Page created by Alice Chang

                2017 - 2020

Dear Colleague,
This book is for you.                                             THEATRICAL MOTION PICTURES AND
Since the inception of the DGA in 1936, protecting your           LONG-FORM TELEVISION FILMS —
creative rights as a Director has been core to our mission as     CREATIVE RIGHTS CHECKLIST
a labor union. From establishing the right to a Director’s Cut,   Checklists of DGA Directors’ creative rights, codified in
to a host of additional hard-fought creative rights protections   this handbook for feature film and long-form television
negotiated over the past 80-plus years, your Guild stands         …………………………………………………………… 6
ready and willing to defend these rights on your behalf.
Unfortunately, sometimes Directors are either unclear or
unaware of the contractual rights protections they have as        THEATRICAL MOTION PICTURES AND
DGA members. That’s why we have developed this Creative           LONG-FORM TELEVISION FILMS —
Rights Handbook – to help raise awareness of your creative        SUMMARY OF CREATIVE RIGHTS
rights throughout all phases of feature film and television       A summary of a Director’s creative rights under the
production. This current edition has been redesigned with         Directors Guild of America Basic Agreement of 2017
two separate sections, outlining in detail specific issues you    for feature film and long-form television ......................... 9
may face in Theatrical Motion Pictures/Longform Television
Films and in Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series.
                                                                  EPISODIC TELEVISION/HIGH BUDGET
It is critically important for every member to understand that
creative rights are always available to us.
                                                                  SVOD SERIES — CREATIVE RIGHTS
When we choose not to exercise them, we further the chances       Checklists of DGA Directors’ creative rights, codified
of their erosion. In our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of    in this handbook for episodic television and high budget
your rights, the Guild has instituted a new initiative where      SVOD series …………………………………………… 24
we reach out to Directors as they begin the post-production
process, checking in to ensure that our members have the
support they need to safeguard these valuable protections.        EPISODIC TELEVISION/HIGH BUDGET
As you enjoy the benefits of DGA creative rights on your next
                                                                  SVOD SERIES — SUMMARY OF
directing assignment, don’t forget the Directors who have         CREATIVE RIGHTS
fought battle after battle to win these contractual protections   A summary of a Director’s creative rights under the
for us all.                                                       Directors Guild of America Basic Agreement of 2017 for
                                                                  episodic television and high budget SVOD series ……27
And if you find yourself with any creative rights questions or
problems, please contact the DGA immediately. The Guild is
here to help you.                                                 BASIC AGREEMENT, ARTICLE 7
                                                                  Directors’ minimum conditions, preparation, production and
                                                                  post-production for feature film, long-form television and
Jonathan Mostow                                                   television series .................................................................... 39
Christopher Nolan
Co-Chairs DGA Creative Rights Committee
                                                                  CODE OF PREFERRED PRACTICES
Paris Barclay                                                     A set of non-binding guidelines, agreed upon by the Guild
Matthew Penn                                                      and the studios, to encourage a higher level of conduct for
Chair & Co-Chair DGA Television Creative Rights                   employers and Directors .................................................... 88
       Creative Rights
         Committee                               THEATRICAL
       Jonathan Mostow                        MOTION PICTURES
       Christopher Nolan
                                               AND LONG-FORM
   David Ayer             Bennett Miller
                                              TELEVISION FILMS
  Michael Bay            Oren Moverman
Kathryn Bigelow                   McG
                                                 SUMMARY OF DIRECTORS’
Martha Coolidge               Phillip Noyce
                                               CREATIVE RIGHTS UNDER THE
   Andy Davis                 Donald Petrie    DIRECTORS GUILD OF AMERICA
Roger Donaldson                Sam Raimi        BASIC AGREEMENT OF 2017

  David Fincher           Jason Reitman
 Anne Fletcher                 Jay Roach
  Carl Franklin          David O. Russell
  F. Gary Gray          Robert Schwentke
John Lee Hancock          Brad Silberling
  Ron Howard                   Tim Story
 Reginald Hudlin          Betty Thomas
  Patty Jenkins          Rawson Thurber
 Michael Mann             Jon Turteltaub
Peter Landesman
THEATRICAL MOTION PICTURES &                                  4. Did you get your cut without interference or “cutting
 LONG-FORM TELEVISION FILMS                                      behind”?
                                                              5. If the editor was replaced, were you informed
  CREATIVE RIGHTS CHECKLIST                                      two days in advance and consulted on his/her
                                                              6. Did you screen your cut for the producer and person
1. Were all the company’s script, casting, approvals             with final cutting authority?
   and budget commitments revealed to you before you
   took the assignment?                                       7. Did you preview your cut of your feature film? Was it
                                                                 in a format superior to a simple Avid output?
2. Did you get to choose your First Assistant Director?
                                                              8. If your film involved substantial special effects, were
                                                                 you given the opportunity to incorporate temp effects
DURING PREP                                                      for your preview?
1. Were you provided with an office?                          9. Were you notified of the date, time and place of
2. Did you participate in all casting?                           every post-production operation, and allowed to be
3. Was there a reasonable purpose for each person                present and consulted?
   present at the casting session(s)?                         10. Were you offered the opportunity to direct all
4. Were you told what material would be shot by a                 additional scenes or retakes?
   second unit?                                               11. Were you offered the opportunity to direct looping
5. Did you approve the selection of a second unit director?       or narration? For long-form TV, if you were not
                                                                  sent to the place of looping, were you provided
6. Were you given a full below-the-line budget before             communication to the looping site through ISDN,
   assignment, as well as all subsequent revisions?               T-Line or a similar device?
7. Were you consulted on all script revisions?                12. Were you offered the opportunity to take part in the
                                                                  spotting and dubbing of sound and music?
1. Did you see dailies at a reasonable time?                  SECONDARY MARKETS
2. Did you approve the use of video assist? Did you           1. Were you advised about editing of versions for
   decide the number and placement of monitors?                  ancillary markets, the amount of time to be added
3. Were you informed about any electronic transmission           or removed and any change to the aspect ratio, and
   of sound or images from the set?                              given the opportunity to participate in this editing?

4. Did all notes to cast and crew come directly from you?     2. Were you consulted on the contents of the DVD and
                                                                 advised of its release schedule in a timely manner?
                                                                                  AT ALL TIMES
1. Did you see the editor’s assembly before anyone else?      Were you consulted about every creative decision?
2. Were you allowed adequate time for preparing your cut?
                                                              The Director’s creative rights are codified in Article 7 of the
3. If your cutting time was curtailed because of a delivery    DGA Basic Agreement. If you have any questions, please
   or release date, and that date was postponed, were           consult the Guild office or a DGA field representative.
   you offered more time for your cut?
                                                                       DGA Contract Line: (310) 289-2010
                                                        CREATIVE RIGHTS FOR
                                                   THEATRICAL MOTION PICTURES
                                                    AND LONG-FORM TELEVISION
“We gotta show                                      FILMS UNDER THE DIRECTORS
                                                      GUILD OF AMERICA BASIC
 ’em how much                                           AGREEMENT OF 2017

   we care!”                                       Following is a summary of Directors’ creative rights
                                                   for theatrical motion pictures and long-form television
                                                   under Article 7 of the Directors Guild of America Basic
                                                   Agreement of 2017. It is not intended to change or
   – Frank Capra, first Chairman of the
                                                   interpret Article 7. If there is any difference between
     DGA Creative Rights Committee,
                                                   this summary and the Basic Agreement, the Basic
     recommending to his directorial               Agreement is controlling. Therefore, you should not rely
     colleagues in 1964 the way to convince        solely upon this summary. Basic Agreement paragraph
     studio heads that directors should be         numbers are cited in the summary for your convenience.
     entitled to a “Director’s Cut.”
                                                   A. GENERAL RULES

                                                    1. THE DIRECTOR’S FUNCTION
                                                         The Director contributes to all creative elements
The companies feared a “Director’s Cut” would            relating to the making of a motion picture and
mean increased post-production costs. Capra              participates in molding and integrating them
proposed that the companies and the DGA                  into one dramatic and aesthetic whole. (7-101)
draw up a list of the top 12 Directors in the
world. In the event that any Director held up       2. ONE DIRECTOR TO A PICTURE
post-production in the way that the companies            With few exceptions, only one Director may be
                                                         assigned to a motion picture at any given time.
feared, the Guild, at its own expense, would fly
                                                         (7-208) Only the Director assigned to a motion
in any one of those Directors from anywhere
                                                         picture may direct it. (7-101)
in the world to finish that work, even if it was
only a half-hour TV show. Impressed by the          3. CREATIVE DECISIONS
sincerity of the proposal, the studio heads              From the time you are hired or assigned to
agreed that the Director is entitled to prepare          the picture until the end of post-production,
his or her cut of the film.                              you must be informed as soon as possible of
                                                         any proposal, and, if reasonably available, you
                                                         have the right to participate in all decisions
                                                         concerning the selection of cast and other

                                                           SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films   9
creative personnel, approval rights to third                    7. NO RETALIATION
           parties and any other creative matter involving the                The Producer may not discriminate or retaliate
           production (for example, the script, locations, set                against you because you assert your creative
           designs and constructions, shooting schedule                       rights under the Basic Agreement. (7-1503)
           and post-production scheduling). In no case
           should any creative decision be made about                      8. REPLACING A DIRECTOR
           preparation, production and post-production                        Except in an emergency (and then, only for
           unless the Producer consults with you. The                         five days), no person already assigned to the
           Producer should, in good faith, consider your                      motion picture may replace you. (7-1401)
           advice and suggestions. (7-202, 7-1501)                            Arbitration decisions confirm that the Producer
                                                                              may not create an “emergency” by terminating
     4. DEAL MEMORANDUM                                                       your employment.
           The individual with final cutting authority over a
           motion picture must be designated in your Deal                  B. PRE-PRODUCTION AND
           Memorandum. If that person leaves the company,
           his or her successor must be of equivalent rank                    PRODUCTION
           and must be designated within a reasonable time.
           If the company fails to designate a successor, you              1. DISCLOSURE BEFORE
           have the right to select one from three persons                    ASSIGNMENT
           submitted by the company. (7-206)                                  Before you are assigned to a film, the
                                                                              Producer must inform you of: (1) the creative
           The intended post-production locale must also                      personnel already employed; (2) existing film
           be mentioned in your Deal Memorandum. (7-                          contemplated to be used; (3) any rights of
           506)                                                               script or cast approval held by someone other
                                                                              than the Employer or individual Producer; (4)
     5. PRODUCTION EXECUTIVES                                                 the motion picture’s top sheet and (5) the story
           You may contact the executive in charge of                         and script, if any. The Producer should also fully
           production if you have a dispute with the                          disclose to you all other creative commitments
           individual in charge of the film. (7-207)                          relating to the picture. (7-201)

     6. THIRD-PARTY AGREEMENTS                                             2. OFFICE, PARKING &
           The Producer may not make an agreement                             TRANSPORTATION
           with a third party, the terms of which require                     The Producer must provide you a private office
           the Producer to breach its obligations to your                     at the studio and a private facility on or next to
           creative rights under either the Basic Agreement                   the set. The office must be large enough for at
           or your individual contract. Nor may the Producer                  least two people and have a door that shuts,
           negotiate a provision in any other collective                      adequate ventilation, a telephone, a desk and
           bargaining agreement that infringes upon your                      desk chair, and good lighting. The Producer
           creative rights under the Basic Agreement. (7-                     must use its best efforts to provide reasonable
           1502)                                                              parking at no cost to you. (7-403)

10   SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films        SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films   11
If the Producer provides a private facility for                         Producer should inform you of the material
             others at a distant location, it must also provide                      intended to be shot by a second unit. The
             you with a private facility. Upon your request,                         Producer may not later schedule new second
             the Producer must provide you with private                              unit work, unless certain circumstances
             transportation to and from local locations,                             arise which could not have been reasonably
             unless this increases the Producer’s costs. (7-                         anticipated. (7-404) The Producer must give
             403)                                                                    you an opportunity to consult with the Second
                                                                                     Unit Director about the manner in which the
     3. DELIVERY OF SCRIPT                                                           second unit photography will be shot. (7-205)
             After your assignment, at your request the
             Producer must promptly submit to you any                             7. BUDGET AND SHOOTING
             script or outline and any revisions. All revisions                      SCHEDULE
             made later must be submitted to you before                              The Producer may not in bad faith or capriciously
             they are made available for general distribution.                       reduce the budget or the shooting schedule. (7-
             The individual Producer or another appropriate                          201)
             person must confer with you about changes to
             the script and consider your recommendations.                        8. STUNTS
             (7-301)                                                                 The Producer may not increase the difficulty of
                                                                                     a stunt in the shooting script delivered to you,
     4. SELECTION OF DGA CREW                                                        or later add a stunt to this script, unless you
             The Producer must consult with you about the                            consent. (7-303)
             selection of any Second Unit Director. (7-205) If
             you and the Producer disagree over the selection                     9. VIDEO ASSIST
             of the Second Unit Director, Paragraph 7-205                            You have the discretion choose to use video
             provides a procedure for selecting a Second                             assist or not utilize it on features and long form
             Unit Director acceptable to both you and the                            television motion pictures. On feature films only,
             Producer. You have the right to select the First                        if you choose to use video assist, you must be
             Assistant Director. (7-204) The Producer must                           allowed to determine the number and placement
             consult with you about the selection of the Unit                        of monitors to be used. (7-406)
             Production Manager for any theatrical motion
             picture or non-episodic television program. (7-
                                                                                  10. ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSIONS
                                                                                     The Producer may not electronically transmit
                                                                                     from the stage any image or sound without first
     5. CASTING SESSIONS                                                             informing you. (7-1505)
             The only persons who may attend casting
             sessions are those who have a reasonable
                                                                                  11. DAILIES
             purpose for being there and who are invited by
                                                                                     You must have the opportunity to see the dailies
             you, the individual Producer or the Employer. (7-
                                                                                     of each day’s photography at a reasonable time.
                                                                                     (7-401) If you so request before departure for a
                                                                                     distant location, the Producer must provide you
     6. SECOND UNITS                                                                 on distant location with interlocking sound and
             Before        principal       photography            starts,   the      picture projection facilities or their equivalent for

12   SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films               SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films   13
the viewing of dailies. (7-402) The Producer must               3. EDITOR’S ASSEMBLY
           ship these dailies to the distant location within 24              Only the Editor and the Editor’s immediate staff
           hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays)                   may view the Editor’s Assembly before you. You
           after synchronization. (7-401)                                    have the right to view the Assembly as soon as it
                                                                             is finished and may request that no other person,
     12. SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHY &                                               except the Editor and Editor’s staff, view the
         PROCESSES                                                           Assembly for 24 hours after you view it. (7-505)
           Before completion of principal photography,
           the Producer must inform you about any intent                   4. PREPARING THE DIRECTOR’S CUT
           to use special photography and processes,                         The Director’s right to prepare his or her Director’s
           and permit you to participate in considerations                   Cut is absolute. (7-508) You must supervise the
           about their use. After principal photography, you                 editing of the first cut following completion of the
           must be consulted about and participate in the                    Editor’s Assembly. You have the right to instruct
           consideration of using such special photography                   the Editor and to make whatever changes you
           and processes, if you are available. (7-405)                      deem necessary in preparing the Director’s Cut.
     C. POST-PRODUCTION                                                      No one can interfere with or cut behind you
                                                                             during the period of the Director’s Cut. (7-504)
           If you direct 100% of scheduled principal                         The Producer must give you time to complete the
           photography, you may not be replaced except for                   Director’s Cut as follows:
           gross willful misconduct. (7-503) You must be given
           the opportunity to direct additional photography                   THEATRICAL MOTION PICTURES
           and retakes, and, if unavailable, you must have the                Ten weeks, or one day of editing for each two
           opportunity to consult with the person who directs                 days of scheduled photography, whichever is
           these. (7-1001)                                                    longer. (7-505(b)) The period for the Director’s
                                                                              Cut begins when the Editor’s Assembly is
           If you direct at least 90% of scheduled principal
                                                                              finished unless you delay completion of the
           photography, you are entitled to all post-
                                                                              Assembly. ((7-505(c))
           production creative rights, unless you were
           primarily responsible for the motion picture going
                                                                              Certain creative rights, particularly the amount
           over budget or your replacement directs more
                                                                              of cutting time, have been modified in the
           than 10% of all principal photography, no part of
                                                                              DGA Low Budget Agreement. If you have any
           which was shot to defeat your rights. (7-503)
                                                                              questions regarding your creative rights for low
                                                                              budget theatrical motion pictures, please call the
     2. POST-PRODUCTION AT A DISTANT                                          Contracts Department at (310) 289-2010.
           When post-production takes place at a distant                      LONG-FORM TELEVISION MOTION
           location, the Employer must pay for your                           PICTURES
           transportation, hotel and meals while you perform
                                                                               • 91 minutes to 2 hours: 20 days
           post-production services. (7-506)
                                                                               • Each additional hour in excess of 2 hours:
                                                                                 5 days (7-505(b))

14   SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films        SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films   15
If your Director’s cutting time is abbreviated                  7. RIGHT TO BE PRESENT AND TO
           due to a release or delivery date, and that date                   CONSULT THROUGHOUT POST-
           is postponed, you must be given more time to
           complete your cut. (7-505(i))
                                                                              You must be notified of the date, time and place
                                                                              of each post-production operation. (7-506)
           You may delegate the assembly of second unit
           photography to the Second Unit Director. (7-205)
                                                                              The Producer must allow you to be present at all
                                                                              times and be consulted throughout the entire post-
     5. VIEWING THE DIRECTOR’S CUT                                            production period. You must have a reasonable
           Only the individual Producer and the person with                   opportunity to discuss the last version of the film
           final cutting authority are entitled to see the first              before negative cutting or dubbing, whichever is
           screening of the Director’s Cut. (7-505(d))                        first. (7-506)

           You have the right to request a preview of the                     The Producer may not use the company’s
           Director’s Cut of a theatrical motion picture                      scheduling authority or the post-production locale
           before a public audience or, at the Producer’s                     to undermine your creative rights. (7-506, 7-512)
           choice, a private audience of no less than 100
           persons (excluding relatives and employees).                    8. LOOPING AND NARRATION
           (7-505(e)) This preview cannot be conducted                        Looping and narration must be directed by you
           using the “Avid output” or other substandard                       (7-1101) as long as you are available at the time,
           processes. (7-705)                                                 place and cost the Employer scheduled. It is the
                                                                              Producer’s obligation to send you to the place
           If your theatrical or long-form television motion                  where looping or narration is recorded unless it is
           picture involves substantial effects, you must be                  minor in nature. (7-1102) If unavailable, you must be
           allowed to incorporate reasonable temp effects                     consulted about the selection of a substitute and be
           (and have additional cutting time necessary to                     allowed to explain to the substitute your ideas on the
           do so) for the preview of your Director’s Cut. (7-                 work to be done. (7-1103)
                                                                              With respect to long-form television motion
     6. REPLACEMENT OF THE EDITOR –                                           pictures, if you are not sent to the place of looping,
        THEATRICAL MOTION PICTURES                                            the Producer must provide communication to the
                                                                              looping site through ISDN, T-1 line or a similar
                                                                              device if readily available. (7-1104)
           If the Producer intends to terminate the editor’s
           employment on a theatrical motion picture, you
           must be notified at least two business days prior               9. SPOTTING AND DUBBING
           to the termination. During that two-day period,                    The Producer must give you the opportunity to
           you have the right to consult with the Producer                    take part in the spotting and dubbing of sound
           regarding the decision to terminate the editor                     and music, provided such participation does not
           and the selection of the replacement editor. The                   increase costs. (7-1201)
           Producer has the final decision regarding the
           termination of the editor and selection of the                  10. MOTION PICTURE RATING
           replacement editor, unless you have overscale                      If the Employer appeals the rating given to
           approval rights concerning those matters. (7-209)                  a theatrical motion picture by the MPAA’s

16   SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films         SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films   17
Classification and Rating Administration,                     3. TELEVISION RELEASE OF
             you have the right to participate fully in the                   THEATRICAL FILM
             proceedings before the CARA’s Appeals Board.                     The Producer must try to license theatrical
             If the Producer wants to change the film to                      motion pictures for network broadcast so
             achieve a desired rating, he or she must give                    that they will be broadcast with no changes
             you the opportunity to make the changes.                         except those required by Network Broadcast
                                                                              Standards and Practices.       To the extent
             If the Employer does not designate you as one
                                                                              practical, the production company – not the
             of the Employer’s representatives to the MPAA’s
                                                                              network – should oversee any necessary editing.
             CARA, the designated representative must
             promptly advise you of any communications                        You must be given notice of the amount of time
             with CARA. You must be informed fully and                        to be added or removed and any change to the
             accurately of CARA’s concerns and consulted                      aspect ratio, and the first opportunity to make the
             in good faith with respect to any actions to be                  required cuts. If the Director is deceased, the
             taken. (7-515)                                                   DGA will select another Director to make these
                                                                              cuts. (7-509(b))
     11. PREVIEWS OF THEATRICAL FILMS                                         If the license with the network provides that the
             The Producer must give you (or the DGA if you                    network will edit the motion picture, the Producer
             cannot be reached) five days’ advance notice of                  must obligate the network to consult with you.
             the time and place of all previews of a theatrical               You and the Producer are required to abide by
             film. (7-701) If the first preview is outside Los                procedures set forth in this Paragraph. (7-509(c))
             Angeles or Orange County, the Producer must
             provide you with first-class travel and lodging. (7-             If the Producer decides to edit a motion picture
             702) The Producer must have at least one public                  at the Producer’s facilities for the purpose of
             or private showing of the film. (7-704)                          syndication, you, if available, must be given the
                                                                              opportunity to edit the motion picture. (7-509(d))
                                                                           4. IN-FLIGHT EXHIBITION OF
     1. COLORIZING, PANNING AND                                               THEATRICAL FILM
                                                                              The Producer may not edit or permit a licensee
        SCANNING, ETC. - THEATRICAL                                           to edit a feature-length theatrical motion picture
        FILMS                                                                 down to an in-flight version shorter than its
             The Producer must consult with you concerning                    generally released version. However, if the film is
             colorizing, panning and scanning, time                           longer than two hours, it may be cut to two hours
             compression and changes made to exhibit the film                 in length. (7-509(f))
             in 3D. (7-513)
                                                                           5. OTHER VERSIONS OF THEATRICAL
     2. DVD RELEASE                                                           FILMS
             You must be advised of the schedule for release(s)
                                                                              If the Producer wants to change a motion picture
             of the domestic DVD as soon as it is determined.
                                                                              for distribution on DVD, basic cable, domestically
             The Producer must consult with you concerning
                                                                              in New Media, or in-flight, you must be given
             the content of the DVD in a timely manner to allow
                                                                              notice of the amount of time to be added or
             full consideration of your input. (7-521)
                                                                              removed and any change to the aspect ratio, and

18   SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films         SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films   19
you must edit the new version or be consulted
           about the changes in the same manner as you
           would edit or be consulted in connection with
           changes for television. (7-509(g))

           If a theatrical motion picture is to be exhibited in
           an ancillary market with a running time, format,
           or aspect ratio different from the domestic
           theatrical release version, you may send to the
           Producer a written request of the licensee to
           display a label, in the form of a disclaimer, prior
           to the commencement of the exhibition of the
           motion picture. (7-522)

           The Producer must give you the opportunity to
           direct photography added to a theatrical film
           beyond its theatrical version. (7-509(e))

           If a television motion picture is to be cut in the
           United States for foreign theatrical release, you
           must have the opportunity to prepare a Director’s
           Cut. (7-1301)

           The Producer may not release a version of your
           theatrical film identified as the “Director’s Cut”
           unless it has been so identified by you. (7-518)

20   SUMMARY - Theatrical Motion Pictures and Long-Form Television Films
          Creative Rights
            Committee                          EPISODIC
              Paris Barclay                  TELEVISION/
             Matthew Penn
                                             HIGH BUDGET
                  Co-Chair                   SVOD SERIES
  Rebecca Asher            Victor Nelli
      Dan Attias        Michael Pressman
    Jamie Babbit            Dee Rees
  Norberto Barba           Mike Robe          SUMMARY OF DIRECTORS’
 Andrew Bernstein      Rosemary Rodriguez   CREATIVE RIGHTS UNDER THE
     Tricia Brock       Bethany Rooney      DIRECTORS GUILD OF AMERICA
                                             BASIC AGREEMENT OF 2017
  Roxann Dawson          Dan Sackheim
    Guy Ferland           Fred Savage
   Zetna Fuentes             Oz Scott
   Karen Gaviola          David Semel
 Lesli Linka Glatter      Lynn Shelton
Anthony Hemingway       Millicent Shelton
   Rod Holcomb            Marcos Siega
   Nicole Kassell        Michael Spiller
     Mimi Leder             Eric Stoltz
 Michelle Maclaren         Mark Tinker
     Seith Mann         Ron Underwood
   Paul McCrane            Tom Verica
 Tawnia McKiernan        Greg Yaitanes
  Vincent Misiano        Michael Zinberg
   Alan Myerson
EPISODIC TELEVISION/                               3. For a half-hour episode, did you have one day
                                                            to complete your cut plus up to one more day to
    HIGH BUDGET SVOD SERIES                                 make changes?
        CREATIVE RIGHTS                                  4. Did you get your cut without interference or
           CHECKLIST                                        “cutting behind”?
                                                         5. Did you screen your cut for the producer and
DURING PREP                                                 person with final cutting authority?
1. Did you receive the script, with your name on it as   6. Were you notified of the date, time and place of
   Director, no less than 24 hours before prep?             every post-production operation, and in good faith
2. Were you provided with an office?                        allowed to be present and consulted?

3. For single-camera, half-hour series, were you         7. Were you offered the opportunity to direct all
   notified 72 hours in advance of the date, time, and      additional scenes or retakes?
   place of the table read?                              8. Were you offered the opportunity to direct looping
4. Did you participate in all casting, and was there a      or narration?
   reasonable purpose for each person present at the     9. Were you offered the opportunity to take part in
   casting session(s) to be there?                          the spotting and dubbing of sound and music?
5. Were you told what material would be shot by a        10. Did you request and were you provided with a
   second unit?                                              watermarked DVD copy of the final “air” version
6. Were you consulted on wardrobe, props, special            of your episode without commercials at no cost to
   FX, choreography, music, special equipment, etc.?         you?
                                                         11. If you directed the pilot of a series and a domestic
DURING PRODUCTION                                            DVD or Internet Web page was created, were
1. Did you direct all of the originally scheduled            your name, background, and filmography included
   principal photography?                                    along with those of the series’ “creator”?
2. Did all notes to cast and crew come directly from
                                                                              AT ALL TIMES
3. Were you informed about any electronic                Were you consulted about every creative decision?
   transmission of sound or images from the set?
4. Did you see dailies at a reasonable time?
                                                         The Director’s creative rights are codified in Article 7 of
                                                         the DGA Basic Agreement. If you have any questions,
                                                                  please consult the Guild office or a
1. Did you see the editor’s assembly within six                         DGA field representative.
   business days after shooting was complete? Did
   you see the editor’s assembly before anyone else?             DGA Contract Line: (310) 289-2010
2. For a one-hour episode, did you have four days to
   complete your cut (as long as there were no bona
   fide delivery date exigencies)?
                                                       CREATIVE RIGHTS FOR
                                                    TELEVISION SERIES AND HIGH
                                                     BUDGET SVOD PROGRAMS
                                                    UNDER THE DIRECTORS GUILD
                                                   OF AMERICA BASIC AGREEMENT
                                                             OF 2017
“The difficulty arose because the only right we
                                                   Following is a summary of Directors’ creative rights
 had in the contract back then in the early ’60s
                                                   for episodic television and high budget SVOD series
 was to make suggestions for improvements          under Article 7 of the Directors Guild of America
 in a ‘rough cut’ to the associate producer.       Basic Agreement of 2017. The references below to
 We called many directors together and all         “motion picture” or “motion pictures” mean an episode
 of them agreed that they were having similar      of television, as that is the specific term used in the
 problems. So we met under the supervision         Basic Agreement. This summary is not intended to
 of Joe Youngerman over a period of time to        change or interpret Article 7. If there is any difference
                                                   between this summary and the Basic Agreement, the
 see if we could draft what we called a ‘Bill of
                                                   Basic Agreement is controlling. Therefore, you should
 Creative Rights.’ George Sidney, who was          not rely solely upon this summary. Basic Agreement
 President of the Guild at the time, asked         paragraph numbers are cited in the summary for your
 Frank Capra to chair a special negotiating        convenience.
 committee to obtain acknowledgment of
 these rights. And that’s how it started.”         A. GENERAL RULES
     – Elliot Silverstein, original member          1. THE DIRECTOR’S FUNCTION
       of the 1964 DGA Creative Rights                   The Director contributes to all creative elements
       Committee and Chairman from                       relating to the making of a motion picture and
       1968–1992.                                        participates in molding and integrating them
                                                         into one dramatic and aesthetic whole. (7-101)

                                                    2. ONE DIRECTOR TO A PICTURE
                                                         With few exceptions, only one Director may be
                                                         assigned to a motion picture at any given time.
                                                         (7-208) Only the Director assigned to a motion
                                                         picture may direct it. (7-101)

                                                    3. CREATIVE DECISIONS
                                                         From the time you are hired or assigned to the
                                                         picture until the end of post-production, you must

                                                                   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series   27
be informed as soon as possible of any proposal,     7. REPLACING A DIRECTOR
            and, if reasonably available, you have the right        Except in an emergency (and then, only for five
            to participate in all decisions concerning the          days), no person already assigned to the motion
            selection of cast and other creative personnel,         picture may replace you. (7-1401) Arbitration
            approval rights to third parties and any other          decisions confirm that the Producer may not
            creative matter involving the production (for           create an “emergency” by terminating your
            example, the script, locations, set designs and         employment.
            constructions, shooting schedule and post-
            production scheduling). In no case should any           There is an exception to this rule for additional
            creative decision be made about preparation,            scenes, retakes, and unfinished principal
            production and post-production unless the               photography. You have the absolute right to
            Producer consults with you. The Producer                direct all of the principal photography for your
            should, in good faith, consider your advice and         episode, as well as all additional scenes and
            suggestions. (7-202, 7-1501)                            retakes. However, if you are not available to
                                                                    direct scheduled principal photography that
     4. DEAL MEMORANDUM                                             was not completed or any additional scenes
            The individual with final cutting authority over a      or retakes, that material can be directed by a
            motion picture must be designated in your Deal          “career Director” who is employed on the series
            Memorandum. If that person leaves the company,          as long as you are afforded the opportunity to
            his or her successor must be of equivalent rank         consult with the Director who is directing that
            and must be designated within a reasonable time.        material. (7-1401)
            If the company fails to designate a successor,
            you have the right to select one from three          B. PRE-PRODUCTION AND
            persons submitted by the company. (7-206)
            The intended post-production locale must also be
            mentioned in your Deal Memorandum. (7-506)           1. DISCLOSURE BEFORE
     5. THIRD-PARTY AGREEMENTS                                      Before you are assigned to a motion picture, the
            The Producer may not make an agreement                  Producer must inform you of: (1) the creative
            with a third party, the terms of which require          personnel already employed; (2) existing
            the Producer to breach its obligations to               footage contemplated to be used; (3) any rights
            your creative rights under either the Basic             of script or cast approval held by someone other
            Agreement or your individual contract. Nor may          than the Employer or individual Producer; (4)
            the Producer negotiate a provision in any other         the pattern budget top sheet; and (5) the story
            collective bargaining agreement that infringes          and script, if any. The Producer should also fully
            upon your creative rights under the Basic               disclose to you all other creative commitments
            Agreement. (7-1502)                                     relating to the picture. (7-201)

     6. NO RETALIATION                                           2. OFFICE, PARKING &
            The Producer may not discriminate or retaliate          TRANSPORTATION
            against you because you assert your creative            The Producer must provide you a private office at
            rights under the Basic Agreement. (7-1503)              the studio and a private facility on or next to the

28   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series                   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series   29
set. The office must be large enough for at least       you and the Producer disagree over the selection
            two people and have a door that shuts, adequate         of the Second Unit Director, Paragraph 7-205
            ventilation, a telephone, a desk and desk chair,        provides a procedure for selecting a Second
            and good lighting. The Producer must use its            Unit Director acceptable to both you and the
            best efforts to provide reasonable parking at no        Producer.
            cost to you. (7-403)
                                                                 6. CASTING
            If the Producer provides a private facility for         You have the right, if reasonably available, to
            others at a distant location, it must also provide      participate in all decisions concerning the
            you with a private facility. Upon your request,         selection of the cast in consultation with the
            the Producer must provide you with private              Producer. (7-202) The only persons who may
            transportation to and from local locations, unless      attend casting sessions are those who have a
            this increases the Producer’s costs. (7-403)            reasonable purpose for being there and who
                                                                    are invited by you, the individual Producer or the
     3. DELIVERY OF THE SCRIPT                                      Employer. (7-1504)
            The Producer must give you a writer’s draft of the
            script at least one day before your preparation      7. PREPARATION TIME
            period begins. (7-302(a))                               You must have actual preparation time of no
                                                                    less than three days for a half-hour program,
            For every episode, the Producer must submit             seven days for a one-hour program and 15
            to the DGA a signed affidavit stating the date          days for a two-hour program. This rule applies
            on which a completed shooting script was                only to programs made for network prime time
            provided to you.                                        (excluding pilots) and comparable programs
                                                                    made for pay television. (7-304)
            After your assignment to an episode, at your
            request the Producer must promptly submit            8. TABLE READS – SINGLE CAMERA,
            to you any script or outline and any revisions
                                                                    ONE-HALF HOUR TELEVISION SERIES
            that exist. All revisions made later must be
                                                                    You must be notified of the date, time and place
            submitted to you before they are made available
                                                                    of any table read as soon as the Producer has
            for general distribution. The individual Producer
                                                                    scheduled the table read, but in no event less
            or another appropriate person must confer with
                                                                    than seventy-two hours prior to the table read,
            you about changes to the script and consider
                                                                    except in the event of an unplanned change to
            your recommendations. (7-301)
                                                                    the scheduling, in which case the Producer must
                                                                    notify you as soon as possible. Depending upon
     4. DISTRIBUTION OF SCRIPTS                                     the number of guaranteed preparation days you
            Your name must appear on the title page of              are afforded, you may be entitled to compensation
            each script distributed after you are assigned          for attending a table read that is held outside the
            to an episode. (7-305)                                  guaranteed prep period. (10-101)

     5. SELECTION OF DGA CREW                                    9. SECOND UNITS
            The Producer must consult with you about the            Before principal photography starts, the
            selection of any Second Unit Director. (7-205) If       Producer should inform you of the material

30   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series                   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series   31
intended to be shot by a second unit. The           C. POST-PRODUCTION
          Producer may not later schedule new second unit
          work, unless certain circumstances arise which      1. VESTING OF RIGHTS
          could not have been reasonably anticipated. (7-
          404) The Producer must give you an opportunity         If you direct 100% of scheduled principal
          to consult with the Second Unit Director about         photography, you may not be replaced except
          the manner in which the second unit photography        for gross willful misconduct. (7-503)
          will be shot. (7-205)                                  There is an exception to this rule for additional
                                                                 scenes, retakes, and unfinished principal
     10. STUNTS                                                  photography. You have the absolute right to
          The Producer may not increase the difficulty of        direct all of the principal photography for your
          a stunt in the shooting script delivered to you,       episode, as well as all additional scenes and
          or later add a stunt to this script, unless you        retakes. However, if you are not available to
          consent. (7-303)                                       direct scheduled principal photography that
                                                                 was not completed or any additional scenes
     11. ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSIONS                                or retakes, that material can be directed by a
          The Producer may not electronically transmit           “career Director” who is employed on the series
          from the stage any image or sound without first        as long as you are afforded the opportunity to
          informing you. (7-1505)                                consult with the Director who is directing that
                                                                 material. (7-1401)
     12. DAILIES                                                 If you direct at least 90% of scheduled principal
          You must have the opportunity to see the dailies       photography, you are entitled to all post-
          of each day’s photography at a reasonable time.        production creative rights, unless you were
          (7-401) Only with respect to pilots, if you so         primarily responsible for the motion picture going
          request before departure for a distant location,       over budget or your replacement directs more
          the Producer must provide you on distant location      than 10% of all principal photography, no part
          with interlocking sound and picture projection         of which was shot to defeat your rights. (7-503)
          facilities or their equivalent for the viewing of
          dailies. (7-402) The Producer must ship these
          dailies to the distant location within 24 hours
          (excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays) after     2. POST-PRODUCTION AT A DISTANT
          synchronization. (7-401)                               LOCATION
                                                                 When post-production takes place at a
     13. SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHY &                                   distant location, the Employer must pay for
         PROCESSES                                               your transportation, hotel and meals while you
          Before completion of principal photography,            perform post-production services. (7-506)
          the Producer must inform you about any intent
          to use special photography and processes,           3. EDITOR’S ASSEMBLY
          and permit you to participate in considerations        The Producer must have the Editor’s Assembly
          about their use. After principal photography, you      of television motion pictures prepared within
          must be consulted about and participate in the         four business days for half-hour shows, or six
          consideration of using such special photography        business days for one-hour shows, after the
          and processes, if you are available. (7-405)           close of principal photography. (7-505(c))

32   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series                SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series   33
Only the Editor and the Editor’s immediate staff          With respect to television films 60 minutes
          may view the Editor’s Assembly before you. You            or less, the Director’s Cut should be no more
          have the right to view the Assembly as soon               than approximately one minute over or under
          as it is finished and may request that no other           the planned broadcast time. (7-505(g))
          person, except the Editor and Editor’s staff,
          view the Assembly for 24 hours after you view             You may delegate the assembly of second unit
          it. If it is not promptly completed, it will be held      photography to the Second Unit Director. (7-
          up to two weeks for your availability. (7-505(c))         205)

     4. PREPARING THE DIRECTOR’S CUT                             5. VIEWING THE DIRECTOR’S CUT
          The Director’s right to prepare his or her                Only the individual Producer and the person
          Director’s Cut is absolute. (7-508) You must              with final cutting authority are entitled to see
          supervise the editing of the first cut following          the first screening of the Director’s Cut. (7-
          completion of the Editor’s Assembly. You have             505(d))
          the right to instruct the Editor and to make
          whatever changes you deem necessary in                 7. RIGHT TO BE PRESENT AND TO
          preparing the Director’s Cut. (7-505)                     CONSULT THROUGHOUT POST-
          With respect to television motion pictures 60             You must be notified of the date, time and
          minutes or less in length, if you do not start the        place of each post-production operation. (7-
          Director’s Cut within 24 hours after receiving            506)
          notice the Editor’s Assembly is or will be
          completed, the Producer may assign someone                The Producer must allow you to be present
          else to supervise the first cut. If the Producer          at all times and be consulted throughout the
          does, he or she must notify the Guild within one          entire post-production period. You must have
          day following the assignment. (7-505(g))                  a reasonable opportunity to discuss the last
                                                                    version of the film before negative cutting or
          No one can interfere with your cut or cut behind          dubbing, whichever is first. (7-506)
          you during the period of the Director’s Cut. (7-504)
                                                                    The Producer may not use the company’s
          You have the following time periods in which to           scheduling authority or the post-production
          complete your Director’s Cut, depending upon              locale to undermine your creative rights. (7-
          the length of the episode, and the time does              506, 7-512)
          not start to run until the Editor’s Assembly is
          completed (7-505):                                     7. LOOPING AND NARRATION
                                                                    Looping and narration must be directed by you
            • 30 minutes or less: within one day plus               (7-1101) as long as you are available at the time,
              time (not to exceed one more day) to make             place and cost the Employer scheduled. It is the
              changes if necessary.                                 Producer’s obligation to send you to the place
            • 31 to 60 minutes: four days                           where looping or narration is recorded unless it is
            • 61 to 90 minutes: fifteen days                        minor in nature. (7-1102) If unavailable, you must
                                                                    be consulted about the selection of a substitute

34   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series                   SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series   35
and be allowed to explain to the substitute your        3. DVD COPY OF TELEVISION EPISODE
           ideas on the work to be done. (7-1103)                     You may request a watermarked DVD copy of
                                                                      the final version of a half-hour or hour television
           With respect to long-form television, if you are           episode without commercials, which the
           not sent to the place of looping, the Producer             Producer must provide at no cost to you after
           must provide communication to the looping site             the first television exhibition of the episode. (7-
           through ISDN, T-1 line or a similar device if readily      604)
           available. (7-1104)
                                                                   4. PILOT DIRECTOR RECOGNITION *
     8. SPOTTING AND DUBBING                                          If you directed the pilot of a series, and a
           The Producer must give you the opportunity to              domestic DVD or an interactive Web page
           take part in the spotting and dubbing of sound             is labeled for that series, the Employer must
           and music, provided such participation does                include your name, background and filmography
           not increase costs. (7-1201)                               if such information about the “creator” of the
                                                                      series is included. (8-308b)
                                                                     * This provision appears in Article 8 of the DGA
           Until completed, a television motion picture may
                                                                       Basic Agreement.
           not be shown to persons who are not involved
           in post-production (for example, critics and
                                                                   5. THEATRICAL EXHIBITION OF A
           network affiliates) unless there is a notice on
                                                                      TELEVISION MOTION PICTURE
           the screen at the beginning and end of the film
                                                                      You have the right, subject to your reasonable
           stating that it is an unfinished work in progress.
                                                                      availability and at no additional salary, to
                                                                      supervise the additional editing and direct
                                                                      any additional footage (at the pro rata daily
     D. SECONDARY MARKETS                                             salary rate) required for the theatrical release
                                                                      of a motion picture after its initial exhibition
     1. FOREIGN THEATRICAL RELEASE OF                                 on television or initial availability on an SVOD
        TELEVISION FILMS                                              platform. (11-201) You have the right to an
           If a television motion picture is to be cut in the         additional three days to edit (at no additional
           United States for foreign theatrical release, you          salary) a motion picture for its theatrical release
           must have the opportunity to prepare a Director’s          prior to its exhibition on television or availability
           Cut. (7-1301)                                              on an SVOD platform and the right to direct,
                                                                      at the applicable pro rata daily salary rate, any
     2. FOREIGN EXHIBITION                                            additional footage required. (11-201)
           If additional material is to be added for foreign
           exhibition of a television motion picture, you
           must be given the opportunity to direct that
           photography and to edit any English-language
           version. (7-510)

36    SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series                       SUMMARY - Episodic Television/High Budget SVOD Series   37
        ARTICLE 7
  Directors’ Minimum Conditions
   Preparation, Production and

7-101   The Director’s professional function is
        unique, and requires his or her participation
        in all creative phases of the film making
        process, including but not limited to all
        creative aspects of sound and picture.
        The Director works directly with all of the
        elements which constitute the variegated
        texture of a unit of film entertainment or
        The Director’s function is to contribute to
        all of the creative elements of a film and to
        participate in molding and integrating them
        into one cohesive dramatic and aesthetic
        No one may direct, as the term direct is
        generally known in the motion picture
        industry, except the Director assigned to the
        The following provisions of this Article 7 are
        therefore agreed upon:

7-201   Disclosure Before Assignment
        Prior to the employment of the Director, or in
        the case of a Director employed under a term
        contract or multiple picture contract or under

                                           ARTICLE 7-BA   39
option, prior to his assignment to a picture,               or a television motion picture ninety (90)
             Employer shall inform him or her of the                     minutes or longer, the Employer shall not in
             following in relation to the picture in question:           bad faith or capriciously reduce the budget
                                                                         or the shooting schedule.
              (a) the names of artistic and creative
                  personnel already employed;                            In addition to the foregoing, Employer shall
                                                                         give full and complete disclosure of the
              (b) all existing film contemplated to be used;
                                                                         below-the-line budget to the Director of
              (c) any rights of script approval or cast                  a theatrical motion picture or a long-form
                  approval contractually reserved to any                 television motion picture at the time the
                  person other than the Employer and the                 Director is employed or assigned, and provide
                  individual Producer;                                   all subsequent revisions to said budget.
              (d) the top sheet (summary) of any Theatrical              The individuals responsible for approving the
                  Budget or a Television Pattern Budget                  budget of a theatrical motion picture shall,
                  (as the case may be) which has been                    prior to the budget being set, consult with
                  established and any limitations thereof, if            the Director with respect to its practicality.
                  any. The Director shall use his or her best
                                                                         If the Director of a long-form television
                  efforts to conform with such budget. The
                                                                         motion picture is hired before the budget
                  Director shall have the responsibility and
                                                                         is approved, the individuals responsible
                  opportunity to express his or her opinion
                                                                         for approving the budget shall, prior to the
                  with respect to the practicability of the
                                                                         budget being set, consult with the Director
                  budget; and
                                                                         with respect to its practicality.
              (e) the story on which the motion picture is
                  based and the script, if any exists, shall     7-202   Consultation After Assignment
                  be made available to the Director.                     Subject to other specific provisions hereof,
                                                                         between the time the Director is employed
             It is the intention hereof that Employer                    (or in the case of a Director employed
             shall make full and complete disclosure                     under a term contract or multiple picture
             to the Director of all of the existing artistic             contract or under option, after his or her
             and creative commitments with respect                       assignment to the picture), and until the
             to the picture for which the Director is                    time he or she delivers the Director’s Cut,
             to be employed prior to his or her actual                   he or she shall be informed as soon as
             employment, or prior to his or her assignment               practicable of any proposal concerning
             to the picture if previously employed or                    and, if reasonably available, shall participate
             optioned without such an assignment.                        in all decisions with respect to: (a) any
             It is recognized that Directors frequently                  changes in the elements of which he
             accept an assignment based upon the                         or she has been previously notified, or
             Employer’s representation as to the budget                  proposed casting and the employment of
             and shooting schedule of a motion picture.                  other artistic or creative personnel, and of
             It is therefore agreed that after the Director’s            any rights or approval thereafter granted
             assignment to a theatrical motion picture                   to third parties; (b) all creative elements

40   ARTICLE 7-BA                                                                                           ARTICLE 7-BA   41
in the production of the film, including but      7-205   Second Unit Director
               not restricted to the script and any revision             In the event second unit work shall be
               thereof, casting, employment of artistic and              contemplated, the Director shall be given
               creative personnel, location selection, set               an opportunity to consult with the individual
               design and construction; pre-production,                  Producer and participate in considerations
               shooting and post-production scheduling;                  as to the person to be engaged to direct
               (c) in no case will any creative decision be              such second unit work. In the event of
               made regarding the preparation, production,               disagreement between the Employer and
               and post-production of a motion picture                   the Director as to the choice of the person
               without the consultation of the Director. The             to be engaged as Second Unit Director, the
               Director’s advice and suggestions shall be                Employer shall submit to the Director a list of
               considered in good faith.                                 three (3) qualified individuals any one (1) of
                                                                         whom would be approved as Second Unit
     7-203     Consultation Regarding UPM                                Director and the Director shall be obligated to
               With respect to theatrical motion pictures                approve one (1) of such three (3) persons.
               and non-episodic television programs,
               Director will have the right of consultation              The Director shall be given the opportunity to
               with respect to assignment of a UPM                       consult with the Second Unit Director with
               assigned after the Director is assigned. The              respect to the manner in which the second
               final decision with respect to assignment of              unit work is to be performed and may delegate
               the UPM shall remain with the Employer.                   the supervision of the assemblage of second
                                                                         unit photography to the Second Unit Director.
     7-204     Selection of First Assistant Director
               The Director shall have the right, subject        7-206   Individual With Final Cutting Authority
               to the terms of Articles 14 and 15, to                    The individual having final cutting authority
               select the First Assistant Director on any                over the motion picture shall be designated
               theatrical motion picture and any non-series              in the Director’s Deal Memorandum. In
               television motion picture (90) minutes                    the event such individual ceases to be
               or longer, provided that such selection                   employed by Employer, the individual
               must be consistent with the budget of                     named by the Employer to succeed the
               the motion picture and the First Assistant                designated individual shall be a person of
               Director selected is not guilty of any criminal           equivalent rank. The successor’s name shall
               conduct. The Director may replace the First               be deemed incorporated into the Director’s
               Assistant Director provided that such action              Deal Memorandum. If the Employer has not
               does not adversely affect the budget of the               named any such person, then the Employer
               motion picture. The Employer shall have                   shall submit to the Director the names of
               the right for just cause to discharge a First             three (3) individuals, any of whom would
               Assistant Director selected in accordance                 be acceptable to the Employer as the
               with this Paragraph 7-204 and a substitute                person to have the final cutting authority
               First Assistant Director shall be selected                over the motion picture. The Director shall
               pursuant to this Paragraph.                               select one (1) individual from the three
                                                                         (3) proposed names, and the name of the

42    ARTICLE 7-BA                                                                                           ARTICLE 7-BA   43
individual selected shall be deemed to              of a Second Unit Director or any specially
               have been incorporated into the Director’s          skilled Director (e.g., underwater work or
               Deal Memorandum. Employer shall not be              aerial work) to work under the supervision of
               deemed to have breached this provision              the Director or a similar customary practice
               for a reasonable time following the end             not inconsistent with the general intent of this
               of employment of the individual originally          Paragraph 7-208.
               designated in the Deal Memorandum.                  The Directors’ Council of the Guild shall
               During this period, Employer may designate          not unreasonably withhold its consent to
               any individual who may temporarily perform          a waiver of the above provisions when two
               all or some of the former employee’s                (2) Directors apply for the same based on
               functions in exercising final cutting authority.    professional necessity.
     7-207     Production Executives                               At the Employer’s request, the Guild
               Employer recognizes that if the Director has        agrees to the following exception to this
               a dispute with the individual in charge of the      Paragraph 7-208. This exception shall
               specific project, the Director has the right to     remain effective from July 1, 2008 to
               contact the executive in charge of television       January 1, 2010 and thereafter unless
               or theatrical production, as the case may           either the Guild or the AMPTP terminates
               be. The executive will listen to the Director,      this exception after giving thirty (30) days
               but may delegate to another person the              written notice.
               determination of the dispute. This right is         On an episodic television motion picture
               limited to theatrical motion pictures, television   which is thirty (30) to sixty (60) minutes in
               long-form productions and multi-part closed-        length, the Employer may assign another
               end series. This right may not be exercised         Director to function as a consultant (herein
               to delay production or post-production or to        called “Consulting Director”), subject to
               otherwise increase costs.                           the following:

     7-208     One Director To A Film                              (a) the Director has not previously directed
               There will be only one Director assigned to             a motion picture under this or any
               direct a motion picture at any given time.              preceding BA;

               However, such limitations shall not be              (b) the Consulting Director has been
               construed as precluding assignment of bona              employed no more than two (2) times
               fide teams or of more than one (1) Director             under this exception;
               to direct pick-ups, added scenes or different       (c) all the Employer’s instructions in
               segments of a multi-storied or multilingual             connection with the production must
               motion picture (e.g., “Tales of Manhattan,”             be communicated to the Director;
               “Love Boat” and “Tora-Tora-Tora”) or different
                                                                   (d) the Consulting Director may only
               segments of a multi-part closed-end television
                                                                       counsel and advise the Director, and
               series (e.g., “Roots”) or the assignment of more
                                                                       may not instruct or give suggestions to
               than one Director when required by foreign
                                                                       the actors or crew; and
               laws, regulations or subsidies, or assignment

44    ARTICLE 7-BA                                                                                     ARTICLE 7-BA   45
You can also read