COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Lake Macquarie City Council

Page created by Lucille Cooper
COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Lake Macquarie City Council
COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Form                                                                                          Version 3 - 18 August 2021

COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres
We’ve developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to help create and maintain a safe environment at our Theatres. This
plan is informed by the NSW Health COVID-19 Safety Plan Template for Entertainment Facilities and covers the
most common activities held within our theatres, including:
Community – Dance Performance, Community – Musical Performance, Community – Theatre Performance,
Community – Film Presentation, Commercial – Theatre/Film/Performance
Hirers may be subject to developing additional COVID-19 Safety Plans to support the safe conduct of their activity.
This includes Conferences, Functions and Events, or Indoor recreation activities. Please refer to the hire
agreement for further details.
Businesses must follow the current COVID-19 Public Health Orders, and also manage risks to staff and other
people in accordance with Work Health and Safety laws. For more information and specific advice for your industry
go to

                                 Lake Macquarie City Council Theatres Bookings and Hiring/use
Plan completed by: Melanie Stanton – Performing Arts Officer
Approved by: Jacqui Hemsley, Manager – Arts, Culture and Tourism
Date: 9 October 2020
Updated 21 July 2020 to include updated government Covid Safe regulations from 12:01am Friday, 24
July 2020
Updated 17 August 2020 to include food service requirements
Updated 25 August to include sporting activities and dance references and updated hire agreement
Updated 7 October after consultation with LMCC Safety and Risk staff
Updated 10 December to reflect increased capacity and revised attendance detail collection with QR
Updated 13 August 2021 to generalise the plan to adapt to changing guidelines, informed by current
NSW Health template. Venue capacities table reviewed and updated. COVID 19 Hirer Agreement

                                                   Wellbeing of Staff, Hirers and Visitors
                             Requirement                                                                       Actions taken
Exclude staff and customers who are unwell from                                    Council has ensured that conditions of entry and
the premises                                                                       service restriction signs at all sites.
                                                                                   Council Infection Control Policy sent to staff
                                                                                   Hirers must ensure processes are in place to
                                                                                   exclude attendees that are unwell (Refer to
                                                                                   COVID-19 hire agreement)
Provide staff with information and training on                                     Council staff have been provided with information
COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical                                   on COVID-19, including when to get tested,
distancing and cleaning                                                            physical distancing and cleaning.
                                                                                   Australian Government ‘Protecting You from
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COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Lake Macquarie City Council
COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Form                                                                                          Version 3 - 18 August 2021

                                                                                   Coronavirus’ signage displayed at theatres
                                                                                   Promoted via range of channels that
                                                                                   staff/customers feeling unwell should not visit
                                                                                   Council sites
                                                                                   Australian Government ‘Protecting You from
                                                                                   Coronavirus’ signage displayed
Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if                                    Council staff have been provided with Information
they are sick or required to self-isolate                                          and procedures/processes can be accessed on
                                                                                   staff intranet
Display conditions of entry (website, social media,                                Council has installed signage at theatre sites and
venue entry)                                                                       information relating to current restricted
                                                                                   operations is available on website, media and
Include requirements to stay away if unwell, wear                                  venue entry.
masks if applicable and not enter if from a
declared area of concern                                                           Hirers are to ensure that signage is in place and
                                                                                   visible to attendees during hire period. If signage
                                                                                   is not available, please contact 4921 0412.
Encourage staff to access COVID-19 vaccination                                     Council staff have been provided with information
                                                                                   and encouraged to get vaccinated.
                                                                                   Hirers are to encourage eligible staff and
                                                                                   participants to access vaccination.
                                                                       Food service
                             Requirement                                                                       Actions Taken
Avoid self-serve buffet style food.                 If shared food provided, one person should be
If food is provided it should preferably be         allocated to wear gloves and a mask and serve
individually wrapped into single serves             food and practise hand hygiene before and after
                                                    Encourage eating outside if practical.
Encourage participants to bring their own water     Hirers to advise participants to bring own
bottle, snacks.                                     refreshments. If served, one person should be
                                                    allocated to wear gloves and a mask and serve
                                                    tea coffee and practise hand hygiene before and
                                                    after service. Disposable cups to be used to
                                                    avoid sharing of crockery.
                                          Physical Distancing
                             Requirement                                                                       Actions taken
Consider whether appropriate cancellation or                                       Council will not charge hirers a cancellation fee if
flexible booking is available where customers                                      they choose not to proceed with their booking due
cancel due to COVID-19 factors (such as being                                      to impacts of COVID-19.
unwell or awaiting test results).
                                                                                   Council encourages hirers to include flexible ticket
                                                                                   cancellation where customers cancel due to
                                                                                   COVID-19 factors (such as being unwell or
                                                                                   awaiting test results).
Ensure COVID-19 Safety Plans are in place                                          Council has prepared a COVID-19 Safety Plan for
                                                                                   In addition to compliance with this plan, the hirer
                                                                                   must comply with the requirements of the Public
                                                                                   Health Order, and ensure that appropriate COVID
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COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Form                                                                                          Version 3 - 18 August 2021

                                                                                   Safe plans and/or practices are developed,
                                                                                   documented and implemented as required by the
                                                                                   NSW Government Guidelines and/or relevant
                                                                                   governing body/association. This requirement is
                                                                                   listed within the hire agreement (refer appendix 2)
                                                                                   NOTE: Hirers that are organising Dance
                                                                                   Competitions must adhere to relevant
                                                                                   Community Sport COVID Safe requirements
                                                                                   and governing body/Association guidelines.
Capacity must not exceed the current guideline                                     Maximum capacity has been determined for
relating to number of persons per square metres                                    theatres (refer appendix 1).
of publicly accessible space (excluding staff).
                                                                                   Council implement capacity signage displayed
                                                                                   onsite and hire agreements include the
                                                                                   requirement to adhere to facility numbers as per
If percentage capacity is calculated, additional                                   square metre review of facilities by Assets – see
rules, including allocating ticketed seats, must be                                D09700237or government restrictions of total
adhered to. 100% capacity is 300 for both                                          numbers per venue.
theatres, with 200 maximum seated capacity at
                                                                                   Council can provide a seating plan template to
Rathmines Theatre
                                                                                   assist hirers in allocating seating.
                                                                                   Performing Arts Officer to actively monitor and
                                                                                   regulate ACT Venue visitor numbers and update
                                                                                   hire agreements and signage as required.
                                                                                   Hirers must ensure that capacity in all areas is
                                                                                   managed for the duration of the hire period to
                                                                                   meet the requirements of the current public health
                                                                                   order and any other government guidelines.

Seated groups or individuals should be separated                                   Council has provided signage that is displayed on
by 1–2 empty seats on both sides to support                                        seats that are not available for use.
physical distancing. Develop strategies to achieve
this, such as ticketing arrangements or blocked                                    Hirer is required to develop a seating plan based
seating. If non-ticketed areas are being utilised,                                 on ticket bookings that supports physical
have strategies in place to ensure physical                                        distancing. Refer to hire agreement (appendix 2).
distancing between non-household groups

Reduce crowding wherever possible and promote                                      Stickers on floor in foyers for ticketing and
physical distancing with markers on the floor in                                   canteen queues
areas where people are asked to queue, such as
for ticketing or to order food or drinks. Promote                                  Pre-purchased online ticket system for Council
online ticket purchasing and electronic ticket                                     events
checking where this is available. Use separate                                     Auditorium doors marked entry and exit where
doors or rope barriers to mark the entry and exit                                  possible
wherever practical
                                                                                   Rope barriers to assist queueing are available for
                                                                                   Council events
Consider strategies to manage crowding during                                      Designated entry/exit doors
an intermission, such as a longer intermission
period, encouraging people to take their food or                                   Signage indicating number of people appropriate
drinks back to their seated area, adding additional                                in each area, including kitchen, toilets and foyers
food and drink service points and allowing                                         Refreshments to be taken back to seats
customers to leave and return to the premises
during this period.                                                                Hirers to consider running shorter programs not
                                                                                   requiring intermission, or refraining from food
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                                                                                   service at intermission
                                                                                   Hirer to consider implementing staggered food
                                                                                   service (eg by row) to manage people flow
Have strategies in place to manage gatherings                                      No gatherings to occur outside premises.
that may occur immediately outside the premises.
                                                                                   Hirers to encourage patrons and participants not
                                                                                   to mingle outside premises before or after
                                                                                   activities, or during intermission
Where reasonably practical, ensure staff maintain                                  Office spaces furnished with desks appropriately
1.5 metres physical distancing at all times,                                       spaced
including at meal breaks and in offices or meeting
rooms                                                                              Staff working events to maintain 1.5m distancing
                                                                                   where practical, including allocating staff to roles
                                                                                   with designated locations within the venue
Use telephone or video for essential staff                                         Microsoft team meetings available to all staff
meetings where practical
                                                                                   Induction information available to hirers online
                                                                                   Group inductions held with small numbers to
                                                                                   maintain 1.5m distance during induction
Where reasonably practical, stagger start times                                    Staff are aware of social distancing guidelines
and breaks for staff members to minimise the risk                                  and have working from home option to reduce
of close contact                                                                   contact hours in office.
Adhere to additional rules applying to audiences                                   Refer to current NSW Health guidelines as to:
regarding singing, alcohol consumption and
dancing within the theatre                                                               -     whether audiences are permitted to sing
                                                                                         -     if patrons need to be seated to consume
                                                                                         -     if dancing is permitted by attendees
                                                                Hygiene and Cleaning
                             Requirement                                                                       Actions taken
Adhere to rules on wearing face masks indoors                                      Unless exempt, all persons entering the theatres
                                                                                   must wear a face mask if directed by PHO.
                                                                                   If more than one staff member in an office space,
                                                                                   face masks must be worn.
                                                                                   Council to monitor use of face masks by
                                                                                   contractors completing works on site.
                                                                                   Disposable face masks are available on site.
                                                                                   Hirers should make face masks available to
                                                                                   attendees and monitor compliance in wearing
                                                                                   these correctly.
Theatre to have council cleaners through after                                     Venue manager to book cleaners between
hiring/use.                                                                        different hire groups
                                                                                   Hirers have option to engage professional
                                                                                   cleaners during their hire period
Adopt good hand hygiene practices                                                  Council will have hand sanitiser available at entry
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Have hand sanitiser at key points around the                                       points and other key areas
facility, such as entry and exit points
                                                                                   Hirers will supply sufficient hand sanitiser to
                                                                                   maintain supply throughout their hire
                                                                                   Encourage visitors to sanitise hands on entry/exit
                                                                                   Signs located in both public, hirers, kitchen,
                                                                                   dressing rooms amenities and staff areas to
                                                                                   encourage good hygiene practices
Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand                                        Cleaners replenish hand soap and paper towels
soap and paper towels or hand dryers
                                                                                   Council Officers to replenish stocks through
                                                                                   Council Stores as required
Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas                                    Staff actively encouraged to clean touch points on
at least daily with detergent/disinfectant. Clean                                  a regular basis, including workstations
frequently touched areas and surfaces several
times per day                                                                      Hirers to complete periodic touch point cleaning
                                                                                   throughout their hire, including AV equipment
                                                                                   Touch point cleaning kit provided by Council and
                                                                                   disposable alcohol wipes located at key points in
                                                                                   the venues
Encourage contactless payment options                                              Online bookings available for Council events and
                                                                                   contactless EFTPOS available at events
                                                                                   Hirers to encourage and provide online ticketing
                                                                                   and contactless payment options
In indoor areas, increase natural ventilation by                                   Council staff encouraged to open windows when
opening windows and doors where possible                                           in office spaces
                                                                                   External doors can be left open in foyer areas
                                                                                   Windows can be opened in dressing rooms
                                                                    Record Keeping
                             Requirement                                                                       Actions taken
Use the NSW Government QR code system to                                           Council has obtained Service NSW QR codes for
collect an electronic record of the name, contact                                  each Theatre and displayed accordingly
number and entry time for all staff, customers and
Processes must be in place to ensure that people                                   QR Codes displayed throughout the venues,
provide the required contact information, such as                                  including multiple points at building entry and
by checking phones for the green tick to confirm                                   foyers
they have checked in (keeping 1.5m physical
distance between staff and patrons). QR codes                                      Council staff to check visitors have registered on
should be clearly visible and accessible including                                 entry
at entrances to the premises                                                       Hirers to check attendees and participants have
                                                                                   registered on entry
If a person is unable to provide contact details, for                              Webform link provided to hirers to enter details for
example due to age or language barriers, another                                   attendees unable to register themselves
person may provide contact details on their                                        electronically
behalf. If it is not possible for check-in to occur,
keep a record of the name, contact number and                                      If details written down, staff or hirer must enter
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COVID-19 Safety Plan - Theatres - Form                                                                                          Version 3 - 18 August 2021

entry time for all staff, customers and contractors                                these via the Concierge web form on the same
for a period of at least 28 days. These records                                    day, and as soon as possible
must be provided in an electronic format such as
a spreadsheet as soon as possible, but within 4
hours, upon request from an authorised officer
Copy of COVID-19 Safety Plan kept on premises                                      Theatres COVID-19 Safety Plan kept on premises
                                                                                   and available on Council website
                                                                                   Hirers to provide individual plans electronically as
                                                                                   part of booking application and should have a
                                                                                   hard copy with them throughout their hire
                                                               Monitoring and Review
Staff to ensure that this COVID Safety Plan is effective by undertaking the following actions:
Providing a copy on site
Distributing to staff located at Theatre offices
Providing to Hirers as part of application process and reviewing application for signed COVID-19 Hire
Spot checks conducted by Performing Arts Officer to monitor compliance by hirers

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Appendix 1: Theatres Capacity
Current capacities will be confirmed closer to each hire booking. Hirers to note that capacities may
increase or decrease in line with NSW Health Guidelines and latest Public Health Orders.

AREA                                       SIZE m²              4 SQM                  2 SQM
                                                                PERSON                 PERSON
                                                                CAPACITY               CAPACITY
Stage                                      81                   20                     40
                                                                                                                Ticketed and allocated seating:
Auditorium                                 280                  70                     140
                                                                                                                                                   100%= 300
Foyer Toilets                              16                   4                      8
                                                                                                                                                    75% = 225
Disabled Toilets                           8                    2                      4
                                                                                                                                                    50% = 150
Kitchen                                    16                   4                      8
Dressing Room 1                            24                   6                      12
Dressing Room 2                            24                   6                      12
Dressing Room Ensuite                      Included in Dressing Room calculation
Foyer                                      68                   17                     34
Meeting Room                               20                   5                      10
Green Room                                 25                   6                      12
Orchestra Pit                              68                   17                     34

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AREA                                         SIZE m²           4 SQM                 2 SQM
                                                               PERSON   PERSON
                                                               CAPACITY CAPACITY
Stage                                        42                11                    22
Auditorium                                   240               60                    120
                                                                                                                Ticketed and allocated seating:
Foyer Toilets                                18                4                     9
                                                                                                                                                   100%= 200
                                                                                                                                                    75% = 150
                                                                                                                                                    50% = 100
Kitchen                                      20                5                     10
Backstage/Green Room                         63                15                    30
Dressing Room 1                              32                8                     16
Dressing Room 2                              30                8                     15
Dressing room Ensuite                        Included in Dressing room calculation
Entry Foyer                                  42                10                    21
Heritage Centre                              52                13                    26
Boiler House                                 60                15                    30
Meeting room                                 16                4                     8
Ticket Office                                6                 2                     3
Backstage Foyer                              17                4                     8

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Appendix 2:                Hire agreement

COVID-19 Hirer Agreement
We’ve developed a COVID-19 Hire Agreement to help create and maintain a safe environment at our theatres.
To keep our facilities and community safe, the below outlines the minimal requirements for all hirers of Rathmines
Theatre or Warners Bay Theatre. These Terms and Conditions are in addition to the Terms and Conditions of Hire
signed as part of your Hire Application and shall be in place until such time as you are notified by Council they no
longer apply.
Name of Hire (e.g. organisation name):

Representative name:

Phone number:

Terms and Conditions                                                                                                                                Agree (Initial)

     -     Ensure that the activity being undertaken is conducted in compliance with current Public
           Health Order (PHO) requirements
     -     Ensure that the activity being conducted is adhering to relevant government and governing
           bodies/industry association recommendations and advice
     -     Ensure that the conditions of this agreement are communicated to any representative of the
           hirer who is conducting activities at the venue


     -     Ensure that a process in place to ensure the exclusion of attendees, participants, staff,
           volunteers and visitors who are unwell
Physical Distancing

     -     Ensure that the maximum capacity levels at the venue adhere to PHO requirements e.g.
           capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres. Venue capacity signage is
           displayed at the venue for all areas, and this total capacity is not to be exceeded. Smaller
           areas such as kitchens and dressing rooms are restricted to displayed capacities
           NOTE: Should the PHO be changed in line with easing restrictions, Council will assess
           allowable capacity, and signage will be updated
     -     Develop and implement appropriate seating arrangements to comply with the relevant
           COVID Safety Plan and guideline for the event/activity
     -     Move, restrict or remove seating and tables as required to comply with physical distancing
     -     Where reasonably practical, ensure attendees maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing at all
     -     Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the

Hygiene and Cleaning

     -     Adopt good hand hygiene practice
     -     Adhere to current NSW Health Guidelines regarding food service (eg individually wrapped
     -     Consider environmentally conscience disposal cutlery and tableware as an alternative to
           washing up cutlery and tableware
     -     Gloves are available for people involved in cleaning or reorganising furniture, and should
           wash their hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water
     -     Ensure that frequent touch points identified in the Pre and Post Clean checklist are cleaned
           prior to and post use of the venue. A Touch Point Cleaning Kit has been supplied, and
           includes the products to use and procedure to follow to conduct the clean in a safe way.
           The cleaning kit is to be used strictly as per the procedure provided
     -     Availability of cleaning supplies for activity specific cleaning, such as the cleaning of

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           equipment between classes or personal equipment is the responsibility of the hirer, and the
           Touch Point Cleaning Kit shall not be used for this purpose
     -     Hirers will inform LMCC if the touch point cleaning stock is low so supplies can be
           replenished. This can be done by emailing
Hirer Acknowledgment                                                                                                                                Agree (Initial)
I have read and agree to comply with the relevant COVID-19 Theatres Safety Plan(s) relevant to my
hire activity
I have developed the required COVID Safety Plan documents as per the Public Health Order and
Governing Body/Association guidelines
I have submitted with my hire application and agree to implement a COVID Safe plan specific to the
activity to be undertaken during my hire, using the most current NSW Health template
I have submitted with my hire application and agree to implement a COVID Safe plan specific to the
activity to be undertaken during my hire
I agree to ensure safe COVID-19 contact tracing information is collected and will:
     - ensure attendees register through the Service NSW QR code displayed in the foyer
     - register attendees through the webform concierge link provided if they are unable to register
         with the QR code themselves. This must be completed on the day of attendance
I agree and accept responsibility to ensure total person limits in the theatre at any one time do not
exceed the current maximum persons, and will abide by the signage on the walls and/or doors of
limited numbers in all areas including the auditorium, stage, back stage areas, dressing rooms,
kitchen, meeting rooms, toilets and foyers.
Where applicable group activities will not exceed the NSW Government’s COVID-safe restrictions
I agree to encourage all attendees and participants to be COVID-Safe by:
     -     adhering to the conditions of entry displayed in the foyer
     -     hand sanitising on entry and exit and in amenities
     -     washing hands regularly
     -     staying away from areas identified by ‘Area Closed’ signage
     -     following instructions for doors signed ‘Keep Open’ or ‘Keep Closed’
     -     wiping down equipment with sanitiser wipes after use i.e. audio equipment and control pads
     -     regular cleaning of touch point throughout the hire period (e.g. door handles)
     -     maintaining 1.5m distancing whenever possible
     -     wearing faces masks if required
I am aware of the current NSW Government COVID-safe regulations, available at:
I will:
     - monitor and abide by NSW Government recommendations relevant to my hire’s activity
         Lake Macquarie City Council deems any recommendations be complied with as
     - monitor and ensure participants and attendees comply with the conditions of entry,
         including unwell participants and attendees not attending, or leaving if they feel or are
         obviously unwell; and not entering if they have travelled from a known hot spot
     - monitor and encourage physical distancing requirements
     - encourage attendees to treat their attendance as a transient transaction, and not linger in
         Theatre spaces prior to or post the hire activity
     - abide by audience capacity limits, and understand that allowable audience numbers may be
         dependent on whether seating is ticketed and allocated
I acknowledge I understand, accept and will adhere to the stated conditions.



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Appendix 3: Contact Tracing QR Code registration
A QR code is on display in the theatre foyers and all attendees should register their contact details through this
code. The hirer should provide a staff member or volunteer to assist attendees unable to use the QR code (eg do
not have a smart phone), and enter details on their behalf via the concierge link provided.

Warners Bay:
Service NSW | COVID Safe Check-in Concierge Webform
Service NSW | COVID Safe Check-in Concierge Webform

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COVID-19 daily attendance sheet
This is only to be used for participants unable to use the QR code (eg children belonging to a dance school). This
sheet must be TYPED and able to be presented to Service NSW within 4 hours of being requested. Hand written
attendance sheets are unable to be accepted. The concierge webform should be used in the first instance, this
form should be a temporary measure and details transferred to the online webform on the same day of attendance.

Add more lines or use additional pages if needed.
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Appendix 4: Touch Point Cleaning Kit Checklist

                                                                    Rathmines Theatre

                                              COVID-19 - Touch Point Checklist

Definition – SANITISE – Use disinfectant spray supplied in the COVID-19 Touch Point Cleaning Kit.
Spray on paper towel and wipe down, then spray with Glen 20
  Disposable gloves MUST be worn for all cleaning and are supplied in the Covid-19 Touch Point
                                         Cleaning Kit.
People involved in cleaning or reorganising furniture should wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands
                            thoroughly before and after with soap and water.
           Further information on cleaning products can be found on the labels or Safety Data Sheet.
Before commencement of use, please follow use the provided cleaning kit following the
instructions provided to sanitise the following
Door handles                                                                Chairs (if being used)
Light Switch                                                                Tables (if being used
Power point switch (if being used)                                          Fan Switch (if being used)
Air Conditioner switch (if being used)                                      Benches (if dressing rooms being used)

                                                                  Toilet Area
Taps                                                                        Vanity tops
Door locks both front and back                                              Flush buttons
Toilet seats
                                 If kitchen area is to be used, include the following
Bench surfaces                                                              Taps
Fridge door hands                                                           Zip hot water handle
Microwave (if being used)                                                   Oven doors and tops (if being used)
NOTE: If kitchen area is not being used, access must be restricted except to access cleaning
equipment. Keep the door closed if applicable.

At conclusion of use, please repeat the same as listed above, with the addition of
Floors – Mop with detergent then with disinfectant. Mops, buckets, solution supplied
Garbage - All rubbish to be disposed of in a general waste bin located in bin store at the north-
east end of the theatre building
Please ensure cleaning kit is put back in the kitchen after use.
If you come across any issues during your Covid-19 Touch Point Clean or any cleaning supplies are low,
please email

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                                                                Warners Bay Theatre
                                              COVID-19 - Touch Point Checklist

Definition – SANITISE – Use disinfectant spray supplied in the COVID-19 Touch Point Cleaning Kit.
Spray on paper towel and wipe down, then spray with Glen 20
  Disposable gloves MUST be worn for all cleaning and are supplied in the Covid-19 Touch Point
                                         Cleaning Kit.
People involved in cleaning or reorganising furniture should wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands
                            thoroughly before and after with soap and water.
           Further information on cleaning products can be found on the labels or Safety Data Sheet.
Before commencement of use, please follow use the provided cleaning kit following the
instructions provided to sanitise the following
Door handles                                                                Chairs (if being used)
Light Switch                                                                Tables (if being used
Power point switch (if being used)                                          Fan Switch (if being used)
Air Conditioner switch or remotes (if being                                 Benches (if dressing rooms being used)
                                                                  Toilet Area
Taps                                                                        Vanity tops
Door locks both front and back                                              Flush buttons
Toilet seats
                                 If kitchen area is to be used, include the following
Bench surfaces                                                              Taps
Fridge door hands                                                           Zip hot water handle
Microwave (if being used)                                                   Oven doors and tops (if being used)
NOTE: If kitchen area is not being used, access must be restricted except to access cleaning
equipment. Keep the door closed if applicable.

At conclusion of use, please repeat the same as listed above, with the addition of
Floors – Mop with detergent then with disinfectant. Mops, buckets, solution supplied
Garbage - All rubbish to be disposed of in the general waste skip bin located in the carpark at
the rear of the building

Please ensure cleaning kit is put back in the kitchen after use.
If you come across any issues during your Covid-19 Touch Point Clean or any cleaning supplies are low,
please email

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