2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap

Page created by Ronnie Dean
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
The Sustainable        2012 -
Clothing Action Plan   2019
2020 Commitment        Report on Progress

November | 2020
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /        Targets /   Focus on     Focus on     Focus on      Working            Behaviour      Re-use &       Extending        Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment      Results     Carbon       Water        Waste         Collaboratively    Change         Re-cycling     Clothing Life    Metrics          Difference?   Next?


To create a world where                      This year’s annual review of the Sustainable     Pioneering businesses began this
                                             Clothing Action Plan (SCAP) is of marked         journey together in 2012, together with
resources are used                           importance. 2020 is the final year of            governments, knowledge partners and
sustainably requires                         SCAP and coincides with a period when            citizens. SCAP has demonstrated the
                                             the textiles sector faces major business         benefits of pre-competitive collaboration
action: sustained,                           challenges as a result of the pandemic. As       since its launch. In 2020, despite the
collaborative action.                        such, the data collected for this report will    ravages of COVID-19, the priority now
                                             reflect the last year in which signatories       must be to ensure continuity of the global
                                             were operating as normal.                        climate effort and the UK’s place within it.
                                                                                              We urgently need the whole UK fashion
                                             There is therefore an opportunity to             and textiles sector to come together, both
                                             reflect back on the progress that has            by implementing a ‘target, measure, act’
                                             been made since 2012. The data show                                                                 Marcus Gover,
                                                                                              approach, and sharing our expertise and
                                             we have delivered tangible reductions in                                                            CEO, WRAP
                                                                                              resource to transform this sector into a
                                             carbon, water and waste. Together we are         circular success story.
                                             exceeding the SCAP targets for carbon
                                             and water. However, the slower progress          We thank signatories, advisors, funders and
                                             on textile waste makes it clear we have no       colleagues for the commitment and energy
                                             cause for resting on our laurels. As SCAP        they have given to SCAP. We now need to
                                             draws to a close, it’s time to renew our         bring our combined voices to the table when
                                             efforts and build on its legacy - to harness     governments are agreeing priorities for
                                             what we’ve learned and take action with          the textiles sector in the UK - to inspire our
                                             increasing urgency during the next ten           customers to buy differently, and to develop
                                             years. It is time for a fundamental shift away   new business models to build a sustainable,
                                             from a ‘take, make, dispose’ textiles model      flourishing new sector, a prosperous
                                             to a more sustainable, circular future.          UK economy and a planet fit for future

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                 Contents   2
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap

                                                                                                             We love the wealth
       The SCAP                                                                                              of knowledge and
                                      Focus on                                 Focus on         Focus on
       Vision and                                                                                            expertise within the
                                       Carbon                                   Water            Waste
      Commitment                                                                                             SCAP organisation and
                                                                                                             within its members.

                                                                                                             Mint Velvet

                                        SCAP                                  Consumer                             Design for
                                     Targets and             Working                           Re-use and
                                                                              Behaviour                            Extending
                                       Results            Collaboratively                       Re-cycling
                                                                               Change                             Clothing Life

                                                                             SCAP Legacy:                      SCAP Technical Report
                                                                              What’s next                      SCAP website
      Sustainability                                      What Difference
                                                                            for sustainable
        Metrics                                            Did We Make?
                                                                             textiles in the

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                    Contents    3
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /        Targets /   Focus on     Focus on     Focus on   Working           Behaviour     Re-use &       Extending         Sustainability     What           What’s
Commitment      Results     Carbon       Water        Waste      Collaboratively   Change        Re-cycling     Clothing Life     Metrics            Difference?    Next?

SCAP – The Vision and Commitment

                                             SCAP is a collaborative                       1   Use the SCAP footprint
                                                                                                                                             Actions support the following targets
                                             framework and voluntary                           calculator to measure impacts
                                                                                                                                             for reducing the carbon, water, and
                                                                                               of all products sold and track
                                             commitment to deliver                                                                           waste footprints of clothing against a
                                                                                               changes over time
                                             industry-led targets for                                                                        2012 baseline:
                                             reducing the end-to-end                       2   Make changes in fibre and

                                             use of resources to provide                       fabric selection that reduce
                                             our clothing.                                     the environmental footprint of
                                                                                               clothing products
                                             Over 90 organisations, including                                                                 CARBON FOOTPRINT
                                             brands & retailers representing               3   Work with supply chain partners to
                                                                                               reduce the environmental impact
                                             more than 48% of UK clothing
                                                                                               of manufacturing processes

                                             sales volume, have made the
                                             voluntary SCAP Commitment to                  4   Extend the useful life of clothes
                                             collectively reduce the impacts                   and reduce the impact of clothing
                                                                                                                                              WATER FOOTPRINT
                                             of products by taking action in                   in use through product design and
                                             seven key areas.                                  services

                                                                                           5   Use effective messaging to
                                                                                               influence consumer behaviours
                                                                                               that will reduce environmental
                                                                                               impacts from clothing                          WASTE FOOTPRINT

                                                                                           6   Increase re-use and recycling to

                                                                                               recover maximum value from
                                                                                               used clothing

                                                                                           7   Develop actions to keep clothing               CLOTHING IN HOUSEHOLD WASTE
                                                                                               out of landfill

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                Contents       4
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /        Targets /     Focus on        Focus on     Focus on     Working             Behaviour      Re-use &       Extending        Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment      Results       Carbon          Water        Waste        Collaboratively     Change         Re-cycling     Clothing Life    Metrics          Difference?   Next?


SCAP 2020 uses collective action                  Together, signatories have:                      This report for the period 2012 - 2019
to minimise the environmental                                                                      outlines how WRAP’s pioneering industry-
                                                  • Used the SCAP footprint calculator to          led action plan has delivered positive
impact of our clothes.                              measure and report on the carbon,              environmental and economic outcomes
WRAP’s voluntary agreement has brought              water and waste impacts of products            for forward-looking UK fashion and textiles
together fashion brands and retailers,              placed on the market                           organisations at all levels of the industry.
charity retailers, textile recyclers and                                                           It highlights examples of best practice,
                                                  • Set group and individual impact
industry experts in long-term collaboration                                                        describes the impact of some of the
                                                    reduction targets
to successfully reduce the water, waste and                                                        signatory actions, and the ‘SCAP legacy’.
carbon impacts of clothing.                                                                        Finally it considers how to take the learning
                                                  • Carried out improvement actions to
                                                                                                   from SCAP forward into the 2020s and the
                                                    reduce the impact of products
                                                                                                   next steps for UK fashion and textiles.

                                                  • Invested in new techniques and                 This is a high-level summary report of SCAP
                                                    pilot programmes to improve the                progress to date – the full technical data
                                                    sustainability of textiles                     report is available here.

                                                  • Developed sustainability metrics

                                                  • Carried out industry and
                                                    consumer research

                                                  • Developed tools to encourage
                                                    consumer behaviour change

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                      Contents   5
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /        Targets /     Focus on      Focus on    Focus on   Working           Behaviour   Re-use &         Extending       Sustainability     What            What’s
Commitment      Results       Carbon        Water       Waste      Collaboratively   Change      Re-cycling       Clothing Life   Metrics            Difference?     Next?

Who signed up?
SCAP Signatories and Supporters
SCAP signatories are industry-leading
fashion brands, retailers, manufacturers,
recycling, re-use and waste management                                                                                                       Being part of SCAP has enabled us to work
companies. As active participants in the                                                                                                     collaboratively with other UK brands and

textiles industry, signatories are on the                                                                                                    retailers and enact change within our own
front line, setting targets, measuring                                                                                                       business. I would encourage all who want
their impacts and taking action: changing                                                                                                    to be part of a more sustainable clothing
their business practices and putting SCAP          signatories and                                                                           industry to join.
research into action.
                                                   supporters                                                                                Alan Wragg
SCAP supporters are trade associations,                                                                                                      F&F Technical Director, TESCO
academic organisations, researchers,
innovators, NGOs and campaigning

groups. SCAP supporters influence the
textiles industry – providing expertise,
support and guidance to the ideas and
targets of SCAP.                                                                                              academic
                                                                                                              and industry

                                                   8                           48%
                                                   year                        of retail sales
                                                   commitment                  by volume

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                 Contents     6
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /         Targets /     Focus on     Focus on         Focus on        Working           Behaviour   Re-use &     Extending       Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment       Results       Carbon       Water            Waste           Collaboratively   Change      Re-cycling   Clothing Life   Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Targets and Headline Results for end-2019

The SCAP industry-developed
targets are to achieve, between

2012 and 2020
                                                               -15.9%                             -19.5%                         -2.3%                          -4%*
•   15% reductions in the carbon and
    water footprints of clothing placed                        carbon                             water                          waste                          clothing in
    on the market by SCAP retailers                            footprint                          footprint                      footprint                      household waste
    and brands, measured per tonne of
    garment sales

•   3.5% reduction in waste arising
    over the product life cycle across
    SCAP signatories

•   15% reduction in clothing waste
    going to landfill and incineration in
    the UK

                                                                        AGAINST A
                                                                        TARGET OF

                                                               -15%                               -15%                           -3.5%                          -15%
                                                               carbon                             water                          waste                          clothing in
                                                               footprint                          footprint                      footprint                      household waste

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                 *2018 report                                                                                      Contents   7
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /        Targets /   Focus on      Focus on    Focus on   Working           Behaviour   Re-use &     Extending       Sustainability     What           What’s
Commitment      Results     Carbon        Water       Waste      Collaboratively   Change      Re-cycling   Clothing Life   Metrics            Difference?    Next?

Our Approach: Target, Measure, Act

    SCAP Footprint Calculator
                                                                                                                                       Using the SCAP footprinting tool we have
    Target: Reporting in SCAP is designed to                                                                                           calculated that we have reduced the carbon
    support group and individual goals.                                                                                                footprint of our own operations by 25%.

    Measure: Signatories calculate their
    impacts by reporting product data through
    the SCAP footprint calculator which then
    displays the carbon, water and waste
    footprint of the portfolio of products
    they sell.
                                                                                                                                       The guidelines, support and tools that SCAP
    Act: Signatories use the output of                                                                                                 provides makes it a great place for any
    the calculator to model scenarios for                                                                                              brand starting their sustainable journey.
    improvement, for example by switching
    to fibres with recycled content.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                           Contents      8
2012 2019 The Sustainable Clothing Action Plan - 2020 Commitment - Wrap
Vision /         Targets /    Focus on      Focus on     Focus on      Working           Behaviour     Re-use &     Extending       Sustainability     What            What’s
Commitment       Results      Carbon        Water        Waste         Collaboratively   Change        Re-cycling   Clothing Life   Metrics            Difference?     Next?

Improvement Actions

SCAP retailers are asked to report              Fibre substitution actions
improvement actions that they have              replace conventionally sourced fibres
taken in the past year when they enter          with lower impact fibres.                                                                      We’re relatively new to measuring the
their data in the footprint calculator.                                                          IMPROVEMENT ACTIONS IN 2019                   impact of our business, but having access
These are modelled as a switch from             Example: replacing conventional cotton                                                         to the footprint calculator has given us
conventional to more sustainable fibres,        with organic cotton which avoids                                                               confidence that we’re on the right track. The

lower impact production techniques              synthetic pesticides, herbicides and                                                           ability to run different scenarios has been
and increased recycling and re-use to           fungicides, providing an associated                                                            a powerful tool enabling us to quantify the
keep fibres and garments in circulation         reduction in water, pollution and                                                              impacts of the sustainable changes we can
for longer. From a zero score in 2012,          carbon emissions.                                IMPROVEMENT ACTIONS SINCE 2012                and do make.
signatories have reported a significant
                                                Efficient production actions
increase in improvement actions year on

                                                introduce more efficient means of
year throughout the SCAP agreement.
                                                producing yarn, fabric or garments.
Fifty eight fibre substitution, efficient
production and re-use actions were
                                                Example: improved dyeing techniques
taken in 2019.                                                                                   OF COTTON SOLD IN 2019 IS
                                                including spin dyeing of viscose and
                                                                                                 MORE SUSTAINABLE
                                                dope dyeing of synthetic fibres.

                                                Re-use actions focus on what
                                                happens when the first consumer has
                                                finished with a garment, so it can be
                                                used again.
                                                                                                 TONNES OF IMPROVED FIBRES THIS YEAR
                                                Example: hire and repair services, or
                                                an increase in collection for re-use
                                                and recycling.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                   Contents       9
Vision /         Targets /      Focus on      Focus on     Focus on      Working           Behaviour     Re-use &        Extending       Sustainability     What           What’s
Commitment       Results        Carbon        Water        Waste         Collaboratively   Change        Re-cycling      Clothing Life   Metrics            Difference?    Next?

Focus on Carbon

Progress: This review of SCAP progress                                                                                                              What are the ‘other’ carbon reduction
to date shows that the carbon target has                                                                                                            factors in this graph?
been met and exceeded, with a reduction
                                                     5%                                                                                             The SCAP footprint calculator is updated to
of 15.9% against a target of 15%.
                                                                                                                                                    reflect the impact of changing consumer
This progress has been achieved by a                                                                                                                behaviour. Since 2012, the SCAP Consumer
                                                     0%                                                                                             Behaviour Group and signatory businesses
combination of factors: Changes in the
proportions of different fibres used in                                                                                                             have worked with WRAP to influence
clothing; increased use of sustainable               -5%   2012       2013         2014     2015       2016           2017       2018    2019       consumer behaviour at key moments in
sources of cotton; changes in citizens’                                                                                                             the fashion product life cycle (purchase,
laundry behaviour, and changes to the                                                                                                               use and end-of- life of garments). WRAP’s
                                                     10%                                                                                            consumer survey 2017 results indicate that
way grid electricity is generated have all
contributed to the reduction in carbon                                                                                                              clothes washing behaviour has changed
associated with signatories.                         15%                                                                                            in relation to washing frequency, washing
                                                                                                                                                    temperature, and machine drying and this
Improvement actions: The most                                                                                                                       has had an impact on the product footprint.
impactful factor for the reduction in                20%                                                                                            Another background factor is a change in
carbon footprint was the shift in fibre mix                                                                                                         the emissions intensity of the UK national
away from carbon intensive fibres such as                                                                                                           grid which is powered differently in 2019
acrylic and wool.                                                                                                                                   than when SCAP launched in 2012.

The most used improvement actions by
SCAP retailers are the uptake of recycled
polyester, lyocell and organic cotton.               Key                 Carbon - Other            Carbon - Improvement actions

Signatories have also begun to introduce
lower impact factory processes such as
improved dyeing techniques and these              Carbon footprint reduction per tonne of garments sold; effect of improvement actions
have made a smaller contribution.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                       Contents      10
Vision /        Targets /   Focus on     Focus on      Focus on      Working             Behaviour        Re-use &       Extending       Sustainability        What            What’s
Commitment      Results     Carbon       Water         Waste         Collaboratively     Change           Re-cycling     Clothing Life   Metrics               Difference?     Next?

Recycling and Innovation for Carbon Reduction

Signatory improvement
actions that reduce carbon
include: use of improved
                                                Recycled Polyester and Nylon                         Dope Dyeing Polyester and Viscose                    Cold Pad Batch Dyeing
fibres, collecting garments
for recycling and re-use, and                   At F&F, we have focused on switching                 We moved product from piece                          We’ve introduced cold pad batch dyeing
                                                the fabrics we use to more sustainable               dyed to dope dyed polyester and                      of synthetic fibres across some of our
starting to introduce lower
                                                options. For example: virgin polyester               viscose to deliver improved colour                   core ranges, directly contributing to
impact factory processes                        to recycled, virgin nylon to recycled,                                                                    water and energy savings.
                                                                                                     consistency and shade matching, which
such as lower impact dyeing                     viscose to lyocell and conventional                  is particularly important within our
technology.                                     cotton to BCI or organic.                            Menswear tailoring department where
                                                                                                     our customers can buy each part of a
                                                In doing so we have been able to
                                                                                                     suit separately.
                                                demonstrate over 30% reduction
                                                in water and almost 20% reduction                    Dope dyeing provides a less energy
                                                in carbon.                                           and water intensive method of
                                                                                                     colouring the fabric than piece dyeing               Collecting Garments for
                                                                                                     as the colour pigment is added during                Re-use and Recycling
                                                                                                     the polyester chip production. We
                                                                                                                                                          SATCoL has been a signatory to SCAP
                                                                                                     encourage our suppliers to produce
                                                                                                                                                          since 2011. In that time we have
                                                                                                     dope dyed polyester and viscose where
                                                                                                                                                          increased/near doubled the quantity of
                                                                                                     possible and have been able to measure
                                                                                                                                                          second hand clothing we collect each
                                                                                                     the quantity of fibre used by Next as
                                                                                                                                                          year at recycling banks from our large
                                                                                                     dope dyed and included this within our
                                                                                                                                                          supermarket customers and charity
                                                                                                     SCAP fibre footprint.
                                                                                                                                                          shops. We now collect around 50,000
                                                                                                                                                          tonnes of clothing, textiles and other
                                                                                                                                                          items each year.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                           Contents         11
Vision /          Targets /      Focus on         Focus on      Focus on      Working             Behaviour     Re-use &            Extending       Sustainability     What           What’s
Commitment        Results        Carbon           Water         Waste         Collaboratively     Change        Re-cycling          Clothing Life   Metrics            Difference?    Next?

Focus on Water

This review of SCAP progress to date
shows that the water target has been met
and exceeded, with a reduction of 19.5%                                                                                                                        SCAP’s expertise and textile fibre data has
against a target of 15% for the period                                                                                                                         provided the knowledge to help us plan and
                                                               2012        2013         2014      2015        2016           2017           2018     2019
2012 – 2019.                                                                                                                                                   migrate to more sustainable fibres through
                                                                                                                                                               collaboration with our suppliers.
The production of cotton fibres is by
far the largest contributor to the water
footprint of clothing and the increased use
of more sustainable cotton was the biggest
factor in achieving the SCAP water target.              -10%

Signatories switched to fibres with
reduced environmental impact at farm                                                                                                                           Our biggest achievement by far was
level including Organic Cotton, BCI Cotton,
                                                        -15%                                                                                                   reducing our water impact by more than
Cotton Made in Africa, REEL or recovered                                                                                                                       32% by swapping to lower impact cotton.
cotton. Of these, the highest contribution
to achieving the target has been the                    -20%
increased use of BCI cotton by SCAP
retailers, which was used by 7 out of 11
reporting retailers and in absolute terms
remains the most used improved fibre.

Future actions to reduce the water                       Key                      Water - Other           Water - Improvement actions
footprint of textiles are likely to continue to
focus on improving cotton growing if they
are to be effective.                                  Water footprint reduction per tonne of garments sold, effect of improvement actions

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                                  Contents        12
Vision /         Targets /    Focus on      Focus on      Focus on      Working            Behaviour     Re-use &       Extending       Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment       Results      Carbon        Water         Waste         Collaboratively    Change        Re-cycling     Clothing Life   Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Fibre Switching for Water Reduction

Cotton has the largest water footprint
of materials sold by SCAP retailers. On
average the water footprint per tonne           We’ve switched our key fibres to lower            At M&S, we’ve been working on the adoption
of garments sold has reduced by 19.5%           impact alternatives. These include                of more sustainable materials and dyeing
between 2012 and 2019. Multiple factors         conventional cotton to BCI, virgin polyester      processes in our Clothing and Home
are responsible for the reduction, but a        to recycled and viscose to lyocell. Switching     products. Since 2012, our hard work has
notable action is the widespread shift to       to BCI cotton alone has seen a reduction of       demonstrated a 29.6% reduction in water
lower impact cottons, which are typically       over 70% in our water footprint.                  and 11.4% reduction in carbon. Reaching
farmed in a less water intensive way.                                                             100% more sustainable cotton throughout
                                                                                                  our clothing ranges was a key driver of
                                                                                                  this achievement, and now we’re scaling
                                                                                                  switching to more sustainable alternatives
                                                                                                  for our other priority fibres.
                                                We’ve achieved 14% organic cotton in
                                                2019 – with more than 80% of cotton
                                                now more sustainably sourced.

                                                                                                  Positive results from SCAP’s footprint
                                                                                                  analysis has confirmed that we are
                                                                                                  significantly reducing our environmental
                                                                                                  impacts through the expansion of the
                                                                                                  Primark Sustainable Cotton Program
                                                                                                  (PSCP), which uses CottonConnect’s REEL

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                   Contents   13
Vision /         Targets /     Focus on      Focus on      Focus on      Working              Behaviour         Re-use &          Extending       Sustainability   What               What’s
Commitment       Results       Carbon        Water         Waste         Collaboratively      Change            Re-cycling        Clothing Life   Metrics          Difference?        Next?

Focus on Waste

The SCAP waste footprint target aims             Charity and commercial recycling                    Waste (tonnes)
to achieve a 3.5% reduction in waste             signatories collect, sort and distribute
arising over the product life cycle across       used clothing directly for re-use in the
                                                                                                                           0            50,000       100,000       150,000        200,000        250,000
SCAP signatories. The 2019 footprint             UK and elsewhere. Charity retailer data
shows a 2.3% reduction. Whilst there             contribute to SCAP waste footprint                             Cotton
has been a marked improvement in                 targets by increasing the rate of reuse of
the waste footprint in recent years, it is       garments sold by signatories. However,                           Wool
unlikely that the target of 3.5% will be         commercial recycler data is calculated
met by the end of 2020.                          separately to avoid double counting
                                                 (where textiles are transferred between                   Flax/Linen
The SCAP waste footprint includes                signatory organisations).
disposal from the supply chain as well                                                                     Cellulosics
as finished garments disposed at the             Read more about the SCAP footprint
end of the first use (consumer) phase.           methodology here                                           Polyester

As the bar chart opposite indicates,
                                                 SCAP reporting has highlighted some                            Acrylic
cotton and polyester are the two largest
contributors to waste, as they are the           of the challenges of calculating and                       Pa/Nylon
most used fibre types. SCAP retailers            addressing textile waste. With long,
achieved a 1.6% reduction in waste,              complex supply chains, it is not easy                          PE/PP/E

predominantly by moving away from                to obtain accurate data on waste at
higher waste materials, including wool           the fibre production and processing
and acrylic.                                     stages of product lifecycles. Working
                                                 with supply chain partners to reduce
                                                 the environmental footprint of                           Key              Fibre production          Processing              In use            Disposal
                                                 manufacturing has begun, but it is a
                                                 long term process.
                                                                                                     Waste footprint of garments sold by SCAP retailers in 2019, showing the footprint by life
                                                                                                     cycle stage and fibre type

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                                  Contents    14
Vision /         Targets /     Focus on     Focus on      Focus on      Working             Behaviour      Re-use &        Extending           Sustainability     What            What’s
Commitment       Results       Carbon       Water         Waste         Collaboratively     Change         Re-cycling      Clothing Life       Metrics            Difference?     Next?

Focus on Clothing in Household Waste

The most recent National Household              Possible explanations for the                      SCAP has begun the work needed to
Waste Composition Study (2019)                  discrepancy between the target and                 address textile waste at a systemic
indicates a 4% reduction in clothing            reported reduction in household                    level. In addition to research and
waste to landfill or incineration between       waste textiles are the 3% increase in              work on influencing citizen behaviour
2012 and 2018. It seems likely that the         clothing consumption in the UK each                change, there are many examples
target of a reduction by 15% will not be        year, along with the rise in population            of positive progress in signatory
met by 2020.                                    by over 2 million during the period of             action and changes in consumer
                                                SCAP. As a result, it might be expected            behaviour which indicate that with
                                                that more clothing would find its way              concerted focus and continued
                                                into household waste bins.                         collaboration, there is a clear direction
                                                                                                   of travel towards a more circular
                                                The data may not present the                       textile economy.
                                                complete story however, as they omit
                                                other end-of-first-use routes that have            Read about how SCAP is influencing
                                                gained popularity in recent years, such            consumer behaviour on waste here
                                                as online resale platforms, informal
                                                exchange with family and friends and
                                                vintage clothing which potentially stays
                                                in circulation for much longer than a
                                                typical garment.

                                                SCAP research has examined
                                                the attitudes, circumstances and
                                                                                                                                                          WRAP’s recent research on clear out of
                                                behaviours that lead people to use
                                                                                                                                                          unwanted textiles and clothing during
                                                ‘the bin’ or to prefer charity donations.
                                                                                                                                                          lockdown has reassured us that Primark’s
                                                These data provide insights into how
                                                                                                                                                          in-store recycling scheme will make recycling
                                                to tackle the problem of clothing in
                                                                                                                                                          clothes easier for customers.
                                                household waste.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                              Contents      15
Vision /        Targets /    Focus on    Focus on       Focus on     Working             Behaviour      Re-use &      Extending          Sustainability     What            What’s
Commitment      Results      Carbon      Water          Waste        Collaboratively     Change         Re-cycling    Clothing Life      Metrics            Difference?     Next?

Action on Consumer Waste

Several signatories identified ways
to extend the life of clothing and
reduce consumer waste that support           Our bespoke customer repairs service allows        Business support from SCAP enabled                  We conducted several swap shop events
their business models and are relevant       us to extend the life of Whistles products,        us to develop several new concepts and              across our boutique stores early this year
to their market segment. Here are            diverting faulty items from landfill and giving    innovations. We were able to develop a              where customers could bring pre-loved
some examples of signatory action            garments a new lease of life.                      new charity retail concept – large floor            items and swap them with other preloved
including repair, resale, clothing                                                              space, vehicle accessible ‘Donation                 items- prolonging the life of garments and
                                             REPAIR SERVICES:
collection, charity donation and                                                                Centres.                                            keeping them out of landfill.
peer-to-peer clothes swapping.
                                                                                                The research that was presented                     SWAP SHOP EVENTS:
                                                                                                identified several innovative circular
                                                                                                activities for the Donation Centres
                                             We’ve used SCAP to report our resale and
                                                                                                and made the business case for
                                             vintage sales through ASOS Marketplace,
                                                                                                each. Since this research, we have
                                             which launched in 2010 and helps us
                                                                                                successfully opened 15 new Donation
                                             support the use of pre-loved clothing and
                                                                                                Centres throughout the country with
                                             extended garment lifecycles.
                                                                                                a programme to develop many more
                                             RE-SALE:                                           including two trial ‘Super Donation
                                                                                                Centres’ which are scheduled to open
                                                                                                 in Autumn 2020.

                                                                                                CLOTHING DONATIONS:

                                             Since 2008, we’ve also helped customers
                                             to donate 35 million unwanted garments
                                             through our Shwopping clothes exchange
                                             partnership with Oxfam. This has
                                             prevented over 18,000 tonnes of waste.

                                             CLOTHING COLLECTIONS IN-STORE:

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                        Contents      16
Vision /        Targets /    Focus on    Focus on     Focus on      Working              Behaviour      Re-use &       Extending       Sustainability     What            What’s
Commitment      Results      Carbon      Water        Waste         Collaboratively      Change         Re-cycling     Clothing Life   Metrics            Difference?     Next?

Working Collaboratively

One of the achievements of SCAP              Over an eight-year period, SCAP
has been the way it has effectively          signatories and supporters have
mobilised many of the most influential       worked together as a steering group                We appreciate the progress that                   The groups enable SCAP signatories to build
organisations in the fashion and             and in topic-specific work groups. Major           SCAP and the signatories to the agreement         knowledge in an effective and efficient
textiles industry to come together           retailers, brands, recyclers, sector               have made, including the development and          manner as well as helping to drive a
over an extended period of time in           bodies, NGOs and charities have shared             use of the SCAP Calculator. GOTS welcomes         common approach across the signatories.
pre-competitive groups, creating a           expertise and collaborated to take action          the opportunity to interact with and learn
positive and fertile environment for         in four key areas:                                 from the brands and retailers around the
collaboration and learning.                                                                     table, several of whom have achieved their
                                                                                                ambition of certification to GOTS.
                                                                                                We value the opportunity to feed into the
                                             CONSUMER BEHAVIOURS                                                                                  An important determinant for us joining
                                                                                                SCAP strategy.
                                                                                                                                                  the agreement was that it was underpinned
                                                                                                                                                  by a credible scientific evidence base. We
                                             DESIGN FOR EXTENDED                                                                                  were given the opportunity to input into
                                             CLOTHING LIFE                                                                                        the content and outputs of the research
                                                                                                                                                  programme. SCAP has kept us
                                                                                                                                                  informed on many relevant sector-wide
                                                                                                                                                  issues, including levels of consumer interest
                                             RE-USE                                             The SCAP Working Groups have been hugely
                                                                                                                                                  in sustainable textiles, reuse and recycling
                                             & RECYCLING                                        helpful in tackling shared sustainability
                                                                                                                                                  and significant technology developments.
                                                                                                challenges with other brands and retailers.
                                                                                                They’ve helped us understand emerging
                                             METRICS FOR                                        issues in the industry and stay up to date on
                                             SUSTAINABILITY                                     regulatory changes.

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Vision /          Targets /      Focus on     Focus on      Focus on      Working              Behaviour         Re-use &        Extending        Sustainability         What            What’s
Commitment        Results        Carbon       Water         Waste         Collaboratively      Change            Re-cycling      Clothing Life    Metrics                Difference?     Next?

Influencing Consumer Behaviours

The most significant opportunity for              The SCAP Consumer Behaviour
reducing the environmental impact of               group has worked together with WRAP
clothing lies in increasing the active life       on ways to influence consumers to take
of the clothes we wear. SCAP 2019 data            action and reduce the environmental                      Up to date information, campaigns and                   WRAP’s consumer insight reports have
demonstrate how changes in consumer               impacts at key points in the clothing                    tools for the industry and general public,              provided valuable insights, helping us
behaviour have delivered significant              life-cycle: purchase, use (wash, care                    and a central point to direct people                    to inform and shape our sustainability
reductions in the carbon, water and               and repair) and end-of-life (discard,                    and organisations to knowing that the                   program accordingly.
waste impacts of fashion and textiles.            recycle). Brands and retailers play a role               information is correct.
                                                  in engaging and educating customers
                                                  via a range of communication tools,
                                                  for example by offering resources
                                                  on care and repair and using laundry
                                                  labels to influence less frequent, lower
                                                  temperature washing.

                                                  Communicating with consumers
                                                  through SCAP members to influence
                                                                                                           We have published two garment care
                                                  Sharing industry insight
                                                                                                           guides, promoting the longevity of
                                                  into consumer behaviours.
                                                                                                           our products.
                                                  Launching ‘Love Your Clothes’
                                                  with a suite of resources to help
                                                  consumers to make small conscious
                                                  changes to reduce the impact of
                                                  clothes on the environment.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                                     Contents        18
Vision /         Targets /     Focus on       Focus on      Focus on      Working              Behaviour         Re-use &      Extending        Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment       Results       Carbon         Water         Waste         Collaboratively      Change            Re-cycling    Clothing Life    Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Re-use and Recycling

The Re-use and Recycling group is
focused on diverting textiles from landfill         Textile collection guidance for
by improving collection and separation              local authorities and partners
systems, and developing markets for                 This is an interactive guide designed                  The SCAP team has enabled us to bring
re-use and recycling. Participants                  to help local authorities and textiles                 circular thinking into SATCoL and has
including industry body the Textile                 collectors such as charities, waste                    helped us form several new business
Recycling Association have noted the                management companies and textile                       innovations and partnerships which we
value of these groups in building up                merchants, increase textile re-use                     otherwise might not have been able to.
an influential network of partnerships              and recycling.                             >
                                                                                                           Tony Hosking,
across the UK and the global clothing
                                                                                                           Business Development Director
supply chain, to help promote re-use
and recycling, addressing actions that              Re-use potential of household
need to be taken at national and global             bulky textiles
level, and increasing the media profile of          This research looks at the composition
the environmental impacts of clothing.              and re-use potential of bulky household
                                                    textile materials like carpets, rugs and
Activity has included:
• Developing systems and initiatives
  (including consumer communications)
  for improving collection of clothing              Textile product flow and market
                                                    development opportunities
• Separation of clothing for re-use and
                                                    This set of reports analyses the various
  recycling, where re-use of clothing is
                                                    sources and collection methods for
  preferred to recycling
                                                    textiles within the UK and assesses
                                                    market opportunities to divert textiles
• Market development for re-use
                                                    from the waste stream.
  and recycling of clothing and lower                                                          >
  material grades

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                           Contents   19
Vision /        Targets /     Focus on     Focus on     Focus on      Working           Behaviour         Re-use &       Extending        Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment      Results       Carbon       Water        Waste         Collaboratively   Change            Re-cycling     Clothing Life    Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Design for Extending Clothing Life

WRAP research shows that extending             The information and learning has been
the life of clothes by nine extra              made available to the wider textile                  The Extending Clothing Life Protocol
months can reduce carbon, water                community on the WRAP website                        is a technical support tool for companies
and waste footprints by around                 including the following resources:                   wishing to embed consistent quality
4-10% each.                                                                                         standards of good practice across their
                                                                                                    product ranges, complementing specific
Retailers and brands can make a                  The Sustainable Clothing Guide
                                                                                                    design innovations such as anti-fading
significant difference by making small           is a free resource for brands and
                                                                                                    and anti-pilling technologies. It provides
changes to increase the durability of            manufacturers that shares simple
                                                                                                    a structured approach for development
clothing during both the design and              steps to best practice on how to design,
                                                                                                    teams and a workable testing regime
production process. An important                 produce, and sell sustainable clothing
                                                                                                    to support consistency.
aspect of SCAP over the past eight years         that lasts longer, and that can easily                                                     >
has therefore been the collaboration             be repaired and re-used.               >
between WRAP, SCAP signatories
and supporters to develop a bank of
knowledge and guidance materials to
inform best practice.                            The Clothing Knowledge Hub
                                                 showcases new initiatives, processes
The SCAP Design for Extending Clothing           and technologies which can reduce
Life group has looked at aspects                 the environmental impact of clothing.
of clothing from design through to               With research, information and
manufacture, and has tested and trialled         guidance on textiles from raw materials
process improvements that can increase           through to final disposal, the hub
the length of time before a particular           enables organisations make changes
garment type fails or is discarded.              that reduce their carbon, water and
                                                 waste impacts.                        >

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                     Contents   20
Vision /         Targets /    Focus on      Focus on      Focus on      Working             Behaviour      Re-use &      Extending        Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment       Results      Carbon        Water         Waste         Collaboratively     Change         Re-cycling    Clothing Life    Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Metrics for Sustainability

When signatories and supporters joined          Prior to SCAP it was not possible for
SCAP they became part of a pioneering           organisations to easily measure the
initiative that has changed the landscape       Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions                   Identifying important metrics to improve
of sustainability in UK fashion and             from their textile products without                sustainability as a group strengthens the
textiles. Central to the success of the         significant investment in time                     collective progress we can make as an
initiative is the science-based footprint       and specialist resources. Very few                 industry.
calculator and the robust methodology           organisations were in a position to
and peer-reviewed assessment process            address this issue in 2012. The success
that lies behind the reporting.                 of an initiative like SCAP depends on
                                                wide engagement and participation of
Click here to view the SCAP Data                businesses: tools therefore need to be
and Methodology                                 accessible and effective for as wide a             The footprint calculator tool, and the
                                                range of businesses as possible.                   expertise behind it is one of the unique
                                                SCAP has been particularly effective               benefits of the SCAP collaboration as it
                                                because of its early and consistent level          allows us to measure the impact of the
                                                of sector involvement in its steering              changes we make, as the ability to measure
                                                and working groups.                                changes is only becoming more important
                                                                                                   and helps to support our own Responsible
                                                Signatory and support members of the               Sourcing Strategy.
                                                Metrics group worked with experts from
                                                WRAP to develop the SCAP Clothing
                                                Footprint Calculator, which enables
                                                companies to measure their baseline
                                                footprints, identify opportunities for
                                                improvement and monitor the results.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                     Contents   21
Vision /        Targets /    Focus on     Focus on     Focus on      Working              Behaviour         Re-use &        Extending         Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment      Results      Carbon       Water        Waste         Collaboratively      Change            Re-cycling      Clothing Life     Metrics          Difference?   Next?

How Well has SCAP Performed?

SCAP signatories represent almost             Data suggest that SCAP signatories are
half of the UK clothing market by             somewhat behind the global market
volume. The SCAP Progress Report tests        in the use of recycled polyester (10%
the overall performance of SCAP against       SCAP v. 14% global). However, SCAP                      The Government must ensure that
non-SCAP signatories, and compares            signatories are using a much higher                     WRAP’s Sustainable Clothing Action
the use of improved and recycled fibres       proportion of more sustainable                          Plan is adequately funded to provide
within the SCAP agreement to estimated        cotton than their global peers. For                     its services to any retailer that wants to
usage in the global market.                   example, 55% of SCAP signatories’                       improve its sustainability performance –
                                              cotton is from a more sustainable                       regardless of its size…. We recommend
                                              source, whereas Textile Exchange’s                      that compliance with SCAP targets
                                              global report indicates that only 25% of                should be made mandatory for all
                                              cotton is sourced this way globally. SCAP               retailers with a turnover of more than
                                              signatories are also slightly ahead of                  £36 million.
                                              the global market for use of lyocell at
                                                                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT
                                              5% versus 4.3%.
                                                                                                      COMMITTEE, 2019 REPORT Fixing
                                              The robust progress demonstrated                        Fashion: Clothing Consumption
                                              by SCAP signatories has been                            and Sustainability
                                              highlighted in the 2019 Environmental
                                              Audit Committee’s investigation
                                              into clothing consumption and
                                              sustainability. Amongst the outputs
                                              of the investigation was a call to action
                                              for governments to ensure that such
                                              a programme is accessible to all
                                              retailers, and a suggestion that they
                                              should consider mandatory participation
                                              in SCAP.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                         Contents   22
Vision /        Targets /   Focus on     Focus on      Focus on       Working               Behaviour      Re-use &       Extending         Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment      Results     Carbon       Water         Waste          Collaboratively       Change         Re-cycling     Clothing Life     Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Conclusions: The SCAP Legacy
What Difference did we Make?
SCAP is reaching its endpoint, but its       Successes to celebrate:                               Learning and a call to action:
momentum continues in the actions
of its signatory organisations, the          • Significant joint progress against an              • Data indicate that waste targets
heightened awareness of clothing               ambitious set of targets – carbon and                 are unlikely to be met by the
consumers, robust evidence for                 water targets are met. The water target               end of 2020, particularly reduction
the most impactful interventions,              is exceeded due to a widespread shift to              in landfill/incineration, although a
and businesses’ ability to measure             more sustainable materials – particularly             number of SCAP signatory repair,
greenhouse gas emissions and water             lower impact cottons                                  re-sale, collection and recycling
footprints.                                                                                          initiatives are underway
                                             • Measurement: the SCAP footprint
                                               calculator provides a science-based and             • SCAP provides knowledge and
                                               transparent approach to measuring                     impetus for UK-focused action in the
                                               sustainability, tracking progress against             next 10 years. Research and learning
                                               targets and selecting strategies                      about the challenge of textile waste
                                                                                                     reduction show a clear line of
                                             • Collaboration: eight years of bringing UK           travel from progress made in
                                               fashion and textiles businesses, academic,            SCAP towards a circular textiles
                                               industry and research organisations                   economy in the UK. This will be a
                                               together to collaborate in a uniquely                 priority for WRAP’s new voluntary
                                               pre-competitive way, developing common                agreement: Textiles 2030
                                               insight into priorities and sharing learning
                                               from both successes and failures

                                             • Consumer influence: SCAP
                                               signatories are in a position to influence
                                               and educate consumers; SCAP data
                                               provide evidence that citizen behaviour
                                               change is contributing to lower carbon
                                               impacts – e.g. washing less frequently
                                               and at lower temperatures

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                       Contents   23
Vision /         Targets /     Focus on     Focus on      Focus on      Working               Behaviour      Re-use &      Extending       Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment       Results       Carbon       Water         Waste         Collaboratively       Change         Re-cycling    Clothing Life   Metrics          Difference?   Next?

What’s next for Sustainable Fashion
and Textiles in the UK?
The UK Government has agreed an                 WRAP is developing a new voluntary
ambitious target to reach net-zero              agreement – Textiles 2030 – that will
carbon emissions by 2050, and the               harness this energy along with the                   Fashion shouldn’t cost the Earth, but it
textiles sector needs to be ready to play       knowledge and experience gained from                 is on track to consume a quarter of our
its part in a cleaner, greener form of          SCAP. The new agreement will bring                   carbon budget by 2050. The industry has a
economic growth.                                the whole UK fashion and textile sector              responsibility to set out how it will be a
                                                together to identify priorities, introduce           net-zero carbon emitter.
COVID-19 has damaged the economy,               changes, measure progress, influence
with many fashion and textiles                                                                       MARY CREAGH, CHAIR, ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                government policy and fast-track
businesses struggling. But despite the                                                               AUDIT COMMITTEE 2019
                                                circularity – with a focus on hitting the
tough economic climate, brands and              UN’s 2030 climate targets.
retailers continue to demonstrate a
commitment to sustainability, with many         Textiles 2030 will be the UK’s trailblazer
leaders seeing it as key to business            for national initiatives on circularity in
success in the next decade. Across the          other countries, developed in tandem
industry we see new business models,            with WRAP’s new template and pilot for
technical innovations, materials research       a replicable Circular Clothing Action Plan.
and an upsurge of interest in lease             Both will be coordinated with relevant
hire, re-use, re-cycling and the circular       global initiatives to give businesses
economy. The pandemic has heightened            worldwide a practical pathway to
consumer demand for climate action              implementing the targets they adopt
and sustainability from the brands              for climate and sustainability.
they purchase.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                      Contents   24
Vision /         Targets /    Focus on      Focus on     Focus on      Working              Behaviour      Re-use &      Extending          Sustainability     What           What’s
Commitment       Results      Carbon        Water        Waste         Collaboratively      Change         Re-cycling    Clothing Life      Metrics            Difference?    Next?

Textiles in the Circular Economy

As the climate emergency intensifies,           Collaborative work with SCAP signatories           Designing products for longer life
and the global textiles industry                has helped identify WRAP’s priority areas          and recyclability
expands, the need for faster, effective,        of focus for Textiles 2030.
collaborative action on climate change                                                             • Making products that are physically
                                                Adopting business models that use a                  and emotionally more appealing
is greater than ever. With Textiles 2030,
                                                product for longer                                   to the user (e.g. retaining ‘as-new’
WRAP is already developing a new phase
of transformation for the UK textile                                                                 appearance for longer supporting
                                                • Adopting a variety of resale models,               multiple washes or re-sale)​
sector, focusing on a move away from              such as peer-to-peer, resale by
‘take, make, dispose’ towards a circular          charities or brands, rental, buy-                • Designing products to be readily
business model.                                   back/reward and clothing service/                  recycled at the end of usable life,
                                                  subscription​                                      which may involve technical changes
                                                                                                     and consumer engagement​
                                                Closing the loop on materials
                                                                                                                                                       Being part of SCAP enables the Textile
                                                • Adopting chemical or mechanical
                                                                                                                                                       Recycling Association to influence important
                                                  recycling of materials back into
                                                                                                                                                       interventions along the entire UK clothing
                                                  textile fibres
                                                                                                                                                       supply chain that helps to improve the
                                                                                                                                                       re-use and recyclability of clothing and
                                                • Creating demand through
                                                                                                                                                       textiles and ultimately will help to deliver
                                                  design specification
                                                                                                                                                       a truly sustainable and circular economy
                                                                                                                                                       for the industry.

                                                                                                                                                       ALAN WHEELER – DIRECTOR, TEXTILE
                                                                                                                                                       RECYCLING ASSOCIATION

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                           Contents     25
Vision /         Targets /     Focus on     Focus on      Focus on       Working             Behaviour      Re-use &      Extending       Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment       Results       Carbon       Water         Waste          Collaboratively     Change         Re-cycling    Clothing Life   Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Textiles 2030

What is Textiles 2030?                          With an official launch in April 2021, the          Textiles 2030 is a voluntary agreement.
                                                new voluntary agreement builds on the               It is funded by its signatories and
Textiles 2030 is WRAP’s new                     learning and success of the Sustainable             government. Signatories will be in
ground-breaking, expert-led initiative,         Clothing Action Plan and aims to engage             a position to contribute to national
harnessing the knowledge and                    the majority of UK fashion and textiles             textiles policy discussions, responding
expertise of UK leaders in sustainability       organisations in collaborative action:              to government proposals to shape
to accelerate the whole industry’s                                                                  Extended Producer Responsibility and
move towards circularity and system             • Experienced sustainability leaders,               other critical regulatory developments.
change in the UK.                                 recycling and re-use organisations
                                                  and SCAP signatories will collaborate             The UK textile sector
                                                  as ‘Partners’ on fast-tracking the UK             collaboration making rapid,
                                                  Circular Economy                                  science-based progress on
                                                                                                    circularity and climate action.
                                                • Other fashion and textiles Brands
                                                  and Retailers can sign up as ‘Member’
                                                  signatories and benefit from WRAP’s
                                                  support in achieving a ready-made,
                                                  science-based, robust climate strategy
                                                  and measuring their GHG emissions

                                                • Innovators, Ground-breakers,
                                                  Researchers, Academics and Industry
                                                  membership groups can join as
                                                  Affiliates to contribute their expertise

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                     Contents   26
Vision /        Targets /   Focus on     Focus on     Focus on      Working           Behaviour      Re-use &       Extending        Sustainability   What          What’s
Commitment      Results     Carbon       Water        Waste         Collaboratively   Change         Re-cycling     Clothing Life    Metrics          Difference?   Next?

Technical Note on Methodology and Assurance

Full details of the                          Footprinting: SCAP signatories report           Quality assurance: on signatory data
                                             product impact data to WRAP annually            is carried out by WRAP and the annual
reporting methodology                        using the SCAP calculator, which is designed    progress report is peer-reviewed for
is provided in the                           to enable participants to estimate carbon,      integrity before publication.
                                             water and waste impacts in a consistent
technical report, here:                      way, and to plan and quantify the potential     Consumer behaviour: WRAP developed
                                                                                             a methodology for establishing the average
SCAP 2020 commitment:                        savings from improvement actions. It also
                                                                                             lifespan of clothing as part of its 2012
                                             quantifies environmental savings directly
Progress 2012-2019.                          attributable to actions they have taken,        report Valuing our Clothes which informs
                                             relative to a baseline year. The footprint      the SCAP calculator, and periodically carries
                                             calculator can be used by retailers and         out surveys on consumer behaviour and
                                             recycling/re-use organisations to model         attitudes to clothing during purchase,
                                             further improvements on how to achieve          wearing, washing, repair, re-use and
                                             their climate targets. It will be developed     disposal. Where relevant, results are used to
                                             further throughout Textiles 2030.               update the footprint calculator.

                                             WRAP collates and reports the overall           Clothing in Household Residual Waste:
                                             carbon, water and waste savings across          Signatory data are not used to evaluate
                                             all signatories. In measuring progress, a       this target which refers to separate waste
                                             lifecycle assessment approach is taken,         composition analysis at a UK national level.
                                             with four stages in scope: Fibre Production,    Sensitivity analysis: To improve
                                             Processing, Use, and End of Life, following     understanding of the results, a sensitivity
                                             the general principles of the ISO 14040         analysis is carried out to understand the
                                             standard for LCAs. Life cycle assessments       potential for assumptions and proxy data to
                                             are informed by secondary data which are        have a disproportionate effect on results.
                                             also quality checked.

WRAP | Sustainable Clothing Action Plan 2020 Commitment                                                                                                                Contents   27

Thank you
SCAP concludes on 31 December 2020.                       WRAP’s vision is a world in which resources are
                                                          used sustainably. Our mission is to accelerate
WRAP would like to thank all the brands, retailers,
                                                          the move to a sustainable resource efficient
recycling organisations, research organisations and
                                                          economy through re-inventing how we design,
individuals who have contributed expertise, time and
                                                          produce and sell products; re-thinking how we
resource to its development and implementation.
                                                          use and consume products; and re-defining what
At this critical moment for the planet and our climate,   is possible through re-use and recycling. Find out
there can be no pause in our efforts to reduce the        more at www.wrap.org.uk
impacts of textiles production and consumption. WRAP
                                                          While we have tried to make sure this report
calls on colleagues across the textiles and fashion
                                                          is accurate, we cannot accept responsibility
industry to collaborate anew on Textiles 2030 – with
                                                          or be held legally responsible for any loss or
a circular focus and an ambitious 10 year goal to
                                                          damage arising out of or in connection with this
transform how we buy and consume clothing in the UK.
                                                          information being inaccurate, incomplete or
www.wrap.org.uk/SCAP                                      misleading. This material is copyrighted. You can
			                                                       copy it free of charge as long as the material is
Contact SCAP 		       scap@wrap.org.uk                    accurate and not used in a misleading context.
Contact Textiles 2030 textiles2030@wrap.org.uk            You must identify the source of the material and
                                                          acknowledge our copyright. You must not use
Company Registration No: 4125764                          material to endorse or suggest we have endorsed
Charity No: 1159512                                       a commercial product or service. For more details
                                                          please see our terms and conditions on our
                                                          website at www.wrap.org.uk
Second Floor, Blenheim Court,
19 George Street, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 5BH

                                                                                                   Contents    28
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