COVID-19: Operational Risk Assessment for Horbury Primary Academy

Page created by Samuel Fuller
COVID-19: Operational Risk Assessment for Horbury Primary Academy
Please note: this risk assessment should be undertaken in conjunction with the guidance issued on 17 August 2021 by the Department for
Education as follows:
Schools COVID-19 operational guidance - GOV.UK (

 Assessment                                   Job title:                                                Covered by this       Staff, pupils, contractors,
 conducted by:     Miss J Tomlinson                               Headteacher                           assessment:           visitors, volunteers

 Date of                                      Reviewed by:                                              Date of next
                   27 January 2022                                Trustees / CEO                                              TBC
 assessment:                                                                                            review:

                                                              Related documents

 Trust/Local Authority documents:                  Government guidance:


                                                   Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak - GOV.UK


Risk matrix

                             Risk rating                                                            Likelihood of occurrence

High (H), Medium (M), Low (L)                            Probable                 Possible                 Remote
          High                                                                 H                        H                       H
impact    Medium                                                                H                        M                        L
          Low                                                                   M                        L                        L
Document History

Version          Date             Author      Note of Revisions
1.0              2 Sept 2020      JT          Draft for Trustees
2.0              2 Sept 2020      Trustees    Trustee Approval: Trustees note that the robust control measures and mitigations in place
                                              are based on the planned response to the current guidance. These measures and
                                              mitigations will inevitably change as the full induction process takes place on site, Changes
                                              will be managed part of the risk review process and reflected in updated reviews of this
3.0              11 September     Trustees    Review Point 1 - Following the induction week, and some minor changes to operational
                 2020                         plans, no material changes were necessary in terms of an update to the risk assessment.
4.0              18 September     Trustees    Review Point 2 – Trustee approval of wraparound care from 21 September 2020
5.0              02 October       Trustees    Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
6.0              23 October       Trustees    Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
                 2020                         Moving forward, specific consideration will be given to the impact of winter conditions, and
                                              any potential changes to government guidance.
7.0              13 November      Trustees    Following a review by Trustees, no material changes were made to the Risk Assessment.
                 2020                         Trustees also reviewed feedback from the recent staff survey in terms of workload, wellbeing
                                              and management of the organisation. Trustees are assured that the necessary controls
                                              remain in place and are being monitored effectively.
8.0              27 November      Trustees    Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
9.0              27 November      Trustees    Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
10.0             3 January        Trustees    In advance of the planned reopening of the Academy on 4 January 2021, the Executive
                 2021                         Principal, CEO and Trustees reviewed the operational plans and risk assessments with no
                                              material changes made. All staff have been supported to revisit their training in relation to
                                              the specific Covid-19 measures that have been in place and reviewed at regular intervals
                                              since the Academy opened in September 2020.

11.0   22 January      Trustees   Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
       2021                       The Academy has reviewed the number of pupils currently taking up the Emergency Care
                                  Provision and will keep this under observation as we move forward.
12.0   26 February     Trustees   Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made prior
       2021                       to the return of all year groups from Monday 8 March 2021
13.0   12 March 2021   Trustees   Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.

14.0   26 March 2021   Trustees   Following a review by Trustees, consultation with Local & Regional Public Health Teams and
                                  NHS Track and Trace, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
                                  Academy Operational Plans will be reviewed for the return after the Easter break to include
                                  the resumption of Music Peripatetic lessons – the Academy and Wakefield Music Service will
                                  apply bespoke music lesson risk assessments.
15.0   16 April 2021   Trustees   Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.

16.0   14 May 2021     Trustees   In advance of the changes to national restrictions on 17th May, the Trust conducted a full
                                  review of the Risk Assessment. No operational changes were made.

17.0   August 2021     Trustees  From 7 September 2021 a revised version of the risk assessment will be in operation
                                 alongside an Outbreak Management Plan.
18.0   5 November       Trustees Following a review by Trustees, no material changes to the risk assessment were made.
19.0   29 November      Trustees Following a review by Trustees, the risk assessment was updated with regard to adults
           2021                  wearing face coverings when moving around the academy.
20.0    27 January      Trustees Following updates to Government guidance, the following changes will come into effect from
           2022                  Thursday 27th January:
                                      -   Face coverings are no longer recommended for staff in communal areas.
                                      -   Face coverings will no longer be required for visitors to the academy.
                                      -   The re-introduction of face coverings for staff may be advised for a temporary period
                                          in response to particular localised outbreaks, including variants of concern.

Areas for concern      Risk rating                    Control measures                                In                 Further action/comments                       Residual
                            prior to                                                                   place?                                                             risk rating
                             action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                             (H/M/L)

1. Establishing a systematic process of full opening of primary academies, including infection control and social distancing

1.1 Organisation of ‘close contacts’ in full class groupings

                                         •   There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                             control measures set out in the latest government
                                         •   Each class remains within its designated
                                             room/space and predominantly stays within this
                                         •   Any facilities used by more than one class are
                                             cleaned and disinfected after use and before use by
                                             a new group.
                                         •   Schemes of work are reviewed to minimise the
                                             need for classes to use specialist facilities one after
                                             the other.
                                         •   Pupils observe hygiene guidance and wash hands
Unintended mixing                        •   Teachers moving between groups comply with
between classes will                         social distancing and hygiene guidance.                              •   Classroom, Social Spaces and timetable reviewed
increase the risk of the       H         •   Timetable and arrangements for each class avoid              Y           to ensure that each year group has defined spaces       L
virus spreading                              contact between discrete classes when moving
                                             outside their designated space (e.g. when moving to
                                             specialist rooms; at break times; on arrival or
                                         •   When two or more classes come together in a
                                             shared space (e.g. for an assembly) they are kept
                                             separate and social distancing guidance is
                                         •   When pupils are withdrawn for small group work
                                             (e.g. SEND pupils) social distancing guidelines are
                                             fully observed.
                                         •   Staggered arrival and leaving times; break times
                                             and lunch times
                                         •   Wraparound care starts from 7th Sept 2021 with
                                             specific year group arrangements detailed in the
                                             Operational Plan

1.2 Organisation of teaching spaces

Areas for concern          Risk rating                     Control measures                               In                   Further action/comments                         Residual
                                prior to                                                                   place?                                                                 risk rating
                                 action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                                 (H/M/L)

                                             •   Larger spaces and specialist classrooms are used
                                                 by one discrete class at a time.                                     •   Large spaces have been reviewed and repurposed
                                             •   Large and specialist spaces are cleaned and                              where required.
The use of shared spaces                         disinfected thoroughly before and after use.                         •   No large gatherings will be held virtual processes in
and specialist classrooms                    •   Large gatherings prohibited.                                             place as an alternative – e.g. assemblies.
                                   H                                                                          Y                                                                       L
increases the risk of                        •   When two or more classes come together in a                          •   Shared spaces such as the ICT suite and dining hall
infection between bubbles                        shared space (e.g. for an assembly) they are kept                        are on a strict rota basis with cleaning regimes in
                                                 separate and social distancing guidance is                               place.
                                             •   Design layout and arrangements are in place to
                                                 enable social distancing where possible.
1.3 Staffing
                                             •   There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                 control measures set out in the latest government
                                             •   The health status and availability of every member                   •   Sickness absence procedures are managed
                                                 of staff is known and is regularly updated so that                       through the HR team and documented in the
Due to COVID-19, the                             deployment can be planned.                                               operational manual.
number of staff who are                      •   Risk assessments are undertaken for staff who are                    •   Headteacher will continue to review staffing
available is lower than that       L             clinically vulnerable, clinically extremely vulnerable,      Y           numbers and make decisions relating to closures             L
required to teach classes                        or who have contextual factors related to age or                         with CEO in line with guidance and what can be
in Academy                                       ethnicity (Staff who are BAME, pregnant or aged                          safely achieved on site.
                                                 55+ may be susceptible to risk of poor outcomes                      •   Plan in place on how to train and support any
                                                 should they contract COVID-19).                                          supply agency staffing.
                                                 Dialogue is held with Professional
                                                 Associations/Trade Unions on the Academy’s
                                                 approach to staff returning to work.

1.4 The Academy day

Areas for concern        Risk rating                    Control measures                                In                   Further action/comments                        Residual
                              prior to                                                                   place?                                                                risk rating
                               action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                                (H/M/L)

                                           •   Start and departure times are staggered.
                                           •   The number of entrances and exits to be used is
                                           •   Different entrances/exits are used for different                     •   Parental communication outlines guidelines
                                               groups.                                                                  regarding the restricted access to site and
                                 H         •   Staff and pupils are briefed, and signage provided                       requirements relating to ‘drop offs/ pick ups.
The start and end of the
Academy day create risks                       to identify which entrances, exits and circulation                   •   Start and departure times are staggered by a
                                               routes to use.                                               Y           minimum of 5 minutes.                                      L
of contact between
discrete class bubbles                     •   A plan is in place for managing the movement of                      •   SLT are on site daily to support the movement of
                                               people on arrival to avoid groups of people                              children and adults.
                                           •   Floor markings are visible where it is necessary to
                                               manage any queuing.
                                           •   Attendance patterns have been optimised to ensure
                                               maximum safety.

1.5 Planning movement around the Academy

                                           •   Classes remain in their home bases for most of their
                                           •   Timetabling avoids more than one class group in
                                               circulation at any one time in the same part of the                  •   Floor markers are throughout internally and
                                               building.                                                                externally in any potential high traffic areas.
Movement around the                        •   Staff moving between class groups observe social                     •   Populations are staggered in terms of arrival and
Academy risks contact                          distancing and hygiene procedures at all times.                          departure for operational reasons.
                                 H                                                                          Y       •                                                              L
between discrete class                     •   Corridors are divided where feasible.                                    Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
group bubbles                              •   Appropriate signage is in place to clarify circulation                   own discretion in and around the Academy.
                                           •   Pinch points and bottle necks are identified and
                                               managed accordingly.
                                           •   Appropriate duty rota and levels of supervision are
                                               in place.

1.6 Curriculum organisation
Having missed up to 5                      •   The Academy develops and implements a
months’ learning, pupils                       comprehensive ‘recovery ’ plan which will identify                   •   Induction process to welcome pupils back to site.
will have fallen behind in       L             the learning gap for individual and groups of pupils         Y       •   Trust, Academy and Departmental reviews planned,           L
their progress during                          in terms of curriculum and knowledge and will put in                     monitoring and development of further action plan in
Academy closures and                           place plans to address this. This will include revising                  progress.

Areas for concern         Risk rating                    Control measures                               In                   Further action/comments                          Residual
                               prior to                                                                  place?                                                                  risk rating
                                action                                                                   (Yes/No)                                                                  (H/M/L)
achievement gaps will                           schemes of work, prioritising key elements of the                   •   Teaching and learning to be responsive to emerging
have widened                                    curriculum, additional planned intervention                             pupils’ needs.
                                            •   Gaps in learning will be assessed and addressed
                                                systematically in teachers’ planning.
                                            •   Home and remote learning will continue and will be
                                                calibrated to complement in-Academy learning and
                                                address gaps identified.

1.7 Staff workspaces

                                                                                                                    •   Wipes are available for all computer spaces for
                                                                                                                        regular wiping down.
                                                                                                                    •   Floor arrows are used to ensure the flow of staff
                                                                                                                        remains one directional where possible
                                            •   Staff rooms and offices have been reviewed and                      •   Staff will use their own cups; the dishwasher will not
Staff rooms and offices do                      appropriate configurations of furniture and                             be used.
not allow for observation                       workstations have been put in place to allow for                    •   Hand sanitiser available in all areas.
                                  H                                                                         Y                                                                        L
of social distancing                            social distancing.                                                  •   Signage to remind staff of social distancing and the
guidelines                                  •   Staff have been briefed on the use of these rooms,                      importance of hand hygiene all in place.
                                                which may need to be more limited than is normal.                   •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
                                                                                                                        own discretion in and around the Academy.
                                                                                                                    •   Shared resources such as photocopiers and
                                                                                                                        printers have hand wipes and sanitiser available for
                                                                                                                        use prior and post use.

1.8 Managing the Academy lifecycle

                                            •   A plan is in place for pastoral staff to speak with
                                                pupils and their parents about the next stage in their
                                                education and resolve any issues.
Pupils arriving to their                                                                                            •   A pupil induction will happen in the last week of
                                            •   Regular communications with the parents of                              summer term.
next phase in their
                                  L             incoming pupils are in place, including letters,            Y                                                                        L
education do not feel                                                                                               •   The youngest children will be accompanied to the
                                                newsletters and online broadcasts.
prepared for the transition                                                                                             door by a parent.
                                            •   Virtual tours of the Academy are available for
                                                                                                                    •   Reception and Nursery children will have a longer
                                                parents and pupils.
                                                                                                                        phased introduction with shorter times in the

Areas for concern          Risk rating                    Control measures                             In                   Further action/comments                        Residual
                                prior to                                                                place?                                                                risk rating
                                 action                                                                 (Yes/No)                                                                (H/M/L)
                                                                                                                       Vulnerable pupils will have a transition booklet and
                                                                                                                       be allowed to visit Academy with parents prior to
                                                                                                                       any pupils starting.

1.9 Governance and policy

                                             •   Online meetings are held regularly with
                                             •   Board of Trustees is involved in key decisions on
Trustees and Governors                                                                                             •   Trustees/Governors receive regular updates on
are not fully informed or                    •   Trustees and Governors are briefed regularly on the
                                                                                                                       the Academy and any parental communications
                                   L             latest government guidance and its implications for       Y                                                                      L
involved in making key                                                                                                 are shared with Governors.
                                                 the Academy.
                                             •   Individual academies to ensure that this risk
                                                 assessment is signed off by CEO and Trustees, any
                                                 decisions outside of this risk assessment are
                                                 discussed to be approved at Trust level where there
                                                 is a potential impact on risk.

1.10 Communication strategy
                                                                                                                   •   Letter to parents mid-August
                                             •   Communications strategies for the following groups
                                                                                                                   •   Pupils to be inducted during week beginning 19th
                                                 are in place:
                                                      o    Staff
                                                                                                                   •   Staff to be inducted week beginning 6 th September.
Key stakeholders are not                              o    Pupils
                                                      o    Parents                                                 •   Operational plan and risk assessment to be shared
fully informed about the
                                   M                  o    Governors/Trustees                           Ongoing        with AEC.                                                  L
plans for reopening and
their implications                                    o    Local authority
                                                      o    Regional Academies Commissioner
                                                      o    Professional associations
                                                      o    Other partners

An unforeseen lockdown                       • Contingency plans are in place, including
situation prevents effective                   arrangements for home/remote learning, pastoral                     •   Operational plan details summary procedures
communication with                             care and safeguarding.                                              •   Trust wide documentation in place and reviewed on
pupils, parents and staff
                                   M         • A communication strategy for pupils, parents and staff      Y           a regular basis to ensure up to date to be used            L
regarding contingency                          in the event of an unforeseen lockdown is in place,                     if/when required
arrangements                                   building on the experience of the Academy closure

Areas for concern          Risk rating                     Control measures                               In                   Further action/comments                         Residual
                                prior to                                                                   place?                                                                 risk rating
                                 action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                                 (H/M/L)
                                             •   Contact records for pupils, parents and staff are
                                                 kept up to date.

1.11 Pupil attendance
                                                                                                                      •   Registers on Bromcom show the updated pupil
                                                                                                                      •   First response call processes are in place. Staff are
                                                                                                                          trained in the reporting mechanism to the DFE,
                                                                                                                          PHE, LA and Trust as required.
                                                                                                                      •   Re-integration plans are developed for those who
Pupil attendance is lower                    •   Communications with parents reassure them about                          are reluctant to attend due to anxiety or those who
than expected due to                             the safety of full reopening under the latest                            are likely to be PA on return.
parental concerns about            H             government guidance.                                         Y       •   Parental communication stipulates the need to               L
pupils’ safety from                          •   Dialogue is held with parents who have concerns.                         contact the Academy in the event of absence and
infection                                                                                                                 provide information of reason for absence.
                                                                                                                      •   Weekly/regular review of attendance is in place to
                                                                                                                          inform further DSL actions.
                                                                                                                      •   Risk assessment in place for vulnerable pupils’

1.12 Staff induction and CPD
                                             •   A revised operational plan is issued to all staff prior
                                                 to reopening.
                                             •   Induction and CPD programmes are in operation for
                                                 all staff prior to reopening, and include:
                                             •   The 9 PHE system control measures set out in the
Staff are not trained in new                     latest government guidance
procedures, leading to             H         •   Organisational arrangements                                  Y       •   Full Staff Induction and CPD plan in place for staff        L
risks to health                              •   Infection control                                                        induction week commencing 6 Sept 2021
                                             •   Fire safety and evacuation procedures
                                             •   Constructive behaviour management
                                             •   Safeguarding
                                             •   Risk management

Areas for concern         Risk rating                      Control measures                             In                   Further action/comments                        Residual
                              prior to                                                                  place?                                                                risk rating
                               action                                                                   (Yes/No)                                                                (H/M/L)

                                           •     Induction programmes are in place for all new staff
New staff are not aware of                       – either online or in-Academy – prior to them
policies and procedures                          starting.                                                         •   Full Staff Induction and CPD plan in place for staff
                                 H                                                                         Y                                                                      L
prior to starting at the                       Revised documentation is issued to all new staff prior                  induction week commencing 6 Sept 2021
Academy when it reopens                        to them starting.

1.13 Access to Academy meals

                                                                                                                   •   Pupils have access to drinking water from
Academies do not provide                   •    How pupils access drinking water free of charge has
                                                                                                                       classrooms and are supervised to fill up own water
access to drinking water                        been considered                                                                                                                   L
free of charge
                                                                                                                   •   Water available at lunchtimes

1.14 Risk assessments

                                           •    Risk assessments are updated or undertaken
                                                before the Academy reopens and mitigation                          •   Pupils and staff are regularly reminded of social
                                                strategies are put in place and communicated to                        distancing and hand hygiene processes when on
Risks are not                                   staff covering:                                                        site.
comprehensively assessed                   •    Different areas of the Academy                                     •   Health and safety wardens are in place and fully
in every area of the                       •    When pupils enter and leave Academy                                    trained.
Academy in light of COVID-       H                                                                                 •                                                              L
                                           •    During movement around Academy                                         Duty rota identifies and mitigates risk at pinch
19, leading to breaches of                                                                                             points.
social distancing and                      •    During break and lunch times
                                           •    Delivering aspects of the curriculum, especially for               •   Staff induction and regular email communication
hygiene guidance.                                                                                                      from the Headteacher will reinforce and address all
                                                practical subjects and where shared equipment is
                                                                                                                       risks and how to mitigate them.
                                                                                                                   •   Risk assessments will be published on Academy
                                           •    Academy trips and visits
                                                                                                                       websites by Friday 3 September

1.15 Academy transport

Areas for concern           Risk rating                    Control measures                              In                   Further action/comments                      Residual
                                 prior to                                                                 place?                                                              risk rating
                                  action                                                                  (Yes/No)                                                              (H/M/L)
                                              •   The details of how pupils will travel to and from
                                                                                                                     •   Parental communications stipulate designated
Changes to public                                 Academy are known prior to opening.
                                                                                                                         arrival time.
transport schedules as a                      •   Effective liaison with bus companies is used as a
                                                                                                                     •   Parental communications stipulate the transport
result of COVID-19                                basis for planning staggered start and departure
                                                                                                                         arrangements need to be safe and in line with
adversely affect pupils’                          times (if required).
                                    M                                                                        Y           government guidance.                                    LO
attendance and punctuality                    •   Academy will work with individual families to
and do not align with                                                                                                •   Attendance will be monitored daily to review the
                                                  manage attendance/punctuality expectations in light
staggered start and                                                                                                      uptake of the provision and steps will be taken to
                                                  of limitations.
departure times                                                                                                          encourage this further.
                                                  EWO is aware of and working with families who are
                                                  having difficulties in managing attendance.

1.16 Responding to cases of COVID-19 and local lockdowns
                                              •   There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                  control measures set out in the latest government
                                              •   Classes are kept discrete at all times.
                                              •   The local health protection team is contacted
                                                  immediately for advice.
The Academy is unsure                                                                                                •   Operational plan details summary procedures
                                              •   The Academy engages swiftly with NHS Test and
how to respond when there                                                                                            •   Trust wide documentation in place and reviewed on
are suspected or                    H             Trace if cases are suspected.                              Y                                                                    L
                                                                                                                         a regular basis to ensure up to date to be used
confirmed cases of COVID-                     •   Appropriate action is taken once advised by the                        if/when required
19 amongst pupils or staff                        local health protection team – this may mean that
                                                  classes and some staff who have been in close
                                                  contact with the person concerned may have to self-
                                                  isolate for 10 days.
                                              •   Arrangements are in place for home and remote
                                                  learning for pupils who are required to self-isolate.

                                              •   There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                  control measures set out in the latest government
                                                  guidance.                                                          •   The Academy will refer to the Outbreak
The Academy is                                •   A contingency plan is in place should a local                          Management Plan as required.
unprepared for a Tier 1                           lockdown be announced and staff are briefed on its                 •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
local lockdown should the           H             contents.                                                  Y           own discretion in and around the Academy.                L
rate of infection rise in the                 •   There is regular liaison with the local health
area                                              protection team.
                                              •   Systems put in place during the Academy closure
                                                  period (e.g. home/online learning, pastoral systems,
                                                  safeguarding systems) are ready to be reactivated.

Areas for concern           Risk rating                      Control measures                             In                  Further action/comments                   Residual
                                 prior to                                                                  place?                                                          risk rating
                                  action                                                                   (Yes/No)                                                          (H/M/L)
                                              •     Lessons learnt during the Academy closure period
                                                    are applied to the contingency plan.

                                              •     There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                    control measures set out in the latest government
                                              •     A contingency plan is in place should a local                     •   The Academy will refer to the Outbreak
                                                    lockdown be announced and staff are briefed on its                    Management Plan as required.
The Academy is
                                                    contents.                                                         •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
unprepared for a Tier 2
local lockdown should the           H         •     There is regular liaison with the local health            Y           own discretion in and around the Academy.            L
rate of infection rise in the                       protection team.
area                                          •     Systems put in place during the Academy closure
                                                    period (e.g. home/online learning, pastoral systems,
                                                    safeguarding systems) are ready to be reactivated.
                                              •   Lessons learnt during the Academy closure period are
                                                  applied to the contingency plan.

                                              •     There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                    control measures set out in the latest government
                                                    guidance.                                                         •   The Academy will refer to the Outbreak
                                              •     A contingency plan is in place should a local                         Management Plan as required.
The Academy is                                      lockdown be announced and staff are briefed on its
                                                    contents.                                                         •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
unprepared for a Tier 3
                                              •     There is regular liaison with the local health                        own discretion in and around the Academy.
local lockdown should the           H                                                                         Y                                                                L
rate of infection rise in the                       protection team.
area                                          •     Systems put in place during the Academy closure
                                                    period (e.g. home/online learning, pastoral systems,
                                                    safeguarding systems) are ready to be reactivated.
                                              •      Lessons learnt during the Academy closure period
                                                    are applied to the contingency plan.

Areas for concern           Risk rating                    Control measures                             In                   Further action/comments                          Residual
                                 prior to                                                                place?                                                                  risk rating
                                  action                                                                 (Yes/No)                                                                  (H/M/L)
                                              •   There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                  control measures set out in the latest government
                                                  guidance.                                                         •   The Academy will refer to the Outbreak
                                              •   A contingency plan is in place should a local                         Management Plan as required.
The Academy is                                    lockdown be announced and staff are briefed on its
unprepared for a Tier 4                           contents.                                                         •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
local lockdown should the           H         •   There is regular liaison with the local health                        own discretion in and around the Academy.                    L
rate of infection rise in the                     protection team.
area                                          •   Systems put in place during the Academy closure
                                                  period (e.g. home/online learning, pastoral systems,
                                                  safeguarding systems) are ready to be reactivated.
                                              •   Lessons learnt during the Academy closure period
                                                  are applied to the contingency plan.

                                              •   There is full compliance with the 9 PHE system
                                                  control measures set out in the latest government
                                              •   A contingency plan is in place should a local
                                                                                                                    •   The Academy will act in line with government
                                                  lockdown be announced and staff are briefed on its
Educational provision                                                                                                   guidance as it is issued regarding a potential
must still be maintained for
                                    M         •   There is regular liaison with the local health                                                                                     L
priority children if the                          protection team.                                                  •   The implementation of emergency care can be
Academy closes                                •   Systems put in place during the Academy closure                       reinstated in line with partial re-opening plans
                                                  period (e.g. home/online learning, pastoral systems,                  should this be required.
                                                  safeguarding systems) are ready to be reactivated.
                                              •    Lessons learnt during the Academy closure period
                                                  are applied to the contingency plan.

                                                                                                                    •   Home learning policy has been revised to include a
                                                                                                                        section on remote learning.
                                                                                                                    •   All staff are trained in remote learning procedures in
Remote learning provision
                                                                                                                        the event of closure through CPD WC 7 September.
MUST be in place if the             M         •                                                                                                                                      L
Academy closes                                                                                                      •   Teams continue to be developed to offer the best
                                                                                                                        remote learning package possible.
                                                                                                                    •   Paper packs are able to be produced to support
                                                                                                                        pupils as required

2. Investing in health and safety arrangements and safety equipment to limit the spread of COVID-19
2.1 Public Health England system control measures

Areas for concern       Risk rating                     Control measures                               In                  Further action/comments                        Residual
                            prior to                                                                   place?                                                               risk rating
                             action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                               (H/M/L)
                                         •   Current government guidance is being applied, and
                                             specifically the 9 PHE system of control measures
                                             set out in the latest government guidance are in
                                             place as follows:

                                         1. Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell
                                            by ensuring that those who have coronavirus
                                            (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in
                                            their household who does, do not attend Academy

                                         The information below is included in the Academy’s
                                         reopening plan. This information is issued at staff and
                                         pupil briefings and in letters home to parents:
                                         •    Anyone with symptoms must remain at home and
                                              self-isolate for 10 days from testing positive. Anyone
                                              in their household needs to self-isolate for 10 days
                                              (including siblings).
                                         •    Any pupil or staff member needs to go home
                                              immediately if they have symptoms. They should
Lack of a comprehensive                       take a PCR test as soon as possible.                                •   All the information provided in the 9 PHE systems
plan to implement PHE                    •    A child with symptoms awaiting collection needs to                      of control has been taken into consideration when
                               H              be isolated and kept at a distance of 2m from the           Y                                                                     L
system control measures                                                                                               formulating risk assessments and operational plans.
increases the risk of                         supervising staff member, ideally in a well-ventilated
infection in the Academy                      place. PPE is required if this distance cannot be
                                              maintained or there is a risk of contaminated bodily
                                         •    If the child uses the bathroom, it must be thoroughly
                                              disinfected before use by anyone else.
                                         •    Everyone must wash their hands thoroughly for 20
                                              seconds with soap and running water or use hand
                                              sanitiser after any contact with someone who is
                                              unwell. The area around the person with symptoms
                                              must be cleaned with disinfectant after they have
                                              left to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to
                                              other people.
                                         •    Routinely taking the temperature of pupils is not
                                              recommended by Public Health England as this is
                                              an unreliable method for identifying coronavirus
                                         •    Staff will routinely take a lateral flow test twice a

Areas for concern   Risk rating                     Control measures                               In      Further action/comments    Residual
                     prior to                                                                   place?                               risk rating
                      action                                                                    (Yes/No)                               (H/M/L)
                                  In addition:

                                  •    Staff are reminded that they have received training
                                       on infection control that gives them a good
                                       understanding of how the spread of coronavirus
                                       occurs and can be mitigated.
                                  •    Infection control training is arranged for new staff.

                                  2. Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual
                                  •    Handwashing / sanitising is scheduled into the
                                       Academy day. It takes place as a minimum: when
                                       pupils, staff or visitors enter the Academy; at break;
                                       before and after lunch; before leaving Academy;
                                       whenever the toilet is used.
                                  •    It is defined which classes are using which toilets
                                       and sinks.
                                  •    .
                                  •    Checks are scheduled during the day on stocks of
                                       hand sanitiser, soap and paper towels. Steps are
                                       taken to ensure that there is sufficient supply in

                                  3. Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting
                                     the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
                                  •    Posters are downloaded/made/bought that remind
                                       pupils and staff about the approach and the
                                       importance of handwashing and are displayed
                                       around the Academy, particularly by washbasins/
                                       toilets and at entry/exit points.
                                  •    The location of bins around the Academy is
                                       checked on, and more are ordered if necessary.
                                  •    A schedule for bins to be emptied / disinfected is in
                                       place and is adhered to.
                                  •    Pupils using public transport are reminded of the
                                       need to wear face coverings/masks.
                                  •    A stock of masks is maintained and made available
                                       for staff who can’t socially distance (for use if they
                                       are required to provide first aid / intimate care to
                                       pupils with COVID-19 symptoms) and for pupils who
                                       do not have a mask for use on public transport.

Areas for concern   Risk rating                     Control measures                               In      Further action/comments    Residual
                     prior to                                                                   place?                               risk rating
                      action                                                                    (Yes/No)                               (H/M/L)
                                  4. Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning
                                     frequently touched surfaces often, using standard
                                     products such as detergents and bleach
                                  •    The Academy’s office manager ensures delivery of
                                       the induction package to cleaning staff, so they fully
                                       understand their role in preventing the spread of
                                  •    The cleaning schedule is reviewed and if necessary
                                       additional staff hours are provided to ensure that
                                       DfE listed criteria are met.
                                  •    Stock checks and stock control are maintained

                                  5. Minimise contact between individuals and
                                     maintain social distancing wherever possible
                                  •   Staff are kept consistent with each class as far as
                                  •   In class, furniture is arranged so that children are
                                      facing forwards and sitting side by Key Stage
                                  •   Any furniture that is surplus to requirements is
                                  •   As far as possible, children are taught not to touch
                                      each other or staff. This will involve re-learning
                                      about play time.
                                  •   No more than 3-year group ever occupies a shared
                                      space (hall, dining room etc.) at one time. A 2m
                                      distance between the classes is maintained when 2
                                      or 3 classes (from the same year group) are
                                      together in the same space.
                                  •   Staggered start and finish times, staggered break
                                      times and staggered lunch times are implemented.
                                  •   Children are taught in age appropriate ways about
                                      coronavirus, how it is spread and how they can play
                                      their part in keeping everyone safe.
                                  •   For each group, basic equipment (such as pen/
                                      pencil/ eraser/ ruler) that pupils routinely need is
                                      collated and kept in table pots
                                  •   Resources are boxed, including library books, that
                                      are needed for particular classes, to avoid pupils
                                      using shared areas such as the Academy library.

Areas for concern   Risk rating                     Control measures                              In      Further action/comments    Residual
                     prior to                                                                  place?                               risk rating
                      action                                                                   (Yes/No)                               (H/M/L)
                                  6. Where necessary, wear appropriate personal
                                     protective equipment (PPE)
                                  •    The Academy continues to maintain and monitor
                                       stocks of PPE and has access to supplier lists.
                                  •    Staff are supplied with PPE when supervising a
                                       pupil who has symptoms of COVID-19 (if 2m social
                                       distancing cannot be ensured) and for the provision
                                       of routine intimate care to pupils that involves the
                                       use of PPE.
                                  •    Gloves and aprons are provided for cleaning staff.
                                  •    Face masks are worn by staff when cleaning visible
                                       bodily fluids from suspected COVID-19 case.
                                  •    Stocks of PPE are regularly monitored and

                                  7. Engage with the NHS Test and Trace process
                                  •   Academy leaders understand the complexity of the
                                      arrangements for testing and self-isolation and
                                      ensure that staff and parents are fully aware of
                                      them. Special advice sheets are prepared in the
                                      event that a child is sent home with symptoms, for
                                      the parents of that child and other members of the
                                  •   Staff induction for return to Academy includes
                                      information about the NHS Test and Trace process.

                                  8. Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-
                                     19) amongst the Academy community
                                  •    The contact details for local Public Health England
                                       team and local authority health and safety team are
                                       readily to hand.
                                  •    A clear process is in place for notifying the local
                                       health protection team and the local authority of any
                                       cases that test positive.
                                  •    A spreadsheet is maintained to record all staff and
                                       pupils who are self-isolating who have tested
                                       positive. These spreadsheets are kept up to date.
                                  •    Use is made of any template letters provided by
                                       Public Health England / local authority as directed

Areas for concern         Risk rating                    Control measures                             In                  Further action/comments                        Residual
                               prior to                                                                place?                                                               risk rating
                                action                                                                 (Yes/No)                                                               (H/M/L)
                                            9. Contain any outbreak by following local health
                                               protection team advice
                                            •    Advice provided by the local health protection team
                                                 is acted on immediately.
                                            •    Good working relationships are established and
                                                 maintained enabling rapid communication with local
                                                 authorities and local Public Health England.

2.2 Cleaning

                                            •   A return-to-work plan for cleaning staff (including               •   A full deep clean of the Academy areas to be in use
                                                any deep cleans) is agreed with contracting                           will be completed before September
Cleaning capacity is                            agencies prior to opening.                                        •   Cleaning rotas are in place for each stage of
reduced so that an initial                                                                                            reopening and identify heavy use areas for
                                            •   An enhanced cleaning plan is agreed and
deep-clean and ongoing                                                                                                additional cleaning throughout the day and at the
cleaning of surfaces are          H             implemented which minimises the spread of                             end of the day.                                           L
not undertaken to the                           infection.                                                        •   Appropriate anti viricidal sprays have been
standards required                          •   Working hours for cleaning staff are increased.                       purchased and support the deep clean process.
                                                                                                                  •   Excess furniture and resources have been removed
                                                                                                                      from all used spaces to aid deep clean processes.

2.3 Hygiene and handwashing

                                            •   An audit of handwashing facilities and sanitiser
                                                                                                                  •   The Academy currently holds two weeks’ stock of
Inadequate supplies of                          dispensers is undertaken before the Academy
                                                                                                                      hand sanitiser and liquid soap.
soap and hand sanitiser                         reopens and additional supplies are purchased if
                                                                                                                  •   Resources are closely monitored and stocks
mean that pupils and staff        H             necessary.                                                Y                                                                     L
                                                                                                                      reordered well in advance.
do not wash their hands                     •   Monitoring arrangements are in place to ensure that
with sufficient frequency                                                                                         •   Paper towels are ordered and waste bins provided
                                                supplies of soap, hand towels and sanitiser are
                                                                                                                      in toilets.
                                                maintained throughout the day.

                                            •   Staff training includes the need to remind pupils of              •   Signage around site stipulate the importance of
                                                the need to wash their hands regularly and                            good hand hygiene.
Pupils forget to wash their                     frequently.                                                       •   Hand sanitisers are in each classroom to be used
hands regularly and               H         •   Posters reinforce the need to wash hands regularly        Y           on entry.                                                 L
frequently                                      and frequently.                                                   •   Hand sanitiser stations are ordered and will be in
                                            •   Academy leaders monitor the extent to which                           place in entry and exit points.
                                                handwashing is taking place on a regular and
                                                frequent basis.

Areas for concern          Risk rating                     Control measures                               In                   Further action/comments                        Residual
                               prior to                                                                   place?                                                                risk rating
                                action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                                (H/M/L)
                                            •   Handwashing takes place on entry to Academy,
                                                prior to departure and at set times throughout the
                                                day, before and after eating, after
                                                coughing/sneezing, for emergency care provision.
                                            •   Hand sanitiser is provided in locations where hand
                                                washing facilities are not readily available.

2.4 Testing and managing symptoms

                                            •   Guidance on engaging with the NHS Test and
                                                Trace process has been explained to staff as part of
                                            •   Staff, parents and pupils are clear that they should
                                                book a test if they are displaying symptoms.
                                            •   Staff, parents and pupils are clear that they should
NHS Test and Trace is not                       provide details of anyone they have been in close
                                                                                                                     •   Trust Guidance available for staff and pupils and is
used effectively to help                        contact with if they were to test positive for
                                                                                                                         updated and reissued as required should testing
manage infection control                        coronavirus (COVID-19) or if asked by NHS Test &
                                  H                                                                          Y           guidance change.                                           L
amongst pupils and staff,                       Trace.
                                                                                                                     •   Testing process managed through Director of HR
maximise staffing levels                    •   Staff, parents and pupils are clear that they should
                                                                                                                         and Director of Operations.
and support staff wellbeing                     self-isolate if they have been in close contact with
                                                someone who develops coronavirus (COVID-19)
                                                symptoms or someone who tests positive for
                                                coronavirus (COVID-19).
                                            •   Post-testing support is available for staff through the
                                                HR and line managers

                                            •   Robust collection and monitoring of absence data,
                                                including tracking return to Academy dates, is in
Infection transmission                      •   Procedures are in place to deal with any pupil or
within Academy due to                           staff displaying symptoms at Academy. This                           •   HR to provide guidance to Heads and staff on
staff/pupils (or members of                     includes the use of testing for both staff and pupils                    absence reporting, recording and management.
                                  H                                                                          Y                                                                      L
their household)                                and appropriate action, in line with government                      •   Trust communication to be updated and re-sent to
displaying symptoms                             guidance, should the tests prove positive or                             all parents/carers and staff.
                                            •   Pupils, parents and staff are aware of what steps to
                                                take if they, or any member of their household,
                                                displays symptoms. This includes an understanding

Areas for concern          Risk rating                    Control measures                               In                   Further action/comments                           Residual
                                prior to                                                                  place?                                                                   risk rating
                                 action                                                                   (Yes/No)                                                                   (H/M/L)
                                                 of the definitions and mitigating actions to take in
                                                 relation to the terms clinically vulnerable and
                                                 clinically extremely vulnerable should these
                                             •   A record of any COVID-19 symptoms in staff or
                                                 pupils is reported to the Trust using the reporting
                                                 spreadsheet in the Accord Operations SharePoint

                                             •   Staff, pupils and parents have received clear
                                                 communications informing them of current
Staff, pupils and parents
                                                 government guidance on the actions to take should
are not aware of the
                                                 anyone display symptoms of COVID-19 and how
Academy’s procedures
                                                 this will be implemented in the Academy.                            •   Trust communication to be updated and re-sent to
(including on self-isolation       H                                                                         Y                                                                         L
                                             •   This guidance has been explained to staff and                           all parents/carers and staff.
and testing) should anyone
                                                 pupils as part of the induction process.
display symptoms of
COVID-19                                     •   Any updates or changes to this guidance are
                                                 communicated in a timely and effective way to all

                                             •   Staff, pupils and parents have received clear
                                                 communications informing them of current                            •   As part of induction staff are reminded of symptoms
Staff, pupils and parents                        government guidance on confirmed cases of                               and actions to take if they suspect a student/staff
are not aware of the                             COVID-19 and how this will be implemented in the                        member is experiencing those symptoms.
Academy’s procedures                             Academy.                                                            •   Trust communication to be updated and re-sent to
                                   H                                                                         Y                                                                         L
should there be a                            •   This guidance has been explained to staff and                           all parents/carers and staff.
confirmed case of COVID-                         pupils as part of the induction process.                            •   SLT is aware of the process and action to be taken
19 in the Academy                            •   Any updates or changes to this guidance are                             regarding a suspected case and the reporting to
                                                 communicated in a timely and effective way to all                       relevant bodies.

2.5 First Aid/Designated Safeguarding Leads
The lack of availability of
designated First Aiders                      •   A programme for training additional staff is in place.              •   First aiders are identified and are part of the on-site
and Designated                     H         •   Collaborative arrangements for supporting staff in          Y           timetable                                                     L
Safeguarding Leads puts                          other academies in the Trust have been agreed.                      •   Induction process includes specific COVID 19 first
children’s safety at risk                                                                                                aid training.

Areas for concern           Risk rating                    Control measures                              In                   Further action/comments                           Residual
                                 prior to                                                                 place?                                                                   risk rating
                                  action                                                                  (Yes/No)                                                                   (H/M/L)
                                                                                                                     •   DSL on site.

2.6 Medical rooms

                                              •   Social distancing provisions are in place for medical
                                                  rooms.                                                             •   Medical room is relocated to provide external
Medical rooms are not                                                                                                    outdoor access. It is situated in the rainbow room
adequately equipped or                        •   Additional rooms are designated for pupils with
                                                  suspected COVID-19 whilst collection is arranged.                  •   PPE is provided for first aid staff and situated in the
configured to maintain                                                                                                   medical room.
                                    H         •   Procedures are in place for medical rooms to be            Y                                                                         L
infection control or there is
                                                  cleaned after suspected COVID-19 cases, along                      •   Isolation space is designated as the rainbow room.
not a dedicated medical
                                                  with other affected areas, including toilets.                          First aid staff are trained in wearing and safe
room in Academy
                                                                                                                         removal of PPE
                                              •   Appropriate PPE is available within the medical

2.7 Communication with parents

                                              •   As part of the overall communications strategy                     •   Parents are informed regarding the safe opening of
Parents and carers are not                                                                                               the Academy via letters
                                                  referenced in 1.11, parents are kept up to date with
fully informed of the health                                                                                         •   Website updated to reflect changes in place.
                                                  information, guidance and the Academy’s
and safety requirements             H                                                                        Y                                                                         L
                                                  expectations on a regular basis using a range of
for the reopening of the
Academy                                           communication tools.
                                              •   A COVID-19 section on the Trust website is created
                                                  and updated.

Parents and carers may                        •   Key messages in line with government guidance are                  •   Parental communications and FAQs are reissued in
not fully understand their                        reinforced on a regular basis via all communication                    September. They identify and stipulate parental
responsibilities should a           H             channels.                                                  Y           responsibilities in relation to COVID19.                      L
child show symptoms of                                                                                               •   SLT to provide targeted support to parents and
COVID-19                                                                                                                 record on CPOMs
Parents and carers are not
                                              •   As part of the communications strategy the
fully informed on the
                                    H             Academy closure procedures have been                       Y       •   Standard closure letter available for use                     L
Academy closure
                                                  communicated to Parents

2.8 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Areas for concern         Risk rating                    Control measures                               In                  Further action/comments                         Residual
                              prior to                                                                  place?                                                                risk rating
                               action                                                                   (Yes/No)                                                                (H/M/L)

                                           •   Government guidance on wearing PPE is
                                               understood, communicated and sufficient PPE has                     •   PPE equipment is in stock.
                                               been procured.                                                      •   Staff to have raised awareness with HR if they
                                                                                                                       believe they should wear PPE on site – to date no
                                           •   Those staff required to wear PPE (e.g. SEND
                                                                                                                       one has raised this so PPE will not be in use.
Provision of PPE for staff                     intimate care; receiving/handling deliveries; cleaning
where required is not in                                                                                           •   Face masks are in stock to issue to staff who forget
                                 H             staff) have been instructed on how to put on and            Y           to bring these to site.                                    L
line with government
                                               how to remove PPE carefully to reduce
                                               contamination and also how to dispose of them
                                           •   Staff are reminded that wearing of gloves is not a
                                               substitute for good handwashing.

3. Adopting the new organisational model of discrete class group ‘bubbles’

3.1 Shared spaces

                                           •   .
                                           •   Classes are kept at least 2 metres apart if
The use of shared spaces
                                               occupying the same shared space.                                    •   Some arrangements to restrict mixing of year
(e.g. hall, dining room)
                                 M         •   Shared spaces are cleaned after use.                        Y           groups may remain for ease of Academy operations           L
risks different classes
mixing                                     •   Wraparound care starts from 7th September                               e.g. lunch times
                                               2021with specific arrangements detailed in the
                                               Operational Plan

3.2 Movement in corridors

Areas for concern       Risk rating                    Control measures                            In                  Further action/comments                        Residual
                            prior to                                                               place?                                                               risk rating
                             action                                                                (Yes/No)                                                               (H/M/L)

                                                                                                              •   Circulation for each cohort is determined with
                                         •   Classes arrangements are in place                                    staggered start times to support the need for no
                                         •   The use of shared learning spaces is timetabled to                   populations to mix.
                                             avoid different classes coming in to contact with                •   Duty rotas identify pinch points and times and are
The discrete class group                     each other.                                                          appropriately staffed by health and safety wardens.
arrangements are                         •   Corridors are divided where feasible.                                Start and ends to the day are staggered for each
                               H         •   Circulation routes are clearly marked with               Y                                                                     L
breached when pupils                                                                                              cohort by a minimum of 10 minutes per cohort.
circulate in corridors                       appropriate signage                                              •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
                                         •   Any pinch points/bottle necks are identified and                     own discretion in and around the Academy.
                                             managed accordingly.
                                         •   Appropriate supervision levels are in place.

3.3 Break times

                                         •   Break times are staggered.
                                                                                                              •   Separate spaces have been identified for each year
                                         •   External areas are designated for different groups.
Class groups may mix at                                                                                           group
                               H         •   Appropriate signage is in place around the               Y                                                                     L
break times                                                                                                   •   Enhanced duty rota in place
                                             Academy and in key areas.
                                         •   Supervision levels have been enhanced.

3.4 Lunch times
                                         •   Lunch times are staggered.
                                         •   Pupils are reminded about staying in their assigned
                                             classes as lunch times begin.
                                         •   Pupils wash their hands before and after eating.
                                         •   Dining areas are cleaned before and after each                   •   Separate spaces have been identified for each year
                                             class group has used them.                                           group
Class groups may mix at
                               H         •   Tables and chairs have been cordoned off where           Y
                                                                                                              •   Enhanced supervision rota in place.
lunch times                                  necessary.                                                       •   Revised catering service in place, with use of
                                         •   Floor markings are used to manage queues and                         classrooms and dining hall as required.
                                             enable social distancing.                                        •   All payments made via cashless system.

                                         •   Additional arrangements are in place, such as
                                             staggering lunch times.
                                         •   Pupils eat lunch with others in their class

Areas for concern      Risk rating                    Control measures                              In                   Further action/comments                       Residual
                            prior to                                                                 place?                                                               risk rating
                             action                                                                  (Yes/No)                                                               (H/M/L)
                                         •   Guidance has been issued to parents and pupils on
                                             packed lunches
                                         •   Children will sit at an allocated table for lunch.

3.5 Toilets

                                         •   .
                                         •   Floor markings are in place to enable social
                                         •   Pupils know that they can only use the toilet one at
                                             a time.
Queues for toilets and
                                         •   Pupils are encouraged to access the toilet during
handwashing risk non-
                                             class/throughout the day to help avoid queues. This
compliance with social
                                             can be achieved by pupils from a specified class                   •   Full details of toilets and handwashing detailed in
distancing measures            H                                                                        Y                                                                     L
                                             visiting the toilets at set times.                                     the operational plan.
between pupils from
                                         •   The toilets are cleaned frequently.
different discrete class
group ‘bubbles’                          •   Monitoring ensures a constant supply of soap and
                                             paper towels.
                                         •   Bins are emptied regularly.
                                         •   Pupils are reminded regularly on how to wash
                                             hands and young children are supervised in doing

3.6 Medical Rooms

                                         •   Social distancing provisions are in place for medical
The configuration of                     •   Additional rooms are designated for pupils with
medical rooms may                            suspected COVID-19 whilst collection is arranged.
                               H         •   Procedures are in place for medical rooms to be            Y       •   Specific Isolation room identified (rainbow room)         L
compromise social
distancing measures                          cleaned after suspected COVID-19 cases, along
                                             with other affected areas, including toilets.

3.7 Reception area

Areas for concern          Risk rating                     Control measures                               In                   Further action/comments                           Residual
                               prior to                                                                   place?                                                                   risk rating
                                action                                                                    (Yes/No)                                                                   (H/M/L)

                                                                                                                     •   Signage provides clarity for visitors not to attend
                                            •   Social distancing points are clearly set out, using                      site without prior permission/appointment
                                                floor markings, continuing outside where necessary.                  •   Means of communication will be via enquiries email
                                            •   Social distancing guidance is clearly displayed to                       only.
Groups of people gather in
                                                protect Reception staff (e.g. distance from person                   •   Onsite AEC/Trust meetings may be reintroduced
Reception (parents,
                                                stood at Reception desk).                                                and, in some cases, may be undertaken remotely
visitors, deliveries) which       H                                                                          Y                                                                         L
                                            •   Non-essential deliveries and visitors to Academy                         where it is more efficient to do so.
risks breaching social
                                                are minimised.                                                       •   Anyone may choose to wear a face mask at their
distancing guidelines
                                            •   Parents/Carers are encouraged to use an                                  own discretion in and around the Academy.
                                                appointment system to stagger visitors to Academy.
                                            •   Arrangements are in place for segregation of

3.8 Arrival and departure from Academy

                                            •   Start and finish times are staggered for each                        •   Signage at on site stipulates that people should not
                                                discrete class.                                                          congregate or wait for others.
Pupils and parents                                                                                                   •
                                            •   The use of available entrances and exits is                              Use social media once open to stipulate and
congregate at exits and                                                                                                  reinforce the message.
entrances, making social                                                                                             •
                                            •   Social distancing guidelines are reinforced at                           Identified on duty rota as a potential risk and staffed
distancing measures                                                                                                      accordingly.
                                  H             entrances and exits through signage and                      Y                                                                         L
difficult to apply and
                                                floor/ground markings, including external drop-off                   •   Parental communications stipulate that
risking pupils from
                                                and pick-up points.                                                      parents/carers must not exit their vehicle at drop
different year groups
mixing                                      •   Weekly messages to parents stress the need for                           off/pick up time to wait for pupils.
                                                social distancing at arrival and departure times.                    •   Staggered times should alleviate the congregation
                                                                                                                         of groups on the pavement outside Academy.

3.9 Staff areas
                                                                                                                     •   Wipes are available for all computer spaces for
                                            •   Reconfiguration of staff rooms and offices has been                      regular wiping down.
The configuration of staff
                                                undertaken prior to the Academy opening to allow                     •   Floor arrows are used to ensure the flow of staff
rooms and offices makes
                                                for social distancing between staff.                                     remains one directional.
compliance with social            H                                                                          Y                                                                         L
                                            •   Staff are briefed about the limitations to use of staff              •   Markers are used to indicate coffee machine use
distancing measures
                                                rooms.                                                                   and wipes are used by each staff member between
                                                                                                                     •   Hand sanitiser available in all areas.

Areas for concern         Risk rating                    Control measures                              In                   Further action/comments                        Residual
                              prior to                                                                 place?                                                                risk rating
                               action                                                                  (Yes/No)                                                                (H/M/L)
                                                                                                                      Signage to remind staff and students of social
                                                                                                                      distancing the importance of hand hygiene all in

4. Enhancing mental health support for pupils and staff

4.1 Mental health concerns – pupils

                                           •   There are sufficient numbers of trained staff
                                               available to support pupils with mental health
                                               issues.                                                            •   Mental Health support worker/PYLs available on
Pupils’ mental health has                  •   There is access to designated staff for all pupils                     site to provide further support.
been adversely affected                        who wish to talk to someone about wellbeing/mental                 •   Staff meetings to identify ways to support pupils
during the period that the                     health.
                                 M                                                                        Y           including relevant resources and websites to               L
Academy has been closed
                                           •   Wellbeing/mental health is discussed regularly in                      provide support.
and by the COVID-19 crisis
in general
                                               PSHE/virtual assemblies /pupil briefings (stories/toy              •   On-going well-being checks made on identified
                                               characters are used for younger pupils to help talk                    pupils and recorded/tracked via CPOMs.
                                               about feelings).
                                           •   Resources/websites to support the mental health of
                                               pupils are provided.

4.2 Mental health concerns – staff
                                           •   Staff are encouraged to focus on their wellbeing.                  •   Staff encouraged to talk to line managers, SLT and
                                           •   Line managers are proactive in discussing wellbeing                    HR on induction.
The mental health of staff                     with the staff that they manage, including their                   •   HR to facilitate counselling where appropriate.
has been adversely                             workload.                                                          •   Regular contact to continue to be made with staff
affected during the period                 •   Staff briefings and training have included content on                  who continue to work remotely.
                                 M                                                                        Y                                                                      L
that the Academy has been                      wellbeing.                                                         •   Review staff survey and look at any other steps that
closed and by the COVID-                                                                                              can be taken.
19 crisis in general                       •   Staff have been signposted to useful websites and                  •   Weekly communications to continue with elements
                                               resources.                                                             of wellbeing and support for staff.

4.3 Bereavement support

Areas for concern         Risk rating                    Control measures                             In                  Further action/comments                     Residual
                               prior to                                                                place?                                                            risk rating
                                action                                                                 (Yes/No)                                                            (H/M/L)

                                            •   The Academy has access to trained staff who can
Pupils and staff are                            deliver bereavement counselling and support.                      •   LA guidance to be used as reference
grieving because of loss of       M         •   Support is requested from other organisations when        Y       •   HR support sought when and where required.             L
friends or family                               necessary.                                                        •   SLT/line manager support as required.

5. Operational issues
Fire evacuation drills -
unable to apply social
distancing effectively
between discrete class            H                                                                       Y                                                                  L
                                                                                                                  •   New clear signage installed at the muster point
group ‘bubbles’

6. Finance

6.1 Costs of the Academy’s responses to Covid-19

                                            •   Additional cost pressures due to COVID-19
                                                identified and an end-of-year forecast which factors
                                                them in has been produced.                                        •   Financial procedures followed when ordering with
The costs of additional                     •   Trust finance team has been consulted to identify                     debit card purchases made for emergency items
measures and enhanced                           potential savings in order to work towards a                          only.
services to address                             balanced budget.                                                  •   Regular review of COVID 19 related expenditure
COVID-19 when reopening
                                  L         •   Additional COVID-19 related costs are under               Y
                                                                                                                      to be undertaken with Finance Director,
places, the Academy in                          monitoring and options for reducing costs over time                   Headteacher and CEO to ensure spending is
financial difficulties                          and as guidance changes are under review.                             managed.
                                            •   Additional sources of income are under exploration.               •   AEC to meet remotely
                                            •   The Academy’s projected financial position has
                                                been shared with Governors and Trustees.

7. Governance

7.1 Oversight of the Board of Trustees

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