Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner

Page created by Herman Lowe
Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
National Presenting Partner

Creations in Isolation
                October 7, 2021
               The Port Theatre
                 Nanaimo, BC

                    Additional Support by
                    Bruendl Foundation

   Márcio Teixeira in FAN Dance, photo by Colton West Photography.
Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
Message from the Artistic Director                                                About Canada’s Ballet Jörgen
                             Thank you for joining us for Creations in Isolation!   Canada’s Ballet Jörgen is a national organization headquartered in
                                                                                    Toronto that is focused on making the arts accessible for all Canadians,
                             We are so pleased to be back on stage! While we        with a special focus on underserved communities and demographics.
                             are very proud of the work we have done to deliver     CBJ enriches lives by bringing professional ballet to communities large
                             programming digitally for the past year and a half,    and small, urban and rural across Canada and is the only dance company
                             we know it will never replace the experience of        to deliver annual programming in all ten provinces. Known for the warmth
                             a live performance. We are very excited to dance       and beauty of its productions, CBJ offers a range of in person and virtual
                             with a live audience in attendance!                    performances, dance classes and community engagement events
  The program we have brought includes excerpts from our favourites like            involving over 65,000 participants annually
  The Nutcracker: A Canadian Tradition, Romeo & Juliet and Anne of Green
  Gables – The Ballet®. We are also pleased to bring exciting new works             George Brown Dance: Unparalleled Dance Training
  from Debra Brown, Jose Carret, Resident Choreographer Hanna Kiel and              George Brown Dance is a partnership between Canada’s Ballet Jörgen
  Mafa Makhubalo. Creation for some of these new works began with the               and George Brown College. Our programs offer exceptional professional
  dancers and choreographers working virtually over video calls from their          technical training in the heart of downtown Toronto. With over fifty percent
  homes, others were created in our dance studios under a variety of Covid          of dance contracts in Ontario, Toronto offers extraordinary opportunities to
  regulations. The challenges this created were embraced and overcome               aspiring performers. Students can earn their college diploma or certificate
  by the extraordinary artists you see on stage today.                               specializing in classical ballet, contemporary dance and urban/
                                                                                    commercial dance.
  When you watch these new works shaped by Covid lockdowns I hope you
  appreciate the creativity, dedication and artistry that has gone into their       The unique leadership of Canada’s Ballet Jörgen’s expert instructors
  creation.                                                                         produces dancers with the skills, confidence and connections necessary
                                                                                    for employment in this wide range of dance performance settings.
  This performance is made possible by BMO Financial Group and the
  Bruendl Foundation — Thank You!                                                   For more information about George Brown Dance, visit
  On behalf of the entire CBJ family, thank you for attending.


                                                                                                           Spotlight Series Funders

  Bengt Jörgen, C.M.

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Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
Meet Your Dancers

      Hannah Mae Cruddas          Daniel Da Silva          Adam Davidson
     Dartmouth, Nova Scotia      São Paulo, Brazil         Zephyr Ontario       Lydia-Laure Germain   Sakura Kawamura          Estelle Tang
       Company Member           Company Member            Company Member            Montréal, QC           Japan               Hong Kong
          since 2012               since 2009                since 2019           RBC Apprentice       RBC Apprentice       Mentorship Student

          Akari Fujiwara      Adrián Ramírez Juárez        Momoka Matsui        Valentina Polanco       Taisiia Zamula
           Aichi, Japan        Mexico City, Mexico         Fukuoka, Japan                                                         Clea Iveson
                                                                                    Colombia                Russia                Toronto, ON
        Company Member         Company Member             Company Member        Mentorship Student    Mentorship Student
            since 2017              since 2014               since 2015                                                    Principal Character Artist

                                                                                   Scan to learn more
        Callum McGregor           Leandro Prado             Hiroto Saito
                                                                                   about your dancers!
        Glasgow, Scotland      Altamira, Pará, Brazil       Kobe, Japan
        Company Member        Company Member since        Company Member
            since 2019                 2016                  since 2007

         Márcio Teixeira         Esther Zignaigo           Naomi Kawamura
       São Caetano, Brazil         Lima, Perú                 Richmond, BC
       Company Member           Company Member          Junior Company Member
           since 2019              since 2021                2021/22 season

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Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
Creations in Isolation
                             Program may be subject to change.

                            Dancing in the Time of COVID                                 Romeo & Juliet Excerpts
                          Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M.                            Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M
                Music Trio No. 39 for Piano, Violin and Cello in G major,                  Music Sergei Prokofiev
                           “Gypsy Rondo” by Joseph Haydn                     Dress Scene, Swordfight Scene (Mercutio & Tybalt),
                                                                                               Pas De Deux
                                   Two & Three
                            Choreography Hanna Kiel                            J.S. Bach Piano Concerto 1 – 2nd Movement
             Music Nocturne in C sharp Minor (No.20) by Frédéric Chopin              Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M.
                                                                             Music Piano Concerto No.1 in D Minor, BMV 1052 by
                    The Nutcracker: A Canadian Tradition Excerpts             Johann Sebastian Bach Piano Concerto No.1 in
                          Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M.                      D Minor, BMV 1052 by Johann Sebastian Bach
                           Music Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
                              Lady Birch, Bears & Loons                                      Maybe Tomorrow
                                                                                         Choreography Hanna Kiel
                               Sacrificing Resistance                             Music Unchained Melody by Norah Jones
                                                                                      from The Man in the High Castle
                             Choreography Debra Brown
                                Music Ann Mortifee
                                                                                            First Movement
                          Dream Talker – World Premiere                               Choreography Mafa Makhubalo
                             Choreography Jose Carret                            Music Koukou by Traditional African Music
                     Music “Okarche” by NEXUS – DRUMTALKER
                   Nexus Records 10713 The Invisible Proverb (2002)             Anne of Green Gables – The Ballet® Excerpts
                         by Russell Hartenberger 1. Okarche                            Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M.
                                     FAN Dance                              Music Based on Anne of Green Gables – The Musical™
                                                                                    Music composed by Norman Campbell
                           Choreography Bengt Jörgen, C.M.                      Ballet Score Arranged by Alexander Levkovich
                    Music “3 Thoughts” by Einsturzende Neubauten            Train Station Scene, Orphanage Scene, Anne Shirley &
                                                                                       Diana Barry Scene, Concert Scene

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Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
  Debra Brown                            Jose Angel Carret                      Festival (2010). His many credits         Dance, Ryerson Dances, School
  To date, Debra Brown has               Cuban born Mr. Carret is an award-     include permanent guest teaching          of Toronto Dance Theatre, Kenny
  choreographed 13 shows for Cirque      winning choreographer and              and choreographing for Toronto’s          Pearl’s Emerging Artist Intensive,
  du Soleil from the company’s           principal dancer who has created       Ballet Creole School and Company          IGNITE, ProArteDanza, Canada’s
  inception, as well as additional       more than 60 original works. He was    and guest choreographer for Ballet        Ballet Jörgen, Alias Dance Project,
  excerpts in several others. Debra      a principal dancer and choreographer   Jorgen Canada (2011-12 Solos and          The National Ballet of Canada,
  has won numerous awards world-         at Danza Espiral from Matanzas,        Duets series ). Since 2015 he is a        Canadian Contemporary Dance
  wide including an Emmy Award for       Cuba, and performed many               guest teacher at the acclaimed            Theatre, Toronto Dance Theatre
  the spectacle she choreographed        renowned Cuban choreographers’         University of North Carolina’s            and Decidedly Jazz Danceworks
  at the 74th annual Academy             works such as Narciso Medina’s         School of the Arts Dance Program          in Calgary. She was an E-
  Awards, the Bob Fosse Innovative       piece “Metamorphosis,” a modern        (Winston Salem, USA). Jose is             choreographer in 2015 for
  Choreography Award, the prestigious    Cuban classic. He has created          the Founding Artistic Director of         Springboard Danse Montreal and
   Golden Clown at the 23rd World        choreographies for the International   Danza Corpus (Cuba) and Danza             one of the choreographer at
  Circus Festival, and the first ever    Ballet competitions in Cuba, and       Corpus Canada (DCC). Danza                Osez 2018 in Quebec city. Hanna
  Soviet Press Award, an award           the Youth America Grand Prix           Corpus Canada was awarded the             is the artistic director of Human
  created after seeing Debra’s work.     international competition (2018)       Aboriginal and Culturally Diverse         Body Expression and one of the
  Debra has choreographed music          held in Canada. Many of his            Training Grant by the Ontario Arts        founders of “The Garage” dance
  videos, tours, and television          awarded works are still part of the    Council in 2014, 2015, and 2016.          development and exchange
  appearances for the likes of           repertoire of several companies        In 2016, Mr. Carret served as the         collective group.
  Aerosmith, Madonna (an Emmy            such as Danza Libre, Danza             Ontario Arts Council’s Artistic Advisor   Hanna Kiel and Human Body
  nomination) Shakira, Wyclef Jean,      Fragmentada from Guantanamo,           for Operational Grants. Mr. Carret is     Expression has partnered with
  Bjork, and Celine Dion. Her film and   Cuba, and Ballet Creole Canada,        the founder and the artistic director     George Brown Dance to offer
  Opera work includes Metropolitan       among others. As a principal           of International Dance Intensive          a distinctive and comprehensive
  Opera, Chicago Lyric, Catwoman         dancer, he toured in Spain, Canada,    TEADE ( since 2011) in Cuba every         Contemporary Mentorship
  (Halle Berry), VanHelsing (Hugh        Martinica, Saint Kitts & Nevis, and    summer and recently has done the          Program.Hanna is also Canada’s
  Jackman) and the Grammy-               Guadalupe. Mr. Carret performed        first International Virtual IX Version    Ballet Jörgen’s first ever Choreo-
  nominated music video Satie and        at the International Ballet Festival   last July 2020. He is a member of         grapher in Residence and her new
  Suzanne to name a few. Her own         in Cuba. One his awarded piece –       Dance Ontario.                            creations include STILL.
  company Line 1 has produced 3          Invernal, was danced at a special
                                                                                Hanna Kiel                                Mafa Makhubalo
  full evening works, Apogee, the        gala in which a Dance Award
                                                                                Dora winner Hanna Kiel is from            Makhubalo started dancing at the
  Line 1 show with 12 musicians and      was given to Prima Ballerina
                                                                                Seoul, South Korea, and moved             age of five and continued his train-
  10 dancer/acrobats, On Air, a late     Absoluta Alicia Alonso. Mr. Carret
                                                                                to Vancouver in 1996. She has             ing with Tony Campbell, founder
  night talk show and Brace Yourself     received many awards given by
                                                                                presented her work at 12 Minutes          and director of ZAPAC (Zamdela
  and for 4 years was director in        prestigious dance artists in Cuba,
                                                                                Max, PlanB Singles and solos              Performing Arts Centre) in South
  charge of revamping Vallarta           such as Narciso Medina, Clara Luz
                                                                                Festival, Dancing on the Edge             Africa. Mafa obtain a three-year
  Adventures ‘Rhythm of the Night.       Rodriguez, Isidro Leonardo Rolando
                                                                                Festival and Pulse at the Scotiabank      National Diploma in dance at
  Debra Recently returned from           Thondike, Ramiro Guerra, and etc.
                                                                                Dance Centre in Vancouver. In 2007,       Tshwane University of Technology.
  collaborating with Moscow Musical      Mr. Carret firstly shared his unique   she collaborated with Yoko Ono            After moving to Toronto, he com-
  Theater (precovid) and Milan and       Cuban dance style and heritage         as a dancer and choreographer at          pleted a two-year training program
  created new pieces for Canada’s        with Canadian audiences in 2005        the Centre A. Moving to Toronto           at Ballet Creole School of Arts. In
  Ballet Jörgen titled The Home Show     as a guest dancer with Decidedly       in 2008,Hanna has continued               Toronto Mafa had the opportunity
  and Corps à l’âme.                     Jazz Dance Works (Calgary) and         choreographing for: Rosedale              to work with choreographers like
                                         Dance Immersion’s Erie Music           Heights School of the Arts, Conteur       Milton Myers, Danny Grossman,
                                                                                Dance Academy, George Brown               Debbie Wilson, Gabby Kamino, and

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Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
was also a company member of,         program at Stagecraft and Six        Canada’s Ballet Jörgen Co-Founders        Community Programs Lead Elise Tigges
  COBA (Collective Of Black Artist),    Week Dance program at American       Susan Bodie & Bengt Jörgen, C.M.          Dance Program Coordinator Kia Kotsanis
  Ballet Creole, OMO Dance Compa-       Dance Festival (Durham, NC, USA).    Canada’s Ballet Jörgen Artistic Staff     Marketing Coordinator Alina Kuzma
  ny, Nyata-nyata in Montreal as well                                        Artistic Director & CEO                   Education Coordinator Nadia Spaziani
                                        When not on stage Mafa is actively
  as his own Mafa Dance Village.                                             Bengt Jörgen, C.M.                        Education Database Coordinator
                                        involved in community outreach                                                 Nina Milanovski
  Mafa has presented his                programs that help youth realize     Ballet Master Hiroto Saito
                                                                                                                       Program Operations Coordinator
  choreography at a variety of          their potential goals through the    Company Dancers                           Chris Panetta
  events including, Ontario Dance       arts and has Jury for Ontario Arts   Hannah Mae Cruddas˘, Daniel Da Silva,
                                                                                                                       Canadian Statistics Coordinator
                                                                             Adam Davidson~˘, Akari Fujiwara˘,
  Weekend, 2012 International           Council and Toronto Arts Council.                                              Meg Follett
                                                                             Adrián Ramírez Juárez˘, Momoka Matsui˘,
  Association of Blacks in Dance        He has been invited by Canada’s      Callum McGregor˘, Leandro Prado,          Bookkeeper Irene Lockrey
  (IABD) in Toronto, Body Percussion    Ballet Jörgen as a choreographer     Hiroto Saito, Márcio Teixeira˘,           Board of Directors
  Festival, Dance Immersion Show        for Solos & Duets and Summer         Esther Zignaigo                           Chair Rob D. Brouwer
  Cases, Contemporaneity series         Intensive program annual series      Junior Company Member                     Co-Chair and Chair of Governance &
  1.0. He was invited for the 2008      from 2013-2017 as well as Toronto    Naomi Kawamura
                                                                                                                       Nominating Committee Jane Cooke-
  Choreographers Lab program at         Rhythm Initiative Summer Youth       Apprentices Sakura Kawamura &             Lauder
  the Jacob’s Pillow School (Lee,       Intensive workshop and after         Lydia-Laure Germain
                                                                                                                       Past Chair of the Board and Current
  MA, USA), 2009 apprenticeship         school program for Arts Start.       Mentorship Students Estelle Tang~,        Chair of Atlantic Council
                                                                             Valentina Polanco~, Taisiia Zamula~       Mara L. Nickerson
                                                                             Principal Character Artist Clea Iveson    Chair, Finance & Audit Committee
                                                                             Principal Ballet Coach Svea Eklof         Heather Baker
                                                                             Resident Choreographer Hanna Kiel         Directors Giulia Ahmadi, Anique Asher,
                                                                             Stage Direction Heinar Pillar             Salvatore Badali, CeCe Baptiste,
                                                                             Artistic Working Group Daniel Da Silva    Megan Boyle, Karen Carter, Luigi Ferrara,
                                                                             & Hiroto Saito                            Kevin Goldthorp, Kamala Jean Gopie,
                                                                             ˘Past RBC Foundation Apprentice Dancer    Dewey Mai, Kathy O’Brian,
                                                                             ~George Brown Dance Graduate              Alexandra Panousis, Trent Scherer,
                                                                                                                       Helene Vukovich
              Learn more at                           Canada’s Ballet Jörgen Staff              Director in Training Geneva Calder
                                                                             General Manager Stephen Word
                                                                                                                       Special Advisor to the Artistic Director
                                                                             Education Manager Clea Iveson             & CEO Alden Hadwen
                                                                             Production Manager Cindy Smith            Atlantic Council Janice Flemming,
                                                                             Director of Touring Cameron Smillie       Leila Kovacevic, Mara L. Nickerson,
                                    Support our Mission to Bring
                                                                             George Brown Dance, Program               candice prior, Diana Rutherford
                                    Ballet to Everyone!                      Manager Derek Sangster                    Honorary Trustees David Aylward,
                                    Support from our donors and partners     Business Services Manager                 Steven Carter, Richard W. Dodds,
                                    enables us to offer performances,        Aleksandra Maslennikova                   William B. Harris, Buchanan Henderson,
                                    education and community events           Marketing Manager Dana Ginsberg           Corey Keeble, Mara L. Nickerson
                                    across Canada.
                                    CBJ Dancers are the heart and core
                                    of the Company and CBJ community.
                                    Learn more about our Dancer
                                    Sponsorship Program and ways you
                                    can support the Company.

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Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
Ballet Jörgen Supporters

                                          National Presenting Partner

                Anne of Green Gables – The Ballet®                            Core Partner
                       is made possible by
           Margaret Fountain, C.M. & David Fountain, C.M.

                                             Government Partners

                   Additional Major Support                                Ontario-Wide Performance Tour
                                           The Honourable
                                    Margaret Norrie McCain, CC ONB.

      RBC Emerging Artist Project                Atlantic                  Anne of Green Gables – The Ballet®
                                             Education Partner                  Ontario Recovery Tour
                                                                                J.P. Bickell Foundation

    Western Canada          We thank Aeroplan for its ongoing
Local Participant Program    support through the Aeroplan                  Additional Funding Support
                              Member Donation Program

                Website Partner            Official Dry Cleaning Sponsor         Storage Partners

                                          Foundation Partners
             The Bennett Family Foundation | Bruendl Foundation | Findlay Family Foundation
              Fleck Family Foundation | The Linda Frum and Howard Sokolowski Foundation
                   Hal Jackman Foundation Hallward Fund | Charles H. Ivey Foundation

                                    160 Kendal Ave, Bldg. C, Rm. 126
                                     Toronto, ON Canada M5R 1M3
                           Company: 416-961-4725 | Fax: 416-415-2865
                        E-mail: |
                                    Registered Charitable# 118798586RR0001
Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner Creations in Isolation - October 7, 2021 The Port Theatre Nanaimo, BC National Presenting Partner
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