COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
     Information, Resources and Best
       Practices for Registry Agents
          Updated: Sept 1, 2020

Please continue to visit for all the latest official information
from the Government of Alberta. This website is constantly being updated with all
the latest official information.
COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
Table of Contents
1.      Alberta Health COVID-19 information updates ........................................................ 6
     1.1     Workplace Plan Template .................................................................................. 6
     1.2 Workplace Guidance for Business Owners............................................................ 6
     1.3     Biz Connect ........................................................................................................ 8
     1.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/PPE Supply Program ................................ 8
        •    PPE requirements in the workplace ................................................................... 8
        •    PPE Procurement websites ............................................................................... 8
        •    PPE Supply Program [THIS PROGRAM IS NOW CLOSED] ........................... 9
     1.5 Guidance on non-medical masks ......................................................................... 10
     1.6 Waiving cost recovery fee to registries for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan .. 10
2. Quick facts................................................................................................................. 11
     2.1 Social Distancing ................................................................................................. 11
3. Mental Health Resources .......................................................................................... 11
     3.1 Mental health immediate support ......................................................................... 11
     3.2 Other Resources: ................................................................................................. 12
4. Service Alberta Updates ............................................................................................ 12
     4.1 Extensions to motor vehicle expirations [EXTENSION IS NOW EXPIRED] ........ 12
     4.2 Registries Assurance Telephone Support Changes ............................................ 13
     4.3 Reduced hours/closure: ....................................................................................... 14
     4.4 Alberta Registry Fact Sheet for Travelers ............................................................ 14
     4.5 Interim GAM Policies Exceptions ......................................................................... 14
     4.6 Motor Vehicle Program Changes ......................................................................... 14
     4.7 Security, Investigator and Locksmith Licence Extension [EXTENSION IS
     EXPIRED] .................................................................................................................. 15
     4.9 Alternative Service Delivery ................................................................................. 16
        •    COVID-19 Interim MV Policies ......................................................................... 16
        •    Questions and Answers about interim policies ................................................. 17
     4.8 Service Alberta Question and Answer ................................................................. 18
5. Alberta Transportation Updates................................................................................. 21
     5.1 Road testing ......................................................................................................... 21
     5.2 Medical Evaluation ............................................................................................... 22
6. Government of Alberta measures to address COVID-19........................................... 22

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
6.1 Phased re-launched strategy ............................................................................... 22
  6.2 Financial and other support for Albertans: ........................................................... 23
     • Utility payment holiday ......................................................................................... 23
     • Student loans repayment holiday ......................................................................... 23
     • Education property tax freeze .............................................................................. 23
     • 14-day Job-protected leave.................................................................................. 23
     • 90-day protected leave for employees caring for children .................................... 23
     • Emergency Isolation Support: $50 million [THIS PROGRAM IS NOW CLOSED]24
  6.3      Financial and other support for employers ....................................................... 24
     • Relaunch grants for businesses ........................................................................... 24
     • Commercial rent freeze and bans on evictions .................................................... 25
     • Temporarily Removing requirement of notice for changes to schedules and shifts
     ............................................................................................................................... 26
     • Corporate income tax changes ............................................................................ 26
     • Utility payment holiday ......................................................................................... 26
     • Banks and credit unions: ...................................................................................... 26
     • Education property tax deferral for business ........................................................ 26
     • WCB premiums deferral for private sector businesses and support for small and
     medium businesses ............................................................................................... 27
     • Vacation pay, leave or banked overtime .............................................................. 27
     • Other temporary changes to Employment Standard Code................................... 27
  6.4 Additional posters for your business .................................................................... 28
  6.5 Enforcing measures to stop spread of COVID-19 ................................................ 28
  6.6 Closure of non-essential businesses [NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES NOW
  REOPENING] ............................................................................................................ 29
  6.7 Annual returns for corporations, cooperatives and organizations ........................ 29
  6.8 Expanded child care for essential workers........................................................... 30
  6.9 Bits and Pieces Program ..................................................................................... 30
  6.10 Business Link ..................................................................................................... 30
7. Government of Canada measures to address COVID-19 ......................................... 31
  7.1 Resource for finding federal benefits ................................................................... 31
  7.2 Financial assistance for individuals: ..................................................................... 31
     • Canada Emergency Response Benefit ................................................................ 31
     • Wage top up for essential workers earning less than $2500 ................................ 32

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
• GST Tax Credit .................................................................................................... 32
      • Increasing the Canada Child Benefit .................................................................... 33
      • Income Tax filing deferral ..................................................................................... 33
      • Applying for the EI Sickness Benefit .................................................................... 33
      • Applying for Regular EI (Temporary Layoff, Child Care etc.) ............................... 33
      • Completing the Record of Employment (ROE) .................................................... 34
   7.3 Financial support for businesses: ........................................................................ 34
      • July 5 – November 21 Redesigned Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy ............. 34
      •March 15 – July 4 Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy 75% ................................. 37
      • 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy ........................................................................... 38
      • Work share program ............................................................................................ 39
      • Business tax payments deferral to September 30 2020 ....................................... 40
      • Defer GST/HST payments and duties/taxes owed until June .............................. 40
      • Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) ................................................... 40
      • Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) ...................................................... 41
      • Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program (CECRA) ................ 42
      • Regional Relief and Recovery Fund RRRF.......................................................... 43
      • Other measures of federal relief........................................................................... 43
   7.4 Self-Isolation Mandatory for Individuals Entering Canada ................................... 43
   7.5 Canadian Business Resilience Network .............................................................. 44
8. Banking ..................................................................................................................... 45
9. Business continuity plans .......................................................................................... 45
10. Occupational Health and Safety .............................................................................. 45
11. Other Government of Alberta Resources ................................................................ 47
12. Best Practices: ........................................................................................................ 48
   12.1 Best Practices Guidance.................................................................................... 48
   12.2. Disinfectant ....................................................................................................... 49
   12.3 Sneeze guard examples .................................................................................... 50
13. Municipal Information: (UPDATED) ......................................................................... 52
   13.1 City of Calgary Mandatory Mask by-law............................................................. 52
   13.2 City of Edmonton Mandatory Mask by-law......................................................... 53
   13.3 Other Municipalities (UPDATED) ....................................................................... 54
14. Questions around Back to School, COVID-19 and Employee Management (NEW) 55

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
15. Canada United Small Business Relief Fund (NEW) ................................................ 56
16. Additional Resources:.............................................................................................. 57
Appendix 1: Business Q&A ........................................................................................... 58
   Q & A Quick Index: .................................................................................................... 58
   Employee Management ............................................................................................. 59
   EI, Temporary Layoff & Employee Income ................................................................ 62
   • Employees & Canada Emergency Response Benefit.............................................. 62
   • Employees & EI ....................................................................................................... 62
   • Business Closures & Employees ............................................................................. 65
   • Terminations and layoffs.......................................................................................... 65
   • Record of Employment (ROE) ................................................................................. 67
   • Other questions on employee compensation........................................................... 70
   Dealing with Customers ............................................................................................. 72
   Health and Safety ...................................................................................................... 73
   Business Operations: ................................................................................................. 77
   • 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers ........................................................ 77
   • Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy 75% ................................................................. 79
   • Work-Sharing Program ............................................................................................ 81
   • WCB Relief for Employers ....................................................................................... 84
   • Other business operations topics ............................................................................ 85
Appendix 2: Pandemic Planning and Management Checklist – For Registry Owners... 88
Appendix 3: Registry Pandemic Plan Template ............................................................ 90
Appendix 4 Comparison of wage subsidies and work-sharing programs ...................... 92
Appendix 5: Sections 62-64 of Employment Standards Codes which must be included in
temporary layoff notices ................................................................................................ 94

Big thanks to all those who have provided information and content for this

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
1. Alberta Health COVID-19 information updates

1.1 Workplace Plan Template

  The Government of Alberta recommends that businesses implement policies and
  procedures to address COVID-19, including a plan to reduce the risk of transmission
  among staff and customers.

  The Government of Alberta has developed a template for the work place plan here.
  You can use the General workplace guidance document for business owners re-
  opening or continuing operations to help you fill out the form. Please note that filling
  out this form is voluntary.

  If you need more information please visit or need help filling
  out the form you can email .

1.2 Workplace Guidance for Business Owners

   All registries should review the workplace guidance document for business owners
   and the government encourages businesses to implement the recommendations
      •   Conducting a hazard assessment and controlling any hazards, for example if
          workers need to be less than 2 m apart placing barrier between workers or
          requiring that they wear face masks.
      •   Placing handwashing station or sanitizer at the points of entry.
      •   Active daily screening of workers for symptoms of runny nose, sore throat,
          cough, fever or shortness of breath.

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
A reminder that Employers have the legal obligation to provide a safe workplace
under Occupational Health and Safety legislation, for more information see Section
10 on Occupational Health and Safety in this document. Employees also play a
role; but, employers have the overarching obligation. This includes following the
guidance from public health officials which is all included in this document.
AHS Public Health Inspectors are also recommending the following practices for
businesses, most registries have already put a lot of these measures in place:

1. Place signs around the store to remind staff and the public to wash their hands
   and to ensure they maintain social distancing from others

       •   Social distancing is a means to stop or slow the spread of a contagious
           disease by standing at least 6 feet away from others (or the length of a

       •   Many retail stores including grocery stores have actually placed tape on
           the floor every 6 feet near the check-out lines. This allows the public to
           know where they should be standing to maintain social distancing.

2. Having a strict illness policy for staff

       •   For staff that may be sick, make it very clear that they should not be
           coming to work sick (especially if they have any flu-like symptoms).
3. Increase the frequency of cleaning for the facility (especially high touch areas
   such as doorknobs etc).

       •   Disinfectant to be used must be one that is affective against viruses

       •   Alternatively, a bleach water solution that can be made (1 part bleach in 9
           parts water).

4. Stagger the breaks/ lunch times of your employees so they are not spending
   their lunch times together in the lunchroom which may hinder proper social

5. Have sanitizer stations available throughout the store

6. Limit the number of people entering the store such that social distancing can still
   be practiced. If it gets too busy, please have customers line up outside the store.

       •   If possible, guards or other staff members can be situated at the door to
           complete head counts and to stop new customers from coming in if it
           becomes too crowded.

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
•   A health pre-screening can also be done here: if customers are looking ill
              (ie runny noses, coughing) , they may be prevented entry and denied

       AARA is collecting contacts for cleaning supplies, sanitizer and other products
       related to health and safety here.

1.3 Biz Connect

  The Alberta Biz Connect web page provides business owners with information on
  health and safety guidelines for general workplaces and sector-specific guidelines for
  those able to open in stage one of relaunch to ensure businesses can reopen safely
  during the COVID-19 pandemic. Registries are encouraged to regularly check the
  website for the latest updates.

  There is also a useful Q&A on the website that may help answer questions you might

  For more information, visit

1.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/PPE Supply Program

   •   PPE requirements in the workplace

        Businesses should conduct a hazard assessment to identify existing and
        potential hazards related to COVID-19.
        Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is necessary when physical distancing of
        2 metres or physical barriers cannot be maintained by administrative and
        engineering controls (like barriers or partitions, floor markings, limiting the
        number people in your business at one time).
        Examples of PPE include gloves, eye protection, gown, face protections,
        procedure/surgical masks or NIOSH-N95 masks.
        Masks must be worn properly to be effective. Find out how at

   •   PPE Procurement websites

       The Government of Alberta has listed these procurement websites where
       business owners can purchase PPE:
       Rapid Response Platform Canada

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
ATB Nexus


    The Government of Alberta PPE supply program for businesses will end on June
    30. With the PPE supply chain improving and with more companies now
    developing PPE, Alberta businesses have more options to source their own PPE.

    If you are finding it difficult to find PPE locally or online to protect staff and
    customers, you may be eligible to receive supplies from the Government of
    Alberta. Requests will be prioritized depending on the supply available. You can
    request a variety of PPE including hand sanitizer, disinfectant, masks (N95
    masks only available to healthcare workers), gloves and other supplies. You will
    be invoiced for the cost of the PPE requested:

    To complete your request, fill out the PPE Request Form:

    Make it clear in your request that your registry is providing government services
    to the general public.

COVID-19 Information, Resources and Best Practices for Registry Agents Updated: Sept 1, 2020
When filling out the form, please ensure you complete all mandatory fields. It is
      very important that you only order for a two week period so that all who require
      PPE have access to it. They understand your urgency and will work with our
      colleagues to procure items to meet your submitted requests.
      If your request meets the criteria and there is available stock, the request will be
      filled. They cannot provide an ETA on your order, however, you will be contacted
      once confirmation is received that your goods are ready for shipment.

      Note: PPE is being shipped as it comes in, so you may receive a partial order.
      PESS is tracking all shipments to ensure requests are properly filled.

1.5 Guidance on non-medical masks

   The Government of Alberta has released a guidance document on non-medical face
   masks that can be found at

   Medical masks and respirators must be kept for health-care workers and others
   providing direct care to COVID-19 patients. Those who choose to wear a
   nonmedical face mask should:
      • continue to follow all other public health guidance (staying two metres away
          from others, wash hands regularly, stay home when sick)
      • wash their hands immediately before putting it on and immediately after taking
          it off (in addition to practising good hand hygiene while wearing it)
      • ensure it fits well (non-gaping)
      • not share it with others
      • avoid touching the mask while wearing it
      • change masks as soon they get damp or soiled

1.6 Waiving cost recovery fee to registries for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

   Alberta Health has advised us that to assist with business continuity during the
   COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta Health will temporarily waive the cost recovery fee
   related to the provision of Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) registration
   services for the period January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020, inclusive.
   The quarterly invoices will be mailed this week and will indicate a zero balance for
   the period of January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020. Any outstanding cost recovery in
   arrears is not waived. Alberta Health will revisit the waiving of fees in June 2020.

2. Quick facts
   The most important measures that you can take to prevent respiratory illnesses,
   including COVID-19, is to practice good hygiene.
   This includes cleaning your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, avoiding
   touching your face, coughing or sneezing into your elbow or sleeve, disposing of
   tissues appropriately, and staying home and away from others if you are sick.

   Anyone who has health concerns or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should
   complete an online COVID-19 self-assessment.

   For recommendations on protecting yourself and your community, visit

2.1 Social Distancing

   Social distancing measures continue to be an important way to minimize the spread
   of COVID-19. A tip sheet is available to help Albertans understand ways to minimize
   close contact with others in community settings.

3. Mental Health Resources
3.1 Mental health immediate support

   • Mental Health Hotline

      Many people are feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. If you need
      support, you can call the mental health hotline.
      1-877-303-2642 or 1-866-332-2323
      Provides toll-free, 24/7 telephone service, which offers help for mental health
      concerns for Albertans:
      o confidential, anonymous service
      o crisis intervention o information about mental health programs and
        services o referrals to other agencies if needed

      For more mental health resources please visit: AHS Help in Tough Times.

• Text4Hope

      Free daily text messaging services, evidence-based tool that helps people identify
      and adjust the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours a pandemic might be
      expected to provoke

      To subscribe text COVID19HOPE to 393939.

   • Kids help phone

      You can reach a Kids Help Phone counsellor 24/7 at 1-800-668-6868 or for text
      and online support please visit:
   • Employee Benefits

      Some employee benefit plans have access to mental health resources like the
      Employee Assistance Plan. If you aren’t sure of your benefits, check with your

3.2 Other Resources:

   • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

      The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has a great FAQ, tips, coping
      strategies, self assessments and resources to manage your mental health during
      the pandemic here.

  • Alberta Health Services:

          o COVID-19 and your mental health printable tip sheet.

  • Mental Health Commission of Canada

        o Mental Health First Aid: COVID-19 Self-Care & Resilience Guide.
        o Tips available to help Canadians protect their mental health as they strive
          to safeguard their physical well-being and that of their loved ones.

4. Service Alberta Updates
4.1 Extensions to motor vehicle expirations [EXTENSION IS NOW EXPIRED]

  •    The Registrar of Motor Vehicles has extended the expiration of all Alberta motor
       vehicle documents until May 15, 2020. This includes: Driver’s licences, vehicle
       registrations, validation tabs, permits or any other vehicle document prescribed
       by the regulation.

•   New Albertans can continue to use their existing driver’s licences from other
      jurisdictions for up to 90 days. This information will be posted to RAnet when
  •   The temporary extension of the expiry of Motor Vehicle Documents will end
      at 11:59 PM on May 15, 2020. Albertans are being reminded to renew on or
      before May 15 if a driver’s licence, ID card, or vehicle registration expiry date falls
      from March 17 through May 14.
  •   Vehicle registrations expire on the last day of an assigned month based on the
      registrant’s surname or company name. Albertans and companies with vehicle
      registrations expiring in March and April (including those whose last names begin
      with B, D, G, Y) were eligible for the expiry date extension and need to renew on
      or before May 15.
  •   Driver’s licences and ID cards expire on the holder’s birthday in the year noted
      on the card. Albertans who have birthdays from March 17 through May 15 and
      whose cards expire this year need to renew on or before May 15.
  •   Drivers who require a medical evaluation to apply or renew their licence will still
      have 90 days from the date of renewal or issuance to provide their completed
      medical form. Please refer to the RAnet for more information.

4.2 Registries Assurance Telephone Support Changes

  In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure continued support for
  agents, effective March 24, 2020 and until further notice, Registries Assurance will
  be suspending telephone support through the 1-800-727-9221 number and
  transitioning to enhanced email support. A process has been put in place by which
  registry agents can request a call back from a Registries Specialist via email when
  an Albertan is at the office and immediate approval is required or the immediate
  processing of a mandatory request is required.

  To request a call back from a Registries Specialist, registry agents must send an
  email to This email must comply with the following

  Subject Line:
  CALLBACK P### CRA##### Body:
  Reference (MVID, Plate, VAC, etc.)
  CRA’s direct call back phone number
  Attachments (if applicable):

  Should your requested call back require the review of documentation, please ensure
  you attach a copy of the documents to your email request

  The hours of operation will remain unchanged: Monday – Friday from 9:00am –
  12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:30pm.

4.3 Reduced hours/closure:

   Some of you have indicated the need to reduce hours, and are even possibly
   considering a full or partial closure. Our registry agent contract doesn’t dictate your
   hours of operation, but it does specify that if you are closed for more than four
   business days, you may be in breach of your contract unless prior approval is
   received. Also given the current situation regarding COVID-19, Service Alberta is
   requiring all office closures or reduction of hours to be reported.

   If you are considering a full or partial closure or reduced hours, please contact
   Service Alberta at

4.4 Alberta Registry Fact Sheet for Travelers

   Service Alberta has posted a fact sheet for recent out of country travelers who are
   seeking health care coverage and motor vehicle documents. This document can be
   found on RAnet here.

4.5 Interim GAM Policies Exceptions

   In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, effective immediately and until further
   notice, the following are temporary policy extensions related to 3rd party record
   checks and ROADS re-enrollment after extended absences.

   As a result of potential delays in obtaining a Police Information Check (PIC),
   Service Alberta will extend the validity of 3rd party record checks to 90 days from
   the date of submission and require a PIC obtained directly through a police agency
   within Canada within 90 days of submission of the 3rd party record check.

   For any extended absences including lay-offs of registry agent personnel, Registry
   Agents can now submit the Notice of Change to Registry Agent Personnel Account
   Information (REG11266) (pdf) form to ROADS Administration for absences longer
   than 90 days rather than 60 days.

4.6 Motor Vehicle Program Changes

   Given the current pandemic and noting that the registry agent network is operating
   at a reduced capacity, Service Alberta has extended time periods on some registry
   services, including updating addresses after moving and the transfer of registration
   in some cases.

   Changes have also been made to the Access to Motor Vehicle Information
   Regulation to help law enforcement and public bodies enforce public health orders:

Vehicle registration and demographics information may be requested by a public
   body or a law enforcement agency in attempting to enforce a public health order.
   This modification would allow that information to be released without an agreement
   being in place. This provision is limited to the entities most likely to require this
   information to limit the risk of misuse. Registry agents are requested to refer these
   requests directly to DACMU.

   A six-month extension of all existing agreements is justified due to the difficulties in
   concluding new agreements that arise from the disruption of regular business.

   For details please visit RAnet here.

4.7 Security, Investigator and Locksmith Licence Extension          [EXTENSION IS

   To allow continued service of individuals and businesses licensed under the
   Security Services and Investigators Act, the expiry dates will be extended on all
   business and individual licences expiring between March 9, 2020, and July 1,

   The extension deadline is subject to change as Alberta’s public health response
   changes. Licensees will be notified as changes come into force.

   Current Licences
   • Individual and business licences that expire between March 9, 2020 and July 1,
       2020, will be automatically extended and remain subsisting and valid until
       midnight July 2, 2020.
   • The terms and conditions of current licenses will remain in force. The current
       authority of licensed businesses and individuals and all reporting obligations
       remain in place.

   Temporary Licences

    •   The expiry date of temporary licences, which are issued by email at the time of
        processing, will also be extended.

   Licence Renewals
    • Renewal applications that were received prior to this change will continue to be
       processed until further notice. Expiry dates on these renewals will supersede
       the new extension dates.
    • The program will continue to process new licences while permitted under the
       circumstances of a public health emergency.

   • This extension does not apply to licensees with temporary foreign worker or
      student work permits. All documents must be kept up to date with the program
   • If an individual’s baton training has expired, they must cease use of this
      equipment immediately.

   Contact Us
   • The Security Services and Investigators Program will continue to monitor the
      impacts of service delivery changes on the industry and notify licensees should
      any further changes be implemented.
   • In the event our offices are closed, staff will continue to monitor and respond to
      emails at

4.9 Alternative Service Delivery

   •   COVID-19 Interim MV Policies

       The Government of Alberta is temporarily allowing registry agents to provide
       select services by phone, secure email, fax, or mail.

       The following registry services will be able to be provided through alternative
       delivery methods by registry agents:

        • All corporate registry services (available by fax or email)
        • All personal property registry services (available by fax or email)
        • Select motor vehicles services, available by telephone, fax, mail or   email (with
           secure encryption)
                 ○ Driver’s licence or Identification Card services:
                        Renewal (one year with existing photo)
                        Replacement
                        Re-class
                        Exchange (address change)
                        Condition Code maintenance
                        Cancellation
                 ○ Vehicle registration services:
                        Renewal
                        Duplicate registration certificate
                        Replacement validation tab (expiry date sticker on licence
                        Exchange licence plate
                        Transfer registration to a new vehicle
                        Cancellation
                        Specialty plate order (Support our Troops, Calgary Flames,
                           Edmonton Oilers)

○   Other:
                          Driver’s abstract and operator history confirmation letter
                          Vehicle Information Report
                          Payment on account, including fine payments
                          In-transit permits
                          Appeal applications for Alberta Transportation Safety Board

To ensure compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements, registry
agents that opt to provide services by alternative methods cannot accept payment
over the phone or by email. Agents need to establish an online payment portal, for
any credit card payments, in accordance with PCI requirements.
For more information please visit RAnet or see Q&A below.
•   Questions and Answers about interim policies

    The interim policy says I must encrypt email, how do I encrypt email? And what is
    the encryption standard?

    Email providers like Outlook and Gmail provide encryption acceptable to Service
    Alberta – check with your email provider about whether or not they provide
    encryption services. Service Alberta has indicated that Transport Layer Security
    encryption is adequate. End to end encryption is not a requirement.

    Another option is to ask the customer send an encrypted email to the registry.
    The customer can then choose whether or not to encrypt the email.

    To encrypt a Gmail message just click the lock logo at the bottom of the message
    “turn confidential mode on/off”:

How do I accept payment for services offered over the phone and be compliant
     with Government of Alberta standards for PCI compliance?

     Check with your payment processor to see if they already have a system for
     customers to pay through an email or text link.

     If you are an OptionPay customer follow these steps:

            Your OptionPay account already has an Invoices dropdown tab built into
            the system. This allows you to set the dollar amount, send your customer
            their invoice to pay, and they can enter their credit card details.

            To send the link to a cardholder, complete the following steps:
               1. Login to OptionPay
               2. Go to the invoices tab
               3. Select “Send a Quick Invoice”
               4. Leave client to invoice as “Quick Invoice”
               5. Enter the cardholders e-mail
               6. Leave the due date, payment terms, etc. blank unless you wish to
                  fill them out
               7. Enter the service provided in the blank space below currency and
                  the dollar amount next to it
               8. You may repeat step 6 multiple times by clicking “Add Another
                  Item” if you are completing multiple services with different fees
                  associated with these services.
               9. Scroll to the very bottom and click “Send now”

            If you would like either of these services enabled and do not currently
            have them, please e-mail us at and we will have them
            turned on right away.

   If your payment provider doesn’t have an option to pay through email/text link you
   can contact OptionPay at to set up an account to process these
   transactions. Other companies like KixPay, PaySimply, Wave Payments and many
   others may provide a solution that works for your registry.

4.8 Service Alberta Question and Answer

   As we get answers to member’s questions to Service Alberta we will post them here

  Questions: MOVES is charging renewals for March and April renewals a full 12
  months. Is this correct?

  Yes, even though the date has been extended, customers are expected to pay the
  full 12 months.

Yes, the assumption is being taken that the customer drove the vehicle during
Question: Does the extension to May 15 for vehicle registrations applies to pro rated
vehicles travelling outside Alberta?

Answer: All vehicle registrations (includes fleet and prorate) that expire between
March 17 and May 14, have until May 15, 2020 to renew their registration. Any IRP
carrier that requests a modification to the registration must attend a registry agent to
process the supplement.

Question: A customer needs their Audit Control Number (ACN#) on the back of their
Driver’s Licence to access the provincial Emergency Isolation Support program and
must wait until they get their licence in the mail. Is there anything we can do to help
the customer access their benefits quicker?

Answer: [NOTE: The Alberta Emergency Program is now closed for applications].
The only way for an Albertan to know their ACN# is to have a physical Alberta DL or
ID card. Albertans who just completed an operator service must wait for their card in
the mail.

Alberta Registries and Alberta Registry Agents will not provide this number to
Albertans from the MOVES database. No exceptions.

Albertans with questions related to the ACN# requirement for the emergency
isolation support program, can direct these questions to the MyAlberta Digital ID
(MADI) business area by calling: Alberta Connects at 310-4455, open 7 days a
week from 8 am to 8 pm. They ask Albertans to please be patient as call volumes
may be high. Additional information can be found at:

Question: The local registry is closed, how does a new car owner register their

New car owners can use in-transit permits until May 15th.

Question: My local police station is closed and I can’t get a police check for a new
employee, what do I do?

GAM policy 2.01 already identifies an exception process (excerpt listed next page)
and allows third-party police checks. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will
temporarily extended the validity of third party PIC’s to 90 days and require a PIC
obtained directly through a police agency within Canada within 90 days of
submission of the third party record check. SA will post this temporary exception of

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General has confirmed with the RCMP that
detachments are still providing criminal record checks and, if required,
fingerprinting, for employment purposes. However, due to staffing levels and
concerns for the health of detachment staff, precautions may have been put in
place, such as buzzing for access, pre-scheduled appoints and wearing protective
masks. In most instances, you will not receive your criminal record check on the
same day as detachments try to balance public safety needs and administrative
responsibilities. Both Calgary and Edmonton Police Services are offering online
police checks.

          Delays in Obtaining a PIC

          In the event that there are delays in the policing agency providing a PIC
          and employment needs to start before that PIC may be obtained, a
          record check indicating no records exist may be submitted from a third
          party agency.

          A registry agent must:

             •   Submit a record check indicating no records exist from a third
                 party agency dated within the last 60 days.
             •   Submit a PIC obtained directly through a police agency within
                 Canada within 60 days of submission of the third party record

Question: What is the procedure with Service Alberta for employees who have been
laid off and then rehired? Do we have to let them know and do they need to redo all
the paper work (FOIP, Police check etc.)?
General Administration Manual (GAM) policy 2.07 requires all terminations to be
immediately reported as well as absences longer than 60 days to be reported to
Service Alberta. Currently when registry agent personnel are returning from an
absence longer than 60 days they must complete the Authentication Requirements
and submit an authentication package to Service Alberta. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic we are going to extend the requirement to report extended absences
from 60 days to 90 days as well as extend the re-enrollment of registry agent
personnel returning from an absence longer than 60 days to 90 days. We will post
this temporary exception of RAnet.

5. Alberta Transportation Updates
5.1 Road testing

   Alberta Transportation has expanded acceptance for online applications for a
   limited number of commercial Class 1 to 4 and passenger/Class 5 Advanced road
   tests (not Graduated Drivers Licenses) for healthcare workers.
   Testing locations have also been expanded beyond Calgary and Edmonton to six
   additional communities: Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie,
   Lloydminster and Fort McMurray.
   Test volumes will still be limited and will be in-vehicle with personal
   protective material (PPE), in a manner approved by Occupational Health and
   Safety and Alberta Health.
   Road testing will be resuming this month. The approximate timeline is as

         o June 23rd: Drivers who had their road tests cancelled due to COVID-19
           will be contacted by Alberta Transportation to rebook their tests.
         o June 30th: Road testing will relaunch in Alberta and the general public will
           use the online scheduler, ARTS, to book their road tests (the same
           booking procedure as before).

   Important Road Test Resumption Information:
         o Alberta Transportation will contact any clients who need to rebook due to
            a COVID cancellation.
         o The Alberta Transportation call center is still open. Clients are able to call
            (780) 427-8230 (or first dial 310-0000 toll free anywhere in Alberta)
            8:15a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30p.m. Monday to Friday (except for
            statutory holidays)
         o The Alberta Transportation scheduling team will do their best to assign
            road tests to all registry locations that previously had testing. There are
            many more constraints to scheduling like longer road tests times, personal
            protective equipment (PPE) availability, and modified registry hours to
         o Due to OHS and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements road
            tests will take approximately 30 minutes longer to conduct per test.
         o Road test clients will have to sign a waiver and release at the time of their
            road test.
         o Road test clients will be required to supply and wear their own PPE in
            order to have a test completed. They will be informed of the requirements
            by Alberta Transportation prior to their test.

   Meeting Occupational Health and Safety Requirements and Applying PPE Extends
   Road Test Duration

All road tests will take longer to complete due to the new OHS requirements,
   disinfecting and applying PPE. For example, and Class 5B road test will now take
   55 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

   As a registry agent, you should be prepared for the number of road test
   appointments available to be greatly reduced. We anticipate that the number of
   road test appointments available for booking will increase as the number of
   constraints decrease (OHS requirements, PPE application, etc.).

   Alberta Transportation will begin accepting applications for these limited number of
   road tests shortly. More details are available on RAnet.

5.2 Medical Evaluation

   Alberta Transportation has extended the timeline to 90 days for most drivers
   requiring a medical evaluation to complete their medical form when applying for or
   renewing their licence. This will reduce the current strain on the health-care system.
   Medically high-risk drivers will still be required to present their medical evaluation at
   the time of their application or renewal.

6. Government of Alberta measures to address COVID-19
6.1 Phased re-launched strategy

   As of May 14th, some non-essential businesses are allowed to re-open with infection
   prevention controls. Calgary and Brooks have a different re-opening schedule than
   the rest of the province because of higher active case volumes. For more
   information visit

6.2 Financial and other support for Albertans:

      • Utility payment holiday

      •     Residential, farm, and small commercial customers can defer bill payments
            for the next 90 days to ensure no one will be cut off from these services
            during this time of crisis.
      •     This will cover electricity and natural gas, regardless of the service provider.

      • Student loans repayment holiday

          The government will implement a six-month, interest-free moratorium on Alberta
          student loan payments for all individuals who are in the process of repaying
          these loans.

      • Education property tax freeze

          The government will immediately cancel the decision made in Budget 2020 and
          will freeze education property taxes at last year’s level.

      • 14-day Job-protected leave

           Changes to the Employment Standards Code will allow full and part-time
           employees to take 14 days of job-protected leave if they are:
           • required to self-isolate
           • caring for a child or dependent adult that is required to self isolate

           To be eligible, employees:
            • will not be required to have a medical note
            • do not need to have worked for an employer for 90 days

           This leave covers the 14-day self-isolation period recommended by Alberta’s
           chief medical officer. This leave may be extended if the advice of the chief
           medical officer changes. The leave does not apply to self-employed individuals
           or contractors.

      • 90-day protected leave for employees caring for children

           Employees caring for children affected by school and daycare closures or ill or
           self-isolated family members due to COVID-19 will have access to unpaid job
           protected leave. The 90-day employment requirement is waived and leave
           length is flexible.

• Emergency Isolation Support: $50 million [THIS PROGRAM IS NOW CLOSED]

    This will be a temporary program for working adult Albertans who must self
    isolate because they meet the Government of Alberta’s published criteria for
    self-isolation, including persons who are the sole caregiver for a dependent who
    must self-isolate because they meet the public health criteria, and who will not
    have another source of pay or compensation while they are self isolated.

    It will be distributed in a one time payment of $1,146 payment instalment and
    will bridge the gap until the federal emergency payments begin in April.

6.3 Financial and other support for employers

   • Relaunch grants for businesses

     The Government of Alberta announced that they will provide grants of up to
     $5000 for eligible businesses to offset a portion of their re-launch costs.
     Businesses can apply for 15% of their pre-COVID-19 revenue, up to a
     maximum of $5000.

     Eligibility requirements are as follows:

      o Businesses that were ordered to close or curtail operations as a result of
        public health orders; and
      o Be able to show a revenue reduction of at least 50% in April and/or May
        2020 because of public health orders.

     For more detailed eligibility information and revenue calculations please visit
     this link.

     You can apply for the funding starting June 29th at this link: You must have a My Alberta
     Digital ID to apply. If you don’t already have an account you can create on

     To manage volume, applications are being accepted by region on the following

                June 29 – North (outside urban areas)
                June 30 – South (outside urban areas)
                July 1 – Urban (Grand Prairie, Fort McMurray, Cold Lake,
                 Lloydminster, Leduc, Wetaskiwin, Camrose, Red Deer, Airdrie,
                 Medicine Hat, Lethbridge)
                July 2 -Calgary
                July 3 – Edmonton

   July 4 – anyone may apply to the program until it closes.

  The program will close on August 31, 2020 or four weeks following the start of
  phase 3 re-opening, whichever is later.

• Commercial rent freeze and bans on evictions

  The Government of Alberta introduced legislation to ensure commercial tenant
  will not face rent increases or be evicted for non-payment of rent due to the
  COVID-19 health emergency to address the shortfalls in the Canada
  Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program. Bill 23 and the upcoming
  regulation will:

   o protect eligible commercial tenants from having their leases terminated if
     they can’t pay rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
   o prevent landlords from raising rent and charging late fees and penalties on
     missed rent

  If passed, any late fees, penalties, or rent increases imposed on a commercial
  tenant by their landlord between March 17, 2020 and August 31, 2020 would
  need to be reimbursed.

  Protections would apply to:

   o commercial tenants with tenancy agreements eligible for the CECRA
     program, but whose landlords have chosen not to participate
   o commercial lease agreements where tenants have had to close their
     business due to public health orders or have had their business revenue
     decline by 25% or more as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

  Tenants and landlords would need to work together to develop a rent payment
  plan for missed payments. If a tenant’s actions violate any lease provisions
  other than those covered by the Act, the tenant may be evicted or penalized in
  accordance to the lease’s terms.

  The legislation would not apply to evictions or lease terminations that
  happened before the legislation was tabled on June 16, 2020.

  More details will be posted here as they become available.

• Temporarily Removing requirement of notice for changes to schedules and

    The 24-hour written notice requirement for shift changes, and the two weeks’
    notice for changes to work schedules for those under an averaging agreement
    has been temporarily removed to improve employer flexibility. This will last as
    long as the government deems it needed and the public health emergency

• Corporate income tax changes

    Corporate income tax balances and instalment payments will be deferred from
    March 19 until August 31, 2020 to increase employers’ access to cash so they
    can pay employees, address debts and continue operations.

• Utility payment holiday

    Farm and commercial customers can defer electricity and natural gas bill
    payments for the next 90 days to ensure no one will be cut off, regardless of
    the service provider.

• Banks and credit unions:

    •    Credit unions: Business members should contact their credit union directly
         to work out a plan for their personal situation
    •    ATB Financial: Small business customers can:
         apply for a payment deferral on loans and lines of credit for up to 6
         access additional working capital

• Education property tax deferral for business

    •   Effective immediately, the government will defer education property tax for
        businesses for six months.
•   The government expects municipalities to set education property tax rates as
    they normally would but defer collection. Deferred amounts will be repaid in
    future tax years.
•   The government encourages commercial landlords to pass on these savings
    to their tenants through reduced or deferred payments. This will help
    employers continue to manage their debts, pay their employees and stay in
    business. o Businesses capable of paying their taxes in full are strongly
    encouraged to do so. This will assist the province in being able to support
    Albertans through this pandemic.

• WCB premiums deferral for private sector businesses and support for small and
medium businesses

•       Private sector employers can save money on their WCB premium payments
        at a time when they need it most. These actions ensure the sustainability of
        the workers’ compensation system and that injured workers continue to
        receive the benefits and supports they need to return to work. o Private
        sector employers will have immediate financial relief by deferring WCB
        premiums until early 2021, effectively for one year.
•       Employers who have already paid their WCB premium payment for 2020 are
        eligible for a rebate or credit.
•       For small and medium businesses, the government will cover 50 per cent of
        the premium when it is due. o Large employers will also receive a break by
        having their 2020 WCB premium payments deferred until 2021, at which time
        their premiums will be due. A fact sheet about WCB can be found here:

• Vacation pay, leave or banked overtime

    Employers and employees may consider using other available leaves
    should an employee be required to self-isolate.
 • Employees can request using their vacation pay or banked overtime, but
    employers are not required to grant the request. Provincial employment
    rules only require employers to provide vacation pay, vacation leave or pay
    banked overtime within a year of it being earned.
• Employers can request employees voluntarily take vacation leave and/or use
   their vacation pay or banked overtime but cannot force them to do so under
   provincial employment rules.

• Other temporary changes to Employment Standard Code

 •       Removing the requirement to provide the group termination notice to
         employees and unions when 50 or more employees are being terminated.

•     Streamlining the process for approvals related to modifying employment
                standards so employers and workers can respond quicker to changing
                conditions at the workplace due to the public health emergency.
          •     Both these measures will last as long as the government deems it needed
                and the public health emergency remains.

6.4 Additional posters for your business

   The Government of Alberta has created additional posters for your business that can
   be found here. Information sheets are also available in a variety of languages here.

6.5 Enforcing measures to stop spread of COVID-19

   To protect the health and safety of Albertans, law enforcement agencies have been
   granted full authority to enforce public health orders and issue fines:
      •       Fine of up to $1,000 per violation; and
      •       Courts can administer fines of up to $100,000 for first time offences, and up to
              $500,000 for repeat or more serious violations.

      It is now mandatory for travellers returning from outside of Canada to self-isolate.
      This legal requirement also applies to close contacts of confirmed COVID-19
      cases, as well as to any individual with symptoms, such as a fever, cough, sore
      throat or runny nose.
   Public health orders subject to fines for violation include:

      •       Any individual who has travelled outside of Canada must go into mandatory
              self-isolation for 14 days from their return, plus an additional 10 days from the
              onset of any symptoms should they occur, whichever is longer.
      •       Any individual who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms must self-isolate for a
              minimum of 10 days from the start of their symptoms, or until the symptoms

resolve, whichever is longer. Symptoms include cough, fever, shortness of
          breath, runny nose, or a sore throat.
      •   Any individual who has been identified by as a close contact of a person(s)
          with COVID-19 must go into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days from the
          date of last having been exposed to COVID-19, plus an additional 10 days
          from the onset of any symptoms should they occur, whichever is longer.
      •   Mass gatherings must be limited to no more than 50 attendees.
      •   Access to public recreational facilities, private entertainment facilities, bars
          and nightclubs is prohibited.
      •   Visitation to long-term care and other continuing care facilities is limited to
          essential visitors only.

      The Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services are working with local
      enforcement agencies to manage complaints, which can be submitted online
      here or if you cannot submit online, you can also call 1-833-415-9179 to submit a
      complaint by leaving a message when prompted. Please only submit a complaint
      once. Do not submit online and by phone.

6.6 Closure of non-essential businesses [NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES NOW

   The Government of Alberta has ordered the closure of non-essential businesses.
   Registries have been listed as an essential service by the Government of Alberta.
   Workplaces that have not been ordered to close can continue to have more than 15
   workers on a worksite as long as those business maintain public health measures,
   including two metre social distancing, hygiene enforcement and processes that
   ensure that any person who is ill does not attend these spaces.
   List of essential services can be found here. Registries are listed under public
   administration and government.
6.7 Annual returns for corporations, cooperatives and organizations

   In keeping with public gathering restrictions, deadlines are suspended for
   corporations, partnerships, cooperatives and non-profit organizations to hold annual
   general meetings and file their annual returns. The suspension is set to expire 60
   days after the public health emergency is declared over.
   These groups will remain active in Alberta, and will not have their corporations,
   partnerships, cooperatives or non-profit organizations dissolved due to failing to file
   annual returns.
   For more information click here and there is a summary of the changes posted on
   RAnet here.

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