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COVID-19 AND THE RISING LEVELS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN UGANDA Policy Brief 005 By Luttamaguzi JohnBosco & Nannozi Susanie Ggoobi September 2020 COVID-19- A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRIGGER IN UGANDA, September 2020 Page 1
violence (GBV). This surge in develop databases and give Globally, domestic violence is a very domestic violence also has a updates about the different big challenge direct impact on women abuses faced by families, the among the married victims as noted by the United government through the partners more so in developing Nations Committee on Ministry of Labor and Gender countries Uganda Economic, Social and and Social Development inclusive. It became Cultural Rights (ESCR) the gazetting centers where the a very challenging turmoil during the pandemic deepened gender victims are collected for period of Covid-19 inequalities because “the counseling services as a way lockdown burden of caring for children of rehabilitating the victims at home and sick or elderly from the trauma, the Ministry family members falls of Gender putting in place disproportionately on convenient and prompt- women”. The brief presents response toll free lines to be the emerging evidence from used by the victims in case of secondary data about Covid- any violence in homes. 19 pandemic aiming at Initiation of a fully domestic Executive Statement benefitting all stake holders to violence legal section to the fight against domestic permit easy access to justice, Domestic violence which may violence and ensure safety of provision of economic also be referred to as domestic families in long term recovery support to the victims to abuse or family violence is a plans. Some of the promote their economic very disastrous habit in recommendations include but independence and other families. Globally, domestic not limited to: government policy recommendations as violence is a very big allocating sufficient human stipulated in this brief. challenge among the married and financial resources, the partners more so in Introduction and government undertaking developing countries Uganda Background strong social awareness inclusive. It became a very campaigns on the criminal challenging turmoil during Countries across the globe nature of domestics violence the period of Covid-19 have made various efforts to and services available to lockdown. Global lockdowns suppress transmission of victims, a need for the state to have resulted in a horrifying COVID-19 and to mitigate its engage research organizations surge in gender-based socio-economic impacts. This and think tanks to periodically, September 2020 Page 2
enjoyment of human rights determine in light of large It is very much including economic, social numbers of cases that go unfortunate and dismaying that domestic and cultural rights. unreported as well as the violence cases are too Lockdowns have been one of limited resources often in often underestimated the globally supported places for gathering this type and go unpunished which enables the abuse measures to prevent the of evidence in emergency to continue and to spread of COVID-19 and context. damage undermining mitigate its impact on public the psycho-physical Globally, the victims of health of the victim and health. What this means for domestic violence are the home environment many women and girls, overwhelmingly women and however, is that they are they tend to experience more trapped at home with abusive severe forms of violence. spouses, partners and family Domestic violence is among members with limited access the most underreported to support services, if any. crimes worldwide for both During times of crisis, men and women (NIJ,2009). families normally face Due to social stigmas increased risk of exposure to regarding male victimization, domestic violence (Stark, L men who are victims of and Landis D, 2016). domestic violence face an Although violence is known increased likelihood of being unprecedented crisis unfolds to be pervasive in all settings, overlooked by healthcare in the context of many pre- emergencies can disrupt providers, social workers and existing challenges, one of existing protective structures leaders. which is the domestic violence rooted from and create multiple It is very much unfortunate gendered dimensions of circumstances that can lead to and dismaying that domestic access to basic necessities in a various forms of violence, violence cases are too often world rife with gender abuses and exploitation in underestimated and go inequality. These challenges homes. Inspite of the global unpunished which enables the are now exacerbated by the awareness of the need to abuse to continue and to pandemic and have a address domestic violence in damage undermining the disproportionate impact on crisis affected settings, it’s psycho-physical health of the women’s and children’s prevalence seems difficult to victim and the home, September 2020 Page 3
environment (UNICEF, homes due to the Covid-19 IPV followed by Kasese with 2015). Today, the forced pandemic has created a 58%. isolation of families in their dangerous situation and triggered domestic conflicts The Covid-19 pandemic has and episodes of abuse within been the fastest moving global The forced isolation of families in their homes the family which risk going public health crisis in the 21st due to the Covid-19 Century causing significant unpunished, given the pandemic has created a mortality and morbidity and dangerous situation increased opportunities for an and triggered domestic abuser with his captive giving rise to health and social conflicts and episodes cohabitants and reduced economic challenges to of abuse within the families which are the family which risk going contact outside the home. Uganda as a nation has been primary triggers of domestic unpunished hit by increased numbers of violence (UNFPA, 2020). domestic violence the primary Governments have victims being women and relentlessly adopted almost children. However, some universally similar measures districts were affected badly to limit the spread of the virus, compared to others for while health and social example Wakiso had the systems are struggling to cope highest number of child abuse with rising caseloads, supply (Ministry of Gender,2020). It chain bottlenecks, movements indicated that out of 1967 restrictions and economic cases reported between setbacks The Covid-19 January and April 2020, 934 pandemic has been the The findings from a study fastest moving global were in Wakiso followed by public health crisis in Kampala with 578 cases. conducted by UN in 49 the 21st Century While Wakiso makes a record countries Uganda inclusive in causing significant 5 regions, there is an increase in child abuse as a section of mortality and domestic violence, Kitgum of vulnerability and risk morbidity and giving rise to health and social and Kasese recorded the factors of violence for women economic challenges to and girls during the Covid-19 highest number of Intimate families which are the Partner Violence (IPV) pandemic (UN Women, primary triggers of domestic violence (UBOS 2020). UBOS 2020). However, the reported Kitgum with 60% of pandemic has made it hard for, September 2020 Page 4
them to seek help yet continuing their work and suffered destruction of their government and non- earning their living though the self-worth especially among government organizations impact has skewed to men men the primary bread have limited resources and greatly. For women winners in homes. This has capacity to meet the needs of experiencing domestic led to persistent insults, all survivors. violence, increased inability humiliation and criticism. to maintain a level of financial Emotional abuse can be a By the end of June 2020, independence exposes them difficult form of violence to Uganda had registered over to extreme abuses including notice since it is common in 21,260 cases of child neglect, physical, emotional and unhealthy relationships but sexual and physical abuse economic. The Covid-19 the general public cannot (Ejang, 2020). Due to the lockdown has subjected men, easily identify victims unless isolation regulations being women and children to they speak out. enforced, women are forced to various forms of domestic stay in homes with abusive Sexual abuse. This includes violence that the policy partners and are at risk of not only sexual assaults and intends to address (AFHR, being severely harmed or rape, but also harassment such 2013). These include; even murdered though even as unwelcome touches and men have been brutalized by Physical abuse. This has been other demeaning behaviors. women during the Covid tremendously reported by Many victims don't realize recess. almost all media platforms how broadly sexual abuse is during the Covid-19 interpreted. For example, if Common Forms of Domestic Violence lockdown. It involves the use you have ever been coerced During the Covid-19 of force against the victim, into not using contraception period causing injury (a punch or a (the pill, a condom, an Intra kick, stabbing, shooting, Uterine Device, etc.) or choking, slapping, forced use having an abortion a habit that While most reports seem to of drugs, etc.). Almost every has been so common during indicate physical assaults day a case could be reported the lock down, then you may towards both men and of a man being buttered by the have actually been sexually women, a few cases of men wife or the reverse; or even abused. This form of abuse is being abused have been children beating their parents. known as reproductive reported. Lockdown measures coercion. have severely limited both Emotional abuse. Since the men and women from lock down, most families have, September 2020 Page 5
Financial abuse. That is for food, clothing, and other The widespread job loss, denial of access to finance. It basic needs. If children are economic strain, disruption of may take many forms such as involved, this can overlap normal routines and on-going a husband preventing his wife with neglect. stress associated with actual from obtaining education or a or potential illness that have What has job outside the home. resulted in affected regions worsened domestic Financial abuse is extremely across the world combined Violence during common, particularly when with movement restrictions Covid-19 recess? families have pooled their during the lockdown, homes money into joint accounts within the context of Covid- Due to the physical distancing (with the husband being the 19 have become potential and movement restrictions principal signatory) and pressure cookers of domestic that have been put in place where there's little or no violence as the drive of across the world to curb the family support system to help. violence increase. pandemic, women and Many families in the working children have faced increased Key Policy class have been victims of risks of experiencing violence this. It is another form of Recommendations at the hands of other family control, even though usually members. In most emergency less obvious than physical or affected settings the majority sexual abuse and widely of cases of domestic violence manifested itself during the are perpetrated by men. The Domestic violence during the Covid-19 lockdown period. risks of experiencing Covid-19 period and other Often, the victim is household violence during unprecedented pandemics can completely dependent on their times of crisis are often be curbed down by embracing partner for money. With no engineered by factors such as the following access to money except emotional stress, economic recommendations; through the abusive partner, stress and shifting roles and this has been a very big outcry responsibilities among family The government by a number of women during should allocate members (Rubenstein et al, the lock down period. sufficient human and 2017) which have been on the Women as victims are always financial resources rise during the Covid-19 completely at the abusive necessary to put in period. partner's mercy. The abusive place a national partner may withhold money action plan to combat, September 2020 Page 6
domestic violence in housing services victims in case of any the context of Covid- including shelters to violence in homes 19 and post Covid-19 give relief to the and must make sure and in case of any victims. that these lines are other pandemics. A need to engage available all the time. Thus, domestic research A body of free violence should be organizations and pleaders should be in given maximum think tanks to collect place to handle cases attention with a full data and give updates of victims of legal section to fight about the different domestic violence it. abuses faced by especially those from A need to increase families. Research poor families so as to efforts to raise firms and think tanks enable them access massive social will ably and justice and fair awareness of the effectively hearing. criminal nature of investigate all cases There should be a domestic violence of domestic violence reserve fund to assist and services available and strictly try the women who are to victims. This perpetrators in courts victims of domestic should be done in of law. violence to start up form of seminars, The government their own small workshops and through the Ministry businesses for self- massive sensitization of Gender and Labor reliance. over both traditional should gazette centres There should be and social media where the victims specialized health platforms such as converge for care wings on all radios, televisions, counseling services government health facebook, YouTube as a way of facilities to cater for and other media rehabilitating them pregnant mothers platforms. Similarly, from the trauma. who are abandoned the state could go The Ministry of by their husbands. ahead to provide Gender needs to put Donors and physical and mental in place toll free lines humanitarian health care services, to be used by the agencies should, September 2020 Page 7
allocate direct leaders to address is needed. Whether it funding to Non- domestic violence. is Covid-19 or any Government All local leaders other unprecedented Organizations especially at village pandemic or (NGOs) and Civil level and probation emergency, there is Society officers should be need for all Organizations trained in guidance stakeholders to be (CSOs) whose and counselling so as sensitive to all forms services are geared to be able to of domestic violence. towards curbing disseminate the Both men and women domestic violence. A needed guidance to are duty bound to follow up monitoring the victims of avoid it since it can and evaluation domestic violence lead to family exercise should be before their situations breakages and done to promote worsen. continued suffering accountability and of innocent family Conclusion transparency in members. domestic violence It should be Every family can be funds management. emphatically put that free from domestic The Ministry of domestic violence is a violence and this is Ethics and Integrity reality. However, what can promote should roll out with the emergence of family growth and compulsory monthly Covid-19 lockdown ultimately the counseling sessions at with all its attached country’s growth. all places of worship. restrictions, domestic AUTHORS These should be violence was Luttamaguzi JohnBosco is a funded by the exacerbated and Social Worker and Gender government in a bid maximum Specialist to support religious government attention Nannozi Susanie Ggoobi is the Executive Director & Gender Specialist Gateway Research Centre, September 2020 Page 8
References 1) Artists For Human Rights (2013) Forms of Domestic Violence: 2) Ejang H.M (2020) Protecting children from a distance: An ongoing experience in virtual child protection during COVID-19, UNICEF 3) Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (2020) Wakiso District tops in violence cases against children. 4) National Institute of Justice (2009) Behind Closed Doors of domestic violence, US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programme 5) Rubenstein B, Beth L. Lily Zhi Ning Lu, Matthew M, Lindsay S (2017) Predicators of interpersonal violence in households in humanitarian settings. A systematic review, trauma, violence and abuse. 6) Stark L, Landis D (2016) Violence against children in humanitarian settings: A literature review of population-based approaches: Journal of Social Science & Medicine Vol 152 Retrieved from _-Stark_Landis.pdf 7) Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2020) Kitgum targets clean record in violence against women and children . 8) UN Women (2020) Women peace mediators become key actors on the front lines of COVID-19 prevention in refugee settlements in Uganda refugee-settlements 9) United Nations Children’s Education Fund (2015) The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children 10) United Nations Population Fund (2020) Covid-19 Impact Brief, September 2020 Page 9
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