CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10

Page created by Brandon Gibbs
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10

covid restriction rollback
            March for equality

            5 ways to maintain your car
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
     COViD RESTRiCTiON         MOXIE : A MOViE
                          14 REViEW                    Editor:
                                                       Will Silva     The Current is
                          16 MARCH  THROUGH
                             THE AGES
                                                                       the official
                                                  managing Editor:        student
     DR. JiLL BiDEN AND        MARCH FOR
 8   MiGUEL CARDONA       18   EQUALiTY             Gillian Taylor    publication of
                             ROLLER SKATiNG                            Three Rivers
   UCONN TUiTiON          24 MAKES A COMEBACK           Staff:
10 iNCREASE CUT iN                                                      Community
   HALF                                               Alex Slane
                          26 5YOUR
                               WAYS TO MAiNTAiN                        College. The
                                                    Gillian Taylor
          VACCiNE                  CAR
                                                                        Current is
                                                    Emme Romanelli
                                                   Brent Meraviglia   written, edited,
   ELLiS RULEY                                       William Silva    and designed
                                                                         solely by
                                                      adviSor:          students.
                               AiR FRYER APPLE
32 BiRTH
         RATES DURiNG          FRiTTER FRiES         Kevin Amenta
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
                     Covid restriction rollback
    Mask mandates end as vaccines roll out                                      Masking and distancing are an important bridge to herd immunity”.
                       By Brent Mareviglia
TEXAS – On March 2nd                                                            These decisions are being made just after a deadly winter storm that left
Governor Greg Abbott announced          In response, doctors and President      millions of Texans without power and heat, leaving some on edge.
that Texas will lift its mask mandate   Biden warned Governor Abbott
as of March 10th, making it the         that this could create a surge in       President Biden referred to Governor Abbott and Mississippi Governor
16th state not to require a mask.       deaths. In a press conference at the    Reeve’s decision making as “Neanderthal thinking”.
                                        White House on March 3rd, Pres-
Mississippi, Alabama, and West          ident Biden mentioned it is a big
Virginia are among other states         mistake and that “I hope everyone
releasing the mask mandate this         has realized by now, these masks
week. Texas being the largest listed    make a difference”.
and 3rd in the country for Covid-19     Dr. James McDeavitt, Houston
deaths.                                 hospital’s senior vice president and                                                                        It’s ok if
                                        dean of clinical affairs said in an                                                                       you haven’t
Being met with both approval and        interview with NBC News that he                                                                             learned
disapproval on social media,            believes the decision was prema-                                                                          everything
Governor Abbott stated on Twitter       ture. In Houston alone they are still                                                                      there is to
“Today’s announcement doesn’t           seeing 1000 new cases per day. Dr.                                                                        know about
abandon safe practices that Texans      McDeavitt stated “if the goal is to                                                                       money and
have mastered over the past year.       reach herd immunity, we are not                                                                             banking.
Instead, it’s a reminder that each      there yet.
person has a role to play in their                                                  That’s why we created the Chelsea U Student Banking program,
own personal safety & the safety of                                                with checking and savings accounts, and a chance to learn all the basics,
others”.                                                                           including how to use a debit card, save for a goal, and earn good credit.
                                                                                Pop into your local Chelsea Groton Bank branch and we’ll help you open an account.

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CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
                    COMMUNiTY                                                           Not only has covid made the
                                                                                        number of absences rise but, it has
                                                                                        made children’s grades drop
                                                                                        immensely. Kids are having a hard         Not only is this lack of motivation
                                                                                        time focusing at home. They have          present in teenagers but it is also
                                                                                        tons of devices and objects to            present in young adults and
Kids Struggling to Succeed                                                              distract them. While every child          students in college. For many of the
                                                                                        differs, Jasmine Martinez stated that     same reasons, college students are
               The effect covid has had on                                              at least 70% of her friends in school     falling behind on their course loads.
                  children’s education                                                  are currently failing. A lot of it has    They can get easily distracted by the
                                                                    By Gillian Taylor
                                                                                        to do with the amount of work that        things around them, their
Kids across the nations are            For example, sisters Skyla Martinez              the children are receiving. These two     cellphones, pets and even family
falling behind in school and           (7th grade) and Jasmine Martinez                 sisters feel that their course load has   members. Also, many college
some are not attending at all.         (9th Grade) say that their parents are           since doubled since moving to             students already have very full
Since COVID crossed our                never home during the day because                online schooling.                         schedules due to having to work
borders into America kids              of work, their parents check to make                                                       one or two jobs to make ends meet,
everywhere are struggling to           sure they are in class before they               When asked about which classes            so adding on three to four
keep their grades up. Some             leave for work but then after that               have become the most difficult since      classes can make them feel very
kids are even taking advantage         there is no one monitoring them.                 moving to online, Jasmine said that       overwhelmed.
of online schooling and not            From the website Education Week,                 her civics class was rather difficult
attending their classes at all.        they did a survey that showed that               due to the large work they have           COVID has shaken up the world
Since a lot of schools are fully       student absences have doubled since              been given. Skyla said history for the    in more ways than you may think.
online it makes it easier for          the beginning of COVID. Before                   same reason. Also, classes like gym       Kids are failing classes and college
kids to just not show up for           COVID it was documented that the                 have become almost impossible for         students are struggling to juggle
class. Especially if a parent is       average amount of absences for one               the two sisters to get a good grade       busy schedules. Hopefully soon the
not home during the day to             month was 5%, after covid began that             in. Since their motivation is already     education system will come up with
monitor them.                          number spiked to 10%.                            down, they do not have the will           ways to guide these students back
                                                                                        power to just go and run a mile by        to good grades and
                                                                                        themselves. Also, Jasmine has             attending school. Maybe even go
                                                                                        mentioned that for her gym class she      back to school, on ground,
                                                                                        is required to record herself working     full time.

6                                  A picture of a students grades
                                                                                        out which makes her rather
                                                                                         uncomfortable, she says she would
                                                                                        rather write a paper.
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
                                                                         “The yearlong pandemic
                                                                         has led to fewer learning
                                                                         opportunities,” Cardona
                                                                         said. “In Connecticut we
        Dr. Jill Biden and miguel                                        did this thing early on:
                                                                         learn together, grow
       Cardona Visit Connecticut                                         together. ... We will heal
                                                                         together, learn together,
 The Recently Appointed Secretary of Education                           and we’re going to make
 Visit’s School with First Lady                                          that happen at the agency.”
                                               By emme romanelli
On March 3rd, 2021 Dr. Jill Biden, The    The trip to Benjamin           Part of getting in-person
First Lady of the United States visited   Franklin Elementary was        classes back to normal and
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School       partially necessary for the    safe involves Joe Biden’s
in Meriden, Connecticut. This visit       appointment of the new         American Rescue Plan Act,
was prompted by the appointment of        Secretary and to bring the     which utilizes $1.9 trillion
the Biden Administration’s Secretary      White House to his roots.      in order to provide
of Education, Miguel Cardona.             But it was also to show what    financial relief and vaccine
                                          measures are being taken       distribution to Americans.
Cardona is a Meriden local and            in order to make in-person
previously taught Fourth Grade at         classes available and safe.    With the new
Benjamin Franklin Elementary. The                                        administration settled in,
Connecticut native graduated from         Cardona wants to focus         it was a positive step to see
UCONN and after teaching, became          on keeping connections         the new Secretary of
the youngest principal the state has      and learning opportunities     Education within a typical
seen at age 27.                           prevalent in the learning      American school.
                                           experience across the         Furthermore, Connecticut           First Lady Jill Biden and Secretary of Education
                                          country.                       is very proud to have one       Miguel Cardona Visit Benjamin Franklin Elementary
                                                                                                          in Meriden, Connecticut (Photo Courtesy Darlene
                                                                         of our own in that seat.                     Superville-Associated Press)

 8                                                                                                                                                        9
                                                                         Source: Hartford Courant
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
                                                                           While this is not a direct tuition decrease, it is a step in the right direction.
                                                                           Every year, the university increase tuition slightly to further assist in
                      UConn tuition                                        improving the educational environment for their students. This year,
                                                                           UConn had planned to increase the in-state tuition for students by 4.3%.
                   increase cut in half                                    This means tuition would increase by $625 dollars for in-state students
                                                                           attending in the fall. The proposal is to cut the increase in half, so instead
  The effects of COVID on tuition rates in schools
                              by Alex slane
                                                                           of 4.3%, they will only increase tuition by 2.2% this year. This comes to
                                                                           $312 dollars instead of $625.
When the pandemic first hit big in    horizon, some schools decided to
                                                                           During the virtual town hall meeting held to discuss this matter, UConn’s
the United States, college students   act. For example, the University
                                                                           execute Vice President Scott Jordan explains the intentions behind this
were in the second half of their      of Massachusetts decided to freeze
                                                                           proposal. To maintain the quality of education provided to their students,
Spring semester of the year 2020.     tuitions for in-state
                                                                           they wanted to decrease the tuition increase to the bare minimum without
When schools began sending            undergraduates for the 2020-2021
                                                                           compromising the educational experience. Decreasing the tuition increase
students back home and                academic year.
                                                                           by this amount helps maintain the affordability without hurting the
converting to online learning,
questions were brought up of          The University of Connecticut, or
tuition and how this could            UConn, decided act recently as
                                                                           In addition to the tuition increase cut, the university also made some new
affect the price of school. With an   well and proposed some changes
                                                                           additions to help expand access to mental health assistance. UConn hired
all-digital environment, some         in tuition. In recognition of the
                                                                           four more mental health clinicians and three new health educators, only
students felt that they were not      financial hardship the pandemic
                                                                           costing a fee increase of $28 per semester for Storrs-based students to assist
receiving the same level of           has brought into families, UConn
                                                                           with the funding.
education that they can in person     proposed that they cut the tuition
and were in favor of a tuition        increase in half for the 2021-2022
decrease. With the fall semester on   school year.

10                                                                                                                                                    11
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
R                                                                           How to make:
                                                                          Slice your apple in as many wedges as
                                                                          you’d like without leaving any of the
                                                                          core. Peeling the apple beforehand is

Air Fryer Apple Fritter Fries

                                                                          In a bowl, beat both of your eggs until
           An Easy Spin on A Classic Dessert
                       By emme romanelli                                  the yolk is well mixed with the white.
                                                                          Put your graham cracker crumbs and
                                                                          sugar in a separate bowl and whisk
                               In the last year, people have been         together.
Ingredients include:
                               stuck home for various amounts of
                                                                          Individually dip each apple wedge
1 Medium Sized Apple           time. What better way to pass the
                                                                          into the eggs, and then place them in
                               time than to cook, right?                  the graham cracker and sugar mix.
2 Eggs, Beaten                                                            Coat the wedge completely.

                               With the yearning to make good
1 Cup Graham Cracker Crumbs
                               food from home the popularity of           Place each wedge in a single layer in the air
                                                                          fryer. Cook at 380 degrees for 8 minutes or
1/4 Cup Cinnamon Sugar         the Air Fryer has taken flight. If there
                                                                          until golden brown (I recommend flipping
                               is any appliance to have in order to       them halfway through to get an even
                               save money and eat healthier, its this.    amount of crisp).

                                                                          These can be eaten on their own or with
                               An easy recipe to satisfy anyone with      popular apple toppings such as caramel or
                                                                          vanilla ice cream. All of this should take no
                               a sweet tooth is Apple Fritter Fries.      more than 15 minutes, so enjoy your sweet,
                               They have all the goods of the well        healthy, and quick apple dessert!

12                                                                                                                                      13
                               loved dessert, but with less calories
                               and no need to spend hours baking.
                                                                                              Recipe Courtesy Of
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
   E                                                                                               Vivian holding the first making of the Moxie booklets.
                                                                                                                                                               Not only was the storyline very
                                                                                                                                                               motivating and inspiring but the
    MOXIE: A Movie Review                                                                              Our main character Vivian sees this
                                                                                                       behavior and it is inspired by her
                                                                                                                                                               actors and actresses chosen for the
                                                                                                                                                               roles were great. Hadely Robinson
    A coming-of-age movie made to inspire those                                                        mother’s teenage years and creates                      did an awesome job at portraying
    who stand for equal rights.                                                                        Moxie. Moxie is not given a name                        a teenager who was struggling in
                                                                              by Gillian taylor        or identity, it is a movement that                      finding a way to make a stand and
Moxie is a new Netflix Movie that came                    came across music and documents              calls out the crude behavior going                      bring forth the problems at the high
out March 3rd of 2021. This film starts                  proving the revolutions that women            on in the school and empowers                           school. Patrick Schwarzenegger
off with a 16-year-old girl who is                       started for equal rights and sexism.          the girls at the school to start small                  is the handsome football captain
starting her junior year in high school.                                                               movements like putting hearts and                       Mitchel Wilson. Due to his good
This girl’s name is Vivian, and she was                  This movie is heavily based in a              stars on their hands, wearing tank                      looks, it landed him the role of the
filling out college applications. She was                high school setting. Football is              tops to repent the dress code, and                      arrogant jock of the movie. Patrick
asked to reflect on a cause that she is                  the main sport of this school and             finally causing a large walk out to                     was able to take on the burden of
passionate about and explain the                         the most focused and cared about              protest.                                                this role and portrayed this persona
significance to her and what she could                   thing. Even the principal sides with                                                                  very well.
do to make a difference.                                 the captain, Mitchel Wilson. As the           This movie was very moving for a
                                                         movie starts to begin to unfold a             young woman like myself to watch.                       Overall, this movie is filled with
Vivian is stuck because she has nothing                  new girl named Lily has arrived at            It can motivate those who are                           side stories about relationships and
to be passionate about, so she reaches                   school and Mitchel Wilson                     feeling scared or afraid to come                        friendships while not veering away
out to her mom who says that 16-year-                    immediately begins harassing her              forward with                                            from the important plot of
olds did during her time started                         and making her uncomfortable.                 experiences they have had. It also                      empowering the girls of this high
revolutions. Vivian began snooping                       Lily tried to go to the principal, but        shows that with a little will power                     school to take a stand against the
around her mother’s old belongings                       the principal brushed it off as him           and a lot of motivation for a cause                     boys and men who over
and                                                      bothering Lily and that the word              you can make a change, even if it is                    sexualize them and do not give
                                                         harassment would make a lot of                just your local high school.                            them the voice they deserve.
                                                         “stuff” for her to do.

14              The Principal announced the winner of the sports representative and scholarship.                                              The movie poster for Moxie
CoVid restriction rollback - march for equality 5 ways to maintain your car - spring 2021, Volume 23, issue 10
E                March Through the Ages
                                                                       March of 1958

                                                                       Elvis Presley joins the U.S. Army. The rebellious king of rock
 A walk-through of historical events in the                            and roll was drafted for the U.S. Army and served between
 month of March                                                        March of 1958 and March of 1960. His military service took
                                  March 1st, 1872
 by Alex slane                                                         place near the peak of his musical career, making this a unique
                                                                       case. Being a famous musician, going into the army had its pros
Every now and then, it is good    Yellowstone becomes the United
                                                                       and cons. The older generation at the time such as parents and
to take a moment and look         States’ first National Park.
                                                                       teachers disliked Elvis as they found him rebellious and a reb-
back on history. Being            Yellowstone is located primarily
                                                                       el to society. They were thrilled to hear of his drafting as they
educated about the past is very   in Wyoming, with parts reaching
                                                                       wanted him gone. His time in the military gained the respect
important for a multitude of      into Idaho and Montana as well.
                                                                       of the older audience and it was overall beneficial to his career.
reasons. Being aware of what      Home to wildlife and beautiful
                                                                       Unfortunately, after he was to be stationed in Germany, his
has happened in the past and      sights, Yellowstone also hosts the
                                                                       mother had died of a heart attack. His run in the army also be-
understanding what went well      iconic landmark, Old Faithful
                                                                       gan an unfortunate addiction to stimulants and barbiturates.
and what did not can help us      geyser.
grow as a society. The famous
term, “History repeats itself”    March 12th, 1912                     March 30th, 1964
can be avoided altogether by
remaining educated. In this       The Girl Scouts of the United        Jeopardy! airs for the first time. Originally hosted by Art Fleming, Jeopar-
case, looking back on history     States were founded. Originating     dy! is a game show where contestants are presented with clues in the form
can also be a fun activity to     in Savannah, Georgia, the Girl       of answers and must respond in the form of a question. The original debut
remind people of certain          Scouts organization was founded      of the show was on NBC and aired until January 3rd, 1975. Through a few
events they may have forgotten    by Juliette Gordon Low. The Girl     more iterations, you eventually get to the show we know today, which was
about.                            Scouts aim to build girls of         hosted by Alex Trebek until his unfortunate death in 2020. Trebek hosted
                                  courage, confidence, and             the show from 1984-2020.
                                  character, and they deliver
                                  amazing cookies on the way.
                                  With a membership base of over

16                                                                                                                                          17
                                  1.8 million girls, the Girl Scouts
                                  reach their 109th anniversary this
 E                 March for equality
                   By Will Silva
Following the Civil War, the       occurred on Sunday, March 7, 1965. On
15th Amendment, ratified in        this day peaceful participants in a Selma
1870, prohibited states from       to Montgomery march for voting rights        Black people attempting to vote often        August 6, 1965, with Martin
denying a male citizen the         were met by Alabama state troopers.          were told by election officials that they    Luther King, Jr. and other civil
right to vote based on “race,      After they refused to turn back              had gotten the date, time, or polling        rights leaders present at the
color or previous condition        protesters were surrounded with tear         place wrong, that they possessed             ceremony.
of servitude.” However, in         gas as they were spat upon, overrun by       insufficient literacy skills or that they
the ensuing decades, vari-         horses, and attacked with Billy clubs and    had filled out an application incorrectly.   Even after the Voting Rights Act
ous discriminatory practices       bullwhips. Some protesters ran for their     The African American population              passed, state and local enforcement
were used to prevent African       lives while others were severely beaten      suffered a high rate of illiteracy due to    of the law was weak, and it often
Americans, particularly those      and bloodied. The incident was captured      centuries of oppression and poverty.         was ignored outright, mainly in
in the South, from exercising      on national television.                      They often would be forced to take           the South and in areas where the
their right to vote.                                                             literacy tests, which they sometimes        proportion of Black people in the
                                   In the wake of the shocking incident,        failed. Johnson also informed Congress       population was high and their vote
Mistreatment and violence          President Johnson saw that change was        that voting officials, primarily in          threatened the political status quo.
were two things that voting        needed. Johnson called for                   Southern states, had been known to           Regardless of this the Voting Rights
rights activists in the South      comprehensive voting rights legislation.     force black voters to “recite the entire     Act gave African American voters
faced during the civil rights      In a speech to a joint session of Congress   Constitution or explain the most             the legal means to challenge voting
movement of the 1950s and          on March 15, 1965, the president             complex provisions of state laws,” a task    restrictions and vastly improved
1960s. During the month of         outlined the devious ways in which           most white voters would have struggled       voter turnout. In Mississippi alone,
March voting rights activists      election officials denied African            to accomplish. In some cases, even black     voter turnout among Black people
stopped waiting for equality       American citizens the vote.                  people with college degrees were turned      increased from 6 percent in 1964 to
and took matters into their                                                     away from the polls. After Johnson’s         59 percent in 1969. African
own hands. One event that                                                       speech changes were implemented. On          Americans finally had the
outraged many Americans                                                         May 26, 1965, the voting rights bill was     opportunity to be heard.
                                                                                passed in the U.S. Senate. After debating

18                                                                                                                                                     19
                                                                                the bill for more than a month, the U.S.
                                                                                House of Representatives passed the bill
                                                                                on July 9. Johnson signed the Voting
                                                                                Rights Act into law on
                                                                                 Of the 1,434,565 doses reported to      He stated in an interview with the
                                                                                 have been distributed to CT, 85%        Hartford Courant, “Every time we
      Milford Vaccine Push                                                       have been used. The Connecticut
                                                                                 Department of Public Health
                                                                                                                         do one of these launches of a new
                                                                                                                         vaccine it really represents hope.
    Vaccine efforts improve as Milford’s                                         reported that almost all towns in       Another vaccine, another option,
    educators receive COVID-19 vaccines By brent meraviglia                      Connecticut have reached a 10%          more vaccines, our ability to
MILFORD – Nurses worked                 our vaccine allocation and supply,       administration rate except for          increase how quickly we’re able to
together on March 3rd to make sure      we’re going to try to open up            Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury,        vaccinate everyone.” As of now,
almost 2000 school employees received appointments as we can”.                   and Sterling. Some towns such as        covid vaccines in Connecticut are
their first vaccinations. The same day                                           Old Saybrook have reached a 30%         reserved for healthcare personnel,
Johnson and Johnson vaccines were       Nearly four months after the first       administration rate. The 39,000         medical first responders, long term
first arriving in the state.            vaccination was administered in          Johnson and Johnson vaccines that       care facilities, educators, childcare
                                        Connecticut, it is finally becoming      arrived March 3rd provided more         providers, congregate settings, and
Three clinics were held by the Milford  more accessible for the public.          hope for those patiently waiting. The   individuals 55 and older.
Health Department on March 3rd, two According to the CDC, 883,000 first          director of pharmacy at Hartford
clinics on March 5th and two clinics on shots have been administered in          Healthcare, Eric Arlia, was excited
March 10th. All vaccines were           Connecticut making at least 24% of the   for the launch.
distributed at the Parsons Government state safer from the virus.

Deepa D. Joseph, MPH, the
director of health for the Milford
Health department stated, “right now
we’re pretty fully booked for the next
several weeks, but based on

  20                                                                                                                                                  21
                     NFA celebrates the work of Ellis Ruley
                         An artist with a mysterious death.                     Ruley had received some money            The cab safely delivered him
                                      By Alex slane                             from a work-related truck accident      home, but Ruley had stumbled
Ellis Walter Ruley was an             Ruley was born on December 3rd,           and used it towards a house on          and hit his head on a stone wall.
American Folk Artist who began        1882. He was the oldest sibling and       Hammond Avenue. He renovated            He must have been able to get on
painting back in the 1930s. Ruley     was not able to attend schooling          the house and installed gardens so      his feet but was disoriented and
mostly painted from his home in       regularly due to having to work to        he could raise his own food. By the     walked the wrong direction before
Norwich, Connecticut, and would       support his family. Ruley went on         1950s, Ruley had retired from work.     collapsing. However, this story has
primarily use house paint on          to work in construction, building         Ruley had met the director of the       been challenged on multiple
cardboard or Masonite. Masonite is    stone walls, some of which can still      Slater Memorial Museum around           occasions. While there is not
a type of engineered wood made of     be seen today. Ruley married twice        that time, Joseph Gualtieri, and he     enough evidence to call it one,
steam cooked and pressure molded      in his life, the first time to Ida Bee,   sponsored Riley’s sole art              many believe his death was a
wood fibers.                          who had their daughter                    exhibit during his lifetime in          murder. Around this time, it would
                                      Marion but died shortly after. He         December 1952. He also would            not be unbelievable if Ruley’s death
Norwich Free Academy                  then went on to marry Wilhelmina          participate in the annual art exhibit   was an act of racial animosity.
frequently showcases work from        Fox.                                      “Art in the Open” which was             According to Dr. Michael Baden,
Ruley in the form of exhibitions in                                             sponsored by the Norwich School of      because the lack of knowledge
their art gallery and has recently                                              Art and would sell his paintings for    linked to his death is slim, it
taken it one step further. Within                                               $15 each.                               cannot be categorized as a
the school is the Slater Memorial                                                                                       homicide, but Ruley’s empty wallet
Museum which holds many                                                         Ellis Ruley died on January 16th,       was found 20 feet from his body.
wonderful pieces of art. Now, they                                              1959. His death was met with
have installed a new wall in the                                                suspicion due the circumstances he
Connecticut Artists of the                                                      was found in. They originally had
Twentieth Century gallery which                                                 found him about 200 feet from his
features the paintings of                                                       home, partially frozen and with a
Ellis Walter Ruley.                                                             gash in his head. According to the
                                                                                Norwich Police Department, Ruley

22                                                                                                                                                23
                                                                                had been at a restaurant and
                                                                                drinking and went to take a cab
 E                      Roller Skating Makes a comeback
                                The Well-Loved Activity Finds
                                       New Life In 2020
                              By emme romanelli
                                                                                 The most common parts of getting into being
                                                                                 comfortable on skates are:

                                                                                 -Learning how to stop: gently bend your knee on whatever
Roller skating came to popularity
                                        While they are an investment, roll-      leg feels most comfortable and point your toe to the ground
in the 70’s, and was a great activity
                                        er skates come to just a bit cheaper     to slow you to a stop.
for kids and teens in the decades
                                        than a complete skateboard. The
later, but up until about 2010, it
                                        most popular sites to get skates
really dropped in popularity for a
                                        from are Impala Skates and Angel
bit. With 2020 putting everything
                                        Skates, these companies provide
at home and outdoors, people
                                        great quality roller skates starting
started getting creative. Being that
                                        at about $90.
gyms were one of the first places
to close and not everyone has a
                                        Next Is To Find A Spot To Skate          -Learning how to cruise: With whatever foot feels more
treadmill, young people looked to
                                        At. With the resurgence of the           dominant, push forward and slightly off to the side, and then
different outdoor activities. With
                                        activity and slow openings of pub-       repeat with the other foot. As you do this more, it’ll feel more
the help of TikTok, roller skating
                                        lic places, skateparks are a great       natural.
really picked up on the trend list
                                        place to enjoy the activity. If a park
from Gen Z-ers to Millennials. So
                                        seems too intimidating to learn
how does one get started to hop on
                                        at, tennis courts and safe, emp-
the trend?
                                        ty parking lots are great places to
                                        get the basics. If your town has a
First and foremost, roller rinks
                                        rink, then having your own pair of
have gone down in the past few
                                        skates will save a rental fee!
years, and roller rentals aren’t ex-
                                        Now Ready, Set, Roll!
actly Covid-friendly. So it’s prob-
ably better to look into getting a                                               With the weather looking up this is the best time of year to
                                        The best part of skating is the
personal pair.                                                                   get outside and try something new. With the very basics of
                                        more you do it, the easier and
                                        more fun it gets! It’s important         being on skates, you can try more tricks and get out for skate

24                                                                                                                                                  25
                                        to really stick with it if the ease      sessions as much as possible!
                                        doesn’t come on your first day.
     E                            5 Ways to Maintain Your Car
                                   Easy ways to keep your car up and runnin smoothly
                                                                 By Gillian taylor
   Almost everyone owns a car, meaning they have the headache of keeping up with the
   maintenance of the vehicle. A Lot of people will just take it to the garage to get it done, but a lot
   of the time the bill can grow quite high. Most people do not realize how easy and inexpensive it            3. Replacing Spark Plugs
   is to do the maintenance yourself.                                                                          Changing your spark plugs every 30,000 miles will help prevent too much gas entering the
                                                                                                               exhaust system and will keep your car running well.
1. Oil Change                                                                                                  First you will want to locate your spark plugs, they are attached to thick rubber wires. There
Changing your oil is one of the most important things you need to do to keep your car up and                   will either be four, six or eight plugs depending on how many cylinders your car has.
running. It is a good rule of thumb to change your oil every 6 months to a year, depending on how              Next you will remove the wire from the first spark plug ONLY. DO NOT remove all the wires
much your driver your vehicle.                                                                                 at once, the plugs need to be installed in a certain order. To remove the spark plugs you do
Before changing your oil, you want to make sure that your engine is cool, this way you do not                  need a specific attachment for a ratchet that is made for spark plugs.
accidentally burn yourself with hot oil. You will also need access to a jack to be able to get under your      Then you will hand tighten the new spark plugs down and then tighten with the wrench, DO
                                                                                                               NOT over tighten. And finally reattach the wires then you are all set!
The first step is finding your oil pan, this should not be too difficult. Then you will unscrew the oil
plug, make sure you are draining your oil into a container. Once you have completely drained your oil
pan you will replace the plug.
Next, you will move under the hood of your vehicle. This is where you will replace your oil filter. You
will want to make sure you lubricate the rubber gasket on the new oil filter with some new motor oil.
                                                                                                               4. Changing Windshield Wipers
To finish replacing the filter you will fill the new oil filter about two-thirds of the way with new oil and
                                                                                                               Replacing the windshield wipers is an easy maintenance job you can do yourself on your car.
screw in the new oil filter. Make sure to hand-tighten it only, if you use a wrench it may make it
                                                                                                               First you want to take the old wipers off, most cars have a tab that you will press to release the
difficult to get off in the future.
                                                                                                               old wiper. Make sure to pay attention to which way the windshield wiper faces.
Finally, you will fill your engine with new oil. Make sure to check it is just the right amount by pulling
out your dipstick, it will have a marker that says full.                                                       Then you simply slide on the new blade and you are set to go!

2. Changing Air Filter
Changing your air filter is important because it helps keep the air circulating through your engine
First you will want to locate your air filter under your hood. It is usually a black rectangle box with
clips on the sides.                                                                                             5. Keep Up with Fluids and Tire Tread
Next, you will take out the old filter, make sure to take note of which way the filter faces. And then          To keep your car up and running you want to keep an eye on the fluids in your vehicle. Make
                                                                                                                sure your oil does not get low, an engine cannot run with no lubricant. Next you want to
simply place the new one in and clip the top back on!                                                           make sure your coolant is always full, without this your car can easily overheat. Also, you
                                                                                                                want to check your transmission fluid about once a year, this fluid does not need to be filled
                                                                                                                often if your car is running as it should.

  26                                                                                                                                                                                                    27
E                                                                                                      any retail services freezing stock
         Robinhood faces onslaught                                                                     purchases in the course of potential
     45+ incoming lawsuits after stock halt                      By brent meraviglia                   investigations - especially those
                                                                                                       allowing sales, but freezing
                 Robinhood, a trading app with over 10                                                 purchases”. She gained the support
                 million downloads is facing 50 lawsuits                                               of former presidential candidate Ted
                 after halting GameStop stock as well as a                                             Cruz along with thousands of others
                 few others back in January.                                                           online.
                                                                                                       According to Robinhood, “46
                 GameStop (GME) was being shorted by                                                   putative class actions and three
                 hedge funds looking to make a profit.                                                 individual actions” regarding the
                 However, users on Reddit turned their                                                 stock halt was reported after an
                 attention to Wall Street and worked                                                   annual audited report. Until a court
                 together to buy stock against the short and       However, hedge funds could still
                                                                  freely purchase the stock.           certifies the class for these class action
                 caused the stock to rise over $300.                                                   lawsuits, users will have to wait until
                                                                  This presented a situation
                                                                  allowing hedge funds to close        the cases can proceed.
                 Due to this, hedge funds lost billions of
                 dollars on their short position. S3 Partners,    their short position while the
                 a data power company, reported that short        average trader could not hold
                 sellers lost 13 Billion on just GameStop         their position against them.
                 alone. This is known as a “Short-Squeeze”.
                 Robinhood claimed to halt the trading            This prompted the response of
                 of GME (GameStop), NOK (Nokia) BB                lawmakers and political figures to
                 (Blackberry) and AMC (AMC                        defend user complaints.
                 Entertainment) due to its high volatility        US Representative Alexandria
                 and unpredictable price to protect their         Ocasio-Cortez posted on twitter
                 users. Customers were still able to sell         “This is a serious matter.
                 these stocks, but could not buy, resulting       Committee investigators should

28               in the price of the stock to drop.               examine
                       Grocery Store Workers Cannot Get Vaccines
                                         by will silva
                                                                                                                       Lamont abandoned the state’s
                                                                                                                       previous methodology for a
Though hailed as “heroes”              administration have left millions                                               vaccination rollout.
early in the pandemic, the            of Americans and essential workers                                               This previous plan had
nation’s 3 million grocery            defenseless.”Connecticut grocery                                                 prioritized people with
workers are treated as less than      store employees have also been put                                               underlying medical conditions
other essential workers when it       on the back burner when it comes to                                              and certain types of workers
comes to vaccine priority. Just       vaccine priority. Unions                                                         in essential, high-risk jobs.
13 states have begun inoculating      representing thousands of grocery     Even though grocery store workers          With this change in
such employees as the                 store workers vented their            may not be performing surgeries on         methodology, grocery store
broader vaccine rollout is affected    frustration Monday night with Gov.   patients or being called for               employees are uncertain when
by widespread delays. According       Ned Lamont’s decision not to           emergencies their job affects all the     they will be prioritized for
to the United Food and                 prioritize the group in the next     people in the area, and people rely on     their work.
Commercial Workers                    wave of vaccinations.                 them to survive. “We’re
International Union (UFCW),                                                 disgusted, we’re frustrated,” said
which represents 800,000 U.S.                                               Mark Espinosa, president of Local
grocery employees “The threat of                                            919 of the UFCW, which represents
this pandemic for essential                                                 about 7,000 Stop & Shop grocery
workers is worse now than                                                   chain employees in Connecticut.
ever before,” Marc Perrone, the                                             “They are front line employees. They
union’s president, told reporters                                           are essential. Let’s face it, if they’re
this month. “Simply put, the                                                not in the stores, people are not
failures in early vaccine                                                   eating.”
distribution under the past

30                                                                                                                                          31
                          Birth Rates During COVID
                                                       By will silva

Many expected birth rates to skyrocket after     economic one, Kearney and Levine examined
months of romantic partners quarantining         the impact of the 1918 Spanish flu on births.
at home together. However, according to          They concluded that spikes in flu deaths
researchers at the Brookings Institution, this   resulted in a decrease in the number of births
expected baby boom failed to come true.          nine months later.
Rather, it is quite the opposite: Melissa
Kearney and Phillip Levine, economics            When looking at increases and decreases in
professors at the University of Maryland         birth rates Kearney and Levine found that the
and Wellesley College, respectively, say they    changes were impacted by unemployment              With all the factors of having a child along with   The most obvious among these factors is the
expect 300,000 fewer births in 2021, in what     levels. They found that “When the labor market     the burden of a pandemic, a lot of people are       lack of government support for parents. The
they are calling a COVID “baby bust.”            is weak, aggregate birth rates decline; when the   having doubts about having children. The            U.S. continues to be the only
                                                 labor market improves, birth rates improve.”       Guttmacher Institute conducted a study and          industrialized country that does not have a
Their finding is partially based on evidence     This is an alarming trend when the                 found that more than 40% of women said they         universal paid family leave policy in place.
that shows a 1% increase in the national         unemployment rate is controlled by a pandemic.     were altering their plans for when to have          It also lacks both universal childcare and
unemployment rate corresponds with an            Like the dependency birth rates have on            children or how many children they would have,      preschool policies, which can make it more
equivalent 1% drop-in birth rates. To            unemployment, they also fluctuate depending        and more than one-third of women said the           feasible for people to have children.
account for the fact that there is a public      on income. Kearney and Levine noticed that at      pandemic had made them decide to delay
health crisis layered on top of an               the “individual level, there is also a             pregnancy or have fewer children. Just 17% of       Kearney and Levine say it is possible birth
                                                 well-documented link between changes in            respondents reported wanting to have children       rates will begin to rebound to the original
                                                 income and births: When income increases,          sooner or to have more of them because of the       numbers, since some people are delaying
                                                 people often expand their families; when people    pandemic. Women have suffered some of the           pregnancy, not abandoning the desire to
                                                 experience job or income loss, they have fewer     highest rates of unemployment in recent months,     have children altogether. But the longer the
                                                 children.”                                         and mothers especially have been pushed out         pandemic the less that may be true, which
                                                                                                    of the workforce because of school closures and     could lead to long-term consequences, like
                                                                                                    lapses in childcare.                                a shrinking workforce. “As of now, we stand
                                                                                                                                                        by our prediction of a COVID baby bust of
                                                                                                    The fact that women are reconsidering plans for     around 300,000 fewer births,” they report.
                                                                                                    having children is only an acute symptom of a       “But the longer the pandemic lasts, and the
                                                                                                    much larger problem. Birth rates have been          deeper the economic and social anxiety
                                                                                                    falling in the United States for years now, the     runs, it is feasible that we will see an even
                                                                                                    result of a confluence of social, cultural, and     larger reduction in births with an increasing
                                                                                                    economic factors that have made childbearing        share of them averted permanently.”
                                                                                                    less desirable for many people.

32                                                                                                                                                                                       33
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