Creating Today's Learning, for Tomorrow's World - Case Study: Polaris Association of Independent Schools of
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Creating Today’s Learning, for Tomorrow’s World Case Study: Polaris Thursday 4 June Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA)
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING, FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | PRESENTER BIOGRAPHY ADRIANO DI PRATO BA (Design), G DipEd, MSL, G Cert Mgt NFP Organisations, MACE Adriano is a learning designer, prominent educational thought leader and was the social architect of a new dynamic learning ecosystem titled - Polaris, a vision for faith, learning and life for a new world environment. He is a Partner in a School for tomorrow, a global educational network supporting students, teachers, and school leaders to thrive in a new world environment. In March 2020, Adriano launched the hugely popular educational podcast series Game Changers, with co-cost Associate Professor of Education & Enterprise Dr Philip Cummins. The Game Changers podcast is for those who want to change the game of schooling and features prominent Australia and International educators as weekly guests discussing the purpose of schooling and learning for today’s world. Adriano is a former President of the Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools Deputy Principals Association (VCSSDPA). He was on the VCSSDPA Executive for 10 years. In 2015 Adriano was awarded Life Membership (Honorary) by the VCSSDPA for significant contributions to Catholic education. As an alumnus of the University of Melbourne, Adriano is part of their Access Connections Mentoring Program and currently mentors a 3rd year Film & Animation student. In 2019 Adriano was selected on The Educators AU annual Hot List of movers and shakers in Australian education. Adriano is the former Deputy Principal of Marcellin College, Bulleen and Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, Braybrook Australia.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS MARCELLIN COLLEGE Marcellin College is a leading Catholic Marist secondary school for boys established by the Marist Brothers to meet the educational needs of young men from the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. It was established in the Melbourne suburb of Camberwell in 1950 with one hundred and seventeen students, expanded to Bulleen in 1963 and today provides education for over 1433 young men. The College motto is – Virtute Ad Altissima, meaning ‘Through virtue and courage to strive for the highest’. Our motto places before us the ideal to provide our students with opportunities to develop their fullest possible potential. Marcellin College had seen an 11% enrolment growth from 2013 to 2018, a student retention rate from Year 9 to 12 of 97% (formerly 78% in 2008) and in the past six years 95% (average) of students applying for a tertiary place receiving a 1st round University offer. These destination results have positioned Marcellin in to the Top 3 independent Catholic secondary boy’s schools in Victoria. Marcellin College is an independent Catholic School governed by Marist Schools Australia (MSA).
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS A NEW STORY “ Demand for enterprise skills has been rising over the past 3 years. Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) The New Basics: Big data reveals the skills young people need for the New Work Order | 2017
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS Whole school review process into learning via the National School Improvement Tool Development of 12 Students and staff (NSIT) supported Guiding Principles, involved in the design by the Australian that with the NSIT Appointed process for the Commenced Opening of the Council of findings are the Launched Learning Hermitage Project & process for a new Hermitage Project, Educational foundation of a new Established a MyMC, a LMS Mentors & Marist House in Learning Marist House & the Research (ACER) & Strategic new College developed in Breadth Stage partnership with Management Wurundjeri Heritage Catholic Education Improvement Plan Leadership partnership Program Cox Architecture System (LMS) Garden Melbourne (2019-2021) Structure with SchoolBox Leaders 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 Action Research Grant Commenced Tenth House - Commenced The Polaris learning Developed one Commenced Built staff capacity Depth & Breadth Rubrics & Assessment process of full Chirat House trialling a Learning ecosystem hundred Depth involvement in the around Literacy Pathways Stage In partnership with the curriculum audit commences Mentor framework framework is Stage courses, Victorian Young instruction, Project Stages commences University of Melbourne with Senior developed designed to stretch Leaders to Based Learning, commenced Students and challenge Indonesia six-week Self-determination each student immersion program, Theory & the Asian Bridging Curriculum Design Program with (Understanding By Indonesia & a Design) partnership with the Government of Sardinia, Italy for an annual student exchange program
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS A NEW LEARNING ECOSYSTEM 3Polarisskills for life-long learning is an adaptation inspired from the Centre for Curriculum Redesign.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS POLARIS BREADTH STAGE Across Victorian Curriculum Band 5 (Years 7&8) “ The future needs to be integrated. That means emphasising integration of subjects, integration of students and integration of learning contexts; and it needs to be connected – that means connected with real-world contexts, and also permeable to the rich resources in the community. DEPTH STAGE Across Victorian Curriculum Andreas Schleicher Band 6 (Years 9&10) Director for Education and Skills at the OECD | 2018 PATHWAYS STAGE VCE VCAL VET School-Based Apprenticeships
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS BREADTH STAGE Rule 30. This does not mean that schools are required to structure their teaching and learning programs and timetables based on ‘subjects’. Rule 31. In the Breadth Stage of schooling (Years 3–8) schools may choose to adopt a vertical structure, to include an elective structure or to design their curriculum around an integrated inquiry-based approach to learning.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS BREADTH STAGE COURSES During the Breadth Stage students undertake four Units of Study (each a semester in length) across each of the eight future- focused courses over a two year period. BREADTH STAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sem 1 Year One Sem 2 Sem 3 Year Two Sem 4 Character & Citizenship Futures Thinking Creative Arts Global Perspectives Culture (languges) Health & Wellness Financial Literacy & Enterprise Sustainability
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS DEPTH STAGE Rule 70. The challenge is to reconcile the twin demands of providing a learning program that maintains a focus on a common entitlement to core knowledge and skills and high expectations of every student while also allowing students opportunities to develop and pursue areas of individual interest and expertise. Rule 88. The school curriculum plan should recognise that in these years of schooling some students begin to focus on areas of specialisation related to both their future schooling and intended pathways beyond school.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS COMPULSORY AND OPEN COURSES Each young person must choose seven courses per semester. Four of these courses come from the compulsory courses and three from any of the open courses. DEPTH STAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sem 1 Year One Sem 2 Sem 3 Year Two Sem 4 Compulsory courses Open courses
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS PATHWAYS STAGE At the Pathways Stage students choose from Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Vocational Education & Training (VET) School Based Apprenticeships (SBAT) options, to optimise their post-school opportunities.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS A NEW LEARNING ECOSYSTEM “ Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. Dame Jane Goodall DBE English Primatologist and Anthropologist | 1999 Personalised Learning Rule 82. If a school proposes for any student an individual learning program Plans (PLP) that departs from the provision model set out in the whole - school Each student creates a PLP at the curriculum plan, that decision should be made in conjunction with the beginning of each calendar year. Individual student and the student’s parents/carers, and must be approved by the learning goals and targets motivate school principal. students to: become more active participants in the A comprehensive wellbeing network that aspires to ensure each student is learning process known, loved and valued. House Leaders, Pastoral Leaders, Learning become more independent learners identify what is important to their own Mentors, Student Counsellors, Careers Practitioners, Learning Diversity and learning many other key support roles allow each young man the opportunity to achieve their full potential. experience the independence to exercise and develop: Autonomy, competence and relatedness (SDT) Agency and advocacy Proactive goal setting and self-review Personal resilience and mental and physical wellness SDT: Self- Determination Theory - is a theory that links personality, human motivation, and optimal executive functioning. It centres on three basic human needs – competence, autonomy and relatedness.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS A NEW LEARNING ECOSYSTEM “ Our task is to educate their [our students] whole being so they can face the future. We may not see the future, but they will and our job is to help them make something of it. Sir Ken Robinson The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything 2009| Learning Mentor Shape Your Fortnight From the Depth Stage of Polaris each Polaris is about high (academic) expectations and high (wellbeing) student can access a Learning Mentor in support. support of their individual organisational, academic and social needs. At the Depth Stage and Pathways Stage students can choose how they would like to use their “Available Period” time. Options include services and Once student is in his final two years at support such as seeing a Learning Mentor (one-on-one) to review overall the College the relationship with a academic progression and organisational skills, work with their House Learning Mentor shifts to exploring personal academic data to improve Leader or Pastoral Leader, work with Learning Diversity staff, see a Student individual outcomes. Counsellor for personalised wellbeing needs, create a Depth Stage, VCE, VET or VCAL study group, visit a Careers Practitioner to discuss course options and tertiary transition or complete a session with a Fitness Coach.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS LEARNING DESIGN & ASSESSMENT The Understanding by Design® framework is guided by the confluence of evidence from two streams—theoretical research in cognitive psychology, and results of student achievement studies. Stage 1 – Desired Results: What is the Learning? Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence: How will you know they have learned? Stage 3 – Learning Plan: How will they Learn? Assessment for Performance Task (asynchronous) Self-determined learning instruction (Project-Based Learning, Applied Learning & Heutagogy): Learner’s ability to construct meaning making with the knowledge and skills they have acquired of Victorian Curriculum achievement standards Learner’s ability to transfer their learning of knowledge and skills autonomously and effectively in new situations Mastery Task/s (synchronous) Direct instruction methodology: Acquisition of knowledge and skills demonstrating proficiency of Victorian Curriculum achievement standards
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS LEARNING DESIGN & ASSESSMENT “ Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.” Steve Jobs Apple founder Fixed periods – during the six fixed periods, core knowledge, skills and capabilities are delivered in class and/or online via accessing learning resources on MyMC. Flexi period – during the one flexi period teachers have the opportunity to set stretch activities (differentiation), additional tutorial support, provide formative feedback and master classes (large style lecture). The Flexi period is NOT part of the five “available periods”.
CREATING TODAY’S LEARNING FOR TOMORROW’S WORLD | CASE STUDY: POLARIS “ A NEW STORY When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are Those school leaders and educational sectors that understand potential challenged to change futures, and what each might mean for them, and have the courage to plan ahead, will be the best prepared to support young people to succeed ourselves. and flourish in the obvious reality of a new tomorrow. Viktor E. Frankl Author Teachers and school leaders will need to alter the way we think about how our students learn and the environments in which we encourage this learning to take place. Future Strategies Coach for Educational Leaders Will Richardson presented this provocation table, titled “Unpleasant Truths” during a recent LearnLife webinar, whilst speaking about why a new paradigm for learning is so vital in the online world. Richardson challenged all participants to consider what is and what could be. Ask yourself – which of these two lists will best support our young people to thrive in a new world environment? None of this is really complicated—it just requires us to abandon the binary thinking around what learning is and start to be open to doing schooling differently. With anytime, anywhere learning becoming the new normal for our students.
A School for Tomorrow is a global educational network supporting students, teachers, and school leaders to thrive in a new world environment. WHO ARE WE? a School for tomorrow is a global educational network supporting students, teachers, and school leaders to thrive in a new world environment. a School for tomorrow aims to build the character, competencies and wellness of the young people in our care so they can learn, live, lead and work with success in the new tomorrow of their world. creating today's learning, for tomorrow’s world
A School for Tomorrow is a global educational network supporting students, teachers, and school leaders to thrive in a new world environment. HOW CAN WE SUPPORT YOU? Discover and explore our research-driven personal, professional and public programs, which are all designed to prepare human beings to learn, live, lead and work in their world as: GOOD FUTURE CONTINUOUS SOLUTION RESPONSIBLE TEAM PEOPLE BUILDERS LEARNERS ARCHITECTS CITIZENS CREATORS & UNLEANERS Figure 1: a School for tomorrow’s six graduate outcomes
A School for Tomorrow is a global educational network supporting students, teachers, and school leaders to thrive in a new world environment. WHAT DO WE OFFER? FOR STUDENTS FOR TEACHERS FOR SCHOOL LEADERS The Pathway to Excellence: A personal The Way: A professional learning program Game Changers: A public education and development program for students in for teachers in fit for purpose 21C enterprise program for leaders that character and competency featuring readings, education featuring micro-credentialed celebrates those true pioneers in education accredited courses, family support materials, and higher degree courses, workshops who are building schools for tomorrow self-help tools and online resources for young and events, lessons and learning artefacts, featuring The Game Changers Podcast, people to build their voice, agency and evaluation and assessment tools, videos, keynotes, workshops, social projects wellness through helping them to: publications and multimedia resources for and events. Learn the self-awareness of knowing schools to build thriving communities of themselves through asking: who am I? inquiry and practice. Live in relationships built by earning their places through asking: where do I fit in? Lead as a servant who goes on a journey from me to you to us through asking the question: how can I best serve others? Work vocationally and find their calling by asking the question: whose am I?
A School for Tomorrow is a global educational network supporting students, teachers, and school leaders to thrive in a new world environment.
“ Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. Mahatma Gandhi Indian Lawyer, Politician and Social Activist | 1940
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