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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VI: Medical Sciences • Vol. 12 (61) No. 1 – 2019

                               AND VERTIGO

                               L.G. MĂRCEANU 1*                 E. BOBESCU1, 2

                Abstract: The traumatic pathology of the head and neck is often
                associated with peripheral or central vertiginous manifestations. These are
                due either to direct or indirect traumatic damage of the temporal bones -
                the labyrinth's place - (involving direct damage to the middle or inner ear,
                or by affecting the cervical vascularization or the osteo-muscular skeleton
                of the cervical area. The secondary psychopathological reactions
                associated with this type of traumatology may also be the secondary
                source of vertigo. This article reviews the clinical forms of vertigo that may
                occur as an immediate or delayed consequence of cervical and cranial
                traumatic pathology, with their particular diagnostic and modalities of

                Key words: cranio-cervical traumatology, vertigo, diagnosis

1. Introduction                                          broad groups: one clinical forms with
                                                         onset of immediate vertigo (less than 24
  The traumatic pathology of the head                    hours) and disorders causing vertigo with
and neck is frequently associated with                   relatively late onset, (after at least 24
peripheral, central and / or mixed                       hours). In this second group, the
vertiginous manifestations, due to either                vertiginous manifestations that occur late
direct injury to cerebral parenchyma and                 after the acute CCT episode, include
/ or skull bones (the temporal bones are                 some pathological processes whose signs
the labyrinth's center) or consequences                  settle slowly, few weeks after the trauma
of complex cervical lesions with the                     [15], [11], [22].
interest of regional cervical blood vessels.               IMMEDIATE VERTIGO: Paroxysmal
  The vertigo occurring in the context of                benign positional vertigo           (VPPB),
cranio-cervical traumatology (CCT), and                  labyrinth contusion, Temporal bone
can be classified, by the onset, into two                fracture,     Perilimphatic    fistula    /

1 Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties,
                                            Faculty of Medicine, “Transilvania” University, Brasov, Romania;
2 Departmentof Cardiology, Clinic County Emergency Hospital Brasov.
* Corresponding author:
10           Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VI • Vol. 12 (61) No.1 - 2019

Semicircular channels dehiscence, and             auditory manifestations. The diagnosis
rupture of round window membrane.                 resides through the reproduction of
LATE        VERTIGO:       post-traumatic         symptomatology by the classic Dix
labyrinthitis, post-traumatic inner ear           Halpike and Roll Test maneuvers, which
hydrops, cervicogenic "vertigo" and               indicate the typical and asymmetrical
cervical vessel damage (after WHIPLASH),          affection    of    several    semicircular
post-traumatic vestibular epilepsy, post-         channels,       sometimes         bilateral
traumatic     migraine, vertigo     from          involvement. They are resistant to
posttraumatic intracranial hematoma and           treatment, require repeated classical
diffuse axonal lesions, post- CCT                 otolithic   repositioning      maneuvers,
psychogenic vertigo (the old “            depending on the affected channel
concussion”) [14], [22].                          (Epley, Semont, BBQ etc), and sometimes
                                                  the reeducation of residual instability due
2. Main Clinical Forms                            to remanent secondary otolithic sd. (by
                                                  vestibular kinetic therapy and cerebral
  In these cases, vertigo occurs in               compensatory medication), [2], [15], [18],
relationship and after CCT, in a patient          [22].
who has not had any previous balance
disorder of this type. In this context, the       2.2. Vertigo from traumas of temporal
following pathological entities can be                 bones and its complications:
described in the order of frequency of
occurrence:                                         Labyrinth contusions: it is manifested
                                                  by a reversible fluctuation of the ear-ear
2.1.   Post-traumatic benign        postural      vestibular function. Common, even after
       traumatic vertigo                          minor CCT, is generated by spasm and
                                                  microhaemorrhage in the labyrinth bone.
  These are the most common forms of              Changes are only functional, auditory and
post-traumatic vertigo (occurring in over         vestibular, usually unilateral (non-
28% of CCT) [16]. It is due to the                persistent sensorineural and / or
traumatic detachment of the macula                unilateral hearing loss), successive to a
otholites and their possible migration            recent CCT. Treatment consists of
into the semicircular channels. It usually        instrumental      surveillance,   cochlear
occurs in the first 24 hours after CCT, but       vasodilators, corticoids, non-ototoxic
onset may sometimes delayed 5-10 days.            broad spectrum antibiotics (if there are
It is manifested by the appearance of             also infected cranio-facial lesions).
vertigo with nystagmus at sudden                  Classically, there are no detectable bone
changes of the head position. The access          lesions, there are actually lesions of
time is short (up to 30 seconds), stops at        vestibular sensory neuroepithelial or
rest, repeats frequently during a day, for        cochlear (isolated or associated, in
weeks, often accompanies by vegetative            varying degrees and complexities).
manifestations, but without associated            Labyrinth contusion may also be
                                                  produced by cranial fractures, but not of
L.G. MĂRCEANU et al.: Cranio-cervical Traumatology and Vertigo                          11

labyrinth, or other CCT, without line of        the injured labyrinth (acute serous or
fracture (Cranial transversal-oblique           bacterial labyrinthitis are common), but
cranial fractures, which penetrate the          in a normal evolution the vertiginous
temporal rock perpendicular, produce            manifestations tend to spontaneously
major inner ear lesions (hemorrhagic            regress. The ap-pearance of central
intralabirinthyc lesions, especially of the     cerebral compensation (manifested by
membranous labyrinth, communications            the disappearance of spontaneous
with subarachnoid and lymphatic spaces          nystagmus) is all the more rapid since the
and pneumolabirinth). Other CCT may             destruction of the labyrinth was more
interest the inner ear by accidental            complete, and        as the individual is
penetration (crossing the middle ear),          younger or his bed mobilization is earlier,
which also leads to its destruction.            and the central neurological lesions are
  Symptomatology:               destructive     less severe [2], [19]. Treatment is usually
peripheral vestibular syndrome (violent         conservative. Prophylactic antibiotics are
vertigo with nausea and vomiting, axial         administered for about 4 weeks.
and segmental deviations, spontaneous           Miringototomy and insertion of a
horizon-rotating nistagmus to the healthy       eardrum ventilation tube may be
part) along with classical otoscopic signs      indicated, especially for serous otitis,
(othoragia,     cerebrospinal      leakage,     which persists after one month [2], [22].
haemotympanum, neurosensoryal or                  Vestibular      therapy:     Spontaneous
mixed hearing loss, lesions of external         installation of the central compensation
auditory chanel) occurring in CCT context.      phenomenon is usually expected (in
Important: In a patient with CCT and            about 2-4 weeks the patient becomes
encephalic      damages,      spontaneous       asymptomatic). If the vertiginous
nystagmus occurs only if its con-               manifestations persist, it shows that
sciousness is partially preserved. In the       there are functional relicvates of the
superficial coma there is only the slow         injured vestibule, which blocks the
phase of nistagmatic beats, and in the          installation of the central compensation.
case of a deep come, spontaneous                  Labyrinthtotomy can be solution
nystagmus will be absent. Investigating         (which complements the incomplete
the presence of nystagmus in a comatose         destruction of the labyrinth) or unilateral
is done by practicing the cold heat             vestibular neurotomy. Take into account
stimulation manoevra, with water at 4 C         of the surgical decision, the actual degree
(Frazer technique). Water is totally            of dis-ability caused by vertigo and the
contraindicated in the case of lesions of       state of the hearing function (a normal
the eardrum or CAE, and using high-             cochlea denied a surgical labyrinth
resolution temporal bone CT, cerebral           destruction) [2], [15], [22].
MRI, and classical cochleovestibular              Infection of the bone (acute
investigations transcend the diagnosis.         labyrinthitis) can occur by otogenic origin
Evolution: It is dominated by the               or meningogenic. In the initial serous
prognosis of neurological lesions and the       phase,     can     use     corticoids   and
possibility of microbial superinfection of      vasodilators, and the evolution towards
12           Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VI • Vol. 12 (61) No.1 - 2019

purulent form attracts the surgical               otolithic        manifestations.        Thus
decision under the cover of antibiotics           manifestations such as vertigo (rotary
[2], [10].                                        sensations) and linear motion sensations
   The chronicisation of the labyrinthytis        with instability are triggered by position
(especially the otogenic variant) is often        changes,      CAE     pressure,      Valsalva
associated with the ossification of the           maneuver, or strong sounds (Tullio
membrane labyrinth with the subsequent            phenomenon). Considering the fluid
appearance of the signs of the post CCT           communication with the cochlear
inner ear otic hydrops. The mechanism is          compartment, there is also a fluctuating
by scar, typical after severe damage to           “positional” hypoacusias (ascertained by
the membrane labyrinth and appears late           the Frazer positional audiometry test). It
(after years). It seems to be predisposed         describes the positive sign of the fistula
to those, all with Sd of broad vestibular         (when the digital CAE pressure closure on
aqueduct - preexisting [3]. Treatment: it         the same side as FP produces vertigo and
is common to the Meniere sd. [14]                 nystagmus), which unfortunately is rarely
                                                  found in daily practice. Diagnosis is
2.3. Vertigo in post-traumatic perilim-           difficult, requires high resolution CT and
     phatic fistula:                              if FP is very symptomatic, a possible
                                                  middle ear surgery will be followed by FP
  Perilimphatic Fistula (FP) is a                 plugging.
posttraumatic dehiscence at the site of             Evolution: some FPs spontaneously
round or oval windows or a labyrinthic            cured in about 6-12 months, but only in
semicircular canal through which a                the mucosa part, the subjacent bony
communication          between        the         remaines beant; some may become
perilimphatic fluid compartment of the            infected (evolution to suppurative
inner ear and the middle ear is made. FP          labyrinthitis and meningitis in repetition).
is a functional, transient and recurrent          These       require     traceability     and
vestibular dysfunction.                           prophylactic antibiotic treatment in any
  FP may occur after a hyper or                   possible new otitic or IACRS episode.
hypopressive bruise transmitted to the            Paroxysmal vertigo can continue months
vestibule, either from the cerebrospinal          and years after CCT, while cochlear
space (“explosive type"), or from the             function also degrades. In this case the
outside, via the Eustache tube                    treatment is surgical by plugging the
(“implosive type”) during a blast, scarlet        bone of FP.
or even cough or strong sneezing                    The Tullio phenomenon may occur in
(“microtraumatism”).                              posttraumatic circumstances that lead to
  Symptomatology: FP produces inner               the appearance of a FP, or which lead to
ear fluids disturbances and intra-                an abnormal anatomical continuity
labirinthic pressure, with abnormal               between the middle ear and the otolithic
stimulation of the vestibular macula and          macula. It is manifested by vertigo
cupulas, resulting in either canallith or         triggered by intense low-frequency
                                                  sounds (otolithic stimuli). Patients accuse
L.G. MĂRCEANU et al.: Cranio-cervical Traumatology and Vertigo                           13

are vertigo, body instability, and              contact with cerebral hemispheres).
oscilopsies    when       passing trucks,         Diagnosis requires skull TC, MRI and
compressors, etc. (when low-frequency           neurosurgery exam, the treatment
sounds are transmitted directly to              consisting of emergency evacuation of
otolithic zones).                               the hematoma, especially if the patient
  Treatment is again the cause of the           also has consciousness disorders. In the
Tullio phenomenon (ie FP plugging or            absence of these, temporary treatment
restoration of the modified bone chain of       with cortisone may favor spontaneous
middle ear) [2], [8], [14].                     resorption of the hematoma [2], [14],
2.4.    Vertigo     in     post-traumatic         Pure deceleration forces can cause
        intracranial hematoma and               brain diffuse axonal lesions [14].
        diffuse axonal lesions                  Mechanism: small areas of bleeding
                                                (petechial haemorrhage) and disruption
  The cerebral traumatic context is not         of neuronal circuits (axonal lesions).
always obvious, especially since it may         Significant effects of these diffuse
take several weeks or months to install         microlesions do not occur in patients
the intracranial hematoma. After a CCT,         with CCT who have reported no loss of
the intracranial hematoma can develop           consciousness. A loss of consciousness of
either on the brain surface, extracerebral      at least 30 minutes seems to be
(with extradural variants - directly under      necessary for a significant effect
the cranial axis with rapid or subdural         associated with this type of cerebral
evolution - in contact with the brain,          lesion [1]. Diagnosis necessarily requires
after a few weeks) or intracerebral.            angio- MRI.
  The subdural hematoma can thus be
installed by performing the shape of the        2.5. Cervical vertigo (most frequent form
chronically subdural hematoma. Its                   after "WHIPLASH” mechanism):
favorable factors are represented by the
presence of coagulation changes (chronic          Vertigo in “cervical whiplash”:
anticoagulant       therapy,       chronic         The notion of "cervical vertigo" is quite
consumption of aspirin or other NSAIDs,         confusing. It is now accepted that only a
alcoholism,     chronic      hepatopathy,       clear and strong cervical spine injury at
hematopoiesis, etc.) and minor skull            the level of cervical proprioceptors may
injuries [6].                                   be a possible cause of vertigo. CCT must
  Symptomatology: Elderly patients with         produce a real "sensory conflict" by
the above-mentioned pathology, vertigo,         producing an abnormality of cervical
and chronic late-onset headache with a          posture, which later -through cervical
tendency to fall backwards in the               proprioceptors -will send new sensory
Romberg axial manoevra-can predict              information that “contradicts” normal
cerebellum haemorrhage (or hematom),            vestibular     or    visual   information,
and with lateral fall (hematoma in              generating the “vertigo” sensation. In
14            Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VI • Vol. 12 (61) No.1 - 2019

fact, the sensation is not vertigo, but the            cervical spine C1 - C4 (with pain in the
“imbalance” That occurs always after                   palpation of spiny apophyses, painful
major cervical trauma, never minor one!                limitation of cervical movements, etc.)
[7, 8].                                               the existence of strong cervical
   The notion of "cervical whiplash"                   pathology: fracture or dilation of the
describes the damage to the neck that                  cervical column, muscle elongation,
followed         a       brutal      "back"            recent local surgery, recent port of
hit/collision. Mechanisms involved in the              cervical minerva.
generation of post-Whiplash lesions:                  positive cervical imaging balance for
damage caused by severe neck                           osteoarticular lesion in the area (CT,
hyperextension - rupture of the anterior               cervical column MRI, etc.)
longitudinal        ligament,        muscle           Prognosis: Cervical stiffness can persist
haemorrhage and disc rupture and bulge,            in 20-45% of patients. Dizziness
and occasionally even brain damage [14].           associated with whiplash occurs at 20-
   Visual disturbances, as well as internal        60% and can persist for years, 75% of
ear      disturbances,     are    classically      patients are recovered for up to 1 year
attributed to vertebrobasilar artery               [12], [17].
injury. The vertebral arteries can be                 Aspects of vertigo in post-traumatic
damaged by vertebral movement or                   dissection of cervical vessels:
elongation of the vertebral arteries. The             Dissection of a cervical vessel is not an
origin of these sensations is probable,            exceptional        event      in     cervical
knowing the role of postural reflexes with         traumatology.           Following        this
origin in cervical muscles, which are              phenomenon, a cavity containing blood
transmitted through spinovestibular                and thrombi is formed inside the wall of a
paths and contribute to stabilizing the            damaged cervical artery. Coagulations
eye. It is therefore admitted that                 can either produce a complete
vertebral osteoarticular lesions or                obstruction of the respective cervical
cervical muscles can trigger abnormal              artery, or they can be trained as emboli,
proprioceptive inflows that arrive in the          to the cerebral hemispheres (through the
cerebral trunk are the origin of a genuine         internal carotid artery) or to the cerebral
sensory conflict, producing pseudo-                or cerebral trunk (through the vertebral
vertigo sensations. It has been shown              artery). In both cases, these processes
that nuchal lesions can produce true               cause strokes. Any preexisting vascular
visual illusions of movement [7], [12]. So         comorbidities are an unfavorable
Clinical Whiplash is similar to the old            prognostic factor [6].
“postconccusive syndrome of CCT” but to               Symptomatology: The traumatized
the neck. The clinical diagnostic criteria         patient has a laterocervical pain, on the
required to associate vertigo with cervical        side of the injured artery, Claudius
post-traumatic affections, and include             Bernard Horner's omolateral syndrome,
[14], [22]:                                        along with the neurological signs of the
   vertigo should be associated with              brain damaged by the cerebral accident
    clinical signs of suffering of the high
L.G. MĂRCEANU et al.: Cranio-cervical Traumatology and Vertigo                            15

(including    vertigo).     Diagnosis     is    syndrome appear to be found in minimal,
determined          by         echographic      hard or even undetectable intracerebral
examinations, Doppler of the neck,              lesions through current investigation
arteriography, cervical and cranial CT.         methods.        Patient     symptomatology
Emergency treatment is medical and              associates unsystematic equilibrium
consists of control of coagulation, rest in     disorders associated with emotional
bad, and treatment of stroke.                   disturbances occurring in post-traumatic
  Evolution of arterial lesions is followed     context. The treatment addresses the
by periodic Doppler examinations; total         emotional, anxious and depressive
reparations occurs between 3 and 6              context, joining a typical anti-migraine
months [12], [14], [21].                        treatment for headache, psychotherapy,
                                                antidepressants, sedatives, and cervical
2.6.     Post- CCT psychogenic vertigo in       physiotherapeutic procedures [1].
       post-traumatic         intracranial        Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD):
       hematoma and diffuse axonal              can determine the re-examination of CCT
       lesions                                  and vertigo [9], [14].
                                                  "Malingering" vertigo: the so-called
  They include several forms of clinical        "money issue" was noted, - especially for
treatment that the psychiatrist is              people with head trauma, - when
responsible for:                                "disability" is partially correlated with the
  "Factitious vertigo": or the adoption of      financial incentive targeted as harm, it
the "role" of the ill persone (occurs by        was      found       that     applicants    /
"vertigo" accusations after a CCT, in fact,     compensation / damages recipients
people need to be in the spotlight - the        report the incidence and severity of the
respondents have an unconscious need            symptoms being "significantly higher"
for increased affection).                       than those who were not seeking or not
   Psychogenic vertigo: it is directly          receiving financial compensation [4],
related to psychological causes, such as        [19].
depression,     anxiety.    Anxiety    and
depression can result from traumatic            2.7. Post-traumatic Migraine
brain injuries that create a self-
perpetuating psychological reaction. It is        It occurs in about 41% of CCTs.
a frequent consequence of CCT, even             Associates dizziness (non-vertigo) with
benign, manifested by a subjective              headache, difficult to distinguish from
syndrome that includes: instability,            anxiety or tension headache [5].
capricious headache, and various                Sometimes a true MAV (vertigo-migraine)
neurovegetative signs. The characteristic       is formed. Respond to classic migraine
of this syndrome is that the clinical and       (triptans) and BETAHISTINUM cochlear-
paraclinically examinations show the            vestibular vasodilators if signs of
absence of cerebral or vestibular organic       migraine vertigo (European Consensus
abnormalities. The causes of this               2016 ROMA) [12-14].
16           Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VI • Vol. 12 (61) No.1 - 2019

                                                  structures are affected; in the possible
2.8. Post CCT epileptic vertigo                   case of non-participation of the patient
                                                  (coma), the anatomical and functional
  It is due to temporal lobe cerebral             evaluation of the vestibular acoustic
lesions (processing the vestibular signals),      organ is necessary for the purpose of
vertigo is accompanied by altered                 early therapy, differential diagnosis and
consciousness [23]. Typical symptom is            for the aim of medico-legal evaluation.
"rapid rotation," followed by alteration of       Therefore, the emergency care of these
consciousness, but this symptom has               cases requires modern paraclinical
other causes potentially more frequent            examinations: auditory evoked potential,
potentials (requires differential diagnosis       stapedial       reflex,      computerized
with VPPB). Treatment is neurological:            electronystagmography       (ENG     test),
anticonvulsant [23, 24].                          videonystagmography (VNG test) and
                                                  other vestibular function tests, possible
3. Conclusions                                    only in over-specialized medical centers.

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