTOPPERS 13. Such ‘hard to reach’ communities are, for Crimestoppers, defined as any social, geographic, demographic or geographic group where cultural or other barriers exist which erode their trust and confidence in dealing with authorities, including the police. These groups might be associated with criminality, they might be disproportionately victimised, they may be apathetic, or doubt their information has value. They may operate outside of traditional UK culture or be physically distant.
There are four critical areas of focus: Fear and cultural barriers stop people giving crime information directly to the police. Provide a high quality, Anonymity breaks these barriers. We guarantee anonymity for the people who contact us, through our public charitable service and commercial whistleblowing services. This remains anonymous service our core activity, a unique national service. Building on recent work, we will demonstrate our excellence through quality assurance marks. We will learn more about the anonymous people for people to safely who access our service, always mindful of the personal effort they make to contact us. give information By 2020 we will: about crime, free • Keep high standards in the quality of the • Work with more businesses and the public from fear of doing so. information we provide to partners. sector to provide whistleblowing services, and support their culture of integrity. This will bring • Have high quality standards in service operation. us an income and advance our mission. We will develop our staff with a focus on consistency and customer care and work to • Set up new warm transfer agreements with industry best practice across the whole service. voluntary sector partners to provide support for victims should they contact us. • Further improve our financial efficiency. We will maintain optimum staffing led by demand and • Maintain our position as the only route to give review suppliers regularly. We will reduce the crime information truly anonymously. We will number of people who contact us in error so they assess risks to this, including potential legal receive the service they are looking for first time. changes, and take action to mitigate these. • Improve our information security management • Work with policing partners, including systems to identify and mitigate risks so we can the College of Policing, to provide training best protect the anonymity of those who contact and guidance for police officers and staff. us. Our certification in information security This will help our partners make the best use (ISO 27001) will be maintained. of Crimestoppers’ services and information and uphold the promise of anonymity throughout • Better understand the needs of our callers.14 the criminal justice system. We will conduct light touch surveys so that we can improve our services for them, ensuring • Ensure our technology responds to changes in we reach those that need our anonymity communications. Our service will be accessible the most. We must make sure our service through common communications methods, is easily accessible for those with different and we will maintain our promise of anonymity communication needs. regardless of technology used. • Strengthen the understanding and value of our independent anonymous service. We will look anew at the meaning of ‘anonymity’ and how it is understood. We will review our core marketing and the opportunities for the public to take in our messages. 14. ‘Callers’ includes everyone who contacts us regardless of the communication method they choose.
Work with communities15 where barriers to engaging with Provide access to high quality authorities exist, to build confidence information about key crime issues in our anonymous service so they can and practical advice so people can take action against crime. avoid becoming victims. We will focus our ‘call to action’ where there is most need, identifying where and with whom We will respond to the public’s expectation that Crimestoppers works to prevent crime. The wider this lies, particularly in local communities. We will work with partners and Crimestoppers’ community can be ‘crime free’ if we are all proactive citizens and take preventative action. We volunteers to build programmes which will over time create a deeper confidence in the service must never blame victims; rather reduce the opportunities for criminals to commit crime. We will Crimestoppers provides, where this can contribute to regeneration of communities. work with experts and share their advice, giving people, communities and companies the tools they need to stop crimes before they happen. By 2020 we will: • Learn from organisations already working to regenerate communities to understand where While the majority of the public have no need for our • Focus on key crime types for a sustained period, • Regularly use internal and external research Crimestoppers can best enhance these efforts, anonymous service we can still support them, and building relevant networks and collaborative work and partnerships to identify where the greatest from call to action to prevention and social action. their families. We can use this work as a platform to to bring our services to specific needs. barriers to giving information lie. These could build support for and greater understanding of our be geographic, demographic, cultural or a • Respond to specific crimes which affect these • Develop and grow our volunteer network to take anonymous service, not to dilute it. For instance to combination of these. communities, and the UK as a whole, using part in our education agenda, giving them tools contact Crimestoppers is part of doing ones duty for targeted appeals for information and the offer and skills where necessary. • Prioritise which groups we will work with, locally safer communities. of rewards where appropriate. and nationally, mindful of the resources and • Build a new base of supporters interested in By 2020 we will: partners we have available. • Build longer term programmes with these this preventative agenda. Develop the right community groups, based on partnerships • Develop a voice for Crimestoppers which says it opportunities for them to give time, skills or • Use research with these groups to understand locally, regionally and nationally.17 Extend our is important for individuals, companies and the money to help our Charity achieve our mission. what key crime issues they struggle with, so we volunteers and networks to achieve this. media to take responsibility to reduce crime. can target our call to action to both solve and • Grow support from companies through corporate reduce these crimes. • Continue our focus with young people through • Listen more to what the public are most concerned social responsibility programmes. Fearless. Develop programmes for young adults about and plan how best we can respond to this. • Challenge social and cultural barriers that stop • Agree partnerships with other charities where we where due to the proliferation of criminality engagement with the police.16 Use credible • Build partnerships with experts from law have joint ambitions. and victimisation there is particular need for language, role models and the most relevant enforcement, the third sector, companies, Crimestoppers anonymity. • Explore new and emerging channels of media channels to engage communities. academics and our volunteers to bring their • Grow and equip volunteer Crimestoppers’ communication to engage with the public. information and advice to a new/wider audience. • Thank the public for contacting us. Show them Ambassadors from organisations already • Ensure we can demonstrate our impact in this area. that we value their information and that it has working with those most closely linked to made a difference. crime.18 This allows us to lever off third parties to use their existing relationships with clients to build confidence and trust in Crimestoppers’ anonymous service. 15. Such ‘hard to reach’ communities are, for Crimestoppers, defined as any 16. For example, the ingrained attitudes against ‘snitching’ or ‘being a grass’. social, geographic, demographic or geographic group where cultural or 17. Our work in Leicestershire and Birmingham in 2013 is pilots for this other barriers exist which erode their trust and confidence in dealing with type of engagement. authorities, including the police. These groups might be associated with 18. For instance probation, drugs, and victims services. criminality, they might be disproportionately victimised, they may be apathetic, or doubt their information has value. They may operate outside of traditional UK culture or be physically distant.
What we need Make better use of Crimestoppers’ anonymous information, to do internally understanding what more it can We will only be able to achieve our strategic ambitions if we tell us to both inform our work can make more of ourselves. We have strong foundations: and benefit our partners. • Knowledge that our core service makes a difference. • Visibility of our brand and service. • Enthusiastic and dedicated staff and volunteers. We will dedicate resources to analysis within Crimestoppers to develop packages of information which will bring additional insight, and value, to the UK’s crime intelligence picture. This will also • Financial support from public and private sectors. allow us to better demonstrate the value of anonymous information. • Strong partnerships with media, voluntary and statutory sectors. By 2020 we will: • Look for relationships with • Articulate the impact of Universities to further enrich our work in a variety of • Well managed and efficient support teams. • Develop skills in analysis ways to encourage individuals our information. to get best value from to use Crimestoppers’ our information. • Scope and develop a However these are also the key areas which we need to services with confidence develop internally to allow us to achieve our ambitions. customer base for • Ensure our technology and generate support. They are interconnected and everyone in our Charity needs analysis products. allows efficient analysis • Use this analysis, and other to be engaged in our success. and presentation including • Work with all our partners research, to inform the focus detailed local information. who receive Crimestoppers of our work, respond to the information to maximise • Work with partners to bring needs of individuals and feedback on the outcomes together their information communities to assist our achieved with this with ours to assist in the decision-making. information. We will explore development of ‘intelligence with them new systems and packages’ or products. process to make the best use of resources available.
Income Culture Generation The strategy provides the opportunity to refresh and re-engage our whole organisation Effective fundraising will be vital to achieving behind our single vision. The four ambitions our strategy. The austere financial climate, were produced from the ideas of our staff, particularly in the public sector, means that volunteers and stakeholders, who have also maintaining our funding base is a challenge. helped test and shape how we intend to Growing it will be more so. We have relied on achieve them. The strategy provides focus for the same narrow income model for some ten our activity, but it does not stop here. Our staff years and diversification will be necessary. and volunteers are our strongest supporters Our approach will be incremental; we will and are key to our reputation. have to test new opportunities to see what works. We will: We will: • Change the way we talk about how Crimestoppers makes a difference. We will focus • Challenge the preconceptions we have about on the people who give information and those the attractiveness of Crimestoppers to funders. who suffer from the effects of crime. We will These can undermine our confidence. We will review our brand and core values. replace outmoded views and reinforce the positive. • Have an opinion on and talk about select issues that are important to us and our supporters. • Review the relationships we have across the We will remain apolitical. However, we hold Charity and make sure we develop these all the view that crime harms individuals and to the same high standards, supported by the society and the public own much of the solution. Business Development Team. Working well with and looking after our partners will make these • We will provide more opportunities to listen to relationships more productive. what is important to our staff, volunteers and the people who use our service reflecting this where • Make sure that income generation becomes a possible in our plans. Our planning process will whole organisation activity. We will build teams be more open. from across the organisation to explore and generate new initiatives. People • Learn more from what we do well and what does not work. We will look at best practice Our staff and volunteers are passionate and • Support our staff and volunteers to fulfil the • Ask for more voluntary and corporate social from others, e.g. ‘What Works Centre for proud to work with Crimestoppers. This energy values of the Charity. responsibility income as a potentially untapped Crime Reduction’, College of Policing. helps us seem like a much larger organisation source of support. We will need the skills, tools We will use this to help us improve from the outside; we pack a punch above our • Find new volunteering opportunities, alongside and resources to do this properly. We will need our work, informing decisions. weight. Our people often go the extra mile, our existing volunteer structure, to bring a compelling ‘cases for support’. so we need to invest in them to retain their variety of skills and capacity to our work. commitment. We trust them to be the public We will engage more individuals and face of our Charity; they need the right organisations as Ambassadors for our service. tools and support, recognition, thanks and leadership. • Give more attention to our supporters. We will better recognise the contributions of individuals, We will: great and small. Our management team will attend volunteer meetings more regularly. we pack a punch above our weight. Our people • Develop our staff to ensure they are engaged and equipped to produce results. • Use better the specific skills held by staff and often go the extra mile, so we need to invest in volunteers which may not be used in their them to retain their commitment. • Listen to what our staff and volunteers have to particular role. This could help meet capacity say to help us engage, develop and retain them. issues and enable us to benefit from this experience from within.
Infrastructure Measuring Our organisation and facilities have been success invested in over recent years, from the management structure to IT capability. Showing that our work has made a difference There are specific resources we will need is vital, to our supporters, funders and to achieve the strategy. Firstly we will plan perhaps most importantly to the people our activity under the strategic ambitions, who despite their personal circumstances building teams from across internal contacted us anonymously. Using our theory departments where appropriate. of change as a guide we will develop a measurement framework. We will need tools and skills to: We will: • Analyse the anonymous information reports we hold, so it is accessible to those who can • Prioritise activity and understand that initial draw insight from it. outcomes in each area will be a foundation for the next step. This will not always be easy as • Develop our relationships with partners, our goals are in many ways interdependent. customers and donors, allowing us to tailor communications to mutual benefit. • Plan each year the outcomes needed in each step towards our goals. These outcomes will • Enhance our reputation through proactive inform what we need to do and what we need internal communications; to learn from each to measure to show we have achieved them. other and build a joint sense of purpose behind our vision. • Show our impact in the quality of our information, be it to solve or prevent crimes. • Use our strategy to guide the decisions All our partners who receive information will we make. Its focus will allow us to quickly provide details on the outcomes they achieve respond to opportunities which support from Crimestoppers. Partnerships our ambitions. • Focus on the outcomes we achieve, not the We have always relied on partnerships. The original concept of • Continue to review and improve our risk activity. We will develop qualitative as well as Crimestoppers brought together police, business and the media, management and processes. We will have quantitative measures that reflect the breadth which is visible still in our work today. However, we cannot, nor appropriate and consistent levels of procedure of our outcomes. should not, work on our mission alone. Partnerships are woven into and control to support business continuity. each of our ambitions; some are already established while new • Run regular surveys in communities where ones will be needed if we are to succeed. Our partnerships will be • Build on recent work to plan and evaluate we work to look at changes in attitudes and led by shared goals, where cooperation with others allows us to our initiatives robustly, to learn and improve, behaviours. Trust and/or confidence in our reach these goals more effectively than apart. focusing on identifying and achieving anonymous service will be key. outcomes and impact. We will: • Use the information held by our partners as additional evidence of our impact; a reduction • Be proactive in our relationships with partners, defining joint in crimes committed for instance. goals and the roles of each party. We will know how each partnership helps us achieve our vision and strategy. • Equip our partners with knowledge of our anonymous service so they can talk about how useful it is to their networks, Partnerships are woven into each of our ambitions; clients or customers. This should build trust in our service. some are already established while new ones will be • Recognise the expertise of our partners and share this to benefit the needed if we are to succeed. public who look to us to be a trusted source of information about crime.
Contact information Crimestoppers Central Office 020 8835 3700 Staff in Operations, Communications, Fundraising, Youth, Finance and Administration are available during office hours. PO Box 324 Wallington SM6 6BG Websites Crimestoppers Trust is a company limited by guarantee (registered number 05382856) and a charity (registered charity number 1108687 in England and SCO37960 in Scotland). Registered Office is at 2-6 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YH.
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