COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -

Page created by Nathaniel Leon
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
Statewide News
                                                    Taste NY Updates
                                                    NYS Grown & Certified
                                                    Funding Opportunities
                                                    Spotlight: New York's Beef

We wish a very happy Mother's Day to all the moms across New York!

COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers

On April 19, Governor Cuomo visited
Angry Orchard to announce the
launch of pop-up COVID-19
vaccination sites for farmers,
employees, and farm production
workers. As part of the vaccination
effort, New York State provided 500
doses of the vaccine to Sun River
Health, a local health care network, to
administer to Angry Orchard
employees and other farm and food
production workers from other
facilities in the Orange County area.

New York State is working with local
health departments and Federally Qualified Health Centers to bring pop-up
vaccination sites to farmworkers, including migrant workers, at their places of
employment and reach populations in more remote areas of the state. Watch a
video of the announcement here.

Announcing the 2021 Reimagined New York State Fair

                                          The Great New York State Fair will be
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
back in 2021! The Reimagined New
                                           York State Fair is planned as a special
                                           end-of-summer celebration at the New
                                           York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse
                                           and will be held from August 20 to
                                           September 6. This one-of-a-
                                           kind fair will feature New York's best
                                           food and drink, live music and
                                           entertainment, Midway rides, and
                                           agricultural education and awareness.

                                        Major elements of the 2021 New York
                                        State Fair will include:
                                        Exceptional array of food and
     beverage including some of the Fair's most iconic culinary experiences,
     such as the Pizze Fritte, sausage sandwiches and wine slushies;
     Daily concerts from national touring performers in the scenic, spacious
     New York Experience festival grounds;
     Thrilling amusement rides, games, and attractions for all ages on the
     Farm animals on display to introduce the young and young-at-heart to
     New York's agriculture.

Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of the Great New
York State Fair. This year the Fair and Fairgrounds are being planned and
prepared in accordance with the Department of Health's COVID-19 health and
safety guidance. Planning for the event is underway now and details on fair
ticket sales, vendors, other exhibitors, and rules for guests, including health
and safety guidelines, will be announced later. Learn more.

Nourish New York Provides Over 5 Million Meals to
Families in Need

The Nourish New York program
continues to provide local food from
farmers to populations in need
through New York’s network of food
banks. To date, the program has
purchased over 6.5 million pounds of
food for families facing food insecurity
during this difficult time, or the
equivalent 5.2 million meals.

Nourish New York has helped build
relationships between food banks,
distributors, and farms, and is
contributing to a more resilient
regional food system. We are proud of
all the farmers and food banks who are on a mission to ensure all New Yorkers
have access to local and fresh foods. Learn more about the program.
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
Tax Reminders

                                            As the May 17 deadline for tax year
                                            2020 approaches, here are a few
                                            important reminders:

                                           Tax Credit for Charitable Food
                                           Farmers are eligible to receive a tax
                                           credit for qualifying food donations
                                           made to food banks and other
                                           emergency food providers in the tax
                                           year 2020. Eligible donations include
                                           fresh fruits and vegetables grown or
produced in New York State and provided to emergency food programs that
qualify for tax exempt status. To claim the credit, the taxpayer must receive
proof of the donation in the form of a receipt or written acknowledgment from
the eligible food program.

Information about eligibility requirements for the tax credit is available here.

According to the New York Farm Bureau, farmers across the state donated
more than eight million pounds of food in 2020, helping to feed many families
who faced increased food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additional Tax Credits for Agriculture
For additional tax credit and exemption programs available through the New
York State Department of Taxation and Finance, agri-businesses can
visit and choose “Farming
and Agriculture.”

Unemployment Compensation
If you received unemployment compensation in tax year 2020, you may need
to make some adjustments on your tax form to qualify for New York’s farm-
related tax credits. New York’s Tax Law counts all Unemployment
Compensation as income when determining eligibility for the Farmer's School
Tax Credit, the Farm Workforce Retention Credit, and the Farm Donation to
Food Pantries Credit. (This is different from the recently revised federal Tax
Law, which now counts only a portion of Unemployment Compensation as
income.) If you already filed your New York State taxes and made a mistake,
you can file an amended return. Learn more.

Cider Week New York 2021 Goes Statewide
The New York Cider Association
announced that, for the first time
ever, its Cider Week festivals have
been expanded with events
scheduled to take place across the
entire state. From May 15 through
May 31, New York’s cider makers will
open their doors to the public,
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
hosting a hybrid mix of both virtual
and socially distanced, in-person
events, including virtual tastings,
educational panels, local promotions,
and dinners.

​For more information, a full listing of
 the 37 cidery participants and events,
 and where to buy cider, cider lovers
 can visit Virtual
 Cider Week programming can be
 viewed at New York Cider
 Association TV Channel.

Cider in New York has seen an unprecedented growth explosion of more than
450% over the past ten years and now has a $1.6 billion economic impact to
the New York State economy. With over 140 producers making over 5 million
gallons of cider every year, New York continues to rank first in the country for
the number of cider producers.

NEWA Version 3.0 Launches
                                        The Department and Cornell
                                        University have announced the
                                        launch of the Network for
                                        Environment and Weather
                                        Applications (NEWA) version 3.0, a
                                        complete update of the popular
                                        online system that has helped New
                                        York's farmers better protect their
                                        crops from insects and plant disease
                                        since 1995. NEWA 3.0 now offers an
                                        improved user experience paired
                                        with any smart device, a secure user
                                        account system with customized
                                        preferences, and more to help New
                                        York growers continue to share
                                        critical information and use IPM best
management practices that support the agricultural industry. Check it out!

NEWA is a weather network that makes it possible for farmers to share
resources for weather data collection, analysis, distribution, and
archiving. Weather stations, primarily located on farms, deliver data to the
NEWA website, which automatically calculates and displays weather data
summaries, crop production tools, and IPM forecasts. NEWA users report
annual cost savings of $33,048 from avoided crop losses, $4,329 from reduced
sprays, and $2,060 overall per acre annually, according to a 2017 survey.

LeadNY Program Now Accepting Applications
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
New York’s premier leadership development program is now accepting
applications for its next class of leaders in the food, agriculture, and natural
resources sectors of the Northeast. LeadNY, a pioneering training program,
provides intensive one- or two-year programs to improve leadership skills, self-
awareness, issues analysis, critical thinking, and civic engagement. Program
alumni serve in prominent leadership positions in many food and agricultural
organizations throughout the state.

Applications are due June 1 and are now being accepted at theLeadNY
website. To make the program more accessible to people affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic, tuition has been reduced 25% to $1,800 for the year.
Additional tuition assistance made possible by generous sponsors is available
for those who need it.

For more information, please contact Terri Denman, Program Coordinator of
LeadNY, at (607) 255-7907 or Applications are available on
the website at

Participate in the Swine Small Enterprises Study

From May 2021 through July 2021,
the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s National Animal Health
Monitoring System will conduct its
third national study of U.S. small
enterprise swine operations. The
study will take an in-depth look at
small enterprise swine operations
(fewer than 1,000 pigs) and provide
new information regarding animal
health and management practices
used in these operations.

This month, selected producers will
be mailed a letter describing the
study and be provided with a questionnaire to be completed and returned either
by mail or web. We encourage all producers to participate if they are able.
Learn more.

Opportunity to Expand Telehealth Services
                                          Accessing health care services from
                                          your very own home or business is
                                          becoming more critical than ever. It
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
eases the burden of long drive times,
                                            provides quick and easy access no
                                            matter the emergency, and it helps
                                            keep us all safe. Right now, the
                                            Federal Communications
                                            Commission is making available
                                            $250 million through the COVID-19
                                            Telehealth Program to eligible health
                                            care providers responding to the
                                            COVID-19 pandemic, helping to
                                            deliver telehealth and connected
                                            care services to patients at their
                                            homes or mobile locations. This can
                                            help our ag community and all New
                                            Yorkers to access critical healthcare
                                            no matter where they live. Call your
local healthcare provider today and encourage them to apply at the COVID-19
Telehealth Application Portal​. The application deadline is May 6 at noon.

For additional details, visit:

New York State Senate Hearing on Diversifying Our Food

On April 19, New York State Senate leaders held a public hearing to discuss
various ideas and solutions for how the State can create a more equitable food
system. Organizations and farmers provided recommendations for systemic
changes to increase opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
(BIPOC) farmers. Focus areas included diversifying management and
ownership of farms, improving access to fresh and healthy food in low-income
communities and communities of color, and increasing local ownership and
input in community food systems.

Commissioner Ball provided written testimony for the hearing to describe the
importance of BIPOC farmers having formal roles within our food supply chain.
He shared an overview of the important work the Department has done in
support of these shared goals, including creating the Diversity and Racial
Equity Workgroup and launching the New York State Regional Food Hub in the
Bronx. Watch the video of the public hearing.

Upcoming Events
Stay up-to-date with these exciting
virtual and live events about
agriculture happening throughout
New York this month:

     Women in Food and Farming
     Festival at Stone Ridge
     Orchard: On May 8 and 9, the
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
Women in Food and Farming
    Festival will celebrate over 50
    women-owned farms and
    businesses in the food and
    craft beverage industries
    throughout the state. On May 8
    from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm,
    there will be an outdoor market
    with more than 25 local
    vendors and women farmers.
    The event will also include
    prize raffles and free resources
    to learn about NYS agriculture.
    The event will follow social
    distancing protocols and have
    limited space. May 9 is an
    online event for individuals who missed the live event on May 8 to learn
    about the remarkable women involved in New York State
    agribusiness. Learn more and register here.
    National Invasive Species Week Webinars: From May 15 to 22, the
    North American Invasive Species Management Association is hosting a
    series of webinars to educate the public and elected officials on how they
    can help protect invasive species and local communities. Learn more and
    get registered.
    Women for the Land Learning Circle Webinar: American Farmland
    Trust’s Women for Land Initiative is hosting a series of webinars for
    women to learn about New York’s Agricultural Environmental
    Management program and conservation practices. The webinar will be
    held on Tuesday, May 18 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Save your space!
    An Introduction to Organic Farm Planning: Join the Northeast Organic
    Farming Association of New York to learn about tips on establishing an
    organic farm. The webinar is scheduled for May 25 from 12:00 pm to 1:30
    pm. Register here.

Spring is in Full Swing With Taste NY

                                        Taste NY Markets across New York
                                        State are featuring locally sourced
                                        food, beverages, and gifts for mom
                                        this year! Specialty beauty items,
                                        coffees and teas, and delicious treats
                                        will be featured at each Market
                                        ahead of Mother's Day.

                                        Plus, with the end of the school year
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
quickly approaching, the Markets
                                          have customizable gift baskets to
                                          show appreciation for teachers and
                                          administrators. And as we head into
                                          the summer, be sure to check out
                                          NYS-made barbecue sauces, salsas,
                                          and dressings for all your outdoor
                                          fun. Visit to find the
                                          location nearest you!

Celebrate American Craft Beer Week With NYS Grown &

Who’s ready to show some love to our
local breweries? American Craft Beer
Week is held from May 10 to 16 and
celebrates small and independent U.S.
craft breweries. Craft beers have a
variety of unique flavors, providing an
exquisite taste for all beer lovers.

There are over 30 local farms and
breweries in our NYS Grown &
Certified Program. NYS Grown &
Certified connects consumers to New
York State’s agricultural producers
using safe food handling and
environmentally responsible practices.
Learn more and choose an #NYSCertified beverage this Craft Beer Week!

Current Funding Opportunities

     RFA 0238 - Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Round 18 -
     Conservation Easement Projects
          Applications are taken on a rolling basis
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
RFA 0224 - Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Round 17B -
     Farm Operations in Transition Farmland Protection Initiative
            Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
     RFA 0215 - County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Planning Grants
            Enrollment is open as of November 2019.
     RFA 0216 - Municipal Agricultural and Farmland Protection Planning
            Enrollment is open as of November 2019.
     RFA 0219 - Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Round 17 -
     Dairy Transitions Farmland Protection Initiative
            Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
     RFA 0181 - Source Water Buffer Program
            Applications are taken on a rolling basis.
     RFA 0175 - Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Round 15B -
     Transaction Costs for Donated Agricultural Conservation Easements
            There is no deadline for applications.
     RFA 0168 - Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Round 15 -
     Option Agreement Projects
            There is no deadline for applications.

​For more information on these or other funding opportunities,please visit our
 Funding Opportunities page.

Spotlight: Celebrate Beef Month

                                           May is Beef Month in New York,
                                           providing an opportunity to
                                           recognize the contributions of our
                                           beef producers and learn about this
                                           important agricultural sector, which
                                           generates nearly $345 million in
                                           annual sales in New York State.

                                          New York State is proud to support
                                          its beef producers through the NYS
                                          Grown & Certified program, which
                                          promotes producers who adhere to
                                          food safety and environmental
                                          standards. The Department also
works to increase market connections for the industry, specifically through the
State’s Farm-to-School program, including the NY Thursdays initiative, and
through Nourish New York.

Learn more about New York’s beef industry and its producers.
COVID-19 Vaccines Available for Farmers -
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