COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing - 16 July 2020

Page created by Zachary Kim
COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing - 16 July 2020
COVID-19 Response
Tracker —
Transfer Pricing
16 July 2020
COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing - 16 July 2020
Important notes
•       This document provides a snapshot of the transfer pricing related changes that have been announced in jurisdictions around the world
        in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is designed to support conversations about changes that have been proposed or implemented
        in key jurisdictions.
•       These types of changes across the globe are being proposed and implemented on a daily basis. This document is updated on an ongoing
        basis but not all entries will be up-to-date as the process moves forward. In addition, not all jurisdictions are reflected in this document.
•       Find the most current version of this tracker on
•       Please consult with your EY engagement team to check for new developments and to understand the implication of ongoing changes.

         EY teams have developed additional trackers to help you assess the follow changes:
         ►   Force Majeure
         ►   Global Mobility
         ►   Global Tax Policy
         ►   Global Trade Considerations
         ►   Immigration Policy
         ►   Labor and Employment Law
         ►   Tax Controversy
         ►   US State and Local Taxes

         EY professionals are updating the trackers regularly as the situation continues to develop.

         Questions or comments:

    Page 2               COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
51 Jurisdictions covered
         Argentina                          Finland     Luxembourg                     Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
         Australia                          France      Malaysia                       Singapore
         Austria                            Germany     Mexico                         South Africa
         Belgium                            Ghana       The Netherlands                South Korea
         Brazil                             Greece      New Zealand                    Sweden
         Canada                             Hong Kong   Nigeria                        Switzerland
         Chile                              Hungary     Norway                         Taiwan
         China Mainland                     India       Pakistan                       Uganda
         Colombia                           Ireland     Peru                           United Arab Emirates
         Croatia                            Israel      Philippines                    United Kingdom
         Czech Republic                     Italy       Portugal                       United States
         Denmark                            Japan       Romania                        Vietnam
         Egypt                              Kenya       Russia

                                                                  Jurisdictions in bold font have been updated in this edition

Page 3        COVID-19 Response Tracker -
                                                                              Jurisdictions in red font are new in this edition
              Transfer Pricing
Glossary of terms

         APA                  Advance Pricing Agreement      MNE    Multinational enterprise

         CA                   Competent Authority            MTC    Markup on total costs

         CbCR                 Country-by-Country Reporting   OECD   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

         CIT                  Corporate Income Tax           SPE    Surrogate Parent Entity

         FYE                  Fiscal Year End                TP     Transfer pricing

         LF                   Local File                     TPG    Transfer Pricing Guidelines

         MF                   Master File                    UPE    Ultimate Parent Entity

Page 4     COVID-19 Response Tracker -
           Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Hernán Ubertazzi
Argentina                                                                                                                            • Contact: Milton Gonzalez
                                                                                                                                     • Last updated: 13 June 2020

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 Transfer Pricing obligation   Applicable deadlines per local regulations usually        New submission deadlines per COVID-19-            Related comments
 type                          in force                                                  specific measures (if any)

 Transfer pricing              ►   The deadline is six months after the fiscal           ►    TP reporting obligations were suspended      ►   Transfer pricing documentation includes: Local file, CPA certification,
 documentation                     year-end (TP Report and TP form). In cases of              before COVID-19 due to a major tax               Master File and Form F2668.
                                   Masterfile submission, the deadline is 12                  reform program that included updating
                                                                                                                                           ►   The new rules focus on further details about the following inter-
                                   months after the fiscal year-end.                          of TP documentation requirements. As of
                                                                                                                                               company transactions/analysis to be included in the TP Report:
 Contemporaneous                                                                              today, the Tax Authorities has granted a
 requirements: No              ►   For FYE December 2018 – May 2019, the
                                                                                              one-month extension for FYE December                  ►   International Intermediary (import and export of goods)
                                   deadline is 10-14 July 2020.
                                                                                              2018-May 2019 year-ends, from a 10-14
                                                                                              June to a 10-14 July 2020 deadline.                   ►   Financial loans, cash-pools, etc.
                               ►   For FYE June 2019 – November 2019, the
                                   deadline is 10-14 August 2020.                                                                                   ►   Services received (benefit test)
                                                                                         ►    It is not expected that Tax Authority will
                               ►   For FYE December 2019 – April 2020, the                    grant any further extensions.                         ►   Intangible assets
                                   deadline is 10-14 October 2020.
                                                                                                                                                    ►   Business restructurings
                                                                                                                                                    ►   Segmentation of financial information
                                                                                                                                                    ►   Further information regarding the MNE group

 Transfer Pricing              The Transfer Pricing form that business should fill       As above                                          New form F2668 replaces the previously used forms. Further
 declaration/form/filing       out is F2668. However the correct web page                                                                  implementation rules are yet to be published regarding this form, as it is
                               where it should be filled out is still not available in                                                     not yet available in the Tax Authorities webpage.
                               the Tax Authority's website, Further details are
 Contemporaneous               expected later in June, 2020.
 requirements: No

 CbCR notification             First Notification: Last business day of third            No                                                It is required for all local entities that belong to a MNE group
                               month after FYE of Ultimate Parent Entity (UPE).
                               Second Notification: Last business day of the
 requirements: No              second month after due date of the Country by
                               country report (CbCR) in the applicable

 Page 5                            COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Argentina (continued)
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 Transfer Pricing obligation     Applicable deadlines per local regulations           New submission deadlines per COVID-19-   Related comments
 type                            usually in force                                     specific measures (if any)

 CbC report                      CbCR is due within 12 months of the FYE.             No                                       The filing of a CbCR report is required for local UPE of MNE, in cases
                                                                                                                               where the local entity is designated as the reporting entity, and in cases
                                                                                                                               where the jurisdiction where the CbCR is submitted does not have an
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                               exchange information agreement with Argentina regarding CbCR.
 requirements: No

 Are there any COVID-19-related impacts on transfer pricing-specific audits?                                                   N/A

 Link to EY Tax Controversy Response Tracker for further audit-specific information                                            Link

 Have there been any impacts or changes to Advanced Pricing Agreements (APAs), Rulings, or other transfer pricing related      No
 certainty measures?

 Implementation of transfer pricing-specific stimulus measures, e.g., safe harbors?                                            No

 EY and Government resources, links, publications, etc.

 Link to the EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide                                                                     Link

 Page 6                             COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Peter Austin
Australia                                                                                                                     • Contact: Anthony Seve
                                                                                                                              • Last updated: 18 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing obligation type   Applicable deadlines per local             New submission deadlines per COVID-       Related comments
                                    regulations usually in force               19-specific measures (if any)

 Transfer pricing documentation     ►   Income tax return is generally due     No changes to submission deadlines as a   ►   Transfer pricing documentation is required to be prepared (but not submitted) by the due
                                        six months and 15 days after           result of COVID-19.                           date of the income tax return.
                                        financial year end.
                                                                                                                         ►   Australian Local File is a separate obligation to the transfer pricing documentation which is
 Contemporaneous requirements:
 Yes                                ►   Australian Local File and group                                                      required to be prepared and lodged with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
                                        Master File required to be
                                                                                                                         ►   Group Master File prepared in accordance with OECD requirements required to be lodged
                                        submitted within 12 months of
                                                                                                                             as an attachment to the Australian Local File.
                                        financial year end.
                                                                                                                         ►   Failure to prepare contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation has implications for
                                    ►   Australian Local File Part A may
                                                                                                                             penalty protection.
                                        be submitted with the income tax
                                        return in lieu of completing                                                     ►   Significant penalties associated with failure to submit Australian Local File and Master File
                                        Questions 2 through 17 of the                                                        (up to a maximum of A$525,000 per lodgement).
                                        International Dealings Schedule

 Transfer Pricing                   As above.                                  No changes to submission deadlines as a   ►   Part A of the Australian Local file may be lodged in lieu of completing questions 2 through
 declaration/form/filing                                                       result of COVID-19.                           17 of the IDS (if Country-by-Country Reporting applies to the entity).
                                                                                                                         ►   IDS required to be completed and lodged with the income tax return.
 Contemporaneous requirements:

 CbCR notification                  12 months after financial year end.        No changes to submission deadlines as a   Only relevant if CbCR is lodged in jurisdiction exchanging with Australia. Otherwise lodgement
                                                                               result of COVID-19.                       of CbCR in Australia will be required.

 Contemporaneous requirements:

 Page 7                             COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Australia (continued)
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 Transfer Pricing   Applicable             New submission deadlines        Related comments                                          Are there any COVID-19-     N/A
 obligation type    deadlines per          per COVID-19-specific                                                                     related impacts on
                    local                  measures (if any)                                                                         transfer pricing-specific
                    regulations                                                                                                      audits?
                    usually in force

 CbC report         12 months              No changes to submission        Local submission only required if not lodged in a         Link to EY Tax              Link
                                                                                                                                     Controversy Response
                    after financial        deadlines as a result of        jurisdiction exchanging with Australia.                   Tracker for further
                    year end.              COVID-19.                                                                                 audit-specific
                                                                           Significant penalties associated with failure to submit
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                     information
 requirements: No                                                          CbCR if required (up to a maximum of A$525,000 per
                                                                                                                                     Have there been any         No specific changes.
                                                                                                                                     impacts or changes to
                                                                                                                                     APAs, rulings, or other
                                                                                                                                     transfer pricing related
                                                                                                                                     certainty measures?

                                                                                                                                     Implementation of           No transfer pricing specific stimulus measures.
                                                                                                                                     transfer pricing-specific
                                                                                                                                     stimulus measures, e.g.,
                                                                                                                                     safe harbors?

                                                                                                                                     EY and Government
                                                                                                                                     resources, links,
                                                                                                                                     publications, etc.

                                                                                                                                     Link to the EY Worldwide    Link
                                                                                                                                     Transfer Pricing
                                                                                                                                     Reference Guide

 Page 8                               COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Gerhard Steiner            • Contact: Kathrin Schmit
Austria                                                                                                                           • Contact: Manuel Taferner
                                                                                                                                  • Contact: Andreas Stefaner
                                                                                                                                                                        • Last updated: 13 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing    Applicable deadlines per local regulations      New submission         Related comments                              Are there any COVID-     N/A
 obligation type     usually in force                                deadlines per COVID-                                                 19-related impacts on
                                                                     19-specific                                                          transfer pricing-
                                                                     measures (if any)                                                    specific audits?

 Transfer pricing    According to the Transfer Pricing               No                     TP documentation is highly                    Link to EY Tax           Link
 documentation       Documentation Law, TP documentation                                    recommended to be ready when the tax          Controversy
                     must be submitted upon request of the                                  return for the respective year is filed. TP   Response Tracker for
                     competent tax office within 30 days after                              documentation is usually requested /          further audit-specific
 Contemporaneous     the constituent entity files its tax return                            provided in the course of tax audits.         information
 requirements: No    According to a published opinion of the
                     Austrian Ministry of Finance, transfer                                                                               Have there been any      No
                     pricing documentation should be available                                                                            impacts or changes to
                     when the tax returns are filed.                                                                                      APAs, rulings, or
                                                                                                                                          other transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                          related certainty
 Transfer Pricing    N/A                                             N/A                    Transfer Pricing declaration/form/filing      measures?
 declaration/form/                                                                          obligations are not applicable in Austria.
                                                                                                                                          Implementation of        No
                                                                                                                                          transfer pricing-
 requirements: N/A
                                                                                                                                          specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                          measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification   CbCR notification must be filed to the          No                     CbCR notification needs to be filed by        harbors?
                     respective tax office by the end of the                                each constituent entity on a yearly basis.
                     fiscal year for which CbCR will be filed.
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                          EY and Government
 requirements: No                                                                                                                         resources, links,
                                                                                                                                          publications, etc.

 CbC report          CbCR is due within 12 months following          No                     N/A
                     the respective fiscal year end.                                                                                      Link to the EY           Link
                                                                                                                                          Worldwide Transfer
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                          Pricing Reference
 requirements: No                                                                                                                         Guide

 Page 9                            COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Pierre Legros                 • Last updated: 11 May 2020
Belgium                                                                                                                  • Contact: Valentina Katunina

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 Transfer Pricing obligation   Applicable deadlines per local regulations usually in force            New submission deadlines per        Related comments
 type                                                                                                 COVID-19-specific measures (if

 Transfer pricing              TP documentation is required to be submitted upon request of the       No                                  N/A
 documentation                 Belgian Tax Authorities in context of a TP audit. The deadline to
                               submit the TP documentation is 30 days as of the request.

 requirements: No

 Transfer Pricing              The Local File TP Form (275.LF Form) is due at the same time as the    For 275.LF Forms that were due in   The Belgian mandatory TP Forms (Local File TP Form (275.LF
 declaration/form/filing       Corporate Income Tax return of the Belgian company/branch (given       the period between 15 March and     Form) and Master File Form (275. MF Form)) must be submitted to
                               that the 275.LF Form is an official appendix to the Corporate Income   30 April 2020, the deadline was     the Belgian Tax Authorities if based on the financials of the
                               Tax Return). For a company with a calendar year-end, the Corporate     extended until 30 April 2020.       previous financial year, the Belgian company/branch meets or
 Contemporaneous               Income Tax return is typically due end of September of the year                                            exceeds one or more of the following criteria:
 requirements: No              following the financial year-end.
                                                                                                                                          ►   Operating and financial revenues (non-recurrent) of more than
                               The Master File Form (275.MF Form) is due within 12 months after                                               EUR 50 million;
                               the end of the financial year of the Group to which it relates.
                                                                                                                                          ►   Total assets of more than EUR 1 billion; or
                                                                                                                                          ►   100 Full Time Equivalents ('FTEs") in average.

 Page 10                       COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Belgium (continued)
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 Transfer Pricing    Applicable deadlines per     New submission              Related comments                               Are there any COVID-19-      Pending tax audits are continuing. Pre-audit and other
 obligation type     local regulations usually    deadlines per COVID-                                                       related impacts on           meetings can be held by video/conference calls given
                     in force                     19-specific measures                                                       transfer pricing-specific    the lockdown in Belgium, and the Belgian Tax
                                                  (if any)                                                                   audits?                      Authorities have also indicated that they are willing to
                                                                                                                                                          grant extensions of the 30-day deadline for responding
                                                                                                                                                          to TP audit questionnaires given the current
                                                                                                                                                          circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                     The CbCR Notification        No                          The CbCR Notification Form (275.CBC.NOT)
 CbCR notification
                     Form (275.CBC.NOT                                        has to be submitted by the Belgian
                     Form) is due at the latest                               company/branch in case the Group had a
 Contemporaneous     on the last day of the                                   turnover equal to or more than EUR 750
                                                                                                                             Link to EY Tax               Link
 requirements: No    reporting period of the                                  million in the previous financial year. For    Controversy Response
                     multinational group.                                     reporting periods ending as from 31            Tracker for further audit-
                                                                              December 2019 and beyond, the CbCR             specific information
                                                                              Notification Form has to be submitted
                                                                              solely in those cases where the information    Have there been any          No
                                                                              provided, differs from the information that    impacts or changes to
                                                                              was provided in the CbCR Notification Form     APAs, rulings, or other
                                                                              of the previous reporting period.              transfer pricing related
                                                                                                                             certainty measures?

                                                                                                                             Implementation of            No
                                                  No                                                                         transfer pricing-specific
 CbC report          CbCR form (275.CBC) is                                   CbCR applies to multinational groups with a    stimulus measures, e.g.,
                     required to be submitted                                 consolidated revenue equal to or exceeding     safe harbors?
                     within 12 months after                                   EUR 750 million. Belgian entities which are
 Contemporaneous     the end of group’s                                       the ultimate parent or the surrogate parent
 requirements: No    financial year.                                          entities of such multinational groups should   EY and Government
                                                                              annually file the 275.CBC form with Belgian    resources, links,
                                                                              Tax Authorities.                               publications, etc.

                                                                                                                             Link to the EY Worldwide     Link
                                                                                                                             Transfer Pricing
                                                                                                                             Reference Guide

 Page 11                       COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Marcio R Oliveira
Brazil                                                                                                                        • Contact: Victor Nunes
                                                                                                                              • Last updated: 21 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing    Applicable deadlines per         New submission deadlines    Related comments                                       Are there any COVID-     Not applicable
 obligation type     local regulations usually in     per COVID-19-specific                                                              19-related impacts on
                     force                            measures (if any)                                                                  transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                         specific audits?

 Transfer pricing    Transfer pricing                 There has been no           The filing deadline for the Digital Accounting         Link to EY Tax           Link
 documentation       documentation needs to be        communication on            Bookkeeping (ECD), the basis for filling the tax       Controversy
                     prepared up to the deadline      postponement of deadlines   return, has been postponed from 31 May to 31           Response Tracker for
                     of the tax return (usually due   for the return.             July 2020. A similar measure for the income tax        further audit-specific
 Contemporaneous     by 31 July).                                                 return is expected.                                    information
 requirements: No
                                                                                                                                         Have there been any      Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         impacts or changes to
                                                                                                                                         APAs, rulings, or
                                                                                                                                         other transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                         related certainty
 Transfer Pricing    Same comments as above.          Same comments as above      Same comments as above                                 measures?
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                         Implementation of        Not applicable
 requirements: No                                                                                                                        transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                         specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                         measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification   Notification should be           Same comments as above      Notification is required whenever the Brazilian        harbors?
                     provided in a specific block                                 taxpayer is not the one entitled to file the CbC
                     of the income tax return                                     Report.
 Contemporaneous     (usually due by 31 July).                                                                                           EY and Government        Not applicable
 requirements: No                                                                                                                        resources, links,
                                                                                                                                         publications, etc.

 CbC report          CbCR should be filed as one      Same comments as above      The reporting threshold is annual group revenue
                     of the blocks of the income                                  in the previous year of BRL 2.26 billion or more
                                                                                                                                         Link to the EY           Link
                     tax return (usually due by 31                                (or EUR 750 million or equivalent in local
                                                                                                                                         Worldwide Transfer
 Contemporaneous     July).                                                       currency). As a rule, the obligation to file a CbCR    Pricing Reference
 requirements: No                                                                 applies for the ultimate parent company, although      Guide
                                                                                  a local non-parent entity may be required to file as
                                                                                  long as some requirements are met.

 Page 12                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Rebecca Coke                       • Last updated: 26 May 2020
Canada                                                                                                                         • Contact: Paul Mulvihill
                                                                                                                               • Contact: Rene Fleming

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 Transfer Pricing obligation   Applicable deadlines per local regulations usually    New submission deadlines per COVID-19-specific measures (if            Related comments
 type                          in force                                              any)

 Transfer pricing              ►   Taxpayers are required to contemporaneously       ►   Submission deadlines for providing documentation are               Transfer pricing documentation is only submitted if
 documentation                     prepare transfer pricing documentation. If            unchanged (three months), but administratively, on 31 March        the CRA formally requests it in an information
                                   requested to produce by Canada Revenue                2020 CRA announced that requests issued before 1 April 2020        request.
                                   Agency (CRA), the taxpayer has three months           and having submission deadlines of 18 March 2020 or later will
                                   to submit.                                            be considered cancelled and will be re-issued at a later date.
 Contemporaneous                                                                         This is in order to provide taxpayers with the full three months
 requirements: Yes             ►   Corporate income tax return (due six months
                                   after fiscal year end for corporations and five       allowed.
                                   months for partnerships) simply ask the           ►   On 25 May 2020 the CRA announced an extension of time to
                                   question as to whether the taxpayer has               file corporate tax returns to 1 September 2020 for returns due
                                   prepared or obtained contemporaneous                  in June, July or August 2020. Documentation is required to be
                                   documentation as described in the Income Tax          prepared by the date that the corporate tax return is due.

 Transfer Pricing              Taxpayers are required to file a T106 Information
 declaration/form/filing       Return reporting related-party transactions, on
                               the same timeline as for their corporate income
                               tax returns (see above).
 requirements: No

 CbCR notification             N/A – No notification requirement in Canada           N/A

 requirements: N/A

 CbC report                    Remains unchanged. CbCR is due 12 months after        Returns due in June, July and August 2020 extended to 1
                               year-end                                              September 2020

 requirements: No
 Page 13                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Canada (continued)
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 Are there any COVID-19-related impacts on transfer pricing-       After initially suspending audit activity, CRA is slowly returning to audit activities; Field staff have significant
 specific audits?                                                  IT/communications limitations; Focus is on cases facing imminent statutory or treaty-imposed deadlines for

 Link to EY Tax Controversy Response Tracker for further           Link
 audit-specific information

 Have there been any impacts or changes to Advanced Pricing        APAs and MAPs have been designated as "critical services" for CRA; Competent Authority staff will resume work on
 Agreements (APAs), Rulings, or other transfer pricing related     APA and MAP cases but are subject to some IT / communications limitations.
 certainty measures?                                     

 Implementation of transfer pricing-specific stimulus              N/A
 measures, e.g., safe harbors?

 EY and Government resources, links, publications, etc.  


 Link to the EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide         Link

 Page 14                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Ayleen Maturana Ferrés                • Last updated: 22 May 2020
Chile                                                                                                             • Contact: Janice Stein Vidal
                                                                                                                  • Contact: Jorge Angarita Gomez

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 Transfer Pricing    Applicable deadlines per        New submission deadlines   Related comments            Are there any COVID-        N/A
 obligation type     local regulations usually in    per COVID-19-specific                                  19-related impacts on
                     force                           measures (if any)                                      transfer pricing-specific

 Transfer pricing    There is no specific            No change                  Transfer pricing
 documentation       deadlines for the TP                                       documentation should
                     documentation.                                             only be available in case
                                                                                of a TP audit.
 requirements: Yes                                                              TP audits are very          Link to EY Tax              Link
                                                                                common.                     Controversy Response
                                                                                                            Tracker for further
 Transfer Pricing    In Chile there is an            No change                  Every year, taxpayers       information
 declaration/form/   obligation to file an annual                               have the right to require
 filing              TP form (DJ 1907) that                                     the extension of this       Have there been any         No COVID-19-specific measures. Chile has recently changed their
                     must be submitted before 1                                 deadline for maximum 90     impacts or changes to       position about APA, being now a more common practice for
                     July 2020.                                                 additional days.            APAs, rulings, or other     taxpayers that the tax administration wants to apply for more
 Contemporaneous                                                                                            transfer pricing related    cases.
 requirements: No                                                                                           certainty measures?

 CbCR notification   Included into Form 1907.        No change                                              Implementation of           No specific stimulus related with transfer pricing.
                     There is an additional                                                                 transfer pricing-specific
                                                                                                            stimulus measures,
 Contemporaneous     notification only applicable                                                           e.g., safe harbors?
 requirements: No    in those cases where
                     surrogate entity in Chile is
                     designated by the Group.                                                               EY and Government
                                                                                                            resources, links,
 CbC report          CBCR (Form 1937) must be        No change                  Every year, taxpayers       publications, etc.
                     submitted before 1 July,                                   have the right to require
                     2020.                                                      the extension of this       Link to the EY              Link
 Contemporaneous                                                                                            Worldwide Transfer
                                                                                deadline for maximum 90
 requirements: No                                                                                           Pricing Reference
                                                                                additional days.

 Page 15                         COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Julian Hong
China Mainland                                                                                                                 • Contact: Kelly Y Chen
                                                                                                                               • Last updated: 16 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per local        New submission deadlines per     Related comments                     Are there any COVID-      Not applicable
 obligation type           regulations usually in force          COVID-19-specific measures (if                                        19-related impacts on
                                                                 any)                                                                  transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                       specific audits?

 Transfer pricing          Local file should be ready by 30      No                               Transfer pricing compliance          Link to EY Tax            Link
 documentation             June of the following year and                                         obligation type and timeline does    Controversy Response
                           should be submitted to tax                                             not change in view of the COVID-     Tracker for further
                           authorities within 30 days upon                                        19 pandemic.                         audit-specific
                           request.                                                                                                    information
 requirements: Yes         Master file should be ready within                                                                          Have there been any       No
                           12 months following the fiscal                                                                              impacts or changes to
                           year end of the group’s ultimate                                                                            APAs, rulings, or other
                           holding company.                                                                                            transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                       related certainty
 Transfer Pricing                                                                                                                      measures?
                           Local transfer pricing declaration    No
 declaration/form/filing   forms are due when filing
                           corporate income tax return: 31                                                                             Implementation of         No
 Contemporaneous           May.                                                                                                        transfer pricing-
 requirements: No                                                                                                                      specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                       measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification         Not applicable                        No

 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                       EY and Government
 requirements: N.A.                                                                                                                    resources, links,
                                                                                                                                       publications, etc.
 CbC report                Filing with corporate income tax      No
                           return: 31 May.
                                                                                                                                       Link to the EY            Link
                                                                                                                                       Worldwide Transfer
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                       Pricing Reference
 requirements: No                                                                                                                      Guide

 Page 16                            COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Andres Parra                               • Last updated: 21 May 2020
Colombia                                                                                                                   • Contact: Monica Piedrahita

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 Transfer Pricing obligation type   Applicable deadlines per local             New submission deadlines per COVID-   Related comments
                                    regulations usually in force               19-specific measures (if any)

 Transfer pricing documentation     July every fiscal year for Local File.     N/A                                   Mandatory filing.
                                    December every fiscal year for the
                                    Masterfile.                                                                      If intercompany transactions surpass USD 462.000 approx. per type of transaction, tax-payer
                                                                                                                     must file a local file for each of those transactions.
 Contemporaneous requirements:
 No                                                                                                                  Tax-payers subject to file the local file, must submit also the master file for FY 2019. This file could
                                                                                                                     be presented in English. Possibly there will be a modification in the deadline to submit said report
                                                                                                                     for fiscal year 2019 with respect to the previous year.

 Transfer Pricing                   July every fiscal year.                    N/A                                   Mandatory filing.
                                                                                                                     Taxpayers whose gross equity is equal to or greater than US 1.025.000 approx. or whose
                                                                                                                     gross revenues are equal to or greater than USD 625.000 approx. would be liable to comply
                                                                                                                     with a transfer pricing return. This form includes the information from the related parties,
 Contemporaneous requirements:
 No                                                                                                                  amounts of the intercompany transactions, method applied, results obtained, among others.

 CbCR notification                  July every fiscal year.                    N/A                                   It should be noted that all Colombian taxpayers that belong to a MNE group must comply with
                                                                                                                     the CbC notification requirement even if they have no formal transfer pricing obligations. The
                                                                                                                     notification is embedded in the TP return if the Company is required to file TP return,
 Contemporaneous requirements:                                                                                       otherwise, this obligation must be filed via email.

 Page 17                            COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Colombia (continued)
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 Transfer Pricing   Applicable         New submission deadlines        Related comments                                              Are there any COVID-19-     Yes. Suspension of the terms in the processes and
 obligation type    deadlines per      per COVID-19-specific                                                                         related impacts on          administrative actions in tax, customs and exchange
                    local              measures (if any)                                                                             transfer pricing-specific   matters in the national territory between 19 March
                    regulations                                                                                                      audits?                     and 3 April 2020.
                    usually in force

 CbC report         December of        N/A                             Mandatory filing.                                             Link to EY Tax              Link
                    each fiscal                                                                                                      Controversy Response
                                                                       Applies to taxpayers that are the controlling entity for      Tracker for further
                                                                       the multinational group or that have been designated to       audit-specific
 requirements: No                                                      fulfil that role. Additionally, among other requisites, the   information
                                                                       entity must have reported consolidated revenue equal to
                                                                       approx. US $895.000.000.                                      Have there been any         No
                                                                                                                                     impacts or changes to
                                                                                                                                     APAs, rulings, or other
                                                                                                                                     transfer pricing related
                                                                                                                                     certainty measures?

                                                                                                                                     Implementation of           No
                                                                                                                                     transfer pricing-specific
                                                                                                                                     stimulus measures, e.g.,
                                                                                                                                     safe harbors?

                                                                                                                                     EY and Government           Resolution No. 000022 of 18 March 2020
                                                                                                                                     resources, links,
                                                                                                                                     publications, etc.

                                                                                                                                     Link to the EY Worldwide    Link
                                                                                                                                     Transfer Pricing
                                                                                                                                     Reference Guide

 Page 18                          COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Masa Saric
Croatia                                                                                                                         • Contact: Tamara Korkutovic
                                                                                                                                • Last updated: 19 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per       New submission deadlines per COVID-          Related comments                        Are there any          No
 obligation type           local regulations usually      19-specific measures (if any)                                                        COVID-19-related
                           in force                                                                                                            impacts on transfer
 Transfer pricing          TP documentation should        ►   Due to changes in the Croatian           Taxpayers are expected to prepare
 documentation             be prepared and available          legislation (in force as of 8 April      TP documentation (local file) to
                           upon Tax Authorities'              2020), the deadline for submission of    prove the arm's length nature of the    Have there been        No
                           request. In practice the           CIT returns is extended to six months    transactions. The Croatian              any impacts or
 Contemporaneous           tax authorities tend to            instead of 4 months after financial      legislation prescribes mandatory        changes to APAs,
 requirements: No.         request that TP                    year ends (i.e., from 30 April 2020 to   elements and generally follows the      rulings, or other
                           documentation is                   30 June 2020).                           OECD Guidelines.                        transfer pricing
                           submitted together with        ►   The respective amendment does not                                                related certainty
                           CIT return which is due 4          apply to taxpayers whose financial                                               measures?
                           months after financial             year is different than calendar year
                           year end.                          (i.e., in case of bankruptcy, status                                             Implementation of      No
                                                              changes, termination of business).                                               transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                               specific stimulus
 Transfer Pricing          PD-IPO form should be          Together with the CIT return (i.e., on 30    Information on the receivables and      measures, e.g., safe
 declaration/form/filing   submitted together with        June 2020). Respective change does not       liabilities in transactions with        harbors?
                           CIT return (i.e. 4 months      apply to taxpayers whose financial year is   related entities should be submitted
                           after financial year ends).    different than calendar year.                in the PD-IPO form.
 requirements: No                                                                                                                              EY and Government      https://narodne-
                                                                                                                                               resources, links,
                                                                                                                                               publications, etc.     895.html
 CbCR notification         CbCR notification should       Together with CIT return (i.e., on 30        Taxpayers should prepare CbCR
                           be submitted together          June 2020). Respective change does not       Notification to the Tax Authorities
                           with CIT return (i.e., 4       apply to taxpayers whose financial year is   informing them of the identity, tax
 Contemporaneous           months after financial         different than calendar year.                residence and the jurisdiction of the   Link to the EY         Link
 requirements: No          year ends).                                                                 ultimate parent entity or surrogate     Worldwide Transfer
                                                                                                       parent entity/constituent entity        Pricing Reference
                                                                                                       which would submit the CbCR in its      Guide
                                                                                                       jurisdiction of residence.

 CbC report                CbC report should be           N/A                                          Subject to this report are Croatian
                           submitted no later than 12                                                  residents ultimate parent entities
                           months after the last day                                                   with consolidated revenue equal to
 Contemporaneous           of the reporting fiscal                                                     or more than EUR 750m (app. HRK
 requirements: No          year.                                                                       5.7 billion).

 Page 19                          COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Libor Fryzek
Czech Republic                                                                                                            • Contact: Lucie Karpiskova
                                                                                                                          • Last updated: 18 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per        New submission deadlines per COVID-   Related comments                    Are there any          N/A
 obligation type           local regulations usually in    19-specific measures (if any)                                             COVID-19-related
                           force                                                                                                     impacts on transfer
 Transfer pricing          Local file is due upon          N/A                                   TP documentation is not
 documentation             request from the tax                                                  obligatory in the Czech Republic.   Link to EY Tax         Link
                           authority.                                                            Rather, it is highly                Controversy
                                                                                                 recommended. However, it must       Response Tracker
 Contemporaneous                                                                                 be submitted to the tax             for further audit-
 requirements: No                                                                                authorities upon request.           specific information

                                                                                                                                     Have there been any    No
                                                                                                                                     impacts or changes
                                                                                                                                     to APAs, rulings, or
                                                                                                                                     other transfer
 Transfer Pricing          Transfer Pricing appendix       N/A                                                                       pricing related
 declaration/form/filing   must be filed with                                                                                        certainty measures?
                           corporate income tax
                           return which is due three
 Contemporaneous           months after year-end or                                                                                  Implementation of      No
 requirements: No          six months after year-end.                                                                                transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                     specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                     measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification         CbCR notification is due at     N/A                                                                       harbors?

                                                                                                                                     EY and Government      N/A
 requirements: No
                                                                                                                                     resources, links,
                                                                                                                                     publications, etc.
 CbC report                CbC report is due 12            N/A
                           months after year-end.
                                                                                                                                     Link to the EY         Link
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                     Worldwide Transfer
 requirements: No                                                                                                                    Pricing Reference

 Page 20                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Henrik Arhnung
Denmark                                                                                                                        • Last updated: 22 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per local      New submission deadlines    Related comments                             Are there any COVID-        No, but in March 2020 the Danish tax
 obligation type           regulations usually in force        per COVID-19-specific                                                    19-related impacts on       authorities indicated that they would
                                                               measures (if any)                                                        transfer pricing-specific   primarily focus on issuing proposed
                                                                                                                                        audits?                     assessments related to already ongoing TP
                                                                                                                                                                    audits where the income year 2014 became
 Transfer pricing          Contemporaneous TP                  N/A                         TP documentation to be submitted                                         time barred on 1 May 2020 and therefore
 documentation             documentation is required to be                                 upon request in context of a tax audit.                                  would not initiate any new TP audits until 1
                           prepared, and must be                                                                                                                    May 2020. However, we have now
                                                                                           A TP declaration, which is part of the                                   experienced that the Danish tax authorities
 Contemporaneous           submitted, with 60 days notice,                                 tax return, must be submitted annually.
 requirements: Yes         upon request from the tax                                                                                                                have initiated a number of new TP audits
                           authorities.                                                    The Government has issued a bill                                         toward the end of April and at the beginning
                                                                                           proposing that the Master file and local                                 of May 2020, wherein they have requested
                                                                                           file should be submitted no later than                                   companies to submit TP documentation
                                                                                           60 days after the tax return has been                                    within 60 days.
                                                                                           submitted. If enacted, it will apply as of
                                                                                           financial income years starting on           Link to EY Tax              Link
                                                                                           1 January 2020 onward.                       Controversy Response
                                                                                                                                        Tracker for further
 Transfer Pricing          The TP Declaration, filed as part   Postponed for 2 months.                                                  information
 declaration/form/filing   of the tax return, should be        Companies with calendar
                           submitted six months after          year should normally file                                                Have there been any         No
 Contemporaneous           submission of corporate income      the TP declaration on 1                                                  impacts or changes to
 requirements: No          tax return.                         July but it has been                                                     APAs, rulings, or other
                                                               postponed until 1                                                        transfer pricing related
                                                               September 2020                                                           certainty measures?

 CbCR notification         No later than financial year-end.   N/A
                                                                                                                                        Implementation of           No
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                        transfer pricing-specific
 requirements: No                                                                                                                       stimulus measures,
                                                                                                                                        e.g., safe harbors?

 CbC report                12 months after year-end.           N/A                                                                      EY and Government           N/A
                                                                                                                                        resources, links,
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                        publications, etc.
 requirements: No

                                                                                                                                        Link to the EY              Link
                                                                                                                                        Worldwide Transfer
                                                                                                                                        Pricing Reference Guide
 Page 21                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Ahmed El Sayed             • Last updated: 21 May 2020
Egypt                                                                                                         • Contact: Mohamed M Ahmed
                                                                                                              • Contact: Samarth O Sharma

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per local      New submission deadlines per   Related comments                       Are there any COVID-     We have not been aware of any specific
 obligation type           regulations usually in force        COVID-19-specific measures                                            19-related impacts on    impacts. However, pending TP audits are
                                                               (if any)                                                              transfer pricing-        continuing but the Egyptian Tax Authority is
                                                                                                                                     specific audits?         likely more flexible due to current
 Transfer pricing          Two months after the                N/A                            TP documentation is obligatory to be
 documentation             submission of the corporate tax                                    submitted annually starting from
                           return.                                                            FY2018.
                                                                                                                                     Have there been any      APAs have not yet been implemented by the
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                     impacts or changes to    Egyptian Tax Authority
 requirements: Yes                                                                                                                   APAs, rulings, or
                                                                                                                                     other transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                     related certainty

                                                                                                                                     Implementation of        No
 Transfer Pricing          N/A                                 N/A                            N/A                                    transfer pricing-
 declaration/form/filing                                                                                                             specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                     measures, e.g., safe
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                     harbors?
 requirements: N/A

                                                                                                                                     EY and Government
 CbCR notification         All notifications must be made      N/A                            N/A                                    resources, links,
                           no later than the last day of the                                                                         publications, etc.
 Contemporaneous           fiscal year to which the CbCR
 requirements: No          relates.
                                                                                                                                     Link to the EY           Link
                                                                                                                                     Worldwide Transfer
                                                                                                                                     Pricing Reference
 CbC report                CbCR must be filed with ETA no      N/A                            N/A                                    Guide
                           later than 12 months after the
 Contemporaneous           last day of the fiscal year to
 requirements: No          which the CbCR relates.

 Page 22                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Kennet Pettersson          • Last updated: 22 May 2020
Finland                                                                                                           • Contact: Mikael Turunen
                                                                                                                  • Contact: Juhani Pietarinen

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines        New submission deadlines per COVID-19-      Related comments              Are there any COVID-      No (none published yet).
 obligation type           per local regulations       specific measures (if any)                                                19-related impacts on
                           usually in force                                                                                      transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                 specific audits?

 Transfer pricing          There is no statutory       N/A                                                                       Link to EY Tax            Link
 documentation             deadline for submission                                                                               Controversy
                           of transfer pricing                                                                                   Response Tracker for
 Contemporaneous           documentation. The                                                                                    further audit-specific
 requirements: No          taxpayer shall submit                                                                                 information
                           TP documentation
                           within 60 days upon
                           request, however not                                                                                  Have there been any       No (none published yet).
                           earlier than six months                                                                               impacts or changes to
                           after year-end.                                                                                       APAs, rulings, or
                                                                                                                                 other transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                 related certainty
 Transfer Pricing          Form 78: CITR deadline      CITR deadline automatically extended by                                   measures?
 declaration/form/filing   (4 months after year        one month for fiscal years ending between
                           end, application for        December 2019 – February 2020.
                           extension available e.g.                                                                              Implementation of         No (none published yet).
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                 transfer pricing-
 requirements: No          due to illness).
                                                                                                                                 specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                 measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification         CbCR notification is due    N/A                                                                       harbors?
                           on the last day of
 Contemporaneous           ultimate parent entity's                                                                              EY and Government
 requirements: No          fiscal year.                                                                                          resources, links,         us/newsroom/news/uutiset/2020/filing-
                                                                                                                                 publications, etc.        deadline-for-corporate-tax-returns-extended-
 CbC report                The CbC report is due       N/A
                           within 12 months
 Contemporaneous           following fiscal year                                                                                 Link to the EY            Link
                           end.                                                                                                  Worldwide Transfer
 requirements: No
                                                                                                                                 Pricing Reference

 Page 23                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Emmanuelle Leroy
France                                                                                                                           • Contact: Frank Deleon
                                                                                                                                 • Last updated: 9 June 2020

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 Transfer Pricing        Applicable deadlines per local          New submission deadlines per COVID-19-specific         Related             Are there any          No specific developments noted in relation to
 obligation type         regulations usually in force            measures (if any)                                      comments            COVID-19-related       TP audits, but in practice tax audits have been
                                                                                                                                            impacts on transfer    frozen in many cases and will only relaunch in
                                                                                                                                            pricing-specific       June. Further, no new tax audit are expected
                                                                                                                                            audits?                until July 2020.
 Transfer pricing        TP documentation (local file and        No                                                     Any pending TP
 documentation           mastefile) is due within 30 days                                                               documentation
                         upon request from the tax                                                                      requests were       Link to EY Tax         Link
                         administration in the context of tax                                                           postponed, so the   Controversy
 Contemporaneous         audit.                                                                                         30 days deadline    Response Tracker
 requirements: No                                                                                                       for submission is   for further audit-
                                                                                                                        extended until      specific information
                                                                                                                        the end of the
                                                                                                                        State of Sanitary   Have there been any    No – work of Competent Authority (CA)
                                                                                                                        Emergency.          impacts or changes     slowed down and postponement of several
                                                                                                                                            to APAs, rulings, or   bilateral meetings with counterparty CAs.
                                                                                                                                            other transfer
                                                                                                                                            pricing related
 Transfer Pricing        Transfer Pricing appendix must be       The TP declaration for FYE 31 December 2019                                certainty measures?
 declaration/form/fili   filed within six months from            may be submitted up to 31 December 2020 (i.e.,
 ng                      deadline for filing of corporate        six months after the revised deadline for filing the
                         income tax return which is due          CIT return (see below)). For companies with fiscal                         Implementation of      No
                         three months after year-end             year-ends other than 31 December that benefit                              transfer pricing-
 Contemporaneous         (except for 31 December year-end,       from a deferred date for filing their CIT return,                          specific stimulus
 requirements: No        the deadline is four months later).     deferred filing of the TP declaration is also                              measures, e.g., safe
                                                                 permitted. Additional details have not been                                harbors?
                                                                 provided at this stage by the French Tax Authority.

 CbCR notification       Notification is due with the CIT        Yes – for CIT returns due from 31 December 2019
                         return.                                 to 29 February 2020, the filing date has been                              EY and Government
                                                                 postponed to 30 June 2020. For returns due from                            resources, links,      467
 Contemporaneous                                                 1 March to 31 March 2020, the filing date has                              publications, etc.
 requirements: No                                                been postponed to 31 July 2020.
                                                                                                                                            Link to the EY         Link
 CbC report              Filing is due 12 months after year-     No                                                                         Worldwide Transfer
                         end.                                                                                                               Pricing Reference
 requirements: No

 Page 24                            COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Laura Ordemann
Germany                                                                                                             • Oliver Wehnert
                                                                                                                    • Last updated: 22 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per local regulations usually in    New submission      Related comments     Are there any COVID-     To some extent.
 obligation type           force                                                    deadlines per                            19-related impacts on    Some tax audits continue (some with delay),
                                                                                    COVID-19-specific                        transfer pricing-        some are postponed (always depending on the
                                                                                    measures (if any)                        specific audits?         individual tax auditor), but no official statement
                                                                                                                                                      in this regard so far.
 Transfer pricing          According to German transfer pricing documentation       N/A
 documentation             rules, tax auditors have the right to request transfer
                           pricing documentation for transactions between a
                           German taxpayer and his foreign-related parties, and                                              Link to EY Tax           Link
 Contemporaneous           the taxpayers have to submit the documentation                                                    Controversy
 requirements: Yes         within 60 days upon request (extraordinary business                                               Response Tracker for
                           transactions within 30 days upon request; transfer                                                further audit-specific
                           pricing documentation has to be prepared six months                                               information
                           after end of the fiscal year).
                                                                                                                             Have there been any      N/A
                                                                                                                             impacts or changes to
                                                                                                                             APAs, rulings, or
                                                                                                                             other transfer pricing
 Transfer Pricing          No specific disclosure requirements, however, relevant   N/A                                      related certainty
 declaration/form/filing   tax return forms may include certain questions.                                                   measures?

 Contemporaneous                                                                                                             Implementation of        N/A
 requirements: No                                                                                                            transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                             specific stimulus
                                                                                                                             measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification         The CbCR notification has to be filed with the tax       N/A                                      harbors?
                           return for the relevant fiscal year.
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                             EY and Government        Link
 requirements: No                                                                                                            resources, links,
                                                                                                                             publications, etc.

 CbC report                The deadline for filing the CbCR is one year after the   N/A
                           end of the relevant fiscal year.
 requirements: No

 Page 25                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Isaac N Sarpong
Ghana                                                                                                              • Contact: Kofi A Akuoko
                                                                                                                   • Last updated: 19 May 2020

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines     New submission deadlines per                    Related        Are there any COVID-19-related impacts on     Field audits have noticeably
 obligation type           per local regulations    COVID-19-specific measures (if any)             comments       transfer pricing-specific audits?             slowed down, although they
                           usually in force                                                                                                                      are ongoing.

 Transfer pricing          TP documentation         No
 documentation             submitted upon
                           request in context of
                           tax audit.                                                                              Have there been any impacts or changes to     No
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                   APAs, rulings, or other transfer pricing
 requirements: Yes                                                                                                 related certainty measures?

                                                                                                                   Implementation of transfer pricing-specific   No
                                                                                                                   stimulus measures, e.g., safe harbors?

 Transfer Pricing          TP Return: within        Two month extension for a total of six months   TP Return is
 declaration/form/filing   four months after        after year-end                                  submitted
                           year-end, same as                                                        annually.
                           income tax return.
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                   EY and Government resources, links,
 requirements: No                                                                                                  publications, etc.

 CbCR notification         N/A                      N/A                                             N/A
                                                                                                                   Link to the EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing     Link
                                                                                                                   Reference Guide
 requirements: No

 CbC report                N/A                      N/A                                             N/A

 requirements: No

 Page 26                          COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Mary Michalopoulou               • Last updated: 21 May 2020
Greece                                                                                                               • Contact: Panagiotis Tzanetakis
                                                                                                                     • Contact: Christos Kourouniotis

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 Transfer Pricing obligation type             Applicable deadlines per local regulations usually in force              New submission deadlines per Covid-   Related comments
                                                                                                                       19-specific measures (if any)

 Transfer pricing documentation               The transfer pricing documentation file has to be prepared annually      No.                                   Persons subject to documentation requirements
                                              up to the deadline for the submission of companies’ CIT return;                                                include taxpayers with a total value of inter-company
                                              while it has to be submitted to the Greek tax authorities within 30                                            transactions of more than €200,000 or €100,000,
 Contemporaneous requirements: No             days following their request.                                                                                  depending on whether their turnover is more or less
                                                                                                                                                             than €5 million, respectively.
                                                                                                                                                             Entities subject to documentation requirements need to
                                                                                                                                                             prepare a Master File and a Local File (no threshold

 Transfer Pricing declaration/form/           The SIT must be filed up to the deadline for the submission of           No.                                   Taxpayers disclose their intra-group transactions by
 filing                                       companies’ corporate income tax (CIT) returns.                                                                 annually filing electronically a summary information
 Contemporaneous requirements: No                                                                                                                            table (SIT) of transfer pricing information.

 CbCR notification                            Greek tax resident entities forming part of an MNE group that are        No.                                   The CbCR requirements that are applicable to Greek tax
                                              subject to the CbCR requirements must notify the AADE of the                                                   resident entities that are members of an MNE group
                                              identity and tax residence of the reporting entity no later than the                                           with a consolidated group turnover exceeding €750
 Contemporaneous requirements: No             last day of the reporting fiscal year.                                                                         million were introduced by L. 4484/2017.

 CbC report                                   Under local rules, the ultimate parent entity (UPE) of an MNE group      No.                                   A taxpaying member of an MNE group, which is subject
                                              or any other reporting entity, established in Greece, is required to
                                              submit the CbC report — for each fiscal year — electronically to the                                           to CbCR submission requirements, should release also
 Contemporaneous requirements: No             competent authority within 12 months from the end of the MNE                                                   under Table Θ of its CIT return:
                                              group’s reporting fiscal year.
                                                                                                                                                             ►    The group it belongs to
                                                                                                                                                             ►    Whether it has submitted a CbCR
                                                                                                                                                             ►    The country or tax jurisdiction of the UPE
                                                                                                                                                             ►    The country or tax jurisdiction to which the CbCR
                                                                                                                                                                  has been submitted

 Page 27                              COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Greece (continued)
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 Are there any COVID-19-related impacts on transfer pricing-specific audits?       N/A. Tax audits are continuing remotely.

 Link to EY Tax Controversy Response Tracker for further audit-specific            Link

 Have there been any impacts or changes to APAs, Rulings, or other transfer        No Covid-19-specific measures applicable to APAs. There is a general slow down in the APA process due to the country’s
 pricing related certainty measures?                                               response to Covid-19.

 Implementation of transfer pricing-specific stimulus measures, e.g., safe         No

 EY and Government resources, links, publications, etc.

 Link to the EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide                         Link

 Page 28                            COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Martin M Richter               • Contact: Vicky WK Li                   • Last updated: 13 May 2020
Hong Kong                                                                             • Contact: Sangeeth Aiyappa               • Contact: Davis Hung

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 Transfer Pricing obligation type            Applicable deadlines per local regulations usually in   New submission deadlines per COVID-19-specific measures (if any)        Related comments

 Transfer pricing documentation              Preparation deadline: within nine months after the      N/A                                                                     TP documentation submitted upon
                                             end of the accounting period.                                                                                                   request.
 Contemporaneous requirements: No

 Transfer Pricing declaration/form/ filing   Supplementary transfer pricing information (“S2         Submission of tax returns that fall between 23 March 2020 and 2 May     N/A
                                             Form”) is due with tax return: within one month         2020 are automatically extended to 4 May 2020.
                                             from the date of issue of the profits tax return.       [Sourced from Latest arrangements for public services of Inland
 Contemporaneous requirements: No
                                                                                                     Revenue Department as of 4 April 2020

 CbCR notification                           Within three months after the end of the UPE’s          Submission of CbCR notification for the Hong Kong reporting entities    N/A
                                             accounting period.                                      whose UPE’s accounting period ended between 31 December 2019 and
                                                                                                     29 February 2020 is on or before 1 June 2020, provided that the
 Contemporaneous requirements: No                                                                    notification is received via the CbCR Portal.

 CbC report                                  Within 12 months after the end of the UPE's             Submission for CbC report for those Hong Kong entities supposedly due   N/A
                                             accounting period.                                      for submission on 31 March 2020 is automatically extended to 6 April
 Contemporaneous requirements: No

 Page 29                             COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
Hong Kong (continued)
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 Are there any COVID-19-related impacts on transfer pricing-          N/A
 specific audits?

 Link to EY Tax Controversy Response Tracker for further audit-       Link
 specific information

 Have there been any impacts or changes to APAs, rulings, or          No.
 other transfer pricing related certainty measures?

 Implementation of transfer pricing-specific stimulus measures,       No.
 e.g., safe harbors?

 EY and Government resources, links, publications, etc.               Latest arrangements for public services of Inland Revenue Department as of 22 March 2020
                                                                      Latest arrangements for public services of Inland Revenue Department as of 4 April 2020
                                                                      Country-by-Country Reporting - Notification Deadline as of 27 March 2020
                                                                      Latest arrangements for public services of Inland Revenue Department as of 4 April 2020

 Link to the EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide            Link

 Page 30                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Adam Pongo                  • Last updated: 21 May 2020
Hungary                                                                                                                   • Contact: Zoltan Liptak

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 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines per local          New submission deadlines per        Related comments             Are there any COVID-     No specific pronouncements, but there has
 obligation type           regulations usually in force            COVID-19-specific measures (if                                   19-related impacts on    been a general slowdown due to people not
                                                                   any)                                                             transfer pricing-        being able to work at 100% capacity.
                                                                                                                                    specific audits?

 Transfer pricing          The deadline for the preparation        The deadline has been extended to                                Link to EY Tax
 documentation             and submission of the TP local file     30 September (except for banks,                                                           Link
                           is the filing date of the corporate     insurance companies, investment                                  Response Tracker for
                           tax return (May 31st is the tax year    firms and companies on the stock
 Contemporaneous           coincides with the calendar year).      market).                                                         further audit-specific
 requirements: Yes         Deadline for the preparation of                                                                          information
                           master file is adjusted to the
                           ultimate parent company, but 12                                                                          Have there been any      No specific pronouncements, but there has
                           months at the latest after the last                                                                      impacts or changes to    been a general slowdown due to people not
                           day of the tax year.                                                                                     APAs, rulings, or        being able to work at 100% capacity.
                                                                                                                                    other transfer pricing
                                                                                                                                    related certainty
                                                                                                                                    measures?                The Tax Office expects that some of the
 Transfer Pricing          N/A                                     N/A                                                                                       previously issued APAs will have to be modified
 declaration/form/filing                                                                                                                                     and renegotiated due to the crisis.

 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                    Implementation of        The Hungarian government has introduced a
 requirements: No                                                                                                                   transfer pricing-        surtax on the retail sector. It decreases the
                                                                                                                                    specific stimulus        EBIT (and OM) of the companies subject to the
                                                                                                                                    measures, e.g., safe     surtax. The tax office liaise with the Ministry of
 CbCR notification         All domestic constituent entities of    N/A                                                              harbors?
                           MNEs under the scope of CbCR are                                                                                                  finance how this surtax should be treated from
                           required to file a notification until                                                                                             a TP perspective.
 Contemporaneous           the end of the reporting fiscal year,
 requirements: No          in which they indicate their filing                                                                      EY and Government
                           status.                                                                                                  resources, links,
                                                                                                                                    publications, etc.
 CbC report                If CbCR has to be filed in Hungary,     N/A
                           it shall be submitted within 12
                           months after the last day of the                                                                         Link to the EY           Link
 Contemporaneous           financial year reported.                                                                                 Worldwide Transfer
 requirements: No                                                                                                                   Pricing Reference

 Page 31                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
• Contact: Ankush Mehta                  • Last updated: 20 May 2020
India                                                                                                                    • Contact: Heena P Mody

Find the most current version of this tracker on                                                                                                                         Return to jurisdiction list

 Transfer Pricing          Applicable deadlines        New submission deadlines per          Related comments                   Are there any COVID-       The Indian Tax Authorities have introduced a
 obligation type           per local regulations       COVID-19-specific measures (if any)                                      19-related impacts on      scheme to provide dispute resolution for pending
                           usually in force                                                                                     transfer pricing-          Income Tax litigation which included Transfer
                                                                                                                                specific audits?           Pricing Litigation as well. The deadline for availing
                                                                                                                                                           relief under the scheme has been extended from
                                                                                                                                                           30 June 2020 to 31 December 2020.
 Transfer pricing          The documentation           No                                    Transfer Pricing Study Report
 documentation             should be in place at the                                         to be maintained.
                           time of filing of                                                                                    Link to EY Tax             Link
                           Accountants Report                                                                                   Controversy Response
 Contemporaneous           i.e., 31 October 2020.                                                                               Tracker for further
 requirements: Yes                                                                                                              audit-specific

                                                                                                                                Have there been any        No
                                                                                                                                impacts or changes to
                                                                                                                                APAs, rulings, or other
                                                                                                                                transfer pricing related
 Transfer Pricing          31 October 2020             No                                    Mandatory filing of                certainty measures?
 declaration/form/filing                                                                     Accountants Report.

 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                Implementation of          No
 requirements: No                                                                                                               transfer pricing-
                                                                                                                                specific stimulus
                                                                                                                                measures, e.g., safe
 CbCR notification         Two months prior to         No                                    Mandatory Required.                harbors?
                           due date of furnishing
                           of CbCR.
                                                                                                                                EY and Government
 Contemporaneous                                                                                                                resources, links,
 requirements: No                                                                                                               publications, etc.

 CbC report                12 months from the          The CbC report deadline in India is   Mandatory Required by entity
                           end of relevant             31 March, the same is extended to     having consolidated Group          Link to the EY             Link
                           accounting year.            30 June 2020.                         Revenue exceeding INR 5500         Worldwide Transfer
                                                                                             crore in previous accounting       Pricing Reference
 Contemporaneous                                                                             year.                              Guide
 requirements: No

 Page 32                           COVID-19 Response Tracker - Transfer Pricing
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