Covid-19 in the Horn of Africa

Page created by Rick Gonzales
Covid-19 in the Horn of Africa
NO. 20 MAY 2020              Introduction

Covid-19 in the Horn of Africa
Gaining Trust in a Crisis
Annette Weber

On reaching the Horn of Africa, the corona virus will have encountered countries
already facing a multitude of challenges. Prolonged armed conflict, drought and
insecurity have turned more than eight million people into refugees in their own
countries, and a further 3.5 million have fled to neighbouring countries where they
live in overcrowded refugee camps. All the countries in this region are in a fragile
state of political transformation or have been severely weakened by war and govern-
ment failures. They possess neither the capacity to contain the Covid pandemic nor
to mitigate the resulting unemployment, poverty and hunger. In order to guard
against jeopardising the process of democratisation in Sudan and Ethiopia, special
emphasis should be placed on social security systems and gaining the trust of the
population. This requires an emergency aid package from abroad that will ensure the
economic survival of all countries in the region. However, long-term support should
be conditional on guaranteeing that most of the investment goes into developing
state capacities for critical infrastructure and social security.

The legitimacy of the government and the         the longer the executive retains supreme
degree of trust the population has in its        power. For example, the government in
leadership are key to effectively combating      Somalia is preventing journalists from
Covid-19 and coping with its consequential       being critical in their reporting. The govern-
losses. These factors will determine whether     ment in Ethiopia is blocking Internet com-
a country can enforce life-saving measures       munication in certain parts of the country.
or whether social unrest breaks out.             Fears are also growing that Prime Minister
   How a country is governed now will shape      Abiy Ahmed will impose a state of emer-
the relationship between the state and the       gency to further postpone elections, dis-
population in the aftermath of the pandemic.     solve parliament and appoint a caretaker
Although there is currently strong support       government. This would damage the gov-
for incumbent governments, approval may          ernment’s legitimacy and make reconcilia-
start to wane if there is an upsurge in infec-   tion more difficult in this politically and
tion rates, starvation or riots.                 ethnically fragmented country.
   Meanwhile, the danger of authoritarian           Drastic measures to prevent the virus
regimes becoming entrenched increases            from spreading have been taken by all the
countries in this region. There is a very real       The situation in neighbouring Ethiopia
                 risk that food shortages, starvation, looting    is somewhat different. Up until March,
                 and social unrest will lead to state failure     Ethiopian Airlines continued to fly to China
                 and armed conflicts. The longer the restric-     daily. The government was late in appeal-
                 tions apply and the more people govern-          ing to the population to stay at home. In
                 ments are unable to feed, the more un-           contrast, Ethiopian manufacturing busi-
                 stable the region will become.                   nesses reacted quickly. Textile factories
                                                                  switched production to protective face
                                                                  masks. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is play-
                 Current Situation in the Horn                    ing the role of a regional crisis coordinator.
                                                                  Ethiopian Airlines are flying aid deliveries
                 Many countries in the Horn of Africa are         to the continent via Addis Ababa. Abiy
                 still in the early stages of the pandemic.       Ahmed has also successfully presented him-
                 Although the number of cases is low, so is       self in the media as a representative of the
                 the level of testing, making it difficult to     continent, mobilising the necessary aid in-
                 draw any accurate conclusions.                   vestments through op-eds and letters. In the
                     Sudan’s response to the outbreak was         country itself, however, confidence in the
                 Rapid. The government closed its borders         government is waning, at least in some
                 before a single case of Covid had been iden-     quarters. Rumours of dictatorial measures
                 tified in the country. Night-time curfews        and pending arrests of political opponents
                 apply throughout Sudan and a comprehen-          are rife, especially on the Internet.
                 sive lockdown was imposed in the capital,            The situation is most desperate in Soma-
                 Khartoum. The Sudanese prime minister is         lia and Southern Sudan. Acute conflicts
                 still riding on a wave of support from the       in both these Horn countries have caused
                 population. The experience of the country’s      mass displacement and there is little hope
                 recent overthrow and renewal has largely         of political rapprochement or a ceasefire,
                 united the Sudanese people. Nevertheless,        like the one currently in place in Sudan.
                 the government’s position is built on sand,      Despite the peace treaty, the population’s
                 as it cannot fully rely on its institutions      trust in its former opponents in South
                 which are still mainly staffed by members        Sudan is fragile. Violent clashes between
                 of the old regime.                               enemy groups continue to take place. More
                     Acts of sabotage and disruption by rep-      than half of the population is dependent
                 resentatives of the old regime are increas-      on food aid and a functioning health sys-
                 ing. For example, General Hamad, the gov-        tem has not yet been set up. More than 2.2
                 ernor of the capital, refused to enforce a       of the 12 million inhabitants mainly live
                 ban on assembly for mosques in Khartoum.         in neighbouring countries as refugees and
                 Islamists from the ranks of the former Bashir    around 1.5 million are displaced in their
                 regime are holding demonstrations against        own country. Humanitarian aid organisa-
                 the Prime Minister’s government and call-        tions are overseeing the provision of sup-
                 ing for the military to take power. Attacks      plies, partly under the protection of the
                 on state institutions in protest at restric-     UN peacekeeping mission UNMISS. Since
                 tions on free movement and government            the government has, yet again, outsourced
                 curfews have been reported in the north,         the provision of basic supplies for its popu-
                 and could increase nationwide. The balance       lation to international aid organisations,
                 of power between the military and civilians      it is not expected to take on management
                 in the transitional government still remains     tasks in this crisis. The government in Juba
                 finely poised. Moreover, the armed oppo-         is unlikely to use the crisis to build con-
                 sition has also responded positively to the      fidence and its legitimacy is therefore likely
                 United Nations Secretary-General’s appeal        to dwindle further.
                 to declare a temporary ceasefire as a result         Of all the countries in the region, Somalia
                 of the crisis.                                   faces the greatest challenges. A third of all

SWP Comment 20
May 2020

15 million Somalis depend on food aid, 2.6        but not least, the role of external actors
million have become internally displaced          during the crisis.
due to war or drought and just under one
million live as refugees in neighbouring          Legitimacy, leadership and
countries. The central government in Moga-        acceptance
dishu is in political conflict with some of its
federal states. These conflicts are exacerbated   State capacities, such as administrative
by hostile camps in the Gulf Cooperation          capacity and the ability to maintain critical
Council (GCC). Qatar and Turkey support           infrastructure, will be critical in dealing
the central government in Mogadishu,              with the virus and the economic and social
while the United Arab Emirates and Saudi          ramifications of the pandemic.
Arabia are providing financial support to            In its urban centres, the Sudanese lead-
the states. This situation is only widening       ership can rely on the sense of unity result-
the gap between the country’s government          ing from the successful revolution against
and its states. As a result, capacity-building    the Bashir regime. This gives it an advan-
is impossible and measures cannot be im-          tage over those countries in which ethnic,
plemented. Meanwhile, the jihadist al-Sha-        social or religious differences divide society.
baab is arming itself and carrying out more       There is still a fine balance between the
attacks against Somali security organs and        civil and military forces in the government,
the African Union (AU) mission.                   which compels them to act jointly. If the
    Complicating factors in the Horn of           government does take on coordination
Africa region include the consistently dis-       tasks and starts supplying the population
astrous healthcare and the poor health of         with necessary provisions, this will help
its inhabitants who often suffer from mal-        stabilise the country.
nutrition and tuberculosis. Another enor-            If Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy suc-
mous challenge is the high population             ceeds in uniting the population with good
density in the urban areas and the refugee        crisis management, his Medemer project
camps. The large number of day-labourers          (Amharic for synergy or coming together)
and workers in the informal sector with no        could bring about social stabilisation even
savings is also a major problem. Because          in a period with economic problems. In
people with underlying health issues are          Ethiopia, parliamentary elections, original-
particularly at risk from Covid-19, and espe-     ly scheduled for May 2020 and then for
cially those over 60, therefore the youth         August 2020, have been postponed in-
factor might yet have a positive effect in        definitely due to Covid-19. What would
the Horn of Africa. The average age in the        have caused criticism and violent reactions
region is less than 20 years.                     from the opposition a few weeks ago, now
    If the state is unable to provide a certain   enjoys almost unanimous support.
level of social security, it will be difficult       If the prime minister does manage to
to convince the population that it has to         navigate Ethiopia through the crisis in a
accept work bans, restrictions on free move-      relatively stable manner, his coalition of
ment and curfews because of Covid-19.             parties will most likely secure victory in the
                                                  upcoming elections. This is an opportunity
                                                  that could quickly go begging if he employs
Structural and actor-related                      repressive politics, like blocking the Inter-
factors                                           net and telecommunications in the state of
                                                  Oromia. In order to maintain the legitimacy
How the policies of the actors in the Horn        of his government, he must ensure trans-
of Africa will change as a result of the          parent communication and include both
Covid-19 crisis depends on various factors:       the opposition and the states. However, if
the legitimacy of the government, corre-          Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is unable to
sponding economic development and, last           convince the populace of the need for the

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 20
                                                                                                          May 2020

restrictions and if he is unable to involve     habitants, in Somalia this figure is even
                 the local level in combating the virus,         worse at 0.023.
                 Corona could fast become a catalyst for            Healthcare in Eritrea is similar to that
                 growing conflicts that would break out          of Ethiopia. However, the country has per-
                 along ethnic and religious lines.               sisted with its isolationist position, despite
                    Covid-19 presents the Somali govern-         the Corona crisis. Not even the aircraft with
                 ment with existential challenges. Even          aid supplies from Chinese billionaire Jack
                 before the pandemic, approval of President      Ma, which were to be distributed across
                 Mohamed Abdullahi Famajo’s government           Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa, received a
                 was not overwhelming. The country has           landing permit in Eritrea.
                 almost no functioning critical infrastruc-         In Sudan and South Sudan, the dis-
                 ture, a third of the population is dependent    crepancy between official spending on
                 on food supplies, and furthermore, there is     the healthcare sector and shortages on the
                 an open conflict with al-Shabaab. In addi-      ground is particularly striking. According
                 tion, the lockdown in place for troops from     to the World Health Organization, Sudan’s
                 the African Union Mission (AMISOM), is          budget, at 6.34 percent of GDP, is not far
                 weakening the response to al-Shabaab. Apart     short of the average for member states of
                 from disputes between the central govern-       the Organization for Security and Coopera-
                 ment and the states, its repressive approach    tion in Europe (OSCE); in Southern Sudan,
                 to the media and journalists has made the       as much as 9.76 percent of GDP is allocated
                 task of building trust more difficult.          to healthcare. In fact, there are 0.43 doctors
                    The new government in South Sudan            for every 1,000 inhabitants in Sudan, and
                 was not officially sworn in until 22 Feb-       0.15 in South Sudan. For comparison, the
                 ruary 2020, right at the very beginning of      density of doctors in member states of the
                 the pandemic. Since it gained independ-         Organization for Economic Cooperation
                 ence from Sudan in 2011, the county has         and Development (OECD) is an average of
                 been governed by rivals, President Salva Kiir   2.89 per 1,000 inhabitants. This seems to con-
                 and Vice President Riek Machar. The gov-        firm the suspicion that the healthcare sys-
                 ernment alliance failed twice because of        tem is particularly susceptible to corruption.
                 wrangling between the two camps. The               The gap between the numerically small
                 result was bloody civil wars that left South    elite and the majority of the population
                 Sudan in extreme poverty, with ethnic           is also clearly evident in healthcare. While
                 disparity and no critical infrastructure for    there is little investment in the domestic,
                 health, education and transport.                public health sector, the elite mainly go
                                                                 abroad to receive treatment, and the travel
                 Healthcare                                      restrictions put in place due to Covid-19 and
                                                                 the global overload of health systems are
                 All the countries in the Horn of Africa are     currently making it difficult for them to
                 suffering from a serious shortage of medical    travel abroad. That is when the need to in-
                 care and equipment.                             vest in your own country becomes more
                    With 557 ventilators and over 570 in-        obvious.
                 tensive care beds, Ethiopia is well ahead of       For transition governments, in particu-
                 all the other countries in the region. Sudan    lar, this situation also represents an oppor-
                 has 80 ventilators and 200 intensive care       tunity to combat corruption in the health-
                 beds, but only 40 of them are in public         care system. Strategic investments in social
                 hospitals. Somalia has 25 intensive care        systems that are supported by the popula-
                 beds, but not a single ventilator, and South    tion and controlled locally could now set an
                 Sudan has 24 beds and 4 ventilators.            important course for the future.
                    Although Ethiopia has invested more in          However, if governments are unwilling
                 health and education in recent years, the       to take responsibility for public healthcare,
                 country only has 0.1 doctors per 1,000 in-      this could lead to widespread opposition to,

SWP Comment 20
May 2020

or even attacks on, wards where Covid-19            This will require coordinating the UN
patients are being treated. As with Ebola,       organisations. It will be important for coun-
there would also be a risk of corona testing     tries in the region to develop a functioning
stations being attacked, as they are con-        supply infrastructure and to build up stocks.
sidered places which spread the virus.
   Factors that serve old, colonial patterns     Economy
make things worse: the lack of solidarity in
Europe, the racist treatment of Africans in      Lockdowns and border closures will mean
China and disturbing statements by French        that economies that are already weak will
doctors that Africa would make a good test-      face more overwhelming challenges and
ing ground for Covid vaccines. The anony-        will slip into recession.
mous racist abuse on the Internet and                Although a large portion of the population
verbal attacks by Donald Trump on Tedros         works in agriculture, on average, half of gross
Ghebreyesus, the former Foreign Minister         national product (GNP) is generated in cities.
of Ethiopia and now Director General of the      If food prices are to rise as a result of short-
World Health Organization, are also seen         ages, this will initially affect the urban popu-
on the continent as humiliating. In Africa,      lation hardest, since they already lack the
xenophobic reactions are felt by the Chi-        income they need to survive the lockdown.
nese, Europeans and humanitarian aid                 Regional trade in goods, although small,
workers who are being blamed for intro-          has also been restricted by the Covid meas-
ducing the virus. This, in turn, affects the     ures. When Somalia closed its border, trade
supply of healthcare. People might even          in the common stimulant Qat collapsed,
refuse to receive humanitarian aid by inter-     and Kenyan and Ethiopian cultivators were
national organisations as a result of the        left without any income.
behaviour described above and for other              A downturn in the global economy ap-
reasons: the spread of conspiracy theories,      pears inevitable. The fall in the price of oil
shutting down journalists, the lack of trust     could have positive effects, for example by
in state media, non-transparent communi-         lowering fuel prices. However, since major
cation by the authorities and the repressive     lenders are located in the Gulf States, an eco-
enforcement of curfews.                          nomic downturn in these countries will also
                                                 have a negative impact on the Horn of Africa.
Food security                                        Many people in the Horn have some
                                                 social security in the form of money trans-
The Horn of Africa is persistently afflicted     fers from family members working abroad.
by severe droughts, floods and famine; an        Since unemployment is increasing world-
infestation of locusts is currently swarming     wide, social security, healthcare, tuition
the region and fields cannot be cultivated       fees and food security can no longer be
because of armed conflicts. Large swathes        financed by remittances from abroad. The
of the population depend on food aid.            Gulf States will be particularly relevant for
Ethiopia and Sudan have grain reserves, but      migrant workers from the region. After the
these are not sufficient to feed the affected    2008 financial crisis and the Saudi Vision
population for a long period. In both coun-      2030 project, which aims to supply the
tries, less than ten percent of the popula-      labour market in Saudi Arabia with local
tion is still dependent on humanitarian aid.     workers, Saudi Arabia sent home more than
However, one third of the population of          300,000 people who were working in the
Somalia and 60 percent of South Sudan rely       low-wage sector. Even now, thousands are
on external aid. Food prices are expected to     being forced to return home to the Horn
rise as logistics centres, ports and transpor-   from the Gulf States every week.
tation will all be affected by Covid-19 re-          Governments that have so far paid little
strictions. As a result, pinch points and        attention to the social security of their popu-
shortfalls in aid deliveries can be expected.    lations now have an increasing obligation.

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 20
                                                                                                          May 2020

Covid-19 aid packages                           on social media and the virus is being used
                                                                 as an opportunity to encourage the use of
                 The EU, international financial institutions    violence against the supposed guilty parties.
                 and the G20 have taken measures to cushion          Since the onset of the Corona crisis, two
                 the most severe economic declines. The G20      different reactions have been observed in
                 countries want to introduce debt reschedul-     countries with armed opposition groups.
                 ing for the least developed countries. This     In Sudan, some of the armed opposition
                 will apply to $20 billion of debt and come      groups are conducting peace negotiations
                 into force from May. And it could apply         with the interim government and a politi-
                 to all the countries in the Horn. However,      cal solution has become possible. Even
                 none of these countries was named in rela-      those groups that are not currently involved
                 tion to the debt moratorium announced by        in negotiations are following the UN Secre-
                 the International Monetary Fund (IMF).          tary-General’s call for a temporary ceasefire.
                    Of the €3.25 billion the EU is making            The response from jihadist groups such
                 available to African countries to deal with     as al-Shabaab has been quite different, how-
                 the Covid-19 crisis, for the Horn of Africa,    ever. They are highlighting the weaknesses
                 the majority will go to Sudan (€80 million),    of the government and the AU Mission
                 €10 million will go to Ethiopia, €27 Million    with increased attacks on security organs.
                 to Somalia and €5 million to South Sudan.       In March, members of al-Shabaab brazenly
                 Ethiopia also received €76.5 million from       met up for a multi-day strategy conference
                 the World Bank and South Sudan €7 mil-          in Somalia. Al-Shabaab is able to use as
                 lion. Somalia, in particular, has benefitted    political leverage humanitarian and medi-
                 from the debt relief programme.                 cal aid for the people suffering in the areas
                    Access to the international financial        it controls.
                 institutions is particularly difficult for
                 Sudan. Thanks to its support for jihadist
                 groups such as al-Qaida and its involvement     Recommendations
                 in attacks against the US embassies in
                 Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, the US placed        The response to Covid-19 from all internal
                 the Bashir regime on its list of State Spon-    and external actors involved in the Horn of
                 sors of Terrorism (SST) in 1993. Sudan is       Africa should not be to rely on more isola-
                 currently in negotiations with the US ad-       tionism, but on more networked thinking
                 ministration to be removed from the list.       and action. Alongside short-term humani-
                 This would pave the way for debt relief and     tarian aid from outside, long-term invest-
                 urgently needed financial support. But the      ment in social security systems is also
                 negotiations are proving tough and com-         required.
                 plex. With the current pandemic still ram-         As can be seen in the Horn of Africa,
                 pant, it is all the more important to find      individual philanthropists such as Jack Ma
                 alternative ways of providing support to        or Bill Gates are providing more visible sup-
                 stabilise the country.                          port than state actors. However, in order
                                                                 to meet the challenges, the work that con-
                 Conflicts                                       tinues to be done by multilateral organi-
                                                                 sations financed and controlled by the
                 The Horn of Africa is the most conflict-        member states of the United Nations is
                 ridden region on the continent. At the same     essential.
                 time, it hosts the most and largest peace
                 missions, both from the United Nations and      What actors in the countries
                 the African Union.                              themselves should do
                    The situation in socially, ethnically or
                 religiously fragmented societies is currently   The governments of Horn countries are
                 very worrying. Conspiracy theories abound       faced with the challenge of how to best

SWP Comment 20
May 2020

achieve two main goals: regime stability         Germany and Europe
and protecting the population. If they now
focus only on keeping themselves in power        There are several challenges for Germany
and neglect the population, the crisis could     and Europe in dealing with Covid-19 in the
end in chaos. By contrast, investing in their    Horn of Africa, but there are also opportu-
healthcare systems and communicating             nities.
openly with the population would increase           In recent years, Germany has proven to
acceptance for the measures they put in          be a reliable partner for those Horn coun-
place and strengthen the legitimacy of the       tries in transition. It should, therefore, now
government. Actively combatting corrup-          move forward and not shy away from taken
tion, especially in the health sector, should    on the role of aid coordinator within the
also be seen as an opportunity to gain the       EU. This is especially true in Sudan, whose
population’s trust. In order to do this,         situation as a transition state is fragile,
they will need to introduce anti-corruption      but has enormous geostrategic importance.
measures, to develop structures and involve      Hosting a Sudan conference that would put
the populace in transparently determining        together a package of funds from Europe,
the country’s needs.                             the US, the Gulf States and also from inter-
   Overcoming the Corona pandemic will           national financial organisations would be a
require solidarity. If this is lacking, for      step in the right direction.
example because the population mistrusts            Options need to be developed for Sudan
the state power, then the virus quickly          that give it to access the IMF’s aid fund
becomes ammunition for those who want            despite being on the SST list. Europe could
to exploit it for selfish purposes and pro-      also assist Sudan in negotiations to access
mote fragmentation.                              funds from international development orga-
   Widening social safety nets will give         nisations and the World Bank. In addition,
the governments greater legitimacy and           Germany and Europe could lobby the Paris
increases the population’s trust in them.        Club for debt relief. The bulk of Sudan’s
The latter is essential for governments to       foreign debt – ranging from $50 to $60
impose and effectively implement measures        billion – is owed to members states of the
and restrictions. This is the only way to        Paris Club.
mobilise communities to ensure that infec-          Debt relief is an important measure
tions are contained in the long-term. As         that can be swiftly implemented to give
Ebola has shown, it is the local associations,   African states greater financial leeway in
village and religious communities, families      the Covid-19 crisis.
and clans that can effectively contribute to        However, investments should not be
the containment of the virus and provide         made without accompanying control
social support and care. It is, therefore, all   mechanisms. Authoritarian and repressive
the more important that representatives          governments should not be allowed to use
of religious communities, village leaders,       Covid-19 aid measures to help them main-
women and youth associations as well as          tain power. It is vital that these investments
neighbourhood committees are involved            are tied to expanding social infrastructure
and provided with funds. Even if it were         and democratic controls.
desirable to involve the police and military
in logistics and supply, this step must be       The United Nations
considered carefully. Each case must be
examined individually to determine the ex-       The United Nations should play a proactive
tent to which the security authorities are       coordinating role in this acute crisis. It has
regarded as repressive organs that are en-       a wealth of experience in coping with crises,
forcing the will of the authoritarian elites,    ranging from containing epidemics to man-
or whether they have earned the trust of         aging refugee camps and peace missions.
the population.                                  Since the US government has stopped sup-

                                                                                                  SWP Comment 20
                                                                                                        May 2020

porting the World Health Organization, it is
                                 imperative that Germany and Europe step
                                 up their efforts to provide multilateral solu-
                                 tions and increase their funding.

                                 AU and IGAD

                                 The task force put together by the African
                                 Union AU Agency for Disease Control and
                                 Prevention (CDC) could become a perma-
© Stiftung Wissenschaft          nent institution once this crisis abates and
und Politik, 2020                set itself the task of improving national
All rights reserved              security systems and advancing intercon-
                                 nectedness throughout the continent. The
This Comment reflects
                                 Covid-19 pandemic could become a decisive
the author’s views.
                                 turning point for the regional Intergovern-
The online version of            mental Authority on Development (IGAD).
this publication contains        The focus of its predecessor, IGADD, founded
functioning links to other       in 1986, was on regional development and
SWP texts and other relevant
                                 drought control. Concentrating on these
                                 tasks would be forward-looking and preven-
SWP Comments are subject         tative, in the event of further pandemics
to internal peer review, fact-   and climate-related crises in the Horn of
checking and copy-editing.       Africa.
For further information on
our quality control pro-
cedures, please visit the SWP
website: https://www.swp-

Stiftung Wissenschaft und
German Institute for
International and
Security Affairs

Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
10719 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 880 07-0
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ISSN 1861-1761
doi: 10.18449/2020C20

Translation by Martin Haynes

(English version of
SWP-Aktuell 30/2020)

                                 Dr. Annette Weber is a Senior Fellow in the Middle East and Africa Division at SWP.

       SWP Comment 20
       May 2020

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