Creating opportunities from an uncertain future - Re-imagining local government - Exceptional people delivering exceptional results
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Re-imagining local government Creating opportunities from an uncertain future Exceptional people delivering exceptional results
Anyone reading this will not need reminding about the cases for change, that stand up to political scrutiny and partner scepticism, to unlock the biggest opportunities open to local fiscal and demand pressures facing local government. government. Rather than rehearsing these issues yet again, in this Newly-designed services will be clearly targeted on those things paper we focus on developing a positive future for local that make the biggest difference, with provision focussing on equality and customisation around specific individuals to reduce government. dependency. Demand drivers will be fully understood and mapped We argue that the only way local government is going to thrive in onto costs, providing a rich picture of the relationship between the current and foreseeable conditions is for it to take a good look, customers need, spend, and cause and effect. outside-in, at what services it provides, to whom and at what These new capabilities will not only allow the organisation to customer life stage: the days of universal services are long gone. transform itself in the short term but also allow self-evolution as The reality is that no organisation, public or private, could a new, rich evidence base becomes woven in to the operational continue to stay as it is today whilst reducing its resource base fabric of the organisation. We see a world where the organisation by circa 50%. What is left cannot, by anyone’s logic, support the has demand management principles designed-in. This will allow: same model of operation and delivery. There can be no doubt zz Pro-active, not reactive, management of demand that things must change, and solely relying on income (business rate growth or commercial activity) will not be sufficient in the zz Rich customer insight from all customer interactions medium term. zz Flexible and responsive service reconfiguration We believe that: zz Customer service operations (not just the contact centre) to zz Structured and well thought through change will be act as an effective front-door truly gate-keeping, channelling, challenging without a clear strategic vision that is politically triaging and preventing at every interaction led zz The most effective specification and design of the right zz Local government will need to fundamentally change its services, for the most vulnerable, to meet customer demand shape at the lowest cost without affecting quality. zz Operating models cannot be rigid and need to self-evolve This means that authorities will no longer be made up of a because the future is difficult to predict patchwork of disconnected services designed around ‘one size fits all’, institutional, ‘I know best’ assumptions; but rather a seamless zz A distributed model of service delivery will become more pathway approach to meeting customer needs that extend common beyond the local authority. zz The big opportunities lie in whole system design We believe the opportunities from such an approach are untapped zz The size of your middle office is an indicator for overall and provide a viable and innovative approach to tackling the organisation efficiency sector’s challenges. zz Demand management can lift the lid on the next round of big savings, particularly in partnership A little bit of sector context zz Local government can lead the way in joined-up local Capita understands that the precise future direction of the delivery as only it has the local democratic mandate sector remains uncertain and we have via our Four Futures zz A minimum four year planning cycle is required to allow the Models, explored some of those potential futures (published in requisite change to occur. the Guardian - network/2012/dec/13/local-government-public-services-futures). To do this, the sector needs to have access to new capabilities and skills, when it needs them, to design better ways of delivering The policy direction of national government remains unclear services and to pro-actively manage demand. These new and no one really knows what to expect from health and social capabilities will allow evidence and insight to create compelling integration, or the unitary authority debate. However, what the 1
sector can always expect from central government is the the time. unexpected. Our view is that uncertainty is not a reason However, it is also a weakness because the direction and not to act. In fact, to catch or dodge the curveballs will be pace of change in the sector has always been constrained a key behaviour or design feature of any future authority. by the democratic cycle and political structure. To unlock This is why we believe that both a strong evidence base the power of the democratic mandate, decisions will need and organisational agility will be critical to the successful greater evidence and science in decision-making if credibility management of uncertainty. is to be gained with partners who are often richer in insight There is a view within local government that the current and evidence, most notably in the health sector. The ability savings are achieved by simply rolling back to 1990s spending to show evidence-based cause and effect and whole system patterns: but this cannot be the case as the landscape and impact will become an essential new capability. customer expectation has shifted so much. Regardless Local government has the opportunity to lead the way. of the time travellers theory of rolling back the clock, no However, to be seen as a credible leader it must get its own organisation that has experienced such substantial reductions house in order first. can maintain its original shape and form and still continue to deliver the same level and quality of service. Despite the patchwork of locally elected parties, irrespective of their political stance, there is increasing convergence of This is compounded by the fact that the sector has until what needs to be done to resolve the fiscal challenge. There recently enjoyed nothing but increasing budgets for decades, remains however, a difference about how it needs to be done, and few leadership teams have recent experience of managing and this will be enduring. This will lead to a fragmentation genuine decline through transformational service remodelling. of how individual local authorities decide how to deliver The skills and behaviours required to do this are quite different. their services – a real mixed bag – resulting in a distributed (Of course there would not be decline if new revenue streams mixed economy model - in-house, arms length, not-for-profit, were being created to offset central funding reductions.) private etc. Should the sector be looking to the venture capital market This means that when we cast our gaze from one authority for inspiration? They have the skills to create a healthy to the next the differences will appear to be greater than business from a distressed business that may be struggling ever before. Whilst there may be some design principles that with reduced income or a dramatically changed competitive can be applied on a national basis, the actual design will be landscape. very different to what has been before. The new design will We see examples littering the headlines where organisations undoubtedly be driven by local innovation, whether within an continued to deliver the same type of product or service individual authority or across a local geography with partners, model in the context of changing customer behaviours and as well as the organisational heritage and historical context of market trends. These include: Blockbuster who failed to ‘place’. move to a more agile online model and fatally kept their high The power of partnership working street stores; and Sony who failed to move away from device manufacture to application based development. Models of this distributed and fragmented nature mean that it will become increasingly difficult to ‘put your arms around’ But there are those who have adapted: Habitat who closed all service delivery and manage it in a traditional hierarchical down many of their high street stores and partnered with manner. Officers will therefore have to learn to develop other high street retailers to sell their products, whilst keeping skills that allow them to manage the new distributed service their core successful flagship stores; and Apple interestingly delivery model regardless of organisational boundary and did adapt its model after losing out to Microsoft in the 70s hierarchy. These new skills could be crudely categorised into: and 80s and now has become the premium brand in the electronics market. These companies demonstrate that in the zz More engaging: talk to more people, be outwardly face of seismic market shifts successful change is possible. focussed Making your democratic mandate work for you zz More assertive: don’t settle for an unfavourable outcome but avoid zero-sum exchanges Local government is founded on the principles of local democracy – which is both a strength and a weakness. It is zz More positive: don’t get depressed by difficulty or a strength in these austere times as authorities are the only complexity body that can demonstrate a true democratic mandate – no zz More Machiavellian: how is power really exercised, how other locally delivered public service can through public vote do those people become successful? make this claim. This should prove a powerful bargaining chip in a time when service integration is the favoured phrase of The big gains in local government for service improvement 2
and savings exist in designing demand management reducing, shifting to the most cost-effective channel (and principles into new target operating models. Not just in one stimulating ‘positive demand’ – i.e. for services that can organisation, but across many to embrace whole system be charged for) and understanding the cost drivers. working and collaborative working with all kinds of partners. Driving With more distributed working the number of partners will increase and the system will undoubtedly change and evolve zz Outstanding customer services management. like an ecosystem. And Local government cannot achieve whole system working in zz The specification and commissioning of outcomes isolation but it can certainly lead, start the journey and lay the that truly respond and react to insight and understood foundations, indeed become the founding member. demand. Over the years there have been many boards and partnership Leading to groups - from LSP’s to the more recent LEP’s and Health and Wellbeing Boards. It is perhaps too early to comment on zz The exploitation of a mixed economy of service provision how successful the new groups will be, but are they learning that will deliver the next level of supply side savings the lessons? And should social value as a principle be used (because delivery structures will be substantially as the common currency and nomenclature to aid such remodelled to respond to insight and demand). conversations? All underpinned by Of course we all realise that this is not straightforward, and zz Real-time flags and triggers that continually feedback the its complexity matches the complexity that so many of our changes in customer behaviour and demand to allow the citizens experience in their lives when interacting with the organisation to self-evolve and define its own operating myriad of public services they rely upon. model. Putting it into action zz A new minimum four year planning regime. Our core proposition in this paper is that new organisational To realise the potential there are a number of new capabilities, models will need to be designed by bringing together some tools and features that need to be accessed. Our view is that ‘old’ principles in a ‘new’ way. These are: some parts of the sector are relatively immature in the use zz Customer insight (and business intelligence more widely). of these capabilities – to the extent that they may well be considered ‘new’ capabilities by some. The diagram below Linking this to illustrates these thoughts. zz Demand management – preventing, eliminating, zz Understand your demand and Demand (and political influence) cost drivers Customer Demand Cost zz Gate-keep and ‘one and done’ drivers zz Change pattern of demand. insight management Real-time evidence - flags and triggers zz Triage Enablers zz Change customer expectations Customer Commissioning of every interaction interaction / zz Specify outcomes that satisfy services Procurement the new customer expectations zz Procure the supply. zz Re-engineer services to match Supply - operational delivery demand Internal delivery External delivery zz Operational excellence and (Continuous improvement) (Contract managment) real-time information zz Maintain value. 3
The new capabilities and skills their cost and have genuine market currency – create the kernel of a ‘plc group’ structure that can expand its zz Customer insight capability: that pro-actively and portfolio. continuously creates rich intelligence on citizen need and behaviour that informs what services need to be provided zz Develop the next generation of leaders: those and, more importantly, translates this intelligence into who will put the energy into the new capabilities and effective demand management strategies that positively underlying technology we have described i.e. insight, alters the flow of demand through the organisation. It demand management, etc in a partnership setting. This is equally able to apply this internally to tackle its own means they are equipped to work in an ecosystem, have demand management challenges (which will also affect developed the rich local and regional networks that make the middle office see below). partnership successful; and have the commercial skills required to reduce dependency on central government zz Macro commissioning capability: whether delivered funding. internally or externally, it accurately specifies outcomes, not inputs and processes, using the outcomes from All of these things combined will create a radically different customer insight and commercially savvy contracts that organisation and culture. Even if full system integration does link payment to outcome achievement. not occur in our horizon, local government organisations will be equipped for when it does come; but more importantly zz Procurement (Micro-commissioning) capability: that will deliver more focussed, impactful, lower cost services to buys / enacts local commissioning intents and effectively citizens and customers. stimulates the local SME economy and continually delivers value through all third party spend. What would future operating models look like? zz Single unified customer services: (by which we mean It is our view that building in these capabilities and skills no outpost functions in directorates) that is scalable would allow an organisation to self-evolve, staying in tune to envelope the whole local eco-system and make with customer needs and budget envelopes – not a static, integration at the front office easier. time limited operating model. zz Minimalist middle office: Perhaps the holy grail. Those One possible outcome could be an organisation constituted parts of the organisation that link front, back and service of different operating models set to provide not just different delivery together and ‘intervene’ to remove complexity services, but different variants of the same service to match / variability to allow a transaction to be processed first specific customer groups and their life events. time. Designing in demand management principles will Simplistically this could mean two operating models existing mean that there will be no requirement for as large a in a single organisation – much like the way insurance brands middle office. Variability is removed as customers are target different customers based upon segmentation, yet managed better at the front door fuelled by customer which are all underwritten by the same organisation. They insight. This will result in the removal of variation and provide slightly different policies and service levels depending allow the back office to add greater value at lower cost. on the customer group they are targeted to serve. zz Single unified back office functions: (by which we mean For local government, this could mean one model for the most no outpost functions in directorates) that is scalable vulnerable – optimised by multi-disciplinary teams, prevention and makes it easier to take advantage of economies and the lowest total cost to prevent; and another for everyone of scale through integration; engendering internal B2B else; highly transactable, 24/7, digital by design and the lowest relationships without losing the ‘one council’ approach. total cost to serve. zz A whole ‘New Way’: of organising services that tackles Organisational maturity and manages demand proactively, organised around pathway and place – not traditional service stacks. If Given the new ability to self-evolve, we see three stages of internally delivered the creation of real-time operational organisational maturity based upon its uptake of customer information will allow continuous improvement teams to insight, demand management and the active removal of the work magic; and if external, contract management will middle office. Our approach plots the genesis and potential stop value erosion. direction of travel of local government and what it could allow your individual organisation to become. We map these zz Forensically account: for how all spend links to onto the three potential transformation life stages that outcomes and meeting customer need with a robust organisations could generally take (described as follows). evidence base. zz Commercialise: non-statutory services that at least cover 4
Mark 1 – the traditional local government organisation contact; and is not customer centric – resulting in customers structured around service delivery operations that operate being assessed, multiple times often inappropriately. It does largely independently of each other. Strong executive directors not use customer insight to inform service configurations, trying to operate for the corporate good, but in practice often take advantage of economies of scale, link pathways to in isolation, delivering their services and protecting their take advantage of up and downstream value and has a large budgets. Each running its own front, middle and back office middle office focussed on trying to manage variable demand with limited connection and joined up thinking across the as there is no effective channelling. This results in unchecked council. costs of delivery and demand-led service pressures being left unchallenged. Services actively seek demand to service, not sifting to find genuine need, or deflecting demand to reduce unavoidable Schematically we represent this scenario below: Political Leadership Officer Leadership Unified customer service platform Customer Services Middle Office Service Delivery Back Office Unified back office platform 5
Mark 2 – evidence-based authorities will introduce customer where outcomes, not inputs, are measured. This drives a whole insight and rely on this to help inform their case for change. new mindset within the organisation. It will be woven into everything they do and allow real Customer and back office services become corporatised and evidence-based decisions to be made about customer needs a one-and-done mentality removes all failure demand: the and how services need to be configured to meet them. This number of transactions will halve and there will be a real feeds a strong commissioning mindset that clearly specifies focus on what really matters. This allows departments to customer needs and takes these from intent into action. focus on the core business and become expert providers, not ‘conglomerates’ doing everything. The focus on treating customers like a family member, and ensuring they get the best possible service, means that The middle office will be significantly reduced as better multiple different ways of delivering services are designed. Not demand channelling, gate-keeping and triage reduces entirely agnostic of who delivers them but with a keener focus variability. Services (front, mid, service delivery and back office) on ensuring services were configured the right way to deliver through customer insight are designed to manage tomorrow’s and meet customer need. known customer need, meaning there is no waste anywhere in the current system. This means multiple delivery vehicles will be used – not just the standard internal delivery vehicle. Even internal provision However, service duplication is rife and joined-up / whole will be held to account by (pseudo) contractual arrangements pathways delivery is still open to exploitation. Political Leadership Officer Leadership Insight Commissioning Unified customer service platform Agile Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Unified back office platform Agile - configured to rapidly scale up or down Direct Joint Shared Outsource ADM provision venture services 6
Mark 3 - the pathway council will turn the traditional resources are focussed on those that really need them – directorate-based delivery model through ninety degrees. protecting the most vulnerable. Service groupings no longer exist - if they do they are in the Commissioning, using demand management, designs out background not the foreground; and local authorities become failure demand and services are continually reconfigured to matrix-based. Individual services and providers still exist but match changing demand. Business planning is now based are not structured around ‘silos’, but customer pathways around accurate predictions of demand and not generic instead. The greater focus on commissioning means that there percentage increases for demand pressures. is a multitude of capable providers in the market as well as very efficient and effective internal provision. Strategic commissioning sets the agenda and manages a complex supply and provider chain, or eco-system, ensuring This becomes a modular system where pathways can be it delivers its evidence-based plans. Continuous improvement rapidly rebuilt from constituent building blocks. and contract management become pivotal capabilities to Pathways are therefore made up of multiple organisations, ensure commissioning designs and benefits are realised. This whichever are best, and handovers are smooth as there is one can empirically demonstrate the amplifying value it brings unifying system that providers plug into to share data and to through a 10:1 positive return on investment in social value. concoct true, multi-agency, real-time solutions. Whole system redesign is now a reality and all parties benefit Customers no longer enter the system unnecessarily, are from each other’s upstream interventions and downstream pro-actively supported and kept out of the system through value, as the evidence base, generated through customer active dialogue with partners and decisive preventative insight, creates compelling and undeniable cases for change. measures. They are not treated equally, but equitably, meaning Political Leadership Officer Leadership Insight Commissioning Unified customer service platform Pathway 1 Agile Pathway 2 Pathway 3 Unified back office platform Agile - configured to rapidly scale up or down Direct Joint Shared Outsource ADM provision venture services 7
The final critical question(s) zz Are you sufficiently prepared to lead through almost apocalyptic uncertain times? This paper raises questions and suggests solutions for the following: zz Can your organisation self-evolve and adapt to whatever the future holds? zz Are you ready for the final push to thrive with approximately 50% of what you had before? zz Where is your organisation placed within the matrix of maturity? zz Do you have access to the new skills and capabilities needed to plan and execute radical change and We are at the forefront of the drive to help you answer pro-actively manage demand? the critical questions and to implement new insight led methodologies for local government. zz Can you replicate and use some of the techniques and tools associated with the most successful private sector companies?
Contact us: To discuss any of the ideas contained within this paper or your own ideas / challenges contact Carl Brooks on: T: 020 7901 0068 E: W:
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