Covid-19 Vaccination of Inpatients and Specific Outpatient Groups Standard Operating Procedure - V2.0 June 2021

Page created by Andrew Cole
Covid-19 Vaccination of Inpatients and
     Specific Outpatient Groups
   Standard Operating Procedure


              June 2021
Table of Contents

 1.     Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
 2.     Purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure ............................................................ 3
 3.     Ownership and Responsibilities .................................................................................... 3
      3.1.    The Role of the Medicines Practice Committee ..................................................... 3
      3.2.    Role of the Clinical Matrons ................................................................................... 3
      3.3.    Role of Individual Staff ........................................................................................... 3
 4.     Standards and Practice ................................................................................................ 3
      4.1.    Inpatients ............................................................................................................... 3
      4.2.    Specific Outpatient Cohorts ................................................................................... 7
 5.     Dissemination and Implementation ............................................................................... 7
 6.     Monitoring compliance and effectiveness ..................................................................... 7
 7.     Updating and Review.................................................................................................... 7
 8.     Equality and Diversity ................................................................................................... 8
      8.2.    Equality Impact Assessment.................................................................................. 8
 Appendix 1. Governance Information .................................................................................. 9
 Appendix 2. Equality Impact Assessment .......................................................................... 11

Data Protection Act 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR)
The Trust has a duty under the DPA18 to ensure that there is a valid legal basis to
process personal and sensitive data. The legal basis for processing must be identified
and documented before the processing begins. In many cases we may need consent;
this must be explicit, informed and documented. We cannot rely on opt out, it must be
opt in.
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For more information about your obligations under the DPA18 please see the
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      Covid-19 Vaccination of Inpatients and Specific Outpatient Groups Standard Operating Procedure V2.0
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1. Introduction
    It is important that patients receive Covid-19 vaccination in a timely and safe
    manner. This SOP sets out the process for vaccinating inpatients and specific
    outpatient groups at RCHT that fall within the JCVI priority criteria.

2. Purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure
    2.1. To ensure appropriate inpatients and outpatient cohorts are vaccinated in a
         timely manner, whether for first doses or booster doses.

    2.2. To ensure information regards the vaccination is recorded in a timely
         manner to reduce the risk of double dosing and other dosing errors.

    2.3. To ensure information is appropriately shared with primary care to enable
         follow up for booster doses.

3. Ownership and Responsibilities
    3.1. The Role of the Medicines Practice Committee
          The MPC will ensure this guideline is kept up to date and in line with JCVI and
          government guidelines.

    3.2. Role of the Clinical Matrons
          Clinical matrons are responsible for:
           Identifying patients on their wards that require COVID vaccination and
            flagging these patients to the COVID vaccination hospital hub clinical
           The hospital hub nurse managers are responsible for co-ordinating inpatient
            vaccination to ensure timely vaccination across all three hospital sites whilst
            minimising waste.

    3.3. Role of Individual Staff
          All staff members are responsible for:
           Following this guideline when vaccinating inpatients
           Follow this guideline when referring specific outpatient groups for accelerated
            vaccination (as per JCVI guidance on immunosuppression) to the
            Vaccination Centres.

4. Standards and Practice
    4.1. Inpatients- First Doses
          4.1.1. The AstraZeneca vaccine is the vaccine of choice when vaccinating
                 inpatients with first doses, as this vaccine is more portable than the
                 Pfizer vaccine and is more available in primary care and at the
                 vaccination centres for the booster doses.

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4.1.2.    Consideration needs to be given around the emerging and
         changing guidance for the AstraZeneca vaccine- namely that
Patient Identification:

       C-19 Clinical Matron to                          Clinical matrons and ward
      review the Live Inpatient                          sisters to identify eligible
     Details Link twice a week to                       patients on their wards and
    identify new eligible patients                         flag them to the C-19
    that have been inpatients for                           hospital hub clinical
               > 5 days                                           matrons

                             Agree eligible list of patients for
                         vaccination- align these numbers to vial
                                 size to reduce wastage

                              The clinical matron/ ward sister to
                            resolve any capacity/ consent issues
                                     and record in notes

   Preparation for Vaccination:

              The staff undertaking the vaccination ward round need to:
                  Order the required vaccine quantity from pharmacy
                  Collect the vaccine from pharmacy (vaccine stable
                    for 6hrs outside the fridge/ cool box if transporting to
                    SMH and WCH)
                  Collect the required consumables; syringes, sharps
                    bin, information leaflets, vaccine record card,
                    alcohol wipes.
                  Laptops with access to NIVS/ Pinnacle and ePMA
                  Prepare any risk assessment forms for patients that
                    may require a different second dose vaccine

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        1. Check the patient’s NIVs/Pinnacle record to confirm they have not
            already had the COVID vaccine (or in case of a second that 8 or more
            weeks has elapsed).
        2. Check the patients ePMA prescription and general medical history to
            confirm they are appropriate for vaccination.
        3. Provide the patient with the information leaflets regarding the
        4. Go through the consent questions with the patient on NIVS to ensure
            vaccination is appropriate. In addition, be mindful that the patient
            needs to be medically fit. If the patient is due an operation, the
            anaesthetists recommend not to have the vaccination for up to a
            week before surgery. If unsure of suitability, check with the clinical
            team caring for the patient.
        5. If suitable, prescribe the COVID vaccine on ePMA as a stat dose.
            This can be done as a prescriber or under a PGD prescription.
        6. If prescribing, it is appropriate to also prescribe the second dose for
            8-11weeks hence. If administering under a PGD this can only be for
            the dose being given at that time.
        7. Add a ‘patient note’ on ePMA entitled ‘Covid vaccine’ under the type
            ‘note to appear on discharge summary’ and type the details of the
            COVID vaccine (type and date) and the likely date of the booster
            dose. Include any reasons why a different second vaccine was given
            if appropriate.
        8. Administer the vaccine and dispose of the sharps etc appropriately.
        9. Record the administration on ePMA and on the NIVs system
        10. Provide the patient with the ‘vaccination card’ and give advice about
            the booster dose and they should expect to be contacted by their GP
            as per the communication in the discharge letter.
        11. Move onto the next patient. If there are not enough eligible patients to
            finish a vial of vaccine, then it is acceptable to vaccinate non-eligible
            patients rather than waste vaccine.

Post Vaccination:

           An ePMA report will be automatically sent to the service managers & Ops
           lead detailing any COVID vaccinations from the previous day. These will
            be retrospectively entered on the Tango 3 booking system to ensure we
                             track the inpatient vaccination activity.

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4.3. Specific Outpatient Cohorts

          4.3.1. Patients that are to undergo immunosuppressive therapy should
                 have their vaccination before their treatment starts (ideally 2 weeks
                 before) as per the JCVI guidelines. These patients should also have
                 their second dose at the minimum period rather than at 12 weeks.
                 At the time of writing this was 3 weeks for the Pfizer vaccine and 4
                 weeks for the AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccine.

          4.3.2. These patients will be referred to the Vaccination Centres but will
                 be booked in using the local Tango3 booking system rather than the
                 national booking system, which cannot accommodate the shortened
                 booster period.

          4.3.3. Nominated individuals within each speciality will be trained to book
                 their patients onto the tango3 system for vaccination at either
                 Stithians or Wadebridge.

          4.3.4. Some individuals may be referred to have their vaccination in a
                 hospital setting due to allergy history (see allergy SOP).

5. Dissemination and Implementation
    5.1. The SOP will be available on the document library and disseminated to all
         clinical matrons and vaccination team for implementation.

    5.2. Staff will be trained as per the training requirements to be on the Covid 19
         vaccination team.

6. Monitoring compliance and effectiveness
Element to be   Vaccination numbers of inpatients will be monitored through
monitored       ePMA reporting of doses administered and the tango 3 booking
Lead            Clinical matron and operations lead for the Covid-19 hospital hub
Tool            ePMA crystal reports
Frequency       Weekly
Reporting       To the Covid-19 performance & governance grp which reports into
arrangements    the MPC.
Acting on       the Covid-19 performance & governance grp which reports into
recommendations the MPC
and Lead(s)
Change in       Required changes to practice will be identified and actioned within
practice and    two weeks. A lead member of the team will be identified to take
lessons to be   each change forward where appropriate. Lessons will be shared
shared          with all the relevant stakeholders

7. Updating and Review
    Reviewed no less than every three years.

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8. Equality and Diversity
    8.1. This document complies with the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
         service Equality and Diversity statement which can be found in the 'Equality,
         Inclusion & Human Rights Policy' or the Equality and Diversity website.

    8.2. Equality Impact Assessment
         The Initial Equality Impact Assessment Screening Form is at Appendix 2.

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Appendix 1. Governance Information
                                           Covid-19 Vaccination of Inpatients and Specific
Document Title                             Outpatient Groups Standard Operating
                                           Procedure V2.0
                                           Covid-19 Vaccination of Inpatients and Specific
This document replaces (exact
                                           Outpatient Groups Standard Operating
title of previous version):
                                           Procedure V1.0
Date Issued/Approved:                      21 May 2021

Date Valid From:                           June 2021

Date Valid To:                             June 2024

Directorate / Department
                                           Iain Davidson, Chief Pharmacist
responsible (author/owner):

Contact details:                           01872 252593

                                           Arrangement for inpatient and outpatient Covid
Brief summary of contents
                                           Covid, Covid-19, coronavirus, vaccine,
Suggested Keywords:
                                               RCHT             CFT             KCCG
Target Audience
Executive Director responsible
                                           Medical Director
for Policy:
Approval route for consultation            Clinical Support Care Group Governance
and ratification:                          Meeting, Medicine Practice Committee

General Manager confirming
                                           Richard Andrzejuk
approval processes
Name of Governance Lead
confirming approval by specialty
                                           Kevin Wright
and care group management

Links to key external standards            JCVI guidelines and chapter 14a greenbook

Related Documents:                         JCVI guidelines and chapter 14a greenbook

                                           Yes, as per the Covid 19 national training
Training Need Identified?                  programme

Publication Location (refer to
Policy on Policies – Approvals             Internet & Intranet              Intranet Only
and Ratification):
Document Library Folder/Sub
                                           Clinical / Pharmacy

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Version Control Table

               Version                                                             Changes Made by
    Date                                Summary of Changes                           (Name and Job
                                                                                   Iain Davidson
 13/02/2021 V1.0          New document
                                                                                   Chief Pharmacist

                          Added in details regards second doses and risk           Iain Davidson
 14/4/2021      V2.0
                          assessment form                                          Chief Pharmacist

All or part of this document can be released under the Freedom of Information
                                   Act 2000

     This document is to be retained for 10 years from the date of expiry.
             This document is only valid on the day of printing

                             Controlled Document
This document has been created following the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
 Policy for the Development and Management of Knowledge, Procedural and Web
Documents (The Policy on Policies). It should not be altered in any way without the
               express permission of the author or their Line Manager.

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Appendix 2. Equality Impact Assessment

             Section 1: Equality Impact Assessment Form
Name of the strategy / policy /proposal / service function to be assessed
Covid-19 Vaccination of Inpatients and Specific Outpatient Groups Standard Operating
Procedure V2.0

Directorate and service area:                        Is this a new or existing Policy?
Pharmacy, Clinical Support                           New

Name of individual/group completing EIA              Contact details:
Iain Davidson chief pharmacist                       01872 252593

1. Policy Aim
Who is the
strategy / policy        COVID Vaccination of inpatient and specific outpatient
/ proposal /             groups
service function
aimed at?
2. Policy
Objectives               COVID Vaccination of inpatient and specific outpatient groups

3. Policy
Intended                 COVID Vaccination of inpatient and specific outpatient groups
4. How will
measure                  Numbers of vaccinations
5. Who is
intended to
                         Our patients
benefit from the
6a). Who did you                                        Local           External
                        Workforce        Patients                                     Other
consult with?                                           groups          organisations

b). Please list any     Please record specific names of groups:
groups who have
been consulted          Clinical Support Care Group Governance Meeting,
about this              Medicine Practice Committee
c). What was the
outcome of the          Approved

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7. The Impact
Please complete the following table. If you are unsure/don’t know if there is a negative
impact you need to repeat the consultation step.
Are there concerns that the policy could have a positive/negative impact on:
                       Yes No        Unsure            Rationale for Assessment / Existing Evidence
 Sex (male, female
 non-binary, asexual             X

 reassignment                    X

 communities                     X

 (learning disability,
 physical disability,
 impairment,                     X
 mental health
 problems and some
 long term health
 other beliefs                   X

 Marriage and civil
 partnership                     X

 Pregnancy and
 maternity                       X

 Sexual orientation
 (bisexual, gay,
 If all characteristics are ticked ‘no’, and this is not a major working or service
 change, you can end the assessment here as long as you have a robust
 rationale in place.
        I am confident that section 2 of this EIA does not need completing as there are no highlighted
        risks of negative impact occurring because of this policy.

Name of person confirming result of initial
                                                       Iain Davidson, Chief Pharmacist
impact assessment:
If you have ticked ‘yes’ to any characteristic above OR this is a major working or
service change, you will need to complete section 2 of the EIA form available
Section 2. Full Equality Analysis
For guidance please refer to the Equality Impact Assessments Policy (available
from the document library) or contact the Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

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Covid Vaccination Risk Assessment Form

Completed By:                                                                        Date:

       Name                                              Date of birth
   NHS Number
                                                    Hospital Number

                                             First Dose

Every effort must be made to follow the national guidance regarding choice of first dose of
vaccine. Sometimes this may require a risk assessment approach for the individual
concerned. Please document the details of this discussion and risk assessment below and
email a copy to and put a copy in the patient’s notes if available:

                                           Second Dose

Every effort must be made to follow the national guidance regarding choice of second dose
of vaccine. Ideally the same vaccine should be offered as the first dose. Sometimes this is
not possible due to stability and wastage issues. A risk assessment approach for the
individual concerned may be required. Please document the details of this discussion and
the reasons a different vaccine is required below and email a copy to and put a copy in the patient’s notes if available:

Signature of Person completing the risk assessment:                                  Date:

Signature of Patient/ individual:                    :                               Date:

Signature if ‘best interest’ decision being made:                                    Date:

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